/* main_window.cpp * * $Id$ * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "main_window.h" #include "ui_main_window.h" #include "globals.h" #include #include #include #include "ui/main_statusbar.h" #include "wireshark_application.h" #include "packet_list.h" #include "proto_tree.h" #include "byte_view_tab.h" #include "capture_file_dialog.h" #include "display_filter_edit.h" #include "qt_ui_utils.h" #include #include #include #include #include //menu_recent_file_write_all // If we ever add support for multiple windows this will need to be replaced. static MainWindow *cur_main_window = NULL; MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { capFile = NULL; cur_main_window = this; ui->setupUi(this); connect(wsApp, SIGNAL(updateRecentItemStatus(const QString &, qint64, bool)), this, SLOT(updateRecentFiles())); updateRecentFiles(); dfComboBox = new DisplayFilterCombo(); const DisplayFilterEdit *dfEdit = dynamic_cast(dfComboBox->lineEdit()); connect(dfEdit, SIGNAL(pushFilterSyntaxStatus(QString&)), ui->statusBar, SLOT(pushFilterStatus(QString&))); connect(dfEdit, SIGNAL(popFilterSyntaxStatus()), ui->statusBar, SLOT(popFilterStatus())); connect(dfEdit, SIGNAL(pushFilterSyntaxWarning(QString&)), ui->statusBar, SLOT(pushTemporaryStatus(QString&))); #ifdef _WIN32 // Qt <= 4.7 doesn't seem to style Windows toolbars. If we wanted to be really fancy we could use Blur Behind: // http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2009/09/15/using-blur-behind-on-windows/ setStyleSheet( "QToolBar {" " background: qlineargradient(spread:pad, x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:1, stop:0 rgba(255,255,255,127), stop:0.37 rgba(234,234,234,127), stop:1 rgba(155,155,155,91));" "}" ); #endif ui->mainToolBar->addWidget(dfComboBox); splitterV = new QSplitter(ui->mainStack); splitterV->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("splitterV")); splitterV->setOrientation(Qt::Vertical); PacketList *packetList = new PacketList(splitterV); ProtoTree *protoTree = new ProtoTree(splitterV); protoTree->setHeaderHidden(true); ByteViewTab *byteViewTab = new ByteViewTab(splitterV); byteViewTab->setTabPosition(QTabWidget::South); byteViewTab->setDocumentMode(true); packetList->setProtoTree(protoTree); packetList->setByteViewTab(byteViewTab); splitterV->addWidget(packetList); splitterV->addWidget(protoTree); splitterV->addWidget(byteViewTab); ui->mainStack->addWidget(splitterV); mainWelcome = new MainWelcome(ui->mainStack); ui->mainStack->addWidget(mainWelcome); connect(mainWelcome, SIGNAL(recentFileActivated(QString&)), this, SLOT(openCaptureFile(QString&))); connect(wsApp, SIGNAL(captureFileReadStarted(const capture_file*)), this, SLOT(captureFileReadStarted(const capture_file*))); connect(wsApp, SIGNAL(captureFileReadFinished(const capture_file*)), this, SLOT(captureFileReadFinished(const capture_file*))); connect(wsApp, SIGNAL(captureFileClosing(const capture_file*)), this, SLOT(captureFileClosing(const capture_file*))); connect(wsApp, SIGNAL(captureFileClosed(const capture_file*)), this, SLOT(captureFileClosed(const capture_file*))); connect(protoTree, SIGNAL(protoItemSelected(QString&)), ui->statusBar, SLOT(pushFieldStatus(QString&))); connect(protoTree, SIGNAL(protoItemUnselected()), ui->statusBar, SLOT(popFieldStatus())); ui->mainStack->setCurrentWidget(mainWelcome); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { delete ui; } void MainWindow::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) { if (event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier && event->key() == Qt::Key_Slash) { dfComboBox->setFocus(Qt::ShortcutFocusReason); return; } QMainWindow::keyPressEvent(event); } void MainWindow::captureFileReadStarted(const capture_file *cf) { if (cf != capFile) return; // tap_param_dlg_update(); /* Set up main window for a capture file. */ // main_set_for_capture_file(TRUE); ui->statusBar->popFileStatus(); QString msg = QString(tr("Loading: %1")).arg(get_basename(cf->filename)); ui->statusBar->pushFileStatus(msg); } void MainWindow::captureFileReadFinished(const capture_file *cf) { if (cf != capFile) return; // gchar *dir_path; // if (!cf->is_tempfile && cf->filename) { // /* Add this filename to the list of recent files in the "Recent Files" submenu */ // add_menu_recent_capture_file(cf->filename); // /* Remember folder for next Open dialog and save it in recent */ // dir_path = get_dirname(g_strdup(cf->filename)); // set_last_open_dir(dir_path); // g_free(dir_path); // } // set_display_filename(cf); // /* Enable menu items that make sense if you have a capture file you've // finished reading. */ // set_menus_for_capture_file(cf); // /* Enable menu items that make sense if you have some captured packets. */ // set_menus_for_captured_packets(TRUE); ui->statusBar->popFileStatus(); QString msg = QString().sprintf("%s", get_basename(cf->filename)); ui->statusBar->pushFileStatus(msg); } void MainWindow::captureFileClosing(const capture_file *cf) { if (cf != capFile) return; /* reset expert info indicator */ // status_expert_hide(); // gtk_widget_show(expert_info_none); } void MainWindow::captureFileClosed(const capture_file *cf) { if (cf != capFile) return; packets_bar_update(); ui->statusBar->popFileStatus(); capFile = NULL; } void MainWindow::closeCaptureFile() { cf_close(&cfile); ui->mainStack->setCurrentWidget(mainWelcome); } static void append_file_type(QStringList &filters, int ft) { QString filter; bool first; GSList *extensions_list, *extension; filter = wtap_file_type_string(ft); filter += " ("; extensions_list = wtap_get_file_extensions_list(ft); if (extensions_list == NULL) { /* This file type doesn't have any particular extension conventionally used for it, so we'll just use "*.*" as the pattern; on Windows, that matches all file names - even those with no extension - so we don't need to worry about compressed file extensions. (It does not do so on UN*X; the right pattern on UN*X would just be "*".) */ filter += "*.*"; } else { /* Construct the list of patterns. */ first = true; for (extension = extensions_list; extension != NULL; extension = g_slist_next(extension)) { /* XXX - the documentation says the separator is a blank */ if (!first) filter += ';'; filter += "*."; filter += (char *)extension->data; first = false; } wtap_free_file_extensions_list(extensions_list); } filter += ')'; filters += filter; /* XXX - does QStringList's destructor destroy the strings in the list? */ } static QStringList build_file_open_type_list(void) { QStringList filters; /* XXX - new? */ int ft; /* Add the "All Files" entry. */ filters << QString("All Files (*.*)"); /* Include all the file types Wireshark supports. */ for (ft = 0; ft < WTAP_NUM_FILE_TYPES; ft++) { if (ft == WTAP_FILE_UNKNOWN) continue; /* not a real file type */ append_file_type(filters, ft); } return filters; } #if 0 static QStringList build_file_save_type_list(GArray *savable_file_types) { QStringList filters = new QStringList; guint i; int ft; /* Get only the file types as which we can save this file. */ if (savable_file_types != NULL) { /* OK, we have at least one file type we can save this file as. (If we didn't, we shouldn't have gotten here in the first place.) Add them all to the filter list. */ for (i = 0; i < savable_file_types->len; i++) { ft = g_array_index(savable_file_types, int, i); append_file_type(filters, ft); } } return filters; } #endif void MainWindow::openCaptureFile(QString &cfPath) { dfilter_t *rfcode = NULL; if (cfPath.isEmpty()) { QStringList cfNames; CaptureFileDialog cfDlg(this); cfDlg.setLabelText(QFileDialog::FileName, tr("Wireshark: Open Capture File")); cfDlg.setDirectory("/Users/gcombs/Documents/Captures"); cfDlg.setNameFilters(build_file_open_type_list()); cfDlg.setFileMode(QFileDialog::ExistingFile); if (cfDlg.exec()) { cfNames = cfDlg.selectedFiles(); if (cfNames.length() > 0) { cfPath = cfNames[0]; } } } if (cfPath.length() > 0) { int err; /* Try to open the capture file. */ if (cf_open(&cfile, cfPath.toUtf8().constData(), FALSE, &err) != CF_OK) { /* We couldn't open it; don't dismiss the open dialog box, just leave it around so that the user can, after they dismiss the alert box popped up for the open error, try again. */ if (rfcode != NULL) dfilter_free(rfcode); capFile = NULL; return; } else { ui->mainStack->setCurrentWidget(splitterV); capFile = &cfile; cf_read(&cfile, FALSE); } } } void MainWindow::recentActionTriggered() { QAction *ra = qobject_cast(sender()); if (ra) { QString cfPath = ra->data().toString(); openCaptureFile(cfPath); } } // XXX - Copied from ui/gtk/menus.c /** * Add the capture filename (with an absolute path) to the "Recent Files" menu. * * @param cf_name Absolute path to the file. * @param first Prepend the filename if true, otherwise append it. Default is false (append). */ // XXX - We should probably create a RecentFile class. void MainWindow::updateRecentFiles() { QAction *ra; QMenu *recentMenu = ui->menuOpenRecentCaptureFile; QString action_cf_name; if (!recentMenu) { return; } recentMenu->clear(); /* Iterate through the actions in menuOpenRecentCaptureFile, * removing special items, a maybe duplicate entry and every item above count_max */ int shortcut = Qt::Key_0; foreach (recent_item_status *ri, wsApp->recent_item_list()) { // Add the new item ra = new QAction(recentMenu); ra->setData(ri->filename); // XXX - Needs get_recent_item_status or equivalent ra->setEnabled(ri->accessible); recentMenu->insertAction(NULL, ra); action_cf_name = ra->data().toString(); if (shortcut <= Qt::Key_9) { ra->setShortcut(Qt::META | shortcut); shortcut++; } ra->setText(action_cf_name); connect(ra, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(recentActionTriggered())); } if (recentMenu->actions().count() > 0) { // Separator + "Clear" // XXX - Do we really need this? ra = new QAction(recentMenu); ra->setSeparator(true); recentMenu->insertAction(NULL, ra); ra = new QAction(recentMenu); ra->setText(tr("Clear Menu")); recentMenu->insertAction(NULL, ra); connect(ra, SIGNAL(triggered()), wsApp, SLOT(clearRecentItems())); } else { if (ui->actionDummyNoFilesFound) { recentMenu->addAction(ui->actionDummyNoFilesFound); } } }