MainWindow 0 0 960 768 true Wireshark true 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Qt::Horizontal 40 10 Packet: 16777215 27 Go to packet true 16777215 27 Cancel true 0 0 960 22 &File Open &Recent File Set Export Packet Dissections Export Objects &Capture &Help true Manual pages true &Go &View Interface Toolbars &Zoom &Time Display Format Name Resol&ution Colorize Conversation Internals Additional Toolbars &Analyze Apply as Filter Prepare as Filter SCTP Follow Conversation Filter true &Statistics TCP Stream Graphs BACnet HTTP 29West Topics Queues UIM Service &Response Time Reliable Server Pooling (RSerPool) SOME/IP Telephon&y RTSP &RTP S&CTP &ANSI &GSM &LTE &MTP3 Osmux &Edit Copy Packet Comments &Wireless &Tools 0 0 Main Toolbar false 32 32 Qt::ToolButtonIconOnly TopToolBarArea false Display Filter Toolbar false 14 14 TopToolBarArea true Wireless Toolbar false TopToolBarArea true &Open Open a capture file Ctrl+O false &Quit Quit Wireshark Ctrl+Q QAction::QuitRole true &Start Start capturing packets Ctrl+E S&top Stop capturing packets Ctrl+E &Close Close this capture file Ctrl+W false false No files found &Contents Help contents F1 true Wireshark Wireshark Filter TShark Rawshark Dumpcap Mergecap Editcap Text2pcap :/menu/help/wsicon16.png:/menu/help/wsicon16.png Website FAQs Downloads :/menu/help/wsicon16.png:/menu/help/wsicon16.png Wiki true Sample Captures &About Wireshark QAction::AboutRole :/menu/help/wsicon-ask.png:/menu/help/wsicon-ask.png Ask (Q&&A) true Next Packet Go to the next packet Ctrl+Down Previous Packet Go to the previous packet Ctrl+Up Next Packet in Conversation Go to the next packet in this conversation Ctrl+. Previous Packet in Conversation Go to the previous packet in this conversation Ctrl+, Next Packet In History Go to the next packet in your selection history Alt+Right Previous Packet In History Go to the previous packet in your selection history Alt+Left First Packet Go to the first packet Ctrl+Home Last Packet Go to the last packet Ctrl+End false E&xpand Subtrees Expand the current packet detail Shift+Right false Collapse Subtrees Collapse the current packet detail Shift+Left &Expand All Expand packet details Ctrl+Right Collapse &All Collapse all packet details Ctrl+Left true Go to Packet… Go to specified packet Ctrl+G &Merge… Merge one or more files &Import from Hex Dump… Import a file &Save Save this capture file Ctrl+S false Save &As… Save as a different file Ctrl+Shift+S Export Specified Packets… Export specified packets Export Packet &Bytes… Ctrl+Shift+X Export TLS Session Keys… &Print… Ctrl+P List Files Next File Previous File &Reload Reload this file Ctrl+R true Reload as File Format/Capture Ctrl+Shift+F &Options… Options Capture options Ctrl+K QAction::NoRole Capture &Filters… Capture filters Refresh Interfaces Refresh interfaces F5 &Restart Restart current capture Ctrl+R As Plain &Text… As &CSV… As "C" &Arrays… As P&SML XML… As P&DML XML… As &JSON… Description Copy this item's description Ctrl+Alt+Shift+D As Plain &Text As &CSV As &YAML All Visible Items Ctrl+Alt+Shift+A All Visible Selected Tree Items Field Name Copy this item's field name Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F Value Copy this item's value Ctrl+Alt+Shift+V As Filter Copy this item as a display filter Ctrl+Shift+C Display &Filters… Display Filter &Macros… Apply as Column Create a packet list column from the selected field. Ctrl+Shift+I &Find Packet… Find a packet Ctrl+F Find Ne&xt Find the next packet Ctrl+N Find Pre&vious Find the previous packet Ctrl+B &Mark/Unmark Packet(s) Mark or unmark each selected packet Ctrl+M Mark All Displayed Mark all displayed packets Ctrl+Shift+M &Unmark All Displayed Unmark all displayed packets Ctrl+Alt+M Next Mark Go to the next marked packet Ctrl+Shift+N Previous Mark Go to the previous marked packet Ctrl+Shift+B &Ignore/Unignore Packet(s) Ignore or unignore each selected packet Ctrl+D Ignore All Displayed Ignore all displayed packets Ctrl+Shift+D U&nignore All Displayed Unignore all displayed packets Ctrl+Alt+D Set/Unset Time Reference Set or unset a time reference for this packet Ctrl+T Unset All Time References Remove all time references Ctrl+Alt+T Next Time Reference Go to the next time reference Ctrl+Alt+N Previous Time Reference Go to the previous time reference Ctrl+Alt+B Time Shift… Shift or change packet timestamps Ctrl+Shift+T Delete All Packet Comments Remove all packet comments in the capture file false &Configuration Profiles… Configuration profiles Manage your configuration profiles Ctrl+Shift+A QAction::NoRole &Preferences… Manage Wireshark's preferences Ctrl+Shift+P QAction::PreferencesRole false Capture File Properties Capture file properties Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C false &Protocol Hierarchy Show a summary of protocols present in the capture file. Capinfos Reordercap Time Sequence (Stevens) TCP time sequence graph (Stevens) Throughput TCP throughput Round Trip Time TCP round trip time Window Scaling TCP window scaling false TCP Stream Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T false UDP Stream Ctrl+Alt+Shift+U false DCCP Stream Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E false TLS Stream Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S false HTTP Stream Ctrl+Alt+Shift+H false HTTP/2 Stream false QUIC Stream false SIP Call Time Sequence (tcptrace) TCP time sequence graph (tcptrace) Analyse this Association Show All Associations Flow Graph Flow sequence diagram ANCP ANCP statistics Packets sorted by Instance ID BACapp statistics sorted by instance ID Packets sorted by IP BACapp statistics sorted by IP Packets sorted by object type BACapp statistics sorted by object type Packets sorted by service BACapp statistics sorted by service Collectd Collectd statistics DNS DNS statistics HART-IP HART-IP statistics HPFEEDS hpfeeds statistics HTTP2 HTTP2 statistics Packet Counter HTTP packet counter Requests HTTP requests Load Distribution HTTP load distribution Request Sequences HTTP Request Sequences Packet Lengths Packet length statistics Sametime Sametime statistics SOME/IP Messages SOME/IP Message statistics SOME/IP-SD Entries SOME/IP-SD Entries statistics &ISUP Messages ISUP message statistics Packet Counter Osmux packet counts Packet Counter RTSP packet counts SM&PP Operations SMPP operation statistics &UCP Messages UCP message statistics F1AP F1AP Messages NGAP NGAP Messages Decode &As… Change the way packets are dissected Ctrl+Shift+U Reload Lua Plugins Reload Lua plugins Ctrl+Shift+L 29West Advertisements by Topic Advertisements by Source Advertisements by Transport Queries by Topic Queries by Receiver Wildcard Queries by Pattern Wildcard Queries by Receiver Advertisements by Queue Advertisements by Source Queries by Queue Queries by Receiver Streams LBT-RM LBT-RU Filter this Association Filter this Association Export PDUs to File… Strip Headers… Strip headers and export higher level encapsulations to file &I/O Graphs Create graphs based on display filter fields true true &Main Toolbar Show or hide the main toolbar true true &Filter Toolbar Show or hide the display filter toolbar &Conversations Conversations at different protocol levels &Endpoints Endpoints at different protocol levels true Colorize Packet List Draw packets using your coloring rules &Zoom In Enlarge the main window text Ctrl++ Zoom Out Shrink the main window text Ctrl+- Normal Size Return the main window text to its normal size Ctrl+0 Reset Layout Reset appearance layout to default size Ctrl+Shift+W Resize Columns Resize packet list columns to fit contents Ctrl+Shift+R true Date and Time of Day (1970-01-01 01:02:03.123456) Show packet times as the date and time of day. Ctrl+Alt+1 true Year, Day of Year, and Time of Day (1970/001 01:02:03.123456) Show packet times as the year, day of the year and time of day. true Time of Day (01:02:03.123456) Show packet times as the date and time of day. Ctrl+Alt+2 true Seconds Since 1970-01-01 Show packet times as the seconds since the UNIX / POSIX epoch (1970-01-01). Ctrl+Alt+3 true Seconds Since Beginning of Capture Show packet times as the date and time of day. Ctrl+Alt+4 true Seconds Since Previous Captured Packet Show packet times as the seconds since the previous captured packet. Ctrl+Alt+5 true Seconds Since Previous Displayed Packet Show packet times as the seconds since the previous displayed packet. Ctrl+Alt+6 true UTC Date and Time of Day (1970-01-01 01:02:03.123456) Show packet times as the UTC date and time of day. Ctrl+Alt+7 true UTC Year, Day of Year, and Time of Day (1970/001 01:02:03.123456) Show packet times as the UTC year, day of the year and time of day. true UTC Time of Day (01:02:03.123456) Show packet times as the UTC time of day. Ctrl+Alt+8 true Automatic (from capture file) Use the time precision indicated in the capture file. true Seconds true Tenths of a second true Hundredths of a second true Milliseconds true Microseconds true Nanoseconds true Display Seconds With Hours and Minutes Display seconds with hours and minutes true Resolve &Physical Addresses Show names for known MAC addresses. Lookups use a local database. true Resolve &Network Addresses Show names for known IPv4, IPv6, and IPX addresses. Lookups can generate network traffic. true Resolve &Transport Addresses Show names for known TCP, UDP, and SCTP services. Lookups can generate traffic on some systems. true Wire&less Toolbar Show or hide the wireless toolbar true true &Status Bar Show or hide the status bar true true Packet &List Show or hide the packet list true true Packet &Details Show or hide the packet details true true Packet &Bytes Show or hide the packet bytes true true Packet &Diagram Show or hide the packet diagram &Conversation Hash Tables Show each conversation hash table &Dissector Tables Show each dissector table and its entries &Supported Protocols Show the currently supported protocols and display filter fields MAP Summary GSM MAP summary statistics MAC Statistics LTE MAC statistics RLC Statistics LTE RLC statistics RLC &Graph LTE RLC graph MTP3 Summary MTP3 summary statistics &VoIP Calls All VoIP Calls SIP &Flows SIP Flows RTP Streams &Coloring Rules… Edit the packet list coloring rules. Bluetooth ATT Server Attributes Bluetooth Devices Bluetooth HCI Summary Show Packet in New &Window Show this packet in a separate window. Show Linked Packet in New Window Show the linked packet in a separate window. true Auto Scroll in Li&ve Capture Automatically scroll to the last packet during a live capture. Expert Information Show expert notifications Display Filter &Expression… Display Filter Expression… Add an expression to the display filter. REGISTER_STAT_GROUP_UNSORTED Start of "REGISTER_STAT_GROUP_UNSORTED" false QAction::NoRole REGISTER_STAT_GROUP_RSERPOOL Start of "REGISTER_STAT_GROUP_RSERPOOL" false QAction::NoRole false No ANSI statistics registered false No GSM statistics registered false No LTE statistics registered false No MTP3 statistics registered Resolved Addresses Show each table of resolved addresses as copyable text. Color &1 Mark the current conversation with its own color. Ctrl+1 Color &2 Mark the current conversation with its own color. Ctrl+2 Color &3 Mark the current conversation with its own color. Ctrl+3 Color &4 Mark the current conversation with its own color. Ctrl+4 Color &5 Mark the current conversation with its own color. Ctrl+5 Color &6 Mark the current conversation with its own color. Ctrl+6 Color &7 Mark the current conversation with its own color. Ctrl+7 Color &8 Mark the current conversation with its own color. Ctrl+8 Color &9 Mark the current conversation with its own color. Ctrl+9 Color 1&0 Mark the current conversation with its own color. New Coloring Rule… Create a new coloring rule based on this field. Reset Colorization Reset colorized conversations. Ctrl+Space RTP Stream Analysis RTP Stream Analysis for selected stream. Press CTRL key for adding reverse stream too. RTP Player Play selected stream. Press CTRL key for playing reverse stream too. IA&X2 Stream Analysis IAX2 Stream Analysis Edit Resolved Name Manually edit a name resolution entry. Enabled Protocols… Enable and disable specific protocols Ctrl+Shift+E Show Packet Bytes… Ctrl+Shift+O Wiki Protocol Page Open the Wireshark wiki page for this protocol. Filter Field Reference Open the display filter reference page for this filter field. Go to &Linked Packet Go to the packet referenced by the selected field. UDP Multicast Streams Show UTP multicast stream statistics. WLAN Traffic Show IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN statistics. Add a display filter button. Firewall ACL Rules Create firewall ACL rules true &Full Screen Credentials AccordionFrame QFrame
MainStatusBar QStatusBar
WelcomePage QFrame
SearchFrame QWidget
ColumnEditorFrame QFrame
PreferenceEditorFrame QFrame
AddressEditorFrame QFrame
FilterExpressionFrame QFrame
WirelessTimeline QWidget
actionFileQuit triggered() MainWindow close() -1 -1 408 258