/* main.c * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * Richard Sharpe, 13-Feb-1999, added support for initializing structures * needed by dissect routines * Jeff Foster, 2001/03/12, added support tabbed hex display windowss * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(3,0,0) # include #endif #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_H #include #endif #include #ifdef HAVE_LIBPORTAUDIO #include #endif /* HAVE_LIBPORTAUDIO */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(HAVE_HEIMDAL_KERBEROS) || defined(HAVE_MIT_KERBEROS) #include #include #endif #include #include /* general (not GTK specific) */ #include "../../file.h" #include "../../frame_tvbuff.h" #include #include "epan/register.h" #include "../../ringbuffer.h" #include "../../log.h" #include "gtk_iface_monitor.h" #include "ui/alert_box.h" #include "ui/console.h" #include "ui/decode_as_utils.h" #include "ui/filter_files.h" #include "ui/main_statusbar.h" #include "ui/persfilepath_opt.h" #include "ui/preference_utils.h" #include "ui/recent.h" #include "ui/recent_utils.h" #include "ui/software_update.h" #include "ui/summary.h" #include "ui/ws_ui_util.h" #include "ui/util.h" #include "ui/dissect_opts.h" #include "ui/commandline.h" #include "ui/taps.h" #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP #include "ui/capture_ui_utils.h" #include "ui/capture_globals.h" #include "ui/iface_lists.h" #endif #include "codecs/codecs.h" #include "caputils/capture-pcap-util.h" #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP #include "caputils/capture_ifinfo.h" #include "ui/capture.h" #include #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #include "caputils/capture-wpcap.h" #include "caputils/capture_wpcap_packet.h" #include /* Needed for Unicode */ #include #include #include #include #endif /* _WIN32 */ /* GTK related */ #include "ui/gtk/file_dlg.h" #include "ui/gtk/gtkglobals.h" #include "ui/gtk/color_utils.h" #include "ui/gtk/gui_utils.h" #include "ui/gtk/color_dlg.h" #include "ui/gtk/filter_dlg.h" #include "ui/gtk/fileset_dlg.h" #include "ui/gtk/uat_gui.h" #include "ui/gtk/main.h" #include "ui/gtk/main_80211_toolbar.h" #include "ui/gtk/main_airpcap_toolbar.h" #include "ui/gtk/main_filter_toolbar.h" #include "ui/gtk/main_titlebar.h" #include "ui/gtk/menus.h" #include "ui/gtk/main_menubar_private.h" #include "ui/gtk/macros_dlg.h" #include "ui/gtk/main_statusbar_private.h" #include "ui/gtk/main_toolbar.h" #include "ui/gtk/main_toolbar_private.h" #include "ui/gtk/main_welcome.h" #include "ui/gtk/main_welcome_private.h" #include "ui/gtk/drag_and_drop.h" #include "ui/gtk/capture_file_dlg.h" #include "ui/gtk/packet_panes.h" #include "ui/gtk/keys.h" #include "ui/gtk/packet_win.h" #include "ui/gtk/stock_icons.h" #include "ui/gtk/find_dlg.h" #include "ui/gtk/font_utils.h" #include "ui/gtk/about_dlg.h" #include "ui/gtk/help_dlg.h" #include "ui/gtk/decode_as_dlg.h" #include "ui/gtk/webbrowser.h" #include "ui/gtk/capture_dlg.h" #include "ui/gtk/capture_if_dlg.h" #include "ui/gtk/tap_param_dlg.h" #include "ui/gtk/prefs_column.h" #include "ui/gtk/prefs_dlg.h" #include "ui/gtk/packet_list.h" #include "ui/gtk/filter_expression_save_dlg.h" #include "ui/gtk/conversations_table.h" #include "ui/gtk/hostlist_table.h" #include "ui/gtk/service_response_time_table.h" #include "ui/gtk/response_time_delay_table.h" #include "ui/gtk/simple_stattable.h" #include "simple_dialog.h" #ifdef HAVE_GDK_GRESOURCE #include "wireshark-gresources.h" #else #include "ui/gtk/pixbuf-csource.h" #endif #include "ui/gtk/old-gtk-compat.h" #ifdef HAVE_AIRPCAP #include #include #include "airpcap_dlg.h" #include "airpcap_gui_utils.h" #endif #include #define INVALID_OPTION 1 #define INIT_FAILED 2 #define INVALID_CAPABILITY 2 #define INVALID_LINK_TYPE 2 /* * Files under personal and global preferences directories in which * GTK settings for Wireshark are stored. */ #define RC_FILE "gtkrc" #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP capture_session global_capture_session; info_data_t global_info_data; #endif capture_file cfile; static gboolean capture_stopping; /* "exported" main widgets */ GtkWidget *top_level = NULL, *pkt_scrollw, *tree_view_gbl, *byte_nb_ptr_gbl; /* placement widgets (can be a bit confusing, because of the many layout possibilities */ static GtkWidget *main_vbox, *main_pane_v1, *main_pane_v2, *main_pane_h1, *main_pane_h2; static GtkWidget *main_first_pane, *main_second_pane; /* internally used widgets */ static GtkWidget *menubar, *main_tb, *filter_tb, *tv_scrollw, *statusbar, *welcome_pane; GtkWidget *wireless_tb; #ifdef HAVE_AIRPCAP int airpcap_dll_ret_val = -1; #endif static gboolean have_capture_file = FALSE; /* XXX - is there an equivalent in cfile? */ static guint tap_update_timer_id; static void create_main_window(gint, gint, gint); static void show_main_window(gboolean); static void main_save_window_geometry(GtkWidget *widget); /* Match selected byte pattern */ static void match_selected_cb_do(GtkWidget *filter_te, int action, gchar *text) { char *cur_filter, *new_filter; if ((!text) || (0 == strlen(text))) { simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_ERROR, ESD_BTN_OK, "Could not acquire information to build a filter.\nTry expanding or choosing another item."); return; } g_assert(filter_te); cur_filter = gtk_editable_get_chars(GTK_EDITABLE(filter_te), 0, -1); switch (action&MATCH_SELECTED_MASK) { case MATCH_SELECTED_REPLACE: new_filter = g_strdup(text); break; case MATCH_SELECTED_AND: if ((!cur_filter) || (0 == strlen(cur_filter))) new_filter = g_strdup(text); else new_filter = g_strconcat("(", cur_filter, ") && (", text, ")", NULL); break; case MATCH_SELECTED_OR: if ((!cur_filter) || (0 == strlen(cur_filter))) new_filter = g_strdup(text); else new_filter = g_strconcat("(", cur_filter, ") || (", text, ")", NULL); break; case MATCH_SELECTED_NOT: new_filter = g_strconcat("!(", text, ")", NULL); break; case MATCH_SELECTED_AND_NOT: if ((!cur_filter) || (0 == strlen(cur_filter))) new_filter = g_strconcat("!(", text, ")", NULL); else new_filter = g_strconcat("(", cur_filter, ") && !(", text, ")", NULL); break; case MATCH_SELECTED_OR_NOT: if ((!cur_filter) || (0 == strlen(cur_filter))) new_filter = g_strconcat("!(", text, ")", NULL); else new_filter = g_strconcat("(", cur_filter, ") || !(", text, ")", NULL); break; default: g_assert_not_reached(); new_filter = NULL; break; } /* Free up the copy we got of the old filter text. */ g_free(cur_filter); /* Don't change the current display filter if we only want to copy the filter */ if (action&MATCH_SELECTED_COPY_ONLY) { GString *gtk_text_str = g_string_new(""); g_string_append(gtk_text_str, new_filter); copy_to_clipboard(gtk_text_str); g_string_free(gtk_text_str, TRUE); } else { /* create a new one and set the display filter entry accordingly */ gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(filter_te), new_filter); /* Run the display filter so it goes in effect. */ if (action&MATCH_SELECTED_APPLY_NOW) main_filter_packets(&cfile, new_filter, FALSE); } /* Free up the new filter text. */ g_free(new_filter); } void match_selected_ptree_cb(gpointer data, MATCH_SELECTED_E action) { char *filter = NULL; if (cfile.finfo_selected) { filter = proto_construct_match_selected_string(cfile.finfo_selected, cfile.edt); match_selected_cb_do((GtkWidget *)g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(data), E_DFILTER_TE_KEY), action, filter); wmem_free(NULL, filter); } } void colorize_selected_ptree_cb(GtkWidget *w _U_, gpointer data _U_, guint8 filt_nr) { char *filter = NULL; gchar *err_msg = NULL; if (cfile.finfo_selected) { filter = proto_construct_match_selected_string(cfile.finfo_selected, cfile.edt); if ((!filter) || (0 == strlen(filter))) { simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_ERROR, ESD_BTN_OK, "Could not acquire information to build a filter.\n" "Try expanding or choosing another item."); return; } if (filt_nr==0) { color_display_with_filter(filter); } else { if (filt_nr==255) { if (!color_filters_reset_tmp(&err_msg)) { simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_ERROR, ESD_BTN_OK, "%s", err_msg); g_free(err_msg); } } else { if (!color_filters_set_tmp(filt_nr,filter, FALSE, &err_msg)) { simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_ERROR, ESD_BTN_OK, "%s", err_msg); g_free(err_msg); } } packet_list_colorize_packets(); } wmem_free(NULL, filter); } } static void selected_ptree_info_answered_cb(gpointer dialog _U_, gint btn, gpointer data) { gchar *selected_proto_url; gchar *proto_abbrev = (gchar *)data; switch(btn) { case(ESD_BTN_OK): if (cfile.finfo_selected) { /* open wiki page using the protocol abbreviation */ selected_proto_url = g_strdup_printf("https://wiki.wireshark.org/Protocols/%s", proto_abbrev); browser_open_url(selected_proto_url); g_free(selected_proto_url); } break; case(ESD_BTN_CANCEL): break; default: g_assert_not_reached(); } } void selected_ptree_info_cb(GtkWidget *widget _U_, gpointer data _U_) { int field_id; const gchar *proto_abbrev; gpointer dialog; if (cfile.finfo_selected) { /* convert selected field to protocol abbreviation */ /* XXX - could this conversion be simplified? */ field_id = cfile.finfo_selected->hfinfo->id; /* if the selected field isn't a protocol, get its parent */ if(!proto_registrar_is_protocol(field_id)) { field_id = proto_registrar_get_parent(cfile.finfo_selected->hfinfo->id); } proto_abbrev = proto_registrar_get_abbrev(field_id); /* ask the user if the wiki page really should be opened */ dialog = simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_CONFIRMATION, ESD_BTNS_OK_CANCEL, "%sOpen Wireshark Wiki page of protocol \"%s\"?%s\n" "\n" "This will open the \"%s\" related Wireshark Wiki page in your Web browser.\n" "\n" "The Wireshark Wiki is a collaborative approach to provide information " "about Wireshark in several ways (not limited to protocol specifics).\n" "\n" "This Wiki is new, so the page of the selected protocol " "may not exist and/or may not contain valuable information.\n" "\n" "As everyone can edit the Wiki and add new content (or extend existing), " "you are encouraged to add information if you can.\n" "\n" "Hint 1: If you are new to wiki editing, try out editing the Sandbox first.\n" "\n" "Hint 2: If you want to add a new protocol page, you should use the ProtocolTemplate, " "which will save you a lot of editing and will give a consistent look over the pages.", simple_dialog_primary_start(), proto_abbrev, simple_dialog_primary_end(), proto_abbrev); simple_dialog_set_cb(dialog, selected_ptree_info_answered_cb, (gpointer)proto_abbrev); } } static void selected_ptree_ref_answered_cb(gpointer dialog _U_, gint btn, gpointer data) { gchar *selected_proto_url; gchar *proto_abbrev = (gchar *)data; switch(btn) { case(ESD_BTN_OK): if (cfile.finfo_selected) { /* open reference page using the protocol abbreviation */ selected_proto_url = g_strdup_printf("https://www.wireshark.org/docs/dfref/%c/%s", proto_abbrev[0], proto_abbrev); browser_open_url(selected_proto_url); g_free(selected_proto_url); } break; case(ESD_BTN_CANCEL): break; default: g_assert_not_reached(); } } void selected_ptree_ref_cb(GtkWidget *widget _U_, gpointer data _U_) { int field_id; const gchar *proto_abbrev; gpointer dialog; if (cfile.finfo_selected) { /* convert selected field to protocol abbreviation */ /* XXX - could this conversion be simplified? */ field_id = cfile.finfo_selected->hfinfo->id; /* if the selected field isn't a protocol, get its parent */ if(!proto_registrar_is_protocol(field_id)) { field_id = proto_registrar_get_parent(cfile.finfo_selected->hfinfo->id); } proto_abbrev = proto_registrar_get_abbrev(field_id); /* ask the user if the wiki page really should be opened */ dialog = simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_CONFIRMATION, ESD_BTNS_OK_CANCEL, "%sOpen Wireshark filter reference page of protocol \"%s\"?%s\n" "\n" "This will open the \"%s\" related Wireshark filter reference page in your Web browser.\n" "\n", simple_dialog_primary_start(), proto_abbrev, simple_dialog_primary_end(), proto_abbrev); simple_dialog_set_cb(dialog, selected_ptree_ref_answered_cb, (gpointer)proto_abbrev); } } static gboolean is_address_column (gint column) { if (((cfile.cinfo.columns[column].col_fmt == COL_DEF_SRC) || (cfile.cinfo.columns[column].col_fmt == COL_RES_SRC) || (cfile.cinfo.columns[column].col_fmt == COL_DEF_DST) || (cfile.cinfo.columns[column].col_fmt == COL_RES_DST)) && strlen(cfile.cinfo.col_expr.col_expr_val[column])) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } GList * get_ip_address_list_from_packet_list_row(gpointer data) { gint row = GPOINTER_TO_INT(g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(data), E_MPACKET_LIST_ROW_KEY)); gint column = packet_list_get_column_id (GPOINTER_TO_INT(g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(data), E_MPACKET_LIST_COL_KEY))); gint col; frame_data *fdata; GList *addr_list = NULL; fdata = (frame_data *) packet_list_get_row_data(row); if (fdata != NULL) { epan_dissect_t edt; if (!cf_read_record(&cfile, fdata)) return NULL; /* error reading the frame */ epan_dissect_init(&edt, cfile.epan, FALSE, FALSE); col_custom_prime_edt(&edt, &cfile.cinfo); epan_dissect_run(&edt, cfile.cd_t, &cfile.phdr, frame_tvbuff_new_buffer(&cfile.provider, fdata, &cfile.buf), fdata, &cfile.cinfo); epan_dissect_fill_in_columns(&edt, TRUE, TRUE); /* First check selected column */ if (is_address_column (column)) { addr_list = g_list_append (addr_list, g_strdup(cfile.cinfo.col_expr.col_expr_val[column])); } for (col = 0; col < cfile.cinfo.num_cols; col++) { /* Then check all columns except the selected */ if ((col != column) && (is_address_column (col))) { addr_list = g_list_append (addr_list, g_strdup(cfile.cinfo.col_expr.col_expr_val[col])); } } epan_dissect_cleanup(&edt); } return addr_list; } static gchar * get_filter_from_packet_list_row_and_column(gpointer data) { gint row = GPOINTER_TO_INT(g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(data), E_MPACKET_LIST_ROW_KEY)); gint column = packet_list_get_column_id (GPOINTER_TO_INT(g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(data), E_MPACKET_LIST_COL_KEY))); frame_data *fdata; gchar *buf=NULL; fdata = (frame_data *) packet_list_get_row_data(row); if (fdata != NULL) { epan_dissect_t edt; if (!cf_read_record(&cfile, fdata)) return NULL; /* error reading the record */ /* proto tree, visible. We need a proto tree if there's custom columns */ epan_dissect_init(&edt, cfile.epan, have_custom_cols(&cfile.cinfo), FALSE); col_custom_prime_edt(&edt, &cfile.cinfo); epan_dissect_run(&edt, cfile.cd_t, &cfile.phdr, frame_tvbuff_new_buffer(&cfile.provider, fdata, &cfile.buf), fdata, &cfile.cinfo); epan_dissect_fill_in_columns(&edt, TRUE, TRUE); if ((cfile.cinfo.columns[column].col_custom_occurrence) || (strchr (cfile.cinfo.col_expr.col_expr_val[column], ',') == NULL)) { /* Only construct the filter when a single occurrence is displayed * otherwise we might end up with a filter like "ip.proto==1,6". * * Or do we want to be able to filter on multiple occurrences so that * the filter might be calculated as "ip.proto==1 && ip.proto==6" * instead? */ if (strlen(cfile.cinfo.col_expr.col_expr[column]) != 0 && strlen(cfile.cinfo.col_expr.col_expr_val[column]) != 0) { /* leak a little; is there a safe wmem_ scope here? */ if (cfile.cinfo.columns[column].col_fmt == COL_CUSTOM) { header_field_info *hfi = proto_registrar_get_byname(cfile.cinfo.columns[column].col_custom_fields); if (hfi && hfi->parent == -1) { /* Protocol only */ buf = g_strdup(cfile.cinfo.col_expr.col_expr[column]); } else if (hfi && IS_FT_STRING(hfi->type)) { /* Custom string, add quotes */ buf = g_strdup_printf("%s == \"%s\"", cfile.cinfo.col_expr.col_expr[column], cfile.cinfo.col_expr.col_expr_val[column]); } } if (buf == NULL) { buf = g_strdup_printf("%s == %s", cfile.cinfo.col_expr.col_expr[column], cfile.cinfo.col_expr.col_expr_val[column]); } } } epan_dissect_cleanup(&edt); } return buf; } void match_selected_plist_cb(gpointer data, MATCH_SELECTED_E action) { char *filter; filter = get_filter_from_packet_list_row_and_column((GtkWidget *)data); match_selected_cb_do((GtkWidget *)g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(data), E_DFILTER_TE_KEY), action, filter); g_free(filter); } /* This function allows users to right click in the details window and copy the text * information to the operating systems clipboard. * * We first check to see if a string representation is setup in the tree and then * read the string. If not available then we try to grab the value. If all else * fails we display a message to the user to indicate the copy could not be completed. */ void copy_selected_plist_cb(GtkWidget *w _U_, gpointer data _U_, COPY_SELECTED_E action) { GString *gtk_text_str = g_string_new(""); char labelstring[ITEM_LABEL_LENGTH]; char *stringpointer = labelstring; switch(action) { case COPY_SELECTED_DESCRIPTION: if (cfile.finfo_selected->rep && strlen(cfile.finfo_selected->rep->representation) > 0) { g_string_append(gtk_text_str, cfile.finfo_selected->rep->representation); } break; case COPY_SELECTED_FIELDNAME: if (cfile.finfo_selected->hfinfo->abbrev != 0) { g_string_append(gtk_text_str, cfile.finfo_selected->hfinfo->abbrev); } break; case COPY_SELECTED_VALUE: if (cfile.edt !=0 ) { gchar* field_str = get_node_field_value(cfile.finfo_selected, cfile.edt); g_string_append(gtk_text_str, field_str); g_free(field_str); } break; default: break; } if (gtk_text_str->len == 0) { /* If no representation then... Try to read the value */ proto_item_fill_label(cfile.finfo_selected, stringpointer); g_string_append(gtk_text_str, stringpointer); } if (gtk_text_str->len == 0) { /* Could not get item so display error msg */ simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_ERROR, ESD_BTN_OK, "Could not acquire information to copy, try expanding or choosing another item"); } else { /* Copy string to clipboard */ copy_to_clipboard(gtk_text_str); } g_string_free(gtk_text_str, TRUE); /* Free the memory */ } /* mark as reference time frame */ void set_frame_reftime(gboolean set, frame_data *frame, gint row) { if (row == -1) return; if (set) { frame->flags.ref_time=1; cfile.ref_time_count++; } else { frame->flags.ref_time=0; cfile.ref_time_count--; } cf_reftime_packets(&cfile); if (!frame->flags.ref_time && !frame->flags.passed_dfilter) { packet_list_freeze(); cfile.displayed_count--; packet_list_recreate_visible_rows(); packet_list_thaw(); } packet_list_queue_draw(); } static void reftime_answered_cb(gpointer dialog _U_, gint btn, gpointer data _U_) { switch(btn) { case(ESD_BTN_YES): timestamp_set_type(TS_RELATIVE); recent.gui_time_format = TS_RELATIVE; cf_timestamp_auto_precision(&cfile); packet_list_queue_draw(); break; case(ESD_BTN_NO): break; default: g_assert_not_reached(); } if (cfile.current_frame) { set_frame_reftime(!cfile.current_frame->flags.ref_time, cfile.current_frame, cfile.current_row); } } void reftime_frame_cb(GtkWidget *w _U_, gpointer data _U_, REFTIME_ACTION_E action) { static GtkWidget *reftime_dialog = NULL; switch(action){ case REFTIME_TOGGLE: if (cfile.current_frame) { if(recent.gui_time_format != TS_RELATIVE && cfile.current_frame->flags.ref_time==0) { reftime_dialog = (GtkWidget *)simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_CONFIRMATION, ESD_BTNS_YES_NO, "%sSwitch to the appropriate Time Display Format?%s\n\n" "Time References don't work well with the currently selected Time Display Format.\n\n" "Do you want to switch to \"Seconds Since Beginning of Capture\" now?", simple_dialog_primary_start(), simple_dialog_primary_end()); simple_dialog_set_cb(reftime_dialog, reftime_answered_cb, NULL); } else { set_frame_reftime(!cfile.current_frame->flags.ref_time, cfile.current_frame, cfile.current_row); } } break; case REFTIME_FIND_NEXT: cf_find_packet_time_reference(&cfile, SD_FORWARD); break; case REFTIME_FIND_PREV: cf_find_packet_time_reference(&cfile, SD_BACKWARD); break; } } void find_next_mark_cb(GtkWidget *w _U_, gpointer data _U_, int action _U_) { cf_find_packet_marked(&cfile, SD_FORWARD); } void find_prev_mark_cb(GtkWidget *w _U_, gpointer data _U_, int action _U_) { cf_find_packet_marked(&cfile, SD_BACKWARD); } static void tree_view_selection_changed_cb(GtkTreeSelection *sel, gpointer user_data _U_) { field_info *finfo; gchar len_str[2+10+1+5+1]; /* ", {N} bytes\0", N < 4294967296 */ gboolean has_blurb = FALSE; guint length = 0, byte_len; GtkWidget *byte_view; const guint8 *byte_data; gint finfo_length; GtkTreeModel *model; GtkTreeIter iter; /* if nothing is selected */ if (!gtk_tree_selection_get_selected(sel, &model, &iter)) { /* * Which byte view is displaying the current protocol tree * row's data? */ byte_view = get_notebook_bv_ptr(byte_nb_ptr_gbl); if (byte_view == NULL) return; /* none */ byte_data = get_byte_view_data_and_length(byte_view, &byte_len); if (byte_data == NULL) return; /* none */ cf_unselect_field(&cfile); packet_hex_print(byte_view, byte_data, cfile.current_frame, NULL, byte_len); return; } gtk_tree_model_get(model, &iter, 1, &finfo, -1); if (!finfo) return; set_notebook_page(byte_nb_ptr_gbl, finfo->ds_tvb); byte_view = get_notebook_bv_ptr(byte_nb_ptr_gbl); byte_data = get_byte_view_data_and_length(byte_view, &byte_len); g_assert(byte_data != NULL); cfile.finfo_selected = finfo; set_menus_for_selected_tree_row(&cfile); if (finfo->hfinfo) { if (finfo->hfinfo->blurb != NULL && finfo->hfinfo->blurb[0] != '\0') { has_blurb = TRUE; length = (guint) strlen(finfo->hfinfo->blurb); } else { length = (guint) strlen(finfo->hfinfo->name); } finfo_length = finfo->length + finfo->appendix_length; if (finfo_length == 0) { len_str[0] = '\0'; } else if (finfo_length == 1) { g_strlcpy (len_str, ", 1 byte", sizeof len_str); } else { g_snprintf (len_str, sizeof len_str, ", %d bytes", finfo_length); } statusbar_pop_field_msg(); /* get rid of current help msg */ if (length) { statusbar_push_field_msg(" %s (%s)%s", (has_blurb) ? finfo->hfinfo->blurb : finfo->hfinfo->name, finfo->hfinfo->abbrev, len_str); } else { /* * Don't show anything if the field name is zero-length; * the pseudo-field for text-only items is such * a field, and we don't want "Text (text)" showing up * on the status line if you've selected such a field. * * XXX - there are zero-length fields for which we *do* * want to show the field name. * * XXX - perhaps the name and abbrev field should be null * pointers rather than null strings for that pseudo-field, * but we'd have to add checks for null pointers in some * places if we did that. * * Or perhaps text-only items should have -1 as the field * index, with no pseudo-field being used, but that might * also require special checks for -1 to be added. */ statusbar_push_field_msg("%s", ""); } } packet_hex_print(byte_view, byte_data, cfile.current_frame, finfo, byte_len); } void collapse_all_cb(GtkWidget *widget _U_, gpointer data _U_) { if (cfile.edt->tree) collapse_all_tree(cfile.edt->tree, tree_view_gbl); } void expand_all_cb(GtkWidget *widget _U_, gpointer data _U_) { if (cfile.edt->tree) expand_all_tree(cfile.edt->tree, tree_view_gbl); } void apply_as_custom_column_cb (GtkWidget *widget _U_, gpointer data _U_) { if (cfile.finfo_selected) { column_prefs_add_custom(COL_CUSTOM, cfile.finfo_selected->hfinfo->name, cfile.finfo_selected->hfinfo->abbrev,0); /* Recreate the packet list according to new preferences */ packet_list_recreate (); if (!prefs.gui_use_pref_save) { prefs_main_write(); } cfile.columns_changed = FALSE; /* Reset value */ } } void expand_tree_cb(GtkWidget *widget _U_, gpointer data _U_) { GtkTreePath *path; path = tree_find_by_field_info(GTK_TREE_VIEW(tree_view_gbl), cfile.finfo_selected); if(path) { /* the mouse position is at an entry, expand that one */ gtk_tree_view_expand_row(GTK_TREE_VIEW(tree_view_gbl), path, TRUE); gtk_tree_path_free(path); } } void collapse_tree_cb(GtkWidget *widget _U_, gpointer data _U_) { GtkTreePath *path; path = tree_find_by_field_info(GTK_TREE_VIEW(tree_view_gbl), cfile.finfo_selected); if(path) { /* the mouse position is at an entry, expand that one */ tree_collapse_path_all(GTK_TREE_VIEW(tree_view_gbl), path); gtk_tree_path_free(path); } } void resolve_name_cb(GtkWidget *widget _U_, gpointer data _U_) { static const e_addr_resolve resolv_flags = { TRUE, /* mac_name */ TRUE, /* network_name */ TRUE, /* transport_name */ TRUE, /* dns_pkt_addr_resolution */ TRUE, /* use_external_net_name_resolver */ FALSE, /* load_hosts_file_from_profile_only */ FALSE, /* vlan_name */ FALSE, /* ss7pc_name */ }; if (cfile.edt->tree) { proto_tree_draw_resolve(cfile.edt->tree, tree_view_gbl, &resolv_flags); } } /* Update main window items based on whether there's a capture in progress. */ static void main_set_for_capture_in_progress(gboolean capture_in_progress) { set_menus_for_capture_in_progress(capture_in_progress); #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP set_toolbar_for_capture_in_progress(capture_in_progress); set_capture_if_dialog_for_capture_in_progress(capture_in_progress); #endif } /* Update main window items based on whether we have a capture file. */ static void main_set_for_capture_file(gboolean have_capture_file_in) { have_capture_file = have_capture_file_in; main_widgets_show_or_hide(); } /* Update main window items based on whether we have captured packets. */ static void main_set_for_captured_packets(gboolean have_captured_packets) { set_menus_for_captured_packets(have_captured_packets); set_toolbar_for_captured_packets(have_captured_packets); } /* Update main window items based on whether we have a packet history. */ void main_set_for_packet_history(gboolean back_history, gboolean forward_history) { set_menus_for_packet_history(back_history, forward_history); set_toolbar_for_packet_history(back_history, forward_history); } gboolean main_do_quit(void) { /* get the current geometry, before writing it to disk */ main_save_window_geometry(top_level); /* write user's recent file to disk * It is no problem to write this file, even if we do not quit */ write_profile_recent(); write_recent(); /* XXX - should we check whether the capture file is an unsaved temporary file for a live capture and, if so, pop up a "do you want to exit without saving the capture file?" dialog, and then just return, leaving said dialog box to forcibly quit if the user clicks "OK"? If so, note that this should be done in a subroutine that returns TRUE if we do so, and FALSE otherwise, and if it returns TRUE we should return TRUE without nuking anything. Note that, if we do that, we might also want to check if an "Update list of packets in real time" capture is in progress and, if so, ask whether they want to terminate the capture and discard it, and return TRUE, before nuking any child capture, if they say they don't want to do so. */ #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP /* Nuke any child capture in progress. */ capture_kill_child(&global_capture_session); #endif /* Are we in the middle of reading a capture? */ if (cfile.state == FILE_READ_IN_PROGRESS) { /* Yes, so we can't just close the file and quit, as that may yank the rug out from under the read in progress; instead, just set the state to "FILE_READ_ABORTED" and return - the code doing the read will check for that and, if it sees that, will clean up and quit. */ cfile.state = FILE_READ_ABORTED; /* Say that the window should *not* be deleted; that'll be done by the code that cleans up. */ return TRUE; } else { /* Close any capture file we have open; on some OSes, you can't unlink a temporary capture file if you have it open. "cf_close()" will unlink it after closing it if it's a temporary file. We do this here, rather than after the main loop returns, as, after the main loop returns, the main window may have been destroyed (if this is called due to a "destroy" even on the main window rather than due to the user selecting a menu item), and there may be a crash or other problem when "cf_close()" tries to clean up stuff in the main window. XXX - is there a better place to put this? Or should we have a routine that *just* closes the capture file, and doesn't do anything with the UI, which we'd call here, and another routine that calls that routine and also cleans up the UI, which we'd call elsewhere? */ cf_close(&cfile); /* Exit by leaving the main loop, so that any quit functions we registered get called. */ gtk_main_quit(); /* Say that the window should be deleted. */ return FALSE; } } static gboolean main_window_delete_event_cb(GtkWidget *widget _U_, GdkEvent *event _U_, gpointer data _U_) { /* If we're in the middle of stopping a capture, don't do anything; the user can try deleting the window after the capture stops. */ if (capture_stopping) return TRUE; /* If there's unsaved data, let the user save it first. If they cancel out of it, don't quit. */ if (do_file_close(&cfile, TRUE, " before quitting")) return main_do_quit(); else return TRUE; /* will this keep the window from being deleted? */ } static void main_pane_load_window_geometry(void) { if (recent.has_gui_geometry_main_upper_pane && recent.gui_geometry_main_upper_pane) gtk_paned_set_position(GTK_PANED(main_first_pane), recent.gui_geometry_main_upper_pane); if (recent.has_gui_geometry_main_lower_pane && recent.gui_geometry_main_lower_pane) { gtk_paned_set_position(GTK_PANED(main_second_pane), recent.gui_geometry_main_lower_pane); } } static void main_load_window_geometry(GtkWidget *widget) { window_geometry_t geom; geom.set_pos = prefs.gui_geometry_save_position; geom.x = recent.gui_gtk_geometry_main_x; geom.y = recent.gui_gtk_geometry_main_y; geom.set_size = prefs.gui_geometry_save_size; geom.set_maximized = FALSE; if (recent.gui_geometry_main_width > 0 && recent.gui_geometry_main_height > 0) { geom.width = recent.gui_geometry_main_width; geom.height = recent.gui_geometry_main_height; geom.set_maximized = prefs.gui_geometry_save_maximized; } else { /* We assume this means the width and height weren't set in the "recent" file (or that there is no "recent" file), and weren't set to a default value, so we don't set the size. (The "recent" file code rejects non-positive width and height values.) */ geom.set_size = FALSE; } geom.maximized = recent.gui_geometry_main_maximized; window_set_geometry(widget, &geom); main_pane_load_window_geometry(); statusbar_load_window_geometry(); } static void main_save_window_geometry(GtkWidget *widget) { window_geometry_t geom; window_get_geometry(widget, &geom); if (prefs.gui_geometry_save_position) { recent.gui_gtk_geometry_main_x = geom.x; recent.gui_gtk_geometry_main_y = geom.y; } if (prefs.gui_geometry_save_size) { recent.gui_geometry_main_width = geom.width; recent.gui_geometry_main_height = geom.height; } if(prefs.gui_geometry_save_maximized) { recent.gui_geometry_main_maximized = geom.maximized; } recent.gui_geometry_main_upper_pane = gtk_paned_get_position(GTK_PANED(main_first_pane)); recent.gui_geometry_main_lower_pane = gtk_paned_get_position(GTK_PANED(main_second_pane)); statusbar_save_window_geometry(); } void file_quit_cmd_cb(GtkWidget *widget _U_, gpointer data _U_) { /* If there's unsaved data, let the user save it first. */ if (do_file_close(&cfile, TRUE, " before quitting")) main_do_quit(); } /* * Report an error in command-line arguments. * Creates a console on Windows. * XXX - pop this up in a window of some sort on UNIX+X11 if the controlling * terminal isn't the standard error? */ static void wireshark_cmdarg_err(const char *fmt, va_list ap) { #ifdef _WIN32 create_console(); #endif fprintf(stderr, "wireshark: "); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } /* * Report additional information for an error in command-line arguments. * Creates a console on Windows. * XXX - pop this up in a window of some sort on UNIX+X11 if the controlling * terminal isn't the standard error? */ static void wireshark_cmdarg_err_cont(const char *fmt, va_list ap) { #ifdef _WIN32 create_console(); #endif vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } /* Once every 3 seconds we get a callback here which we use to update the tap extensions. */ static gboolean tap_update_cb(gpointer data _U_) { draw_tap_listeners(FALSE); return TRUE; } /* * Periodically process outstanding hostname lookups. If we have new items, * redraw the packet list and tree view. */ static gboolean resolv_update_cb(gpointer data _U_) { /* Anything new show up? */ if (host_name_lookup_process()) { if (gtk_widget_get_window(pkt_scrollw)) gdk_window_invalidate_rect(gtk_widget_get_window(pkt_scrollw), NULL, TRUE); if (gtk_widget_get_window(tv_scrollw)) gdk_window_invalidate_rect(gtk_widget_get_window(tv_scrollw), NULL, TRUE); } /* Always check. Even if we don't do async lookups we could still get passive updates, e.g. from DNS packets. */ return TRUE; } /* Update various parts of the main window for a capture file "unsaved changes" change - update the title to reflect whether there are unsaved changes or not, and update the menus and toolbar to enable or disable the "Save" operation. */ void main_update_for_unsaved_changes(capture_file *cf) { set_titlebar_for_capture_file(cf); set_menus_for_capture_file(cf); set_toolbar_for_capture_file(cf); } #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP void main_auto_scroll_live_changed(gboolean auto_scroll_live_in) { /* Update menubar and toolbar */ menu_auto_scroll_live_changed(auto_scroll_live_in); toolbar_auto_scroll_live_changed(auto_scroll_live_in); /* change auto scroll state */ auto_scroll_live = auto_scroll_live_in; } #endif void main_colorize_changed(gboolean packet_list_colorize) { /* Update menubar and toolbar */ menu_colorize_changed(packet_list_colorize); toolbar_colorize_changed(packet_list_colorize); /* change colorization */ if(packet_list_colorize != recent.packet_list_colorize) { recent.packet_list_colorize = packet_list_colorize; packet_list_enable_color(packet_list_colorize); packet_list_colorize_packets(); } } static GtkWidget *close_dlg = NULL; static void priv_warning_dialog_cb(gpointer dialog, gint btn _U_, gpointer data _U_) { recent.privs_warn_if_elevated = !simple_dialog_check_get(dialog); } #ifdef _WIN32 static void npf_warning_dialog_cb(gpointer dialog, gint btn _U_, gpointer data _U_) { recent.privs_warn_if_no_npf = !simple_dialog_check_get(dialog); } #endif static void main_cf_cb_file_closing(capture_file *cf) { /* if we have more than 10000 packets, show a splash screen while closing */ /* XXX - don't know a better way to decide whether to show or not, * as most of the time is spend in various calls that destroy various * data structures, so it wouldn't be easy to use a progress bar, * rather than, say, a progress spinner, here! */ if(cf->count > 10000) { close_dlg = (GtkWidget *)simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_STOP, ESD_BTN_NONE, "%sClosing file.%s\n\nPlease wait ...", simple_dialog_primary_start(), simple_dialog_primary_end()); gtk_window_set_position(GTK_WINDOW(close_dlg), GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER_ON_PARENT); } /* Clear maunally resolved addresses */ manually_resolve_cleanup(); /* Destroy all windows that refer to the capture file we're closing. */ destroy_packet_wins(); /* Update the titlebar to reflect the lack of a capture file. */ set_titlebar_for_capture_file(NULL); /* Disable all menu and toolbar items that make sense only if you have a capture. */ set_menus_for_capture_file(NULL); set_toolbar_for_capture_file(NULL); main_set_for_captured_packets(FALSE); set_menus_for_selected_packet(cf); main_set_for_capture_in_progress(FALSE); set_capture_if_dialog_for_capture_in_progress(FALSE); set_menus_for_selected_tree_row(cf); /* Set up main window for no capture file. */ main_set_for_capture_file(FALSE); main_window_update(); } static void main_cf_cb_file_closed(capture_file *cf _U_) { if(close_dlg != NULL) { splash_destroy(close_dlg); close_dlg = NULL; } } static void main_cf_cb_file_read_started(capture_file *cf _U_) { tap_param_dlg_update(); /* Set up main window for a capture file. */ main_set_for_capture_file(TRUE); } static void main_cf_cb_file_read_finished(capture_file *cf) { gchar *dir_path; if (!cf->is_tempfile && cf->filename) { /* Add this filename to the list of recent files in the "Recent Files" submenu */ add_menu_recent_capture_file(cf->filename); /* Remember folder for next Open dialog and save it in recent */ dir_path = g_strdup(cf->filename); set_last_open_dir(get_dirname(dir_path)); g_free(dir_path); } /* Update the appropriate parts of the main window. */ main_update_for_unsaved_changes(cf); /* Enable menu items that make sense if you have some captured packets. */ main_set_for_captured_packets(TRUE); } static void main_cf_cb_file_rescan_finished(capture_file *cf) { gchar *dir_path; if (!cf->is_tempfile && cf->filename) { /* Add this filename to the list of recent files in the "Recent Files" submenu */ add_menu_recent_capture_file(cf->filename); /* Remember folder for next Open dialog and save it in recent */ dir_path = g_strdup(cf->filename); set_last_open_dir(get_dirname(dir_path)); g_free(dir_path); } /* Update the appropriate parts of the main window. */ main_update_for_unsaved_changes(cf); } #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP static GList *icon_list_create( #ifdef HAVE_GDK_GRESOURCE const gchar *icon16_path, const gchar *icon32_path, const gchar *icon48_path, const gchar *icon64_path) #else const guint8 *icon16_pb, const guint8 *icon32_pb, const guint8 *icon48_pb, const guint8 *icon64_pb) #endif { GList *icon_list = NULL; GdkPixbuf *pixbuf16 = NULL; GdkPixbuf *pixbuf32 = NULL; GdkPixbuf *pixbuf48 = NULL; GdkPixbuf *pixbuf64 = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_GDK_GRESOURCE if (icon16_path != NULL) pixbuf16 = ws_gdk_pixbuf_new_from_resource(icon16_path); if (icon32_path != NULL) pixbuf32 = ws_gdk_pixbuf_new_from_resource(icon32_path); if (icon48_path != NULL) pixbuf48 = ws_gdk_pixbuf_new_from_resource(icon48_path); if (icon64_path != NULL) pixbuf64 = ws_gdk_pixbuf_new_from_resource(icon64_path); #else if (icon16_pb != NULL) pixbuf16 = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_inline(-1, icon16_pb, FALSE, NULL); if (icon32_pb != NULL) pixbuf32 = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_inline(-1, icon32_pb, FALSE, NULL); if (icon48_pb != NULL) pixbuf48 = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_inline(-1, icon48_pb, FALSE, NULL); if (icon64_pb != NULL) pixbuf64 = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_inline(-1, icon64_pb, FALSE, NULL); #endif if (pixbuf16 != NULL) icon_list = g_list_append(icon_list, pixbuf16); if (pixbuf32 != NULL) icon_list = g_list_append(icon_list, pixbuf32); if (pixbuf48 != NULL) icon_list = g_list_append(icon_list, pixbuf48); if (pixbuf64 != NULL) icon_list = g_list_append(icon_list, pixbuf64); return icon_list; } static void main_capture_cb_capture_prepared(capture_session *cap_session) { static GList *icon_list = NULL; set_titlebar_for_capture_in_progress((capture_file *)cap_session->cf); if(icon_list == NULL) { #ifdef HAVE_GDK_GRESOURCE icon_list = icon_list_create("/org/wireshark/image/wsiconcap16.png", "/org/wireshark/image/wsiconcap32.png", "/org/wireshark/image/wsiconcap48.png", "/org/wireshark/image/wsiconcap64.png"); #else icon_list = icon_list_create(wsiconcap_16_pb_data, wsiconcap_32_pb_data, wsiconcap_48_pb_data, wsiconcap_64_pb_data); #endif } gtk_window_set_icon_list(GTK_WINDOW(top_level), icon_list); /* Disable menu items that make no sense if you're currently running a capture. */ main_set_for_capture_in_progress(TRUE); set_capture_if_dialog_for_capture_in_progress(TRUE); /* Don't set up main window for a capture file. */ main_set_for_capture_file(FALSE); } static void main_capture_cb_capture_update_started(capture_session *cap_session) { /* We've done this in "prepared" above, but it will be cleared while switching to the next multiple file. */ set_titlebar_for_capture_in_progress((capture_file *)cap_session->cf); main_set_for_capture_in_progress(TRUE); set_capture_if_dialog_for_capture_in_progress(TRUE); /* Enable menu items that make sense if you have some captured packets (yes, I know, we don't have any *yet*). */ main_set_for_captured_packets(TRUE); /* Set up main window for a capture file. */ main_set_for_capture_file(TRUE); } static void main_capture_cb_capture_update_finished(capture_session *cap_session) { capture_file *cf = (capture_file *)cap_session->cf; static GList *icon_list = NULL; /* The capture isn't stopping any more - it's stopped. */ capture_stopping = FALSE; if (!cf->is_tempfile && cf->filename) { /* Add this filename to the list of recent files in the "Recent Files" submenu */ add_menu_recent_capture_file(cf->filename); } /* Enable menu items that make sense if you're not currently running a capture. */ main_set_for_capture_in_progress(FALSE); set_capture_if_dialog_for_capture_in_progress(FALSE); /* Update the main window as appropriate. This has to occur AFTER * main_set_for_capture_in_progress() or else some of the menus are * incorrectly disabled (see bug * https://bugs.wireshark.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=8108) */ main_update_for_unsaved_changes(cf); /* Set up main window for a capture file. */ main_set_for_capture_file(TRUE); if(icon_list == NULL) { #ifdef HAVE_GDK_GRESOURCE icon_list = icon_list_create("/org/wireshark/image/wsicon16.png", "/org/wireshark/image/wsicon32.png", "/org/wireshark/image/wsicon48.png", "/org/wireshark/image/wsicon64.png"); #else icon_list = icon_list_create(wsicon_16_pb_data, wsicon_32_pb_data, wsicon_48_pb_data, wsicon_64_pb_data); #endif } gtk_window_set_icon_list(GTK_WINDOW(top_level), icon_list); if(global_commandline_info.quit_after_cap) { /* command line asked us to quit after the capture */ /* don't pop up a dialog to ask for unsaved files etc. */ main_do_quit(); } } static void main_capture_cb_capture_fixed_started(capture_session *cap_session _U_) { /* Don't set up main window for a capture file. */ main_set_for_capture_file(FALSE); } static void main_capture_cb_capture_fixed_finished(capture_session *cap_session _U_) { #if 0 capture_file *cf = (capture_file *)cap_session->cf; #endif static GList *icon_list = NULL; /* The capture isn't stopping any more - it's stopped. */ capture_stopping = FALSE; /*set_titlebar_for_capture_file(cf);*/ /* Enable menu items that make sense if you're not currently running a capture. */ main_set_for_capture_in_progress(FALSE); set_capture_if_dialog_for_capture_in_progress(FALSE); /* Restore the standard title bar message */ /* (just in case we have trouble opening the capture file). */ set_titlebar_for_capture_file(NULL); if(icon_list == NULL) { #ifdef HAVE_GDK_GRESOURCE icon_list = icon_list_create("/org/wireshark/image/wsicon16.png", "/org/wireshark/image/wsicon32.png", "/org/wireshark/image/wsicon48.png", "/org/wireshark/image/wsicon64.png"); #else icon_list = icon_list_create(wsicon_16_pb_data, wsicon_32_pb_data, wsicon_48_pb_data, wsicon_64_pb_data); #endif } gtk_window_set_icon_list(GTK_WINDOW(top_level), icon_list); /* We don't have loaded the capture file, this will be done later. * For now we still have simply a blank screen. */ if(global_commandline_info.quit_after_cap) { /* command line asked us to quit after the capture */ /* don't pop up a dialog to ask for unsaved files etc. */ main_do_quit(); } } static void main_capture_cb_capture_stopping(capture_session *cap_session _U_) { capture_stopping = TRUE; set_menus_for_capture_stopping(); #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP set_toolbar_for_capture_stopping(); set_capture_if_dialog_for_capture_stopping(); #endif } static void main_capture_cb_capture_failed(capture_session *cap_session _U_) { static GList *icon_list = NULL; /* Capture isn't stopping any more. */ capture_stopping = FALSE; /* the capture failed before the first packet was captured reset title, menus and icon */ set_titlebar_for_capture_file(NULL); main_set_for_capture_in_progress(FALSE); set_capture_if_dialog_for_capture_in_progress(FALSE); main_set_for_capture_file(FALSE); if(icon_list == NULL) { #ifdef HAVE_GDK_GRESOURCE icon_list = icon_list_create("/org/wireshark/image/wsicon16.png", "/org/wireshark/image/wsicon32.png", "/org/wireshark/image/wsicon48.png", "/org/wireshark/image/wsicon64.png"); #else icon_list = icon_list_create(wsicon_16_pb_data, wsicon_32_pb_data, wsicon_48_pb_data, wsicon_64_pb_data); #endif } gtk_window_set_icon_list(GTK_WINDOW(top_level), icon_list); if(global_commandline_info.quit_after_cap) { /* command line asked us to quit after the capture */ /* don't pop up a dialog to ask for unsaved files etc. */ main_do_quit(); } } #endif /* HAVE_LIBPCAP */ static void main_cf_cb_packet_selected(gpointer data) { capture_file *cf = (capture_file *)data; /* Display the GUI protocol tree and packet bytes. XXX - why do we dump core if we call "proto_tree_draw()" before calling "add_byte_views()"? */ add_byte_views(cf->edt, tree_view_gbl, byte_nb_ptr_gbl); proto_tree_draw(cf->edt->tree, tree_view_gbl); /* Note: Both string and hex value searches in the packet data produce a non-zero search_pos if successful */ if(cf->search_in_progress && (cf->search_pos != 0 || (cf->string && cf->decode_data))) { highlight_field(cf->edt->tvb, cf->search_pos, (GtkTreeView *)tree_view_gbl, cf->edt->tree); } /* A packet is selected. */ set_menus_for_selected_packet(cf); } static void main_cf_cb_packet_unselected(capture_file *cf) { /* No packet is being displayed; clear the hex dump pane by getting rid of all the byte views. */ while (gtk_notebook_get_nth_page(GTK_NOTEBOOK(byte_nb_ptr_gbl), 0) != NULL) gtk_notebook_remove_page(GTK_NOTEBOOK(byte_nb_ptr_gbl), 0); /* Add a placeholder byte view so that there's at least something displayed in the byte view notebook. */ add_byte_tab(byte_nb_ptr_gbl, "", NULL, NULL, tree_view_gbl); /* And clear the protocol tree display as well. */ proto_tree_draw(NULL, tree_view_gbl); /* No packet is selected. */ set_menus_for_selected_packet(cf); } static void main_cf_cb_field_unselected(capture_file *cf) { set_menus_for_selected_tree_row(cf); } static void main_cf_callback(gint event, gpointer data, gpointer user_data _U_) { capture_file *cf = (capture_file *)data; switch(event) { case(cf_cb_file_opened): g_log(LOG_DOMAIN_MAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Callback: Opened"); fileset_file_opened(cf); break; case(cf_cb_file_closing): g_log(LOG_DOMAIN_MAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Callback: Closing"); main_cf_cb_file_closing(cf); break; case(cf_cb_file_closed): g_log(LOG_DOMAIN_MAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Callback: Closed"); main_cf_cb_file_closed(cf); fileset_file_closed(); break; case(cf_cb_file_read_started): g_log(LOG_DOMAIN_MAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Callback: Read started"); main_cf_cb_file_read_started(cf); break; case(cf_cb_file_read_finished): g_log(LOG_DOMAIN_MAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Callback: Read finished"); main_cf_cb_file_read_finished(cf); break; case(cf_cb_file_reload_started): g_log(LOG_DOMAIN_MAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Callback: Reload started"); main_cf_cb_file_read_started(cf); break; case(cf_cb_file_reload_finished): g_log(LOG_DOMAIN_MAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Callback: Reload finished"); main_cf_cb_file_read_finished(cf); break; case(cf_cb_file_rescan_started): g_log(LOG_DOMAIN_MAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Callback: Rescan started"); break; case(cf_cb_file_rescan_finished): g_log(LOG_DOMAIN_MAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Callback: Rescan finished"); main_cf_cb_file_rescan_finished(cf); break; case(cf_cb_file_retap_started): g_log(LOG_DOMAIN_MAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Callback: Retap started"); break; case(cf_cb_file_retap_finished): g_log(LOG_DOMAIN_MAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Callback: Retap finished"); break; case(cf_cb_file_fast_save_finished): g_log(LOG_DOMAIN_MAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Callback: Fast save finished"); main_cf_cb_file_rescan_finished(cf); break; case(cf_cb_packet_selected): main_cf_cb_packet_selected(cf); break; case(cf_cb_packet_unselected): main_cf_cb_packet_unselected(cf); break; case(cf_cb_field_unselected): main_cf_cb_field_unselected(cf); break; case(cf_cb_file_save_started): g_log(LOG_DOMAIN_MAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Callback: Save started"); break; case(cf_cb_file_save_finished): g_log(LOG_DOMAIN_MAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Callback: Save finished"); break; case(cf_cb_file_save_failed): g_log(LOG_DOMAIN_MAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Callback: Save failed"); break; case(cf_cb_file_save_stopped): g_log(LOG_DOMAIN_MAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Callback: Save stopped"); break; case(cf_cb_file_export_specified_packets_started): g_log(LOG_DOMAIN_MAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Callback: Export specified packets started"); break; case(cf_cb_file_export_specified_packets_finished): g_log(LOG_DOMAIN_MAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Callback: Export specified packets finished"); break; case(cf_cb_file_export_specified_packets_failed): g_log(LOG_DOMAIN_MAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Callback: Export specified packets failed"); break; case(cf_cb_file_export_specified_packets_stopped): g_log(LOG_DOMAIN_MAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Callback: Export specified packets stopped"); break; default: g_warning("main_cf_callback: event %u unknown", event); g_assert_not_reached(); } } #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP static void main_capture_callback(gint event, capture_session *cap_session, gpointer user_data _U_) { switch(event) { case(capture_cb_capture_prepared): g_log(LOG_DOMAIN_MAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Callback: capture prepared"); main_capture_cb_capture_prepared(cap_session); break; case(capture_cb_capture_update_started): g_log(LOG_DOMAIN_MAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Callback: capture update started"); main_capture_cb_capture_update_started(cap_session); break; case(capture_cb_capture_update_continue): /*g_log(LOG_DOMAIN_MAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Callback: capture update continue");*/ break; case(capture_cb_capture_update_finished): g_log(LOG_DOMAIN_MAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Callback: capture update finished"); main_capture_cb_capture_update_finished(cap_session); break; case(capture_cb_capture_fixed_started): g_log(LOG_DOMAIN_MAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Callback: capture fixed started"); main_capture_cb_capture_fixed_started(cap_session); break; case(capture_cb_capture_fixed_continue): g_log(LOG_DOMAIN_MAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Callback: capture fixed continue"); break; case(capture_cb_capture_fixed_finished): g_log(LOG_DOMAIN_MAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Callback: capture fixed finished"); main_capture_cb_capture_fixed_finished(cap_session); break; case(capture_cb_capture_stopping): g_log(LOG_DOMAIN_MAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Callback: capture stopping"); /* Beware: this state won't be called, if the capture child * closes the capturing on its own! */ main_capture_cb_capture_stopping(cap_session); break; case(capture_cb_capture_failed): g_log(LOG_DOMAIN_MAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Callback: capture failed"); main_capture_cb_capture_failed(cap_session); break; default: g_warning("main_capture_callback: event %u unknown", event); g_assert_not_reached(); } } #endif void get_wireshark_gtk_compiled_info(GString *str) { g_string_append(str, "with "); g_string_append_printf(str, #ifdef GTK_MAJOR_VERSION "GTK+ %d.%d.%d", GTK_MAJOR_VERSION, GTK_MINOR_VERSION, GTK_MICRO_VERSION); #else "GTK+ (version unknown)"); #endif /* Cairo */ g_string_append(str, ", with Cairo "); g_string_append(str, CAIRO_VERSION_STRING); /* Pango */ g_string_append(str, ", with Pango "); g_string_append(str, PANGO_VERSION_STRING); /* Capture libraries */ g_string_append(str, ", "); get_compiled_caplibs_version(str); } void get_gui_compiled_info(GString *str) { epan_get_compiled_version_info(str); g_string_append(str, ", "); #ifdef HAVE_LIBPORTAUDIO #ifdef PORTAUDIO_API_1 g_string_append(str, "with PortAudio <= V18"); #else /* PORTAUDIO_API_1 */ g_string_append(str, "with "); g_string_append(str, Pa_GetVersionText()); #endif /* PORTAUDIO_API_1 */ #else /* HAVE_LIBPORTAUDIO */ g_string_append(str, "without PortAudio"); #endif /* HAVE_LIBPORTAUDIO */ #ifdef _WIN32 g_string_append(str, ", "); #ifdef HAVE_AIRPCAP get_compiled_airpcap_version(str); #else g_string_append(str, "without AirPcap"); #endif #endif /* _WIN32 */ codec_get_compiled_version_info(str); } void get_wireshark_runtime_info(GString *str) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP /* Capture libraries */ g_string_append(str, ", "); get_runtime_caplibs_version(str); #endif /* stuff used by libwireshark */ epan_get_runtime_version_info(str); #ifdef HAVE_AIRPCAP g_string_append(str, ", "); get_runtime_airpcap_version(str); #endif } static e_prefs * read_configuration_files(void) { e_prefs *prefs_p; /* Load libwireshark settings from the current profile. */ prefs_p = epan_load_settings(); #ifdef _WIN32 /* if the user wants a console to be always there, well, we should open one for him */ if (prefs_p->gui_console_open == console_open_always) { create_console(); } #endif /* Read the capture filter file. */ read_filter_list(CFILTER_LIST); /* Read the display filter file. */ read_filter_list(DFILTER_LIST); return prefs_p; } /* Check if there's something important to tell the user during startup. * We want to do this *after* showing the main window so that any windows * we pop up will be above the main window. */ static void #ifdef _WIN32 check_and_warn_user_startup(gchar *cf_name) #else check_and_warn_user_startup(gchar *cf_name _U_) #endif { gchar *cur_user, *cur_group; gpointer priv_warning_dialog; /* Tell the user not to run as root. */ if (running_with_special_privs() && recent.privs_warn_if_elevated) { cur_user = get_cur_username(); cur_group = get_cur_groupname(); priv_warning_dialog = simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_WARN, ESD_BTN_OK, "Running as user \"%s\" and group \"%s\".\n" "This could be dangerous.\n\n" "If you're running Wireshark this way in order to perform live capture, " "you may want to be aware that there is a better way documented at\n" "https://wiki.wireshark.org/CaptureSetup/CapturePrivileges", cur_user, cur_group); g_free(cur_user); g_free(cur_group); simple_dialog_check_set(priv_warning_dialog, "Don't show this message again."); simple_dialog_set_cb(priv_warning_dialog, priv_warning_dialog_cb, NULL); } #ifdef _WIN32 /* Warn the user if npf.sys isn't loaded. */ if (!get_stdin_capture() && !cf_name && !npf_sys_is_running() && recent.privs_warn_if_no_npf && get_windows_major_version() >= 6) { priv_warning_dialog = simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_WARN, ESD_BTN_OK, "The NPF driver isn't running. You may have trouble\n" "capturing or listing interfaces."); simple_dialog_check_set(priv_warning_dialog, "Don't show this message again."); simple_dialog_set_cb(priv_warning_dialog, npf_warning_dialog_cb, NULL); } #endif } /* And now our feature presentation... [ fade to music ] */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *init_progfile_dir_error; char *s; int ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; extern int info_update_freq; /* Found in about_dlg.c. */ const gchar *filter; #ifdef _WIN32 WSADATA wsaData; int result; #endif /* _WIN32 */ char *rf_path; int rf_open_errno; int err; #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP gchar *err_str; int caps_queries = 0; #else #ifdef _WIN32 #ifdef HAVE_AIRPCAP gchar *err_str; #endif #endif #endif gint pl_size = 280, tv_size = 95, bv_size = 75; gchar *rc_file; dfilter_t *rfcode = NULL; gchar *err_msg = NULL; gboolean rfilter_parse_failed = FALSE; GtkWidget *splash_win = NULL; dfilter_t *jump_to_filter = NULL; unsigned int in_file_type = WTAP_TYPE_AUTO; GString *comp_info_str = NULL; GString *runtime_info_str = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_GDK_GRESOURCE main_register_resource(); #endif cmdarg_err_init(wireshark_cmdarg_err, wireshark_cmdarg_err_cont); /* Set the current locale according to the program environment. * We haven't localized anything, but some GTK widgets are localized * (the file selection dialogue, for example). * This also sets the C-language locale to the native environment. */ setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); #ifdef _WIN32 arg_list_utf_16to8(argc, argv); create_app_running_mutex(); #endif /* _WIN32 */ /* * Get credential information for later use, and drop privileges * before doing anything else. * Let the user know if anything happened. */ init_process_policies(); relinquish_special_privs_perm(); /* * Attempt to get the pathname of the directory containing the * executable file. */ init_progfile_dir_error = init_progfile_dir(argv[0], main); /* initialize the funnel mini-api */ initialize_funnel_ops(); AirPDcapInitContext(&airpdcap_ctx); #ifdef _WIN32 /* Load wpcap if possible. Do this before collecting the run-time version information */ load_wpcap(); /* ... and also load the packet.dll from wpcap */ wpcap_packet_load(); #ifdef HAVE_AIRPCAP /* Load the airpcap.dll. This must also be done before collecting * run-time version information. */ airpcap_dll_ret_val = load_airpcap(); switch (airpcap_dll_ret_val) { case AIRPCAP_DLL_OK: /* load the airpcap interfaces */ g_airpcap_if_list = get_airpcap_interface_list(&err, &err_str); if (g_airpcap_if_list == NULL || g_list_length(g_airpcap_if_list) == 0){ if (err == CANT_GET_AIRPCAP_INTERFACE_LIST && err_str != NULL) { simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_ERROR, ESD_BTN_OK, "%s", "Failed to open Airpcap Adapters."); g_free(err_str); } airpcap_if_active = NULL; } else { /* select the first ad default (THIS SHOULD BE CHANGED) */ airpcap_if_active = airpcap_get_default_if(g_airpcap_if_list); } break; #if 0 /* * XXX - Maybe we need to warn the user if one of the following happens??? */ case AIRPCAP_DLL_OLD: simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_ERROR, ESD_BTN_OK, "%s","AIRPCAP_DLL_OLD\n"); break; case AIRPCAP_DLL_ERROR: simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_ERROR, ESD_BTN_OK, "%s","AIRPCAP_DLL_ERROR\n"); break; case AIRPCAP_DLL_NOT_FOUND: simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_ERROR, ESD_BTN_OK, "%s","AIRPCAP_DDL_NOT_FOUND\n"); break; #endif } #endif /* HAVE_AIRPCAP */ #endif /* _WIN32 */ /* Get the compile-time version information string */ comp_info_str = get_compiled_version_info(get_wireshark_gtk_compiled_info, get_gui_compiled_info); /* Get the run-time version information string */ runtime_info_str = get_runtime_version_info(get_wireshark_runtime_info); /* Add it to the information to be reported on a crash. */ ws_add_crash_info("Wireshark %s\n" "\n" "%s" "\n" "%s", get_ws_vcs_version_info(), comp_info_str->str, runtime_info_str->str); #ifdef _WIN32 /* Start windows sockets */ result = WSAStartup( MAKEWORD( 1, 1 ), &wsaData ); if (result != 0) { simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_WARN, ESD_BTN_OK, "Error: WSAStartup failed with error: %d", result); ret = INIT_FAILED; goto clean_exit; } #endif /* _WIN32 */ profile_store_persconffiles (TRUE); /* Read the profile independent recent file. We have to do this here so we can */ /* set the profile before it can be set from the command line parameter */ recent_read_static(&rf_path, &rf_open_errno); if (rf_path != NULL && rf_open_errno != 0) { simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_WARN, ESD_BTN_OK, "Could not open common recent file\n\"%s\": %s.", rf_path, g_strerror(rf_open_errno)); } commandline_early_options(argc, argv, comp_info_str, runtime_info_str); /* Init the "Open file" dialog directory */ /* (do this after the path settings are processed) */ /* Read the profile dependent (static part) of the recent file. */ /* Only the static part of it will be read, as we don't have the gui now to fill the */ /* recent lists which is done in the dynamic part. */ /* We have to do this already here, so command line parameters can overwrite these values. */ if (!recent_read_profile_static(&rf_path, &rf_open_errno)) { simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_WARN, ESD_BTN_OK, "Could not open recent file\n\"%s\": %s.", rf_path, g_strerror(rf_open_errno)); g_free(rf_path); } if (recent.gui_fileopen_remembered_dir && test_for_directory(recent.gui_fileopen_remembered_dir) == EISDIR) { set_last_open_dir(recent.gui_fileopen_remembered_dir); } else { set_last_open_dir(get_persdatafile_dir()); } #if !GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2,31,0) g_thread_init(NULL); #endif /* Disable liboverlay scrollbar which broke Wireshark on Ubuntu */ #if !GTK_CHECK_VERSION(3,16,0) if (NULL == g_getenv("LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBAR")) { g_setenv("LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBAR", "0", FALSE); } #endif /* Let GTK get its args (will need an X server, so do this after command line only commands handled) */ gtk_init (&argc, &argv); cf_callback_add(main_cf_callback, NULL); #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP capture_callback_add(main_capture_callback, NULL); #endif cf_callback_add(statusbar_cf_callback, NULL); #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP capture_callback_add(statusbar_capture_callback, NULL); #endif cf_callback_add(welcome_cf_callback, NULL); #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP capture_callback_add(welcome_capture_callback, NULL); #endif set_console_log_handler(); #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP /* Set the initial values in the capture options. This might be overwritten by preference settings and then again by the command line parameters. */ capture_opts_init(&global_capture_opts); capture_session_init(&global_capture_session, &cfile); #endif init_report_message(vfailure_alert_box, vwarning_alert_box, open_failure_alert_box, read_failure_alert_box, write_failure_alert_box); /* Non-blank filter means we're remote. Throttle splash screen and resolution updates. */ filter = get_conn_cfilter(); if ( *filter != '\0' ) { info_update_freq = 1000; /* Milliseconds */ } /* We won't come till here, if we had a "console only" command line parameter. */ splash_win = splash_new("Loading Wireshark ..."); if (init_progfile_dir_error != NULL) { simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_WARN, ESD_BTN_OK, "Can't get pathname of directory containing Wireshark: %s.\n" "It won't be possible to capture traffic.\n" "Report this to the Wireshark developers.", init_progfile_dir_error); g_free(init_progfile_dir_error); } wtap_init(TRUE); splash_update(RA_DISSECTORS, NULL, (gpointer)splash_win); /* Register all dissectors; we must do this before checking for the "-G" flag, as the "-G" flag dumps information registered by the dissectors, and we must do it before we read the preferences, in case any dissectors register preferences. */ if (!epan_init(register_all_protocols,register_all_protocol_handoffs, splash_update, (gpointer) splash_win)) { ret = INIT_FAILED; goto clean_exit; } /* Register all audio codecs. */ codecs_init(); splash_update(RA_LISTENERS, NULL, (gpointer)splash_win); /* Register all tap listeners; we do this before we parse the arguments, as the "-z" argument can specify a registered tap. */ /* we register the plugin taps before the other taps because stats_tree taps plugins will be registered as tap listeners by stats_tree_stat.c and need to registered before that */ #ifdef HAVE_PLUGINS register_all_plugin_tap_listeners(); #endif /* Register all tap listeners. */ for (tap_reg_t *t = tap_reg_listener; t->cb_func != NULL; t++) { t->cb_func(); } conversation_table_set_gui_info(init_conversation_table); hostlist_table_set_gui_info(init_hostlist_table); srt_table_iterate_tables(register_service_response_tables, NULL); rtd_table_iterate_tables(register_response_time_delay_tables, NULL); new_stat_tap_iterate_tables(register_simple_stat_tables, NULL); splash_update(RA_EXTCAP, NULL, (gpointer)splash_win); extcap_register_preferences(); splash_update(RA_PREFERENCES, NULL, (gpointer)splash_win); global_commandline_info.prefs_p = read_configuration_files(); /* Removed thread code: * https://code.wireshark.org/review/gitweb?p=wireshark.git;a=commit;h=9e277ae6154fd04bf6a0a34ec5655a73e5a736a3 */ cap_file_init(&cfile); /* Fill in capture options with values from the preferences */ prefs_to_capture_opts(); /*#ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP fill_in_local_interfaces(); #endif*/ /* Now get our args */ commandline_other_options(argc, argv, TRUE); #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP splash_update(RA_INTERFACES, NULL, (gpointer)splash_win); fill_in_local_interfaces(main_window_update); if (global_commandline_info.list_link_layer_types) caps_queries |= CAPS_QUERY_LINK_TYPES; if (global_commandline_info.list_timestamp_types) caps_queries |= CAPS_QUERY_TIMESTAMP_TYPES; if (global_commandline_info.start_capture || caps_queries) { /* We're supposed to do a live capture or get a list of link-layer/timestamp types for a live capture device; if the user didn't specify an interface to use, pick a default. */ ret = capture_opts_default_iface_if_necessary(&global_capture_opts, ((global_commandline_info.prefs_p->capture_device) && (*global_commandline_info.prefs_p->capture_device != '\0')) ? get_if_name(global_commandline_info.prefs_p->capture_device) : NULL); if (ret != 0) { goto clean_exit; } } if (caps_queries) { /* Get the list of link-layer types for the capture devices. */ if_capabilities_t *caps; guint i; interface_t device; for (i = 0; i < global_capture_opts.all_ifaces->len; i++) { int if_caps_queries = caps_queries; device = g_array_index(global_capture_opts.all_ifaces, interface_t, i); if (device.selected) { gchar* auth_str = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_PCAP_REMOTE if (device.remote_opts.remote_host_opts.auth_type == CAPTURE_AUTH_PWD) { auth_str = g_strdup_printf("%s:%s", device.remote_opts.remote_host_opts.auth_username, device.remote_opts.remote_host_opts.auth_password); } #endif #if defined(HAVE_PCAP_CREATE) caps = capture_get_if_capabilities(device.name, device.monitor_mode_supported, auth_str, &err_str, main_window_update); #else caps = capture_get_if_capabilities(device.name, FALSE, auth_str, &err_str,main_window_update); #endif g_free(auth_str); if (caps == NULL) { cmdarg_err("%s", err_str); g_free(err_str); ret = INVALID_CAPABILITY; goto clean_exit; } if (caps->data_link_types == NULL) { cmdarg_err("The capture device \"%s\" has no data link types.", device.name); ret = INVALID_LINK_TYPE; goto clean_exit; } #ifdef _WIN32 create_console(); #endif /* _WIN32 */ #if defined(HAVE_PCAP_CREATE) if (device.monitor_mode_supported) if_caps_queries |= CAPS_MONITOR_MODE; #endif capture_opts_print_if_capabilities(caps, device.name, if_caps_queries); #ifdef _WIN32 destroy_console(); #endif /* _WIN32 */ free_if_capabilities(caps); } } ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; goto clean_exit; } capture_opts_trim_snaplen(&global_capture_opts, MIN_PACKET_SIZE); capture_opts_trim_ring_num_files(&global_capture_opts); #endif /* HAVE_LIBPCAP */ /* Notify all registered modules that have had any of their preferences changed either from one of the preferences file or from the command line that their preferences have changed. */ prefs_apply_all(); prefs_to_capture_opts(); #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP if ((global_capture_opts.num_selected == 0) && ((prefs.capture_device != NULL) && (global_commandline_info.prefs_p != NULL) && (*global_commandline_info.prefs_p->capture_device != '\0'))) { guint i; interface_t device; for (i = 0; i < global_capture_opts.all_ifaces->len; i++) { device = g_array_index(global_capture_opts.all_ifaces, interface_t, i); if (!device.hidden && strstr(prefs.capture_device, device.name) != NULL) { device.selected = TRUE; global_capture_opts.num_selected++; global_capture_opts.all_ifaces = g_array_remove_index(global_capture_opts.all_ifaces, i); g_array_insert_val(global_capture_opts.all_ifaces, i, device); break; } } } if (global_capture_opts.num_selected == 0 && global_capture_opts.all_ifaces->len == 1) { interface_t device = g_array_index(global_capture_opts.all_ifaces, interface_t, 0); device.selected = TRUE; global_capture_opts.num_selected++; global_capture_opts.all_ifaces = g_array_remove_index(global_capture_opts.all_ifaces, 0); g_array_insert_val(global_capture_opts.all_ifaces, 0, device); } #endif /* * Enabled and disabled protocols and heuristic dissectors as per * command-line options. */ if (!setup_enabled_and_disabled_protocols()) { ret = INVALID_OPTION; goto clean_exit; } build_column_format_array(&cfile.cinfo, global_commandline_info.prefs_p->num_cols, TRUE); /* read in rc file from global and personal configuration paths. */ rc_file = get_datafile_path(RC_FILE); #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(3,0,0) /* XXX resolve later */ #else gtk_rc_parse(rc_file); g_free(rc_file); rc_file = get_persconffile_path(RC_FILE, FALSE); gtk_rc_parse(rc_file); #endif g_free(rc_file); font_init(); macros_init(); stock_icons_init(); /* close the splash screen, as we are going to open the main window now */ splash_destroy(splash_win); /************************************************************************/ /* Everything is prepared now, preferences and command line was read in */ /* Pop up the main window. */ create_main_window(pl_size, tv_size, bv_size); /* Read the dynamic part of the recent file, as we have the gui now ready for it. */ if (!recent_read_dynamic(&rf_path, &rf_open_errno)) { simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_WARN, ESD_BTN_OK, "Could not open recent file\n\"%s\": %s.", rf_path, g_strerror(rf_open_errno)); g_free(rf_path); } packet_list_enable_color(recent.packet_list_colorize); /* rearrange all the widgets as we now have all recent settings ready for this */ main_widgets_rearrange(); /* Fill in column titles. This must be done after the top level window is displayed. XXX - is that still true, with fixed-width columns? */ menu_recent_read_finished(); #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP main_auto_scroll_live_changed(auto_scroll_live); #endif switch (user_font_apply()) { case FA_SUCCESS: break; case FA_ZOOMED_TOO_FAR: /* The zoom level is too big for this font; turn off zooming. */ recent.gui_zoom_level = 0; break; case FA_FONT_NOT_AVAILABLE: /* XXX - did we successfully load the un-zoomed version earlier? If so, this *probably* means the font is available, but not at this particular zoom level, but perhaps some other failure occurred; I'm not sure you can determine which is the case, however. */ /* turn off zooming - zoom level is unavailable */ default: /* in any other case than FA_SUCCESS, turn off zooming */ recent.gui_zoom_level = 0; /* XXX: would it be a good idea to disable zooming (insensitive GUI)? */ break; } dnd_init(top_level); if (!color_filters_init(&err_msg, color_filter_add_cb)) { simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_ERROR, ESD_BTN_OK, "%s", err_msg); g_free(err_msg); } #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP capture_filter_init(); #endif /* the window can be sized only, if it's not already shown, so do it now! */ main_load_window_geometry(top_level); g_timeout_add(info_update_freq, resolv_update_cb, NULL); /* this is to keep tap extensions updating once every 3 seconds */ tap_update_timer_id = g_timeout_add(global_commandline_info.prefs_p->tap_update_interval, tap_update_cb, NULL); /* If we were given the name of a capture file, read it in now; we defer it until now, so that, if we can't open it, and pop up an alert box, the alert box is more likely to come up on top of the main window - but before the preference-file-error alert box, so, if we get one of those, it's more likely to come up on top of us. */ if (global_commandline_info.cf_name) { show_main_window(TRUE); check_and_warn_user_startup(global_commandline_info.cf_name); if (global_commandline_info.rfilter != NULL) { if (!dfilter_compile(global_commandline_info.rfilter, &rfcode, &err_msg)) { bad_dfilter_alert_box(top_level, global_commandline_info.rfilter, err_msg); g_free(err_msg); rfilter_parse_failed = TRUE; } } if (ex_opt_count("read_format") > 0) { in_file_type = open_info_name_to_type(ex_opt_get_next("read_format")); } if (!rfilter_parse_failed) { if (cf_open(&cfile, global_commandline_info.cf_name, in_file_type, FALSE, &err) == CF_OK) { /* "cf_open()" succeeded, so it closed the previous capture file, and thus destroyed any previous read filter attached to "cf". */ cfile.rfcode = rfcode; /* Open stat windows; we do so after creating the main window, to avoid GTK warnings, and after successfully opening the capture file, so we know we have something to compute stats on, and after registering all dissectors, so that MATE will have registered its field array and we can have a tap filter with one of MATE's late-registered fields as part of the filter. */ start_requested_stats(); /* Read the capture file. */ switch (cf_read(&cfile, FALSE)) { case CF_READ_OK: case CF_READ_ERROR: /* Just because we got an error, that doesn't mean we were unable to read any of the file; we handle what we could get from the file. */ /* if the user told us to jump to a specific packet, do it now */ if(global_commandline_info.go_to_packet != 0) { /* Jump to the specified frame number, kept for backward compatibility. */ cf_goto_frame(&cfile, global_commandline_info.go_to_packet); } else if (global_commandline_info.jfilter != NULL) { /* try to compile given filter */ if (!dfilter_compile(global_commandline_info.jfilter, &jump_to_filter, &err_msg)) { bad_dfilter_alert_box(top_level, global_commandline_info.jfilter, err_msg); g_free(err_msg); } else { /* Filter ok, jump to the first packet matching the filter conditions. Default search direction is forward, but if option d was given, search backwards */ cf_find_packet_dfilter(&cfile, jump_to_filter, global_commandline_info.jump_backwards); } } break; case CF_READ_ABORTED: /* Exit now. */ exit(0); break; } /* If the filename is not the absolute path, prepend the current dir. This happens when wireshark is invoked from a cmd shell (e.g.,'wireshark -r file.pcap'). */ if (!g_path_is_absolute(global_commandline_info.cf_name)) { char *old_cf_name = global_commandline_info.cf_name; char *pwd = g_get_current_dir(); global_commandline_info.cf_name = g_strdup_printf("%s%s%s", pwd, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, global_commandline_info.cf_name); g_free(old_cf_name); g_free(pwd); } /* Save the name of the containing directory specified in the path name, if any; we can write over cf_name, which is a good thing, given that "get_dirname()" does write over its argument. */ s = get_dirname(global_commandline_info.cf_name); set_last_open_dir(s); g_free(global_commandline_info.cf_name); global_commandline_info.cf_name = NULL; } else { dfilter_free(rfcode); cfile.rfcode = NULL; show_main_window(FALSE); /* Don't call check_and_warn_user_startup(): we did it above */ main_set_for_capture_in_progress(FALSE); set_capture_if_dialog_for_capture_in_progress(FALSE); } } } else { #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP if (global_commandline_info.start_capture) { if (global_capture_opts.save_file != NULL) { /* Save the directory name for future file dialogs. */ /* (get_dirname overwrites filename) */ s = g_strdup(global_capture_opts.save_file); set_last_open_dir(get_dirname(s)); g_free(s); } /* "-k" was specified; start a capture. */ show_main_window(FALSE); check_and_warn_user_startup(global_commandline_info.cf_name); /* If no user interfaces were specified on the command line, copy the list of selected interfaces to the set of interfaces to use for this capture. */ if (global_capture_opts.ifaces->len == 0) collect_ifaces(&global_capture_opts); if (capture_start(&global_capture_opts, &global_capture_session, &global_info_data,main_window_update)) { /* The capture started. Open stat windows; we do so after creating the main window, to avoid GTK warnings, and after successfully opening the capture file, so we know we have something to compute stats on, and after registering all dissectors, so that MATE will have registered its field array and we can have a tap filter with one of MATE's late-registered fields as part of the filter. */ start_requested_stats(); } } else { show_main_window(FALSE); check_and_warn_user_startup(global_commandline_info.cf_name); main_set_for_capture_in_progress(FALSE); set_capture_if_dialog_for_capture_in_progress(FALSE); } /* if the user didn't supply a capture filter, use the one to filter out remote connections like SSH */ if (!global_commandline_info.start_capture && !global_capture_opts.default_options.cfilter) { global_capture_opts.default_options.cfilter = g_strdup(get_conn_cfilter()); } #else /* HAVE_LIBPCAP */ show_main_window(FALSE); check_and_warn_user_startup(global_commandline_info.cf_name); main_set_for_capture_in_progress(FALSE); set_capture_if_dialog_for_capture_in_progress(FALSE); #endif /* HAVE_LIBPCAP */ } if (global_commandline_info.dfilter) { GtkWidget *filter_te; filter_te = gtk_bin_get_child(GTK_BIN(g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(top_level), E_DFILTER_CM_KEY))); gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(filter_te), global_commandline_info.dfilter); /* Run the display filter so it goes in effect. */ main_filter_packets(&cfile, global_commandline_info.dfilter, FALSE); } profile_store_persconffiles (FALSE); g_log(LOG_DOMAIN_MAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Wireshark is up and ready to go"); #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP gtk_iface_mon_start(); #endif software_update_init(); /* we'll enter the GTK loop now and hand the control over to GTK ... */ gtk_main(); /* ... back from GTK, we're going down now! */ #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP gtk_iface_mon_stop(); #endif epan_cleanup(); extcap_cleanup(); AirPDcapDestroyContext(&airpdcap_ctx); #ifdef _WIN32 /* hide the (unresponsive) main window, while asking the user to close the console window */ if (G_IS_OBJECT(top_level)) gtk_widget_hide(top_level); software_update_cleanup(); /* Shutdown windows sockets */ WSACleanup(); /* For some unknown reason, the "atexit()" call in "create_console()" doesn't arrange that "destroy_console()" be called when we exit, so we call it here if a console was created. */ destroy_console(); #endif #ifdef HAVE_GDK_GRESOURCE main_unregister_resource(); #endif clean_exit: #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP capture_opts_cleanup(&global_capture_opts); #endif col_cleanup(&cfile.cinfo); free_filter_lists(); codecs_cleanup(); wtap_cleanup(); free_progdirs(); return ret; } #ifdef _WIN32 /* We build this as a GUI subsystem application on Win32, so "WinMain()", not "main()", gets called. Hack shamelessly stolen from the Win32 port of the GIMP. */ #ifdef __GNUC__ #define _stdcall __attribute__((stdcall)) #endif int _stdcall WinMain (struct HINSTANCE__ *hInstance, struct HINSTANCE__ *hPrevInstance, char *lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX comm_ctrl; /* * Initialize our DLL search path. MUST be called before LoadLibrary * or g_module_open. */ ws_init_dll_search_path(); /* Initialize our controls. Required for native Windows file dialogs. */ memset (&comm_ctrl, 0, sizeof(comm_ctrl)); comm_ctrl.dwSize = sizeof(comm_ctrl); /* Includes the animate, header, hot key, list view, progress bar, * status bar, tab, tooltip, toolbar, trackbar, tree view, and * up-down controls */ comm_ctrl.dwICC = ICC_WIN95_CLASSES; InitCommonControlsEx(&comm_ctrl); /* RichEd20.DLL is needed for native file dialog filter entries. */ ws_load_library("riched20.dll"); set_has_console(FALSE); set_console_wait(FALSE); return main (__argc, __argv); } #endif /* _WIN32 */ /* * Helper for main_widgets_rearrange() */ static void foreach_remove_a_child(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data) { gtk_container_remove(GTK_CONTAINER(data), widget); } static GtkWidget *main_widget_layout(gint layout_content) { switch(layout_content) { case(layout_pane_content_none): return NULL; case(layout_pane_content_plist): return pkt_scrollw; case(layout_pane_content_pdetails): return tv_scrollw; case(layout_pane_content_pbytes): return byte_nb_ptr_gbl; default: g_assert_not_reached(); return NULL; } } /* * Rearrange the main window widgets */ void main_widgets_rearrange(void) { GtkWidget *first_pane_widget1, *first_pane_widget2; GtkWidget *second_pane_widget1, *second_pane_widget2; gboolean split_top_left = FALSE; /* be a bit faster */ gtk_widget_hide(main_vbox); /* be sure we don't lose a widget while rearranging */ g_object_ref(G_OBJECT(menubar)); g_object_ref(G_OBJECT(main_tb)); g_object_ref(G_OBJECT(filter_tb)); g_object_ref(G_OBJECT(wireless_tb)); g_object_ref(G_OBJECT(pkt_scrollw)); g_object_ref(G_OBJECT(tv_scrollw)); g_object_ref(G_OBJECT(byte_nb_ptr_gbl)); g_object_ref(G_OBJECT(statusbar)); g_object_ref(G_OBJECT(main_pane_v1)); g_object_ref(G_OBJECT(main_pane_v2)); g_object_ref(G_OBJECT(main_pane_h1)); g_object_ref(G_OBJECT(main_pane_h2)); g_object_ref(G_OBJECT(welcome_pane)); /* empty all containers participating */ gtk_container_foreach(GTK_CONTAINER(main_vbox), foreach_remove_a_child, main_vbox); gtk_container_foreach(GTK_CONTAINER(main_pane_v1), foreach_remove_a_child, main_pane_v1); gtk_container_foreach(GTK_CONTAINER(main_pane_v2), foreach_remove_a_child, main_pane_v2); gtk_container_foreach(GTK_CONTAINER(main_pane_h1), foreach_remove_a_child, main_pane_h1); gtk_container_foreach(GTK_CONTAINER(main_pane_h2), foreach_remove_a_child, main_pane_h2); statusbar_widgets_emptying(statusbar); /* add the menubar always at the top */ gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(main_vbox), menubar, FALSE, TRUE, 0); /* main toolbar */ gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(main_vbox), main_tb, FALSE, TRUE, 0); /* filter toolbar in toolbar area */ if (!prefs.filter_toolbar_show_in_statusbar) { gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(main_vbox), filter_tb, FALSE, TRUE, 1); } /* airpcap toolbar */ gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(main_vbox), wireless_tb, FALSE, TRUE, 1); /* fill the main layout panes */ switch(prefs.gui_layout_type) { case(layout_type_5): main_first_pane = main_pane_v1; main_second_pane = main_pane_v2; split_top_left = FALSE; break; case(layout_type_2): main_first_pane = main_pane_v1; main_second_pane = main_pane_h1; split_top_left = FALSE; break; case(layout_type_1): main_first_pane = main_pane_v1; main_second_pane = main_pane_h1; split_top_left = TRUE; break; case(layout_type_4): main_first_pane = main_pane_h1; main_second_pane = main_pane_v1; split_top_left = FALSE; break; case(layout_type_3): main_first_pane = main_pane_h1; main_second_pane = main_pane_v1; split_top_left = TRUE; break; case(layout_type_6): main_first_pane = main_pane_h1; main_second_pane = main_pane_h2; split_top_left = FALSE; break; default: main_first_pane = NULL; main_second_pane = NULL; g_assert_not_reached(); } if (split_top_left) { first_pane_widget1 = main_second_pane; second_pane_widget1 = main_widget_layout(prefs.gui_layout_content_1); second_pane_widget2 = main_widget_layout(prefs.gui_layout_content_2); first_pane_widget2 = main_widget_layout(prefs.gui_layout_content_3); } else { first_pane_widget1 = main_widget_layout(prefs.gui_layout_content_1); first_pane_widget2 = main_second_pane; second_pane_widget1 = main_widget_layout(prefs.gui_layout_content_2); second_pane_widget2 = main_widget_layout(prefs.gui_layout_content_3); } if (first_pane_widget1 != NULL) gtk_paned_add1(GTK_PANED(main_first_pane), first_pane_widget1); if (first_pane_widget2 != NULL) gtk_paned_add2(GTK_PANED(main_first_pane), first_pane_widget2); if (second_pane_widget1 != NULL) gtk_paned_pack1(GTK_PANED(main_second_pane), second_pane_widget1, TRUE, TRUE); if (second_pane_widget2 != NULL) gtk_paned_pack2(GTK_PANED(main_second_pane), second_pane_widget2, FALSE, FALSE); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(main_vbox), main_first_pane, TRUE, TRUE, 0); /* welcome pane */ gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(main_vbox), welcome_pane, TRUE, TRUE, 0); /* statusbar */ gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(main_vbox), statusbar, FALSE, TRUE, 0); /* filter toolbar in statusbar hbox */ if (prefs.filter_toolbar_show_in_statusbar) { gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(statusbar), filter_tb, FALSE, TRUE, 1); } /* statusbar widgets */ statusbar_widgets_pack(statusbar); /* hide widgets on users recent settings */ main_widgets_show_or_hide(); gtk_widget_show(main_vbox); } static void is_widget_visible(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data) { gboolean *is_visible = ( gboolean *)data; if (!*is_visible) { if (gtk_widget_get_visible(widget)) *is_visible = TRUE; } } void main_widgets_show_or_hide(void) { gboolean main_second_pane_show; if (recent.main_toolbar_show) { gtk_widget_show(main_tb); } else { gtk_widget_hide(main_tb); } statusbar_widgets_show_or_hide(statusbar); if (recent.filter_toolbar_show) { gtk_widget_show(filter_tb); } else { gtk_widget_hide(filter_tb); } if (recent.wireless_toolbar_show) { gtk_widget_show(wireless_tb); } else { gtk_widget_hide(wireless_tb); } if (recent.packet_list_show && have_capture_file) { gtk_widget_show(pkt_scrollw); } else { gtk_widget_hide(pkt_scrollw); } if (recent.tree_view_show && have_capture_file) { gtk_widget_show(tv_scrollw); } else { gtk_widget_hide(tv_scrollw); } if (recent.byte_view_show && have_capture_file) { gtk_widget_show(byte_nb_ptr_gbl); } else { gtk_widget_hide(byte_nb_ptr_gbl); } if (have_capture_file) { gtk_widget_show(main_first_pane); } else { gtk_widget_hide(main_first_pane); } /* * Is anything in "main_second_pane" visible? * If so, show it, otherwise hide it. */ main_second_pane_show = FALSE; gtk_container_foreach(GTK_CONTAINER(main_second_pane), is_widget_visible, &main_second_pane_show); if (main_second_pane_show) { gtk_widget_show(main_second_pane); } else { gtk_widget_hide(main_second_pane); } if (!have_capture_file) { if(welcome_pane) { gtk_widget_show(welcome_pane); } } else { gtk_widget_hide(welcome_pane); } } /* called, when the window state changes (minimized, maximized, ...) */ static gboolean window_state_event_cb (GtkWidget *widget _U_, GdkEvent *event, gpointer data _U_) { GdkWindowState new_window_state = ((GdkEventWindowState*)event)->new_window_state; if( (event->type) == (GDK_WINDOW_STATE)) { if(!(new_window_state & GDK_WINDOW_STATE_ICONIFIED)) { /* we might have dialogs popped up while we where iconified, show em now */ display_queued_messages(); } } return FALSE; } #define NO_SHIFT_MOD_MASK (GDK_MODIFIER_MASK & ~(GDK_SHIFT_MASK|GDK_MOD2_MASK|GDK_LOCK_MASK)) static gboolean top_level_key_pressed_cb(GtkWidget *w _U_, GdkEventKey *event, gpointer user_data _U_) { if (event->keyval == GDK_F8) { packet_list_next(); return TRUE; } else if (event->keyval == GDK_F7) { packet_list_prev(); return TRUE; } else if (event->state & NO_SHIFT_MOD_MASK) { return FALSE; /* Skip control, alt, and other modifiers */ /* * A comment in gdkkeysyms.h says that it's autogenerated from * freedesktop.org/x.org's keysymdef.h. Although the GDK docs * don't explicitly say so, g_ascii_isprint() should work as expected * for values < 127. */ } else if (event->keyval < 256 && g_ascii_isprint(event->keyval)) { /* Forward the keypress on to the display filter entry */ if (main_display_filter_widget && !gtk_widget_is_focus(main_display_filter_widget)) { gtk_window_set_focus(GTK_WINDOW(top_level), main_display_filter_widget); gtk_editable_set_position(GTK_EDITABLE(main_display_filter_widget), -1); } return FALSE; } return FALSE; } static void create_main_window (gint pl_size, gint tv_size, gint bv_size) { GtkAccelGroup *accel; /* Main window */ top_level = window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL, ""); set_titlebar_for_capture_file(NULL); gtk_widget_set_name(top_level, "main window"); g_signal_connect(top_level, "delete_event", G_CALLBACK(main_window_delete_event_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(top_level), "window_state_event", G_CALLBACK(window_state_event_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(top_level), "key-press-event", G_CALLBACK(top_level_key_pressed_cb), NULL ); /* Vertical container for menu bar, toolbar(s), paned windows and progress/info box */ main_vbox = ws_gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 1, FALSE); gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(main_vbox), 0); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(top_level), main_vbox); gtk_widget_show(main_vbox); /* Menu bar */ menubar = main_menu_new(&accel); gtk_window_add_accel_group(GTK_WINDOW(top_level), accel); gtk_widget_show(menubar); /* Main Toolbar */ main_tb = toolbar_new(); gtk_widget_show (main_tb); /* Filter toolbar */ filter_tb = filter_toolbar_new(); /* Packet list */ pkt_scrollw = packet_list_create(); gtk_widget_set_size_request(pkt_scrollw, -1, pl_size); gtk_widget_show_all(pkt_scrollw); /* Tree view */ tv_scrollw = proto_tree_view_new(&tree_view_gbl); gtk_widget_set_size_request(tv_scrollw, -1, tv_size); gtk_widget_show(tv_scrollw); g_signal_connect(gtk_tree_view_get_selection(GTK_TREE_VIEW(tree_view_gbl)), "changed", G_CALLBACK(tree_view_selection_changed_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect(tree_view_gbl, "button_press_event", G_CALLBACK(popup_menu_handler), g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(popup_menu_object), PM_TREE_VIEW_KEY)); gtk_widget_show(tree_view_gbl); /* Byte view. */ byte_nb_ptr_gbl = byte_view_new(); gtk_widget_set_size_request(byte_nb_ptr_gbl, -1, bv_size); gtk_widget_show(byte_nb_ptr_gbl); g_signal_connect(byte_nb_ptr_gbl, "button_press_event", G_CALLBACK(popup_menu_handler), g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(popup_menu_object), PM_BYTES_VIEW_KEY)); /* Panes for the packet list, tree, and byte view */ main_pane_v1 = gtk_paned_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL); gtk_widget_show(main_pane_v1); main_pane_v2 = gtk_paned_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL); gtk_widget_show(main_pane_v2); main_pane_h1 = gtk_paned_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL); gtk_widget_show(main_pane_h1); main_pane_h2 = gtk_paned_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL); gtk_widget_show(main_pane_h2); #ifdef HAVE_AIRPCAP wireless_tb = airpcap_toolbar_new(); #else wireless_tb = ws80211_toolbar_new(); #endif gtk_widget_show(wireless_tb); /* status bar */ statusbar = statusbar_new(); gtk_widget_show(statusbar); /* Pane for the welcome screen */ welcome_pane = welcome_new(); gtk_widget_show(welcome_pane); } static void show_main_window(gboolean doing_work) { main_set_for_capture_file(doing_work); /*** we have finished all init things, show the main window ***/ gtk_widget_show(top_level); /* the window can be maximized only, if it's visible, so do it after show! */ main_load_window_geometry(top_level); /* process all pending GUI events before continue */ while (gtk_events_pending()) gtk_main_iteration(); /* Pop up any queued-up alert boxes. */ display_queued_messages(); /* Move the main window to the front, in case it isn't already there */ gdk_window_raise(gtk_widget_get_window(top_level)); #ifdef HAVE_AIRPCAP airpcap_toolbar_show(wireless_tb); #endif /* HAVE_AIRPCAP */ } static void copy_global_profile (const gchar *profile_name) { char *pf_dir_path, *pf_dir_path2, *pf_filename; if (create_persconffile_profile(profile_name, &pf_dir_path) == -1) { simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_ERROR, ESD_BTN_OK, "Can't create directory\n\"%s\":\n%s.", pf_dir_path, g_strerror(errno)); g_free(pf_dir_path); } if (copy_persconffile_profile(profile_name, profile_name, TRUE, &pf_filename, &pf_dir_path, &pf_dir_path2) == -1) { simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_ERROR, ESD_BTN_OK, "Can't copy file \"%s\" in directory\n\"%s\" to\n\"%s\":\n%s.", pf_filename, pf_dir_path2, pf_dir_path, g_strerror(errno)); g_free(pf_filename); g_free(pf_dir_path); g_free(pf_dir_path2); } } /* Change configuration profile */ void change_configuration_profile (const gchar *profile_name) { char *rf_path; int rf_open_errno; gchar* err_msg = NULL; /* First check if profile exists */ if (!profile_exists(profile_name, FALSE)) { if (profile_exists(profile_name, TRUE)) { /* Copy from global profile */ copy_global_profile (profile_name); } else { /* No personal and no global profile exists */ return; } } /* Then check if changing to another profile */ if (profile_name && strcmp (profile_name, get_profile_name()) == 0) { return; } /* Get the current geometry, before writing it to disk */ main_save_window_geometry(top_level); if (profile_exists(get_profile_name(), FALSE)) { /* Write recent file for profile we are leaving, if it still exists */ write_profile_recent(); } /* Set profile name and update the status bar */ set_profile_name (profile_name); profile_bar_update (); /* * Reset current preferences and enabled/disabled protocols and * heuristic dissectors. */ prefs_reset(); menu_prefs_reset(); proto_reenable_all(); /* * Read the configuration files for the new profile. */ (void) read_configuration_files(); if (!recent_read_profile_static(&rf_path, &rf_open_errno)) { simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_WARN, ESD_BTN_OK, "Could not open common recent file\n\"%s\": %s.", rf_path, g_strerror(rf_open_errno)); g_free(rf_path); } if (recent.gui_fileopen_remembered_dir && test_for_directory(recent.gui_fileopen_remembered_dir) == EISDIR) { set_last_open_dir(recent.gui_fileopen_remembered_dir); } timestamp_set_type (recent.gui_time_format); timestamp_set_seconds_type (recent.gui_seconds_format); packet_list_enable_color(recent.packet_list_colorize); prefs_to_capture_opts(); prefs_apply_all(); #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP update_local_interfaces(); #endif macros_post_update(); /* Update window view and redraw the toolbar */ main_titlebar_update(); filter_expression_reinit(FILTER_EXPRESSION_REINIT_CREATE); toolbar_redraw_all(); /* Reload color filters */ if (!color_filters_reload(&err_msg, color_filter_add_cb)) { simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_ERROR, ESD_BTN_OK, "%s", err_msg); g_free(err_msg); } /* Reload list of interfaces on welcome page */ welcome_if_panel_reload(); /* Recreate the packet list according to new preferences */ packet_list_recreate (); cfile.columns_changed = FALSE; /* Reset value */ user_font_apply(); /* Update menus with new recent values */ menu_recent_read_finished(); /* Reload pane geometry, must be done after recreating the list */ main_pane_load_window_geometry(); } void main_fields_changed (void) { gchar* err_msg = NULL; /* Reload color filters */ if (!color_filters_reload(&err_msg, color_filter_add_cb)) { simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_ERROR, ESD_BTN_OK, "%s", err_msg); g_free(err_msg); } /* Syntax check filter */ filter_te_syntax_check_cb(main_display_filter_widget, NULL); if (cfile.dfilter) { /* Check if filter is still valid */ dfilter_t *dfp = NULL; if (!dfilter_compile(cfile.dfilter, &dfp, NULL)) { /* Not valid. Enable 'Apply' button and remove dfilter. */ g_signal_emit_by_name(G_OBJECT(main_display_filter_widget), "changed"); g_free(cfile.dfilter); cfile.dfilter = NULL; } dfilter_free(dfp); } if (have_custom_cols(&cfile.cinfo)) { /* Recreate packet list according to new/changed/deleted fields */ packet_list_recreate(); } else if (cfile.state != FILE_CLOSED) { /* Redissect packets if we have any */ redissect_packets(); } destroy_packet_wins(); /* TODO: close windows until we can recreate */ proto_free_deregistered_fields(); } /** redissect packets and update UI */ void redissect_packets(void) { cf_redissect_packets(&cfile); status_expert_update(); } #ifdef HAVE_SOFTWARE_UPDATE /** Check to see if Wireshark can shut down safely (e.g. offer to save the * current capture). * Dummy. */ int software_update_can_shutdown_callback(void) { return FALSE; } /** Shut down Wireshark in preparation for an upgrade. * Dummy. */ void software_update_shutdown_request_callback(void) { } #endif /* * Editor modelines * * Local Variables: * c-basic-offset: 4 * tab-width: 8 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: * * ex: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab: * :indentSize=4:tabSize=8:noTabs=true: */