ImportTextDialog 0 0 472 486 0 0 16777215 486 true true QFormLayout::FieldsStayAtSizeHint Import From true File: 0 0 Set name of text file to import Browse for text file to import Browse… Offsets in the text file are in octal notation Octal Offsets: Offsets in the text file are in hexadecimal notation Hexadecimal true Offsets in the text file are in decimal notation Decimal Qt::Horizontal 40 20 The text file has no offset None false The format in which to parse timestamps in the text file (eg. %H:%M:%S.). Format specifiers are based on strptime(3) Timestamp format: The format in which to parse timestamps in the text file (eg. %H:%M:%S.). Format specifiers are based on strptime(3) Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Whether or not the file contains information indicating the direction (inbound or outbound) of the packet. Direction indication: Whether or not the file contains information indicating the direction (inbound or outbound) of the packet. Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Encapsulation true QFormLayout::FieldsStayAtSizeHint Encapsulation Type: Encapsulation type of the frames in the import capture file Qt::Horizontal 40 20 The UDP, TCP or SCTP source port for each frame The SCTP DATA payload protocol identifier for each frame The UDP, TCP or SCTP destination port for each frame Prefix each frame with an Ethernet header Ethernet Prefix each frame with an Ethernet, IPv4 and SCTP header SCTP PPI: Protocol (dec): Leave frames unchanged No dummy header true Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Tag: Prefix each frame with an Ethernet, IPv4 and UDP header UDP Source port: The Ethertype value of each frame 0 Prefix each frame with an Ethernet, IPv4 and TCP header TCP The SCTP verification tag for each frame Destination port: Ethertype (hex): The IPv4 protocol ID for each frame Prefix each frame with an Ethernet, IPv4 and SCTP (DATA) header SCTP (Data) Prefix each frame with an Ethernet and IPv4 header IPv4 ExportPDU Payload Maximum frame length: The maximum size of the frames to write to the import capture file (max 64000) Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Help|QDialogButtonBox::Open SyntaxLineEdit QLineEdit
buttonBox accepted() ImportTextDialog accept() 248 254 157 274 buttonBox rejected() ImportTextDialog reject() 316 260 286 274