/* conversation_hastables_dlg.c * Show conversation hastable info * * Copyright 2013 Anders Broman * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include "ui/gtk/dlg_utils.h" #include "ui/gtk/font_utils.h" #include "ui/gtk/gui_utils.h" #include "ui/gtk/conversation_hastables_dlg.h" static GtkWidget *conversation_hastables_dlg_w = NULL; #define CONV_STR_BUF_MAX 1024 /* * Compute the hash value for two given address/port pairs if the match * is to be exact. */ /* http://eternallyconfuzzled.com/tuts/algorithms/jsw_tut_hashing.aspx#existing * One-at-a-Time hash */ static guint conversation_hash_exact(gconstpointer v) { const conversation_key *key = (const conversation_key *)v; guint hash_val; int i; const guint8 *add_address_to_hash_data; hash_val = 0; #if 0 add_address_to_hash(hash_val, &key->addr1); hash_val += key->port1; add_address_to_hash(hash_val, &key->addr2); hash_val += key->port2; return hash_val; #endif for ( i = 0; i < key->addr1.len; i++ ) { add_address_to_hash_data = (const guint8 *)((&key->addr1)->data); hash_val += add_address_to_hash_data[i]; hash_val += ( hash_val << 10 ); hash_val ^= ( hash_val >> 6 ); } for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { add_address_to_hash_data = (const guint8 *)(&key->port1); hash_val += add_address_to_hash_data[i]; hash_val += ( hash_val << 10 ); hash_val ^= ( hash_val >> 6 ); } for ( i = 0; i < key->addr2.len; i++ ) { add_address_to_hash_data = (const guint8 *)((&key->addr2)->data); hash_val += add_address_to_hash_data[i]; hash_val += ( hash_val << 10 ); hash_val ^= ( hash_val >> 6 ); } for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { add_address_to_hash_data = (const guint8 *)(&key->port2); hash_val += add_address_to_hash_data[i]; hash_val += ( hash_val << 10 ); hash_val ^= ( hash_val >> 6 ); } hash_val += ( hash_val << 3 ); hash_val ^= ( hash_val >> 11 ); hash_val += ( hash_val << 15 ); return hash_val; } static guint conversation_hash_exact_old(gconstpointer v) { const conversation_key *key = (const conversation_key *)v; guint hash_val; hash_val = 0; add_address_to_hash(hash_val, &key->addr1); hash_val += key->port1; add_address_to_hash(hash_val, &key->addr2); hash_val += key->port2; return hash_val; } static void conversation_hashtable_exact_to_texbuff(gpointer key, gpointer value _U_, gpointer user_data) { gchar string_buff[CONV_STR_BUF_MAX]; GtkTextBuffer *buffer = (GtkTextBuffer*)user_data; /*conversation_t *conversation = (conversation_t *)value;*/ conversation_key *conv_key = (conversation_key*)key; g_snprintf(string_buff, CONV_STR_BUF_MAX, "Key:0x%x old key:0x%x\n",conversation_hash_exact(conv_key),conversation_hash_exact_old(conv_key)); gtk_text_buffer_insert_at_cursor (buffer, string_buff, -1); } static void conversation_info_to_texbuff(GtkTextBuffer *buffer) { gchar string_buff[CONV_STR_BUF_MAX]; GHashTable *conversation_hashtable_exact; GHashTable *conversation_hashtable_no_addr2; GHashTable *conversation_hashtable_no_port2; GHashTable *conversation_hashtable_no_addr2_or_port2; g_snprintf(string_buff, CONV_STR_BUF_MAX, "Conversation hastables info:\n"); gtk_text_buffer_insert_at_cursor (buffer, string_buff, -1); conversation_hashtable_exact = get_conversation_hashtable_exact(); if(conversation_hashtable_exact){ g_snprintf(string_buff, CONV_STR_BUF_MAX, "conversation_hashtable_exact %i entries\n#\n", g_hash_table_size(conversation_hashtable_exact)); gtk_text_buffer_insert_at_cursor (buffer, string_buff, -1); g_hash_table_foreach( conversation_hashtable_exact, conversation_hashtable_exact_to_texbuff, buffer); } conversation_hashtable_no_addr2 = get_conversation_hashtable_no_addr2(); if(conversation_hashtable_no_addr2){ g_snprintf(string_buff, CONV_STR_BUF_MAX, "conversation_hashtable_no_addr2 %i entries\n#\n", g_hash_table_size(conversation_hashtable_no_addr2)); gtk_text_buffer_insert_at_cursor (buffer, string_buff, -1); } conversation_hashtable_no_port2 = get_conversation_hashtable_no_port2(); if(conversation_hashtable_no_port2){ g_snprintf(string_buff, CONV_STR_BUF_MAX, "conversation_hashtable_no_port2 %i entries\n#\n", g_hash_table_size(conversation_hashtable_no_port2)); gtk_text_buffer_insert_at_cursor (buffer, string_buff, -1); } conversation_hashtable_no_addr2_or_port2 = get_conversation_hashtable_no_addr2_or_port2(); if(conversation_hashtable_no_addr2_or_port2){ g_snprintf(string_buff, CONV_STR_BUF_MAX, "conversation_hashtable_no_addr2_or_port2 %i entries\n#\n", g_hash_table_size(conversation_hashtable_no_addr2_or_port2)); gtk_text_buffer_insert_at_cursor (buffer, string_buff, -1); } } void conversation_hastables_dlg (GtkAction *action _U_, gpointer data _U_) { GtkWidget *vbox; GtkWidget *view; GtkWidget *scroll; GtkWidget *bbox; GtkWidget *ok_bt, *cancel_bt, *help_bt; GtkTextBuffer *buffer; conversation_hastables_dlg_w = dlg_window_new ("Conversation hastables"); gtk_widget_set_size_request (conversation_hastables_dlg_w, 750, 350); gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (conversation_hastables_dlg_w), TRUE); gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (conversation_hastables_dlg_w), DLG_OUTER_MARGIN); vbox = ws_gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, DLG_UNRELATED_SPACING, FALSE); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (conversation_hastables_dlg_w), vbox); gtk_widget_show (vbox); view = gtk_text_view_new (); gtk_text_view_set_wrap_mode(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(view), GTK_WRAP_WORD); buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view)); #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(3, 0, 0) gtk_widget_override_font(view, user_font_get_regular()); #else gtk_widget_modify_font(view, user_font_get_regular()); #endif gtk_widget_show (view); scroll = gtk_scrolled_window_new(NULL, NULL); gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(scroll), GTK_POLICY_NEVER, GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(scroll), view); gtk_widget_show(scroll); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX (vbox), scroll, TRUE, TRUE, 0); /* Get the address list */ conversation_info_to_texbuff(buffer); /* Button row. */ bbox = dlg_button_row_new (GTK_STOCK_OK, GTK_STOCK_CANCEL, GTK_STOCK_HELP, NULL); gtk_box_pack_end (GTK_BOX(vbox), bbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0); ok_bt = (GtkWidget *)g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT(bbox), GTK_STOCK_OK); /*g_signal_connect (ok_bt, "clicked", G_CALLBACK(pkt_comment_text_buff_ok_cb), view);*/ gtk_widget_set_sensitive (ok_bt, TRUE); cancel_bt = (GtkWidget *)g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT(bbox), GTK_STOCK_CANCEL); window_set_cancel_button (conversation_hastables_dlg_w, cancel_bt, window_cancel_button_cb); help_bt = (GtkWidget *)g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT(bbox), GTK_STOCK_HELP); #if 0 g_signal_connect (help_bt, "clicked",/* G_CALLBACK(topic_cb)*/NULL, /*(gpointer)HELP_MANUAL_ADDR_RESOLVE_DIALOG*/NULL); #endif gtk_widget_set_sensitive (help_bt, FALSE); gtk_widget_grab_default (ok_bt); /*g_signal_connect (conversation_hastables_dlg_w, "delete_event", G_CALLBACK(window_delete_event_cb), NULL);*/ gtk_widget_show (conversation_hastables_dlg_w); } /* * Editor modelines * * Local Variables: * c-basic-offset: 4 * tab-width: 8 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: * * ex: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab: * :indentSize=4:tabSize=8:noTabs=true: */