/* extcap_argument.cpp * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include ExtArgTimestamp::ExtArgTimestamp(extcap_arg * argument, QObject * parent) : ExtcapArgument(argument, parent) {} QWidget * ExtArgTimestamp::createEditor(QWidget * parent) { QDateTimeEdit * tsBox; QString text = defaultValue(); if ( _argument->pref_valptr && *_argument->pref_valptr) { QString storeValue(*_argument->pref_valptr); if ( storeValue.length() > 0 && storeValue.compare(text) != 0 ) text = storeValue.trimmed(); } ts = QDateTime::fromTime_t(text.toInt()); tsBox = new QDateTimeEdit(ts, parent); tsBox->setDisplayFormat(QLocale::system().dateTimeFormat()); tsBox->setCalendarPopup(true); if ( _argument->tooltip != NULL ) tsBox->setToolTip(QString().fromUtf8(_argument->tooltip)); connect(tsBox, SIGNAL(dateTimeChanged(QDateTime)), SLOT(onDateTimeChanged(QDateTime))); return tsBox; } void ExtArgTimestamp::onDateTimeChanged(QDateTime t) { ts = t; emit valueChanged(); } QString ExtArgTimestamp::defaultValue() { return QString::number(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t()); } bool ExtArgTimestamp::isValid() { bool valid = true; if ( value().length() == 0 && isRequired() ) valid = false; return valid; } QString ExtArgTimestamp::value() { return QString::number(ts.toTime_t()); } QString ExtArgTimestamp::prefValue() { return value(); } ExtArgSelector::ExtArgSelector(extcap_arg * argument, QObject * parent) : ExtcapArgument(argument, parent), boxSelection(0) {} QWidget * ExtArgSelector::createEditor(QWidget * parent) { int counter = 0; int selected = -1; const char *prefval = _argument->pref_valptr ? *_argument->pref_valptr : NULL; QString stored(prefval ? prefval : ""); QWidget * editor = new QWidget(parent); QHBoxLayout * layout = new QHBoxLayout(); boxSelection = new QComboBox(parent); layout->addWidget(boxSelection); if ( values.length() > 0 ) { ExtcapValueList::const_iterator iter = values.constBegin(); while ( iter != values.constEnd() ) { boxSelection->addItem((*iter).value(), (*iter).call()); if ( !prefval && (*iter).isDefault() ) selected = counter; else if ( prefval && stored.compare((*iter).call()) == 0 ) selected = counter; counter++; ++iter; } if ( selected > -1 && selected < boxSelection->count() ) boxSelection->setCurrentIndex(selected); } if ( reload() ) { QString btnText(tr("Reload data")); if ( _argument->placeholder ) btnText = QString(_argument->placeholder); QPushButton * reloadButton = new QPushButton(btnText, editor); layout->addWidget(reloadButton); reloadButton->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Preferred); boxSelection->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred); connect(reloadButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onReloadTriggered())); } connect ( boxSelection, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), SLOT(onIntChanged(int)) ); editor->setLayout(layout); return editor; } void ExtArgSelector::onReloadTriggered() { int counter = 0; int selected = -1; QString call = boxSelection->currentData().toString(); const char *prefval = _argument->pref_valptr ? *_argument->pref_valptr : NULL; QString stored(prefval ? prefval : ""); if ( call != stored ) stored = call; if ( reloadValues() && values.length() > 0 ) { boxSelection->clear(); ExtcapValueList::const_iterator iter = values.constBegin(); while ( iter != values.constEnd() ) { boxSelection->addItem((*iter).value(), (*iter).call()); if ( stored.compare((*iter).call()) == 0 ) selected = counter; else if ( (*iter).isDefault() && selected == -1 ) selected = counter; counter++; ++iter; } if ( selected > -1 && selected < boxSelection->count() ) boxSelection->setCurrentIndex(selected); } } bool ExtArgSelector::isValid() { bool valid = true; if ( value().length() == 0 && isRequired() ) valid = false; if ( boxSelection ) { QString lblInvalidColor = ColorUtils::fromColorT(prefs.gui_text_invalid).name(); QString cmbBoxStyle("QComboBox { background-color: %1; } "); boxSelection->setStyleSheet( cmbBoxStyle.arg(valid ? QString("") : lblInvalidColor) ); } return valid; } QString ExtArgSelector::value() { if ( boxSelection == 0 ) return QString(); QVariant data = boxSelection->currentData(); return data.toString(); } ExtArgRadio::ExtArgRadio(extcap_arg * argument, QObject * parent) : ExtcapArgument(argument, parent), selectorGroup(0), callStrings(0) {} QWidget * ExtArgRadio::createEditor(QWidget * parent) { int count = 0; bool anyChecked = false; selectorGroup = new QButtonGroup(parent); QWidget * radioButtons = new QWidget; QVBoxLayout * vrLayout = new QVBoxLayout(); QMargins margins = vrLayout->contentsMargins(); vrLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, margins.bottom()); if ( callStrings != 0 ) delete callStrings; callStrings = new QList(); if ( values.length() > 0 ) { ExtcapValueList::const_iterator iter = values.constBegin(); while ( iter != values.constEnd() ) { QRadioButton * radio = new QRadioButton((*iter).value()); QString callString = (*iter).call(); callStrings->append(callString); if ( (*iter).isDefault() ) { radio->setChecked(true); anyChecked = true; } connect(radio, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), SLOT(onBoolChanged(bool))); selectorGroup->addButton(radio, count); vrLayout->addWidget(radio); count++; ++iter; } } /* No default was provided, and not saved value exists */ if ( anyChecked == false && count > 0 ) ((QRadioButton*)(selectorGroup->button(0)))->setChecked(true); radioButtons->setLayout(vrLayout); return radioButtons; } QString ExtArgRadio::value() { int idx = 0; if ( selectorGroup == 0 || callStrings == 0 ) return QString(); idx = selectorGroup->checkedId(); if ( idx > -1 && callStrings->length() > idx ) return callStrings->takeAt(idx); return QString(); } bool ExtArgRadio::isValid() { bool valid = true; int idx = 0; if ( isRequired() ) { if ( selectorGroup == 0 || callStrings == 0 ) valid = false; else { idx = selectorGroup->checkedId(); if ( idx == -1 || callStrings->length() <= idx ) valid = false; } } /* If nothing is selected, but a selection is required, the only thing that * can be marked is the label */ QString lblInvalidColor = ColorUtils::fromColorT(prefs.gui_text_invalid).name(); _label->setStyleSheet ( label_style.arg(valid ? QString("") : lblInvalidColor) ); return valid; } ExtArgBool::ExtArgBool(extcap_arg * argument, QObject * parent) : ExtcapArgument(argument, parent), boolBox(0) {} QWidget * ExtArgBool::createLabel(QWidget * parent) { return new QWidget(parent); } QWidget * ExtArgBool::createEditor(QWidget * parent) { bool state = defaultBool(); boolBox = new QCheckBox(QString().fromUtf8(_argument->display), parent); if ( _argument->tooltip != NULL ) boolBox->setToolTip(QString().fromUtf8(_argument->tooltip)); const char *prefval = _argument->pref_valptr ? *_argument->pref_valptr : NULL; if ( prefval ) { QRegExp regexp(EXTCAP_BOOLEAN_REGEX); bool savedstate = ( regexp.indexIn(QString(prefval[0]), 0) != -1 ); if ( savedstate != state ) state = savedstate; } boolBox->setCheckState(state ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked ); connect (boolBox, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), SLOT(onIntChanged(int))); return boolBox; } QString ExtArgBool::call() { if ( boolBox == NULL ) return QString(""); if ( _argument->arg_type == EXTCAP_ARG_BOOLEAN ) return ExtcapArgument::call(); return QString(boolBox->checkState() == Qt::Checked ? _argument->call : ""); } QString ExtArgBool::value() { if ( boolBox == NULL || _argument->arg_type == EXTCAP_ARG_BOOLFLAG ) return QString(); return QString(boolBox->checkState() == Qt::Checked ? "true" : "false"); } QString ExtArgBool::prefValue() { if ( boolBox == NULL ) return QString("false"); return QString(boolBox->checkState() == Qt::Checked ? "true" : "false"); } bool ExtArgBool::isValid() { /* A bool is allways valid, but the base function checks on string length, * which will fail with boolflags */ return true; } bool ExtArgBool::defaultBool() { bool result = false; if ( _argument ) { if ( extcap_complex_get_bool(_argument->default_complex) == (gboolean)TRUE ) result = true; } return result; } QString ExtArgBool::defaultValue() { return defaultBool() ? QString("true") : QString("false"); } ExtArgText::ExtArgText(extcap_arg * argument, QObject * parent) : ExtcapArgument(argument, parent), textBox(0) { } QWidget * ExtArgText::createEditor(QWidget * parent) { QString text = defaultValue(); if ( _argument->pref_valptr && *_argument->pref_valptr) { QString storeValue(*_argument->pref_valptr); if ( storeValue.length() > 0 && storeValue.compare(text) != 0 ) text = storeValue.trimmed(); } textBox = new QLineEdit(text, parent); if ( _argument->tooltip != NULL ) textBox->setToolTip(QString().fromUtf8(_argument->tooltip)); if ( _argument->placeholder != NULL ) textBox->setPlaceholderText(QString().fromUtf8(_argument->placeholder)); if (_argument->arg_type == EXTCAP_ARG_PASSWORD) textBox->setEchoMode(QLineEdit::Password); connect(textBox , SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), SLOT(onStringChanged(QString))); return textBox; } QString ExtArgText::value() { if ( textBox == 0 ) return QString(); return textBox->text(); } bool ExtArgText::isValid() { bool valid = true; if ( isRequired() && value().length() == 0 ) valid = false; /* validation should only be checked if there is a value. if the argument * must be present (isRequired) the check above will handle that */ if ( valid && _argument->regexp != NULL && value().length() > 0) { QString regexp = QString().fromUtf8(_argument->regexp); if ( regexp.length() > 0 ) { QRegExp expr(regexp); if ( ! expr.isValid() || expr.indexIn(value(), 0) == -1 ) valid = false; } } QString lblInvalidColor = ColorUtils::fromColorT(prefs.gui_text_invalid).name(); QString txtStyle("QLineEdit { background-color: %1; } "); textBox->setStyleSheet( txtStyle.arg(valid ? QString("") : lblInvalidColor) ); return valid; } ExtArgNumber::ExtArgNumber(extcap_arg * argument, QObject * parent) : ExtArgText(argument, parent) {} QWidget * ExtArgNumber::createEditor(QWidget * parent) { QString text = defaultValue(); if ( _argument->pref_valptr && *_argument->pref_valptr) { QString storeValue(*_argument->pref_valptr); if ( storeValue.length() > 0 && storeValue.compare(text) != 0 ) text = storeValue; } textBox = (QLineEdit *)ExtArgText::createEditor(parent); textBox->disconnect(SIGNAL(textChanged(QString))); if ( _argument->arg_type == EXTCAP_ARG_INTEGER || _argument->arg_type == EXTCAP_ARG_UNSIGNED ) { QIntValidator * textValidator = new QIntValidator(parent); if ( _argument->range_start != NULL ) { int val = 0; if ( _argument->arg_type == EXTCAP_ARG_INTEGER ) val = extcap_complex_get_int(_argument->range_start); else if ( _argument->arg_type == EXTCAP_ARG_UNSIGNED ) { guint tmp = extcap_complex_get_uint(_argument->range_start); if ( tmp > G_MAXINT ) { g_log(LOG_DOMAIN_CAPTURE, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Defined value for range_start of %s exceeds valid integer range", _argument->call ); val = G_MAXINT; } else val = (gint)tmp; } textValidator->setBottom(val); } if ( _argument->arg_type == EXTCAP_ARG_UNSIGNED && textValidator->bottom() < 0 ) { g_log(LOG_DOMAIN_CAPTURE, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "%s sets negative bottom range for unsigned value, setting to 0", _argument->call ); textValidator->setBottom(0); } if ( _argument->range_end != NULL ) { int val = 0; if ( _argument->arg_type == EXTCAP_ARG_INTEGER ) val = extcap_complex_get_int(_argument->range_end); else if ( _argument->arg_type == EXTCAP_ARG_UNSIGNED ) { guint tmp = extcap_complex_get_uint(_argument->range_end); if ( tmp > G_MAXINT ) { g_log(LOG_DOMAIN_CAPTURE, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Defined value for range_end of %s exceeds valid integer range", _argument->call ); val = G_MAXINT; } else val = (gint)tmp; } textValidator->setTop(val); } textBox->setValidator(textValidator); } else if ( _argument->arg_type == EXTCAP_ARG_DOUBLE ) { QDoubleValidator * textValidator = new QDoubleValidator(parent); if ( _argument->range_start != NULL ) textValidator->setBottom(extcap_complex_get_double(_argument->range_start)); if ( _argument->range_end != NULL ) textValidator->setTop(extcap_complex_get_double(_argument->range_end)); textBox->setValidator(textValidator); } textBox->setText(text.trimmed()); connect(textBox, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), SLOT(onStringChanged(QString))); return textBox; } QString ExtArgNumber::defaultValue() { QString result; if ( _argument != 0 ) { if ( _argument->arg_type == EXTCAP_ARG_DOUBLE ) result = QString::number(extcap_complex_get_double(_argument->default_complex)); else if ( _argument->arg_type == EXTCAP_ARG_INTEGER ) result = QString::number(extcap_complex_get_int(_argument->default_complex)); else if ( _argument->arg_type == EXTCAP_ARG_UNSIGNED ) result = QString::number(extcap_complex_get_uint(_argument->default_complex)); else if ( _argument->arg_type == EXTCAP_ARG_LONG ) result = QString::number(extcap_complex_get_long(_argument->default_complex)); else { QString defValue = ExtcapArgument::defaultValue(); result = defValue.length() > 0 ? defValue : QString(); } } return result; } ExtcapValue::~ExtcapValue() {} void ExtcapValue::setChildren(ExtcapValueList children) { ExtcapValueList::iterator iter = children.begin(); while ( iter != children.end() ) { (*iter)._depth = _depth + 1; ++iter; } _children.append(children); } ExtcapArgument::ExtcapArgument(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), _argument(0), _label(0), label_style(QString("QLabel { color: %1; }")) { } ExtcapArgument::ExtcapArgument(extcap_arg * argument, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), _argument(argument), _label(0), label_style(QString("QLabel { color: %1; }")) { if ( _argument->values != 0 ) { ExtcapValueList elements = loadValues(QString("")); if ( elements.length() > 0 ) values.append(elements); } } ExtcapArgument::ExtcapArgument(const ExtcapArgument &obj) : QObject(obj.parent()), _argument(obj._argument), _label(0), label_style(QString("QLabel { color: %1; }")) { if ( _argument->values != 0 ) { ExtcapValueList elements = loadValues(QString("")); if ( elements.length() > 0 ) values.append(elements); } } ExtcapValueList ExtcapArgument::loadValues(QString parent) { if (_argument == 0 || _argument->values == 0 ) return ExtcapValueList(); GList * walker = 0; extcap_value * v; ExtcapValueList elements; for (walker = g_list_first((GList *)(_argument->values)); walker != NULL ; walker = walker->next) { v = (extcap_value *) walker->data; if (v == NULL || v->display == NULL || v->call == NULL ) break; QString valParent = QString().fromUtf8(v->parent); if ( parent.compare(valParent) == 0 ) { QString display = QString().fromUtf8(v->display); QString call = QString().fromUtf8(v->call); ExtcapValue element = ExtcapValue(display, call, v->enabled == (gboolean)TRUE, v->is_default == (gboolean)TRUE); if (!call.isEmpty()) element.setChildren(this->loadValues(call)); elements.append(element); } } return elements; } bool ExtcapArgument::reloadValues() { if ( ! qobject_cast ( parent() ) ) return false; ExtcapOptionsDialog * dialog = qobject_cast(parent()); ExtcapValueList list = dialog->loadValuesFor(_argument->arg_num, _argument->call); if ( list.size() > 0 ) { values.clear(); values << list; return true; } return false; } ExtcapArgument::~ExtcapArgument() { } QWidget * ExtcapArgument::createLabel(QWidget * parent) { if ( _argument == 0 || _argument->display == 0 ) return 0; QString lblInvalidColor = ColorUtils::fromColorT(prefs.gui_text_invalid).name(); QString text = QString().fromUtf8(_argument->display); if ( _label == 0 ) _label = new QLabel(text, parent); else _label->setText(text); _label->setProperty("isRequired", QString(isRequired() ? "true" : "false")); _label->setStyleSheet ( label_style.arg(QString("")) ); if ( _argument->tooltip != 0 ) _label->setToolTip(QString().fromUtf8(_argument->tooltip)); return (QWidget *)_label; } QWidget * ExtcapArgument::createEditor(QWidget *) { return 0; } QString ExtcapArgument::call() { return QString(_argument->call); } QString ExtcapArgument::value() { return QString(); } QString ExtcapArgument::prefValue() { return value(); } void ExtcapArgument::resetValue() { if (_argument->pref_valptr) { g_free(*_argument->pref_valptr); *_argument->pref_valptr = g_strdup(""); } } bool ExtcapArgument::isValid() { /* Unrequired arguments are always valid, except if validity checks fail, * which must be checked in an derived class, not here */ if ( ! isRequired() ) return true; return value().length() > 0; } QString ExtcapArgument::defaultValue() { if ( _argument != 0 && _argument->default_complex != 0) { gchar * str = extcap_get_complex_as_string(_argument->default_complex); if ( str != 0 ) return QString(str); } return QString(); } QString ExtcapArgument::prefKey(const QString & device_name) { struct preference * pref = NULL; if ( _argument == 0 || ! _argument->save ) return QString(); pref = extcap_pref_for_argument(device_name.toStdString().c_str(), _argument); if ( pref != NULL ) return QString(prefs_get_name(pref)); return QString(); } bool ExtcapArgument::isRequired() { if ( _argument != NULL ) return _argument->is_required; return FALSE; } bool ExtcapArgument::reload() { if ( _argument != NULL ) return _argument->reload; return false; } bool ExtcapArgument::fileExists() { if ( _argument != NULL ) return _argument->fileexists; return FALSE; } bool ExtcapArgument::isDefault() { if ( value().compare(defaultValue()) == 0 ) return true; return false; } ExtcapArgument * ExtcapArgument::create(extcap_arg * argument, QObject *parent) { if ( argument == 0 || argument->display == 0 ) return 0; ExtcapArgument * result = 0; if ( argument->arg_type == EXTCAP_ARG_STRING || argument->arg_type == EXTCAP_ARG_PASSWORD ) result = new ExtArgText(argument, parent); else if ( argument->arg_type == EXTCAP_ARG_INTEGER || argument->arg_type == EXTCAP_ARG_LONG || argument->arg_type == EXTCAP_ARG_UNSIGNED || argument->arg_type == EXTCAP_ARG_DOUBLE ) result = new ExtArgNumber(argument, parent); else if ( argument->arg_type == EXTCAP_ARG_BOOLEAN || argument->arg_type == EXTCAP_ARG_BOOLFLAG ) result = new ExtArgBool(argument, parent); else if ( argument->arg_type == EXTCAP_ARG_SELECTOR ) result = new ExtArgSelector(argument, parent); else if ( argument->arg_type == EXTCAP_ARG_RADIO ) result = new ExtArgRadio(argument, parent); else if ( argument->arg_type == EXTCAP_ARG_FILESELECT ) result = new ExtcapArgumentFileSelection(argument, parent); else if ( argument->arg_type == EXTCAP_ARG_MULTICHECK ) result = new ExtArgMultiSelect(argument, parent); else if ( argument->arg_type == EXTCAP_ARG_TIMESTAMP ) result = new ExtArgTimestamp(argument, parent); else { /* For everything else, we just print the label */ result = new ExtcapArgument(argument, parent); } return result; } /* The following is a necessity, because Q_Object does not do well with multiple inheritances */ void ExtcapArgument::onStringChanged(QString) { emit valueChanged(); } void ExtcapArgument::onIntChanged(int) { if ( isValid() ) emit valueChanged(); } void ExtcapArgument::onBoolChanged(bool) { emit valueChanged(); } /* * Editor modelines * * Local Variables: * c-basic-offset: 4 * tab-width: 8 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: * * ex: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab: * :indentSize=4:tabSize=8:noTabs=true: */