/* * $Id$ */ /*************************************************************************** network_instruments.c - description ------------------- begin : Wed Oct 29 2003 copyright : (C) 2003 by root email : scotte[AT}netinst.com ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include "wtap-int.h" #include "file_wrappers.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "network_instruments.h" static const char network_instruments_magic[] = {"ObserverPktBufferVersion=15.00"}; static const int true_magic_length = 17; static const guint32 observer_packet_magic = 0x88888888; /* * This structure is used to keep state when writing files. An instance is * allocated for each file, and its address is stored in the wtap_dumper.priv * pointer field. */ typedef struct { guint64 packet_count; guint8 network_type; guint32 time_format; } observer_dump_private_state; /* * Some time offsets are calculated in advance here, when the first Observer * file is opened for reading or writing, and are then used to adjust frame * timestamps as they are read or written. * * The Wiretap API expects timestamps in nanoseconds relative to * January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT (the Wiretap epoch). * * Observer versions before 13.10 encode frame timestamps in nanoseconds * relative to January 1, 2000, 00:00:00 local time (the Observer epoch). * Versions 13.10 and later switch over to GMT encoding. Which encoding was used * when saving the file is identified via the time format TLV following * the file header. * * Unfortunately, even though Observer versions before 13.10 saved in local * time, they didn't include the timezone from which the frames were captured, * so converting to GMT correctly from all timezones is impossible. So an * assumption is made that the file is being read from within the same timezone * that it was written. * * All code herein is normalized to versions 13.10 and later, special casing for * versions earlier. In other words, timestamps are worked with as if * they are GMT-encoded, and adjustments from local time are made only if * the source file warrants it. * * All destination files are saved in GMT format. */ static const time_t ansi_to_observer_epoch_offset = 946684800; static time_t gmt_to_localtime_offset = (time_t) -1; static void init_gmt_to_localtime_offset(void) { if (gmt_to_localtime_offset == (time_t) -1) { time_t ansi_epoch_plus_one_day = 86400; struct tm gmt_tm; struct tm local_tm; /* * Compute the local time zone offset as the number of seconds west * of GMT. There's no obvious cross-platform API for querying this * directly. As a workaround, GMT and local tm structures are populated * relative to the ANSI time_t epoch (plus one day to ensure that * local time stays after 1970/1/1 00:00:00). They are then converted * back to time_t as if they were both local times, resulting in the * time zone offset being the difference between them. */ gmt_tm = *gmtime(&ansi_epoch_plus_one_day); local_tm = *localtime(&ansi_epoch_plus_one_day); local_tm.tm_isdst = 0; gmt_to_localtime_offset = mktime(&gmt_tm) - mktime(&local_tm); } } static gboolean observer_read(wtap *wth, int *err, gchar **err_info, gint64 *data_offset); static gboolean observer_seek_read(wtap *wth, gint64 seek_off, union wtap_pseudo_header *pseudo_header, guint8 *pd, int length, int *err, gchar **err_info); static int read_packet_header(FILE_T fh, packet_entry_header *packet_header, int *err, gchar **err_info); static int read_packet_data(FILE_T fh, int offset_to_frame, int current_offset_from_packet_header, guint8 *pd, int length, int *err, char **err_info); static gboolean skip_to_next_packet(wtap *wth, int offset_to_next_packet, int current_offset_from_packet_header, int *err, char **err_info); static gboolean observer_dump(wtap_dumper *wdh, const struct wtap_pkthdr *phdr, const union wtap_pseudo_header *pseudo_header, const guint8 *pd, int *err); static gint observer_to_wtap_encap(int observer_encap); static gint wtap_to_observer_encap(int wtap_encap); int network_instruments_open(wtap *wth, int *err, gchar **err_info) { int bytes_read; int offset; capture_file_header file_header; guint i; tlv_header tlvh; int seek_increment; int header_offset; packet_entry_header packet_header; observer_dump_private_state * private_state = NULL; errno = WTAP_ERR_CANT_READ; offset = 0; /* read in the buffer file header */ bytes_read = file_read(&file_header, sizeof file_header, wth->fh); if (bytes_read != sizeof file_header) { *err = file_error(wth->fh, err_info); if (*err != 0) return -1; return 0; } offset += bytes_read; CAPTURE_FILE_HEADER_FROM_LE_IN_PLACE(file_header); /* check if version info is present */ if (memcmp(file_header.observer_version, network_instruments_magic, true_magic_length)!=0) { return 0; } /* initialize the private state */ private_state = (observer_dump_private_state *) g_malloc(sizeof(observer_dump_private_state)); private_state->time_format = TIME_INFO_LOCAL; wth->priv = (void *) private_state; /* get the location of the first packet */ /* v15 and newer uses high byte offset, in previous versions it will be 0 */ header_offset = file_header.offset_to_first_packet + ((int)(file_header.offset_to_first_packet_high_byte)<<16); /* process extra information */ for (i = 0; i < file_header.number_of_information_elements; i++) { /* for safety break if we've reached the first packet */ if (offset >= header_offset) break; /* read the TLV header */ bytes_read = file_read(&tlvh, sizeof tlvh, wth->fh); if (bytes_read != sizeof tlvh) { *err = file_error(wth->fh, err_info); if (*err == 0) *err = WTAP_ERR_SHORT_READ; return -1; } offset += bytes_read; TLV_HEADER_FROM_LE_IN_PLACE(tlvh); if (tlvh.length < sizeof tlvh) { *err = WTAP_ERR_BAD_FILE; *err_info = g_strdup_printf("Observer: bad record (TLV length %u < %lu)", tlvh.length, (unsigned long)sizeof tlvh); return -1; } /* process (or skip over) the current TLV */ switch (tlvh.type) { case INFORMATION_TYPE_TIME_INFO: bytes_read = file_read(&private_state->time_format, sizeof private_state->time_format, wth->fh); if (bytes_read != sizeof private_state->time_format) { *err = file_error(wth->fh, err_info); if(*err == 0) *err = WTAP_ERR_SHORT_READ; return -1; } private_state->time_format = GUINT32_FROM_LE(private_state->time_format); offset += bytes_read; break; default: seek_increment = tlvh.length - (int)sizeof tlvh; if (seek_increment > 0) { if (file_seek(wth->fh, seek_increment, SEEK_CUR, err) == -1) return -1; } offset += seek_increment; } } /* get to the first packet */ if (header_offset < offset) { *err = WTAP_ERR_BAD_FILE; *err_info = g_strdup_printf("Observer: bad record (offset to first packet %d < %d)", header_offset, offset); return FALSE; } seek_increment = header_offset - offset; if (seek_increment > 0) { if (file_seek(wth->fh, seek_increment, SEEK_CUR, err) == -1) return -1; } /* pull off the packet header */ bytes_read = file_read(&packet_header, sizeof packet_header, wth->fh); if (bytes_read != sizeof packet_header) { *err = file_error(wth->fh, err_info); if (*err != 0) return -1; return 0; } PACKET_ENTRY_HEADER_FROM_LE_IN_PLACE(packet_header); /* check the packet's magic number */ if (packet_header.packet_magic != observer_packet_magic) { *err = WTAP_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ENCAP; *err_info = g_strdup_printf("Observer: unsupported packet version %ul", packet_header.packet_magic); return -1; } /* check the data link type */ if (observer_to_wtap_encap(packet_header.network_type) == WTAP_ENCAP_UNKNOWN) { *err = WTAP_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ENCAP; *err_info = g_strdup_printf("Observer: network type %u unknown or unsupported", packet_header.network_type); return -1; } wth->file_encap = observer_to_wtap_encap(packet_header.network_type); /* set up the rest of the capture parameters */ private_state->packet_count = 0; private_state->network_type = wtap_to_observer_encap(wth->file_encap); wth->subtype_read = observer_read; wth->subtype_seek_read = observer_seek_read; wth->subtype_close = NULL; wth->subtype_sequential_close = NULL; wth->snapshot_length = 0; /* not available in header */ wth->tsprecision = WTAP_FILE_TSPREC_NSEC; wth->file_type = WTAP_FILE_NETWORK_INSTRUMENTS; /* reset the pointer to the first packet */ if (file_seek(wth->fh, header_offset, SEEK_SET, err) == -1) return -1; wth->data_offset = header_offset; init_gmt_to_localtime_offset(); return 1; } /* Reads the next packet. */ static gboolean observer_read(wtap *wth, int *err, gchar **err_info, gint64 *data_offset) { int bytes_consumed; int offset_from_packet_header = 0; packet_entry_header packet_header; /* skip records other than data records */ for (;;) { *data_offset = wth->data_offset; /* process the packet header, including TLVs */ bytes_consumed = read_packet_header(wth->fh, &packet_header, err, err_info); if (bytes_consumed <= 0) return FALSE; /* EOF or error */ wth->data_offset += bytes_consumed; if (packet_header.packet_type == PACKET_TYPE_DATA_PACKET) break; /* skip to next packet */ offset_from_packet_header = (int) (wth->data_offset - *data_offset); if (!skip_to_next_packet(wth, packet_header.offset_to_next_packet, offset_from_packet_header, err, err_info)) { return FALSE; /* EOF or error */ } } /* neglect frame markers for wiretap */ if (packet_header.network_size < 4) { *err = WTAP_ERR_BAD_FILE; *err_info = g_strdup_printf("Observer: bad record: Packet length %u < 4", packet_header.network_size); return FALSE; } /* set the wiretap packet header fields */ wth->phdr.pkt_encap = observer_to_wtap_encap(packet_header.network_type); if(wth->file_encap == WTAP_ENCAP_FIBRE_CHANNEL_FC2_WITH_FRAME_DELIMS) { wth->phdr.len = packet_header.network_size; wth->phdr.caplen = packet_header.captured_size; } else { wth->phdr.len = packet_header.network_size - 4; wth->phdr.caplen = MIN(packet_header.captured_size, wth->phdr.len); } /* set the wiretap timestamp, assuming for the moment that Observer encoded it in GMT */ wth->phdr.ts.secs = (time_t) ((packet_header.nano_seconds_since_2000 / 1000000000) + ansi_to_observer_epoch_offset); wth->phdr.ts.nsecs = (int) (packet_header.nano_seconds_since_2000 % 1000000000); /* adjust to local time, if necessary, also accounting for DST if the frame was captured while it was in effect */ if (((observer_dump_private_state*)wth->priv)->time_format == TIME_INFO_LOCAL) { struct tm daylight_tm; struct tm standard_tm; time_t dst_offset; /* the Observer timestamp was encoded as local time, so add a correction from local time to GMT */ wth->phdr.ts.secs += gmt_to_localtime_offset; /* perform a DST adjustment if necessary */ standard_tm = *localtime(&wth->phdr.ts.secs); if (standard_tm.tm_isdst > 0) { daylight_tm = standard_tm; standard_tm.tm_isdst = 0; dst_offset = mktime(&standard_tm) - mktime(&daylight_tm); wth->phdr.ts.secs -= dst_offset; } } /* update the pseudo header */ switch (wth->file_encap) { case WTAP_ENCAP_ETHERNET: /* There is no FCS in the frame */ wth->pseudo_header.eth.fcs_len = 0; break; } /* set-up the packet buffer */ buffer_assure_space(wth->frame_buffer, packet_header.captured_size); /* read the frame data */ offset_from_packet_header = (int) (wth->data_offset - *data_offset); bytes_consumed = read_packet_data(wth->fh, packet_header.offset_to_frame, offset_from_packet_header, buffer_start_ptr(wth->frame_buffer), packet_header.captured_size, err, err_info); if (bytes_consumed < 0) { return FALSE; } wth->data_offset += bytes_consumed; /* skip over any extra bytes following the frame data */ offset_from_packet_header = (int) (wth->data_offset - *data_offset); if (!skip_to_next_packet(wth, packet_header.offset_to_next_packet, offset_from_packet_header, err, err_info)) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /* Reads a packet at an offset. */ static gboolean observer_seek_read(wtap *wth, gint64 seek_off, union wtap_pseudo_header *pseudo_header, guint8 *pd, int length, int *err, gchar **err_info) { packet_entry_header packet_header; int offset; if (file_seek(wth->random_fh, seek_off, SEEK_SET, err) == -1) return FALSE; /* process the packet header, including TLVs */ offset = read_packet_header(wth->random_fh, &packet_header, err, err_info); if (offset <= 0) return FALSE; /* EOF or error */ /* update the pseudo header */ switch (wth->file_encap) { case WTAP_ENCAP_ETHERNET: /* There is no FCS in the frame */ pseudo_header->eth.fcs_len = 0; break; } /* read the frame data */ if (!read_packet_data(wth->random_fh, packet_header.offset_to_frame, offset, pd, length, err, err_info)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static int read_packet_header(FILE_T fh, packet_entry_header *packet_header, int *err, gchar **err_info) { int offset; int bytes_read; guint i; tlv_header tlvh; int seek_increment; offset = 0; /* pull off the packet header */ bytes_read = file_read(packet_header, sizeof *packet_header, fh); if (bytes_read != sizeof *packet_header) { *err = file_error(fh, err_info); if (*err != 0) return -1; return 0; /* EOF */ } offset += bytes_read; PACKET_ENTRY_HEADER_FROM_LE_IN_PLACE(*packet_header); /* check the packet's magic number */ if (packet_header->packet_magic != observer_packet_magic) { /* * Some files are zero-padded at the end. There is no warning of this * in the previous packet header information, such as setting * offset_to_next_packet to zero. So detect this situation by treating * an all-zero header as a sentinel. Return EOF when it is encountered, * rather than treat it as a bad record. */ for (i = 0; i < sizeof *packet_header; i++) { if (((guint8*) packet_header)[i] != 0) break; } if (i == sizeof *packet_header) { *err = 0; return 0; /* EOF */ } *err = WTAP_ERR_BAD_FILE; *err_info = g_strdup_printf("Observer: bad record: Invalid magic number 0x%08x", packet_header->packet_magic); return -1; } /* process extra information */ for (i = 0; i < packet_header->number_of_information_elements; i++) { /* read the TLV header */ bytes_read = file_read(&tlvh, sizeof tlvh, fh); if (bytes_read != sizeof tlvh) { *err = file_error(fh, err_info); if (*err == 0) *err = WTAP_ERR_SHORT_READ; return -1; } offset += bytes_read; TLV_HEADER_FROM_LE_IN_PLACE(tlvh); if (tlvh.length < sizeof tlvh) { *err = WTAP_ERR_BAD_FILE; *err_info = g_strdup_printf("Observer: bad record (TLV length %u < %lu)", tlvh.length, (unsigned long)sizeof tlvh); return -1; } /* skip the TLV data */ seek_increment = tlvh.length - (int)sizeof tlvh; if (seek_increment > 0) { if (file_seek(fh, seek_increment, SEEK_CUR, err) == -1) return -1; } offset += seek_increment; } return offset; } static int read_packet_data(FILE_T fh, int offset_to_frame, int current_offset_from_packet_header, guint8 *pd, int length, int *err, char **err_info) { int seek_increment; int bytes_consumed = 0; /* validate offsets */ if (offset_to_frame < current_offset_from_packet_header) { *err = WTAP_ERR_BAD_FILE; *err_info = g_strdup_printf("Observer: bad record (offset to packet data %d < %d)", offset_to_frame, current_offset_from_packet_header); return -1; } /* skip to the packet data */ seek_increment = offset_to_frame - current_offset_from_packet_header; if (seek_increment > 0) { if (file_seek(fh, seek_increment, SEEK_CUR, err) == -1) { return -1; } bytes_consumed += seek_increment; } /* read in the packet data */ wtap_file_read_expected_bytes(pd, length, fh, err, err_info); bytes_consumed += length; return bytes_consumed; } static gboolean skip_to_next_packet(wtap *wth, int offset_to_next_packet, int current_offset_from_packet_header, int *err, char **err_info) { int seek_increment; /* validate offsets */ if (offset_to_next_packet < current_offset_from_packet_header) { *err = WTAP_ERR_BAD_FILE; *err_info = g_strdup_printf("Observer: bad record (offset to next packet %d < %d)", offset_to_next_packet, current_offset_from_packet_header); return FALSE; } /* skip to the next packet header */ seek_increment = offset_to_next_packet - current_offset_from_packet_header; if (seek_increment > 0) { if (file_seek(wth->fh, seek_increment, SEEK_CUR, err) == -1) return FALSE; wth->data_offset += seek_increment; } return TRUE; } /* Returns 0 if we could write the specified encapsulation type, an error indication otherwise. */ int network_instruments_dump_can_write_encap(int encap) { /* per-packet encapsulations aren't supported */ if (encap == WTAP_ENCAP_PER_PACKET) return WTAP_ERR_ENCAP_PER_PACKET_UNSUPPORTED; if (encap < 0 || (wtap_to_observer_encap(encap) == OBSERVER_UNDEFINED)) return WTAP_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ENCAP; return 0; } /* Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure; sets "*err" to an error code on failure. */ gboolean network_instruments_dump_open(wtap_dumper *wdh, int *err) { observer_dump_private_state * private_state = NULL; capture_file_header file_header; tlv_header comment_header; tlv_time_info time_header; char comment[64]; size_t comment_length; struct tm * current_time; time_t system_time; /* initialize the private state */ private_state = (observer_dump_private_state *) g_malloc(sizeof(observer_dump_private_state)); private_state->packet_count = 0; private_state->network_type = wtap_to_observer_encap(wdh->encap); private_state->time_format = TIME_INFO_GMT; /* populate the fields of wdh */ wdh->priv = (void *) private_state; wdh->subtype_write = observer_dump; /* initialize the file header */ memset(&file_header, 0x00, sizeof(file_header)); g_strlcpy(file_header.observer_version, network_instruments_magic, 31); file_header.offset_to_first_packet = (guint16)sizeof(file_header); file_header.offset_to_first_packet_high_byte = 0; /* create the file comment TLV */ { time(&system_time); current_time = localtime(&system_time); memset(&comment, 0x00, sizeof(comment)); g_snprintf(comment, 64, "This capture was saved from Wireshark on %s", asctime(current_time)); comment_length = strlen(comment); comment_header.type = INFORMATION_TYPE_COMMENT; comment_header.length = (guint16) (sizeof(comment_header) + comment_length); /* update the file header to account for the comment TLV */ file_header.number_of_information_elements++; file_header.offset_to_first_packet += comment_header.length; } /* create the timestamp encoding TLV */ { time_header.type = INFORMATION_TYPE_TIME_INFO; time_header.length = (guint16) (sizeof(time_header)); time_header.time_format = TIME_INFO_GMT; /* update the file header to account for the timestamp encoding TLV */ file_header.number_of_information_elements++; file_header.offset_to_first_packet += time_header.length; } /* write the file header, swapping any multibyte fields first */ CAPTURE_FILE_HEADER_TO_LE_IN_PLACE(file_header); if (!wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, &file_header, sizeof(file_header), err)) { return FALSE; } wdh->bytes_dumped += sizeof(file_header); /* write the comment TLV */ { TLV_HEADER_TO_LE_IN_PLACE(comment_header); if (!wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, &comment_header, sizeof(comment_header), err)) { return FALSE; } wdh->bytes_dumped += sizeof(comment_header); if (!wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, &comment, comment_length, err)) { return FALSE; } wdh->bytes_dumped += comment_length; } /* write the time info TLV */ { TLV_TIME_INFO_TO_LE_IN_PLACE(time_header); if (!wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, &time_header, sizeof(time_header), err)) { return FALSE; } wdh->bytes_dumped += sizeof(time_header); } init_gmt_to_localtime_offset(); return TRUE; } /* Write a record for a packet to a dump file. Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. */ static gboolean observer_dump(wtap_dumper *wdh, const struct wtap_pkthdr *phdr, const union wtap_pseudo_header *pseudo_header _U_, const guint8 *pd, int *err) { observer_dump_private_state * private_state = NULL; packet_entry_header packet_header; guint64 seconds_since_2000; /* convert the number of seconds since epoch from ANSI-relative to Observer-relative */ if (phdr->ts.secs < ansi_to_observer_epoch_offset) { if(phdr->ts.secs > (time_t) 0) { seconds_since_2000 = phdr->ts.secs; } else { seconds_since_2000 = (time_t) 0; } } else { seconds_since_2000 = phdr->ts.secs - ansi_to_observer_epoch_offset; } /* populate the fields of the packet header */ private_state = (observer_dump_private_state *) wdh->priv; memset(&packet_header, 0x00, sizeof(packet_header)); packet_header.packet_magic = observer_packet_magic; packet_header.network_speed = 1000000; packet_header.captured_size = (guint16) phdr->caplen; packet_header.network_size = (guint16) (phdr->len + 4); packet_header.offset_to_frame = sizeof(packet_header); /* XXX - what if this doesn't fit in 16 bits? It's not guaranteed to... */ packet_header.offset_to_next_packet = (guint16)sizeof(packet_header) + phdr->caplen; packet_header.network_type = private_state->network_type; packet_header.flags = 0x00; packet_header.number_of_information_elements = 0; packet_header.packet_type = PACKET_TYPE_DATA_PACKET; packet_header.packet_number = private_state->packet_count; packet_header.original_packet_number = packet_header.packet_number; packet_header.nano_seconds_since_2000 = seconds_since_2000 * 1000000000 + phdr->ts.nsecs; private_state->packet_count++; /* write the packet header */ PACKET_ENTRY_HEADER_TO_LE_IN_PLACE(packet_header); if (!wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, &packet_header, sizeof(packet_header), err)) { return FALSE; } wdh->bytes_dumped += sizeof(packet_header); /* write the packet data */ if (!wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, pd, phdr->caplen, err)) { return FALSE; } wdh->bytes_dumped += phdr->caplen; return TRUE; } static gint observer_to_wtap_encap(int observer_encap) { switch(observer_encap) { case OBSERVER_ETHERNET: return WTAP_ENCAP_ETHERNET; case OBSERVER_TOKENRING: return WTAP_ENCAP_TOKEN_RING; case OBSERVER_FIBRE_CHANNEL: return WTAP_ENCAP_FIBRE_CHANNEL_FC2_WITH_FRAME_DELIMS; case OBSERVER_UNDEFINED: return WTAP_ENCAP_UNKNOWN; } return WTAP_ENCAP_UNKNOWN; } static gint wtap_to_observer_encap(int wtap_encap) { switch(wtap_encap) { case WTAP_ENCAP_ETHERNET: return OBSERVER_ETHERNET; case WTAP_ENCAP_TOKEN_RING: return OBSERVER_TOKENRING; case WTAP_ENCAP_FIBRE_CHANNEL_FC2_WITH_FRAME_DELIMS: return OBSERVER_FIBRE_CHANNEL; case WTAP_ENCAP_UNKNOWN: return OBSERVER_UNDEFINED; } return OBSERVER_UNDEFINED; }