/* sctp_graph_dialog.cpp * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include #include "sctp_graph_dialog.h" #include #include "sctp_assoc_analyse_dialog.h" #include #include #include #include "epan/packet.h" #include "ui/tap-sctp-analysis.h" #include #include #include #include "ui/qt/widgets/wireshark_file_dialog.h" #include "wireshark_application.h" SCTPGraphDialog::SCTPGraphDialog(QWidget *parent, const sctp_assoc_info_t *assoc, capture_file *cf, int dir) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::SCTPGraphDialog), cap_file_(cf), frame_num(0), direction(dir), relative(false), type(1) { Q_ASSERT(assoc); selected_assoc_id = assoc->assoc_id; ui->setupUi(this); Qt::WindowFlags flags = Qt::Window | Qt::WindowSystemMenuHint | Qt::WindowMinimizeButtonHint | Qt::WindowMaximizeButtonHint | Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint; this->setWindowFlags(flags); this->setWindowTitle(QString(tr("SCTP TSNs and SACKs over Time: %1 Port1 %2 Port2 %3")) .arg(gchar_free_to_qstring(cf_get_display_name(cap_file_))).arg(assoc->port1).arg(assoc->port2)); if ((direction == 1 && assoc->n_array_tsn1 == 0) || (direction == 2 && assoc->n_array_tsn2 == 0)) { QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setText(tr("No Data Chunks sent")); msgBox.exec(); return; } else { drawGraph(assoc); } } SCTPGraphDialog::~SCTPGraphDialog() { delete ui; } void SCTPGraphDialog::drawNRSACKGraph(const sctp_assoc_info_t* selected_assoc) { tsn_t *sack = Q_NULLPTR; GList *list = Q_NULLPTR, *tlist = Q_NULLPTR; guint16 gap_start=0, gap_end=0, i, numberOf_gaps, numberOf_nr_gaps; guint8 type; guint32 tsnumber, j = 0, min_tsn, rel = 0; struct nr_sack_chunk_header *nr_sack_header = Q_NULLPTR; struct gaps *nr_gap = Q_NULLPTR; /* This holds the sum of gap acks and nr gap acks */ guint16 total_gaps = 0; if (direction == 1) { list = g_list_last(selected_assoc->sack1); min_tsn = selected_assoc->min_tsn1; } else { list = g_list_last(selected_assoc->sack2); min_tsn = selected_assoc->min_tsn2; } if (relative) { rel = min_tsn; } while (list) { sack = gxx_list_data(tsn_t*, list); tlist = g_list_first(sack->tsns); while (tlist) { type = gxx_list_data(struct chunk_header *, tlist)->type; if (type == SCTP_NR_SACK_CHUNK_ID) { nr_sack_header = gxx_list_data(struct nr_sack_chunk_header *, tlist); numberOf_nr_gaps=g_ntohs(nr_sack_header->nr_of_nr_gaps); numberOf_gaps=g_ntohs(nr_sack_header->nr_of_gaps); tsnumber = g_ntohl(nr_sack_header->cum_tsn_ack); total_gaps = numberOf_gaps + numberOf_nr_gaps; /* If the number of nr_gaps is greater than 0 */ if (total_gaps > 0) { nr_gap = &nr_sack_header->gaps[0]; for (i = 0; i < total_gaps; i++) { gap_start = g_ntohs(nr_gap->start); gap_end = g_ntohs(nr_gap->end); for (j = gap_start; j <= gap_end; j++) { if (i >= numberOf_gaps) { yn.append(j + tsnumber - rel); xn.append(sack->secs + sack->usecs/1000000.0); fn.append(sack->frame_number); } else { yg.append(j + tsnumber - rel); xg.append(sack->secs + sack->usecs/1000000.0); fg.append(sack->frame_number); } } if (i < total_gaps-1) nr_gap++; } if (tsnumber>=min_tsn) { ys.append(j + tsnumber - rel); xs.append(sack->secs + sack->usecs/1000000.0); fs.append(sack->frame_number); } } } tlist = gxx_list_next(tlist); } list = gxx_list_previous(list); } } void SCTPGraphDialog::drawSACKGraph(const sctp_assoc_info_t* selected_assoc) { GList *listSACK = Q_NULLPTR, *tlist = Q_NULLPTR; guint16 gap_start=0, gap_end=0, nr, dup_nr; struct sack_chunk_header *sack_header = Q_NULLPTR; struct gaps *gap = Q_NULLPTR; tsn_t *tsn = Q_NULLPTR; guint8 type; guint32 tsnumber=0, rel = 0; guint32 minTSN; guint32 *dup_list = Q_NULLPTR; int i, j; if (direction == 1) { minTSN = selected_assoc->min_tsn1; listSACK = g_list_last(selected_assoc->sack1); } else { minTSN = selected_assoc->min_tsn2; listSACK = g_list_last(selected_assoc->sack2); } if (relative) { rel = minTSN; } while (listSACK) { tsn = gxx_list_data(tsn_t*, listSACK); tlist = g_list_first(tsn->tsns); while (tlist) { type = gxx_list_data(struct chunk_header *, tlist)->type; if (type == SCTP_SACK_CHUNK_ID) { sack_header = gxx_list_data(struct sack_chunk_header *, tlist); nr=g_ntohs(sack_header->nr_of_gaps); tsnumber = g_ntohl(sack_header->cum_tsn_ack); dup_nr=g_ntohs(sack_header->nr_of_dups); if (nr>0) { // Gap Reports green gap = &sack_header->gaps[0]; for (i=0;istart); gap_end = g_ntohs(gap->end); for (j=gap_start; j<=gap_end; j++) { yg.append(j + tsnumber - rel); xg.append(tsn->secs + tsn->usecs/1000000.0); fg.append(tsn->frame_number); } if (i < nr-1) gap++; } } if (tsnumber>=minTSN) { // CumTSNAck red ys.append(tsnumber - rel); xs.append(tsn->secs + tsn->usecs/1000000.0); fs.append(tsn->frame_number); } if (dup_nr > 0) { // Duplicates cyan dup_list = &sack_header->a_rwnd + 2 + nr; for (i = 0; i < dup_nr; i++) { tsnumber = g_ntohl(dup_list[i]); if (tsnumber >= minTSN) { yd.append(tsnumber - rel); xd.append(tsn->secs + tsn->usecs/1000000.0); fd.append(tsn->frame_number); } } } } tlist = gxx_list_next(tlist); } listSACK = gxx_list_previous(listSACK); } QCPScatterStyle myScatter; myScatter.setShape(QCPScatterStyle::ssCircle); myScatter.setSize(3); int graphcount = ui->sctpPlot->graphCount(); // create graph and assign data to it: // Add SACK graph if (xs.size() > 0) { QCPGraph *gr = ui->sctpPlot->addGraph(); gr->setName(QString("SACK")); myScatter.setPen(QPen(Qt::red)); myScatter.setBrush(Qt::red); ui->sctpPlot->graph(graphcount)->setScatterStyle(myScatter); ui->sctpPlot->graph(graphcount)->setLineStyle(QCPGraph::lsNone); ui->sctpPlot->graph(graphcount)->setData(xs, ys); typeStrings.insert(graphcount, QString(tr("CumTSNAck"))); graphcount++; } // Add Gap Acks if (xg.size() > 0) { QCPGraph *gr = ui->sctpPlot->addGraph(); gr->setName(QString("GAP")); myScatter.setPen(QPen(Qt::green)); myScatter.setBrush(Qt::green); ui->sctpPlot->graph(graphcount)->setScatterStyle(myScatter); ui->sctpPlot->graph(graphcount)->setLineStyle(QCPGraph::lsNone); ui->sctpPlot->graph(graphcount)->setData(xg, yg); typeStrings.insert(graphcount, QString(tr("Gap Ack"))); graphcount++; } // Add NR Gap Acks if (xn.size() > 0) { QCPGraph *gr = ui->sctpPlot->addGraph(); gr->setName(QString("NR_GAP")); myScatter.setPen(QPen(Qt::blue)); myScatter.setBrush(Qt::blue); ui->sctpPlot->graph(graphcount)->setScatterStyle(myScatter); ui->sctpPlot->graph(graphcount)->setLineStyle(QCPGraph::lsNone); ui->sctpPlot->graph(graphcount)->setData(xn, yn); typeStrings.insert(graphcount, QString(tr("NR Gap Ack"))); graphcount++; } // Add Duplicates if (xd.size() > 0) { QCPGraph *gr = ui->sctpPlot->addGraph(); gr->setName(QString("DUP")); myScatter.setPen(QPen(Qt::cyan)); myScatter.setBrush(Qt::cyan); ui->sctpPlot->graph(graphcount)->setScatterStyle(myScatter); ui->sctpPlot->graph(graphcount)->setLineStyle(QCPGraph::lsNone); ui->sctpPlot->graph(graphcount)->setData(xd, yd); typeStrings.insert(graphcount, QString(tr("Duplicate Ack"))); } } void SCTPGraphDialog::drawTSNGraph(const sctp_assoc_info_t* selected_assoc) { GList *listTSN = Q_NULLPTR,*tlist = Q_NULLPTR; tsn_t *tsn = Q_NULLPTR; guint8 type; guint32 tsnumber=0, rel = 0, minTSN; if (direction == 1) { listTSN = g_list_last(selected_assoc->tsn1); minTSN = selected_assoc->min_tsn1; } else { listTSN = g_list_last(selected_assoc->tsn2); minTSN = selected_assoc->min_tsn2; } if (relative) { rel = minTSN; } while (listTSN) { tsn = gxx_list_data(tsn_t*, listTSN); tlist = g_list_first(tsn->tsns); while (tlist) { type = gxx_list_data(struct chunk_header *, tlist)->type; if (type == SCTP_DATA_CHUNK_ID || type == SCTP_I_DATA_CHUNK_ID || type == SCTP_FORWARD_TSN_CHUNK_ID) { tsnumber = g_ntohl(gxx_list_data(struct data_chunk_header *, tlist)->tsn); yt.append(tsnumber - rel); xt.append(tsn->secs + tsn->usecs/1000000.0); ft.append(tsn->frame_number); } tlist = gxx_list_next(tlist); } listTSN = gxx_list_previous(listTSN); } QCPScatterStyle myScatter; myScatter.setShape(QCPScatterStyle::ssCircle); myScatter.setSize(3); int graphcount = ui->sctpPlot->graphCount(); // create graph and assign data to it: // Add TSN graph if (xt.size() > 0) { QCPGraph *gr = ui->sctpPlot->addGraph(); gr->setName(QString("TSN")); myScatter.setPen(QPen(Qt::black)); myScatter.setBrush(Qt::black); ui->sctpPlot->graph(graphcount)->setScatterStyle(myScatter); ui->sctpPlot->graph(graphcount)->setLineStyle(QCPGraph::lsNone); ui->sctpPlot->graph(graphcount)->setData(xt, yt); typeStrings.insert(graphcount, QString(tr("TSN"))); } } void SCTPGraphDialog::drawGraph(const sctp_assoc_info_t* selected_assoc) { if (!selected_assoc) { selected_assoc = SCTPAssocAnalyseDialog::findAssoc(this, selected_assoc_id); if (!selected_assoc) return; } guint32 maxTSN, minTSN; if (direction == 1) { maxTSN = selected_assoc->max_tsn1; minTSN = selected_assoc->min_tsn1; } else { maxTSN = selected_assoc->max_tsn2; minTSN = selected_assoc->min_tsn2; } ui->sctpPlot->clearGraphs(); xt.clear(); yt.clear(); xs.clear(); ys.clear(); xg.clear(); yg.clear(); xd.clear(); yd.clear(); xn.clear(); yn.clear(); ft.clear(); fs.clear(); fg.clear(); fd.clear(); fn.clear(); typeStrings.clear(); switch (type) { case 1: drawSACKGraph(selected_assoc); drawNRSACKGraph(selected_assoc); break; case 2: drawTSNGraph(selected_assoc); break; case 3: drawTSNGraph(selected_assoc); drawSACKGraph(selected_assoc); drawNRSACKGraph(selected_assoc); break; default: drawTSNGraph(selected_assoc); drawSACKGraph(selected_assoc); drawNRSACKGraph(selected_assoc); break; } // give the axes some labels: ui->sctpPlot->xAxis->setLabel(tr("time [secs]")); ui->sctpPlot->yAxis->setLabel(tr("TSNs")); ui->sctpPlot->setInteractions(QCP::iRangeZoom | QCP::iRangeDrag | QCP::iSelectPlottables); connect(ui->sctpPlot, SIGNAL(plottableClick(QCPAbstractPlottable*,QMouseEvent*)), this, SLOT(graphClicked(QCPAbstractPlottable*, QMouseEvent*))); // set axes ranges, so we see all data: QCPRange myXRange(selected_assoc->min_secs, (selected_assoc->max_secs+1)); if (relative) { QCPRange myYRange(0, maxTSN - minTSN + 1); ui->sctpPlot->yAxis->setRange(myYRange); } else { QCPRange myYRange(minTSN, maxTSN + 1); ui->sctpPlot->yAxis->setRange(myYRange); } ui->sctpPlot->xAxis->setRange(myXRange); ui->sctpPlot->replot(); } void SCTPGraphDialog::on_pushButton_clicked() { type = 1; drawGraph(); } void SCTPGraphDialog::on_pushButton_2_clicked() { type = 2; drawGraph(); } void SCTPGraphDialog::on_pushButton_3_clicked() { type = 3; drawGraph(); } void SCTPGraphDialog::on_pushButton_4_clicked() { const sctp_assoc_info_t* selected_assoc = SCTPAssocAnalyseDialog::findAssoc(this, selected_assoc_id); if (!selected_assoc) return; ui->sctpPlot->xAxis->setRange(selected_assoc->min_secs, selected_assoc->max_secs+1); if (relative) { if (direction == 1) { ui->sctpPlot->yAxis->setRange(0, selected_assoc->max_tsn1 - selected_assoc->min_tsn1); } else { ui->sctpPlot->yAxis->setRange(0, selected_assoc->max_tsn2 - selected_assoc->min_tsn2); } } else { if (direction == 1) { ui->sctpPlot->yAxis->setRange(selected_assoc->min_tsn1, selected_assoc->max_tsn1); } else { ui->sctpPlot->yAxis->setRange(selected_assoc->min_tsn2, selected_assoc->max_tsn2); } } ui->sctpPlot->replot(); } void SCTPGraphDialog::graphClicked(QCPAbstractPlottable* plottable, QMouseEvent* event) { frame_num = 0; int i=0; double times = ui->sctpPlot->xAxis->pixelToCoord(event->pos().x()); if (plottable->name().contains("TSN", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { for (i = 0; i < xt.size(); i++) { if (times <= xt.value(i)) { frame_num = ft.at(i); break; } } } else if (plottable->name().contains("SACK", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { for (i = 0; i < xs.size(); i++) { if (times <= xs.value(i)) { frame_num = fs.at(i); break; } } } else if (plottable->name().contains("DUP", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { for (i = 0; i < xd.size(); i++) { if (times <= xd.value(i)) { frame_num = fd.at(i); break; } } } else if (plottable->name().contains("NR_GAP", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { for (i = 0; i < xn.size(); i++) { if (times <= xn.value(i)) { frame_num = fn.at(i); break; } } } else if (plottable->name().contains("GAP", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { for (i = 0; i < xs.size(); i++) { if (times <= xs.value(i)) { frame_num = fs.at(i); break; } } } if (cap_file_ && frame_num > 0) { cf_goto_frame(cap_file_, frame_num); } ui->hintLabel->setText(QString(tr("%1: %2 Time: %3 secs ")) .arg(plottable->name()) .arg(floor(ui->sctpPlot->yAxis->pixelToCoord(event->pos().y()) + 0.5)) .arg(ui->sctpPlot->xAxis->pixelToCoord(event->pos().x()))); } void SCTPGraphDialog::save_graph(QDialog *dlg, QCustomPlot *plot) { QString file_name, extension; QDir path(wsApp->lastOpenDir()); QString pdf_filter = tr("Portable Document Format (*.pdf)"); QString png_filter = tr("Portable Network Graphics (*.png)"); QString bmp_filter = tr("Windows Bitmap (*.bmp)"); // Gaze upon my beautiful graph with lossy artifacts! QString jpeg_filter = tr("JPEG File Interchange Format (*.jpeg *.jpg)"); QString filter = QString("%1;;%2;;%3;;%4") .arg(pdf_filter) .arg(png_filter) .arg(bmp_filter) .arg(jpeg_filter); file_name = WiresharkFileDialog::getSaveFileName(dlg, wsApp->windowTitleString(tr("Save Graph As…")), path.canonicalPath(), filter, &extension); if (file_name.length() > 0) { bool save_ok = false; if (extension.compare(pdf_filter) == 0) { save_ok = plot->savePdf(file_name); } else if (extension.compare(png_filter) == 0) { save_ok = plot->savePng(file_name); } else if (extension.compare(bmp_filter) == 0) { save_ok = plot->saveBmp(file_name); } else if (extension.compare(jpeg_filter) == 0) { save_ok = plot->saveJpg(file_name); } // else error dialog? if (save_ok) { path = QDir(file_name); wsApp->setLastOpenDir(path.canonicalPath().toUtf8().constData()); } } } void SCTPGraphDialog::on_saveButton_clicked() { save_graph(this, ui->sctpPlot); } void SCTPGraphDialog::on_relativeTsn_stateChanged(int arg1) { relative = arg1; drawGraph(); }