/* lbm_stream_dialog.cpp * * Copyright (c) 2005-2014 Informatica Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ // Adapted from stats_tree_packet.cpp #include "lbm_stream_dialog.h" #include "ui_lbm_stream_dialog.h" #include "file.h" #include "wireshark_application.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { static const int Stream_Column = 0; static const int EndpointA_Column = 1; static const int EndpointB_Column = 2; static const int Messages_Column = 3; static const int Bytes_Column = 4; static const int FirstFrame_Column = 5; static const int LastFrame_Column = 6; } class LBMSubstreamEntry { public: LBMSubstreamEntry(guint64 channel, guint32 substream_id, const address * source_address, guint16 source_port, const address * destination_address, guint16 destination_port); ~LBMSubstreamEntry(void); void processPacket(guint32 frame, guint32 bytes); void setItem(QTreeWidgetItem * item); QTreeWidgetItem * getItem(void) { return (m_item); } private: LBMSubstreamEntry(void) { } void fillItem(gboolean update_only = TRUE); guint64 m_channel; guint32 m_substream_id; QString m_endpoint_a; QString m_endpoint_b; guint32 m_first_frame; guint32 m_flast_frame; guint32 m_messages; guint32 m_bytes; QTreeWidgetItem * m_item; }; LBMSubstreamEntry::LBMSubstreamEntry(guint64 channel, guint32 substream_id, const address * source_address, guint16 source_port, const address * destination_address, guint16 destination_port) : m_channel(channel), m_substream_id(substream_id), m_first_frame((guint32)(~0)), m_flast_frame(0), m_messages(0), m_bytes(0), m_item(NULL) { m_endpoint_a = QString("%1:%2") .arg(address_to_str(wmem_packet_scope(), source_address)) .arg(source_port); m_endpoint_b = QString("%1:%2") .arg(address_to_str(wmem_packet_scope(), destination_address)) .arg(destination_port); } LBMSubstreamEntry::~LBMSubstreamEntry(void) { } void LBMSubstreamEntry::processPacket(guint32 frame, guint32 bytes) { if (m_first_frame > frame) { m_first_frame = frame; } if (m_flast_frame < frame) { m_flast_frame = frame; } m_bytes += bytes; m_messages++; fillItem(); } void LBMSubstreamEntry::setItem(QTreeWidgetItem * item) { m_item = item; fillItem(FALSE); } void LBMSubstreamEntry::fillItem(gboolean update_only) { if (update_only == FALSE) { m_item->setText(Stream_Column, QString("%1.%2").arg(m_channel).arg(m_substream_id)); m_item->setText(EndpointA_Column, m_endpoint_a); m_item->setText(EndpointB_Column, m_endpoint_b); } m_item->setText(Messages_Column, QString("%1").arg(m_messages)); m_item->setText(Bytes_Column, QString("%1").arg(m_bytes)); m_item->setText(FirstFrame_Column, QString("%1").arg(m_first_frame)); m_item->setText(LastFrame_Column, QString("%1").arg(m_flast_frame)); } typedef QMap LBMSubstreamMap; typedef QMap::iterator LBMSubstreamMapIterator; class LBMStreamEntry { public: LBMStreamEntry(guint64 channel, const lbm_uim_stream_endpoint_t * endpoint_a, const lbm_uim_stream_endpoint_t * endpoint_b); ~LBMStreamEntry(void); void processPacket(const packet_info * pinfo, const lbm_uim_stream_tap_info_t * stream_info); void setItem(QTreeWidgetItem * item); QTreeWidgetItem * getItem(void) { return (m_item); } private: LBMStreamEntry(void) { } void fillItem(gboolean update_only = TRUE); QString formatEndpoint(const lbm_uim_stream_endpoint_t * endpoint); guint64 m_channel; QString m_endpoint_a; QString m_endpoint_b; guint32 m_first_frame; guint32 m_flast_frame; guint32 m_messages; guint32 m_bytes; QTreeWidgetItem * m_item; LBMSubstreamMap m_substreams; }; LBMStreamEntry::LBMStreamEntry(guint64 channel, const lbm_uim_stream_endpoint_t * endpoint_a, const lbm_uim_stream_endpoint_t * endpoint_b) : m_channel(channel), m_first_frame((guint32)(~0)), m_flast_frame(0), m_messages(0), m_bytes(0), m_item(NULL), m_substreams() { m_endpoint_a = formatEndpoint(endpoint_a); m_endpoint_b = formatEndpoint(endpoint_b); } LBMStreamEntry::~LBMStreamEntry(void) { LBMSubstreamMapIterator it; for (it = m_substreams.begin(); it != m_substreams.end(); it++) { delete *it; } m_substreams.clear(); } QString LBMStreamEntry::formatEndpoint(const lbm_uim_stream_endpoint_t * endpoint) { if (endpoint->type == lbm_uim_instance_stream) { return QString(bytes_to_ep_str(endpoint->stream_info.ctxinst.ctxinst, sizeof(endpoint->stream_info.ctxinst.ctxinst))); } else { return QString("%1:%2:%3") .arg(endpoint->stream_info.dest.domain) .arg(address_to_str(wmem_packet_scope(), &(endpoint->stream_info.dest.addr))) .arg(endpoint->stream_info.dest.port); } } void LBMStreamEntry::processPacket(const packet_info * pinfo, const lbm_uim_stream_tap_info_t * stream_info) { LBMSubstreamEntry * substream = NULL; LBMSubstreamMapIterator it; if (m_first_frame > pinfo->fd->num) { m_first_frame = pinfo->fd->num; } if (m_flast_frame < pinfo->fd->num) { m_flast_frame = pinfo->fd->num; } m_bytes += stream_info->bytes; m_messages++; it = m_substreams.find(stream_info->substream_id); if (m_substreams.end() == it) { QTreeWidgetItem * item = NULL; substream = new LBMSubstreamEntry(m_channel, stream_info->substream_id, &(pinfo->src), pinfo->srcport, &(pinfo->dst), pinfo->destport); m_substreams.insert(stream_info->substream_id, substream); item = new QTreeWidgetItem(); substream->setItem(item); m_item->addChild(item); m_item->sortChildren(Stream_Column, Qt::AscendingOrder); } else { substream = it.value(); } fillItem(); substream->processPacket(pinfo->fd->num, stream_info->bytes); } void LBMStreamEntry::setItem(QTreeWidgetItem * item) { m_item = item; fillItem(FALSE); } void LBMStreamEntry::fillItem(gboolean update_only) { if (update_only == FALSE) { m_item->setData(Stream_Column, Qt::DisplayRole, QVariant((qulonglong)m_channel)); m_item->setText(EndpointA_Column, m_endpoint_a); m_item->setText(EndpointB_Column, m_endpoint_b); } m_item->setText(Messages_Column, QString("%1").arg(m_messages)); m_item->setText(Bytes_Column, QString("%1").arg(m_bytes)); m_item->setText(FirstFrame_Column, QString("%1").arg(m_first_frame)); m_item->setText(LastFrame_Column, QString("%1").arg(m_flast_frame)); } typedef QMap LBMStreamMap; typedef QMap::iterator LBMStreamMapIterator; class LBMStreamDialogInfo { public: LBMStreamDialogInfo(void); ~LBMStreamDialogInfo(void); void setDialog(LBMStreamDialog * dialog); LBMStreamDialog * getDialog(void); void processPacket(const packet_info * pinfo, const lbm_uim_stream_tap_info_t * stream_info); void resetStreams(void); private: LBMStreamDialog * m_dialog; LBMStreamMap m_streams; }; LBMStreamDialogInfo::LBMStreamDialogInfo(void) : m_dialog(NULL), m_streams() { } LBMStreamDialogInfo::~LBMStreamDialogInfo(void) { resetStreams(); } void LBMStreamDialogInfo::setDialog(LBMStreamDialog * dialog) { m_dialog = dialog; } LBMStreamDialog * LBMStreamDialogInfo::getDialog(void) { return (m_dialog); } void LBMStreamDialogInfo::processPacket(const packet_info * pinfo, const lbm_uim_stream_tap_info_t * stream_info) { LBMStreamEntry * stream = NULL; LBMStreamMapIterator it; it = m_streams.find(stream_info->channel); if (m_streams.end() == it) { QTreeWidgetItem * item = NULL; QTreeWidgetItem * parent = NULL; Ui::LBMStreamDialog * ui = NULL; stream = new LBMStreamEntry(stream_info->channel, &(stream_info->endpoint_a), &(stream_info->endpoint_b)); it = m_streams.insert(stream_info->channel, stream); item = new QTreeWidgetItem(); stream->setItem(item); ui = m_dialog->getUI(); ui->lbm_stream_TreeWidget->addTopLevelItem(item); parent = ui->lbm_stream_TreeWidget->invisibleRootItem(); parent->sortChildren(Stream_Column, Qt::AscendingOrder); } else { stream = it.value(); } stream->processPacket(pinfo, stream_info); } void LBMStreamDialogInfo::resetStreams(void) { LBMStreamMapIterator it = m_streams.begin(); while (it != m_streams.end()) { delete *it; it++; } m_streams.clear(); } LBMStreamDialog::LBMStreamDialog(QWidget * parent, capture_file * cfile) : QDialog(parent), m_ui(new Ui::LBMStreamDialog), m_dialog_info(NULL), m_capture_file(cfile) { m_ui->setupUi(this); m_dialog_info = new LBMStreamDialogInfo(); connect(this, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(closeDialog())); connect(this, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(closeDialog())); fillTree(); } LBMStreamDialog::~LBMStreamDialog(void) { delete m_ui; if (m_dialog_info != NULL) { delete m_dialog_info; } } void LBMStreamDialog::setCaptureFile(capture_file * cfile) { if (cfile == NULL) // We only want to know when the file closes. { m_capture_file = NULL; m_ui->displayFilterLineEdit->setEnabled(false); m_ui->applyFilterButton->setEnabled(false); } } void LBMStreamDialog::fillTree(void) { GString * error_string; if (m_capture_file == NULL) { return; } m_dialog_info->setDialog(this); error_string = register_tap_listener("lbm_stream", (void *)m_dialog_info, m_ui->displayFilterLineEdit->text().toUtf8().constData(), TL_REQUIRES_COLUMNS, resetTap, tapPacket, drawTreeItems); if (error_string) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("LBM Stream failed to attach to tap"), error_string->str); g_string_free(error_string, TRUE); reject(); } cf_retap_packets(m_capture_file); drawTreeItems(&m_dialog_info); remove_tap_listener((void *)m_dialog_info); } void LBMStreamDialog::resetTap(void * tap_data) { LBMStreamDialogInfo * info = (LBMStreamDialogInfo *)tap_data; LBMStreamDialog * dialog = info->getDialog(); if (dialog == NULL) { return; } info->resetStreams(); dialog->m_ui->lbm_stream_TreeWidget->clear(); } gboolean LBMStreamDialog::tapPacket(void * tap_data, packet_info * pinfo, epan_dissect_t * edt, const void * stream_info) { Q_UNUSED(edt) if (pinfo->fd->flags.passed_dfilter == 1) { const lbm_uim_stream_tap_info_t * tapinfo = (const lbm_uim_stream_tap_info_t *)stream_info; LBMStreamDialogInfo * info = (LBMStreamDialogInfo *)tap_data; info->processPacket(pinfo, tapinfo); } return (TRUE); } void LBMStreamDialog::drawTreeItems(void * tap_data) { Q_UNUSED(tap_data) } void LBMStreamDialog::on_applyFilterButton_clicked(void) { fillTree(); } void LBMStreamDialog::closeDialog(void) { delete this; } /* * Editor modelines - http://www.wireshark.org/tools/modelines.html * * Local variables: * c-basic-offset: 4 * tab-width: 4 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: * * vi: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 expandtab: * :indentSize=4:tabSize=4:noTabs=true: */