/* sequence_dialog.cpp * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "sequence_dialog.h" #include #include "epan/addr_resolv.h" #include "ui/utf8_entities.h" #include "wsutil/nstime.h" #include "sequence_diagram.h" #include "wireshark_application.h" #include #include #include #include // To do: // - Add UTF8 to text dump // - Save to XMI? http://www.umlgraph.org/ // - Time: abs vs delta // - Hide nodes // - Clickable time + comments? // - Incorporate packet comments? // - Change line_style to seq_type (i.e. draw ACKs dashed) // - Create WSGraph subclasses with common behavior. // - Help button and text SequenceDialog::SequenceDialog(QWidget &parent, CaptureFile &cf, seq_analysis_info_t *sainfo) : WiresharkDialog(parent, cf), ui(new Ui::SequenceDialog), sainfo_(sainfo), num_items_(0), packet_num_(0), node_label_w_(20) { ui->setupUi(this); QCustomPlot *sp = ui->sequencePlot; setWindowSubtitle(sainfo ? tr("Call Flow") : tr("Flow")); if (!sainfo_) { sainfo_ = sequence_analysis_info_new(); sainfo_->type = SEQ_ANALYSIS_ANY; sainfo_->all_packets = TRUE; } else { num_items_ = sequence_analysis_get_nodes(sainfo_); } seq_diagram_ = new SequenceDiagram(sp->yAxis, sp->xAxis2, sp->yAxis2); sp->addPlottable(seq_diagram_); sp->axisRect()->setRangeDragAxes(sp->xAxis2, sp->yAxis); sp->xAxis->setVisible(false); sp->xAxis->setPadding(0); sp->xAxis->setLabelPadding(0); sp->xAxis->setTickLabelPadding(0); sp->xAxis2->setVisible(true); sp->yAxis2->setVisible(true); one_em_ = QFontMetrics(sp->yAxis->labelFont()).height(); ui->horizontalScrollBar->setSingleStep(100 / one_em_); ui->verticalScrollBar->setSingleStep(100 / one_em_); sp->setInteractions(QCP::iRangeDrag); ui->gridLayout->setSpacing(0); connect(sp->yAxis, SIGNAL(rangeChanged(QCPRange)), sp->yAxis2, SLOT(setRange(QCPRange))); ctx_menu_.addAction(ui->actionReset); ctx_menu_.addSeparator(); ctx_menu_.addAction(ui->actionMoveRight10); ctx_menu_.addAction(ui->actionMoveLeft10); ctx_menu_.addAction(ui->actionMoveUp10); ctx_menu_.addAction(ui->actionMoveDown10); ctx_menu_.addAction(ui->actionMoveRight1); ctx_menu_.addAction(ui->actionMoveLeft1); ctx_menu_.addAction(ui->actionMoveUp1); ctx_menu_.addAction(ui->actionMoveDown1); ctx_menu_.addSeparator(); ctx_menu_.addAction(ui->actionGoToPacket); ui->showComboBox->blockSignals(true); ui->showComboBox->setCurrentIndex(0); ui->showComboBox->blockSignals(false); ui->addressComboBox->blockSignals(true); ui->addressComboBox->setCurrentIndex(0); ui->addressComboBox->blockSignals(false); QComboBox *fcb = ui->flowComboBox; fcb->addItem(ui->actionFlowAny->text(), SEQ_ANALYSIS_ANY); fcb->addItem(ui->actionFlowTcp->text(), SEQ_ANALYSIS_TCP); ui->flowComboBox->blockSignals(true); ui->flowComboBox->setCurrentIndex(sainfo_->type); if (sainfo_->type == SEQ_ANALYSIS_VOIP) { ui->controlFrame->hide(); } else { ui->flowComboBox->blockSignals(false); } QPushButton *save_bt = ui->buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Save); save_bt->setText(tr("Save As...")); // XXX Use recent settings instead resize(parent.width(), parent.height() * 4 / 5); connect(ui->horizontalScrollBar, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(hScrollBarChanged(int))); connect(ui->verticalScrollBar, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(vScrollBarChanged(int))); connect(sp->xAxis2, SIGNAL(rangeChanged(QCPRange)), this, SLOT(xAxisChanged(QCPRange))); connect(sp->yAxis, SIGNAL(rangeChanged(QCPRange)), this, SLOT(yAxisChanged(QCPRange))); connect(sp, SIGNAL(mousePress(QMouseEvent*)), this, SLOT(diagramClicked(QMouseEvent*))); connect(sp, SIGNAL(mouseMove(QMouseEvent*)), this, SLOT(mouseMoved(QMouseEvent*))); connect(sp, SIGNAL(mouseRelease(QMouseEvent*)), this, SLOT(mouseReleased(QMouseEvent*))); connect(this, SIGNAL(goToPacket(int)), seq_diagram_, SLOT(setSelectedPacket(int))); disconnect(ui->buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(accept())); fillDiagram(); } SequenceDialog::~SequenceDialog() { if (sainfo_->type != SEQ_ANALYSIS_VOIP) { sequence_analysis_info_free(sainfo_); } delete ui; } void SequenceDialog::updateWidgets() { } void SequenceDialog::showEvent(QShowEvent *) { resetAxes(); } void SequenceDialog::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *) { resetAxes(true); } void SequenceDialog::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) { int pan_pixels = event->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier ? 1 : 10; // XXX - Copy some shortcuts from tcp_stream_dialog.cpp switch(event->key()) { case Qt::Key_Right: case Qt::Key_L: panAxes(pan_pixels, 0); break; case Qt::Key_Left: case Qt::Key_H: panAxes(-1 * pan_pixels, 0); break; case Qt::Key_Up: case Qt::Key_K: panAxes(0, pan_pixels); break; case Qt::Key_Down: case Qt::Key_J: panAxes(0, -1 * pan_pixels); break; case Qt::Key_0: case Qt::Key_ParenRight: // Shifted 0 on U.S. keyboards case Qt::Key_R: case Qt::Key_Home: resetAxes(); break; case Qt::Key_G: on_actionGoToPacket_triggered(); break; } QDialog::keyPressEvent(event); } void SequenceDialog::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { mouseReleased(event); } void SequenceDialog::hScrollBarChanged(int value) { if (qAbs(ui->sequencePlot->xAxis2->range().center()-value/100.0) > 0.01) { ui->sequencePlot->xAxis2->setRange(value/100.0, ui->sequencePlot->xAxis2->range().size(), Qt::AlignCenter); ui->sequencePlot->replot(); } } void SequenceDialog::vScrollBarChanged(int value) { if (qAbs(ui->sequencePlot->yAxis->range().center()-value/100.0) > 0.01) { ui->sequencePlot->yAxis->setRange(value/100.0, ui->sequencePlot->yAxis->range().size(), Qt::AlignCenter); ui->sequencePlot->replot(); } } void SequenceDialog::xAxisChanged(QCPRange range) { ui->horizontalScrollBar->setValue(qRound(range.center()*100.0)); ui->horizontalScrollBar->setPageStep(qRound(range.size()*100.0)); } void SequenceDialog::yAxisChanged(QCPRange range) { ui->verticalScrollBar->setValue(qRound(range.center()*100.0)); ui->verticalScrollBar->setPageStep(qRound(range.size()*100.0)); } void SequenceDialog::diagramClicked(QMouseEvent *event) { QCustomPlot *sp = ui->sequencePlot; if (event->button() == Qt::RightButton) { // XXX We should find some way to get sequenceDiagram to handle a // contextMenuEvent instead. ctx_menu_.exec(event->globalPos()); } else if (sp->axisRect()->rect().contains(event->pos())) { sp->setCursor(QCursor(Qt::ClosedHandCursor)); } on_actionGoToPacket_triggered(); } void SequenceDialog::mouseMoved(QMouseEvent *event) { QCustomPlot *sp = ui->sequencePlot; Qt::CursorShape shape = Qt::ArrowCursor; if (event) { if (event->buttons().testFlag(Qt::LeftButton)) { shape = Qt::ClosedHandCursor; } else { if (sp->axisRect()->rect().contains(event->pos())) { shape = Qt::OpenHandCursor; } } } sp->setCursor(QCursor(shape)); packet_num_ = 0; QString hint; if (event) { seq_analysis_item_t *sai = seq_diagram_->itemForPosY(event->pos().y()); if (sai) { packet_num_ = sai->fd->num; hint = QString("Packet %1: %2").arg(packet_num_).arg(sai->comment); } } if (hint.isEmpty()) { if (!sainfo_) { hint += tr("No data"); } else { hint += tr("%Ln node(s)", "", sainfo_->num_nodes) + QString(", ") + tr("%Ln item(s)", "", num_items_); } } hint.prepend(""); hint.append(""); ui->hintLabel->setText(hint); } void SequenceDialog::mouseReleased(QMouseEvent *) { if (ui->sequencePlot->cursor().shape() == Qt::ClosedHandCursor) { ui->sequencePlot->setCursor(QCursor(Qt::OpenHandCursor)); } } void SequenceDialog::on_buttonBox_accepted() { QString file_name, extension; QDir path(wsApp->lastOpenDir()); QString pdf_filter = tr("Portable Document Format (*.pdf)"); QString png_filter = tr("Portable Network Graphics (*.png)"); QString bmp_filter = tr("Windows Bitmap (*.bmp)"); // Gaze upon my beautiful graph with lossy artifacts! QString jpeg_filter = tr("JPEG File Interchange Format (*.jpeg *.jpg)"); QString ascii_filter = tr("ASCII (*.txt)"); QString filter = QString("%1;;%2;;%3;;%4") .arg(pdf_filter) .arg(png_filter) .arg(bmp_filter) .arg(jpeg_filter); if (!file_closed_) { filter.append(QString(";;%5").arg(ascii_filter)); } file_name = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, wsApp->windowTitleString(tr("Save Graph As" UTF8_HORIZONTAL_ELLIPSIS)), path.canonicalPath(), filter, &extension); if (file_name.length() > 0) { bool save_ok = false; if (extension.compare(pdf_filter) == 0) { save_ok = ui->sequencePlot->savePdf(file_name); } else if (extension.compare(png_filter) == 0) { save_ok = ui->sequencePlot->savePng(file_name); } else if (extension.compare(bmp_filter) == 0) { save_ok = ui->sequencePlot->saveBmp(file_name); } else if (extension.compare(jpeg_filter) == 0) { save_ok = ui->sequencePlot->saveJpg(file_name); } else if (extension.compare(ascii_filter) == 0 && !file_closed_ && sainfo_) { save_ok = sequence_analysis_dump_to_file(file_name.toUtf8().constData(), sainfo_, cap_file_.capFile(), 0); } // else error dialog? if (save_ok) { path = QDir(file_name); wsApp->setLastOpenDir(path.canonicalPath().toUtf8().constData()); } } } void SequenceDialog::fillDiagram() { if (!sainfo_ || file_closed_) return; QCustomPlot *sp = ui->sequencePlot; if (sainfo_->type == SEQ_ANALYSIS_VOIP) { seq_diagram_->setData(sainfo_); } else { seq_diagram_->clearData(); sequence_analysis_list_free(sainfo_); sequence_analysis_list_get(cap_file_.capFile(), sainfo_); num_items_ = sequence_analysis_get_nodes(sainfo_); seq_diagram_->setData(sainfo_); } QFontMetrics vfm = QFontMetrics(sp->xAxis2->labelFont()); char* addr_str; node_label_w_ = 0; for (guint i = 0; i < sainfo_->num_nodes; i++) { addr_str = (char*)address_to_display(NULL, &(sainfo_->nodes[i])); int label_w = vfm.width(addr_str); if (node_label_w_ < label_w) { node_label_w_ = label_w; } wmem_free(NULL, addr_str); } node_label_w_ = (node_label_w_ * 3 / 4) + one_em_; mouseMoved(NULL); resetAxes(); // XXX QCustomPlot doesn't seem to draw any sort of focus indicator. sp->setFocus(); } void SequenceDialog::panAxes(int x_pixels, int y_pixels) { QCustomPlot *sp = ui->sequencePlot; double h_pan = 0.0; double v_pan = 0.0; h_pan = sp->xAxis2->range().size() * x_pixels / sp->xAxis2->axisRect()->width(); v_pan = sp->yAxis->range().size() * y_pixels / sp->yAxis->axisRect()->height(); // The GTK+ version won't pan unless we're zoomed. Should we do the same here? if (h_pan) { sp->xAxis2->moveRange(h_pan); sp->replot(); } if (v_pan) { sp->yAxis->moveRange(v_pan); sp->replot(); } } void SequenceDialog::resetAxes(bool keep_lower) { if (!sainfo_) return; QCustomPlot *sp = ui->sequencePlot; // Allow space for labels on the top and port numbers on the left. double top_pos = -1.0, left_pos = -0.5; if (keep_lower) { top_pos = sp->yAxis->range().lower; left_pos = sp->xAxis2->range().lower; } double range_ratio = sp->xAxis2->axisRect()->width() / node_label_w_; sp->xAxis2->setRange(left_pos, range_ratio + left_pos); range_ratio = sp->yAxis->axisRect()->height() / (one_em_ * 1.5); sp->yAxis->setRange(top_pos, range_ratio + top_pos); double rmin = sp->xAxis2->range().size() / 2; ui->horizontalScrollBar->setRange((rmin - 0.5) * 100, (sainfo_->num_nodes - 0.5 - rmin) * 100); xAxisChanged(sp->xAxis2->range()); rmin = (sp->yAxis->range().size() / 2); ui->verticalScrollBar->setRange((rmin - 1.0) * 100, (num_items_ - 0.5 - rmin) * 100); yAxisChanged(sp->yAxis->range()); sp->replot(); } void SequenceDialog::on_resetButton_clicked() { resetAxes(); } void SequenceDialog::on_actionGoToPacket_triggered() { if (!file_closed_ && packet_num_ > 0) { emit goToPacket(packet_num_); } } void SequenceDialog::on_showComboBox_currentIndexChanged(int index) { if (!sainfo_) return; if (index == 0) { sainfo_->all_packets = TRUE; } else { sainfo_->all_packets = FALSE; } fillDiagram(); } void SequenceDialog::on_flowComboBox_currentIndexChanged(int index) { if (!sainfo_ || sainfo_->type == SEQ_ANALYSIS_VOIP || index < 0) return; sainfo_->type = static_cast(ui->flowComboBox->itemData(index).toInt()); fillDiagram(); } void SequenceDialog::on_addressComboBox_currentIndexChanged(int index) { if (!sainfo_) return; if (index == 0) { sainfo_->any_addr = TRUE; } else { sainfo_->any_addr = FALSE; } fillDiagram(); } void SequenceDialog::on_actionReset_triggered() { on_resetButton_clicked(); } void SequenceDialog::on_actionMoveRight10_triggered() { panAxes(10, 0); } void SequenceDialog::on_actionMoveLeft10_triggered() { panAxes(-10, 0); } void SequenceDialog::on_actionMoveUp10_triggered() { panAxes(0, 10); } void SequenceDialog::on_actionMoveDown10_triggered() { panAxes(0, -10); } void SequenceDialog::on_actionMoveRight1_triggered() { panAxes(1, 0); } void SequenceDialog::on_actionMoveLeft1_triggered() { panAxes(-1, 0); } void SequenceDialog::on_actionMoveUp1_triggered() { panAxes(0, 1); } void SequenceDialog::on_actionMoveDown1_triggered() { panAxes(0, -1); } /* * Editor modelines * * Local Variables: * c-basic-offset: 4 * tab-width: 8 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: * * ex: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab: * :indentSize=4:tabSize=8:noTabs=true: */