/* logcat.c * * Copyright 2014, Michal Labedzki for Tieto Corporation * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include "wtap-int.h" #include "file_wrappers.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "logcat.h" enum dump_type_t { DUMP_BINARY, DUMP_BRIEF, DUMP_PROCESS, DUMP_TAG, DUMP_TIME, DUMP_THREAD, DUMP_THREADTIME, DUMP_LONG }; struct dumper_t { enum dump_type_t type; }; static gchar get_priority(const guint8 *priority) { static gchar priorities[] = "??VDIWEFS"; if (*priority >= (guint8) sizeof(priorities)) return '?'; return priorities[(int) *priority]; } static gchar *logcat_log(const struct dumper_t *dumper, guint32 seconds, gint microseconds, gint pid, gint tid, gchar priority, const gchar *tag, const gchar *log) { gchar time_buffer[15]; time_t datetime; datetime = (time_t) seconds; switch (dumper->type) { case DUMP_BRIEF: return g_strdup_printf("%c/%s(%5i): %s\n", priority, tag, pid, log); case DUMP_PROCESS: return g_strdup_printf("%c(%5i) %s (%s)\n", priority, pid, log, tag); case DUMP_TAG: return g_strdup_printf("%c/%s: %s\n", priority, tag, log); case DUMP_THREAD: return g_strdup_printf("%c(%5i:%5i) %s\n", priority, pid, tid, log); case DUMP_TIME: strftime(time_buffer, sizeof(time_buffer), "%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime(&datetime)); return g_strdup_printf("%s.%03i %c/%s(%5i): %s\n", time_buffer, microseconds, priority, tag, pid, log); case DUMP_THREADTIME: strftime(time_buffer, sizeof(time_buffer), "%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime(&datetime)); return g_strdup_printf("%s.%03i %5i:%5i %c %s: %s\n", time_buffer, microseconds, pid, tid, priority, tag, log); case DUMP_LONG: strftime(time_buffer, sizeof(time_buffer), "%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime(&datetime)); return g_strdup_printf("[ %s.%03i %5i:%5i %c/%s ]\n%s\n\n", time_buffer, microseconds, pid, tid, priority, tag, log); default: return NULL; } } static gint detect_version(wtap *wth, int *err, gchar **err_info) { gint bytes_read; guint16 payload_length; guint16 try_header_size; guint8 *buffer; gint64 file_offset; guint32 log_length; guint32 tag_length; guint16 tmp; file_offset = file_tell(wth->fh); bytes_read = file_read(&tmp, 2, wth->fh); if (bytes_read != 2) { *err = file_error(wth->fh, err_info); if (*err == 0 && bytes_read != 0) *err = WTAP_ERR_SHORT_READ; return -1; } payload_length = pletoh16(&tmp); bytes_read = file_read(&tmp, 2, wth->fh); if (bytes_read != 2) { *err = file_error(wth->fh, err_info); if (*err == 0 && bytes_read != 0) *err = WTAP_ERR_SHORT_READ; return -1; } try_header_size = pletoh16(&tmp); buffer = (guint8 *) g_malloc(5 * 4 + payload_length); bytes_read = file_read(buffer, 5 * 4 + payload_length, wth->fh); if (bytes_read != 5 * 4 + payload_length) { if (bytes_read != 4 * 4 + payload_length) { *err = file_error(wth->fh, err_info); if (*err == 0 && bytes_read != 0) *err = WTAP_ERR_SHORT_READ; g_free(buffer); return -1; } } if (try_header_size == 24) { tag_length = (guint32)strlen(buffer + 5 * 4 + 1) + 1; log_length = (guint32)strlen(buffer + 5 * 4 + 1 + tag_length) + 1; if (payload_length == 1 + tag_length + log_length) { g_free(buffer); return 2; } } tag_length = (guint32)strlen(buffer + 4 * 4 + 1) + 1; log_length = (guint32)strlen(buffer + 4 * 4 + 1 + tag_length) + 1; if (payload_length == 1 + tag_length + log_length) { if (file_seek(wth->fh, file_offset + 4 * 4 + 1 + tag_length + log_length, SEEK_SET, err) == -1) { g_free(buffer); return -1; } g_free(buffer); return 1; } g_free(buffer); return 0; } static gboolean logcat_read(wtap *wth, int *err, gchar **err_info, gint64 *data_offset) { gint bytes_read; gint packet_size; guint16 payload_length; guint16 tmp; guint8 *buf; struct logcat_phdr *logcat; *data_offset = file_tell(wth->fh); bytes_read = file_read(&tmp, 2, wth->fh); if (bytes_read != 2) { *err = file_error(wth->fh, err_info); if (*err == 0 && bytes_read != 0) *err = WTAP_ERR_SHORT_READ; return FALSE; } payload_length = pletoh16(&tmp); if (file_seek(wth->fh, *data_offset, SEEK_SET, err) == -1) return FALSE; logcat = (struct logcat_phdr *) wth->priv; if (logcat->version == 1) { packet_size = 5 * 4 + payload_length; } else if (logcat->version == 2) { packet_size = 6 * 4 + payload_length; } else { return FALSE; } buffer_assure_space(wth->frame_buffer, packet_size); buf = buffer_start_ptr(wth->frame_buffer); bytes_read = file_read(buf, packet_size, wth->fh); if (bytes_read != packet_size) { *err = file_error(wth->fh, err_info); if (*err == 0) *err = WTAP_ERR_SHORT_READ; return FALSE; } wth->phdr.presence_flags = WTAP_HAS_TS | WTAP_HAS_CAP_LEN; wth->phdr.ts.secs = (time_t) pletoh32(buf + 12); wth->phdr.ts.nsecs = (int) pletoh32(buf + 16); wth->phdr.caplen = packet_size; wth->phdr.len = packet_size; wth->phdr.pseudo_header.logcat.version = logcat->version; return TRUE; } static gboolean logcat_seek_read(wtap *wth, gint64 seek_off, struct wtap_pkthdr *phdr, Buffer *buf, int *err, gchar **err_info) { gint bytes_read; gint packet_size; guint16 payload_length; guint tmp[4]; struct logcat_phdr *logcat; if (file_seek(wth->random_fh, seek_off, SEEK_SET, err) == -1) return FALSE; bytes_read = file_read(&tmp, 2, wth->random_fh); if (bytes_read != 2) { *err = file_error(wth->random_fh, err_info); if (*err == 0 && bytes_read != 0) *err = WTAP_ERR_SHORT_READ; return FALSE; } payload_length = pletoh16(tmp); logcat = (struct logcat_phdr *) wth->priv; if (logcat->version == 1) { packet_size = 5 * 4 + payload_length; } else if (logcat->version == 2) { packet_size = 6 * 4 + payload_length; } else { return FALSE; } if (file_seek(wth->random_fh, seek_off + 12, SEEK_SET, err) == -1) return FALSE; bytes_read = file_read(&tmp, 4, wth->random_fh); if (bytes_read != 4) { *err = file_error(wth->random_fh, err_info); if (*err == 0 && bytes_read != 0) *err = WTAP_ERR_SHORT_READ; return FALSE; } phdr->ts.secs = (time_t) pletoh32(tmp); bytes_read = file_read(tmp, 4, wth->random_fh); if (bytes_read != 4) { *err = file_error(wth->random_fh, err_info); if (*err == 0 && bytes_read != 0) *err = WTAP_ERR_SHORT_READ; return FALSE; } phdr->ts.nsecs = (int) pletoh32(tmp); phdr->presence_flags = WTAP_HAS_TS | WTAP_HAS_CAP_LEN; phdr->caplen = packet_size; phdr->len = packet_size; phdr->pseudo_header.logcat.version = logcat->version; if (file_seek(wth->random_fh, seek_off, SEEK_SET, err) == -1) return FALSE; return wtap_read_packet_bytes(wth->random_fh, buf, packet_size, err, err_info); } int logcat_open(wtap *wth, int *err, gchar **err_info _U_) { int local_err; gchar *local_err_info; gint version; gint tmp_version; struct logcat_phdr *logcat; /* check first 3 packets (or 2 or 1 if EOF) versions to check file format is correct */ version = detect_version(wth, &local_err, &local_err_info); if (version <= 0) return 0; tmp_version = detect_version(wth, &local_err, &local_err_info); if (tmp_version < 0 && !file_eof(wth->fh)) { return 0; } else if (tmp_version > 0) { if (tmp_version != version) return 0; tmp_version = detect_version(wth, &local_err, &local_err_info); if (tmp_version != version && !file_eof(wth->fh)) return 0; } if (file_seek(wth->fh, 0, SEEK_SET, err) == -1) return -1; logcat = (struct logcat_phdr *) g_malloc(sizeof(struct logcat_phdr)); logcat->version = version; wth->priv = logcat; wth->file_type_subtype = WTAP_FILE_TYPE_SUBTYPE_LOGCAT; wth->file_encap = WTAP_ENCAP_LOGCAT; wth->snapshot_length = 0; wth->subtype_read = logcat_read; wth->subtype_seek_read = logcat_seek_read; wth->tsprecision = WTAP_FILE_TSPREC_USEC; return 1; } int logcat_dump_can_write_encap(int encap) { if (encap == WTAP_ENCAP_PER_PACKET) return WTAP_ERR_ENCAP_PER_PACKET_UNSUPPORTED; if (encap != WTAP_ENCAP_LOGCAT) return WTAP_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ENCAP; return 0; } static gboolean logcat_binary_dump(wtap_dumper *wdh, const struct wtap_pkthdr *phdr, const guint8 *pd, int *err) { if (!wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, pd, phdr->caplen, err)) return FALSE; wdh->bytes_dumped += phdr->caplen; return TRUE; } gboolean logcat_binary_dump_open(wtap_dumper *wdh, int *err) { wdh->subtype_write = logcat_binary_dump; wdh->subtype_close = NULL; switch (wdh->file_type_subtype) { case WTAP_FILE_TYPE_SUBTYPE_LOGCAT: wdh->tsprecision = WTAP_FILE_TSPREC_USEC; break; default: *err = WTAP_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_FILE_TYPE; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static gboolean logcat_dump_text(wtap_dumper *wdh, const struct wtap_pkthdr *phdr, const guint8 *pd, int *err) { gchar *buf; gint length; gchar priority; const gchar *tag; const gint *pid; const gint *tid; const gchar *log; gchar *log_part; const gchar *str_begin; const gchar *str_end; const guint32 *datetime; const guint32 *nanoseconds; const union wtap_pseudo_header *pseudo_header = &phdr->pseudo_header; const struct dumper_t *dumper = (const struct dumper_t *) wdh->priv; if (pseudo_header->logcat.version == 1) { pid = (const gint *) (pd + 4); tid = (const gint *) (pd + 2 * 4); datetime = (const guint32 *) (pd + 3 * 4); nanoseconds = (const guint32 *) (pd + 4 * 4); priority = get_priority((const guint8 *) (pd + 5 * 4)); tag = (const gchar *) (pd + 5 * 4 + 1); log = tag + strlen(tag) + 1; } else if (pseudo_header->logcat.version == 2) { pid = (const gint *) (pd + 4); tid = (const gint *) (pd + 2 * 4); datetime = (const guint32 *) (pd + 3 * 4); nanoseconds = (const guint32 *) (pd + 4 * 4); priority = get_priority((const guint8 *) (pd + 6 * 4)); tag = (const char *) (pd + 6 * 4 + 1); log = tag + strlen(tag) + 1; } else { *err = WTAP_ERR_UNSUPPORTED; return FALSE; } str_begin = str_end = log; while (dumper->type != DUMP_LONG && (str_end = strchr(str_begin, '\n'))) { log_part = (gchar *) g_malloc(str_end - str_begin + 1); g_strlcpy(log_part, str_begin, str_end - str_begin); log_part[str_end - str_begin] = '\0'; str_begin = str_end + 1; buf = logcat_log(dumper, *datetime, *nanoseconds / 1000000, *pid, *tid, priority, tag, log_part); if (!buf) { g_free(log_part); return FALSE; } g_free(log_part); length = (guint32)strlen(buf); if (!wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, buf, length, err)) { g_free(buf); return FALSE; } wdh->bytes_dumped += length; g_free(buf); } if (*str_begin != '\0') { log_part = (gchar *) g_malloc(strlen(str_begin) + 1); g_strlcpy(log_part, str_begin, strlen(str_begin)); log_part[strlen(str_begin)] = '\0'; buf = logcat_log(dumper, *datetime, *nanoseconds / 1000000, *pid, *tid, priority, tag, log_part); if (!buf) { g_free(log_part); return FALSE; } g_free(log_part); length = (guint32)strlen(buf); if (!wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, buf, length, err)) { g_free(buf); return FALSE; } wdh->bytes_dumped += length; g_free(buf); } return TRUE; } gboolean logcat_text_brief_dump_open(wtap_dumper *wdh, int *err _U_) { struct dumper_t *dumper; dumper = (struct dumper_t *) g_malloc(sizeof(struct dumper_t)); dumper->type = DUMP_BRIEF; wdh->priv = dumper; wdh->subtype_write = logcat_dump_text; wdh->subtype_close = NULL; return TRUE; } gboolean logcat_text_process_dump_open(wtap_dumper *wdh, int *err _U_) { struct dumper_t *dumper; dumper = (struct dumper_t *) g_malloc(sizeof(struct dumper_t)); dumper->type = DUMP_PROCESS; wdh->priv = dumper; wdh->subtype_write = logcat_dump_text; wdh->subtype_close = NULL; return TRUE; } gboolean logcat_text_tag_dump_open(wtap_dumper *wdh, int *err _U_) { struct dumper_t *dumper; dumper = (struct dumper_t *) g_malloc(sizeof(struct dumper_t)); dumper->type = DUMP_TAG; wdh->priv = dumper; wdh->subtype_write = logcat_dump_text; wdh->subtype_close = NULL; return TRUE; } gboolean logcat_text_time_dump_open(wtap_dumper *wdh, int *err _U_) { struct dumper_t *dumper; dumper = (struct dumper_t *) g_malloc(sizeof(struct dumper_t)); dumper->type = DUMP_TIME; wdh->priv = dumper; wdh->subtype_write = logcat_dump_text; wdh->subtype_close = NULL; return TRUE; } gboolean logcat_text_thread_dump_open(wtap_dumper *wdh, int *err _U_) { struct dumper_t *dumper; dumper = (struct dumper_t *) g_malloc(sizeof(struct dumper_t)); dumper->type = DUMP_THREAD; wdh->priv = dumper; wdh->subtype_write = logcat_dump_text; wdh->subtype_close = NULL; return TRUE; } gboolean logcat_text_threadtime_dump_open(wtap_dumper *wdh, int *err _U_) { struct dumper_t *dumper; dumper = (struct dumper_t *) g_malloc(sizeof(struct dumper_t)); dumper->type = DUMP_THREADTIME; wdh->priv = dumper; wdh->subtype_write = logcat_dump_text; wdh->subtype_close = NULL; return TRUE; } gboolean logcat_text_long_dump_open(wtap_dumper *wdh, int *err _U_) { struct dumper_t *dumper; dumper = (struct dumper_t *) g_malloc(sizeof(struct dumper_t)); dumper->type = DUMP_LONG; wdh->priv = dumper; wdh->subtype_write = logcat_dump_text; wdh->subtype_close = NULL; return TRUE; } /* * Editor modelines - http://www.wireshark.org/tools/modelines.html * * Local variables: * c-basic-offset: 4 * tab-width: 8 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: * * vi: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab: * :indentSize=4:tabSize=8:noTabs=true: */