/* interface_tree.cpp * Display of interface names, traffic sparklines, and, if available, * extcap options * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "interface_tree.h" #include "epan/prefs.h" #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP #include "ui/capture_globals.h" #endif #include "ui/iface_lists.h" #include #include "ui/ui_util.h" #include "qt_ui_utils.h" #include "sparkline_delegate.h" #include "stock_icon.h" #include "wireshark_application.h" #ifdef HAVE_EXTCAP #include "extcap.h" #endif #include #include #include // The interface list and capture filter editor in the main window and // the capture interfaces dialog should have the following behavior: // // - The global capture options are the source of truth for selected // interfaces. // - The global capture options are the source of truth for the capture // filter for an interface. // - If multiple interfaces with different filters are selected, the // CaptureFilterEdit should be cleared and show a corresponding // placeholder message. Device cfilters should not be changed. // - Entering a filter in a CaptureFilterEdit should update the device // cfilter for each selected interface. This should happen even when // conflicting filters are selected, as described above. // - Interface selections and cfilter changes in CaptureInterfacesDialog // should be reflected in MainWelcome. #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP const int stat_update_interval_ = 1000; // ms #endif InterfaceTree::InterfaceTree(QWidget *parent) : QTreeWidget(parent) #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP ,stat_cache_(NULL) ,stat_timer_(NULL) #endif // HAVE_LIBPCAP { QTreeWidgetItem *ti; qRegisterMetaType< PointList >("PointList"); header()->setVisible(false); setRootIsDecorated(false); setUniformRowHeights(true); /* Seems to have no effect, still the default value (2) is being used, as it * was set in the .ui file. But better safe, then sorry. */ resetColumnCount(); setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection); setAccessibleName(tr("Welcome screen list")); setItemDelegateForColumn(IFTREE_COL_STATS, new SparkLineDelegate(this)); setDisabled(true); ti = new QTreeWidgetItem(); ti->setText(IFTREE_COL_NAME, tr("Waiting for startup%1").arg(UTF8_HORIZONTAL_ELLIPSIS)); addTopLevelItem(ti); resizeColumnToContents(IFTREE_COL_NAME); connect(wsApp, SIGNAL(appInitialized()), this, SLOT(getInterfaceList())); connect(wsApp, SIGNAL(localInterfaceListChanged()), this, SLOT(interfaceListChanged())); connect(this, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(selectedInterfaceChanged())); } InterfaceTree::~InterfaceTree() { #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP if (stat_cache_) { capture_stat_stop(stat_cache_); stat_cache_ = NULL; } #endif // HAVE_LIBPCAP } class InterfaceTreeWidgetItem : public QTreeWidgetItem { public: InterfaceTreeWidgetItem() : QTreeWidgetItem() {} QList points; }; /* Resets the column count to the maximum colum count * * This is necessary, because the treeview may have more columns than * the default value (2). */ void InterfaceTree::resetColumnCount() { setColumnCount(IFTREE_COL_MAX); } void InterfaceTree::hideEvent(QHideEvent *) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP if (stat_timer_) stat_timer_->stop(); if (stat_cache_) { capture_stat_stop(stat_cache_); stat_cache_ = NULL; } #endif // HAVE_LIBPCAP } void InterfaceTree::showEvent(QShowEvent *) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP if (stat_timer_) stat_timer_->start(stat_update_interval_); #endif // HAVE_LIBPCAP } void InterfaceTree::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *evt) { int max_if_width = width() * 2 / 3; // Arbitrary setUpdatesEnabled(false); resizeColumnToContents(IFTREE_COL_NAME); if (columnWidth(IFTREE_COL_NAME) > max_if_width) { setColumnWidth(IFTREE_COL_NAME, max_if_width); } setUpdatesEnabled(true); QTreeWidget::resizeEvent(evt); } void InterfaceTree::display() { #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP interface_t device; #ifdef HAVE_EXTCAP QIcon extcap_icon(StockIcon("x-capture-options")); #endif setDisabled(false); clear(); if (global_capture_opts.all_ifaces->len == 0) { // Error,or just no interfaces? QTreeWidgetItem *ti = new QTreeWidgetItem(); QLabel *err_label; if (global_capture_opts.ifaces_err == 0) { err_label = new QLabel("No interfaces found"); } else { err_label = new QLabel(global_capture_opts.ifaces_err_info); } err_label->setWordWrap(true); setColumnCount(1); addTopLevelItem(ti); setItemWidget(ti, 0, err_label); resizeColumnToContents(0); return; } /* when no interfaces were available initially and an update of the interface list called this function, the column count is set to 1 reset it to ensure that the interface list is properly displayed */ resetColumnCount(); // List physical interfaces first. Alternatively we could sort them by // traffic, interface name, or most recently used. QList phys_ifaces; QList virt_ifaces; global_capture_opts.num_selected = 0; for (guint i = 0; i < global_capture_opts.all_ifaces->len; i++) { device = g_array_index(global_capture_opts.all_ifaces, interface_t, i); /* Continue if capture device is hidden */ if (device.hidden) { continue; } InterfaceTreeWidgetItem *ti = new InterfaceTreeWidgetItem(); QString if_name = device.display_name; ti->setText(IFTREE_COL_NAME, if_name); ti->setData(IFTREE_COL_NAME, Qt::AccessibleTextRole, if_name); ti->setData(IFTREE_COL_NAME, Qt::UserRole, QString(device.name)); ti->setData(IFTREE_COL_STATS, Qt::UserRole, qVariantFromValue(&ti->points)); #ifdef HAVE_EXTCAP if (device.if_info.type == IF_EXTCAP) { if (extcap_has_configuration((const char *)(device.name), FALSE)) { ti->setIcon(IFTREE_COL_EXTCAP, extcap_icon); ti->setData(IFTREE_COL_EXTCAP, Qt::UserRole, QString(device.if_info.extcap)); if (!(device.external_cap_args_settings != 0 && g_hash_table_size(device.external_cap_args_settings) > 0)) { QFont ti_font = ti->font(IFTREE_COL_NAME); ti_font.setItalic(true); ti->setFont(IFTREE_COL_NAME, ti_font); } } virt_ifaces << ti; } else #endif { phys_ifaces << ti; } // XXX Need to handle interfaces passed from the command line. if (strstr(prefs.capture_device, device.name) != NULL) { device.selected = TRUE; global_capture_opts.num_selected++; global_capture_opts.all_ifaces = g_array_remove_index(global_capture_opts.all_ifaces, i); g_array_insert_val(global_capture_opts.all_ifaces, i, device); } } if (!phys_ifaces.isEmpty()) addTopLevelItems(phys_ifaces); if (!virt_ifaces.isEmpty()) addTopLevelItems(virt_ifaces); updateSelectedInterfaces(); updateToolTips(); // XXX Add other device information resizeColumnToContents(IFTREE_COL_NAME); resizeColumnToContents(IFTREE_COL_STATS); #ifdef HAVE_EXTCAP resizeColumnToContents(IFTREE_COL_EXTCAP); #endif #else QTreeWidgetItem *ti = new QTreeWidgetItem(); clear(); setColumnCount(1); ti->setText(0, tr("Interface information not available")); addTopLevelItem(ti); resizeColumnToContents(0); #endif // HAVE_LIBPCAP } void InterfaceTree::getInterfaceList() { display(); resizeEvent(NULL); #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP if (!stat_timer_) { updateStatistics(); stat_timer_ = new QTimer(this); connect(stat_timer_, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateStatistics())); stat_timer_->start(stat_update_interval_); } #endif } void InterfaceTree::getPoints(int row, PointList *pts) { QTreeWidgetItemIterator iter(this); //qDebug("iter;..!"); for (int i = 0; (*iter); i++) { if (row == i) { //qDebug("found! row:%d", row); QList *punkt = (*iter)->data(IFTREE_COL_STATS, Qt::UserRole).value *>(); for (int j = 0; j < punkt->length(); j++) { pts->append(punkt->at(j)); } //pts = new QList(*punkt); //pts->operator =(punkt); //pts = punkt; //pts->append(150); //qDebug("done"); return; } iter++; } } void InterfaceTree::updateStatistics(void) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP interface_t device; guint diff, if_idx; struct pcap_stat stats; if (!stat_cache_) { // Start gathering statistics using dumpcap // We crash (on OS X at least) if we try to do this from ::showEvent. stat_cache_ = capture_stat_start(&global_capture_opts); } if (!stat_cache_) return; QTreeWidgetItemIterator iter(this); while (*iter) { QList *points; for (if_idx = 0; if_idx < global_capture_opts.all_ifaces->len; if_idx++) { device = g_array_index(global_capture_opts.all_ifaces, interface_t, if_idx); QString device_name = (*iter)->data(IFTREE_COL_NAME, Qt::UserRole).value(); if (device_name.compare(device.name) || device.hidden || device.type == IF_PIPE) continue; diff = 0; if (capture_stats(stat_cache_, device.name, &stats)) { if ((int)(stats.ps_recv - device.last_packets) >= 0) { diff = stats.ps_recv - device.last_packets; device.packet_diff = diff; } device.last_packets = stats.ps_recv; } points = (*iter)->data(IFTREE_COL_STATS, Qt::UserRole).value *>(); points->append(diff); update(indexFromItem((*iter), IFTREE_COL_STATS)); global_capture_opts.all_ifaces = g_array_remove_index(global_capture_opts.all_ifaces, if_idx); g_array_insert_val(global_capture_opts.all_ifaces, if_idx, device); } iter++; } #endif // HAVE_LIBPCAP } // Update our global device selections based on the given TreeWidget. // This is shared with CaptureInterfacesDialog. // Column name_col UserRole data MUST be set to the interface name. void InterfaceTree::updateGlobalDeviceSelections(QTreeWidget *if_tree, int name_col) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP if (!if_tree) return; QTreeWidgetItemIterator iter(if_tree); global_capture_opts.num_selected = 0; while (*iter) { QString device_name = (*iter)->data(name_col, Qt::UserRole).value(); for (guint i = 0; i < global_capture_opts.all_ifaces->len; i++) { interface_t device = g_array_index(global_capture_opts.all_ifaces, interface_t, i); if (device_name.compare(QString().fromUtf8(device.name)) == 0) { if (!device.locked) { if ((*iter)->isSelected()) { device.selected = TRUE; global_capture_opts.num_selected++; } else { device.selected = FALSE; } device.locked = TRUE; global_capture_opts.all_ifaces = g_array_remove_index(global_capture_opts.all_ifaces, i); g_array_insert_val(global_capture_opts.all_ifaces, i, device); device.locked = FALSE; global_capture_opts.all_ifaces = g_array_remove_index(global_capture_opts.all_ifaces, i); g_array_insert_val(global_capture_opts.all_ifaces, i, device); } break; } } ++iter; } #else // HAVE_LIBPCAP Q_UNUSED(if_tree) Q_UNUSED(name_col) #endif // HAVE_LIBPCAP } // Update selected interfaces based on the global interface list.. // Must not change any interface data. // Must not emit itemSelectionChanged. void InterfaceTree::updateSelectedInterfaces() { #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP interface_t *device; QTreeWidgetItemIterator iter(this); bool blocking = blockSignals(true); while (*iter) { QString device_name = (*iter)->data(IFTREE_COL_NAME, Qt::UserRole).value(); for (guint i = 0; i < global_capture_opts.all_ifaces->len; i++) { device = &g_array_index(global_capture_opts.all_ifaces, interface_t, i); if (device_name.compare(QString().fromUtf8(device->name)) == 0) { (*iter)->setSelected(device->selected); break; } } iter++; } blockSignals(blocking); #endif // HAVE_LIBPCAP } // Update the tooltip for each interface based on the global interface list.. // Must not change any interface data. void InterfaceTree::updateToolTips() { #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP QTreeWidgetItemIterator iter(this); while (*iter) { QString device_name = (*iter)->data(IFTREE_COL_NAME, Qt::UserRole).value(); for (guint i = 0; i < global_capture_opts.all_ifaces->len; i++) { interface_t device = g_array_index(global_capture_opts.all_ifaces, interface_t, i); if (device_name.compare(QString().fromUtf8(device.name)) == 0) { // To do: // - Sync with code in CaptureInterfacesDialog. // - Add more information to the tooltip. QString tt_str = "

"; if (device.no_addresses > 0) { tt_str += QString("%1: %2").arg(device.no_addresses > 1 ? tr("Addresses") : tr("Address")).arg(device.addresses); tt_str.replace('\n', ", "); } else { tt_str = tr("No addresses"); } tt_str += "
"; QString cfilter = device.cfilter; if (cfilter.isEmpty()) { tt_str += tr("No capture filter"); } else { tt_str += QString("%1: %2") .arg(tr("Capture filter")) .arg(cfilter); } tt_str += "

"; for (int col = 0; col < columnCount(); col++) { (*iter)->setToolTip(col, tt_str); } } } ++iter; } #endif // HAVE_LIBPCAP } void InterfaceTree::interfaceListChanged() { #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP display(); #endif } /* * Editor modelines * * Local Variables: * c-basic-offset: 4 * tab-width: 8 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: * * ex: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab: * :indentSize=4:tabSize=8:noTabs=true: */