/* profile_dialog.cpp * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "config.h" #include #include "wsutil/filesystem.h" #include "epan/prefs.h" #include #include "ui/profile.h" #include "ui/recent.h" #include #include "profile_dialog.h" #include #include "wireshark_application.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include ProfileDialog::ProfileDialog(QWidget *parent) : GeometryStateDialog(parent), pd_ui_(new Ui::ProfileDialog), ok_button_(NULL) { GList *fl_entry; profile_def *profile; const gchar *profile_name = get_profile_name(); pd_ui_->setupUi(this); loadGeometry(); setWindowTitle(wsApp->windowTitleString(tr("Configuration Profiles"))); ok_button_ = pd_ui_->buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok); // XXX - Use NSImageNameAddTemplate and NSImageNameRemoveTemplate to set stock // icons on macOS. // Are there equivalent stock icons on Windows? #ifdef Q_OS_MAC pd_ui_->newToolButton->setAttribute(Qt::WA_MacSmallSize, true); pd_ui_->deleteToolButton->setAttribute(Qt::WA_MacSmallSize, true); pd_ui_->copyToolButton->setAttribute(Qt::WA_MacSmallSize, true); pd_ui_->infoLabel->setAttribute(Qt::WA_MacSmallSize, true); #endif init_profile_list(); fl_entry = edited_profile_list(); pd_ui_->profileTreeWidget->blockSignals(true); while (fl_entry && fl_entry->data) { profile = (profile_def *) fl_entry->data; QTreeWidgetItem *item = new QTreeWidgetItem(pd_ui_->profileTreeWidget); item->setText(0, profile->name); item->setData(0, Qt::UserRole, VariantPointer::asQVariant(fl_entry)); if (profile->is_global || profile->status == PROF_STAT_DEFAULT) { QFont ti_font = item->font(0); ti_font.setItalic(true); item->setFont(0, ti_font); } else { item->setFlags(item->flags() | Qt::ItemIsEditable); } if (!profile->is_global && strcmp(profile_name, profile->name) == 0) { pd_ui_->profileTreeWidget->setCurrentItem(item); } fl_entry = g_list_next(fl_entry); } pd_ui_->profileTreeWidget->blockSignals(false); connect(pd_ui_->profileTreeWidget->itemDelegate(), SIGNAL(closeEditor(QWidget*, QAbstractItemDelegate::EndEditHint)), this, SLOT(editingFinished())); updateWidgets(); } ProfileDialog::~ProfileDialog() { delete pd_ui_; empty_profile_list (TRUE); } int ProfileDialog::execAction(ProfileDialog::ProfileAction profile_action) { int ret = QDialog::Accepted; QTreeWidgetItem *item; switch (profile_action) { case ShowProfiles: ret = exec(); break; case NewProfile: on_newToolButton_clicked(); ret = exec(); break; case EditCurrentProfile: item = pd_ui_->profileTreeWidget->currentItem(); if (item) { pd_ui_->profileTreeWidget->editItem(item, 0); } ret = exec(); break; case DeleteCurrentProfile: if (delete_current_profile()) { wsApp->setConfigurationProfile (NULL); } break; default: g_assert_not_reached(); break; } return ret; } void ProfileDialog::updateWidgets() { QTreeWidgetItem *item = pd_ui_->profileTreeWidget->currentItem(); bool enable_new = false; bool enable_del = false; bool enable_copy = false; bool enable_ok = true; profile_def *current_profile = NULL; if (item) { current_profile = (profile_def *) VariantPointer::asPtr(item->data(0, Qt::UserRole))->data; enable_new = true; enable_copy = true; if (!current_profile->is_global && !(item->font(0).strikeOut())) { enable_del = true; } } if (current_profile) { QString profile_path; QString profile_info; switch (current_profile->status) { case PROF_STAT_DEFAULT: if (item->font(0).strikeOut()) { profile_info = tr("Will be reset to default values"); } else { profile_path = get_persconffile_path("", FALSE); } break; case PROF_STAT_EXISTS: { char* profile_dir = current_profile->is_global ? get_global_profiles_dir() : get_profiles_dir(); profile_path = profile_dir; g_free(profile_dir); profile_path.append(QDir::separator()).append(current_profile->name); } break; case PROF_STAT_COPY: if (current_profile->reference) { bool reference_exists = false; gchar *reference = current_profile->reference; GList *fl_entry = edited_profile_list(); while (fl_entry && fl_entry->data) { profile_def *profile = (profile_def *) fl_entry->data; if (strcmp(current_profile->reference, profile->reference) == 0) { if (profile->status != PROF_STAT_COPY) { // Reference profile exists (and is not current profile) reference_exists = true; } if (profile->status == PROF_STAT_CHANGED) { // Reference profile was renamed, use the new name reference = profile->name; break; } } fl_entry = g_list_next(fl_entry); } profile_info = tr("Created from %1").arg(reference); if (current_profile->from_global) { profile_info.append(QString(" %1").arg(tr("(system provided)"))); } else if (!reference_exists) { profile_info.append(QString(" %1").arg(tr("(deleted)"))); } break; } /* Fall Through */ case PROF_STAT_NEW: profile_info = tr("Created from default settings"); break; case PROF_STAT_CHANGED: profile_info = tr("Renamed from %1").arg(current_profile->reference); break; } if (!profile_path.isEmpty()) { pd_ui_->infoLabel->setUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(profile_path).toString()); pd_ui_->infoLabel->setText(profile_path); pd_ui_->infoLabel->setToolTip(tr("Go to %1").arg(profile_path)); } else { pd_ui_->infoLabel->clear(); pd_ui_->infoLabel->setText(profile_info); } } else { pd_ui_->infoLabel->clear(); } if (pd_ui_->profileTreeWidget->topLevelItemCount() > 0) { profile_def *profile; for (int i = 0; i < pd_ui_->profileTreeWidget->topLevelItemCount(); i++) { item = pd_ui_->profileTreeWidget->topLevelItem(i); profile = (profile_def *) VariantPointer::asPtr(item->data(0, Qt::UserRole))->data; if (gchar *err_msg = profile_name_is_valid(profile->name)) { item->setToolTip(0, err_msg); item->setBackground(0, ColorUtils::fromColorT(&prefs.gui_text_invalid)); if (profile == current_profile) { pd_ui_->infoLabel->setText(err_msg); } g_free(err_msg); enable_ok = false; continue; } if (profile->is_global) { item->setToolTip(0, tr("This is a system provided profile.")); continue; } if (current_profile && !current_profile->is_global && profile != current_profile && strcmp(profile->name, current_profile->name) == 0) { item->setToolTip(0, tr("A profile already exists with this name.")); item->setBackground(0, ColorUtils::fromColorT(&prefs.gui_text_invalid)); if (current_profile->status != PROF_STAT_DEFAULT && current_profile->status != PROF_STAT_EXISTS) { pd_ui_->infoLabel->setText(tr("A profile already exists with this name")); } enable_ok = false; } else if (item->font(0).strikeOut()) { item->setToolTip(0, tr("The profile will be reset to default values.")); item->setBackground(0, ColorUtils::fromColorT(&prefs.gui_text_deprecated)); } else { item->setBackground(0, QBrush()); } } } pd_ui_->profileTreeWidget->resizeColumnToContents(0); pd_ui_->newToolButton->setEnabled(enable_new); pd_ui_->deleteToolButton->setEnabled(enable_del); pd_ui_->copyToolButton->setEnabled(enable_copy); ok_button_->setEnabled(enable_ok); } void ProfileDialog::on_profileTreeWidget_currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *, QTreeWidgetItem *) { if (pd_ui_->profileTreeWidget->updatesEnabled()) updateWidgets(); } void ProfileDialog::on_newToolButton_clicked() { QTreeWidgetItem *item = new QTreeWidgetItem(); profile_def *profile; const gchar *name = "New profile"; GList *fl_entry = add_to_profile_list(name, "", PROF_STAT_NEW, FALSE, FALSE); profile = (profile_def *) fl_entry->data; item->setText(0, profile->name); item->setData(0, Qt::UserRole, VariantPointer::asQVariant(fl_entry)); item->setFlags(item->flags() | Qt::ItemIsEditable); pd_ui_->profileTreeWidget->addTopLevelItem(item); pd_ui_->profileTreeWidget->setCurrentItem(item); pd_ui_->profileTreeWidget->editItem(item, 0); } void ProfileDialog::on_deleteToolButton_clicked() { QTreeWidgetItem *item = pd_ui_->profileTreeWidget->currentItem(); if (item) { GList *fl_entry = VariantPointer::asPtr(item->data(0, Qt::UserRole)); profile_def *profile = (profile_def *) fl_entry->data; if (profile->is_global || item->font(0).strikeOut()) { return; } if (profile->status == PROF_STAT_DEFAULT) { QFont ti_font = item->font(0); ti_font.setStrikeOut(true); item->setFont(0, ti_font); updateWidgets(); } else { delete item; // Select the default pd_ui_->profileTreeWidget->setCurrentItem(pd_ui_->profileTreeWidget->topLevelItem(0)); remove_from_profile_list(fl_entry); } } } void ProfileDialog::on_copyToolButton_clicked() { QTreeWidgetItem *cur_item = pd_ui_->profileTreeWidget->currentItem(); if (!cur_item) return; profile_def *cur_profile = (profile_def *) VariantPointer::asPtr(cur_item->data(0, Qt::UserRole))->data; if (!cur_profile) return; QTreeWidgetItem *new_item = new QTreeWidgetItem(); GList *fl_entry; const gchar *parent; gchar *new_name; profile_def *new_profile; if (cur_profile->is_global) { parent = cur_profile->name; } else { parent = get_profile_parent (cur_profile->name); } if (cur_profile->is_global && !profile_exists (parent, FALSE)) { new_name = g_strdup (cur_profile->name); } else { new_name = g_strdup_printf ("%s (copy)", cur_profile->name); } /* Add a new entry to the profile list. */ fl_entry = add_to_profile_list(new_name, parent, PROF_STAT_COPY, FALSE, cur_profile->from_global); new_profile = (profile_def *) fl_entry->data; new_item->setText(0, new_profile->name); new_item->setData(0, Qt::UserRole, VariantPointer::asQVariant(fl_entry)); new_item->setFlags(new_item->flags() | Qt::ItemIsEditable); pd_ui_->profileTreeWidget->addTopLevelItem(new_item); pd_ui_->profileTreeWidget->setCurrentItem(new_item); pd_ui_->profileTreeWidget->editItem(new_item, 0); g_free(new_name); } void ProfileDialog::on_buttonBox_accepted() { gchar *err_msg; QTreeWidgetItem *default_item = pd_ui_->profileTreeWidget->topLevelItem(0); QTreeWidgetItem *item = pd_ui_->profileTreeWidget->currentItem(); gchar *profile_name = NULL; bool write_recent = true; bool item_data_removed = false; if (default_item && default_item->font(0).strikeOut()) { // Reset Default profile. GList *fl_entry = VariantPointer::asPtr(default_item->data(0, Qt::UserRole)); remove_from_profile_list(fl_entry); // Don't write recent file if leaving the Default profile after this has been reset. write_recent = !is_default_profile(); // Don't fetch profile data if removed. item_data_removed = (item == default_item); } if (write_recent) { /* Get the current geometry, before writing it to disk */ wsApp->emitAppSignal(WiresharkApplication::ProfileChanging); /* Write recent file for current profile now because * the profile may be renamed in apply_profile_changes() */ write_profile_recent(); } if ((err_msg = apply_profile_changes()) != NULL) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Profile Error"), err_msg, QMessageBox::Ok); g_free(err_msg); return; } if (item && !item_data_removed) { profile_def *profile = (profile_def *) VariantPointer::asPtr(item->data(0, Qt::UserRole))->data; profile_name = profile->name; } if (profile_exists (profile_name, FALSE) || profile_exists (profile_name, TRUE)) { // The new profile exists, change. wsApp->setConfigurationProfile (profile_name, FALSE); } else if (!profile_exists (get_profile_name(), FALSE)) { // The new profile does not exist, and the previous profile has // been deleted. Change to the default profile. wsApp->setConfigurationProfile (NULL, FALSE); } } void ProfileDialog::on_buttonBox_helpRequested() { wsApp->helpTopicAction(HELP_CONFIG_PROFILES_DIALOG); } void ProfileDialog::editingFinished() { QTreeWidgetItem *item = pd_ui_->profileTreeWidget->currentItem(); if (item) { profile_def *profile = (profile_def *) VariantPointer::asPtr(item->data(0, Qt::UserRole))->data; if (item->text(0).compare(profile->name) != 0) { g_free(profile->name); profile->name = qstring_strdup(item->text(0)); if (strcmp(profile->name, profile->reference) == 0) { profile->status = PROF_STAT_EXISTS; } else if (profile->status == PROF_STAT_EXISTS) { profile->status = PROF_STAT_CHANGED; } } } updateWidgets(); } /* * Editor modelines * * Local Variables: * c-basic-offset: 4 * tab-width: 8 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: * * ex: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab: * :indentSize=4:tabSize=8:noTabs=true: */