/* wsp_stat.c * wsp_stat 2003 Jean-Michel FAYARD * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ /* #define DEBUG do{ printf("%s:%d ",__FILE__,__LINE__);} while(0); */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "ui/simple_dialog.h" #include "../globals.h" #include "../stat_menu.h" #include "ui/gtk/gui_utils.h" #include "ui/gtk/dlg_utils.h" #include "ui/gtk/tap_param_dlg.h" #include "ui/gtk/main.h" #include "ui/gtk/old-gtk-compat.h" void register_tap_listener_gtkwspstat(void); /* Used to keep track of the statistics for a specific PDU type */ typedef struct _wsp_pdu_t { GtkLabel *widget; guint32 packets; } wsp_pdu_t; /* Used to keep track of the statistics for an entire program interface */ typedef struct _wsp_stats_t { char *filter; wsp_pdu_t *pdu_stats; guint32 num_pdus; GtkWidget *win; GHashTable *hash; GtkWidget *grid_pdu_types; GtkWidget *grid_status_code; guint index; /* Number of status codes to display */ } wspstat_t; /* Used to keep track of a single type of status code */ typedef struct _wsp_status_code_t { const gchar *name; guint32 packets; GtkWidget *widget;/* label in which we print the number of packets */ wspstat_t *sp; /* entire program interface */ } wsp_status_code_t; static void wsp_reset_hash(gchar *key _U_ , wsp_status_code_t *data, gpointer ptr _U_) { data->packets = 0; } /* Update the entry corresponding to the number of packets of a special status code * or create it if it doesn't exist. */ static void wsp_draw_statuscode(gchar *key _U_, wsp_status_code_t *data, gchar *unused _U_) { char string_buff[256]; if ((data == NULL) || (data->packets == 0)) return; if (data->widget == NULL) { /* create an entry in the table */ GtkWidget *tmp; int x = 2 * ((data->sp->index) % 2); int y = (data->sp->index) / 2; /* Maybe we should display the hexadecimal value ? */ /* g_snprintf(string_buff, sizeof(string_buff), "%s (0X%x)", data->name, *key); */ tmp = gtk_label_new(data->name /* string_buff */ ); ws_gtk_grid_attach_defaults(GTK_GRID(data->sp->grid_status_code), tmp, x, y, 1, 1); gtk_label_set_justify(GTK_LABEL(tmp), GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT); gtk_widget_show(tmp); g_snprintf(string_buff, sizeof(string_buff), "%9d", data->packets); data->widget = gtk_label_new(string_buff); ws_gtk_grid_attach_defaults(GTK_GRID(data->sp->grid_status_code), data->widget, x+1, y, 1, 1); gtk_label_set_justify(GTK_LABEL(data->widget), GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT); gtk_widget_show(data->widget); data->sp->index++; } else { /* Just update the label string */ g_snprintf(string_buff, sizeof(string_buff), "%9d", data->packets); gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(data->widget), string_buff); } } static void wspstat_reset(void *psp) { wspstat_t *sp = (wspstat_t *)psp; guint32 i; for(i=1; i<=sp->num_pdus; i++) { sp->pdu_stats[i].packets = 0; } g_hash_table_foreach(sp->hash, (GHFunc)wsp_reset_hash, NULL); } /* Fixme: !! Magic !! */ /* See wsp_vals_pdu_type in packet-wsp.c */ static gint pdut2index(gint pdut) { if (pdut <= 0x09) return pdut; if (pdut >= 0x40) { if (pdut <= 0x44) { return pdut-54; } else if ((pdut == 0x60) || (pdut == 0x61)) { return pdut-81; } } return 0; } /* Fixme: !! Magic !! */ /* See wsp_vals_pdu_type in packet-wsp.c */ static gint index2pdut(gint pdut) { if (pdut <= 9) return pdut; if (pdut <= 14) return pdut+54; if (pdut <= 16) return pdut+81; return 0; } static int wspstat_packet(void *psp, packet_info *pinfo _U_, epan_dissect_t *edt _U_, const void *pri) { wspstat_t *sp = (wspstat_t *)psp; const wsp_info_value_t *value = (const wsp_info_value_t *)pri; gint idx = pdut2index(value->pdut); gboolean retour = FALSE; if (value->status_code != 0) { wsp_status_code_t *sc; sc = (wsp_status_code_t *)g_hash_table_lookup( sp->hash, GINT_TO_POINTER(value->status_code)); if (!sc) { g_warning("%s:%d What's Wrong, doc ?\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); sc = (wsp_status_code_t *)g_malloc(sizeof(wsp_status_code_t)); sc -> packets = 1; sc -> name = NULL; sc -> widget = NULL; sc -> sp = sp; g_hash_table_insert( sp->hash, GINT_TO_POINTER(value->status_code), sc); } else { sc->packets++; } retour = TRUE; } if (idx != 0) { sp->pdu_stats[idx].packets++; retour = TRUE; } return retour; } static void wspstat_draw(void *psp) { wspstat_t *sp = (wspstat_t *)psp; guint32 i; char str[256]; for(i=1; i<=sp->num_pdus; i++) { g_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%9d", sp->pdu_stats[i].packets); gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(sp->pdu_stats[i].widget), str); } g_hash_table_foreach(sp->hash, (GHFunc)wsp_draw_statuscode, NULL); } static void win_destroy_cb(GtkWindow *win _U_, gpointer data) { wspstat_t *sp = (wspstat_t *)data; remove_tap_listener(sp); g_free(sp->pdu_stats); g_free(sp->filter); g_hash_table_destroy(sp->hash); g_free(sp); } static void add_table_entry(wspstat_t *sp, const char *str, int x, int y, int idx) { GtkWidget *tmp; tmp = gtk_label_new(str); ws_gtk_grid_attach_defaults(GTK_GRID(sp->grid_pdu_types), tmp, x, y, 1, 1); gtk_label_set_justify(GTK_LABEL(tmp), GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT); gtk_widget_show(tmp); if (idx != 0) { sp->pdu_stats[idx].widget = GTK_LABEL(tmp); } } static void wsp_init_table(wspstat_t *sp) { int pos = 0; guint32 i; /* gchar buffer[51]; */ add_table_entry(sp, "PDU Type ", 0, pos, 0); add_table_entry(sp, "packets " , 1, pos, 0); add_table_entry(sp, "PDU Type ", 2, pos, 0); add_table_entry(sp, "packets " , 3, pos, 0); pos++; for (i=1; i<=sp->num_pdus ;i++) { int x = 0; if (i > (sp->num_pdus+1) / 2) { x = 2; } /* Maybe we should display the hexadecimal value ? */ #if 0 g_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s (0X%x)", try_val_to_str_ext(index2pdut(i), &wsp_vals_pdu_type_ext), index2pdut(i)); #endif add_table_entry(sp, try_val_to_str_ext(index2pdut(i), &wsp_vals_pdu_type_ext), /* or buffer, */ x, pos, 0 ); add_table_entry(sp, "0", x+1, pos, i /* keep a pointer to this widget to update it in _draw() */ ); pos++; if (i == (sp->num_pdus+1) / 2) { pos = 1; } } } /* When called, this function will create a new instance of gtk2-wspstat. */ static void gtk_wspstat_init(const char *opt_arg, void *userdata _U_) { wspstat_t *sp; const char *filter; char *title; GString *error_string; GtkWidget *main_vb, *pdutypes_fr, *statuscode_fr ; GtkWidget *bt_close; GtkWidget *bbox; guint32 i; wsp_status_code_t *sc; const value_string *wsp_vals_status_p; if (strncmp(opt_arg, "wsp,stat,", 9) == 0) { filter = opt_arg+9; } else { filter = NULL; } sp = (wspstat_t *)g_malloc(sizeof(wspstat_t)); sp->win = dlg_window_new("wsp-stat"); /* transient_for top_level */ gtk_window_set_destroy_with_parent(GTK_WINDOW(sp->win), TRUE); sp->hash = g_hash_table_new_full(g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal, NULL, g_free); wsp_vals_status_p = VALUE_STRING_EXT_VS_P(&wsp_vals_status_ext); for (i=0; wsp_vals_status_p[i].strptr; i++) { sc = (wsp_status_code_t *)g_malloc(sizeof(wsp_status_code_t)); sc->name = wsp_vals_status_p[i].strptr; sc->packets = 0; sc->widget = NULL; sc->sp = sp; g_hash_table_insert( sp->hash, GINT_TO_POINTER(wsp_vals_status_p[i].value), sc); } sp->num_pdus = 16; sp->pdu_stats = (wsp_pdu_t *)g_malloc((sp->num_pdus+1) * sizeof(wsp_pdu_t)); if (filter) { sp->filter = g_strdup(filter); title = g_strdup_printf("Wireshark: WAP-WSP statistics with filter: %s", filter); } else { sp->filter = NULL; title = g_strdup("Wireshark: WAP-WSP statistics"); } for (i=0; i<=sp->num_pdus; i++) { sp->pdu_stats[i].packets = 0; } gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(sp->win), title); g_free(title); /* container for the two frames */ main_vb = ws_gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 3, FALSE); gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(main_vb), 12); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(sp->win), main_vb); /* PDU Types frame */ pdutypes_fr = gtk_frame_new("Summary of PDU Types (wsp.pdu_type)"); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(main_vb), pdutypes_fr, TRUE, TRUE, 0); sp->grid_pdu_types = ws_gtk_grid_new(); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(pdutypes_fr), sp->grid_pdu_types); gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(sp->grid_pdu_types), 10); wsp_init_table(sp); /* Status Codes frame */ statuscode_fr = gtk_frame_new("Summary of Status Code (wsp.reply.status)"); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(main_vb), statuscode_fr, FALSE, FALSE, 0); sp->grid_status_code = ws_gtk_grid_new(); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(statuscode_fr), sp->grid_status_code); gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(sp->grid_status_code), 10); sp->index = 0; /* No answers to display yet */ error_string = register_tap_listener( "wsp", sp, filter, 0, wspstat_reset, wspstat_packet, wspstat_draw); if (error_string) { /* error, we failed to attach to the tap. clean up */ simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_ERROR, ESD_BTN_OK, "%s", error_string->str); g_free(sp->pdu_stats); g_free(sp->filter); g_free(sp); g_string_free(error_string, TRUE); return ; } /* Button row. */ bbox = dlg_button_row_new(GTK_STOCK_CLOSE, NULL); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(main_vb), bbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0); bt_close = (GtkWidget *)g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(bbox), GTK_STOCK_CLOSE); window_set_cancel_button(sp->win, bt_close, window_cancel_button_cb); g_signal_connect(sp->win, "delete_event", G_CALLBACK(window_delete_event_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect(sp->win, "destroy", G_CALLBACK(win_destroy_cb), sp); gtk_widget_show_all(sp->win); window_present(sp->win); cf_retap_packets(&cfile); gdk_window_raise(gtk_widget_get_window(sp->win)); } static tap_param wsp_stat_params[] = { { PARAM_FILTER, "Filter", NULL } }; static tap_param_dlg wsp_stat_dlg = { "WAP-WSP Packet Counter", "wsp,stat", gtk_wspstat_init, -1, G_N_ELEMENTS(wsp_stat_params), wsp_stat_params }; void register_tap_listener_gtkwspstat(void) { register_param_stat(&wsp_stat_dlg, "_WAP-WSP", REGISTER_STAT_GROUP_TELEPHONY); }