/* export_pdu_dlg.c * Routines for exporting PDU:s to file * * $Id$ * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include #include "globals.h" #include "wtap.h" #include "pcap-encap.h" #include "version_info.h" #include "wsutil/tempfile.h" #include #include #include "ui/alert_box.h" #include "ui/simple_dialog.h" #include "ui/gtk/capture_file_dlg.h" #include "ui/gtk/dlg_utils.h" #include "ui/gtk/gui_utils.h" #include "ui/gtk/filter_dlg.h" #include "ui/gtk/gtkglobals.h" #include "ui/gtk/filter_autocomplete.h" #include "ui/gtk/stock_icons.h" #include "ui/gtk/old-gtk-compat.h" #include "ui/gtk/export_pdu_dlg.h" static GtkWidget *export_pdu_dlg = NULL; typedef struct _exp_pdu_t { GtkWidget *filter_widget; GtkWidget *tap_name_widget; int pkt_encap; wtap_dumper* wdh; } exp_pdu_t; /* Main entry point to the tap */ static int export_pdu_packet(void *tapdata, packet_info *pinfo, epan_dissect_t *edt _U_, const void *data) { const exp_pdu_data_t *exp_pdu_data = (const exp_pdu_data_t *)data; exp_pdu_t *exp_pdu_tap_data = (exp_pdu_t *)tapdata; struct wtap_pkthdr pkthdr; int err; int buffer_len; guint8 *packet_buf; buffer_len = exp_pdu_data->tvb_length + exp_pdu_data->tlv_buffer_len; packet_buf = (guint8 *)g_malloc(buffer_len); if(exp_pdu_data->tlv_buffer_len > 0){ memcpy(packet_buf, exp_pdu_data->tlv_buffer, exp_pdu_data->tlv_buffer_len); g_free(exp_pdu_data->tlv_buffer); } if(exp_pdu_data->tvb_length > 0){ tvb_memcpy(exp_pdu_data->pdu_tvb, packet_buf+exp_pdu_data->tlv_buffer_len, 0, exp_pdu_data->tvb_length); } pkthdr.ts.secs = pinfo->fd->abs_ts.secs; pkthdr.ts.nsecs = pinfo->fd->abs_ts.nsecs; pkthdr.caplen = pkthdr.len = buffer_len; pkthdr.pkt_encap = exp_pdu_tap_data->pkt_encap; pkthdr.interface_id = 0; pkthdr.presence_flags = 0; pkthdr.opt_comment = g_strdup(pinfo->pkt_comment); pkthdr.drop_count = 0; pkthdr.pack_flags = 0; pkthdr.presence_flags = WTAP_HAS_CAP_LEN|WTAP_HAS_INTERFACE_ID|WTAP_HAS_TS|WTAP_HAS_PACK_FLAGS; wtap_dump(exp_pdu_tap_data->wdh, &pkthdr, packet_buf, &err); g_free(packet_buf); g_free(pkthdr.opt_comment); return FALSE; /* Do not redraw */ } static void export_pdu_reset(void *data _U_) { } /* Redraw the whole stats window */ static void export_pdu_draw(void *data _U_) { } static void exp_pdu_file_open(exp_pdu_t *exp_pdu_tap_data) { int import_file_fd; char *tmpname, *capfile_name; int err; /* pcapng defs */ wtapng_section_t *shb_hdr; wtapng_iface_descriptions_t *idb_inf; wtapng_if_descr_t int_data; GString *os_info_str; char appname[100]; /* Choose a random name for the temporary import buffer */ import_file_fd = create_tempfile(&tmpname, "Wireshark_PDU_"); capfile_name = g_strdup(tmpname); /* Create data for SHB */ os_info_str = g_string_new(""); get_os_version_info(os_info_str); g_snprintf(appname, sizeof(appname), "Wireshark " VERSION "%s", wireshark_svnversion); shb_hdr = g_new(wtapng_section_t,1); shb_hdr->section_length = -1; /* options */ shb_hdr->opt_comment = g_strdup_printf("Dump of PDU:s from %s", cfile.filename); shb_hdr->shb_hardware = NULL; /* UTF-8 string containing the * description of the hardware used to create this section. */ shb_hdr->shb_os = os_info_str->str; /* UTF-8 string containing the name * of the operating system used to create this section. */ g_string_free(os_info_str, FALSE); /* The actual string is not freed */ shb_hdr->shb_user_appl = appname; /* UTF-8 string containing the name * of the application used to create this section. */ /* Create fake IDB info */ idb_inf = g_new(wtapng_iface_descriptions_t,1); idb_inf->number_of_interfaces = 1; idb_inf->interface_data = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(wtapng_if_descr_t)); /* create the fake interface data */ int_data.wtap_encap = WTAP_ENCAP_WIRESHARK_UPPER_PDU; int_data.time_units_per_second = 1000000; /* default microsecond resolution */ int_data.link_type = wtap_wtap_encap_to_pcap_encap(WTAP_ENCAP_WIRESHARK_UPPER_PDU); int_data.snap_len = WTAP_MAX_PACKET_SIZE; int_data.if_name = g_strdup("Fake IF, PDU->Export"); int_data.opt_comment = NULL; int_data.if_description = NULL; int_data.if_speed = 0; int_data.if_tsresol = 6; int_data.if_filter_str = NULL; int_data.bpf_filter_len = 0; int_data.if_filter_bpf_bytes = NULL; int_data.if_os = NULL; int_data.if_fcslen = -1; int_data.num_stat_entries = 0; /* Number of ISB:s */ int_data.interface_statistics = NULL; g_array_append_val(idb_inf->interface_data, int_data); exp_pdu_tap_data->wdh = wtap_dump_fdopen_ng(import_file_fd, WTAP_FILE_TYPE_SUBTYPE_PCAPNG, WTAP_ENCAP_WIRESHARK_UPPER_PDU, WTAP_MAX_PACKET_SIZE, FALSE, shb_hdr, idb_inf, &err); if (exp_pdu_tap_data->wdh == NULL) { open_failure_alert_box(capfile_name, err, TRUE); goto end; } /* Run the tap */ cf_retap_packets(&cfile); if (!wtap_dump_close(exp_pdu_tap_data->wdh, &err)) { write_failure_alert_box(capfile_name, err); } remove_tap_listener(exp_pdu_tap_data); if (cf_open(&cfile, capfile_name, TRUE /* temporary file */, &err) != CF_OK) { open_failure_alert_box(capfile_name, err, FALSE); goto end; } switch (cf_read(&cfile, FALSE)) { case CF_READ_OK: case CF_READ_ERROR: /* Just because we got an error, that doesn't mean we were unable to read any of the file; we handle what we could get from the file. */ break; case CF_READ_ABORTED: /* The user bailed out of re-reading the capture file; the capture file has been closed - just free the capture file name string and return (without changing the last containing directory). */ break; } end: g_free(capfile_name); } static void export_pdu_destroy_cb(GtkWidget *win _U_, gpointer user_data _U_) { /* Note that we no longer have a export_pdu dialog box. */ export_pdu_dlg = NULL; } void do_export_pdu(gpointer data) { const char *filter = NULL; GString *error_string; exp_pdu_t *exp_pdu_tap_data = (exp_pdu_t *)data; gchar *tap_name = NULL; filter = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(exp_pdu_tap_data->filter_widget)); tap_name = gtk_combo_box_text_get_active_text(GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT(exp_pdu_tap_data->tap_name_widget)); /* Register this tap listener now */ error_string = register_tap_listener(tap_name, /* The name of the tap we want to listen to */ exp_pdu_tap_data, /* instance identifier/pointer to a struct holding * all state variables */ filter, /* pointer to a filter string */ TL_REQUIRES_NOTHING, /* flags for the tap listener */ export_pdu_reset, export_pdu_packet, export_pdu_draw); if (error_string){ /* Error. We failed to attach to the tap. Clean up */ simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_ERROR, ESD_BTN_OK, "%s", error_string->str); g_free(exp_pdu_tap_data); g_string_free(error_string, TRUE); return; } exp_pdu_file_open(exp_pdu_tap_data); window_destroy(export_pdu_dlg); } void export_pdu_show_cb(GtkWidget *w _U_, gpointer d _U_) { GtkWidget *main_vb, *bbox, *close_bt, *ok_bt; GtkWidget *grid, *filter_bt; exp_pdu_t *exp_pdu_tap_data; const char *filter = NULL; guint row; static construct_args_t args = { "Wireshark: Export PDUs Filter", TRUE, /* dialog should have an Apply button */ FALSE, /* if parent text widget should be activated on "Ok" or "Apply" */ FALSE /* dialog is modal and transient to the parent window */ }; if (export_pdu_dlg != NULL) { /* There's already a export_pdu dialog box; reactivate it. */ reactivate_window(export_pdu_dlg); return; } exp_pdu_tap_data = (exp_pdu_t *)g_malloc(sizeof(exp_pdu_t)); exp_pdu_tap_data->pkt_encap = wtap_wtap_encap_to_pcap_encap(WTAP_ENCAP_WIRESHARK_UPPER_PDU); export_pdu_dlg = window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL, "Wireshark: Export PDU:s to pcap-ng file"); g_signal_connect(export_pdu_dlg, "delete_event", G_CALLBACK(window_delete_event_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect(export_pdu_dlg, "destroy", G_CALLBACK(export_pdu_destroy_cb), NULL); main_vb = ws_gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0, FALSE); gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(main_vb), 3); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(export_pdu_dlg), main_vb); /* grid */ grid = ws_gtk_grid_new(); ws_gtk_grid_set_column_spacing(GTK_GRID(grid), 6); ws_gtk_grid_set_row_spacing(GTK_GRID(grid), 3); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(main_vb), grid, TRUE, TRUE, 0); row = 0; /* Filter button */ filter_bt=gtk_button_new_from_stock(WIRESHARK_STOCK_DISPLAY_FILTER_ENTRY); g_signal_connect(filter_bt, "clicked", G_CALLBACK(display_filter_construct_cb), &args); ws_gtk_grid_attach_defaults(GTK_GRID(grid), filter_bt, 0, row, 1, 1); gtk_widget_show(filter_bt); /* Entry */ exp_pdu_tap_data->filter_widget=gtk_entry_new(); g_signal_connect(exp_pdu_tap_data->filter_widget, "changed", G_CALLBACK(filter_te_syntax_check_cb), NULL); g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(grid), E_FILT_AUTOCOMP_PTR_KEY, NULL); g_signal_connect(exp_pdu_tap_data->filter_widget, "key-press-event", G_CALLBACK (filter_string_te_key_pressed_cb), NULL); g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(filter_bt), E_FILT_TE_PTR_KEY, exp_pdu_tap_data->filter_widget); filter=gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(main_display_filter_widget)); if(filter){ gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(exp_pdu_tap_data->filter_widget), filter); } else { colorize_filter_te_as_empty(exp_pdu_tap_data->filter_widget); } ws_gtk_grid_attach_defaults(GTK_GRID(grid), exp_pdu_tap_data->filter_widget, 1, row, 1, 1); gtk_widget_show(exp_pdu_tap_data->filter_widget); row++; /* Select which tap to run */ /* Combo box */ exp_pdu_tap_data->tap_name_widget = gtk_combo_box_text_new(); gtk_combo_box_text_append_text (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT(exp_pdu_tap_data->tap_name_widget), EXPORT_PDU_TAP_NAME_LAYER_7); gtk_combo_box_text_append_text (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT(exp_pdu_tap_data->tap_name_widget), EXPORT_PDU_TAP_NAME_LAYER_3); gtk_combo_box_text_append_text (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT(exp_pdu_tap_data->tap_name_widget), EXPORT_PDU_TAP_NAME_DVB_CI); gtk_combo_box_set_active(GTK_COMBO_BOX(exp_pdu_tap_data->tap_name_widget), 0); ws_gtk_grid_attach_defaults(GTK_GRID(grid), exp_pdu_tap_data->tap_name_widget, 0, row, 1, 1); gtk_widget_show(exp_pdu_tap_data->tap_name_widget); /* Setup the button row */ bbox = dlg_button_row_new(GTK_STOCK_OK, GTK_STOCK_CANCEL, NULL); gtk_box_pack_end(GTK_BOX(main_vb), bbox, FALSE, FALSE, 3); close_bt = (GtkWidget *)g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(bbox), GTK_STOCK_CANCEL); window_set_cancel_button(export_pdu_dlg, close_bt, window_cancel_button_cb); gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(close_bt, "Close this dialog"); ok_bt = (GtkWidget *)g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(bbox), GTK_STOCK_OK); g_signal_connect(ok_bt, "clicked", G_CALLBACK(file_export_pdu_ok_cb), exp_pdu_tap_data); gtk_widget_grab_default(ok_bt); gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(ok_bt, "Export PDU:s to a temporary capture file"); gtk_widget_show_all(export_pdu_dlg); window_present(export_pdu_dlg); } /* * Editor modelines * * Local Variables: * c-basic-offset: 4 * tab-width: 8 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: * * ex: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab: * :indentSize=4:tabSize=8:noTabs=true: */