/* follow_stream_dialog.cpp * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "follow_stream_dialog.h" #include #include "main_application.h" #include "main_window.h" #include "frame_tvbuff.h" #include "epan/follow.h" #include "epan/prefs.h" #include "epan/addr_resolv.h" #include "epan/charsets.h" #include "epan/epan_dissect.h" #include "epan/tap.h" #include "ui/alert_box.h" #include "ui/simple_dialog.h" #include #include #include #include "wsutil/file_util.h" #include "wsutil/str_util.h" #include "ws_symbol_export.h" #include #include #include "progress_frame.h" #include "ui/qt/widgets/wireshark_file_dialog.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // To do: // - Show text while tapping. // - Instead of calling QMessageBox, display the error message in the text // box and disable the appropriate controls. // - Add a progress bar and connect captureCaptureUpdateContinue to it // Matches SplashOverlay. static int info_update_freq_ = 100; // Handle the loop breaking notification properly static QMutex loop_break_mutex; // Indicates that a Follow Stream is currently running static gboolean isReadRunning; Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(bytes_show_type) FollowStreamDialog::FollowStreamDialog(QWidget &parent, CaptureFile &cf, int proto_id) : WiresharkDialog(parent, cf), ui(new Ui::FollowStreamDialog), b_find_(NULL), follower_(NULL), client_buffer_count_(0), server_buffer_count_(0), client_packet_count_(0), server_packet_count_(0), last_packet_(0), last_from_server_(0), turns_(0), use_regex_find_(false), terminating_(false), previous_sub_stream_num_(0) { ui->setupUi(this); loadGeometry(parent.width() * 2 / 3, parent.height()); ui->streamNumberSpinBox->setStyleSheet("QSpinBox { min-width: 2em; }"); ui->subStreamNumberSpinBox->setStyleSheet("QSpinBox { min-width: 2em; }"); ui->streamNumberSpinBox->setKeyboardTracking(false); ui->subStreamNumberSpinBox->setKeyboardTracking(false); follower_ = get_follow_by_proto_id(proto_id); if (follower_ == NULL) { ws_assert_not_reached(); } memset(&follow_info_, 0, sizeof(follow_info_)); follow_info_.show_stream = BOTH_HOSTS; follow_info_.substream_id = SUBSTREAM_UNUSED; ui->teStreamContent->installEventFilter(this); connect(ui->leFind, SIGNAL(useRegexFind(bool)), this, SLOT(useRegexFind(bool))); QComboBox *cbcs = ui->cbCharset; cbcs->blockSignals(true); cbcs->addItem(tr("ASCII"), SHOW_ASCII); cbcs->addItem(tr("C Arrays"), SHOW_CARRAY); cbcs->addItem(tr("EBCDIC"), SHOW_EBCDIC); cbcs->addItem(tr("Hex Dump"), SHOW_HEXDUMP); cbcs->addItem(tr("Raw"), SHOW_RAW); // UTF-8 is guaranteed to exist as a QTextCodec cbcs->addItem(tr("UTF-8"), SHOW_CODEC); cbcs->addItem(tr("YAML"), SHOW_YAML); cbcs->setCurrentIndex(cbcs->findData(recent.gui_follow_show)); cbcs->blockSignals(false); b_filter_out_ = ui->buttonBox->addButton(tr("Filter Out This Stream"), QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole); connect(b_filter_out_, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(filterOut())); b_print_ = ui->buttonBox->addButton(tr("Print"), QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole); connect(b_print_, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(printStream())); b_save_ = ui->buttonBox->addButton(tr("Save as…"), QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole); connect(b_save_, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(saveAs())); b_back_ = ui->buttonBox->addButton(tr("Back"), QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole); connect(b_back_, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(backButton())); ProgressFrame::addToButtonBox(ui->buttonBox, &parent); connect(ui->buttonBox, SIGNAL(helpRequested()), this, SLOT(helpButton())); connect(ui->teStreamContent, &FollowStreamText::mouseMovedToPacket, this, &FollowStreamDialog::fillHintLabel); connect(ui->teStreamContent, &FollowStreamText::mouseClickedOnPacket, this, &FollowStreamDialog::goToPacketForTextPos); fillHintLabel(); } FollowStreamDialog::~FollowStreamDialog() { delete ui; resetStream(); // Frees payload } void FollowStreamDialog::addCodecs(const QMap &codecMap) { // Make the combobox respect max visible items? //ui->cbCharset->setStyleSheet("QComboBox { combobox-popup: 0;}"); ui->cbCharset->insertSeparator(ui->cbCharset->count()); for (const auto &codec : codecMap) { // This is already in the menu and handled separately if (codec->name() != "US-ASCII" && codec->name() != "UTF-8") ui->cbCharset->addItem(tr(codec->name()), SHOW_CODEC); } } void FollowStreamDialog::printStream() { #ifndef QT_NO_PRINTER QPrinter printer(QPrinter::HighResolution); QPrintDialog dialog(&printer, this); if (dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) ui->teStreamContent->print(&printer); #endif } void FollowStreamDialog::fillHintLabel(int pkt) { QString hint; if (pkt > 0) { hint = QString(tr("Packet %1. ")).arg(pkt); } hint += tr("%Ln client pkt(s), ", "", client_packet_count_) .arg(ColorUtils::fromColorT(prefs.st_client_fg).name()) .arg(ColorUtils::fromColorT(prefs.st_client_bg).name()) + tr("%Ln server pkt(s), ", "", server_packet_count_) .arg(ColorUtils::fromColorT(prefs.st_server_fg).name()) .arg(ColorUtils::fromColorT(prefs.st_server_bg).name()) + tr("%Ln turn(s).", "", turns_); if (pkt > 0) { hint.append(QString(tr(" Click to select."))); } hint.prepend(""); hint.append(""); ui->hintLabel->setText(hint); } void FollowStreamDialog::goToPacketForTextPos(int pkt) { if (file_closed_) { return; } if (pkt > 0) { emit goToPacket(pkt); } } void FollowStreamDialog::updateWidgets(bool follow_in_progress) { // XXX: If follow_in_progress set cursor to Qt::BusyCursor or WaitCursor, // otherwise unset cursor? bool enable = !follow_in_progress; if (file_closed_) { ui->teStreamContent->setEnabled(true); enable = false; } ui->cbDirections->setEnabled(enable); ui->cbCharset->setEnabled(enable); ui->streamNumberSpinBox->setReadOnly(!enable); if (get_follow_sub_stream_id_func(follower_) != NULL) { ui->subStreamNumberSpinBox->setReadOnly(!enable); } ui->leFind->setEnabled(enable); ui->bFind->setEnabled(enable); b_filter_out_->setEnabled(enable); b_print_->setEnabled(enable); b_save_->setEnabled(enable); WiresharkDialog::updateWidgets(); } void FollowStreamDialog::useRegexFind(bool use_regex) { use_regex_find_ = use_regex; if (use_regex_find_) ui->lFind->setText(tr("Regex Find:")); else ui->lFind->setText(tr("Find:")); } void FollowStreamDialog::findText(bool go_back) { if (ui->leFind->text().isEmpty()) return; bool found; if (use_regex_find_) { #if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 13, 0)) QRegularExpression regex(ui->leFind->text(), QRegularExpression::UseUnicodePropertiesOption); #else QRegExp regex(ui->leFind->text()); #endif found = ui->teStreamContent->find(regex); } else { found = ui->teStreamContent->find(ui->leFind->text()); } if (found) { ui->teStreamContent->setFocus(); } else if (go_back) { ui->teStreamContent->moveCursor(QTextCursor::Start); findText(false); } } void FollowStreamDialog::saveAs() { QString file_name = WiresharkFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, mainApp->windowTitleString(tr("Save Stream Content As…"))); if (file_name.isEmpty()) { return; } QFile file(file_name); if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { open_failure_alert_box(file_name.toUtf8().constData(), errno, TRUE); return; } // XXX: What if truncated_ is true? We should save the entire stream. // Unconditionally save data as UTF-8 (even if data is decoded otherwise). QByteArray bytes = ui->teStreamContent->toPlainText().toUtf8(); if (recent.gui_follow_show == SHOW_RAW) { // The "Raw" format is currently displayed as hex data and needs to be // converted to binary data. fromHex() skips over non hex characters // including line breaks, which is what we want. bytes = QByteArray::fromHex(bytes); } QDataStream out(&file); out.writeRawData(bytes.constData(), static_cast(bytes.size())); } void FollowStreamDialog::helpButton() { mainApp->helpTopicAction(HELP_FOLLOW_STREAM_DIALOG); } void FollowStreamDialog::backButton() { if (terminating_) return; output_filter_ = previous_filter_; close(); } void FollowStreamDialog::filterOut() { if (terminating_) return; output_filter_ = filter_out_filter_; close(); } void FollowStreamDialog::close() { terminating_ = true; // Update filter - Use: // previous_filter if 'Close' (passed in follow() method) // filter_out_filter_ if 'Filter Out This Stream' (built by appending !current_stream to previous_filter) // leave filter alone if window closed. (current stream) emit updateFilter(output_filter_, TRUE); WiresharkDialog::close(); } void FollowStreamDialog::on_cbDirections_currentIndexChanged(int idx) { switch(idx) { case 0 : follow_info_.show_stream = BOTH_HOSTS; break; case 1 : follow_info_.show_stream = FROM_SERVER; break; case 2 : follow_info_.show_stream = FROM_CLIENT; break; default: return; } readStream(); } void FollowStreamDialog::on_cbCharset_currentIndexChanged(int idx) { if (idx < 0) return; recent.gui_follow_show = ui->cbCharset->currentData().value(); readStream(); } void FollowStreamDialog::on_bFind_clicked() { findText(); } void FollowStreamDialog::on_leFind_returnPressed() { findText(); } void FollowStreamDialog::on_streamNumberSpinBox_valueChanged(int stream_num) { if (file_closed_) return; int sub_stream_num = 0; ui->subStreamNumberSpinBox->blockSignals(true); sub_stream_num = ui->subStreamNumberSpinBox->value(); ui->subStreamNumberSpinBox->blockSignals(false); gboolean ok; if (ui->subStreamNumberSpinBox->isVisible()) { /* We need to find a suitable sub stream for the new stream */ follow_sub_stream_id_func sub_stream_func; sub_stream_func = get_follow_sub_stream_id_func(follower_); if (sub_stream_func == NULL) { // Should not happen, this field is only visible for suitable protocols. return; } guint sub_stream_num_new = static_cast(sub_stream_num); if (sub_stream_num < 0) { // Stream ID 0 should always exist as it is used for control messages. // XXX: That is only guaranteed for HTTP2. For example, in QUIC, // stream ID 0 is a normal stream used by the first standard client- // initiated bidirectional stream (if it exists, and it might not) // and we might have a stream (connection) but only the CRYPTO // stream, which does not have a (sub) stream ID. // What should we do if there is a stream with no substream to // follow? Right now the substream spinbox is left active and // the user can change the value to no effect. sub_stream_num_new = 0; ok = TRUE; } else { ok = sub_stream_func(static_cast(stream_num), sub_stream_num_new, FALSE, &sub_stream_num_new); if (!ok) { ok = sub_stream_func(static_cast(stream_num), sub_stream_num_new, TRUE, &sub_stream_num_new); } } sub_stream_num = static_cast(sub_stream_num_new); } else { /* XXX: For HTTP and TLS, we use the TCP stream index, and really should * return false if the TCP stream doesn't have HTTP or TLS. (Or we could * switch to having separate HTTP and TLS stream numbers.) */ ok = true; } if (stream_num >= 0 && ok) { follow(previous_filter_, true, stream_num, sub_stream_num); previous_sub_stream_num_ = sub_stream_num; } } void FollowStreamDialog::on_subStreamNumberSpinBox_valueChanged(int sub_stream_num) { if (file_closed_) return; int stream_num = 0; ui->streamNumberSpinBox->blockSignals(true); stream_num = ui->streamNumberSpinBox->value(); ui->streamNumberSpinBox->blockSignals(false); follow_sub_stream_id_func sub_stream_func; sub_stream_func = get_follow_sub_stream_id_func(follower_); if (sub_stream_func == NULL) { // Should not happen, this field is only visible for suitable protocols. return; } guint sub_stream_num_new = static_cast(sub_stream_num); gboolean ok; /* previous_sub_stream_num_ is a hack to track which buttons was pressed without event handling */ if (sub_stream_num < 0) { // Stream ID 0 should always exist as it is used for control messages. // XXX: That is only guaranteed for HTTP2, see above. sub_stream_num_new = 0; ok = TRUE; } else if (previous_sub_stream_num_ < sub_stream_num) { ok = sub_stream_func(static_cast(stream_num), sub_stream_num_new, FALSE, &sub_stream_num_new); } else { ok = sub_stream_func(static_cast(stream_num), sub_stream_num_new, TRUE, &sub_stream_num_new); } sub_stream_num = static_cast(sub_stream_num_new); if (ok) { follow(previous_filter_, true, stream_num, sub_stream_num); previous_sub_stream_num_ = sub_stream_num; } } void FollowStreamDialog::on_buttonBox_rejected() { // Ignore the close button if FollowStreamDialog::close() is running. if (terminating_) return; WiresharkDialog::reject(); } void FollowStreamDialog::removeStreamControls() { ui->horizontalLayout->removeItem(ui->streamNumberSpacer); ui->streamNumberLabel->setVisible(false); ui->streamNumberSpinBox->setVisible(false); ui->subStreamNumberLabel->setVisible(false); ui->subStreamNumberSpinBox->setVisible(false); } void FollowStreamDialog::resetStream(void *tap_data) { follow_info_t *follow_info = static_cast(tap_data); follow_reset_stream(follow_info); // If we ever draw the text while tapping (instead of only after // the tap finishes), reset the GUI here too. } void FollowStreamDialog::resetStream() { FollowStreamDialog::resetStream(&follow_info_); } frs_return_t FollowStreamDialog::readStream() { // interrupt any reading already running loop_break_mutex.lock(); isReadRunning = FALSE; loop_break_mutex.unlock(); ui->teStreamContent->clear(); switch (recent.gui_follow_show) { case SHOW_CARRAY: case SHOW_HEXDUMP: case SHOW_YAML: /* We control the width and insert line breaks in these formats. */ ui->teStreamContent->setWordWrapMode(QTextOption::WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere); break; default: /* Everything else might have extremely long lines without whitespace, * (SHOW_RAW almost surely so), and QTextEdit is O(N^2) trying * to search for word boundaries on long lines when adding text. */ ui->teStreamContent->setWordWrapMode(QTextOption::WrapAnywhere); } frs_return_t ret; client_buffer_count_ = 0; server_buffer_count_ = 0; client_packet_count_ = 0; server_packet_count_ = 0; last_packet_ = 0; turns_ = 0; if (follower_) { ret = readFollowStream(); } else { ret = (frs_return_t)0; ws_assert_not_reached(); } ui->teStreamContent->moveCursor(QTextCursor::Start); return ret; } void FollowStreamDialog::followStream() { readStream(); } void FollowStreamDialog::addText(QString text, gboolean is_from_server, guint32 packet_num, gboolean colorize) { ui->teStreamContent->addText(std::move(text), is_from_server, packet_num, colorize); } // The following keyboard shortcuts should work (although // they may not work consistently depending on focus): // / (slash), Ctrl-F - Focus and highlight the search box // Ctrl-G, Ctrl-N, F3 - Find next // Should we make it so that typing any text starts searching? bool FollowStreamDialog::eventFilter(QObject *, QEvent *event) { if (ui->teStreamContent->hasFocus() && event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) { QKeyEvent *keyEvent = static_cast(event); if (keyEvent->matches(QKeySequence::SelectAll) || keyEvent->matches(QKeySequence::Copy) || keyEvent->text().isEmpty()) { return false; } ui->leFind->setFocus(); if (keyEvent->matches(QKeySequence::Find)) { return true; } else if (keyEvent->matches(QKeySequence::FindNext)) { findText(); return true; } } return false; } void FollowStreamDialog::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) { if (ui->leFind->hasFocus()) { if (event->key() == Qt::Key_Enter || event->key() == Qt::Key_Return) { findText(); return; } } else { if (event->key() == Qt::Key_Slash || event->matches(QKeySequence::Find)) { ui->leFind->setFocus(); ui->leFind->selectAll(); } return; } if (event->key() == Qt::Key_F3 || (event->key() == Qt::Key_N && event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier)) { findText(); return; } QDialog::keyPressEvent(event); } // Replaces non printable ASCII characters in the QByteArray with . // Causes buffer to detach/deep copy *only* if a character has to be // replaced. static inline void sanitize_buffer(QByteArray &buffer, size_t nchars) { #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 0, 0) for (int i = 0; i < (int)nchars; i++) { #else for (qsizetype i = 0; i < (qsizetype)nchars; i++) { #endif if (buffer.at(i) == '\n' || buffer.at(i) == '\r' || buffer.at(i) == '\t') continue; if (! g_ascii_isprint((guchar)buffer.at(i))) { buffer[i] = '.'; } } } frs_return_t FollowStreamDialog::showBuffer(QByteArray &buffer, size_t nchars, gboolean is_from_server, guint32 packet_num, nstime_t abs_ts, guint32 *global_pos) { gchar initbuf[256]; guint32 current_pos; static const gchar hexchars[16] = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f'}; switch (recent.gui_follow_show) { case SHOW_EBCDIC: { /* If our native arch is ASCII, call: */ EBCDIC_to_ASCII((uint8_t*)buffer.data(), (guint) nchars); sanitize_buffer(buffer, nchars); addText(buffer, is_from_server, packet_num); break; } case SHOW_ASCII: { /* If our native arch is EBCDIC, call: * ASCII_TO_EBCDIC(buffer, nchars); */ sanitize_buffer(buffer, nchars); addText(buffer, is_from_server, packet_num); break; } case SHOW_CODEC: { // This assumes that multibyte characters don't span packets in the // stream. To handle that case properly (which might occur with fixed // block sizes, e.g. transferring over TFTP, we would need to create // two stateful QTextDecoders, one for each direction, presumably in // on_cbCharset_currentIndexChanged() QTextCodec *codec = QTextCodec::codecForName(ui->cbCharset->currentText().toUtf8()); addText(codec->toUnicode(buffer), is_from_server, packet_num); break; } case SHOW_HEXDUMP: current_pos = 0; while (current_pos < nchars) { gchar hexbuf[256]; int i; gchar *cur = hexbuf, *ascii_start; /* is_from_server indentation : put 4 spaces at the * beginning of the string */ /* XXX - We might want to prepend each line with "C" or "S" instead. */ if (is_from_server && follow_info_.show_stream == BOTH_HOSTS) { memset(cur, ' ', 4); cur += 4; } cur += snprintf(cur, 20, "%08X ", *global_pos); /* 49 is space consumed by hex chars */ ascii_start = cur + 49 + 2; for (i = 0; i < 16 && current_pos + i < nchars; i++) { *cur++ = hexchars[(buffer.at(current_pos + i) & 0xf0) >> 4]; *cur++ = hexchars[buffer.at(current_pos + i) & 0x0f]; *cur++ = ' '; if (i == 7) *cur++ = ' '; } /* Fill it up if column isn't complete */ while (cur < ascii_start) *cur++ = ' '; /* Now dump bytes as text */ for (i = 0; i < 16 && current_pos + i < nchars; i++) { *cur++ = (g_ascii_isprint((guchar)buffer.at(current_pos + i)) ? buffer.at(current_pos + i) : '.'); if (i == 7) { *cur++ = ' '; } } current_pos += i; (*global_pos) += i; *cur++ = '\n'; *cur = 0; addText(hexbuf, is_from_server, packet_num); } break; case SHOW_CARRAY: current_pos = 0; snprintf(initbuf, sizeof(initbuf), "char peer%d_%d[] = { /* Packet %u */\n", is_from_server ? 1 : 0, is_from_server ? server_buffer_count_++ : client_buffer_count_++, packet_num); addText(initbuf, is_from_server, packet_num); while (current_pos < nchars) { gchar hexbuf[256]; int i, cur; cur = 0; for (i = 0; i < 8 && current_pos + i < nchars; i++) { /* Prepend entries with "0x" */ hexbuf[cur++] = '0'; hexbuf[cur++] = 'x'; hexbuf[cur++] = hexchars[(buffer.at(current_pos + i) & 0xf0) >> 4]; hexbuf[cur++] = hexchars[buffer.at(current_pos + i) & 0x0f]; /* Delimit array entries with a comma */ if (current_pos + i + 1 < nchars) hexbuf[cur++] = ','; hexbuf[cur++] = ' '; } /* Terminate the array if we are at the end */ if (current_pos + i == nchars) { hexbuf[cur++] = '}'; hexbuf[cur++] = ';'; } current_pos += i; (*global_pos) += i; hexbuf[cur++] = '\n'; hexbuf[cur] = 0; addText(hexbuf, is_from_server, packet_num); } break; case SHOW_YAML: { QString yaml_text; const int base64_raw_len = 57; // Encodes to 76 bytes, common in RFCs current_pos = 0; if (last_packet_ == 0) { // Header with general info about peers const char *hostname0 = address_to_name(&follow_info_.client_ip); const char *hostname1 = address_to_name(&follow_info_.server_ip); char *port0 = get_follow_port_to_display(follower_)(NULL, follow_info_.client_port); char *port1 = get_follow_port_to_display(follower_)(NULL, follow_info_.server_port); addText("peers:\n", false, 0, false); addText(QString( " - peer: 0\n" " host: %1\n" " port: %2\n") .arg(hostname0) .arg(port0), false, 0); addText(QString( " - peer: 1\n" " host: %1\n" " port: %2\n") .arg(hostname1) .arg(port1), true, 0); wmem_free(NULL, port0); wmem_free(NULL, port1); addText("packets:\n", false, 0, false); } if (packet_num != last_packet_) { yaml_text.append(QString(" - packet: %1\n") .arg(packet_num)); yaml_text.append(QString(" peer: %1\n") .arg(is_from_server ? 1 : 0)); yaml_text.append(QString(" index: %1\n") .arg(is_from_server ? server_buffer_count_++ : client_buffer_count_++)); yaml_text.append(QString(" timestamp: %1.%2\n") .arg(abs_ts.secs) .arg(abs_ts.nsecs, 9, 10, QChar('0'))); yaml_text.append(QString(" data: !!binary |\n")); } while (current_pos < nchars) { int len = current_pos + base64_raw_len < nchars ? base64_raw_len : (int) nchars - current_pos; QByteArray base64_data(&buffer.constData()[current_pos], len); /* XXX: GCC 12.1 has a bogus stringop-overread warning using the Qt * conversions from QByteArray to QString at -O2 and higher due to * computing a branch that will never be taken. */ #if WS_IS_AT_LEAST_GNUC_VERSION(12,1) DIAG_OFF(stringop-overread) #endif yaml_text += " " + base64_data.toBase64() + "\n"; #if WS_IS_AT_LEAST_GNUC_VERSION(12,1) DIAG_ON(stringop-overread) #endif current_pos += len; (*global_pos) += len; } addText(std::move(yaml_text), is_from_server, packet_num); break; } case SHOW_RAW: { addText(buffer.toHex() + '\n', is_from_server, packet_num); break; } default: /* The other Show types are supported in Show Packet Bytes but * not here in Follow. (XXX: Maybe some could be added?) */ ws_assert_not_reached(); } if (last_packet_ == 0) { last_from_server_ = is_from_server; } if (packet_num != last_packet_) { last_packet_ = packet_num; if (is_from_server) { server_packet_count_++; } else { client_packet_count_++; } if (last_from_server_ != is_from_server) { last_from_server_ = is_from_server; turns_++; } } return FRS_OK; } bool FollowStreamDialog::follow(QString previous_filter, bool use_stream_index, guint stream_num, guint sub_stream_num) { QString follow_filter; const char *hostname0 = NULL, *hostname1 = NULL; char *port0 = NULL, *port1 = NULL; QString server_to_client_string; QString client_to_server_string; QString both_directions_string; gboolean is_follower = FALSE; int stream_count; follow_stream_count_func stream_count_func = NULL; if (file_closed_) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("No capture file."), tr("Please make sure you have a capture file opened.")); return false; } if (!use_stream_index) { if (cap_file_.capFile()->edt == NULL) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error following stream."), tr("Capture file invalid.")); return false; } is_follower = proto_is_frame_protocol(cap_file_.capFile()->edt->pi.layers, proto_get_protocol_filter_name(get_follow_proto_id(follower_))); if (!is_follower) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error following stream."), tr("Please make sure you have a %1 packet selected.").arg (proto_get_protocol_short_name(find_protocol_by_id(get_follow_proto_id(follower_))))); return false; } } /* Create a new filter that matches all packets in the TCP stream, and set the display filter entry accordingly */ if (use_stream_index) { follow_filter = gchar_free_to_qstring(get_follow_index_func(follower_)(stream_num, sub_stream_num)); } else { follow_filter = gchar_free_to_qstring(get_follow_conv_func(follower_)(cap_file_.capFile()->edt, &cap_file_.capFile()->edt->pi, &stream_num, &sub_stream_num)); } if (follow_filter.isEmpty()) { // XXX: This error probably has to do with tunneling (#18231), where // the addresses or ports changed after the TCP or UDP layer. // (The appropriate layer must be present, or else the GUI // doesn't allow the option to be selected.) QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error creating filter for this stream."), tr("%1 stream not found on the selected packet.").arg(proto_get_protocol_short_name(find_protocol_by_id(get_follow_proto_id(follower_))))); return false; } previous_filter_ = previous_filter; /* append the negation */ if (!previous_filter.isEmpty()) { filter_out_filter_ = QString("%1 and !(%2)") .arg(previous_filter).arg(follow_filter); } else { filter_out_filter_ = QString("!(%1)").arg(follow_filter); } follow_info_.substream_id = sub_stream_num; /* data will be passed via tap callback*/ if (!registerTapListener(get_follow_tap_string(follower_), &follow_info_, follow_filter.toUtf8().constData(), 0, FollowStreamDialog::resetStream, get_follow_tap_handler(follower_), NULL)) { return false; } stream_count_func = get_follow_stream_count_func(follower_); if (stream_count_func == NULL) { removeStreamControls(); } else { stream_count = stream_count_func(); ui->streamNumberSpinBox->blockSignals(true); ui->streamNumberSpinBox->setMaximum(stream_count-1); ui->streamNumberSpinBox->setValue(stream_num); ui->streamNumberSpinBox->blockSignals(false); ui->streamNumberSpinBox->setToolTip(tr("%Ln total stream(s).", "", stream_count)); ui->streamNumberLabel->setToolTip(ui->streamNumberSpinBox->toolTip()); } follow_sub_stream_id_func sub_stream_func; sub_stream_func = get_follow_sub_stream_id_func(follower_); if (sub_stream_func != NULL) { guint substream_max_id = 0; sub_stream_func(static_cast(stream_num), G_MAXINT32, TRUE, &substream_max_id); stream_count = static_cast(substream_max_id); ui->subStreamNumberSpinBox->blockSignals(true); ui->subStreamNumberSpinBox->setEnabled(true); ui->subStreamNumberSpinBox->setMaximum(stream_count); ui->subStreamNumberSpinBox->setValue(sub_stream_num); ui->subStreamNumberSpinBox->blockSignals(false); ui->subStreamNumberSpinBox->setToolTip(tr("Max sub stream ID for the selected stream: %Ln", "", stream_count)); ui->subStreamNumberSpinBox->setToolTip(ui->subStreamNumberSpinBox->toolTip()); ui->subStreamNumberSpinBox->setVisible(true); ui->subStreamNumberLabel->setVisible(true); } else { /* disable substream spin box for protocols without substreams */ ui->subStreamNumberSpinBox->blockSignals(true); ui->subStreamNumberSpinBox->setEnabled(false); ui->subStreamNumberSpinBox->setValue(0); ui->subStreamNumberSpinBox->setKeyboardTracking(false); ui->subStreamNumberSpinBox->blockSignals(false); ui->subStreamNumberSpinBox->setVisible(false); ui->subStreamNumberLabel->setVisible(false); } beginRetapPackets(); updateWidgets(true); /* Run the display filter so it goes in effect - even if it's the same as the previous display filter. */ /* XXX: This forces a cf_filter_packets() - but if a rescan (or something else * that sets cf->read_lock) is in progress, this will queue the filter * and return immediately. It will also cause a rescan in progress to * stop and restart with the new filter. That also applies to this rescan; * changing the main display filter (from the main window, or from, e.g. * another FollowStreamDialog) will cause this to restart and reset the * tap. * * Other tapping dialogs call cf_retap_packets (which retaps but doesn't * set the main display filter, freeze the packet list, etc.), which * has somewhat different behavior when another dialog tries to retap, * but also results in the taps being reset mid tap. * * Either way, we should be event driven and listening for CaptureEvents * instead of drawing after this returns. (Or like other taps, draw * periodically in a callback, provided that can be done without causing * issues with changing the Decode As type.) */ emit updateFilter(follow_filter, TRUE); removeTapListeners(); hostname0 = address_to_name(&follow_info_.client_ip); hostname1 = address_to_name(&follow_info_.server_ip); port0 = get_follow_port_to_display(follower_)(NULL, follow_info_.client_port); port1 = get_follow_port_to_display(follower_)(NULL, follow_info_.server_port); server_to_client_string = QString("%1:%2 %3 %4:%5 (%6)") .arg(hostname0).arg(port0) .arg(UTF8_RIGHTWARDS_ARROW) .arg(hostname1).arg(port1) .arg(gchar_free_to_qstring(format_size( follow_info_.bytes_written[0], FORMAT_SIZE_UNIT_BYTES, FORMAT_SIZE_PREFIX_SI))); client_to_server_string = QString("%1:%2 %3 %4:%5 (%6)") .arg(hostname1).arg(port1) .arg(UTF8_RIGHTWARDS_ARROW) .arg(hostname0).arg(port0) .arg(gchar_free_to_qstring(format_size( follow_info_.bytes_written[1], FORMAT_SIZE_UNIT_BYTES, FORMAT_SIZE_PREFIX_SI))); wmem_free(NULL, port0); wmem_free(NULL, port1); both_directions_string = tr("Entire conversation (%1)") .arg(gchar_free_to_qstring(format_size( follow_info_.bytes_written[0] + follow_info_.bytes_written[1], FORMAT_SIZE_UNIT_BYTES, FORMAT_SIZE_PREFIX_SI))); setWindowSubtitle(tr("Follow %1 Stream (%2)").arg(proto_get_protocol_short_name(find_protocol_by_id(get_follow_proto_id(follower_)))) .arg(follow_filter)); ui->cbDirections->blockSignals(true); ui->cbDirections->clear(); ui->cbDirections->addItem(both_directions_string); ui->cbDirections->addItem(client_to_server_string); ui->cbDirections->addItem(server_to_client_string); ui->cbDirections->blockSignals(false); followStream(); fillHintLabel(); updateWidgets(false); endRetapPackets(); if (prefs.restore_filter_after_following_stream) { emit updateFilter(previous_filter_, TRUE); } return true; } void FollowStreamDialog::captureFileClosed() { QString tooltip = tr("File closed."); ui->streamNumberSpinBox->setToolTip(tooltip); ui->streamNumberLabel->setToolTip(tooltip); WiresharkDialog::captureFileClosed(); } frs_return_t FollowStreamDialog::readFollowStream() { guint32 global_client_pos = 0, global_server_pos = 0; guint32 *global_pos; gboolean skip; GList* cur; frs_return_t frs_return; follow_record_t *follow_record; QElapsedTimer elapsed_timer; QByteArray buffer; elapsed_timer.start(); loop_break_mutex.lock(); isReadRunning = TRUE; loop_break_mutex.unlock(); for (cur = g_list_last(follow_info_.payload); cur; cur = g_list_previous(cur)) { if (dialogClosed() || !isReadRunning) break; follow_record = (follow_record_t *)cur->data; skip = FALSE; if (!follow_record->is_server) { global_pos = &global_client_pos; if (follow_info_.show_stream == FROM_SERVER) { skip = TRUE; } } else { global_pos = &global_server_pos; if (follow_info_.show_stream == FROM_CLIENT) { skip = TRUE; } } if (!skip) { // This will only detach / deep copy if the buffer data is // modified. Try to avoid doing that as much as possible // (and avoid new memory allocations that have to be freed). buffer.setRawData((char*)follow_record->data->data, follow_record->data->len); frs_return = showBuffer( buffer, follow_record->data->len, follow_record->is_server, follow_record->packet_num, follow_record->abs_ts, global_pos); if (frs_return == FRS_PRINT_ERROR) return frs_return; if (elapsed_timer.elapsed() > info_update_freq_) { fillHintLabel(ui->teStreamContent->currentPacket()); mainApp->processEvents(); elapsed_timer.start(); } } } loop_break_mutex.lock(); isReadRunning = FALSE; loop_break_mutex.unlock(); return FRS_OK; }