/* proto_hier_tree_model.c * * $Id$ * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, * USA. */ /* This code was originally based on the GTK+ Tree View tutorial at * http://scentric.net/tutorial */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include "proto_hier_tree_model.h" #include static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL; static GtkTreeModelFlags proto_hier_tree_get_flags(GtkTreeModel *tree_model) { g_return_val_if_fail(PROTOHIER_IS_TREE(tree_model), (GtkTreeModelFlags)0); return GTK_TREE_MODEL_ITERS_PERSIST; } static gint proto_hier_tree_get_n_columns(GtkTreeModel *tree_model) { g_return_val_if_fail(PROTOHIER_IS_TREE(tree_model), 0); return 2; } static GType proto_hier_tree_get_column_type(GtkTreeModel *tree_model, gint idx) { g_return_val_if_fail(PROTOHIER_IS_TREE(tree_model), G_TYPE_INVALID); g_return_val_if_fail(idx == 0 || idx == 1, G_TYPE_INVALID); switch (idx) { case 0: return G_TYPE_POINTER; case 1: return G_TYPE_STRING; } /* never here */ return G_TYPE_INVALID; } static gboolean proto_hier_tree_iter_nth_child(GtkTreeModel *tree_model, GtkTreeIter *iter, GtkTreeIter *parent, gint n) { ProtoHierTreeModel *model; gint proto_id; void *cookie; g_return_val_if_fail(PROTOHIER_IS_TREE(tree_model), FALSE); model = (ProtoHierTreeModel *) tree_model; if (parent) { header_field_info *hfinfo; g_return_val_if_fail(parent->stamp == model->stamp, FALSE); /* no child of field */ if (parent->user_data2 != NULL) return FALSE; proto_id = proto_get_data_protocol(parent->user_data); /* get n-th field of protocol */ hfinfo = proto_get_first_protocol_field(proto_id, &cookie); while (hfinfo) { if (hfinfo->same_name_prev == NULL) { if (!n) break; n--; } hfinfo = proto_get_next_protocol_field(&cookie); } /* not found? */ if (!hfinfo) return FALSE; iter->stamp = model->stamp; iter->user_data = parent->user_data; iter->user_data2 = cookie; iter->user_data3 = hfinfo; return TRUE; } /* get n-th enabled protocol */ proto_id = proto_get_first_protocol(&cookie); while (proto_id != -1) { protocol_t *p = find_protocol_by_id(proto_id); if (proto_is_protocol_enabled(p)) { if (!n) break; n--; } proto_id = proto_get_next_protocol(&cookie); } /* not found? */ if (proto_id == -1) return FALSE; iter->stamp = model->stamp; iter->user_data = cookie; iter->user_data2 = NULL; iter->user_data3 = proto_registrar_get_nth(proto_id); return TRUE; } static gboolean proto_hier_tree_get_iter(GtkTreeModel *tree_model, GtkTreeIter *iter, GtkTreePath *path) { gint *indices, depth; g_assert(PROTOHIER_IS_TREE(tree_model)); g_assert(path != NULL); indices = gtk_tree_path_get_indices(path); depth = gtk_tree_path_get_depth(path); g_assert(depth == 1 || depth == 2); if (!proto_hier_tree_iter_nth_child(tree_model, iter, NULL, indices[0])) return FALSE; if (depth == 2) { if (!proto_hier_tree_iter_nth_child(tree_model, iter, iter, indices[1])) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static char * hfinfo_to_name(const header_field_info *hfinfo) { if (hfinfo->parent == -1) { protocol_t *protocol = find_protocol_by_id(hfinfo->id); return g_strdup_printf("%s - %s", proto_get_protocol_short_name(protocol), proto_get_protocol_long_name(protocol)); } if (hfinfo->blurb != NULL && hfinfo->blurb[0] != '\0') return g_strdup_printf("%s - %s (%s)", hfinfo->abbrev, hfinfo->name, hfinfo->blurb); else return g_strdup_printf("%s - %s", hfinfo->abbrev, hfinfo->name); } static void proto_hier_tree_get_value(GtkTreeModel *tree_model, GtkTreeIter *iter, gint column, GValue *value) { ProtoHierTreeModel *model; header_field_info *hfinfo; g_return_if_fail(PROTOHIER_IS_TREE(tree_model)); model = (ProtoHierTreeModel *) tree_model; g_return_if_fail(iter != NULL); g_return_if_fail(iter->stamp == model->stamp); g_return_if_fail(column == 0 || column == 1); hfinfo = iter->user_data3; switch (column) { case 0: /* hfinfo */ g_value_init(value, G_TYPE_POINTER); g_value_set_pointer(value, hfinfo); break; case 1: /* field name */ g_value_init(value, G_TYPE_STRING); g_value_take_string(value, hfinfo_to_name(hfinfo)); break; } } static gboolean proto_hier_tree_iter_next(GtkTreeModel *tree_model, GtkTreeIter *iter) { ProtoHierTreeModel *model; g_return_val_if_fail(PROTOHIER_IS_TREE(tree_model), FALSE); model = (ProtoHierTreeModel *) tree_model; g_return_val_if_fail(iter->stamp == model->stamp, FALSE); /* protocol */ if (iter->user_data2 == NULL) { void *cookie = iter->user_data; int proto_id; proto_id = proto_get_next_protocol(&cookie); /* get next enabled protocol */ while (proto_id != -1) { protocol_t *p = find_protocol_by_id(proto_id); if (proto_is_protocol_enabled(p)) break; proto_id = proto_get_next_protocol(&cookie); } if (proto_id == -1) return FALSE; iter->user_data = cookie; iter->user_data3 = proto_registrar_get_nth(proto_id); return TRUE; } /* field */ { void *cookie2 = iter->user_data2; header_field_info *hfinfo; hfinfo = proto_get_next_protocol_field(&cookie2); /* get next field */ while (hfinfo) { if (hfinfo->same_name_prev == NULL) break; hfinfo = proto_get_next_protocol_field(&cookie2); } /* not found? */ if (!hfinfo) return FALSE; iter->user_data2 = cookie2; iter->user_data3 = hfinfo; return TRUE; } } static gboolean proto_hier_tree_iter_children(GtkTreeModel *tree_model, GtkTreeIter *iter, GtkTreeIter *parent) { return proto_hier_tree_iter_nth_child(tree_model, iter, parent, 0); } static gint proto_hier_tree_iter_n_children(GtkTreeModel *tree_model, GtkTreeIter *iter) { ProtoHierTreeModel *model; gint count = 0; int p_id; void *cookie; g_return_val_if_fail(PROTOHIER_IS_TREE(tree_model), 0); model = (ProtoHierTreeModel *) tree_model; g_return_val_if_fail(iter == NULL || iter->user_data != NULL, 0); if (iter) { header_field_info *hfinfo; g_return_val_if_fail(iter->stamp == model->stamp, 0); /* field has no child */ if (iter->user_data2 != NULL) return 0; p_id = proto_get_data_protocol(iter->user_data); /* count not-duplicated fields */ for (hfinfo = proto_get_first_protocol_field(p_id, &cookie); hfinfo; hfinfo = proto_get_next_protocol_field(&cookie)) { if (hfinfo->same_name_prev) continue; count++; } } else { /* count enabled protocols */ for (p_id = proto_get_first_protocol(&cookie); p_id != -1; p_id = proto_get_next_protocol(&cookie)) { protocol_t *p = find_protocol_by_id(p_id); if (!proto_is_protocol_enabled(p)) continue; count++; } } return count; } static GtkTreePath * proto_hier_tree_get_path(GtkTreeModel *tree_model, GtkTreeIter *iter) { ProtoHierTreeModel *model; GtkTreePath *path; int pos; int p_id; void *cookie; g_return_val_if_fail(PROTOHIER_IS_TREE(tree_model), NULL); model = (ProtoHierTreeModel *) tree_model; g_return_val_if_fail(iter != NULL, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail(iter->stamp == model->stamp, FALSE); p_id = proto_get_data_protocol(iter->user_data); path = gtk_tree_path_new(); /* protocol */ { int id; /* XXX, assuming that protocols can't be disabled! */ pos = 0; for (id = proto_get_first_protocol(&cookie); id != p_id && id != -1; id = proto_get_next_protocol(&cookie)) { protocol_t *p = find_protocol_by_id(id); if (!proto_is_protocol_enabled(p)) continue; pos++; } gtk_tree_path_append_index(path, pos); } /* field */ if (iter->user_data2 != NULL) { header_field_info *hfinfo; pos = 0; for (hfinfo = proto_get_first_protocol_field(p_id, &cookie); hfinfo && hfinfo != iter->user_data3; hfinfo = proto_get_next_protocol_field(&cookie)) { if (hfinfo->same_name_prev) continue; pos++; } gtk_tree_path_append_index(path, pos); } return path; } static gboolean proto_hier_tree_iter_has_child(GtkTreeModel *tree_model, GtkTreeIter *iter) { /* no need to optimize? */ return proto_hier_tree_iter_n_children(tree_model, iter) != 0; } static gboolean proto_hier_tree_iter_parent(GtkTreeModel *tree_model, GtkTreeIter *iter, GtkTreeIter *child) { ProtoHierTreeModel *model; g_return_val_if_fail(PROTOHIER_IS_TREE(tree_model), FALSE); model = (ProtoHierTreeModel *) tree_model; g_return_val_if_fail(iter != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail(child->stamp == model->stamp, FALSE); /* from field to protocol */ if (child->user_data2 != NULL) { int p_id = proto_get_data_protocol(child->user_data); iter->stamp = model->stamp; iter->user_data = child->user_data; iter->user_data2 = NULL; iter->user_data3 = proto_registrar_get_nth(p_id); return TRUE; } /* protocol has no parent */ return FALSE; } static void proto_hier_tree_model_tree_init(GtkTreeModelIface *iface) { iface->get_flags = proto_hier_tree_get_flags; iface->get_n_columns = proto_hier_tree_get_n_columns; iface->get_column_type = proto_hier_tree_get_column_type; iface->get_iter = proto_hier_tree_get_iter; iface->get_path = proto_hier_tree_get_path; iface->get_value = proto_hier_tree_get_value; iface->iter_next = proto_hier_tree_iter_next; iface->iter_children = proto_hier_tree_iter_children; iface->iter_has_child = proto_hier_tree_iter_has_child; iface->iter_n_children = proto_hier_tree_iter_n_children; iface->iter_nth_child = proto_hier_tree_iter_nth_child; iface->iter_parent = proto_hier_tree_iter_parent; } static void proto_hier_tree_model_init(ProtoHierTreeModel *model) { /* To check whether an iter belongs to our model. */ model->stamp = g_random_int(); } static void _class_finalize(GObject *object) { /* must chain up - finalize parent */ (*parent_class->finalize)(object); } static void proto_hier_tree_class_init(ProtoHierTreeModelClass *klass) { GObjectClass *object_class; parent_class = (GObjectClass*) g_type_class_peek_parent(klass); object_class = (GObjectClass*) klass; object_class->finalize = _class_finalize; } GType proto_hier_tree_get_type(void) { static GType proto_hier_tree_type = 0; if (proto_hier_tree_type == 0) { static const GTypeInfo proto_hier_tree_info = { sizeof(ProtoHierTreeModelClass), NULL, /* base_init */ NULL, /* base_finalize */ (GClassInitFunc) proto_hier_tree_class_init, NULL, /* class finalize */ NULL, /* class_data */ sizeof(ProtoHierTreeModel), 0, /* n_preallocs */ (GInstanceInitFunc) proto_hier_tree_model_init, NULL /* value_table */ }; static const GInterfaceInfo tree_model_info = { (GInterfaceInitFunc) proto_hier_tree_model_tree_init, NULL, NULL }; /* Register the new derived type with the GObject type system */ proto_hier_tree_type = g_type_register_static(G_TYPE_OBJECT, "ProtoHierTreeModel", &proto_hier_tree_info, (GTypeFlags)0); g_type_add_interface_static(proto_hier_tree_type, GTK_TYPE_TREE_MODEL, &tree_model_info); } return proto_hier_tree_type; } ProtoHierTreeModel * proto_hier_tree_model_new(void) { ProtoHierTreeModel *model; model = (ProtoHierTreeModel *) g_object_new(PROTOHIER_TYPE_TREE, NULL); g_assert(model != NULL); return model; }