/* sequence_diagram.cpp * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "sequence_diagram.h" #include "epan/addr_resolv.h" #include "ui/tap-sequence-analysis.h" #include "qt_ui_utils.h" #include #include #include #include #include const int max_comment_em_width_ = 20; // UML-like network node sequence diagrams. // http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/rational/library/3101.html WSCPSeqData::WSCPSeqData() : key(0), value(NULL) { } WSCPSeqData::WSCPSeqData(double key, struct _seq_analysis_item *value) : key(key), value(value) { } SequenceDiagram::SequenceDiagram(QCPAxis *keyAxis, QCPAxis *valueAxis, QCPAxis *commentAxis) : QCPAbstractPlottable(keyAxis, valueAxis), key_axis_(keyAxis), value_axis_(valueAxis), comment_axis_(commentAxis), data_(NULL), sainfo_(NULL), selected_packet_(0) { data_ = new WSCPSeqDataMap(); // xaxis (value): Address // yaxis (key): Time // yaxis2 (comment): Extra info ("Comment" in GTK+) // valueAxis->setAutoTickStep(false); QList axes; axes << value_axis_ << key_axis_ << comment_axis_; foreach (QCPAxis *axis, axes) { axis->setAutoTicks(false); axis->setTickStep(1.0); axis->setAutoTickLabels(false); axis->setTicks(false); axis->setBasePen(QPen(Qt::NoPen)); } value_axis_->grid()->setVisible(false); key_axis_->setRangeReversed(true); key_axis_->grid()->setVisible(false); comment_axis_->setRangeReversed(true); comment_axis_->grid()->setVisible(false); QFont comment_font = comment_axis_->tickLabelFont(); comment_font.setPointSizeF(comment_font.pointSizeF() * 0.8); smooth_font_size(comment_font); comment_axis_->setTickLabelFont(comment_font); comment_axis_->setSelectedTickLabelFont(QFont(comment_font.family(), comment_font.pointSizeF(), QFont::Bold)); // frame_label // port_src -----------------> port_dst // setTickVectorLabels // valueAxis->setTickLabelRotation(30); } void SequenceDiagram::setData(_seq_analysis_info *sainfo) { data_->clear(); sainfo_ = sainfo; if (!sainfo) return; double cur_key = 0.0; QVector key_ticks, val_ticks; QVector key_labels, val_labels, com_labels; QFontMetrics com_fm(comment_axis_->tickLabelFont()); int elide_w = com_fm.height() * max_comment_em_width_; char* addr_str; for (GList *cur = g_queue_peek_nth_link(sainfo->items, 0); cur; cur = g_list_next(cur)) { seq_analysis_item_t *sai = (seq_analysis_item_t *) cur->data; WSCPSeqData new_data; new_data.key = cur_key; new_data.value = sai; data_->insertMulti(new_data.key, new_data); key_ticks.append(cur_key); key_labels.append(sai->time_str); com_labels.append(com_fm.elidedText(sai->comment, Qt::ElideRight, elide_w)); cur_key++; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sainfo_->num_nodes; i++) { val_ticks.append(i); addr_str = (char*)address_to_display(NULL, &(sainfo_->nodes[i])); val_labels.append(addr_str); if (i % 2 == 0) { val_labels.last().append("\n"); } wmem_free(NULL, addr_str); } keyAxis()->setTickVector(key_ticks); keyAxis()->setTickVectorLabels(key_labels); valueAxis()->setTickVector(val_ticks); valueAxis()->setTickVectorLabels(val_labels); comment_axis_->setTickVector(key_ticks); comment_axis_->setTickVectorLabels(com_labels); } void SequenceDiagram::setSelectedPacket(int selected_packet) { if (selected_packet > 0) { selected_packet_ = selected_packet; } else { selected_packet_ = 0; } mParentPlot->replot(); } _seq_analysis_item *SequenceDiagram::itemForPosY(int ypos) { double key_pos = qRound(key_axis_->pixelToCoord(ypos)); if (key_pos >= 0 && key_pos < data_->size()) { return data_->value(key_pos).value; } return NULL; } double SequenceDiagram::selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details) const { Q_UNUSED(details); Q_UNUSED(onlySelectable); double key_pos = qRound(key_axis_->pixelToCoord(pos.y())); if (key_pos >= 0 && key_pos < data_->size()) { return 1.0; } return -1.0; } void SequenceDiagram::draw(QCPPainter *painter) { QPen fg_pen; qreal alpha = 0.50; // Lifelines (node lines) painter->save(); painter->setOpacity(alpha); fg_pen = mainPen(); fg_pen.setStyle(Qt::DashLine); painter->setPen(fg_pen); for (int ll_x = value_axis_->range().lower; ll_x < value_axis_->range().upper; ll_x++) { QPoint ll_start(coordsToPixels(key_axis_->range().upper, ll_x).toPoint()); QPoint ll_end(coordsToPixels(key_axis_->range().lower, ll_x).toPoint()); painter->drawLine(ll_start, ll_end); } painter->restore(); fg_pen = mainPen(); WSCPSeqDataMap::const_iterator it; for (it = data_->constBegin(); it != data_->constEnd(); ++it) { double cur_key = it.key(); seq_analysis_item_t *sai = it.value().value; QPen fg_pen(mainPen()); if (sai->fd->num == selected_packet_) { // Highlighted background painter->save(); QRect bg_rect( QPoint(coordsToPixels(cur_key - 0.5, value_axis_->range().lower).toPoint()), QPoint(coordsToPixels(cur_key + 0.5, value_axis_->range().upper).toPoint())); QPalette sel_pal; painter->fillRect(bg_rect, sel_pal.brush(QPalette::Highlight)); fg_pen.setColor(sel_pal.color(QPalette::HighlightedText)); // Highlighted lifelines painter->save(); QPen hl_pen = fg_pen; hl_pen.setStyle(Qt::DashLine); painter->setPen(hl_pen); painter->setOpacity(alpha); for (int ll_x = value_axis_->range().lower; ll_x < value_axis_->range().upper; ll_x++) { QPoint ll_start(coordsToPixels(cur_key - 0.5, ll_x).toPoint()); QPoint ll_end(coordsToPixels(cur_key + 0.5, ll_x).toPoint()); hl_pen.setDashOffset(bg_rect.top() - ll_start.x()); painter->drawLine(ll_start, ll_end); } painter->restore(); painter->restore(); } if (cur_key < key_axis_->range().lower || cur_key > key_axis_->range().upper) { continue; } if (sai->dst_node > sai->src_node && (sai->dst_node < value_axis_->range().lower || sai->src_node > value_axis_->range().upper)) { continue; } if (sai->src_node > sai->dst_node && (sai->src_node < value_axis_->range().lower || sai->dst_node > value_axis_->range().upper)) { continue; } // Message if (mainPen().style() != Qt::NoPen && mainPen().color().alpha() != 0) { painter->save(); QFontMetrics cfm(comment_axis_->tickLabelFont()); double en_w = cfm.height() / 2.0; int dir_mul = (sai->src_node < sai->dst_node) ? 1 : -1; double ah_size = (cfm.height() / 5) * dir_mul; QPoint arrow_start(coordsToPixels(cur_key, sai->src_node).toPoint()); arrow_start.setY(arrow_start.y() + (en_w / 2)); QPoint arrow_end(coordsToPixels(cur_key, sai->dst_node).toPoint()); arrow_end.setY(arrow_start.y()); QLine arrow_line(arrow_start, arrow_end); QPolygon arrow_head; arrow_head << QPoint(arrow_end.x() - (ah_size*3), arrow_end.y() - ah_size) << arrow_end << QPoint(arrow_end.x() - (ah_size*3), arrow_end.y() + ah_size); painter->setBrush(fg_pen.color()); painter->setPen(fg_pen); painter->drawLine(arrow_line); painter->drawPolygon(arrow_head); double comment_start = (sai->src_node < sai->dst_node) ? arrow_start.x() : arrow_end.x(); double arrow_width = (arrow_end.x() - arrow_start.x()) * dir_mul; QString arrow_label = cfm.elidedText(sai->frame_label, Qt::ElideRight, arrow_width); QPoint text_pt(comment_start + ((arrow_width - cfm.width(arrow_label)) / 2), arrow_start.y() - (en_w / 2)); painter->setFont(comment_axis_->tickLabelFont()); painter->drawText(text_pt, arrow_label); if (sai->port_src && sai->port_dst) { QString port_num = QString::number(sai->port_src); text_pt = QPoint(arrow_start.x() - en_w - (cfm.width(port_num) * dir_mul), arrow_start.y() + (en_w / 2)); painter->drawText(text_pt, port_num); port_num = QString::number(sai->port_dst); text_pt.setX(arrow_end.x() - en_w + (cfm.width(port_num) * dir_mul)); painter->drawText(text_pt, port_num); } painter->restore(); } } } void SequenceDiagram::drawLegendIcon(QCPPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect) const { Q_UNUSED(painter); Q_UNUSED(rect); } QCPRange SequenceDiagram::getKeyRange(bool &validRange, QCPAbstractPlottable::SignDomain inSignDomain) const { Q_UNUSED(inSignDomain); QCPRange range; bool valid = false; WSCPSeqDataMap::const_iterator it = data_->constBegin(); while (it != data_->constEnd()) { double cur_key = it.key(); if (!valid) { range.lower = range.upper = cur_key; valid = true; } else if (cur_key < range.lower) { range.lower = cur_key; } else if (cur_key > range.upper) { range.upper = cur_key; } ++it; } validRange = valid; return range; } QCPRange SequenceDiagram::getValueRange(bool &validRange, QCPAbstractPlottable::SignDomain inSignDomain) const { Q_UNUSED(inSignDomain); QCPRange range; bool valid = false; if (sainfo_) { range.lower = 0; range.upper = sainfo_->num_nodes; valid = true; } validRange = valid; return range; } /* * Editor modelines * * Local Variables: * c-basic-offset: 4 * tab-width: 8 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: * * ex: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab: * :indentSize=4:tabSize=8:noTabs=true: */