AboutDialog About Wireshark Wireshark Wireshark <span size=\"x-large\" weight=\"bold\">Network Protocol Analyzer</span> Authors Folders Name 名称 Plugins Type 类型 License ByteViewTab Packet bytes 分组字节流 CaptureFileDialog Wireshark: Open Capture File Wireshark: 打开捕获文件 Display Filter: 显示筛选器: &MAC name resolution Enable &network name resolution MAC 名字解析 MAC 厂家解析(&M) &Transport name resolution Use &external name resolver 传输名字解析 端口号解析(&T) &Network name resolution 网络名字解析 ip 地址解析(&N) &External name resolver 外部名字解析器 使用外部解析服务(&E) Wireshark: Export Specified Packets Wireshark: 导出特定分组 Export as: 导出为: All Files (*.*) 所有文件 (*.*) This capture file contains comments. 此捕获文件含有注释内容。 The file format you chose doesn't support comments. Do you want to save the capture in a format that supports comments or discard the comments and save in the format you chose? 您所选择的文件格式不支持注释。您希望将捕获内容保存为支持注释的格式,还是希望丢弃注释,直接保存为您所选的格式? Discard comments and save 丢弃注释并保存 Save in another format 保存为其他格式 No file format in which it can be saved supports comments. Do you want to discard the comments and save in the format you chose? 可以保存的文件格式中,没有支持注释的格式。是否希望丢弃注释内容,并以您所选的格式保存? Format: 格式: Size: 大小: Packets: 分组数目: First Packet: 首个分组: Elapsed Time: 已用时间: Prepend packets 前置分组 Insert packets from the selected file before the current file. Packet timestamps will be ignored. 将选中文件中的分组插入到当前文件之前。分组时间戳将被忽略。 Merge chronologically 按时间顺序合并 按时间戳合并 Insert packets in chronological order. 按照时间顺序插入分组。 Append packets 追加分组 Insert packets from the selected file after the current file. Packet timestamps will be ignored. 将选中文件中的分组插入到当前文件之后。分组时间戳将被忽略。 Automatic Compress with g&zip 用 gzip 压缩(&z) Wireshark: Save Capture File As Wireshark: 捕获文件另存为 Save as: 另存为: Wireshark: Merge Capture File Wireshark: 合并捕获文件 - - directory 目录 unknown file format 未知文件格式 error opening file 打开文件出错 %1 bytes %1 字节 error after reading %1 packets 读取 %1 分组后出错 more than %1 (preview timeout) 大于 %1 (预览超时) ? ? unknown 未知 CaptureFilterCombo Capture filter selector CaptureFilterEdit Capture filter entry Enter a capture filter %1 CaptureInterfacesDialog Wireshark: Capture interfaces Input Capture 捕获 Interface Traffic Link-layer header Prom. mode Snaplen [B] Buffer [MB] Mon. Mode Capture Filter <html><head/><body><p>You probably want to enable this. Usually a network card will only capture the traffic sent to its own network address. If you want to capture all traffic that the network card can &quot;see&quot;, mark this option. See the FAQ for some more details of capturing packets from a switched network.</p></body></html> Capture packets in promiscuous mode <html><head/><body><p>Show the capture summary dialog while capturing.</p></body></html> Show the capture summary dialog while capturing Add pipe... Output Output format: pcap-ng pcap Capture directly to file Browse... 浏览... File: 文件: Create a new file automatically after... Megabytes Kilobytes Bytes seconds minutes hours packets Reuse old files Options Display Options Update list of packets in real-time Automatically scroll during live capture Show extra capture information dialog Name Resolution 名字解析 Resolve MAC Addresses Resolve network names Resolve transport names Stop capture automatically after... Start Stop CapturePreferencesFrame Frame Default interface <html><head/><body><p>You probably want to enable this. Usually a network card will only capture the traffic sent to its own network address. If you want to capture all traffic that the network card can &quot;see&quot;, mark this option. See the FAQ for some more details of capturing packets from a switched network.</p></body></html> Capture packets in promiscuous mode <html><head/><body><p>Capture packets in the next-generation capture file format.</p></body></html> Capture packets in pcap-ng format <html><head/><body><p>Update the list of packets while capture is in progress. This can result in dropped packets on high-speed networks.</p></body></html> Update list of packets in real time <html><head/><body><p>Keep the packet list scrolled to the bottom while capturing.</p></body></html> Automatic scrolling in live capture <html><head/><body><p>Show the capture summary dialog while capturing.</p></body></html> Show the capture summary dialog while capturing ColumnPreferencesFrame Frame Displayed 已显示 Title Type 类型 Field name Field occurrence DecodeAsDialog Wireshark: Decode As Field Match using this field Value Current "Decode As" behavior Type 类型 Default 默认 Default "Decode As" behavior Current Change behavior when the protocol field matches this value Change the dissection behavior for a protocol. Remove this dissection behavior. Copy this dissection behavior. String 字符串 Integer, base unknown 未知 DisplayFilterCombo Display filter selector 显示筛选选择器 Select from previously used filters DisplayFilterEdit Apply a display filter %1 <%2/> 应用显示筛选器 %1 <%2/> Display filter entry Dispaly filter entry 显示筛选器条目 Enter a display filter %1 输入显示筛选器 %1 Bookmark this filter string Clear the filter string and update the display Apply this filter string to the display "%1" may have unexpected results (see the User's Guide) Invalid filter 无效筛选器 ExportDissectionDialog Wireshark: Export Packet Dissections Wireshark: 导出分组解析结果 Export as: 导出为: Plain text (*.txt) 纯文本 (*.txt) Comma Separated Values - summary (*.csv) 逗号分隔值 - 概要 (*.csv) PSML - summary (*.psml, *.xml) PSML - 概要 (*.psml, *.xml) PDML - details (*.pdml, *.xml) PDML - 详细 (*.pdml, *.xml) C Arrays - bytes (*.c, *.h) C 数组 - 字节流 (*.c, *.h) ExportObjectDialog Dialog 对话框 Packet 分组 Hostname 主机名 Content Type 内容类型 Size 大小 Filename 文件名 Searching for objects 正在搜索对象 Tap registration error Tap 注册错误 Unable to register 无法注册 tap: tap: Wireshark: Save Object As... Wireshark: 对象另存为... Wireshark: Save All Objects In... Wireshark: 保存范围内所有对象... Object Export 对象导出 Some files could not be saved. 部分文件无法保存。 ExportPDUDialog Dialog 对话框 Display filter: FileSetDialog Dialog 对话框 Directory: 目录: Filename 文件名 Created 创建时间 Modified 修改时间 Size 大小 Wireshark: No files in Set Wireshark: 集合中没有文件 No capture loaded 未加载捕获 Open this capture file 打开此捕获文件 Wireshark: %1 File%2 in Set Wireshark: %1 文件%2 在集合中 FilterExpressionsPreferencesFrame Frame Enabled Label Filter Expression FollowStreamDialog Follow Stream Hint. Show data as Stream Find: Find &Next Hide this stream Print Save as... %Ln client pkt(s), %Ln server pkt(s), %Ln turn(s). No capture file. Please make sure you have a capture file opened. Error following stream. Capture file invalid. Please make sure you have a TCP packet selected. Please make sure you have a UDP packet selected. Please make sure you have an SSL packet selected. Error creating filter for this stream. A transport or network layer header is needed. %Ln total stream(s). Could not read from temporary file %1: %2 Short read from temporary file %1: expected %2, got %3 Error reading temporary file FontColorPreferencesFrame Frame Main window font: Select Font Colors: Sample ignored packet text Sample marked packet text Sample "Follow Stream" client text Sample "Follow Stream" server text Sample valid filter Sample invalid filter Sample deprecated filter Wireshark: Font IOGraph Unknown 未知 IOGraphDialog Dialog 对话框 <html><head/><body> <h3>Valuable and amazing time-saving keyboard shortcuts</h3> <table><tbody> <tr><th>+</th><td>Zoom in</td></th> <tr><th>-</th><td>Zoom out</td></th> <tr><th>0</th><td>Reset graph to its initial state</td></th> <tr><th>→</th><td>Move right 10 pixels</td></th> <tr><th>←</th><td>Move left 10 pixels</td></th> <tr><th>↑</th><td>Move up 10 pixels</td></th> <tr><th>↓</th><td>Move down 10 pixels</td></th> <tr><th><i>Shift+</i>→</th><td>Move right 1 pixel</td></th> <tr><th><i>Shift+</i>←</th><td>Move left 1 pixel</td></th> <tr><th><i>Shift+</i>↑</th><td>Move up 1 pixel</td></th> <tr><th><i>Shift+</i>↓</th><td>Move down 1 pixel</td></th> <tr><th>g</th><td>Go to packet under cursor</td></th> <tr><th>z</th><td>Toggle mouse drag / zoom</td></th> <tr><th>t</th><td>Toggle capture / session time origin</td></th> <tr><th>Space</th><td>Toggle crosshairs</td></th> </tbody></table> </body></html> Name 名称 Display filter 显示筛选器 Color Style Y Axis Y Field Smoothing Change the dissection behavior for a protocol. Remove this dissection behavior. Copy this dissection behavior. Mouse Drag using the mouse button. drags Select using the mouse button. zooms Interval Time of day Log scale Reset Reset Graph Reset the graph to its initial state. 0 Zoom In + Zoom Out - - Move Up 10 Pixels Up Move Left 10 Pixels Left Move Right 10 Pixels Right Move Down 10 Pixels Down Move Up 1 Pixel Shift+Up Move Left 1 Pixel Shift+Left Move Right 1 Pixel Shift+Right Shift+Right Move Down 1 Pixel Move down 1 Pixel Move down 1 pixel Shift+Down Go To Packet Under Cursor Go to packet currently under the cursor G Drag / Zoom Toggle mouse drag / zoom behavior Z Capture / Session Time Origin Toggle capture / session time origin T Crosshairs Toggle crosshairs Space Save As... 0.001 sec 0.01 sec 0.1 sec 1 sec 10 sec 1 min 10 min Time (s) Wireshark IO Graphs: No Capture Data All packets TCP errors Hover over the graph for details. No packets in interval %1 %2 %1 %2 Click to select packet Packet 分组 %1 (%2s%3). Release to zoom, x = %1 to %2, y = %3 to %4 Unable to select range. Click to select a portion of the graph. Portable Document Format (*.pdf) Portable Network Graphics (*.png) Windows Bitmap (*.bmp) JPEG File Interchange Format (*.jpeg *.jpg) Wireshark: Save Graph As... ImportTextDialog Wireshark: Import from Hex Dump Wireshark: 从十六进制转储文件导入 Import From 导入来源 File: 文件: Set name of text file to import 设置要导入的文本文件名称 Browse for text file to import 浏览要导入的文本文件 Browse... 浏览... Offsets in the text file are in octal notation 八进制表示的文本文件偏移量 Octal 八进制 Offsets: 偏移量: Offsets in the text file are in hexadecimal notation 十六进制表示的文本文件偏移量 Hexadecimal 十六进制 Offsets in the text file are in decimal notation 十进制表示的文本文件偏移量 Decimal 十进制 The format in which to parse timestamps in the text file (eg. %H:%M:%S.). Format specifiers are based on strptime(3) 解析文本文件中时间戳所用的格式 (如 %H:%M:%S)。格式指定符号根据 strptime(3) 确定 Timestamp format: 时间戳格式: Whether or not the file contains information indicating the direction (inbound or outbound) of the packet. Direction indication: Maximum frame length: 最大帧长: The maximum size of the frames to write to the import capture file (max 64000) 写入导入捕获文件的最大帧长度 (最大 64000) Encapsulation 封装 Encapsulation Type: 封装类型: Encapsulation type of the frames in the import capture file 导入捕获文件中帧的封装类型 The UDP, TCP or SCTP source port for each frame 每一帧的 UDP、TCP 或 SCTP 来源端口 The SCTP DATA payload protocol identifier for each frame 每一帧的 SCTP DATA 有效载荷协议标识符 The UDP, TCP or SCTP destination port for each frame 每一帧的 UDP、TCP 或 SCTP 目标端口 Prefix each frame with an Ethernet header 每一帧前添加以太网头部 Ethernet 以太网 Prefix each frame with an Ethernet, IPv4 and SCTP header 每一帧前添加以太网、IPv4 及 SCTP 头部 SCTP SCTP PPI: PPI: Protocol (dec): 协议 (十进制): Leave frames unchanged 保持帧不变化 No dummy header 无虚头部 Tag: 标签: Prefix each frame with an Ethernet, IPv4 and UDP header 每一帧前添加以太网、IPv4 及 UDP 头部 UDP UDP Source port: 来源端口: The Ethertype value of each frame 每一帧的以太类型值 Prefix each frame with an Ethernet, IPv4 and TCP header 每一帧前添加以太网、IPv4 及 TCP 头部 TCP TCP The SCTP verification tag for each frame 每一帧的 SCTP 验证标签 Destination port: 目标端口: Ethertype (hex): 以太类型 (十六进制): The IPv4 protocol ID for each frame 每一帧的 IPv4 协议 ID Prefix each frame with an Ethernet, IPv4 and SCTP (DATA) header 每一帧前添加以太网、IPv4 及 SCTP (DATA) 头部 SCTP (Data) SCTP (Data) Prefix each frame with an Ethernet and IPv4 header 每一帧前添加以太网及 IPv4 头部 IPv4 IPv4 Wireshark: Import text file Wireshark: 导入文本文件 Example: %1 示例: %1 <i>(No format will be applied)</i> <i>(不会应用任何格式变更)</i> InterfaceTree Welcome screen list 欢迎屏幕列表 Waiting for startup 正在等待启动 Interface information not available %1 %1 LayoutPreferencesFrame Frame Pane 1: Packet List Packet Details Packet Bytes None Pane 2: Pane 3: MainStatusBar Ready to load or capture 已准备好加载或捕获 Ready to load file 已准备好加载文件 Manage Profiles... 管理配置文件... New... 新建... Edit... 编辑... Delete 删除 Switch to 切换到 is the highest expert info level 为最高专家信息级别 ERROR 错误 WARNING 警告 NOTE 通知 CHAT 会话 No expert info 无专家信息 Profile: 配置文件: Packets: %1 %4 Displayed: %2 %4 Marked: %3 分组: %1 %4 已显示: %2 %4 已标记: %3 %1 Dropped: %2 %1 已丢弃: %2 %1 Ignored: %2 %1 已忽略: %2 %1 Load time: %2:%3.%4 %1 加载时间: %2:%3.%4 No Packets 无分组 MainWelcome not found 未找到 Form 表单 <html><head/><body><p>User's Guide</p><p><br/></p><p>Wiki</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>用户指南</p><p><br/></p><p>Wiki</p></body></html> Capture live packets from the network 捕获 网络中实时传输的分组 Capture filter: <html><head/> <body> <h2><a href="http://www.wireshark.org/docs/wsug_html_chunked/">User's Guide</a></h2> <p> How to install Wireshark and how to use each of its features.<br/> Other formats and command-line man pages can be found on<br/> the <a href="http://www.wireshark.org/docs/">documentation page</a>. </p> <h2><a href="http://wiki.wireshark.org/">The Wireshark Wiki</a></h2> <p> User-contributed pages on different aspects of using Wireshark.<br/> Capturing in different environments, filtering, specific protocols,<br/> and a variety of other information. </p> <h2><a href="http://ask.wireshark.org/">Wireshark Q&amp;A</a></h2> <p> Question and answer site for Wireshark and protocol analysis. </p> <h2><a href="http://www.wireshark.org/lists/">Mailing Lists</a></h2> <p> In-depth discussions about Wireshark and protocol analysis. </p> </body></html> Capture live packets from your network Open a recent capture file 打开 最近保存的捕获文件 Learn more about Wireshark 了解 Wireshark 的更多信息 MainWindow Wireshark Wireshark 900000000; 900000000; Go to packet 转到分组 Cancel 取消 File 文件 Open Recent 打开最近 File Set 文件集合 Export Packet Dissections 导出分组解析结果 Export Objects 导出对象 Edit 编辑 Copy 复制 Capture 捕获 Help 帮助 Manual pages 说明文档 Go 转到 View 查看 Analyze 分析 Apply as Filter 作为筛选器应用 Prepare a Filter 准备筛选器 toolBar 工具栏 Open 打开 Open a capture file 打开已保存的捕获文件 Ctrl+O Ctrl+O Quit 退出 Quit Wireshark 退出 Wireshark Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q Start capturing packets 开始捕获分组 Next Packet 下一分组 Go to the next packet 转到下一分组 Ctrl+Down Ctrl+Down Previous Packet 前一分组 Go to the previous packet 转到前一分组 Ctrl+Up Ctrl+Up First Packet 首个分组 Go to the first packet 转到首个分组 Ctrl+Home Ctrl+Home Last Packet 最新分组 Go to the last packet 转到最新分组 Ctrl+End Ctrl+End E&xpand Subtrees 展开子树(&X) Expand the current packet detail 展开当前分组详情 Shift+Right Shift+Right &Expand All 展开全部(&E) Expand packet details 展开分组详情 Ctrl+Right Ctrl+Right Collapse &All 收起全部(&A) Collapse all packet details 收起所有分组详情 Ctrl+Left Ctrl+Left Go to Packet... 转到分组... Go to specified packet 转到特定分组 Ctrl+G Ctrl+G &Merge... 合并(&M)... Merge one or more files 合并一或多个文件 &Import... 导入(&I)... Import a file 导入文件 &Save 保存(&S) Save the current file 保存当前文件 Ctrl+S Ctrl+S Save &As... 另存为(&A)... Save as a different file 另存为不同的文件 Ctrl+Shift+S Ctrl+Shift+S Export Specified Packets... 导出特定分组... Options As Plain &Text... 为纯文本(&T)... As CSV... 为 CSV... As "C" Arrays... 为 C 语言数组... As PSML XML... 为 PSML XML... As PDML XML... 为 PDML XML... &HTTP... &HTTP... &DICOM... &DICOM... &SMB... &SMB... Description 描述 Ctrl+Shift+D Ctrl+Shift+D Field Name 字段名称 Ctrl+Shift+F Ctrl+Shift+F Value Ctrl+Shift+V Ctrl+Shift+V As Filter 作为筛选器 Ctrl+Shift+C Ctrl+Shift+C &Selected 选中(&S) &Not Selected 非选中(&N) Not Selected 非选中 ... &and Selected ... 与选中(&A) ... and Selected ... 与选中 ... &or Selected ... 或选中(&O) ... or Selected ... 或选中 ... a&nd not Selected ... 与非选中(&N) ... and not Selected ... 与非选中 ... o&r not Selected ... 或非选中(&R) ... or not Selected ... 或非选中 Display Filters... 显示筛选器... Display Filter &Macros... 显示筛选器宏(&M)... Apply as Column 应用为列 &Find Packet... 查找分组(&F)... Find a packet 查找一个分组 Ctrl+F Ctrl+F Find Ne&xt... 查找下一个(&X)... Find the next packet 查找下一分组 Ctrl+N Ctrl+N Find Pre&vious... 查找上一个(&V)... Find the previous packet 查找上一分组 Ctrl+B Ctrl+B &Mark/Unmark Packet 标记/取消标记分组(&M) Mark or unmark this packet 标记或取消标记该分组 Ctrl+M Ctrl+M Mark All Displayed 标记所有显示的分组 Mark all displayed packets 标记所有已经显示的分组 Ctrl+Shift+M Ctrl+Shift+M Unmark All Displayed 取消标记所有显示的分组 Unmark all displayed packets 取消标记所有已经显示的分组 Meta+Alt+M Meta+Alt+M Next Mark 下一标记 Go to the next marked packet 转到下一个已标记的分组 Meta+Shift+N Meta+Shift+N Previous Mark 前一标记 Go to the previous marked packet 转到前一个已标记的分组 Meta+Shift+B Meta+Shift+B &Ignore/Unignore Packet 忽略/取消忽略分组(&I) Ignore or unignore this packet 忽略或取消忽略该分组 Ctrl+D Ctrl+Alt+D Summary Protocol Hierarchy Capinfos Reordercap Time Sequence (Stevens) TCP time sequence graph (Stevens) Throughput TCP througput Round Trip Time TCP round trip time Window Scaling TCP window scaling Follow TCP Stream Follow UDP Stream Follow SSL Stream Time Sequence (tcptrace) TCP time sequence graph (tcptrace) Analyse this Association Show All Associations Flow Graph Flow sequence diagram ANCP ANCP statistics Packets sorted by Instance ID BACapp statistics sorted by instance ID Packets sorted by IP BACapp statistics sorted by IP Packets sorted by object type BACapp statistics sorted by object type Packets sorted by service BACapp statistics sorted by service Collectd Collectd statistics HART-IP HART-IP statistics Packet Counter HTTP packet counter Requests HTTP requests Load Distribution HTTP load distribution Packet Lengths Packet length statistics Sametime Sametime statistics &ISUP Messages ISUP message statistics RTSP packet counts SM&PP Operations SMPP operation statistics &UCP Messages UCP message statistics Decode &As... Change the way packets are dissected Filter this Association Export PDUs to File... &I/O Graph Create graphs based on display filter fields Show/hide the main toolbar Display Filter Show/hide the display filter toolbar Meta+X Meta+X Ignore All Displayed 忽略所有显示的分组 Ignore all displayed packets 忽略所有已经显示的分组 Meta+Alt+Shift+X Meta+Alt+Shift+X Unignore All Displayed 取消忽略所有显示的分组 Unignore all displayed packets 取消忽略所有已经显示的分组 Meta+Shift+X Meta+Shift+X Set/Unset Time Reference 设置/取消设置时间参考 Set or unset a time reference for this packet 设置或取消设置该分组的时间参考 Ctrl+T Ctrl+T Unset All Time References 取消设置所有时间参考 Remove all time references 移除所有时间参考 Ctrl+Alt+T Ctrl+Alt+T Next Time Reference 下一时间参考 Go to the next time reference 转到下一个时间参考 Ctrl+Alt+N Ctrl+Alt+N Previous Time Reference 前一时间参考 Go to the previous time reference 转到前一时间参考 Ctrl+Alt+B Ctrl+Alt+B Time Shift... 时间平移... Shift or change packet timestamps 平移或更改分组时间戳 Ctrl+Shift+T Ctrl+Shift+T Packet Comment... 分组注释... Add or change a packet comment 添加或更改分组注释 Name set in iconText to keep QMenuBar from grabbing it on OS X iconText 中设置的名称,避免在 OS X 上被 QMenuBar 捕获 Configuration Profiles... 修改配置文件... Configuration profiles Manage your configuration profiles 管理配置文件 &Preferences... 偏好设置(&P)... Manage configuration profiles 管理配置文件 Ctrl+Shift+A Ctrl+Shift+A Preferences... 偏好设置... Manage Wireshark's preferences 管理 Wireshark 的偏好设置 Ctrl+Shift+P Ctrl+Shift+P Export specified packets 导出指定分组 SCTP SCTP Statistics 统计 TCP Stream Graphs BACnet HTTP RTSP &Import from Hex Dump... Export Packet &Bytes... 导出分组字节流(&B)... Ctrl+H Ctrl+H Export SSL Session Keys... 导出 SSL 会话密钥... &Print... 打印(&P)... Ctrl+P Ctrl+P List Files 列出文件 Next File 下一文件 Previous File 上一文件 &Reload 重新加载(&R) Reload the current file 重新加载当前文件 Ctrl+R Ctrl+R &Options... 选项(&O)... Capture options 捕获选项 Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Capture &Filters... 捕获筛选器(&F)... Capture filters 捕获筛选器 Refresh Interfaces 刷新接口列表 Refresh interfaces 刷新接口列表 &Restart 重新开始(&R) Restart current capture 重新开始当前捕获 Stop capturing packets 停止捕获分组 Close 关闭 Ctrl+W Ctrl+W No files found 未找到文件 &Contents 内容(&C) F1 F1 &About Wireshark 关于 Wireshark (&A) Wireshark Filter Wireshark 筛选器 900000000 &File &Capture &Help &Go &View Toolbars &Analyze &Statistics Telephon&y &Edit Main Toolbar Display Filter Toolbar &Interfaces... 接口列表(&I)... Show interface details 显示接口详情 Ctrl+I Ctrl+I &Start 开始(&S) Ctrl+E Ctrl+E S&top 停止(&T) Close the current capture file 关闭当前捕获文件 TShark TShark RawShark RawShark Dumpcap Dumpcap Mergecap Mergecap Editcap Editcap Text2cap Text2cap Website 网站 FAQ's 常见问题 Downloads 下载 Wiki Wiki Sample Captures 示例捕获 Ask (Q&&A) 提问 (问答平台) (&A) Loading: %1 正在加载: %1 Invalid Display Filter 显示筛选器无效 The filter expression %1 isn't a valid display filter. (%2). 筛选器表达式 %1 不是有效的显示筛选器 (%2)。 Save packets before merging? 是否在合并之前保存分组? Check for Updates... splitterMaster splitterExtra emptyPane A temporary capture file can't be merged. 无法合并临时捕获文件。 Save changes in "%1" before merging? 是否在合并前保存对“%1”的改动? Changes must be saved before the files can be merged. 文件在合并之前,其改动必须先保存。 before importing a new capture 导入新捕获前 Unable to export to "%1". 无法导出“%1”。 You cannot export packets to the current capture file. 您不能将分组导出到当前捕获文件。 . . You have unsaved packets 您有未保存的分组 They will be lost if you don't save them. 若不保存,这些分组将会丢失。 Do you want to stop the capture and save the captured packets 是否希望停止捕获,并保存已捕获的分组 Do you want to save the captured packets 是否希望保存已捕获的分组 ? ? Your captured packets will be lost if you don't save them. 若不保存,您已经捕获的分组将会丢失。 Do you want to save the changes you've made to the capture file "%1"%2? 是否希望保存对捕获文件“%1”%2 的更改? Your changes will be lost if you don't save them. 若不保存,您的更改将会丢失。 Stop and Save 停止并保存 Stop and Quit without Saving Stop and Quit without Saving) 停止,并且不保存直接退出 Quit without Saving 不保存,直接退出 Stop and Continue without Saving 停止并继续,而不必保存 Continue &without Saving (File name can't be mapped to UTF-8) The Wireshark Network Analyzer Clear Menu 清除菜单 Please wait while Wireshark is initializing . . . Wireshark: Export Selected Packet Bytes Wireshark: 导出选中分组的字节流 Raw data (*.bin *.dat *.raw);;Any File (*.*) 原始数据 (*.bin *.dat *.raw);;任意文件 (*.*) No Keys 无密钥 There are no SSL Session Keys to save. 没有可以保存的 SSL 会话密钥。 SSL Session Keys (*.keys *.txt);;Any File (*.*) SSL 会话密钥 (*.keys *.txt);;任意文件 (*.*) Couldn't copy text. Try another item. 无法复制文本。请尝试其他对象。 No filter available. Try another 无筛选器可用。请尝试其他 No Interface Selected 未选中接口 MainWindowPreferencesFrame Frame Checking this will save the size, position, and maximized state of the main window. 选中本项将保持主窗口的大小、位置及最大化状态。 Remember main window size and placement 记住主窗口的大小及位置 Open files in 打开文件夹中的文件 This folder: 该文件夹: Choose... 选择... Browse... 浏览... The most recently used folder 最近使用的文件夹 Show up to 显示最多 filter entries 筛选器条目 recent files 个最近文件 Confirm unsaved capture files 确认未保存的捕获文件 If checked the packet detail items will be automatically scrolled when they are expanded. 若选中,分组详情项目将随着展开而自动滚动。 Automatically scroll packet details 自动滚动分组详情视图 Percentage distance from the top to scroll packet details. 从顶部到滚动分组详情的百分比距离。 Packet detail scroll percentage: 分组详情滚动百分比: Main toolbar style: Icons only Text only Icons & Text Filter toolbar style: Language: Auto-Detect English Français Deutsch Chinese Open Files In 打开文件夹中文件 ModulePreferencesScrollArea ScrollArea Wireshark: PacketCommentDialog Wireshark: Packet Comment Wireshark: 分组注释 PacketFormatGroupBox GroupBox 分组框 Packet Format 分组格式 <html><head/><body><p>Packet summary lines similar to the packet list</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>分组概要行,与分组列表类似</p></body></html> Summary line 概要行 <html><head/><body><p>Packet details similar to the protocol tree</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>分组详情,与协议树类似</p></body></html> Details: 详情: <html><head/><body><p>Export only top-level packet detail items</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>只导出最高层分组详情项目</p></body></html> All co&llapsed 全部收起(&L) <html><head/><body><p>Expand and collapse packet details as they are currently displayed.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>按当前显示状态展开与收起分组报文详情。</p></body></html> As displa&yed 按当前显示(&Y) <html><head/><body><p>Export all packet detail items</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>导出所有分组详情项目</p></body></html> All e&xpanded 全部展开(&X) <html><head/><body><p>Export a hexdump of the packet data similar to the packet bytes view</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>导出分组数据的十六进制转储,类似于分组字节视图</p></body></html> Bytes 字节流 PacketList Follow... SCTP SCTP Apply as Filter 作为筛选器应用 Prepare a Filter 准备筛选器 Colorize with Filter 用筛选器着色 Copy 复制 Bytes 字节 Frame %1: %2 帧 %1: %2 [ Comment text exceeds %1. Stopping. ] [ 注释文本超过 %1。正在停止。 ] Change Time Display Format? 更改时间显示格式? Time References don't work well with the currently selected Time Display Format. Do you want to switch to "Seconds Since Beginning of Capture" now? 时间参考与当前选中的时间显示格式搭配使用效果不佳。 您是否希望立刻切换为“捕获开始后秒数”? PacketRangeGroupBox Form 表单 Packet Range 分组范围 - - Displayed 已显示 &Marked packets only 仅已标记分组(&M) &Range: 范围(&R): Remove &ignored packets 移除已忽略分组(&I) First &to last marked 第一个到标记的最后一个(&T) &All packets 所有分组(&A) &Selected packets only 仅选中分组(&S) Captured 已捕获 PreferencesDialog Dialog 对话框 Appearance 外观 Layout 布局 Columns Font and Colors 字体与颜色 Capture 捕获 Filter Expressions 筛选器表达式 Name Resolution 名字解析 Protocols 协议 Statistics 统计 Wireshark: Preferences Filter Bookmarks Advanced 高级 Search: 搜索: Name 名称 Status 状态 Type 类型 Value Unknown 未知 Default 默认 Changed 已更改 Wireshark: PrintDialog Wireshark: Print Wireshark: 打印 Packet Format 分组格式 Print each packet on a new page 每个分组另起一页打印 <html><head/><body><p>Use the &quot;+&quot; and &quot;-&quot; keys to zoom the preview in and out. Use the &quot;0&quot; key to reset the zoom level.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>使用“+”“-”键可放大与缩小预览。用“0”键可重置缩放级别。</p><!--&quot;--></body></html> <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:small; font-style:italic;">+ and - zoom, 0 resets</span></p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:small; font-style:italic;">+ 与 - 缩放,0 重置</span></p></body></html> Packet Range 分组范围 &Print... 打印(&P)... Page &Setup... 页面配置(&S)... %1 %2 total packets, %3 shown %1 %2 总分组数,%3 已显示 Print Error 打印错误 Unable to print to %1. 无法打印至 %1。 ProfileDialog Wireshark: Configuration Profiles Wireshark: 修改配置文件 Create a new profile using default settings. 用默认设置创建新的配置文件。 Remove this profile. 移除该配置文件。 Copy this profile. 复制该配置文件。 Go to 转到 A profile already exists with that name. 已存在该名称的配置文件。 Profile Error 配置文件错误 ProtoTree Packet details 分组详情 Apply as Filter 作为筛选器应用 Prepare a Filter 准备筛选器 Colorize with Filter 用筛选器着色 Copy 复制 Bytes 字节 , 1 byte , 1 字节 , %1 bytes , %1 字节 QObject Has this preference been changed? 该偏好设置是否已变更? Default value is empty 默认值为空 Edit... 编辑... Browse... 浏览... Avgerage Througput (bits/s) Round Trip Time (ms) Segment Length (B) Sequence Number (B) Time (s) Window Size (B) Packets/s Bytes/s Bits/s SUM(Y Field) COUNT FRAMES(Y Field) COUNT FIELDS(Y Field) MAX(Y Field) MIN(Y Field) AVG(Y Field) LOAD(Y Field) Line Impulse Bar Stacked Bar Dot Square Diamond None %1 interval SMA SCTPAllAssocsDialog Wireshark - SCTP Associations ID Port 1 Port 2 Number of Packets Number of DATA Chunks Number of Bytes Filter Selected Association Analyze 分析 Reset Graph Reset the graph to its initial state. 0 Zoom In + Zoom Out - - Move Up 10 Pixels Up Move Left 10 Pixels Left Move Right 10 Pixels Right Move Down 10 Pixels Down Move Up 1 Pixel Shift+Up Move Left 1 Pixel Shift+Left Move Right 1 Pixel Shift+Right Shift+Right Move Down 1 Pixel Shift+Down Next Stream Go to the next stream in the capture PgUp Previous Stream Go to the previous stream in the capture PgDown Switch Direction Switch direction (swap TCP endpoints) D Go To Packet Under Cursor Go to packet currently under the cursor G Drag / Zoom Toggle mouse drag / zoom behavior Z Relative / Absolute Sequence Numbers Toggle relative / absolute sequence numbers S Capture / Session Time Origin Toggle capture / session time origin T Crosshairs Toggle crosshairs Space Round Trip Time Switch to the Round Trip Time graph 1 Throughput Switch to the Throughput graph 2 Time / Sequence (Stevens) Switch to the Stevens-style Time / Sequence graph 3 Window Scaling Switch to the Window Scaling graph 5 Time / Sequence (tcptrace) Switch to the tcptrace-style Time / Sequence graph 4 SCTPAssocAnalyseDialog Wireshark - Analyse Association TabWidget Statistics 统计 Chunk Statistics Filter Association Close 关闭 Number of Data Chunks from EP2 to EP1: Checksum Type: Number of Data Chunks from EP1 to EP2: Number of Data Bytes from EP1 to EP2: Number of Data Bytes from EP2 to EP1: TextLabel Endpoint 1 Graph TSN Graph Bytes Complete list of IP Addresses as provided in the INIT Chunk Requested Number of Inbound Streams: Port: Sent Verification Tag: Minimum Number of Inbound Streams: Minimum Number of Outbound Streams: Graph Arwnd Endpoint 2 Provided Number of Outbound Streams: Complete list of IP Addresses as provided in the INIT-ACK Chunk Graph a_rwnd SCTP Analyse Association: %1 Port1 %2 Port2 %3 No Association found for this packet. Complete list of IP-Addresses as provided in the INIT-Chunk Complete list of IP-Addresses as provided in the INITACK-Chunk List of used IP-Addresses Used Number of Inbound Streams: Used Number of Outbound Streams: SCTPChunkStatisticsDialog Dialog 对话框 Association Endpoint 1 Endpoint 2 Save Chunk Type Order Hide Chunk Type Remove the chunk type from the table Chunk Type Preferences Go to the chunk type preferences dialog to show or hide other chunk types Show All Registered Chunk Types Show all chunk types with defined names SCTP Chunk Statistics: %1 Port1 %2 Port2 %3 SCTPGraphArwndDialog SCTP Graph Reset to full size <html><head/><body><p><br/></p></body></html> Save Graph goToPacket Go to Packet SCTP Data and Adv. Rec. Window over Time: %1 Port1 %2 Port2 %3 No Data Chunks sent Arwnd time [secs] Advertised Receiver Window [Bytes] <small><i>Graph %1: a_rwnd=%2 Time=%3 secs </i></small> SCTPGraphByteDialog SCTP Graph Reset to full size <html><head/><body><p><br/></p></body></html> Save Graph goToPacket Go to Packet SCTP Data and Adv. Rec. Window over Time: %1 Port1 %2 Port2 %3 No Data Chunks sent Bytes time [secs] Received Bytes <small><i>Graph %1: Received bytes=%2 Time=%3 secs </i></small> SCTPGraphDialog SCTP Graph Only SACKs Only TSNs Show both Reset to full size <html><head/><body><p><br/></p></body></html> Save Graph goToPacket Go to Packet SCTP TSNs and SACKs over Time: %1 Port1 %2 Port2 %3 No Data Chunks sent CumTSNAck Gap Ack NR Gap Ack Duplicate Ack TSN time [secs] TSNs <small><i>%1: %2 Time: %3 secs </i></small> Portable Document Format (*.pdf) Portable Network Graphics (*.png) Windows Bitmap (*.bmp) JPEG File Interchange Format (*.jpeg *.jpg) Wireshark: Save Graph As... SearchFrame Frame <html><head/><body><p>Search the Info column of the packet list (summary pane), decoded packet display labels (tree view pane) or the ASCII-converted packet data (hex view pane).</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>搜索分组列表 (概要窗格) 的“信息”列、解码分组显示标签 (树形视图窗格) 或转换为 ASCII 字符的分组数据 (十六进制视图窗格)。</p></body></html> Packet list 分组列表 Packet details 分组详情 Packet bytes 分组字节流 <html><head/><body><p>Search for strings containing narrow (UTF-8 and ASCII) or wide (UTF-16) characters.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>搜索包含窄字符集 (UTF-8 与 ASCII) 或宽字符集 (UTF-16) 的字符串。</p></body></html> Narrow & Wide 宽窄 Narrow (UTF-8 / ASCII) 窄 (UTF-8 / ASCII) Wide (UTF-16) 宽 (UTF-16) Case sensitive 区分大小写 <html><head/><body><p>Search for data using display filter syntax (e.g. ip.addr==, a hexadecimal string (e.g. fffffda5) or a plain string (e.g. My String).</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>以显示筛选器语法 (如 ip.addr==、十六进制字符串 (如 fffffda5) 或纯字符串 (如 My String) 搜索数据。</p></body></html> Display filter 显示筛选器 Hex value 十六进制值 String 字符串 Find 查找 Cancel 取消 No valid search type selected. Please report this to the development team. 未选择有效的搜索类型。请将此问题报告给开发团队。 Invalid filter. 无效筛选器。 That filter doesn't test anything. 该筛选器未测试任何项目。 That's not a valid hex string. 不是有效的十六进制字符串。 You didn't specify any text for which to search. 您未指定任何要搜索的文本。 No valid character set selected. Please report this to the development team. 未选择有效的字符集。请将此问题报告给开发团队。 No valid search area selected. Please report this to the development team. 未选择有效的搜索范围。请将此问题报告给开发团队。 No packet contained those bytes. 无分组包含这些字节流。 No packet contained that string in its Info column. 无分组的“信息”列包含该字符串。 No packet contained that string in its dissected display. 无分组的解析视图包含该字符串。 No packet contained that string in its converted data. 无分组转换后的数据包含该字符串。 No packet matched that filter. 无分组与该筛选器匹配。 SequenceDialog Flow <html><head/><body> <h3>Valuable and amazing time-saving keyboard shortcuts</h3> <table><tbody> <tr><th>0</th><td>Reset graph to its initial state</td></th> <tr><th>→</th><td>Move right 10 pixels</td></th> <tr><th>←</th><td>Move left 10 pixels</td></th> <tr><th>↑</th><td>Move up 10 pixels</td></th> <tr><th>↓</th><td>Move down 10 pixels</td></th> <tr><th><i>Shift+</i>→</th><td>Move right 1 pixel</td></th> <tr><th><i>Shift+</i>←</th><td>Move left 1 pixel</td></th> <tr><th><i>Shift+</i>↑</th><td>Move up 1 pixel</td></th> <tr><th><i>Shift+</i>↓</th><td>Move down 1 pixel</td></th> <tr><th>g</th><td>Go to packet under cursor</td></th> </tbody></table> </body></html> <small><i>A hint</i></small> Show: All packets Displayed packets Flow type: Addresses: Any Network Reset Reset Diagram Reset the diagram to its initial state. 0 Move Up 10 Pixels Up Move Left 10 Pixels Left Move Right 10 Pixels Right Move Down 10 Pixels Down Move Up 1 Pixel Shift+Up Move Left 1 Pixel Shift+Left Move Right 1 Pixel Shift+Right Shift+Right Move Down 1 Pixel Shift+Down Go To Packet Under Cursor Go to packet currently under the cursor G All Flows Show flows for all packets 1 TCP Flows Show only TCP flow information Save As... %Ln node(s) %Ln item(s) Portable Document Format (*.pdf) Portable Network Graphics (*.png) Windows Bitmap (*.bmp) JPEG File Interchange Format (*.jpeg *.jpg) ASCII (*.txt) Wireshark: Save Graph As... SplashOverlay Form 表单 Initializing dissectors 正在初始化解析器 Initializing tap listeners 正在初始化 tap 监听器 Registering dissector 正在注册解析器 Registering plugins 正在注册插件 Registering Python dissectors 正在注册 Python 解析器 Handing off dissector 正在卸载解析器 Handing off plugins 正在卸载插件 Handing off Python dissectors 正在卸载 Python 解析器 Loading Lua plugins 正在加载 Lua 插件 Loading module preferences 正在加载模块偏好设置 Loading configuration files 正在加载配置文件 (Unknown action) (未知操作) StatsTreeDialog Dialog 对话框 Display filter: Regenerate statistics using this display filter Apply Copy 复制 Copy a text representation of the tree to the clipboard Ctrl+C Save as... Save the stats_tree data in various formats Ctrl+S Ctrl+S Configuration not found Unable to find configuration for %1. Stats Tree %1 already open Each type of tree can only be generated one at time. Each type of tree can only be generated one at at time. %1 failed to attach to tap Wireshark: Save stats tree as ... Plain text file (*.txt);;Comma separated values (*.csv);;XML document (*.xml);;YAML document (*.yaml) Plain text file (*.txt) Error saving file %1 SummaryDialog Wireshark - Summary File capture details File 文件 Name 名称 / Length Format Encapsulation 封装 Time First packet Last packet Elapsed Capture 捕获 Capture file comments OS Unknown 未知 Capture app Capture statistics Traffic Captured 已捕获 Displayed 已显示 Marked Interface Dropped packets Capture filter Link type Link size Packet size limit Display filter 显示筛选器 Ignored packets Comment summary Refresh Copy To Clipboard Summary created by Wireshark %1 File: Name: %1 Length: %1 bytes Format: %1%2 (gzip compressed) Encapsulation: %1 Time: First packet: %1 Last packet: %1 Elapsed: %1 Capture: OS: %1 Capture application: %1 Dropped packets: %1 Capture filter: %1 Link type: %1 Packet size limit: %1 Statistics: %1: %2 Capture File Comments: Not representable %1 bytes (%2 Mbytes) unknown 未知 none %u bytes Packets Between first and last packet %.3f sec Avg. packets/sec Avg. packet size % Bytes Avg. bytes/sec Avg. MBit/sec TCPStreamDialog Dialog 对话框 <html><head/><body> <h3>Valuable and amazing time-saving keyboard shortcuts</h3> <table><tbody> <tr><th>+</th><td>Zoom in</td></th> <tr><th>-</th><td>Zoom out</td></th> <tr><th>0</th><td>Reset graph to its initial state</td></th> <tr><th>→</th><td>Move right 10 pixels</td></th> <tr><th>←</th><td>Move left 10 pixels</td></th> <tr><th>↑</th><td>Move up 10 pixels</td></th> <tr><th>↓</th><td>Move down 10 pixels</td></th> <tr><th><i>Shift+</i>→</th><td>Move right 1 pixel</td></th> <tr><th><i>Shift+</i>←</th><td>Move left 1 pixel</td></th> <tr><th><i>Shift+</i>↑</th><td>Move up 1 pixel</td></th> <tr><th><i>Shift+</i>↓</th><td>Move down 1 pixel</td></th> <tr><th><i>Pg Up</i></th><td>Next stream</td></th> <tr><th><i>Pg Dn</i></th><td>Previous stream</td></th> <tr><th>d</th><td>Switch direction (swap TCP endpoints)</td></th> <tr><th>g</th><td>Go to packet under cursor</td></th> <tr><th>z</th><td>Toggle mouse drag / zoom</td></th> <tr><th>s</th><td>Toggle relative / absolute sequence numbers</td></th> <tr><th>t</th><td>Toggle capture / session time origin</td></th> <tr><th>Space</th><td>Toggle crosshairs</td></th> <tr><th>1</th><td>Round Trip Time graph</td></th> <tr><th>2</th><td>Throughput graph</td></th> <tr><th>3</th><td>Stevens-style Time / Sequence graph</td></th> <tr><th>4</th><td>tcptrace-style Time / Sequence graph</td></th> <tr><th>5</th><td>Window Scaling graph</td></th> </tbody></table> </body></html> <small><i>Mouse over for shortcuts</i></small> Type 类型 Stream <html><head/><body><p>Switch the direction of the connection (view the opposite flow).</p></body></html> Switch Direction Mouse Drag using the mouse button. drags Select using the mouse button. zooms <html><head/><body><p>Reset the graph to its initial state.</p></body></html> Reset Reset Graph Reset the graph to its initial state. 0 Zoom In + Zoom Out - - Move Up 10 Pixels Up Move Left 10 Pixels Left Move Right 10 Pixels Right Move Down 10 Pixels Down Move Up 1 Pixel Shift+Up Move Left 1 Pixel Shift+Left Move Right 1 Pixel Shift+Right Shift+Right Move Down 1 Pixel Shift+Down Next Stream Go to the next stream in the capture PgUp Previous Stream Go to the previous stream in the capture PgDown Switch direction (swap TCP endpoints) D Go To Packet Under Cursor Go to packet currently under the cursor G Drag / Zoom Toggle mouse drag / zoom behavior Z Relative / Absolute Sequence Numbers Toggle relative / absolute sequence numbers S Capture / Session Time Origin Toggle capture / session time origin T Crosshairs Toggle crosshairs Space Round Trip Time Switch to the Round Trip Time graph 1 Throughput Switch to the Throughput graph 2 Time / Sequence (Stevens) Switch to the Stevens-style Time / Sequence graph 3 Window Scaling Switch to the Window Scaling graph 5 Time / Sequence (tcptrace) Switch to the tcptrace-style Time / Sequence graph 4 Save As... No Capture Data %1 %2 pkts, %3 %4 %5 pkts, %6 Sequence Numbers (Stevens) Sequence Numbers (tcptrace) (1s MA) (%1 Segment MA) [not enough data] for %1:%2 %3 %4:%5 %1 %2 (%3s len %4 seq %5 ack %6 win %7) Click to select packet Packet 分组 Release to zoom, x = %1 to %2, y = %3 to %4 Unable to select range. Click to select a portion of the graph. Portable Document Format (*.pdf) Portable Network Graphics (*.png) Windows Bitmap (*.bmp) JPEG File Interchange Format (*.jpeg *.jpg) Wireshark: Save Graph As... TimeShiftDialog Wireshark: Time Shift Wireshark: 时间平移 Shift all packets by 平移所有分组 <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:small; font-style:italic;">[-][[hh:]mm:]ss[.ddd] </span></p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:small; font-style:italic;">[-][[hh:]mm:]ss[.ddd] </span></p></body></html> Set the time for packet 设置分组时间 to ...then set packet ...然后设置分组 and extrapolate the time for all other packets 并推算所有其他分组的时间 <html><head/><body><p align="right"><span style=" font-size:small; font-style:italic;">[YYYY-MM-DD] hh:mm:ss[.ddd] </span></p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right"><span style=" font-size:small; font-style:italic;">[YYYY-MM-DD] hh:mm:ss[.ddd] </span></p></body></html> Undo all shifts 撤销所有平移 Frame numbers must be between 1 and %1. 帧序号必须介于 1 与 %1。 Invalid frame number. 帧序号无效。 Time shifting is not available capturing packets. 时间平移在捕获分组过程中不可用。 UatDialog Create a new profile using default settings. 用默认设置创建新的配置文件。 Remove this profile. 移除该配置文件。 Copy this profile. 复制该配置文件。 Unknown User Accessible Table Open