path: root/packaging/macosx/Read_me_first.adoc
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-// Required attributes:
-// include-dir
-// min-macos-version
-:stylesheet: {include-dir}/ws.css
-= Before You Begin
-This release of Wireshark requires macOS {min-macos-version} or later.
-If you are running an earlier version of macOS you can install using another packaging system such as Homebrew or MacPorts.
-== Quick Setup
-To install Wireshark, drag the _Wireshark_ application bundle to the _Applications_ folder.
-In order to be able to capture packets, install the
-link:Wireshark.app/Contents/Resources/Extras/Install%20ChmodBPF.pkg[Install ChmodBPF]
-If you would like to add the path to
-https://www.wireshark.org/docs/man-pages/[other command line utilities]
-to the system PATH, install the
-link:Wireshark.app/Contents/Resources/Extras/Add%20Wireshark%20to%20the%20system%20path.pkg[Add Wireshark to the system path]
-== Package Installation Details
-The ChmodBPF installer writes to the following locations:
-* _/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.wireshark.ChmodBPF.plist_. A launch daemon that adjusts permissions on the system's packet capture devices (/dev/bpf*) when the system starts up.
-* _/Library/Application Support/Wireshark/ChmodBPF_. A copy of the launch daemon property list, and the script that the launch daemon runs.
-The installer group named “access_bpf” is created. The user who opened the package is added to the group.
-The system path installer writes to the following locations:
-* _/etc/paths.d/Wireshark_. The folder name in this file is automatically added to PATH
-* _/etc/manpaths.d/Wireshark_. The folder name in this file is used by the man command.
-It assumes that Wireshark is installed in _/Applications_.
-== Uninstalling
-To uninstall Wireshark, do the following:
-. Remove _/Applications/Wireshark.app_
-. Remove _/Library/Application Support/Wireshark_
-You can uninstall ChmodBPF via the
-link:Wireshark.app/Contents/Resources/Extras/Uninstall%20ChmodBPF.pkg[Uninstall ChmodBPF]
-package, which is available on this disk or via menu:Wireshark[About Wireshark,Folders,macOS Extras].
-You can also uninstall it manually by doing the following:
-. Unload the “org.wireshark.ChmodBPF.plist” launchd job
-. Remove _/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.wireshark.ChmodBPF.plist_
-. Remove the “access_bpf” group.
-You can uninstall the system path components via the
-link:Wireshark.app/Contents/Resources/Extras/Remove%20Wireshark%20from%20the%20system%20path.pkg[Remove Wireshark from the system path]
-package, which is available on this disk or via menu:Wireshark[About Wireshark,Folders,macOS Extras].
-You can also uninstall it manually by doing the following:
-. Remove _/etc/paths.d/Wireshark_
-. Remove _/etc/manpaths.d/Wireshark_