path: root/library/RAW_NS.ttcnpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'library/RAW_NS.ttcnpp')
1 files changed, 583 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/RAW_NS.ttcnpp b/library/RAW_NS.ttcnpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..da1a0ccc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/RAW_NS.ttcnpp
@@ -0,0 +1,583 @@
+module RAW_NS {
+/* Osmocom NS test suite for NS in TTCN-3
+ * (C) 2018-2019 Harald Welte <laforge@gnumonks.org>
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Released under the terms of GNU General Public License, Version 2 or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+ */
+import from Misc_Helpers all;
+import from General_Types all;
+import from Osmocom_Types all;
+import from Osmocom_Gb_Types all;
+import from NS_Emulation all;
+import from NS_Types all;
+import from BSSGP_Types all;
+import from NS_Emulation all;
+import from Native_Functions all;
+import from IPL4asp_Types all;
+import from NS_Provider_IPL4 all;
+import from NS_Provider_FR all;
+type record PerIPProvider {
+ NS_Provider_IPL4_CT vc_NSP_IP,
+ charstring local_ip,
+ PortNumber local_udp_port
+public type component RAW_NS_CT {
+ /* UDP port towards the bottom (IUT) */
+ var PerIPProvider ip_prov[4];
+ var NS_Provider_FR_CT vc_NSP_FR[4];
+ var NSConfiguration g_nsconfig;
+ timer g_T_guard;
+ var boolean g_handle_rx_alive := false;
+ var boolean rawns_initialized := false;
+public altstep as_Tguard() runs on RAW_NS_CT {
+ [] g_T_guard.timeout {
+ setverdict(fail, "Timeout of T_guard");
+ mtc.stop;
+ }
+function f_find_ip_provider(NSVCConfigurationIP nsip_config)
+runs on RAW_NS_CT return integer {
+ for (var integer idx := 0; idx < sizeof(ip_prov); idx := idx+1) {
+ if (ip_prov[idx].vc_NSP_IP == null) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (ip_prov[idx].local_ip == nsip_config.local_ip and
+ ip_prov[idx].local_udp_port == nsip_config.local_udp_port) {
+ return idx;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+function f_init_ns_codec(NSConfiguration ns_config, integer idx := 0, float guard_secs := 60.0, charstring id := testcasename()) runs on RAW_NS_CT {
+ var Result res;
+ if (not g_T_guard.running) {
+ g_T_guard.start(guard_secs);
+ activate(as_Tguard());
+ }
+ if (not rawns_initialized) {
+ for (var integer i := 0; i < sizeof(ip_prov); i := i+1) {
+ ip_prov[i].vc_NSP_IP := null;
+ }
+ rawns_initialized := true;
+ }
+ if (not isbound(g_nsconfig)) {
+ g_nsconfig := ns_config;
+ }
+ if (ischosen(ns_config.nsvc[idx].provider.ip)) {
+ var integer prov_idx := f_find_ip_provider(ns_config.nsvc[idx].provider.ip);
+ /* Connect the UDP socket
+ * check if NS_Provider_IPL4_CT is already created
+ * add list of vc_NSP_IP with entries of source ip/port
+ * add a NSVC to it */
+ if (prov_idx == -1) {
+ for (prov_idx := 0; prov_idx < sizeof(ip_prov); prov_idx := prov_idx+1) {
+ if (ip_prov[prov_idx].vc_NSP_IP == null) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (prov_idx > sizeof(ip_prov)) {
+ /* TODO: error !! */
+ }
+ ip_prov[prov_idx].local_ip := ns_config.nsvc[idx].provider.ip.local_ip;
+ ip_prov[prov_idx].local_udp_port := ns_config.nsvc[idx].provider.ip.local_udp_port;
+ ip_prov[prov_idx].vc_NSP_IP := NS_Provider_IPL4_CT.create(id & "-provIP" & int2str(prov_idx)) alive;
+ connect(self:NSPIP_PROC, ip_prov[prov_idx].vc_NSP_IP:PROC);
+ ip_prov[prov_idx].vc_NSP_IP.start(NS_Provider_IPL4.main(ns_config.nsvc[idx], ns_config, id));
+ }
+ var integer port_idx := f_nspip_add_nsvc2(ip_prov[prov_idx].vc_NSP_IP, ns_config.nsvc[idx].provider.ip.remote_ip, ns_config.nsvc[idx].provider.ip.remote_udp_port);
+ connect(self:NSCP[idx], ip_prov[prov_idx].vc_NSP_IP:NSVC[port_idx]);
+ /* the NS_PROV_LINK_STATUS_UP is not sent by the NS_Provider_IPL4 because we connect the port manual */
+ } else if (ischosen(ns_config.nsvc[idx].provider.fr)) {
+ vc_NSP_FR[idx] := NS_Provider_FR_CT.create(id & "-provFR") alive;
+ connect(self:NSCP[idx], vc_NSP_FR[idx]:NSE);
+ vc_NSP_FR[idx].start(NS_Provider_FR.main(ns_config.nsvc[idx], ns_config, id));
+ NSCP[idx].receive(NS_Provider_Evt:{link_status:=NS_PROV_LINK_STATUS_UP});
+ } else {
+ Misc_Helpers.f_shutdown(__BFILE__, __LINE__, fail, "Unsupported NS provider");
+ }
+function f_clean_ns_codec() runs on RAW_NS_CT {
+ for (var integer i := 0; i < lengthof(ip_prov); i := i + 1) {
+ if (ip_prov[i].vc_NSP_IP != null) {
+ ip_prov[i].vc_NSP_IP.stop;
+ }
+ }
+ for (var integer i := 0; i < lengthof(vc_NSP_FR); i := i + 1) {
+ vc_NSP_FR[i].stop;
+ }
+public altstep ax_rx_fail_on_any_ns(integer idx := 0) runs on RAW_NS_CT {
+ var PDU_NS nrf;
+ [] NSCP[idx].receive(PDU_NS: ?) -> value nrf {
+ setverdict(fail, "Received unexpected NS: ", nrf);
+ mtc.stop;
+ }
+function f_ns_exp(template PDU_NS exp_rx, integer idx := 0) runs on RAW_NS_CT return PDU_NS {
+ var PDU_NS nrf;
+ log("f_ns_exp() expecting ", exp_rx);
+ /* last activated altstep has the lowest priority */
+ var default d := activate(ax_rx_fail_on_any_ns());
+ alt {
+ [] NSCP[idx].receive(PDU_NS: exp_rx) -> value nrf { }
+ [g_handle_rx_alive] as_rx_alive_tx_ack(idx := idx);
+ }
+ deactivate(d);
+ return nrf;
+/* perform outbound NS-ALIVE procedure */
+function f_outgoing_ns_alive(integer idx := 0) runs on RAW_NS_CT {
+ NSCP[idx].send(t_NS_ALIVE);
+ alt {
+ [] NSCP[idx].receive(t_NS_ALIVE_ACK);
+ [g_handle_rx_alive] as_rx_alive_tx_ack(idx := idx);
+ [] NSCP[idx].receive { repeat; }
+ }
+/* perform outbound NS-ALIVE procedure */
+function f_outgoing_ns_alive_no_ack(integer idx := 0, float tout := 10.0) runs on RAW_NS_CT {
+ timer T := tout;
+ NSCP[idx].send(t_NS_ALIVE);
+ T.start;
+ alt {
+ [] NSCP[idx].receive(t_NS_ALIVE_ACK) {
+ setverdict(fail, "Received unexpected NS-ALIVE ACK");
+ }
+ [g_handle_rx_alive] as_rx_alive_tx_ack(idx := idx);
+ [] NSCP[idx].receive { repeat; }
+ [] T.timeout {
+ setverdict(pass);
+ }
+ }
+function f_outgoing_ns_reset(integer idx := 0, float tout := 10.0) runs on RAW_NS_CT {
+ timer T := tout;
+ var template PDU_NS reset := ts_NS_RESET(NS_CAUSE_EQUIPMENT_FAILURE, g_nsconfig.nsvc[idx].nsvci, g_nsconfig.nsei)
+ NSCP[idx].send(reset);
+ T.start;
+ alt {
+ [] NSCP[idx].receive(ts_NS_RESET_ACK(g_nsconfig.nsvc[idx].nsvci, g_nsconfig.nsei)) {
+ setverdict(pass);
+ }
+ [g_handle_rx_alive] as_rx_alive_tx_ack(idx := idx);
+ [] NSCP[idx].receive { repeat; }
+ [] T.timeout {
+ setverdict(fail, "Failed to receive a RESET ACK");
+ }
+ }
+/* perform outbound NS-BLOCK procedure */
+function f_outgoing_ns_block(NsCause cause, integer idx := 0) runs on RAW_NS_CT {
+ NSCP[idx].send(ts_NS_BLOCK(cause, g_nsconfig.nsvc[idx].nsvci));
+ alt {
+ [] NSCP[idx].receive(tr_NS_BLOCK_ACK(g_nsconfig.nsvc[idx].nsvci));
+ [g_handle_rx_alive] as_rx_alive_tx_ack(idx := idx);
+ [] NSCP[idx].receive { repeat; }
+ }
+/* perform outbound NS-UNBLOCK procedure */
+function f_outgoing_ns_unblock(integer idx := 0) runs on RAW_NS_CT {
+ NSCP[idx].send(t_NS_UNBLOCK);
+ alt {
+ [] NSCP[idx].receive(t_NS_UNBLOCK_ACK);
+ [g_handle_rx_alive] as_rx_alive_tx_ack(idx := idx);
+ [] NSCP[idx].receive { repeat; }
+ }
+/* receive NS-ALIVE and ACK it */
+altstep as_rx_alive_tx_ack(boolean oneshot := false, integer idx := 0) runs on RAW_NS_CT {
+ [] NSCP[idx].receive(t_NS_ALIVE) {
+ NSCP[idx].send(t_NS_ALIVE_ACK);
+ if (not oneshot) { repeat; }
+ }
+ /* in oneshot mode, ignore any NS-UNITDATA we receive meanwhile. This is
+ * particularly useful when waiting for the first NS-ALIVE after SNS-CONFIG,
+ * where there is a high chance of UNITDATA during the first Tns-test cycle
+ * before the peer sends its first NS-ALIVE after Tns-test expiration */
+ [oneshot] NSCP[idx].receive(tr_NS_UNITDATA(?,?,?)) {
+ repeat;
+ }
+/* Transmit BSSGP RESET for given BVCI and expect ACK */
+function f_tx_bvc_reset_rx_ack(BssgpBvci bvci, template (omit) BssgpCellId tx_cell_id, template BssgpCellId rx_cell_id,
+ integer idx := 0, boolean exp_ack := true)
+runs on RAW_NS_CT {
+ var PDU_BSSGP bssgp_tx := valueof(ts_BVC_RESET(BSSGP_CAUSE_NET_SV_CAP_MOD_GT_ZERO_KBPS, bvci,
+ tx_cell_id));
+ timer T := 5.0;
+ NSCP[idx].send(ts_NS_UNITDATA(t_SduCtrlB, 0, enc_PDU_BSSGP(bssgp_tx)));
+ T.start;
+ alt {
+ [exp_ack] NSCP[idx].receive(tr_NS_UNITDATA(t_SduCtrlB, 0,
+ decmatch tr_BVC_RESET_ACK(bvci, rx_cell_id))) {
+ setverdict(pass);
+ }
+ [exp_ack] T.timeout {
+ setverdict(fail, "No response to BVC-RESET");
+ }
+ [not exp_ack] T.timeout {
+ setverdict(pass);
+ }
+ [g_handle_rx_alive] as_rx_alive_tx_ack(idx := idx);
+ [] NSCP[idx].receive { repeat; }
+ }
+/* Receive a BSSGP RESET for given BVCI and ACK it */
+altstep as_rx_bvc_reset_tx_ack(BssgpBvci bvci, template BssgpCellId rx_cell_id, template (omit) BssgpCellId tx_cell_id,
+ boolean oneshot := false, integer idx := 0) runs on RAW_NS_CT {
+ var PDU_NS ns_rf;
+ [] NSCP[idx].receive(tr_NS_UNITDATA(t_SduCtrlB, 0,
+ decmatch tr_BVC_RESET(?, bvci, rx_cell_id)))
+ -> value ns_rf {
+ var PDU_BSSGP bssgp_rx := dec_PDU_BSSGP(ns_rf.pDU_NS_Unitdata.nS_SDU);
+ var PDU_BSSGP bssgp_tx := valueof(ts_BVC_RESET_ACK(bvci, tx_cell_id));
+ NSCP[idx].send(ts_NS_UNITDATA(t_SduCtrlB, 0, enc_PDU_BSSGP(bssgp_tx)));
+ if (not oneshot) { repeat; }
+ }
+/* Receive a BSSGP UNBLOCK for given BVCI and ACK it */
+altstep as_rx_bvc_unblock_tx_ack(BssgpBvci bvci, boolean oneshot := false, integer idx := 0) runs on RAW_NS_CT {
+ var PDU_NS ns_rf;
+ [] NSCP[idx].receive(tr_NS_UNITDATA(t_SduCtrlB, 0, decmatch tr_BVC_UNBLOCK(bvci))) -> value ns_rf {
+ var PDU_BSSGP bssgp_rx := dec_PDU_BSSGP(ns_rf.pDU_NS_Unitdata.nS_SDU);
+ var PDU_BSSGP bssgp_tx := valueof(ts_BVC_UNBLOCK_ACK(bvci));
+ NSCP[idx].send(ts_NS_UNITDATA(t_SduCtrlB, 0, enc_PDU_BSSGP(bssgp_tx)));
+ if (not oneshot) { repeat; }
+ }
+/* Receive a BSSGP FLOW-CONTROL-BVC and ACK it */
+altstep as_rx_bvc_fc_tx_ack(BssgpBvci bvci, boolean oneshot := false, integer idx := 0) runs on RAW_NS_CT {
+ var PDU_NS ns_rf;
+ [] NSCP[idx].receive(tr_NS_UNITDATA(t_SduCtrlB, bvci,
+ decmatch tr_BVC_FC_BVC))
+ -> value ns_rf {
+ var PDU_BSSGP bssgp_rx := dec_PDU_BSSGP(ns_rf.pDU_NS_Unitdata.nS_SDU);
+ var OCT1 tag := bssgp_rx.pDU_BSSGP_FLOW_CONTROL_BVC.tag.unstructured_Value;
+ var PDU_BSSGP bssgp_tx := valueof(ts_BVC_FC_BVC_ACK(tag));
+ NSCP[idx].send(ts_NS_UNITDATA(t_SduCtrlB, bvci, enc_PDU_BSSGP(bssgp_tx)));
+ if (not oneshot) { repeat; }
+ }
+ * Classic Gb/IP bring-up test cases using NS-{RESET,BLOCK,UNBLOCK} and no IP-SNS *
+ **********************************************************************************/
+/* Receive a NS-RESET and ACK it */
+public altstep as_rx_ns_reset_ack(boolean oneshot := false, integer idx := 0) runs on RAW_NS_CT {
+ var PDU_NS ns_rf;
+ [] NSCP[idx].receive(tr_NS_RESET(NS_CAUSE_OM_INTERVENTION, g_nsconfig.nsvc[idx].nsvci,
+ g_nsconfig.nsei)) -> value ns_rf {
+ NSCP[idx].send(ts_NS_RESET_ACK(g_nsconfig.nsvc[idx].nsvci, g_nsconfig.nsei));
+ if (not oneshot) { repeat; }
+ }
+/* Receive a NS-UNBLOCK and ACK it */
+public altstep as_rx_ns_unblock_ack(boolean oneshot := false, integer idx := 0) runs on RAW_NS_CT {
+ var PDU_NS ns_rf;
+ [] NSCP[idx].receive(t_NS_UNBLOCK) -> value ns_rf {
+ NSCP[idx].send(t_NS_UNBLOCK_ACK);
+ if (not oneshot) { repeat; }
+ }
+/* Receive a NS-BLOCK and ACK it */
+public altstep as_rx_ns_block_ack(boolean oneshot := false, integer idx := 0, template NsCause cause := *, template Nsvci nsvci := *) runs on RAW_NS_CT {
+ var PDU_NS ns_rf;
+ [] NSCP[idx].receive(tr_NS_BLOCK(cause, nsvci)) -> value ns_rf {
+ NSCP[idx].send(ts_NS_BLOCK_ACK(oct2int(ns_rf.pDU_NS_Block.nS_VCI.nS_VCI)));
+ if (not oneshot) { repeat; }
+ }
+ * IP Sub-Network Service (SNS)
+ **********************************************************************************/
+/* perform inbound SNS-SIZE procedure */
+function f_incoming_sns_size(template (omit) NsCause cause := omit, integer idx := 0,
+ template integer num_max_nsvcs := ?, template integer num_ep := ?)
+runs on RAW_NS_CT {
+ log("f_incoming_sns_size(idx=", idx, ")");
+ var PDU_NS rx;
+ var NSVCConfiguration nsvc_cfg := g_nsconfig.nsvc[idx];
+ if (nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.address_family == AF_INET) {
+ /* expect one single SNS-SIZE with RESET flag; 4x v4 EP; no v6 EP */
+ rx := f_ns_exp(tr_SNS_SIZE(g_nsconfig.nsei, rst_flag := true, max_nsvcs := num_max_nsvcs,
+ num_v4 := num_ep, num_v6 := omit), idx);
+ } else {
+ /* expect one single SNS-SIZE with RESET flag; no v4 EP; 4x v6 EP */
+ rx := f_ns_exp(tr_SNS_SIZE(g_nsconfig.nsei, rst_flag := true, max_nsvcs := num_max_nsvcs,
+ num_v4 := omit, num_v6 := num_ep), idx);
+ }
+ NSCP[idx].send(ts_SNS_SIZE_ACK(g_nsconfig.nsei, cause));
+/* perform outbound SNS-SIZE procedure */
+function f_outgoing_sns_size(template (omit) NsCause cause := omit, integer max_nsvcs := 1,
+ integer num_ip := 1, integer idx:= 0)
+runs on RAW_NS_CT {
+ log("f_outgoing_sns_size(idx=", idx, ")");
+ var PDU_NS rx;
+ var NSVCConfiguration nsvc_cfg := g_nsconfig.nsvc[idx];
+ if (nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.address_family == AF_INET) {
+ NSCP[idx].send(ts_SNS_SIZE(g_nsconfig.nsei, rst_flag := true, max_nsvcs := max_nsvcs,
+ num_v4 := num_ip, num_v6 := omit)
+ );
+ } else {
+ NSCP[idx].send(ts_SNS_SIZE(g_nsconfig.nsei, rst_flag := true, max_nsvcs := max_nsvcs,
+ num_v4 := omit, num_v6 := num_ip)
+ );
+ }
+ /* expect one single SNS-SIZE */
+ rx := f_ns_exp(tr_SNS_SIZE_ACK(g_nsconfig.nsei, cause), idx);
+/* perform inbound SNS-CONFIG procedure */
+function f_incoming_sns_config(template (omit) NsCause cause := omit, integer idx := 0)
+runs on RAW_NS_CT {
+ log("f_incoming_sns_config(idx=", idx, ")");
+ var PDU_NS rx;
+ var NSVCConfiguration nsvc_cfg := g_nsconfig.nsvc[idx];
+ if (nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.address_family == AF_INET) {
+ var template IP4_Elements v4_elem := { tr_SNS_IPv4(nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.remote_ip,
+ nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.remote_udp_port) };
+ rx := f_ns_exp(tr_SNS_CONFIG(g_nsconfig.nsei, end_flag := true, v4 := v4_elem), idx);
+ } else {
+ var template IP6_Elements v6_elem := { tr_SNS_IPv6(nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.remote_ip,
+ nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.remote_udp_port) };
+ rx := f_ns_exp(tr_SNS_CONFIG(g_nsconfig.nsei, end_flag := true, v6 := v6_elem), idx);
+ }
+ NSCP[idx].send(ts_SNS_CONFIG_ACK(g_nsconfig.nsei, cause));
+/* perform outbound SNS-CONFIG procedure */
+function f_outgoing_sns_config(template (omit) NsCause cause := omit, integer idx := 0)
+runs on RAW_NS_CT {
+ log("f_outgoing_sns_config(idx=", idx, ")");
+ var PDU_NS rx;
+ var NSVCConfiguration nsvc_cfg := g_nsconfig.nsvc[idx];
+ if (nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.address_family == AF_INET) {
+ var template (omit) IP4_Elements v4 := { ts_SNS_IPv4(nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.local_ip,
+ nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.local_udp_port) }
+ NSCP[idx].send(ts_SNS_CONFIG(g_nsconfig.nsei, true, v4));
+ } else {
+ var template (omit) IP6_Elements v6 := { ts_SNS_IPv6(nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.local_ip,
+ nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.local_udp_port) }
+ NSCP[idx].send(ts_SNS_CONFIG(g_nsconfig.nsei, true, omit, v6));
+ }
+ rx := f_ns_exp(tr_SNS_CONFIG_ACK(g_nsconfig.nsei, cause), idx);
+/* perform outbound SNS-CONFIG procedure (separate endpoints: 1 for control, 1 for user */
+function f_outgoing_sns_config_1c1u(template (omit) NsCause cause := omit, integer idx := 0)
+runs on RAW_NS_CT {
+ log("f_outgoing_sns_config_1c1u(idx=", idx, ")");
+ var PDU_NS rx;
+ if (g_nsconfig.nsvc[0].provider.ip.address_family == AF_INET) {
+ var template (omit) IP4_Elements v4 := { ts_SNS_IPv4(g_nsconfig.nsvc[0].provider.ip.local_ip,
+ g_nsconfig.nsvc[0].provider.ip.local_udp_port, 1, 0),
+ ts_SNS_IPv4(g_nsconfig.nsvc[1].provider.ip.local_ip,
+ g_nsconfig.nsvc[1].provider.ip.local_udp_port, 0, 1) };
+ NSCP[idx].send(ts_SNS_CONFIG(g_nsconfig.nsei, true, v4));
+ } else {
+ var template (omit) IP6_Elements v6 := { ts_SNS_IPv6(g_nsconfig.nsvc[0].provider.ip.local_ip,
+ g_nsconfig.nsvc[0].provider.ip.local_udp_port, 1, 0),
+ ts_SNS_IPv6(g_nsconfig.nsvc[1].provider.ip.local_ip,
+ g_nsconfig.nsvc[1].provider.ip.local_udp_port, 0, 1) };
+ NSCP[idx].send(ts_SNS_CONFIG(g_nsconfig.nsei, true, omit, v6));
+ }
+ rx := f_ns_exp(tr_SNS_CONFIG_ACK(g_nsconfig.nsei, cause), idx);
+/* perform outbound SNS-CONFIG procedure (separate endpoints: 1 for control, 1 for user */
+function f_outgoing_sns_config_1c1u_separate(template (omit) NsCause cause := omit, integer idx := 0)
+runs on RAW_NS_CT {
+ log("f_outgoing_sns_config_1c1u_separate(idx=", idx, ")");
+ var PDU_NS rx;
+ if (g_nsconfig.nsvc[0].provider.ip.address_family == AF_INET) {
+ var template (omit) IP4_Elements v4 := { ts_SNS_IPv4(g_nsconfig.nsvc[1].provider.ip.local_ip,
+ g_nsconfig.nsvc[1].provider.ip.local_udp_port, 1, 0),
+ ts_SNS_IPv4(g_nsconfig.nsvc[2].provider.ip.local_ip,
+ g_nsconfig.nsvc[2].provider.ip.local_udp_port, 0, 1) };
+ NSCP[idx].send(ts_SNS_CONFIG(g_nsconfig.nsei, true, v4));
+ } else {
+ var template (omit) IP6_Elements v6 := { ts_SNS_IPv6(g_nsconfig.nsvc[1].provider.ip.local_ip,
+ g_nsconfig.nsvc[1].provider.ip.local_udp_port, 1, 0),
+ ts_SNS_IPv6(g_nsconfig.nsvc[2].provider.ip.local_ip,
+ g_nsconfig.nsvc[2].provider.ip.local_udp_port, 0, 1) };
+ NSCP[idx].send(ts_SNS_CONFIG(g_nsconfig.nsei, true, omit, v6));
+ }
+ rx := f_ns_exp(tr_SNS_CONFIG_ACK(g_nsconfig.nsei, cause), idx);
+/* perform inbound SNS-CHANGE-WEIGHT procedure */
+function f_incoming_sns_chg_weight(integer idx_chg := 0, template (omit) NsCause cause := omit, integer idx := 0)
+runs on RAW_NS_CT {
+ log("f_incoming_sns_chg_weight(idx=", idx, ")");
+ var PDU_NS rx;
+ var NSVCConfiguration nsvc_cfg := g_nsconfig.nsvc[idx_chg];
+ if (nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.address_family == AF_INET) {
+ var template IP4_Elements v4_elem := { tr_SNS_IPv4(nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.remote_ip,
+ nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.remote_udp_port) };
+ rx := f_ns_exp(tr_SNS_CHG_WEIGHT(g_nsconfig.nsei, ?, v4 := v4_elem), idx);
+ } else {
+ var template IP6_Elements v6_elem := { tr_SNS_IPv6(nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.remote_ip,
+ nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.remote_udp_port) };
+ rx := f_ns_exp(tr_SNS_CHG_WEIGHT(g_nsconfig.nsei, ?, v4 := omit, v6 := v6_elem), idx);
+ }
+ NSCP[idx].send(ts_SNS_ACK(g_nsconfig.nsei, rx.pDU_SNS_ChangeWeight.transactionID));
+/* perform inbound SNS-ADD procedure */
+function f_incoming_sns_add(integer idx_add, uint8_t w_sig := 1, uint8_t w_user := 1, integer idx := 0, template (omit) NsCause cause := omit)
+runs on RAW_NS_CT {
+ log("f_incoming_sns_add(idx=", idx, ")");
+ var PDU_NS rx;
+ var NSVCConfiguration nsvc_cfg := g_nsconfig.nsvc[idx_add];
+ if (nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.address_family == AF_INET) {
+ var template (omit) IP4_Elements v4_elem := { ts_SNS_IPv4(nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.remote_ip,
+ nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.remote_udp_port,
+ w_sig, w_user) };
+ rx := f_ns_exp(tr_SNS_ADD(g_nsconfig.nsei, ?, v4 := v4_elem), idx);
+ } else {
+ var template (omit) IP6_Elements v6_elem := { ts_SNS_IPv6(nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.remote_ip,
+ nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.remote_udp_port,
+ w_sig, w_user) };
+ rx := f_ns_exp(tr_SNS_ADD(g_nsconfig.nsei, ?, omit, v6_elem), idx);
+ }
+ NSCP[idx].send(ts_SNS_ACK(g_nsconfig.nsei, rx.pDU_SNS_Add.transactionID));
+function f_outgoing_sns_add(integer idx_add, uint8_t w_sig := 1, uint8_t w_user := 1, integer idx := 0, template (omit) NsCause cause := omit)
+runs on RAW_NS_CT {
+ log("f_outgoing_sns_add(idx_add=", idx_add, ")");
+ var PDU_NS rx;
+ var NSVCConfiguration nsvc_cfg := g_nsconfig.nsvc[idx_add];
+ if (nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.address_family == AF_INET) {
+ var template (omit) IP4_Elements v4 := { ts_SNS_IPv4(nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.local_ip,
+ nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.local_udp_port,
+ w_sig, w_user) };
+ NSCP[idx].send(ts_SNS_ADD(g_nsconfig.nsei, 23, v4));
+ rx := f_ns_exp(tr_SNS_ACK(g_nsconfig.nsei, 23, cause, v4));
+ } else {
+ var template (omit) IP6_Elements v6 := { ts_SNS_IPv6(nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.local_ip,
+ nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.local_udp_port,
+ w_sig, w_user) };
+ NSCP[idx].send(ts_SNS_ADD(g_nsconfig.nsei, 23, omit, v6));
+ rx := f_ns_exp(tr_SNS_ACK(g_nsconfig.nsei, 23, cause, omit, v6));
+ }
+/* perform inbound SNS-DELETE procedure */
+function f_incoming_sns_del(integer idx_del, uint8_t w_sig := 1, uint8_t w_user := 1, integer idx := 0, template (omit) NsCause cause := omit)
+runs on RAW_NS_CT {
+ log("f_incoming_sns_del(idx=", idx, ")");
+ var PDU_NS rx;
+ var NSVCConfiguration nsvc_cfg := g_nsconfig.nsvc[idx_del];
+ if (nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.address_family == AF_INET) {
+ var template (omit) IP4_Elements v4_elem := { ts_SNS_IPv4(nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.remote_ip,
+ nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.remote_udp_port,
+ w_sig, w_user) };
+ rx := f_ns_exp(tr_SNS_DEL(g_nsconfig.nsei, ?, omit, v4 := v4_elem), idx);
+ } else {
+ var template (omit) IP6_Elements v6_elem := { ts_SNS_IPv6(nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.remote_ip,
+ nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.remote_udp_port,
+ w_sig, w_user) };
+ rx := f_ns_exp(tr_SNS_DEL(g_nsconfig.nsei, ?, omit, omit, v6_elem), idx);
+ }
+ NSCP[idx].send(ts_SNS_ACK(g_nsconfig.nsei, rx.pDU_SNS_Delete.transactionID));
+function f_outgoing_sns_del(integer idx_del, uint8_t w_sig := 1, uint8_t w_user := 1, integer idx := 0)
+runs on RAW_NS_CT {
+ log("f_outgoing_sns_del(idx_del=", idx_del, ")");
+ var PDU_NS rx;
+ var NSVCConfiguration nsvc_cfg := g_nsconfig.nsvc[idx_del];
+ if (nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.address_family == AF_INET) {
+ var template (omit) IP4_Elements v4 := { ts_SNS_IPv4(nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.local_ip,
+ nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.local_udp_port,
+ w_sig, w_user) };
+ NSCP[idx].send(ts_SNS_DEL(g_nsconfig.nsei, 24, omit, v4));
+ rx := f_ns_exp(tr_SNS_ACK(g_nsconfig.nsei, 24, omit, v4));
+ } else {
+ var template (omit) IP6_Elements v6 := { ts_SNS_IPv6(nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.local_ip,
+ nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.local_udp_port,
+ w_sig, w_user) };
+ NSCP[idx].send(ts_SNS_DEL(g_nsconfig.nsei, 24, omit, omit, v6));
+ rx := f_ns_exp(tr_SNS_ACK(g_nsconfig.nsei, 24, omit, omit, v6));
+ }
+function f_outgoing_sns_chg_weight(integer idx_chg, uint8_t w_sig, uint8_t w_user, integer idx := 0)
+runs on RAW_NS_CT {
+ log("f_outgoing_sns_chg_weight(idx_chg=", idx_chg, ")");
+ var PDU_NS rx;
+ var NSVCConfiguration nsvc_cfg := g_nsconfig.nsvc[idx_chg];
+ if (nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.address_family == AF_INET) {
+ var template (omit) IP4_Elements v4 := { ts_SNS_IPv4(nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.local_ip,
+ nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.local_udp_port,
+ w_sig, w_user) };
+ NSCP[idx].send(ts_SNS_CHG_WEIGHT(g_nsconfig.nsei, 25, v4));
+ rx := f_ns_exp(tr_SNS_ACK(g_nsconfig.nsei, 25, omit, v4));
+ } else {
+ var template (omit) IP6_Elements v6 := { ts_SNS_IPv6(nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.local_ip,
+ nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.local_udp_port,
+ w_sig, w_user) };
+ NSCP[idx].send(ts_SNS_CHG_WEIGHT(g_nsconfig.nsei, 25, omit, v6));
+ rx := f_ns_exp(tr_SNS_ACK(g_nsconfig.nsei, 25, omit, omit, v6));
+ }