/* interface_frame.cpp * Display of interfaces, including their respective data, and the * capability to filter interfaces by type * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include #include "ui/qt/interface_frame.h" #include "ui/qt/interface_tree_model.h" #include "sparkline_delegate.h" #include "wireshark_application.h" #ifdef HAVE_EXTCAP #include "extcap.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #define BTN_IFTYPE_PROPERTY "ifType" #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP const int stat_update_interval_ = 1000; // ms #endif InterfaceFrame::InterfaceFrame(QWidget * parent) : AccordionFrame(parent), ui(new Ui::InterfaceFrame) #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP ,stat_timer_(NULL) #endif // HAVE_LIBPCAP { ui->setupUi(this); setStyleSheet(QString( "QFrame {" " border: 0;" "}" "QTreeView {" " border: 0;" "}" )); #ifdef Q_OS_MAC ui->interfaceTree->setAttribute(Qt::WA_MacShowFocusRect, false); #endif /* TODO: There must be a better way to do this */ ifTypeDescription.insert(IF_WIRED, tr("Wired")); ifTypeDescription.insert(IF_AIRPCAP, tr("AirPCAP")); ifTypeDescription.insert(IF_PIPE, tr("Pipe")); ifTypeDescription.insert(IF_STDIN, tr("STDIN")); ifTypeDescription.insert(IF_BLUETOOTH, tr("Bluetooth")); ifTypeDescription.insert(IF_WIRELESS, tr("Wireless")); ifTypeDescription.insert(IF_DIALUP, tr("Dial-Up")); ifTypeDescription.insert(IF_USB, tr("USB")); #ifdef HAVE_EXTCAP ifTypeDescription.insert(IF_EXTCAP, tr("External Capture")); #endif ifTypeDescription.insert(IF_VIRTUAL, tr ("Virtual")); proxyModel = new InterfaceSortFilterModel(this); sourceModel = new InterfaceTreeModel(this); QList columns; #ifdef HAVE_EXTCAP columns.append(IFTREE_COL_EXTCAP); #endif columns.append(IFTREE_COL_NAME); columns.append(IFTREE_COL_STATS); proxyModel->setColumns(columns); proxyModel->setStoreOnChange(true); proxyModel->setSourceModel(sourceModel); ui->interfaceTree->setModel(proxyModel); ui->interfaceTree->setItemDelegateForColumn(proxyModel->mapSourceToColumn(IFTREE_COL_STATS), new SparkLineDelegate(this)); connect(wsApp, SIGNAL(appInitialized()), this, SLOT(interfaceListChanged())); connect(wsApp, SIGNAL(localInterfaceListChanged()), this, SLOT(interfaceListChanged())); connect(ui->interfaceTree->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &)), this, SLOT(interfaceTreeSelectionChanged(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &))); } InterfaceFrame::~InterfaceFrame() { delete sourceModel; delete proxyModel; delete ui; } QMenu * InterfaceFrame::getSelectionMenu() { QMenu * contextMenu = new QMenu(); QList typesDisplayed = proxyModel->typesDisplayed(); QMap::const_iterator it = ifTypeDescription.constBegin(); while(it != ifTypeDescription.constEnd()) { int ifType = it.key(); if ( typesDisplayed.contains(ifType) ) { QAction *endp_action = new QAction(it.value(), this); endp_action->setData(qVariantFromValue(ifType)); endp_action->setCheckable(true); endp_action->setChecked(proxyModel->isInterfaceTypeShown(ifType)); connect(endp_action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(triggeredIfTypeButton())); contextMenu->addAction(endp_action); } ++it; } #ifdef HAVE_PCAP_REMOTE if ( proxyModel->remoteInterfacesExist() ) { QAction * toggleRemoteAction = new QAction(tr("Remote interfaces"), this); toggleRemoteAction->setCheckable(true); toggleRemoteAction->setChecked(! proxyModel->remoteDisplay()); connect(toggleRemoteAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(toggleRemoteInterfaces())); contextMenu->addAction(toggleRemoteAction); } #endif #if 0 // Disabled until bug 13354 is fixed contextMenu->addSeparator(); QAction * toggleHideAction = new QAction(tr("Show hidden interfaces"), this); toggleHideAction->setCheckable(true); toggleHideAction->setChecked(! proxyModel->filterHidden()); connect(toggleHideAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(toggleHiddenInterfaces())); contextMenu->addAction(toggleHideAction); #endif return contextMenu; } int InterfaceFrame::interfacesHidden() { return proxyModel->interfacesHidden(); } int InterfaceFrame::interfacesPresent() { return sourceModel->rowCount() - proxyModel->interfacesHidden(); } void InterfaceFrame::hideEvent(QHideEvent *) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP if (stat_timer_) stat_timer_->stop(); sourceModel->stopStatistic(); #endif // HAVE_LIBPCAP } void InterfaceFrame::showEvent(QShowEvent *) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP if (stat_timer_) stat_timer_->start(stat_update_interval_); #endif // HAVE_LIBPCAP } void InterfaceFrame::actionButton_toggled(bool checked) { QVariant ifType = sender()->property(BTN_IFTYPE_PROPERTY); if ( ifType.isValid() ) { proxyModel->setInterfaceTypeVisible(ifType.toInt(), checked); } resetInterfaceTreeDisplay(); } void InterfaceFrame::triggeredIfTypeButton() { QAction *sender = qobject_cast(QObject::sender()); if ( sender ) { int ifType = sender->data().value(); proxyModel->toggleTypeVisibility(ifType); resetInterfaceTreeDisplay(); emit typeSelectionChanged(); } } void InterfaceFrame::interfaceListChanged() { resetInterfaceTreeDisplay(); // Ensure that device selection is consistent with the displayed selection. updateSelectedInterfaces(); #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP if (!stat_timer_) { updateStatistics(); stat_timer_ = new QTimer(this); connect(stat_timer_, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateStatistics())); stat_timer_->start(stat_update_interval_); } #endif } void InterfaceFrame::toggleHiddenInterfaces() { proxyModel->toggleFilterHidden(); emit typeSelectionChanged(); } #ifdef HAVE_PCAP_REMOTE void InterfaceFrame::toggleRemoteInterfaces() { proxyModel->toggleRemoteDisplay(); emit typeSelectionChanged(); } #endif void InterfaceFrame::resetInterfaceTreeDisplay() { if ( proxyModel->rowCount() == 0 ) { ui->interfaceTree->setHidden(true); ui->lblNoInterfaces->setHidden(false); ui->lblNoInterfaces->setText( proxyModel->interfaceError() ); } else { ui->interfaceTree->setHidden(false); ui->lblNoInterfaces->setHidden(true); #ifdef HAVE_EXTCAP ui->interfaceTree->resizeColumnToContents(proxyModel->mapSourceToColumn(IFTREE_COL_EXTCAP)); #endif ui->interfaceTree->resizeColumnToContents(proxyModel->mapSourceToColumn(IFTREE_COL_NAME)); ui->interfaceTree->resizeColumnToContents(proxyModel->mapSourceToColumn(IFTREE_COL_STATS)); } } void InterfaceFrame::updateSelectedInterfaces() { if ( sourceModel->rowCount() == 0 ) return; #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP QItemSelection sourceSelection = sourceModel->selectedDevices(); QItemSelection mySelection = proxyModel->mapSelectionFromSource(sourceSelection); ui->interfaceTree->selectionModel()->clearSelection(); ui->interfaceTree->selectionModel()->select(mySelection, QItemSelectionModel::SelectCurrent ); #endif } void InterfaceFrame::interfaceTreeSelectionChanged(const QItemSelection & selected, const QItemSelection & deselected) { if (selected.count() == 0 && deselected.count() == 0) return; if ( sourceModel->rowCount() == 0 ) return; #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP /* Take all selected interfaces, not just the newly ones */ QItemSelection allSelected = ui->interfaceTree->selectionModel()->selection(); QItemSelection sourceSelection = proxyModel->mapSelectionToSource(allSelected); if ( sourceModel->updateSelectedDevices(sourceSelection) ) emit itemSelectionChanged(); #endif } void InterfaceFrame::on_interfaceTree_doubleClicked(const QModelIndex &index) { QModelIndex realIndex = proxyModel->mapToSource(index); if ( ! realIndex.isValid() ) return; #if defined(HAVE_EXTCAP) && defined(HAVE_LIBPCAP) QString device_name = sourceModel->getColumnContent(realIndex.row(), IFTREE_COL_INTERFACE_NAME).toString(); QString extcap_string = sourceModel->getColumnContent(realIndex.row(), IFTREE_COL_EXTCAP_PATH).toString(); /* We trust the string here. If this interface is really extcap, the string is * being checked immediatly before the dialog is being generated */ if ( extcap_string.length() > 0 ) { /* this checks if configuration is required and not yet provided or saved via prefs */ if ( extcap_has_configuration((const char *)(device_name.toStdString().c_str()), TRUE) ) { emit showExtcapOptions(device_name); return; } } #endif emit startCapture(); } #if defined(HAVE_EXTCAP) && defined(HAVE_LIBPCAP) void InterfaceFrame::on_interfaceTree_clicked(const QModelIndex &index) { if ( index.column() == 0 ) { QModelIndex realIndex = proxyModel->mapToSource(index); if ( ! realIndex.isValid() ) return; QString device_name = sourceModel->getColumnContent(realIndex.row(), IFTREE_COL_INTERFACE_NAME).toString(); QString extcap_string = sourceModel->getColumnContent(realIndex.row(), IFTREE_COL_EXTCAP_PATH).toString(); /* We trust the string here. If this interface is really extcap, the string is * being checked immediatly before the dialog is being generated */ if ( extcap_string.length() > 0 ) { /* this checks if configuration is required and not yet provided or saved via prefs */ if ( extcap_has_configuration((const char *)(device_name.toStdString().c_str()), FALSE) ) { emit showExtcapOptions(device_name); return; } } } } #endif void InterfaceFrame::updateStatistics(void) { if ( sourceModel->rowCount() == 0 ) return; #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP for( int idx = 0; idx < proxyModel->rowCount(); idx++ ) { QModelIndex selectIndex = proxyModel->mapFromSource(sourceModel->index(idx, 0)); /* Proxy model has not masked out the interface */ if ( selectIndex.isValid() ) sourceModel->updateStatistic(idx); } #endif } /* Proxy Method so we do not need to expose the source model */ void InterfaceFrame::getPoints(int idx, PointList * pts) { sourceModel->getPoints(idx, pts); } /* * Editor modelines * * Local Variables: * c-basic-offset: 4 * tab-width: 8 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: * * ex: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab: * :indentSize=4:tabSize=8:noTabs=true: */