/* commview.c * Routines for opening CommView file format packet captures * Copyright 2007, Stephen Fisher (see AUTHORS file) * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * Based on csids.c and nettl.c * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, * USA. */ /* A brief description of this file format is available at: * http://www.tamos.com/htmlhelp/commview/logformat.htm */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "wtap.h" #include "wtap-int.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "file_wrappers.h" #include "commview.h" typedef struct commview_header { guint16 data_len; guint16 source_data_len; guint8 version; guint16 year; guint8 month; guint8 day; guint8 hours; guint8 minutes; guint8 seconds; guint32 usecs; guint8 flags; /* Bit-field positions defined below */ guint8 signal_level_percent; guint8 rate; guint8 band; guint8 channel; guint8 direction; /* Or for WiFi, high order byte of * packet rate. */ guint8 signal_level_dbm; guint8 noise_level; /* In dBm (WiFi only) */ } commview_header_t; #define COMMVIEW_HEADER_SIZE 24 /* Bit-field positions for various fields in the flags variable of the header */ #define FLAGS_MEDIUM 0x0F #define FLAGS_DECRYPTED 0x10 #define FLAGS_BROKEN 0x20 #define FLAGS_COMPRESSED 0x40 #define FLAGS_RESERVED 0x80 /* Capture mediums as defined by the commview file format */ #define MEDIUM_ETHERNET 0 #define MEDIUM_WIFI 1 #define MEDIUM_TOKEN_RING 2 static gboolean commview_read(wtap *wth, int *err, gchar **err_info, gint64 *data_offset); static gboolean commview_seek_read(wtap *wth, gint64 seek_off, struct wtap_pkthdr *phdr, Buffer *buf, int *err, gchar **err_info); static gboolean commview_read_header(commview_header_t *cv_hdr, FILE_T fh, int *err, gchar **err_info); static gboolean commview_dump(wtap_dumper *wdh, const struct wtap_pkthdr *phdr, const guint8 *pd, int *err); int commview_open(wtap *wth, int *err, gchar **err_info) { commview_header_t cv_hdr; if(!commview_read_header(&cv_hdr, wth->fh, err, err_info)) { if (*err != 0 && *err != WTAP_ERR_SHORT_READ) return -1; return 0; } /* If any of these fields do not match what we expect, bail out. */ if(cv_hdr.version != 0 || cv_hdr.year < 1970 || cv_hdr.year >= 2038 || cv_hdr.month < 1 || cv_hdr.month > 12 || cv_hdr.day < 1 || cv_hdr.day > 31 || cv_hdr.hours > 23 || cv_hdr.minutes > 59 || cv_hdr.seconds > 60 || cv_hdr.signal_level_percent > 100 || (cv_hdr.flags & FLAGS_RESERVED) != 0 || ((cv_hdr.flags & FLAGS_MEDIUM) != MEDIUM_ETHERNET && (cv_hdr.flags & FLAGS_MEDIUM) != MEDIUM_WIFI && (cv_hdr.flags & FLAGS_MEDIUM) != MEDIUM_TOKEN_RING)) return 0; /* Not our kind of file */ /* No file header. Reset the fh to 0 so we can read the first packet */ if (file_seek(wth->fh, 0, SEEK_SET, err) == -1) return -1; /* Set up the pointers to the handlers for this file type */ wth->subtype_read = commview_read; wth->subtype_seek_read = commview_seek_read; wth->file_type_subtype = WTAP_FILE_TYPE_SUBTYPE_COMMVIEW; wth->file_encap = WTAP_ENCAP_PER_PACKET; wth->tsprecision = WTAP_FILE_TSPREC_USEC; return 1; /* Our kind of file */ } static int commview_read_packet(FILE_T fh, struct wtap_pkthdr *phdr, Buffer *buf, int *err, gchar **err_info) { commview_header_t cv_hdr; struct tm tm; if(!commview_read_header(&cv_hdr, fh, err, err_info)) return FALSE; switch(cv_hdr.flags & FLAGS_MEDIUM) { case MEDIUM_ETHERNET : phdr->pkt_encap = WTAP_ENCAP_ETHERNET; phdr->pseudo_header.eth.fcs_len = -1; /* Unknown */ break; case MEDIUM_WIFI : phdr->pkt_encap = WTAP_ENCAP_IEEE_802_11_WITH_RADIO; phdr->pseudo_header.ieee_802_11.fcs_len = -1; /* Unknown */ phdr->pseudo_header.ieee_802_11.channel = cv_hdr.channel; phdr->pseudo_header.ieee_802_11.data_rate = cv_hdr.rate | (cv_hdr.direction << 8); phdr->pseudo_header.ieee_802_11.signal_level = cv_hdr.signal_level_percent; break; case MEDIUM_TOKEN_RING : phdr->pkt_encap = WTAP_ENCAP_TOKEN_RING; break; default : *err = WTAP_ERR_BAD_FILE; *err_info = g_strdup_printf("commview: unsupported encap: %u", cv_hdr.flags & FLAGS_MEDIUM); return FALSE; } tm.tm_year = cv_hdr.year - 1900; tm.tm_mon = cv_hdr.month - 1; tm.tm_mday = cv_hdr.day; tm.tm_hour = cv_hdr.hours; tm.tm_min = cv_hdr.minutes; tm.tm_sec = cv_hdr.seconds; tm.tm_isdst = -1; phdr->presence_flags = WTAP_HAS_TS; phdr->len = cv_hdr.data_len; phdr->caplen = cv_hdr.data_len; phdr->ts.secs = mktime(&tm); phdr->ts.nsecs = cv_hdr.usecs * 1000; return wtap_read_packet_bytes(fh, buf, phdr->caplen, err, err_info); } static gboolean commview_read(wtap *wth, int *err, gchar **err_info, gint64 *data_offset) { *data_offset = file_tell(wth->fh); return commview_read_packet(wth->fh, &wth->phdr, wth->frame_buffer, err, err_info); } static gboolean commview_seek_read(wtap *wth, gint64 seek_off, struct wtap_pkthdr *phdr, Buffer *buf, int *err, gchar **err_info) { if(file_seek(wth->random_fh, seek_off, SEEK_SET, err) == -1) return FALSE; return commview_read_packet(wth->random_fh, phdr, buf, err, err_info); } static gboolean commview_read_header(commview_header_t *cv_hdr, FILE_T fh, int *err, gchar **err_info) { wtap_file_read_expected_bytes(&cv_hdr->data_len, 2, fh, err, err_info); wtap_file_read_expected_bytes(&cv_hdr->source_data_len, 2, fh, err, err_info); wtap_file_read_expected_bytes(&cv_hdr->version, 1, fh, err, err_info); wtap_file_read_expected_bytes(&cv_hdr->year, 2, fh, err, err_info); wtap_file_read_expected_bytes(&cv_hdr->month, 1, fh, err, err_info); wtap_file_read_expected_bytes(&cv_hdr->day, 1, fh, err, err_info); wtap_file_read_expected_bytes(&cv_hdr->hours, 1, fh, err, err_info); wtap_file_read_expected_bytes(&cv_hdr->minutes, 1, fh, err, err_info); wtap_file_read_expected_bytes(&cv_hdr->seconds, 1, fh, err, err_info); wtap_file_read_expected_bytes(&cv_hdr->usecs, 4, fh, err, err_info); wtap_file_read_expected_bytes(&cv_hdr->flags, 1, fh, err, err_info); wtap_file_read_expected_bytes(&cv_hdr->signal_level_percent, 1, fh, err, err_info); wtap_file_read_expected_bytes(&cv_hdr->rate, 1, fh, err, err_info); wtap_file_read_expected_bytes(&cv_hdr->band, 1, fh, err, err_info); wtap_file_read_expected_bytes(&cv_hdr->channel, 1, fh, err, err_info); wtap_file_read_expected_bytes(&cv_hdr->direction, 1, fh, err, err_info); wtap_file_read_expected_bytes(&cv_hdr->signal_level_dbm, 1, fh, err, err_info); wtap_file_read_expected_bytes(&cv_hdr->noise_level, 1, fh, err, err_info); /* Convert multi-byte values from little endian to host endian format */ cv_hdr->data_len = GUINT16_FROM_LE(cv_hdr->data_len); cv_hdr->source_data_len = GUINT16_FROM_LE(cv_hdr->source_data_len); cv_hdr->year = GUINT16_FROM_LE(cv_hdr->year); cv_hdr->usecs = GUINT32_FROM_LE(cv_hdr->usecs); return TRUE; } /* Returns 0 if we can write out the specified encapsulation type * into a CommView format file. */ int commview_dump_can_write_encap(int encap) { switch (encap) { case WTAP_ENCAP_ETHERNET : case WTAP_ENCAP_IEEE_802_11 : case WTAP_ENCAP_IEEE_802_11_WITH_RADIO : case WTAP_ENCAP_TOKEN_RING : case WTAP_ENCAP_PER_PACKET : return 0; default: return WTAP_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ENCAP; } } /* Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure; sets "*err" to an error code on failure */ gboolean commview_dump_open(wtap_dumper *wdh, int *err _U_) { wdh->subtype_write = commview_dump; wdh->subtype_close = NULL; /* There is no file header to write out */ wdh->bytes_dumped = 0; return TRUE; } /* Write a record for a packet to a dump file. * Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. */ static gboolean commview_dump(wtap_dumper *wdh, const struct wtap_pkthdr *phdr, const guint8 *pd, int *err) { commview_header_t cv_hdr; struct tm *tm; /* Don't write out anything bigger than we can read. * (The length field in packet headers is 16 bits, which * imposes a hard limit.) */ if (phdr->caplen > 65535) { *err = WTAP_ERR_PACKET_TOO_LARGE; return FALSE; } memset(&cv_hdr, 0, sizeof(cv_hdr)); cv_hdr.data_len = GUINT16_TO_LE((guint16)phdr->caplen); cv_hdr.source_data_len = GUINT16_TO_LE((guint16)phdr->caplen); cv_hdr.version = 0; tm = localtime(&phdr->ts.secs); cv_hdr.year = tm->tm_year + 1900; cv_hdr.month = tm->tm_mon + 1; cv_hdr.day = tm->tm_mday; cv_hdr.hours = tm->tm_hour; cv_hdr.minutes = tm->tm_min; cv_hdr.seconds = tm->tm_sec; cv_hdr.usecs = GUINT32_TO_LE(phdr->ts.nsecs / 1000); switch(phdr->pkt_encap) { case WTAP_ENCAP_ETHERNET : cv_hdr.flags |= MEDIUM_ETHERNET; break; case WTAP_ENCAP_IEEE_802_11 : cv_hdr.flags |= MEDIUM_WIFI; break; case WTAP_ENCAP_IEEE_802_11_WITH_RADIO : cv_hdr.flags |= MEDIUM_WIFI; cv_hdr.channel = phdr->pseudo_header.ieee_802_11.channel; cv_hdr.rate = (guint8)(phdr->pseudo_header.ieee_802_11.data_rate & 0xFF); cv_hdr.direction = (guint8)((phdr->pseudo_header.ieee_802_11.data_rate >> 8) & 0xFF); cv_hdr.signal_level_percent = phdr->pseudo_header.ieee_802_11.signal_level; break; case WTAP_ENCAP_TOKEN_RING : cv_hdr.flags |= MEDIUM_TOKEN_RING; break; default : *err = WTAP_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ENCAP; return FALSE; } if (!wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, &cv_hdr.data_len, 2, err)) return FALSE; if (!wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, &cv_hdr.source_data_len, 2, err)) return FALSE; if (!wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, &cv_hdr.version, 1, err)) return FALSE; if (!wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, &cv_hdr.year, 2, err)) return FALSE; if (!wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, &cv_hdr.month, 1, err)) return FALSE; if (!wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, &cv_hdr.day, 1, err)) return FALSE; if (!wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, &cv_hdr.hours, 1, err)) return FALSE; if (!wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, &cv_hdr.minutes, 1, err)) return FALSE; if (!wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, &cv_hdr.seconds, 1, err)) return FALSE; if (!wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, &cv_hdr.usecs, 4, err)) return FALSE; if (!wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, &cv_hdr.flags, 1, err)) return FALSE; if (!wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, &cv_hdr.signal_level_percent, 1, err)) return FALSE; if (!wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, &cv_hdr.rate, 1, err)) return FALSE; if (!wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, &cv_hdr.band, 1, err)) return FALSE; if (!wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, &cv_hdr.channel, 1, err)) return FALSE; if (!wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, &cv_hdr.direction, 1, err)) return FALSE; if (!wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, &cv_hdr.signal_level_dbm, 2, err)) return FALSE; if (!wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, &cv_hdr.noise_level, 2, err)) return FALSE; wdh->bytes_dumped += COMMVIEW_HEADER_SIZE; if (!wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, pd, phdr->caplen, err)) return FALSE; wdh->bytes_dumped += phdr->caplen; return TRUE; }