SCTPChunkStatisticsDialog 0 0 519 504 0 0 Dialog 310 470 191 32 Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Close 30 30 471 431 QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers true QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection QAbstractItemView::SelectRows 0 false true false Association Endpoint 1 Endpoint 2 130 470 181 32 Save Chunk Type Order Hide Chunk Type Remove the chunk type from the table Chunk Type Preferences Go to the chunk type preferences dialog to show or hide other chunk types Show All Registered Chunk Types Show all chunk types with defined names buttonBox clicked(QAbstractButton*) SCTPChunkStatisticsDialog close() 456 483 445 563 buttonBox clicked(QAbstractButton*) SCTPChunkStatisticsDialog close() 357 486 355 542