#------------------------------------------------- # # Project created by QtCreator 2010-12-21T11:38:10 # #------------------------------------------------- QT += core gui TARGET = qtshark TEMPLATE = app xxx { message( ) message(CONFIG:) message( $$CONFIG) message( ) } unix { CONFIG += link_pkgconfig PKGCONFIG += \ glib-2.0 # Some versions of Ubuntu don't ship with zlib.pc eval(PKGCONFIG += zlib) { PKGCONFIG += zlib } } win32 { # Note: # Windows Wireshark is compiled with /MD and thus must # be linked with the "release" versions of the Qt libraries # which are also compiled with /MD. # # Also: Windows Wireshark is compiled with /Zi and linked with /DEBUG # which enables source level Wireshark debugging using the # Windows Visual Studio debugger. # So: QMAKE_CFLAGS, QMAKE_CXXFLAGS and QMAKE_LFLAGS are set to match # those used building Windows Wireshark. (See config.pri). # Among other things source-level debugging of the Qt version of Wireshark # (including the ui/qt source) is thus enabled. # # Note that in this case source level debugging of the Qt # *libraries* will not be possible since the Qt release libs are # not compiled with /Zi (and not linked with /DEBUG). # The Qt "debug" libraries are compiled with /MDd. To build a # Wireshark-Qt debug version with the ability to do source level debugging # of the Qt libraries themselves requires that Wireshark first be built with /MDd. # Presumably doing source-level Qt library debugging shoyuld rarely be needed. # We want to build only the QtShark linked with the QT "release" libraries # so disable debug & etc. ## CONFIG -= release CONFIG -= debug CONFIG -= debug_and_release # Use only Wireshark CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS and LDFLAGS from config.nmake (as provided via config.pri) # for building the "release" version of Wireshark-Qt # (e.g., so we don't get the Qt release CFLAGS [specifically /O2] QMAKE_CFLAGS_RELEASE = "" QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_RELEASE = "" QMAKE_LFLAGS_RELEASE = "" # XXX We need to figure out how to pull this in from config.nmake. !include( config.pri ) { error("Can't find config.pri. Have you run 'nmake -f Makefile.nmake' two directories up?") } DESTDIR = wireshark-qt !wireshark_manifest_info_required { CONFIG -= embed_manifest_dll CONFIG -= embed_manifest_exe } } INCLUDEPATH += ../.. ../../wiretap win32:INCLUDEPATH += \ $${WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR}/gtk2/include/glib-2.0 $${WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR}/gtk2/lib/glib-2.0/include \ $${WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR}/WpdPack/Include \ $${WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR}/AirPcap_Devpack_4_1_0_1622/Airpcap_Devpack/include \ $${WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR}/zlib125/include SOURCES_WS_C = \ ../../airpcap_loader.c \ ../../ui/alert_box.c \ ../../capture-pcap-util.c \ ../../capture.c \ ../../capture_ifinfo.c \ ../../capture_info.c \ ../../capture_opts.c \ ../../capture_sync.c \ ../../capture_ui_utils.c \ ../../cfile.c \ ../../clopts_common.c \ ../../color_filters.c \ ../../disabled_protos.c \ ../../file.c \ ../../fileset.c \ ../../filters.c \ ../../frame_data_sequence.c \ ../../g711.c \ ../../merge.c \ ../../packet-range.c \ ../../print.c \ ../../proto_hier_stats.c \ ../../ps.c \ ../../recent.c \ ../../summary.c \ ../../sync_pipe_write.c \ ../../tap-megaco-common.c \ ../../tap-rtp-common.c \ ../../tempfile.c \ ../../timestats.c \ ../../u3.c \ ../../ui/util.c \ ../../version_info.c unix:SOURCES_WS_C += ../../capture-pcap-util-unix.c win32:SOURCES_WS_C += ../../capture-wpcap.c ../../capture_wpcap_packet.c SOURCES_QT_CPP = \ byte_view_tab.cpp \ byte_view_text.cpp \ capture_file_dialog.cpp \ capture_info_dialog.cpp \ capture_interface_dialog.cpp \ color_dialog.cpp \ color_utils.cpp \ display_filter_combo.cpp \ display_filter_edit.cpp \ fileset_dialog.cpp \ interface_tree.cpp \ main.cpp \ main_status_bar.cpp \ main_welcome.cpp \ main_window.cpp \ monospace_font.cpp \ packet_list.cpp \ packet_list_model.cpp \ packet_list_record.cpp \ progress_dialog.cpp \ proto_tree.cpp \ qt_ui_utils.cpp \ recent_file_status.cpp \ simple_dialog_qt.cpp \ wireshark_application.cpp \ label_stack.cpp HEADERS_WS_C = \ ../../wsutil/privileges.h HEADERS_QT_CPP = \ byte_view_tab.h \ byte_view_text.h \ capture_file_dialog.h \ capture_info_dialog.h \ capture_interface_dialog.h \ color_dialog.h \ color_utils.h \ display_filter_combo.h \ display_filter_edit.h \ fileset_dialog.h \ interface_tree.h \ main_status_bar.h \ main_welcome.h \ main_window.h \ monospace_font.h \ packet_list.h \ packet_list_model.h \ packet_list_record.h \ progress_dialog.h \ proto_tree.h \ qt_ui_utils.h \ qt_ui_utils.h \ recent_file_status.h \ simple_dialog_qt.h \ wireshark_application.h \ label_stack.h FORMS += main_window.ui win32 { ## These should be in config.pri ?? !isEmpty(PORTAUDIO_DIR) { PA_OBJECTS = \ ../gtk/pa_allocation.obj \ ../gtk/pa_converters.obj \ ../gtk/pa_cpuload.obj \ ../gtk/pa_dither.obj \ ../gtk/pa_front.obj \ ../gtk/pa_process.obj \ ../gtk/pa_skeleton.obj \ ../gtk/pa_stream.obj \ ../gtk/pa_trace.obj \ ../gtk/pa_win_wmme.obj \ ../gtk/pa_win_hostapis.obj \ ../gtk/pa_win_util.obj \ ../gtk/pa_win_waveformat.obj \ ../gtk/pa_x86_plain_converters.obj PA_OBJECTS ~= s,/,\\,g } } win32 { SOURCES += $$SOURCES_QT_CPP HEADERS += $$HEADERS_WS_C HEADERS += $$HEADERS_QT_CPP OBJECTS_WS_C = $$SOURCES_WS_C OBJECTS_WS_C ~= s/[.]c/.obj/g OBJECTS_WS_C ~= s,/,\\,g } else { ## XXX: Shouldn't need to (re)compile WS_C sources ?? SOURCES += $$SOURCES_WS_C SOURCES += $$SOURCES_QT_CPP HEADERS += $$HEADERS_WS_C HEADERS += $$HEADERS_QT_CPP } DEFINES += HAVE_CONFIG_H INET6 REENTRANT unix:DEFINES += _U_=\"__attribute__((unused))\" macx:QMAKE_LFLAGS += \ -framework CoreServices \ -framework ApplicationServices -framework CoreFoundation -framework CoreServices unix:LIBS += -L../../lib -Wl,-rpath ../../lib -lwireshark -lwiretap -lwsutil \ -lpcap -lportaudio macx:LIBS += -Wl,-macosx_version_min,10.5 -liconv # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3984104/qmake-how-to-copy-a-file-to-the-output unix: { EXTRA_BINFILES = \ ../../dumpcap \ ../../lib/*.so \ } unix:!macx { for(FILE,EXTRA_BINFILES){ QMAKE_POST_LINK += $$quote(cp $${FILE} .$$escape_expand(\\n\\t)) } } # qmake 2.01a / Qt 4.7.0 doesn't set DESTDIR on OS X. macx { for(FILE,EXTRA_BINFILES){ QMAKE_POST_LINK += $$quote(cp $${FILE} Wireshark.app/Contents/MacOS$$escape_expand(\\n\\t)) } } win32 { # Add the wireshark objects to LIBS LIBS += $$OBJECTS_WS_C LIBS += $$PA_OBJECTS LIBS += \ wsock32.lib user32.lib shell32.lib comctl32.lib \ -L../../epan -llibwireshark -L../../wsutil -llibwsutil -L../../wiretap -lwiretap-1.7.0 \ -L$${GLIB_DIR}/lib -lglib-2.0 -lgmodule-2.0 EXTRA_BINFILES = \ ../../dumpcap.exe \ ../../epan/libwireshark.dll ../../wiretap/wiretap-1.7.0.dll ../../wsutil/libwsutil.dll \ $${GLIB_DIR}/bin/libglib-2.0-0.dll $${GLIB_DIR}/bin/libgmodule-2.0-0.dll \ $${GLIB_DIR}/bin/libgthread-2.0-0.dll $${GLIB_DIR}/bin/$${INTL_DLL} \ $${C_ARES_DIR}/bin/libcares-2.dll $${ZLIB_DIR}/zlib1.dll \ $${GNUTLS_DIR}/bin/libgcrypt-11.dll $${GNUTLS_DIR}/bin/libgnutls-26.dll \ $${GNUTLS_DIR}/bin/libgpg-error-0.dll $${GNUTLS_DIR}/bin/ $${GNUTLS_DIR}/bin/libtasn1-3.dll \ $${GNUTLS_DIR}/bin/libintl-8.dll $${SMI_DIR}/bin/libsmi-2.dll \ $${LUA_DIR}/lua5.1.dll \ ../../colorfilters ../../dfilters ../../cfilters wireshark_use_kfw { EXTRA_BINFILES += \ $${KFW_DIR}/bin/comerr32.dll $${KFW_DIR}/bin/krb5_32.dll $${KFW_DIR}/bin/k5sprt32.dll } EXTRA_BINFILES ~= s,/,\\,g for(FILE,EXTRA_BINFILES){ QMAKE_POST_LINK +=$$quote($(COPY_FILE) $${FILE} $(DESTDIR)$$escape_expand(\\n\\t)) } PLUGINS_DIR = $(DESTDIR)\\plugins\\$${VERSION_FULL} QMAKE_POST_LINK +=$$quote($(CHK_DIR_EXISTS) $${PLUGINS_DIR} $(MKDIR) $${PLUGINS_DIR}$$escape_expand(\\n\\t)) QMAKE_POST_LINK +=$$quote($(COPY_FILE) ..\\..\\wireshark-gtk2\\plugins\\$${VERSION_FULL}\\*.dll $(DESTDIR)\\plugins\\$${VERSION_FULL}$$escape_expand(\\n\\t)) # This doesn't depend on wireshark-gtk2. It also doesn't work. #PLUGINS_IN_PWD=$${IN_PWD} #PLUGINS_OUT_PWD=$${OUT_PWD} #QMAKE_POST_LINK +=$$quote(cd $$replace(PLUGINS_IN_PWD, /, \\)\\..\\..\\plugins$$escape_expand(\\n\\t)) #QMAKE_POST_LINK +=$$quote(nmake -f Makefile.nmake INSTALL_DIR=$$replace(PLUGINS_OUT_PWD, /, \\)\\$(DESTDIR)$$escape_expand(\\n\\t)) #QMAKE_POST_LINK +=$$quote(cd $$replace(PLUGINS_IN_PWD, /, \\)$$escape_expand(\\n\\t)) } RESOURCES += \ toolbar.qrc \ welcome.qrc \ display_filter.qrc \ i18n.qrc TRANSLATIONS = \ qtshark_fr.ts ICON = ../../packaging/macosx/Resources/Wireshark.icns win32: QMAKE_CLEAN += *.pdb