/* tcp_stream_dialog.cpp * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "tcp_stream_dialog.h" #include #include "epan/to_str.h" #include "wsutil/str_util.h" #include #include "tango_colors.h" #include "qt_ui_utils.h" #include "progress_frame.h" #include "wireshark_application.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include // To do: // - Show a message or disable the graph if we don't have any data. // - Add a bytes in flight graph // - Make the crosshairs tracer a vertical band? // - Implement File->Copy // - Add UDP graphs // - Make the first throughput MA period a dotted/dashed line? // - Add range scroll bars? // - ACK & RWIN segment ticks in tcptrace graph // - Add missing elements (retrans, URG, SACK, etc) to tcptrace. It probably makes // sense to subclass QCPGraph for this. // The GTK+ version computes a 20 (or 21!) segment moving average. Comment // out the line below to use that. By default we use a 1 second MA. #define MA_1_SECOND #ifndef MA_1_SECOND const int moving_avg_period_ = 20; #endif const QRgb graph_color_1 = tango_sky_blue_5; const QRgb graph_color_2 = tango_butter_6; const QRgb graph_color_3 = tango_chameleon_5; //const QRgb graph_color_4 = tango_aluminium_6; // Size of selectable packet points in the base graph const double pkt_point_size_ = 3.0; // Don't accidentally zoom into a 1x1 rect if you happen to click on the graph // in zoom mode. const int min_zoom_pixels_ = 20; const QString average_throughput_label_ = QObject::tr("Average Througput (bits/s)"); const QString round_trip_time_ms_label_ = QObject::tr("Round Trip Time (ms)"); const QString segment_length_label_ = QObject::tr("Segment Length (B)"); const QString sequence_number_label_ = QObject::tr("Sequence Number (B)"); const QString time_s_label_ = QObject::tr("Time (s)"); const QString window_size_label_ = QObject::tr("Window Size (B)"); TCPStreamDialog::TCPStreamDialog(QWidget *parent, capture_file *cf, tcp_graph_type graph_type) : QDialog(NULL, Qt::Window), ui(new Ui::TCPStreamDialog), cap_file_(cf), ts_origin_conn_(true), seq_origin_zero_(true), mouse_drags_(true), rubber_band_(NULL), num_dsegs_(-1), num_acks_(-1), num_sack_ranges_(-1) { struct segment current; int graph_idx = -1; ui->setupUi(this); setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true); struct tcpheader *header = select_tcpip_session(cap_file_, ¤t); if (!header) { done(QDialog::Rejected); return; } //#ifdef Q_OS_MAC // ui->hintLabel->setAttribute(Qt::WA_MacSmallSize, true); //#endif QComboBox *gtcb = ui->graphTypeComboBox; gtcb->setUpdatesEnabled(false); gtcb->addItem(ui->actionRoundTripTime->text(), GRAPH_RTT); if (graph_type == GRAPH_RTT) graph_idx = gtcb->count() - 1; gtcb->addItem(ui->actionThroughput->text(), GRAPH_THROUGHPUT); if (graph_type == GRAPH_THROUGHPUT) graph_idx = gtcb->count() - 1; gtcb->addItem(ui->actionStevens->text(), GRAPH_TSEQ_STEVENS); if (graph_type == GRAPH_TSEQ_STEVENS) graph_idx = gtcb->count() - 1; gtcb->addItem(ui->actionTcptrace->text(), GRAPH_TSEQ_TCPTRACE); if (graph_type == GRAPH_TSEQ_TCPTRACE) graph_idx = gtcb->count() - 1; gtcb->addItem(ui->actionWindowScaling->text(), GRAPH_WSCALE); if (graph_type == GRAPH_WSCALE) graph_idx = gtcb->count() - 1; gtcb->setUpdatesEnabled(true); ui->dragRadioButton->setChecked(mouse_drags_); ctx_menu_.addAction(ui->actionZoomIn); ctx_menu_.addAction(ui->actionZoomInX); ctx_menu_.addAction(ui->actionZoomInY); ctx_menu_.addAction(ui->actionZoomOut); ctx_menu_.addAction(ui->actionZoomOutX); ctx_menu_.addAction(ui->actionZoomOutY); ctx_menu_.addAction(ui->actionReset); ctx_menu_.addSeparator(); ctx_menu_.addAction(ui->actionMoveRight10); ctx_menu_.addAction(ui->actionMoveLeft10); ctx_menu_.addAction(ui->actionMoveUp10); ctx_menu_.addAction(ui->actionMoveDown10); ctx_menu_.addAction(ui->actionMoveRight1); ctx_menu_.addAction(ui->actionMoveLeft1); ctx_menu_.addAction(ui->actionMoveUp1); ctx_menu_.addAction(ui->actionMoveDown1); ctx_menu_.addSeparator(); ctx_menu_.addAction(ui->actionNextStream); ctx_menu_.addAction(ui->actionPreviousStream); ctx_menu_.addAction(ui->actionSwitchDirection); ctx_menu_.addAction(ui->actionGoToPacket); ctx_menu_.addSeparator(); ctx_menu_.addAction(ui->actionDragZoom); ctx_menu_.addAction(ui->actionToggleSequenceNumbers); ctx_menu_.addAction(ui->actionToggleTimeOrigin); ctx_menu_.addAction(ui->actionCrosshairs); ctx_menu_.addSeparator(); ctx_menu_.addAction(ui->actionRoundTripTime); ctx_menu_.addAction(ui->actionThroughput); ctx_menu_.addAction(ui->actionStevens); ctx_menu_.addAction(ui->actionTcptrace); ctx_menu_.addAction(ui->actionWindowScaling); memset (&graph_, 0, sizeof(graph_)); graph_.type = graph_type; copy_address(&graph_.src_address, ¤t.ip_src); graph_.src_port = current.th_sport; copy_address(&graph_.dst_address, ¤t.ip_dst); graph_.dst_port = current.th_dport; graph_.stream = header->th_stream; findStream(); ui->streamNumberSpinBox->blockSignals(true); ui->streamNumberSpinBox->setMaximum(get_tcp_stream_count() - 1); ui->streamNumberSpinBox->setValue(graph_.stream); ui->streamNumberSpinBox->blockSignals(false); QCustomPlot *sp = ui->streamPlot; QCPPlotTitle *file_title = new QCPPlotTitle(sp, cf_get_display_name(cap_file_)); file_title->setFont(sp->xAxis->labelFont()); title_ = new QCPPlotTitle(sp); sp->plotLayout()->insertRow(0); sp->plotLayout()->addElement(0, 0, file_title); sp->plotLayout()->insertRow(0); sp->plotLayout()->addElement(0, 0, title_); base_graph_ = sp->addGraph(); // All: Selectable segments base_graph_->setPen(QPen(QBrush(graph_color_1), 0.25)); tput_graph_ = sp->addGraph(sp->xAxis, sp->yAxis2); // Throughput: Moving average tput_graph_->setPen(QPen(QBrush(graph_color_2), 0.5)); tput_graph_->setLineStyle(QCPGraph::lsLine); seg_graph_ = sp->addGraph(); // tcptrace: fwd segments seg_graph_->setErrorType(QCPGraph::etValue); seg_graph_->setLineStyle(QCPGraph::lsNone); seg_graph_->setScatterStyle(QCPScatterStyle(QCPScatterStyle::ssDot, Qt::transparent, 0)); seg_graph_->setErrorPen(QPen(QBrush(graph_color_1), 0.5)); seg_graph_->setErrorBarSize(pkt_point_size_); ack_graph_ = sp->addGraph(); // tcptrace: rev ACKs ack_graph_->setPen(QPen(QBrush(graph_color_2), 0.5)); ack_graph_->setLineStyle(QCPGraph::lsStepLeft); rwin_graph_ = sp->addGraph(); // tcptrace: rev RWIN rwin_graph_->setPen(QPen(QBrush(graph_color_3), 0.5)); rwin_graph_->setLineStyle(QCPGraph::lsStepLeft); tracer_ = new QCPItemTracer(sp); sp->addItem(tracer_); // Triggers fillGraph(). ui->graphTypeComboBox->setCurrentIndex(graph_idx); sp->setMouseTracking(true); sp->yAxis->setLabelColor(QColor(graph_color_1)); sp->yAxis->setTickLabelColor(QColor(graph_color_1)); tracer_->setVisible(false); toggleTracerStyle(true); QPushButton *save_bt = ui->buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Save); save_bt->setText(tr("Save As" UTF8_HORIZONTAL_ELLIPSIS)); ProgressFrame::addToButtonBox(ui->buttonBox, parent); connect(sp, SIGNAL(mousePress(QMouseEvent*)), this, SLOT(graphClicked(QMouseEvent*))); connect(sp, SIGNAL(mouseMove(QMouseEvent*)), this, SLOT(mouseMoved(QMouseEvent*))); connect(sp, SIGNAL(mouseRelease(QMouseEvent*)), this, SLOT(mouseReleased(QMouseEvent*))); connect(sp, SIGNAL(axisClick(QCPAxis*,QCPAxis::SelectablePart,QMouseEvent*)), this, SLOT(axisClicked(QCPAxis*,QCPAxis::SelectablePart,QMouseEvent*))); connect(sp->yAxis, SIGNAL(rangeChanged(QCPRange)), this, SLOT(transformYRange(QCPRange))); disconnect(ui->buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(accept())); this->setResult(QDialog::Accepted); } TCPStreamDialog::~TCPStreamDialog() { delete ui; } void TCPStreamDialog::showEvent(QShowEvent *) { resetAxes(); } void TCPStreamDialog::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) { int pan_pixels = event->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier ? 1 : 10; // XXX - This differs from the main window but matches other applications (e.g. Mozilla and Safari) switch(event->key()) { case Qt::Key_Minus: case Qt::Key_Underscore: // Shifted minus on U.S. keyboards case Qt::Key_O: // GTK+ zoomAxes(false); break; case Qt::Key_Plus: case Qt::Key_Equal: // Unshifted plus on U.S. keyboards case Qt::Key_I: // GTK+ zoomAxes(true); break; case Qt::Key_X: // Zoom X axis only if(event->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier){ zoomXAxis(false); // upper case X -> Zoom out } else { zoomXAxis(true); // lower case x -> Zoom in } break; case Qt::Key_Y: // Zoom Y axis only if(event->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier){ zoomYAxis(false); // upper case Y -> Zoom out } else { zoomYAxis(true); // lower case y -> Zoom in } break; case Qt::Key_Right: case Qt::Key_L: panAxes(pan_pixels, 0); break; case Qt::Key_Left: case Qt::Key_H: panAxes(-1 * pan_pixels, 0); break; case Qt::Key_Up: case Qt::Key_K: panAxes(0, pan_pixels); break; case Qt::Key_Down: case Qt::Key_J: panAxes(0, -1 * pan_pixels); break; case Qt::Key_Space: toggleTracerStyle(); break; case Qt::Key_0: case Qt::Key_ParenRight: // Shifted 0 on U.S. keyboards case Qt::Key_R: case Qt::Key_Home: resetAxes(); break; case Qt::Key_PageUp: on_actionNextStream_triggered(); break; case Qt::Key_PageDown: on_actionPreviousStream_triggered(); break; case Qt::Key_D: on_actionSwitchDirection_triggered(); break; case Qt::Key_G: on_actionGoToPacket_triggered(); break; case Qt::Key_S: on_actionToggleSequenceNumbers_triggered(); break; case Qt::Key_T: on_actionToggleTimeOrigin_triggered(); break; case Qt::Key_Z: on_actionDragZoom_triggered(); break; case Qt::Key_1: on_actionRoundTripTime_triggered(); break; case Qt::Key_2: on_actionThroughput_triggered(); break; case Qt::Key_3: on_actionStevens_triggered(); break; case Qt::Key_4: on_actionTcptrace_triggered(); break; case Qt::Key_5: on_actionWindowScaling_triggered(); break; // Alas, there is no Blade Runner-style Qt::Key_Enhance } QDialog::keyPressEvent(event); } void TCPStreamDialog::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { mouseReleased(event); } void TCPStreamDialog::findStream() { QCustomPlot *sp = ui->streamPlot; disconnect(sp, SIGNAL(mouseMove(QMouseEvent*)), this, SLOT(mouseMoved(QMouseEvent*))); ui->streamNumberSpinBox->setEnabled(false); graph_segment_list_free(&graph_); graph_segment_list_get(cap_file_, &graph_, TRUE); ui->streamNumberSpinBox->setEnabled(true); connect(sp, SIGNAL(mouseMove(QMouseEvent*)), this, SLOT(mouseMoved(QMouseEvent*))); } void TCPStreamDialog::fillGraph() { QCustomPlot *sp = ui->streamPlot; if (sp->graphCount() < 1) return; base_graph_->setLineStyle(QCPGraph::lsNone); tracer_->setGraph(NULL); // base_graph_ is always visible. for (int i = 0; i < sp->graphCount(); i++) { sp->graph(i)->clearData(); sp->graph(i)->setVisible(i == 0 ? true : false); } base_graph_->setScatterStyle(QCPScatterStyle(QCPScatterStyle::ssDisc, pkt_point_size_)); sp->xAxis->setLabel(time_s_label_); sp->xAxis->setNumberFormat("gb"); sp->xAxis->setNumberPrecision(6); sp->yAxis->setNumberFormat("f"); sp->yAxis->setNumberPrecision(0); sp->yAxis2->setVisible(false); sp->yAxis2->setLabel(QString()); if (!cap_file_) { QString dlg_title = QString(tr("No Capture Data")); setWindowTitle(dlg_title); title_->setText(dlg_title); sp->setEnabled(false); sp->yAxis->setLabel(QString()); sp->replot(); return; } ts_offset_ = 0; seq_offset_ = 0; bool first = true; guint64 bytes_fwd = 0; guint64 bytes_rev = 0; int pkts_fwd = 0; int pkts_rev = 0; time_stamp_map_.clear(); for (struct segment *seg = graph_.segments; seg != NULL; seg = seg->next) { if (!compareHeaders(seg)) { bytes_rev += seg->th_seglen; pkts_rev++; continue; } bytes_fwd += seg->th_seglen; pkts_fwd++; double ts = seg->rel_secs + seg->rel_usecs / 1000000.0; if (first) { if (ts_origin_conn_) ts_offset_ = ts; if (seq_origin_zero_) seq_offset_ = seg->th_seq; first = false; } time_stamp_map_.insertMulti(ts - ts_offset_, seg); } switch (graph_.type) { case GRAPH_TSEQ_STEVENS: fillStevens(); break; case GRAPH_TSEQ_TCPTRACE: fillTcptrace(); break; case GRAPH_THROUGHPUT: fillThroughput(); break; case GRAPH_RTT: fillRoundTripTime(); break; case GRAPH_WSCALE: fillWindowScale(); break; default: break; } sp->setEnabled(true); stream_desc_ = tr("%1 %2 pkts, %3 %4 %5 pkts, %6 ") .arg(UTF8_RIGHTWARDS_ARROW) .arg(gchar_free_to_qstring(format_size(pkts_fwd, format_size_unit_none|format_size_prefix_si))) .arg(gchar_free_to_qstring(format_size(bytes_fwd, format_size_unit_bytes|format_size_prefix_si))) .arg(UTF8_LEFTWARDS_ARROW) .arg(gchar_free_to_qstring(format_size(pkts_rev, format_size_unit_none|format_size_prefix_si))) .arg(gchar_free_to_qstring(format_size(bytes_rev, format_size_unit_bytes|format_size_prefix_si))); mouseMoved(NULL); resetAxes(); tracer_->setGraph(base_graph_); // XXX QCustomPlot doesn't seem to draw any sort of focus indicator. sp->setFocus(); } void TCPStreamDialog::zoomAxes(bool in) { QCustomPlot *sp = ui->streamPlot; double h_factor = sp->axisRect()->rangeZoomFactor(Qt::Horizontal); double v_factor = sp->axisRect()->rangeZoomFactor(Qt::Vertical); if (!in) { h_factor = pow(h_factor, -1); v_factor = pow(v_factor, -1); } sp->xAxis->scaleRange(h_factor, sp->xAxis->range().center()); sp->yAxis->scaleRange(v_factor, sp->yAxis->range().center()); sp->replot(); } void TCPStreamDialog::zoomXAxis(bool in) { QCustomPlot *sp = ui->streamPlot; double h_factor = sp->axisRect()->rangeZoomFactor(Qt::Horizontal); if (!in) { h_factor = pow(h_factor, -1); } sp->xAxis->scaleRange(h_factor, sp->xAxis->range().center()); sp->replot(); } void TCPStreamDialog::zoomYAxis(bool in) { QCustomPlot *sp = ui->streamPlot; double v_factor = sp->axisRect()->rangeZoomFactor(Qt::Vertical); if (!in) { v_factor = pow(v_factor, -1); } sp->yAxis->scaleRange(v_factor, sp->yAxis->range().center()); sp->replot(); } void TCPStreamDialog::panAxes(int x_pixels, int y_pixels) { QCustomPlot *sp = ui->streamPlot; double h_pan = 0.0; double v_pan = 0.0; h_pan = sp->xAxis->range().size() * x_pixels / sp->xAxis->axisRect()->width(); v_pan = sp->yAxis->range().size() * y_pixels / sp->yAxis->axisRect()->height(); // The GTK+ version won't pan unless we're zoomed. Should we do the same here? if (h_pan) { sp->xAxis->moveRange(h_pan); sp->replot(); } if (v_pan) { sp->yAxis->moveRange(v_pan); sp->replot(); } } void TCPStreamDialog::resetAxes() { QCustomPlot *sp = ui->streamPlot; y_axis_xfrm_.reset(); double pixel_pad = 10.0; // per side sp->rescaleAxes(true); tput_graph_->rescaleValueAxis(false, true); // base_graph_->rescaleAxes(false, true); // for (int i = 0; i < sp->graphCount(); i++) { // sp->graph(i)->rescaleValueAxis(false, true); // } double axis_pixels = sp->xAxis->axisRect()->width(); sp->xAxis->scaleRange((axis_pixels + (pixel_pad * 2)) / axis_pixels, sp->xAxis->range().center()); if (sp->yAxis2->visible()) { double ratio = sp->yAxis2->range().size() / sp->yAxis->range().size(); y_axis_xfrm_.translate(0.0, sp->yAxis2->range().lower - (sp->yAxis->range().lower * ratio)); y_axis_xfrm_.scale(1.0, ratio); } axis_pixels = sp->yAxis->axisRect()->height(); sp->yAxis->scaleRange((axis_pixels + (pixel_pad * 2)) / axis_pixels, sp->yAxis->range().center()); sp->replot(); } void TCPStreamDialog::fillStevens() { QString dlg_title = QString(tr("Sequence Numbers (Stevens)")) + streamDescription(); setWindowTitle(dlg_title); title_->setText(dlg_title); QCustomPlot *sp = ui->streamPlot; sp->yAxis->setLabel(sequence_number_label_); // True Stevens-style graphs don't have lines but I like them - gcc base_graph_->setLineStyle(QCPGraph::lsStepLeft); QVector rel_time, seq; for (struct segment *seg = graph_.segments; seg != NULL; seg = seg->next) { if (!compareHeaders(seg)) { continue; } double ts = seg->rel_secs + seg->rel_usecs / 1000000.0; rel_time.append(ts - ts_offset_); seq.append(seg->th_seq - seq_offset_); } base_graph_->setData(rel_time, seq); } void TCPStreamDialog::fillTcptrace() { QString dlg_title = QString(tr("Sequence Numbers (tcptrace)")) + streamDescription(); setWindowTitle(dlg_title); title_->setText(dlg_title); QCustomPlot *sp = ui->streamPlot; sp->yAxis->setLabel(sequence_number_label_); base_graph_->setScatterStyle(QCPScatterStyle(QCPScatterStyle::ssDot)); seg_graph_->setVisible(true); ack_graph_->setVisible(true); rwin_graph_->setVisible(true); QVector seq_time, seq, sb_time, sb_center, sb_span, ackrwin_time, ack, rwin; for (struct segment *seg = graph_.segments; seg != NULL; seg = seg->next) { double ts = (seg->rel_secs + seg->rel_usecs / 1000000.0) - ts_offset_; if (compareHeaders(seg)) { // Forward direction: seq + data seq_time.append(ts); seq.append(seg->th_seq - seq_offset_); // QCP doesn't have a segment graph type. For now, fake // it with error bars. if (seg->th_seglen > 0) { double half = seg->th_seglen / 2.0; sb_time.append(ts); sb_center.append(seg->th_seq - seq_offset_ + half); sb_span.append(half); } } else { // Reverse direction: ACK + RWIN if (! (seg->th_flags & TH_ACK)) { // SYNs and RSTs do not necessarily have ACKs continue; } double ackno = seg->th_ack - seq_offset_; ackrwin_time.append(ts); ack.append(ackno); rwin.append(ackno + seg->th_win); } } base_graph_->setData(seq_time, seq); seg_graph_->setDataValueError(sb_time, sb_center, sb_span); ack_graph_->setData(ackrwin_time, ack); rwin_graph_->setData(ackrwin_time, rwin); } void TCPStreamDialog::fillThroughput() { QString dlg_title = QString(tr("Throughput")) + streamDescription(); #ifdef MA_1_SECOND dlg_title.append(tr(" (1s MA)")); #else dlg_title.append(QString(tr(" (%1 Segment MA)")).arg(moving_avg_period_)); #endif setWindowTitle(dlg_title); title_->setText(dlg_title); QCustomPlot *sp = ui->streamPlot; sp->yAxis->setLabel(segment_length_label_); sp->yAxis2->setLabel(average_throughput_label_); sp->yAxis2->setLabelColor(QColor(graph_color_2)); sp->yAxis2->setTickLabelColor(QColor(graph_color_2)); sp->yAxis2->setVisible(true); tput_graph_->setVisible(true); if (!graph_.segments || !graph_.segments->next) { dlg_title.append(tr(" [not enough data]")); return; } QVector rel_time, seg_len, tput_time, tput; int oldest = 0; guint64 sum = 0; // Financial charts don't show MA data until a full period has elapsed. // The Rosetta Code MA examples start spitting out values immediately. // For now use not-really-correct initial values just to keep our vector // lengths the same. for (struct segment *seg = graph_.segments->next; seg != NULL; seg = seg->next) { if (!compareHeaders(seg)) { continue; } double ts = (seg->rel_secs + seg->rel_usecs / 1000000.0) - ts_offset_; rel_time.append(ts); seg_len.append(seg->th_seglen); #ifdef MA_1_SECOND while (ts - rel_time[oldest] > 1.0 && oldest < rel_time.size()) { sum -= seg_len[oldest]; oldest++; } #else if (seg_len.size() > moving_avg_period_) { sum -= seg_len[oldest]; oldest++; } #endif double dtime = ts - rel_time[oldest]; double av_tput; sum += seg->th_seglen; if (dtime > 0.0) { av_tput = sum * 8.0 / dtime; } else { av_tput = 0.0; } // Add a data point only if our time window has advanced. Otherwise // update the most recent point. (We might want to show a warning // for out-of-order packets.) if (tput_time.size() > 0 && ts <= tput_time.last()) { tput[tput.size() - 1] = av_tput; } else { tput.append(av_tput); tput_time.append(ts); } } base_graph_->setData(rel_time, seg_len); tput_graph_->setData(tput_time, tput); } void TCPStreamDialog::fillRoundTripTime() { QString dlg_title = QString(tr("Round Trip Time")) + streamDescription(); setWindowTitle(dlg_title); title_->setText(dlg_title); sequence_num_map_.clear(); QCustomPlot *sp = ui->streamPlot; sp->xAxis->setLabel(sequence_number_label_); sp->xAxis->setNumberFormat("f"); sp->xAxis->setNumberPrecision(0); sp->yAxis->setLabel(round_trip_time_ms_label_); base_graph_->setLineStyle(QCPGraph::lsLine); QVector seq_no, rtt; guint32 seq_base = 0; struct unack *unack = NULL, *u = NULL; for (struct segment *seg = graph_.segments; seg != NULL; seg = seg->next) { if (compareHeaders(seg)) { seq_base = seg->th_seq; break; } } for (struct segment *seg = graph_.segments; seg != NULL; seg = seg->next) { if (compareHeaders(seg)) { guint32 seqno = seg->th_seq - seq_base; if (seg->th_seglen && !rtt_is_retrans(unack, seqno)) { double rt_val = seg->rel_secs + seg->rel_usecs / 1000000.0; u = rtt_get_new_unack(rt_val, seqno); if (!u) return; rtt_put_unack_on_list(&unack, u); } } else { guint32 ack_no = seg->th_ack - seq_base; double rt_val = seg->rel_secs + seg->rel_usecs / 1000000.0; struct unack *v; for (u = unack; u; u = v) { if (ack_no > u->seqno) { seq_no.append(u->seqno); rtt.append((rt_val - u->time) * 1000.0); sequence_num_map_.insert(u->seqno, seg); v = u->next; rtt_delete_unack_from_list(&unack, u); } else { v = u->next; } } } } base_graph_->setData(seq_no, rtt); } void TCPStreamDialog::fillWindowScale() { QString dlg_title = QString(tr("Window Scaling")) + streamDescription(); setWindowTitle(dlg_title); title_->setText(dlg_title); QCustomPlot *sp = ui->streamPlot; base_graph_->setLineStyle(QCPGraph::lsLine); QVector rel_time, win_size; for (struct segment *seg = graph_.segments; seg != NULL; seg = seg->next) { if (!compareHeaders(seg)) { continue; } double ts = seg->rel_secs + seg->rel_usecs / 1000000.0; guint16 flags = seg->th_flags; if ((flags & (TH_SYN|TH_RST)) == 0) { rel_time.append(ts - ts_offset_); win_size.append(seg->th_win); } } base_graph_->setData(rel_time, win_size); sp->yAxis->setLabel(window_size_label_); } QString TCPStreamDialog::streamDescription() { QString description(tr(" for %1:%2 %3 %4:%5") .arg(address_to_qstring(&graph_.src_address)) .arg(graph_.src_port) .arg(UTF8_RIGHTWARDS_ARROW) .arg(address_to_qstring(&graph_.dst_address)) .arg(graph_.dst_port)); return description; } bool TCPStreamDialog::compareHeaders(segment *seg) { return (compare_headers(&graph_.src_address, &graph_.dst_address, graph_.src_port, graph_.dst_port, &seg->ip_src, &seg->ip_dst, seg->th_sport, seg->th_dport, COMPARE_CURR_DIR)); } void TCPStreamDialog::toggleTracerStyle(bool force_default) { if (!tracer_->visible() && !force_default) return; QPen sp_pen = ui->streamPlot->graph(0)->pen(); QCPItemTracer::TracerStyle tstyle = QCPItemTracer::tsCrosshair; QPen tr_pen = QPen(tracer_->pen()); QColor tr_color = sp_pen.color(); if (force_default || tracer_->style() != QCPItemTracer::tsCircle) { tstyle = QCPItemTracer::tsCircle; tr_color.setAlphaF(1.0); tr_pen.setWidthF(1.5); } else { tr_color.setAlphaF(0.5); tr_pen.setWidthF(1.0); } tracer_->setStyle(tstyle); tr_pen.setColor(tr_color); tracer_->setPen(tr_pen); ui->streamPlot->replot(); } QRectF TCPStreamDialog::getZoomRanges(QRect zoom_rect) { QRectF zoom_ranges = QRectF(); if (zoom_rect.width() < min_zoom_pixels_ && zoom_rect.height() < min_zoom_pixels_) { return zoom_ranges; } QCustomPlot *sp = ui->streamPlot; QRect zr = zoom_rect.normalized(); QRect ar = sp->axisRect()->rect(); if (ar.intersects(zr)) { QRect zsr = ar.intersected(zr); zoom_ranges.setX(sp->xAxis->range().lower + sp->xAxis->range().size() * (zsr.left() - ar.left()) / ar.width()); zoom_ranges.setWidth(sp->xAxis->range().size() * zsr.width() / ar.width()); // QRects grow down zoom_ranges.setY(sp->yAxis->range().lower + sp->yAxis->range().size() * (ar.bottom() - zsr.bottom()) / ar.height()); zoom_ranges.setHeight(sp->yAxis->range().size() * zsr.height() / ar.height()); } return zoom_ranges; } void TCPStreamDialog::graphClicked(QMouseEvent *event) { QCustomPlot *sp = ui->streamPlot; if (event->button() == Qt::RightButton) { // XXX We should find some way to get streamPlot to handle a // contextMenuEvent instead. ctx_menu_.exec(event->globalPos()); } else if (mouse_drags_) { if (sp->axisRect()->rect().contains(event->pos())) { sp->setCursor(QCursor(Qt::ClosedHandCursor)); } on_actionGoToPacket_triggered(); } else { if (!rubber_band_) { rubber_band_ = new QRubberBand(QRubberBand::Rectangle, sp); } rb_origin_ = event->pos(); rubber_band_->setGeometry(QRect(rb_origin_, QSize())); rubber_band_->show(); } } void TCPStreamDialog::axisClicked(QCPAxis *axis, QCPAxis::SelectablePart, QMouseEvent *) { QCustomPlot *sp = ui->streamPlot; if (axis == sp->xAxis) { switch (graph_.type) { case GRAPH_THROUGHPUT: case GRAPH_TSEQ_STEVENS: case GRAPH_TSEQ_TCPTRACE: case GRAPH_WSCALE: ts_origin_conn_ = ts_origin_conn_ ? false : true; fillGraph(); break; case GRAPH_RTT: seq_origin_zero_ = seq_origin_zero_ ? false : true; fillGraph(); break; default: break; } } else if (axis == sp->yAxis) { switch (graph_.type) { case GRAPH_TSEQ_STEVENS: case GRAPH_TSEQ_TCPTRACE: seq_origin_zero_ = seq_origin_zero_ ? false : true; fillGraph(); break; default: break; } } } // Setting mouseTracking on our streamPlot may not be as reliable // as we need. If it's not we might want to poll the mouse position // using a QTimer instead. void TCPStreamDialog::mouseMoved(QMouseEvent *event) { QCustomPlot *sp = ui->streamPlot; Qt::CursorShape shape = Qt::ArrowCursor; if (event) { if (event->buttons().testFlag(Qt::LeftButton)) { if (mouse_drags_) { shape = Qt::ClosedHandCursor; } else { shape = Qt::CrossCursor; } } else { if (sp->axisRect()->rect().contains(event->pos())) { if (mouse_drags_) { shape = Qt::OpenHandCursor; } else { shape = Qt::CrossCursor; } } } } sp->setCursor(QCursor(shape)); QString hint = ""; if (mouse_drags_) { double tr_key = tracer_->position->key(); struct segment *packet_seg = NULL; packet_num_ = 0; // XXX If we have multiple packets with the same timestamp tr_key // may not return the packet we want. It might be possible to fudge // unique keys using nextafter(). if (event && tracer_->graph() && tracer_->position->axisRect()->rect().contains(event->pos())) { switch (graph_.type) { case GRAPH_TSEQ_STEVENS: case GRAPH_TSEQ_TCPTRACE: case GRAPH_THROUGHPUT: case GRAPH_WSCALE: packet_seg = time_stamp_map_.value(tr_key, NULL); break; case GRAPH_RTT: packet_seg = sequence_num_map_.value(tr_key, NULL); default: break; } } if (!packet_seg) { tracer_->setVisible(false); hint += "Hover over the graph for details. " + stream_desc_ + ""; ui->hintLabel->setText(hint); ui->streamPlot->replot(); return; } tracer_->setVisible(true); packet_num_ = packet_seg->num; hint += tr("%1 %2 (%3s len %4 seq %5 ack %6 win %7)") .arg(cap_file_ ? tr("Click to select packet") : tr("Packet")) .arg(packet_num_) .arg(QString::number(packet_seg->rel_secs + packet_seg->rel_usecs / 1000000.0, 'g', 4)) .arg(packet_seg->th_seglen) .arg(packet_seg->th_seq) .arg(packet_seg->th_ack) .arg(packet_seg->th_win); tracer_->setGraphKey(ui->streamPlot->xAxis->pixelToCoord(event->pos().x())); sp->replot(); } else { if (rubber_band_ && rubber_band_->isVisible() && event) { rubber_band_->setGeometry(QRect(rb_origin_, event->pos()).normalized()); QRectF zoom_ranges = getZoomRanges(QRect(rb_origin_, event->pos())); if (zoom_ranges.width() > 0.0 && zoom_ranges.height() > 0.0) { hint += tr("Release to zoom, x = %1 to %2, y = %3 to %4") .arg(zoom_ranges.x()) .arg(zoom_ranges.x() + zoom_ranges.width()) .arg(zoom_ranges.y()) .arg(zoom_ranges.y() + zoom_ranges.height()); } else { hint += tr("Unable to select range."); } } else { hint += tr("Click to select a portion of the graph."); } } hint += " " + stream_desc_ + ""; ui->hintLabel->setText(hint); } void TCPStreamDialog::mouseReleased(QMouseEvent *event) { if (rubber_band_) { rubber_band_->hide(); if (!mouse_drags_) { QRectF zoom_ranges = getZoomRanges(QRect(rb_origin_, event->pos())); if (zoom_ranges.width() > 0.0 && zoom_ranges.height() > 0.0) { QCustomPlot *sp = ui->streamPlot; sp->xAxis->setRangeLower(zoom_ranges.x()); sp->xAxis->setRangeUpper(zoom_ranges.x() + zoom_ranges.width()); sp->yAxis->setRangeLower(zoom_ranges.y()); sp->yAxis->setRangeUpper(zoom_ranges.y() + zoom_ranges.height()); sp->replot(); } } } else if (ui->streamPlot->cursor().shape() == Qt::ClosedHandCursor) { ui->streamPlot->setCursor(QCursor(Qt::OpenHandCursor)); } } void TCPStreamDialog::transformYRange(const QCPRange &y_range1) { if (y_axis_xfrm_.isIdentity()) return; QCustomPlot *sp = ui->streamPlot; QLineF yp1 = QLineF(1.0, y_range1.lower, 1.0, y_range1.upper); QLineF yp2 = y_axis_xfrm_.map(yp1); sp->yAxis2->setRangeUpper(yp2.y2()); sp->yAxis2->setRangeLower(yp2.y1()); } void TCPStreamDialog::on_buttonBox_accepted() { QString file_name, extension; QDir path(wsApp->lastOpenDir()); QString pdf_filter = tr("Portable Document Format (*.pdf)"); QString png_filter = tr("Portable Network Graphics (*.png)"); QString bmp_filter = tr("Windows Bitmap (*.bmp)"); // Gaze upon my beautiful graph with lossy artifacts! QString jpeg_filter = tr("JPEG File Interchange Format (*.jpeg *.jpg)"); QString filter = QString("%1;;%2;;%3;;%4") .arg(pdf_filter) .arg(png_filter) .arg(bmp_filter) .arg(jpeg_filter); file_name = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, wsApp->windowTitleString(tr("Save Graph As" UTF8_HORIZONTAL_ELLIPSIS)), path.canonicalPath(), filter, &extension); if (file_name.length() > 0) { bool save_ok = false; if (extension.compare(pdf_filter) == 0) { save_ok = ui->streamPlot->savePdf(file_name); } else if (extension.compare(png_filter) == 0) { save_ok = ui->streamPlot->savePng(file_name); } else if (extension.compare(bmp_filter) == 0) { save_ok = ui->streamPlot->saveBmp(file_name); } else if (extension.compare(jpeg_filter) == 0) { save_ok = ui->streamPlot->saveJpg(file_name); } // else error dialog? if (save_ok) { path = QDir(file_name); wsApp->setLastOpenDir(path.canonicalPath().toUtf8().constData()); } } } void TCPStreamDialog::on_graphTypeComboBox_currentIndexChanged(int index) { if (index < 0) return; graph_.type = static_cast(ui->graphTypeComboBox->itemData(index).toInt()); fillGraph(); } void TCPStreamDialog::on_resetButton_clicked() { resetAxes(); } void TCPStreamDialog::setCaptureFile(capture_file *cf) { if (!cf) { // We only want to know when the file closes. cap_file_ = NULL; } } void TCPStreamDialog::on_streamNumberSpinBox_valueChanged(int new_stream) { if (new_stream >= 0 && new_stream < int(get_tcp_stream_count())) { graph_.stream = new_stream; graph_.src_address.type = AT_NONE; graph_.dst_address.type = AT_NONE; findStream(); fillGraph(); } } void TCPStreamDialog::on_otherDirectionButton_clicked() { on_actionSwitchDirection_triggered(); } void TCPStreamDialog::on_dragRadioButton_toggled(bool checked) { if (checked) mouse_drags_ = true; ui->streamPlot->setInteractions( QCP::iRangeDrag | QCP::iRangeZoom ); } void TCPStreamDialog::on_zoomRadioButton_toggled(bool checked) { if (checked) mouse_drags_ = false; ui->streamPlot->setInteractions(0); } void TCPStreamDialog::on_actionZoomIn_triggered() { zoomAxes(true); } void TCPStreamDialog::on_actionZoomInX_triggered() { zoomXAxis(true); } void TCPStreamDialog::on_actionZoomInY_triggered() { zoomYAxis(true); } void TCPStreamDialog::on_actionZoomOut_triggered() { zoomAxes(false); } void TCPStreamDialog::on_actionZoomOutX_triggered() { zoomXAxis(false); } void TCPStreamDialog::on_actionZoomOutY_triggered() { zoomYAxis(false); } void TCPStreamDialog::on_actionReset_triggered() { on_resetButton_clicked(); } void TCPStreamDialog::on_actionMoveRight10_triggered() { panAxes(10, 0); } void TCPStreamDialog::on_actionMoveLeft10_triggered() { panAxes(-10, 0); } void TCPStreamDialog::on_actionMoveUp10_triggered() { panAxes(0, 10); } void TCPStreamDialog::on_actionMoveDown10_triggered() { panAxes(0, -10); } void TCPStreamDialog::on_actionMoveRight1_triggered() { panAxes(1, 0); } void TCPStreamDialog::on_actionMoveLeft1_triggered() { panAxes(-1, 0); } void TCPStreamDialog::on_actionMoveUp1_triggered() { panAxes(0, 1); } void TCPStreamDialog::on_actionMoveDown1_triggered() { panAxes(0, -1); } void TCPStreamDialog::on_actionNextStream_triggered() { if (int(graph_.stream) < int(get_tcp_stream_count()) - 1) { ui->streamNumberSpinBox->setValue(graph_.stream + 1); } } void TCPStreamDialog::on_actionPreviousStream_triggered() { if (graph_.stream > 0) { ui->streamNumberSpinBox->setValue(graph_.stream - 1); } } void TCPStreamDialog::on_actionSwitchDirection_triggered() { address tmp_addr; guint16 tmp_port; copy_address(&tmp_addr, &graph_.src_address); tmp_port = graph_.src_port; copy_address(&graph_.src_address, &graph_.dst_address); graph_.src_port = graph_.dst_port; copy_address(&graph_.dst_address, &tmp_addr); graph_.dst_port = tmp_port; fillGraph(); } void TCPStreamDialog::on_actionGoToPacket_triggered() { if (tracer_->visible() && cap_file_ && packet_num_ > 0) { emit goToPacket(packet_num_); } } void TCPStreamDialog::on_actionDragZoom_triggered() { if (mouse_drags_) { ui->zoomRadioButton->toggle(); } else { ui->dragRadioButton->toggle(); } } void TCPStreamDialog::on_actionToggleSequenceNumbers_triggered() { seq_origin_zero_ = seq_origin_zero_ ? false : true; fillGraph(); } void TCPStreamDialog::on_actionToggleTimeOrigin_triggered() { ts_origin_conn_ = ts_origin_conn_ ? false : true; fillGraph(); } void TCPStreamDialog::on_actionRoundTripTime_triggered() { ui->graphTypeComboBox->setCurrentIndex(ui->graphTypeComboBox->findData(GRAPH_RTT)); } void TCPStreamDialog::on_actionThroughput_triggered() { ui->graphTypeComboBox->setCurrentIndex(ui->graphTypeComboBox->findData(GRAPH_THROUGHPUT)); } void TCPStreamDialog::on_actionStevens_triggered() { ui->graphTypeComboBox->setCurrentIndex(ui->graphTypeComboBox->findData(GRAPH_TSEQ_STEVENS)); } void TCPStreamDialog::on_actionTcptrace_triggered() { ui->graphTypeComboBox->setCurrentIndex(ui->graphTypeComboBox->findData(GRAPH_TSEQ_TCPTRACE)); } void TCPStreamDialog::on_actionWindowScaling_triggered() { ui->graphTypeComboBox->setCurrentIndex(ui->graphTypeComboBox->findData(GRAPH_WSCALE)); } /* * Editor modelines * * Local Variables: * c-basic-offset: 4 * tab-width: 8 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: * * ex: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab: * :indentSize=4:tabSize=8:noTabs=true: */