/* tap_parameter_dialog.cpp * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ /* * @file Tap parameter dialog class * * Base class for statistics dialogs. Subclasses must implement: * - fillTree. Called when the dialog is first displayed and when a display * filter is applied. In most cases the subclass should clear the tree and * retap packets here. * - filterExpression. If the subclass supports filtering context menu items * ("Apply As Filter", etc.) it should fill in ctx_menu_ and implement * filterExpression. * - getTreeAsString or treeItemData. Used for "Copy" and "Save As...". * - */ #include "tap_parameter_dialog.h" #include #include #include "epan/stat_tap_ui.h" #include "ui/last_open_dir.h" #include #include "wsutil/file_util.h" #include "progress_frame.h" #include #include "wireshark_application.h" #include #include #include #include // The GTK+ counterpart uses tap_param_dlg, which we don't use. If we // need tap parameters we should probably create a TapParameterDialog // class based on WiresharkDialog and subclass it here. // To do: // - Add tap parameters? SCSI SRT uses PARAM_ENUM. Everything appears to use // PARAM_FILTER. Nothing uses _UINT, _STRING, or _UUID. // - Update to match bug 9452 / r53657. // - Create a TapParameterTreeWidgetItem class? // - Better / more usable XML output. const int expand_all_threshold_ = 100; // Arbitrary static QHash cfg_str_to_creator_; const QString TapParameterDialog::action_name_ = "TapParameterAction"; TapParameterDialog::TapParameterDialog(QWidget &parent, CaptureFile &cf, int help_topic) : WiresharkDialog(parent, cf), ui(new Ui::TapParameterDialog), help_topic_(help_topic) { ui->setupUi(this); // Only show a hint label if a subclass provides a hint. ui->hintLabel->hide(); ctx_menu_.addAction(ui->actionCopyToClipboard); ctx_menu_.addAction(ui->actionSaveAs); QPushButton *button; button = ui->buttonBox->addButton(tr("Copy"), QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole); connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(on_actionCopyToClipboard_triggered())); button = ui->buttonBox->addButton(tr("Save as" UTF8_HORIZONTAL_ELLIPSIS), QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole); connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(on_actionSaveAs_triggered())); connect(ui->displayFilterLineEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(updateWidgets())); ProgressFrame::addToButtonBox(ui->buttonBox, &parent); if (help_topic_ < 1) { ui->buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Help)->hide(); } if (!ui->displayFilterLineEdit->text().isEmpty()) { QString filter = ui->displayFilterLineEdit->text(); emit updateFilter(filter); } show_timer_ = new QTimer(this); setRetapOnShow(true); } TapParameterDialog::~TapParameterDialog() { delete ui; show_timer_->stop(); delete show_timer_; } void TapParameterDialog::registerDialog(const QString title, const char *cfg_abbr, register_stat_group_t group, stat_tap_init_cb tap_init_cb, tpdCreator creator) { stat_tap_ui ui_info; ui_info.group = group; ui_info.title = title.toUtf8().constData(); ui_info.cli_string = cfg_abbr; ui_info.tap_init_cb = tap_init_cb; ui_info.nparams = 0; // We'll need this for SCSI SRT ui_info.params = NULL; register_stat_tap_ui(&ui_info, NULL); QString cfg_str = cfg_abbr; cfg_str_to_creator_[cfg_str] = creator; QAction *tpd_action = new QAction(title, wsApp); tpd_action->setObjectName(action_name_); tpd_action->setData(cfg_str); wsApp->addDynamicMenuGroupItem(group, tpd_action); } TapParameterDialog *TapParameterDialog::showTapParameterStatistics(QWidget &parent, CaptureFile &cf, const QString cfg_str, const QString arg, void *) { if (cfg_str_to_creator_.contains(cfg_str)) { TapParameterDialog *tpd = cfg_str_to_creator_[cfg_str](parent, cfg_str, arg, cf); return tpd; } return NULL; } QTreeWidget *TapParameterDialog::statsTreeWidget() { return ui->statsTreeWidget; } QLineEdit *TapParameterDialog::displayFilterLineEdit() { return ui->displayFilterLineEdit; } QPushButton *TapParameterDialog::applyFilterButton() { return ui->applyFilterButton; } QVBoxLayout *TapParameterDialog::verticalLayout() { return ui->verticalLayout; } QHBoxLayout *TapParameterDialog::filterLayout() { return ui->filterLayout; } QString TapParameterDialog::displayFilter() { return ui->displayFilterLineEdit->text(); } // This assumes that we're called before signals are connected or show() // is called. void TapParameterDialog::setDisplayFilter(const QString &filter) { ui->displayFilterLineEdit->setText(filter); } void TapParameterDialog::setHint(const QString &hint) { ui->hintLabel->setText(hint); ui->hintLabel->show(); } void TapParameterDialog::setRetapOnShow(bool retap) { show_timer_->stop(); if (retap) { show_timer_->singleShot(0, this, SLOT(on_applyFilterButton_clicked())); } } void TapParameterDialog::filterActionTriggered() { FilterAction *fa = qobject_cast(QObject::sender()); QString filter_expr = filterExpression(); if (!fa || filter_expr.isEmpty()) { return; } emit filterAction(filter_expr, fa->action(), fa->actionType()); } QString TapParameterDialog::itemDataToPlain(QVariant var, int width) { QString plain_str; int align_mul = 1; switch (var.type()) { case QVariant::String: align_mul = -1; // Fall through case QVariant::Int: case QVariant::UInt: plain_str = var.toString(); break; case QVariant::Double: plain_str = QString::number(var.toDouble(), 'f', 6); break; default: break; } if (plain_str.length() < width) { plain_str = QString("%1").arg(plain_str, width * align_mul); } return plain_str; } QList TapParameterDialog::treeItemData(QTreeWidgetItem *) const { return QList(); } const QString plain_sep_ = " "; QByteArray TapParameterDialog::getTreeAsString(st_format_type format) { QByteArray ba; QTreeWidgetItemIterator it(ui->statsTreeWidget, QTreeWidgetItemIterator::NotHidden); QList col_widths; QByteArray footer; // Title + header switch (format) { case ST_FORMAT_PLAIN: { // Iterating over trees. QTreeWidgetItemIterator width_it(it); QString plain_header; while (*width_it) { // Iterating over items within this tree. for (int col=0; col < ui->statsTreeWidget->columnCount(); col++) { if (col_widths.size() <= col) { col_widths.append(ui->statsTreeWidget->headerItem()->text(col).length()); } QVariant var = ui->statsTreeWidget->headerItem()->data(col, Qt::DisplayRole); if (var.type() == QVariant::String) { col_widths[col] = qMax(col_widths[col], itemDataToPlain(var).length()); } } ++width_it; } QStringList ph_parts; for (int col = 0; col < ui->statsTreeWidget->columnCount() && col < col_widths.length(); col++) { ph_parts << ui->statsTreeWidget->headerItem()->text(col); } plain_header = ph_parts.join(plain_sep_); QByteArray top_separator; top_separator.fill('=', plain_header.length()); top_separator.append('\n'); QString file_header = QString("%1 - %2:\n").arg(windowSubtitle(), cap_file_.fileName()); footer.fill('-', plain_header.length()); footer.append('\n'); plain_header.append('\n'); ba.append(top_separator); ba.append(file_header); ba.append(plain_header); ba.append(footer); break; } case ST_FORMAT_CSV: { QString csv_header; QStringList ch_parts; for (int col = 0; col < ui->statsTreeWidget->columnCount(); col++) { ch_parts << QString("\"%1\"").arg(ui->statsTreeWidget->headerItem()->text(col)); } csv_header = ch_parts.join(","); csv_header.append('\n'); ba.append(csv_header.toUtf8().constData()); break; } case ST_FORMAT_XML: { // XXX What's a useful format? This mostly conforms to DocBook. ba.append("\n"); QString title = html_escape(windowSubtitle()); QString xml_header = QString("\n%1\n").arg(title); ba.append(xml_header.toUtf8()); ba.append("\n\n"); for (int col = 0; col < ui->statsTreeWidget->columnCount(); col++) { title = html_escape(ui->statsTreeWidget->headerItem()->text(col)); title = QString(" %1\n").arg(title); ba.append(title.toUtf8()); } ba.append("\n\n"); ba.append("\n"); footer = "\n
\n"; break; } case ST_FORMAT_YAML: { QString yaml_header; ba.append("---\n"); yaml_header = QString("Description: \"%1\"\nFile: \"%2\"\nItems:\n").arg(windowSubtitle()).arg(cap_file_.fileName()); ba.append(yaml_header.toUtf8()); break; } default: break; } // Data while (*it) { QList tid = treeItemData((*it)); if (tid.length() < 1) { ++it; continue; } if (tid.length() < ui->statsTreeWidget->columnCount()) { // Assume we have a header } // Assume var length == columnCount QString line; QStringList parts; switch (format) { case ST_FORMAT_PLAIN: { int i = 0; foreach (QVariant var, tid) { parts << itemDataToPlain(var, col_widths[i]); i++; } line = parts.join(plain_sep_); line.append('\n'); break; } case ST_FORMAT_CSV: foreach (QVariant var, tid) { if (var.type() == QVariant::String) { parts << QString("\"%1\"").arg(var.toString()); } else { parts << var.toString(); } } line = parts.join(","); line.append('\n'); break; case ST_FORMAT_XML: { line = "\n"; foreach (QVariant var, tid) { QString entry = html_escape(var.toString()); line.append(QString(" %1\n").arg(entry)); } line.append("\n"); break; } case ST_FORMAT_YAML: { int col = 0; QString indent = "-"; foreach (QVariant var, tid) { QString entry; if (var.type() == QVariant::String) { entry = QString("\"%1\"").arg(var.toString()); } else { entry = var.toString(); } line.append(QString(" %1 %2: %3\n").arg(indent).arg(ui->statsTreeWidget->headerItem()->text(col), entry)); indent = " "; col++; } break; } default: break; } ba.append(line.toUtf8()); ++it; } // Footer ba.append(footer); // plain only? return ba; } void TapParameterDialog::drawTreeItems() { if (ui->statsTreeWidget->model()->rowCount() < expand_all_threshold_) { ui->statsTreeWidget->expandAll(); } for (int col = 0; col < ui->statsTreeWidget->columnCount(); col++) { ui->statsTreeWidget->resizeColumnToContents(col); } } void TapParameterDialog::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *event) { bool enable = filterExpression().length() > 0 ? true : false; foreach (QAction *fa, filter_actions_) { fa->setEnabled(enable); } ctx_menu_.exec(event->globalPos()); } void TapParameterDialog::addFilterActions() { QMenu *submenu; QAction *insert_action = ctx_menu_.actions().first(); FilterAction::Action cur_action = FilterAction::ActionApply; submenu = ctx_menu_.addMenu(FilterAction::actionName(cur_action)); foreach (FilterAction::ActionType at, FilterAction::actionTypes()) { FilterAction *fa = new FilterAction(submenu, cur_action, at); submenu->addAction(fa); connect(fa, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(filterActionTriggered())); filter_actions_ << fa; } ctx_menu_.insertMenu(insert_action, submenu); cur_action = FilterAction::ActionPrepare; submenu = ctx_menu_.addMenu(FilterAction::actionName(cur_action)); foreach (FilterAction::ActionType at, FilterAction::actionTypes()) { FilterAction *fa = new FilterAction(submenu, cur_action, at); submenu->addAction(fa); connect(fa, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(filterActionTriggered())); filter_actions_ << fa; } ctx_menu_.insertMenu(insert_action, submenu); cur_action = FilterAction::ActionFind; submenu = ctx_menu_.addMenu(FilterAction::actionName(cur_action)); foreach (FilterAction::ActionType at, FilterAction::actionTypes(cur_action)) { FilterAction *fa = new FilterAction(submenu, cur_action, at); submenu->addAction(fa); connect(fa, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(filterActionTriggered())); filter_actions_ << fa; } ctx_menu_.insertMenu(insert_action, submenu); cur_action = FilterAction::ActionColorize; submenu = ctx_menu_.addMenu(FilterAction::actionName(cur_action)); foreach (FilterAction::ActionType at, FilterAction::actionTypes(cur_action)) { FilterAction *fa = new FilterAction(submenu, cur_action, at); submenu->addAction(fa); connect(fa, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(filterActionTriggered())); filter_actions_ << fa; } ctx_menu_.insertMenu(insert_action, submenu); ctx_menu_.insertSeparator(insert_action); } void TapParameterDialog::updateWidgets() { bool edit_enable = true; bool apply_enable = true; if (file_closed_) { edit_enable = false; apply_enable = false; } else if (!ui->displayFilterLineEdit->checkFilter()) { // XXX Tell the user why the filter is invalid. apply_enable = false; } ui->displayFilterLineEdit->setEnabled(edit_enable); ui->applyFilterButton->setEnabled(apply_enable); WiresharkDialog::updateWidgets(); } void TapParameterDialog::on_applyFilterButton_clicked() { beginRetapPackets(); if (!ui->displayFilterLineEdit->checkFilter()) return; QString filter = ui->displayFilterLineEdit->text(); emit updateFilter(filter); // If we wanted to be fancy we could add an isRetapping function to // either WiresharkDialog or CaptureFile and use it in updateWidgets // to enable and disable the apply button as needed. // For now we use more simple but less useful logic. bool df_enabled = ui->displayFilterLineEdit->isEnabled(); bool af_enabled = ui->applyFilterButton->isEnabled(); ui->displayFilterLineEdit->setEnabled(false); ui->applyFilterButton->setEnabled(false); fillTree(); ui->applyFilterButton->setEnabled(af_enabled); ui->displayFilterLineEdit->setEnabled(df_enabled); endRetapPackets(); } void TapParameterDialog::on_actionCopyToClipboard_triggered() { wsApp->clipboard()->setText(getTreeAsString(ST_FORMAT_PLAIN)); } void TapParameterDialog::on_actionSaveAs_triggered() { QString selectedFilter; st_format_type format; const char *file_ext; FILE *f; bool success = false; int last_errno; QFileDialog SaveAsDialog(this, wsApp->windowTitleString(tr("Save Statistics As" UTF8_HORIZONTAL_ELLIPSIS)), get_last_open_dir()); SaveAsDialog.setNameFilter(tr("Plain text file (*.txt);;" "Comma separated values (*.csv);;" "XML document (*.xml);;" "YAML document (*.yaml)")); SaveAsDialog.selectNameFilter(tr("Plain text file (*.txt)")); SaveAsDialog.setAcceptMode(QFileDialog::AcceptSave); if (!SaveAsDialog.exec()) { return; } selectedFilter= SaveAsDialog.selectedNameFilter(); if (selectedFilter.contains("*.yaml", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { format = ST_FORMAT_YAML; file_ext = ".yaml"; } else if (selectedFilter.contains("*.xml", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { format = ST_FORMAT_XML; file_ext = ".xml"; } else if (selectedFilter.contains("*.csv", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { format = ST_FORMAT_CSV; file_ext = ".csv"; } else { format = ST_FORMAT_PLAIN; file_ext = ".txt"; } // Get selected filename and add extension of necessary QString file_name = SaveAsDialog.selectedFiles()[0]; if (!file_name.endsWith(file_ext, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { file_name.append(file_ext); } QByteArray tree_as_ba = getTreeAsString(format); // actually save the file f = ws_fopen (file_name.toUtf8().constData(), "w"); last_errno = errno; if (f) { if (fputs(tree_as_ba.data(), f) != EOF) { success = true; } last_errno = errno; fclose(f); } if (!success) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error saving file %1").arg(file_name), g_strerror (last_errno)); } } void TapParameterDialog::on_buttonBox_helpRequested() { if (help_topic_ > 0) { wsApp->helpTopicAction((topic_action_e) help_topic_); } } /* * Editor modelines * * Local Variables: * c-basic-offset: 4 * tab-width: 8 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: * * ex: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab: * :indentSize=4:tabSize=8:noTabs=true: */