MainWindow 0 0 960 768 Wireshark true 0 0 0 0 0 0 Qt::Horizontal 40 10 900000000; Go to packet Cancel 0 0 960 22 File Open Recent File Set Export Packet Dissections Export Objects Edit Copy Capture Help Manual pages Go View Analyze Apply as Filter Prepare a Filter 0 0 true Qt::BottomToolBarArea|Qt::TopToolBarArea 24 24 Qt::ToolButtonIconOnly TopToolBarArea false toolBar false TopToolBarArea true Open Open a capture file Ctrl+O Quit Quit Wireshark Ctrl+Q QAction::QuitRole &Interfaces... Show interface details Ctrl+I true :/toolbar/main/capture_start_24.png :/toolbar/main/capture_start_active_24.png :/toolbar/main/capture_start_active_24.png:/toolbar/main/capture_start_24.png &Start Start capturing packets Ctrl+E :/toolbar/main/capture_stop_24.png:/toolbar/main/capture_stop_24.png S&top Stop capturing packets Ctrl+E Close Close the current capture file Ctrl+W false No files found :/trolltech/styles/commonstyle/images/standardbutton-help-32.png:/trolltech/styles/commonstyle/images/standardbutton-help-32.png &Contents F1 true Wireshark Wireshark Filter TShark RawShark Dumpcap Mergecap Editcap Text2cap Website FAQ's Downloads :/menu/help/wiki_24.xpm:/menu/help/wiki_24.xpm Wiki true Sample Captures :/menu/help/wsicon16.xpm:/menu/help/wsicon16.xpm &About Wireshark QAction::AboutRole true :/menu/help/wsicon-ask.png:/menu/help/wsicon-ask.png Ask (Q&&A) true Next Packet Go to the next packet Ctrl+Down Previous Packet Go to the previous packet Ctrl+Up First Packet Go to the first packet Ctrl+Home Last Packet Go to the last packet Ctrl+End false E&xpand Subtrees Expand the current packet detail Shift+Right &Expand All Expand packet details Ctrl+Right Collapse &All Collapse all packet details Ctrl+Left Go to Packet... Go to specified packet Ctrl+G &Merge... Merge one or more files &Import... Import a file :/toolbar/main/toolbar/toolbar_wireshark_file_24.png:/toolbar/main/toolbar/toolbar_wireshark_file_24.png &Save Save the current file Ctrl+S :/toolbar/main/toolbar/toolbar_wireshark_file_24.png:/toolbar/main/toolbar/toolbar_wireshark_file_24.png Save &As... Save as a different file Ctrl+Shift+S Export Specified Packets... Export specified packets Export Packet &Bytes... Ctrl+H Export SSL Session Keys... &Print... Ctrl+P List Files Next File Previous File &Reload Reload the current file Ctrl+R &Options... Capture options Ctrl+K Capture &Filters... Capture filters Refresh Interfaces Refresh interfaces &Restart Restart current capture Ctrl+R As Plain &Text... As CSV... As "C" Arrays... As PSML XML... As PDML XML... &HTTP... &DICOM... &SMB... Description Ctrl+Shift+D Field Name Ctrl+Shift+F Value Ctrl+Shift+V As Filter Ctrl+Shift+C &Selected &Not Selected Not Selected ... &and Selected ... and Selected ... &or Selected ... or Selected ... a&nd not Selected ... and not Selected ... o&r not Selected ... or not Selected &Selected &Not Selected Not Selected ... &and Selected ... and Selected ... &or Selected ... or Selected ... a&nd not Selected ... and not Selected ... o&r not Selected ... or not Selected Display Filters... Display Filter &Macros... Apply as Column &Find Packet... Find a packet Ctrl+F Find Ne&xt... Find the next packet Ctrl+N Find Pre&vious... Find the previous packet Ctrl+B &Mark/Unmark Packet Mark or unmark this packet Ctrl+M Mark All Displayed Mark all displayed packets Ctrl+Shift+M Unmark All Displayed Unmark all displayed packets Meta+Alt+M Next Mark Go to the next marked packet Meta+Shift+N Previous Mark Go to the previous marked packet Meta+Shift+B &Ignore/Unignore Packet Ignore or unignore this packet Ctrl+D Ignore All Displayed Ignore all displayed packets Ctrl+Shift+D Unignore All Displayed Unignore all displayed packets Ctrl+Alt+D Set/Unset Time Reference Set or unset a time reference for this packet Ctrl+T Unset All Time References Remove all time references Ctrl+Alt+T Next Time Reference Go to the next time reference Ctrl+Alt+N Previous Time Reference Go to the previous time reference Ctrl+Alt+B Time Shift... Shift or change packet timestamps Ctrl+Shift+T Packet Comment... Add or change a packet comment false Name set in iconText to keep QMenuBar from grabbing it on OS X Configuration Profiles... Manage your configuration profiles Ctrl+Shift+A QAction::NoRole &Preferences... Manage Wireshark's preferences Ctrl+Shift+P QAction::PreferencesRole MainStatusBar QStatusBar
MainWelcome QFrame
SearchFrame QWidget
AccordionFrame QFrame
actionFileQuit triggered() MainWindow close() -1 -1 408 258