/* tap-scsistat.c 2010 Chris Costa and Cal Turney * * $Id$ * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include void register_tap_listener_scsistat(void); static guint8 scsi_program = 0; /* used to keep track of statistics for a specific procedure */ typedef struct _scsi_procedure_t { const char *proc; int num; nstime_t min; nstime_t max; nstime_t tot; } scsi_procedure_t; /* used to keep track of the statistics for an entire program interface */ typedef struct _scsistat_t { guint8 cmdset; char *filter; value_string_ext *cdbnames_ext; const char *prog; #define MAX_PROCEDURES 256 scsi_procedure_t *procedures; } scsistat_t; #define NANOSECS_PER_SEC 1000000000 static void scsistat_reset(void *prs) { scsistat_t *rs = (scsistat_t *)prs; guint32 i; for(i = 0; i < MAX_PROCEDURES; i++) { rs->procedures[i].num = 0; rs->procedures[i].min.secs = 0; rs->procedures[i].min.nsecs = 0; rs->procedures[i].max.secs = 0; rs->procedures[i].max.nsecs = 0; rs->procedures[i].tot.secs = 0; rs->procedures[i].tot.nsecs = 0; } } static int scsistat_packet(void *prs, packet_info *pinfo, epan_dissect_t *edt _U_, const void *pri) { scsistat_t *rs = (scsistat_t *)prs; const scsi_task_data_t *ri = (const scsi_task_data_t *)pri; nstime_t delta; scsi_procedure_t *rp; /* we are only interested in response packets */ if(ri->type != SCSI_PDU_TYPE_RSP) { return 0; } /* we are only interested in a specific commandset */ if( (!ri->itl) || ((ri->itl->cmdset&SCSI_CMDSET_MASK) != rs->cmdset) ) { return 0; } /* check that the opcode looks sane */ if( (!ri->itlq) || (ri->itlq->scsi_opcode > 255) ) { return 0; } rp = &(rs->procedures[ri->itlq->scsi_opcode]); /* calculate time delta between request and reply */ nstime_delta(&delta, &pinfo->fd->abs_ts, &ri->itlq->fc_time); if(rp->num == 0) { rp->max.secs = delta.secs; rp->max.nsecs = delta.nsecs; } if(rp->num == 0) { rp->min.secs = delta.secs; rp->min.nsecs = delta.nsecs; } if( (delta.secs < rp->min.secs) ||( (delta.secs == rp->min.secs) &&(delta.nsecs < rp->min.nsecs) ) ) { rp->min.secs = delta.secs; rp->min.nsecs = delta.nsecs; } if( (delta.secs > rp->max.secs) ||( (delta.secs == rp->max.secs) &&(delta.nsecs > rp->max.nsecs) ) ) { rp->max.secs = delta.secs; rp->max.nsecs= delta.nsecs; } rp->tot.secs += delta.secs; rp->tot.nsecs += delta.nsecs; if(rp->tot.nsecs > NANOSECS_PER_SEC) { rp->tot.nsecs -= NANOSECS_PER_SEC; rp->tot.secs++; } rp->num++; return 1; } static void scsistat_draw(void *prs) { scsistat_t *rs = (scsistat_t *)prs; guint32 i; guint64 td; printf("\n"); printf("===========================================================\n"); printf("SCSI %s SRT Statistics:\n", rs->prog); printf("Filter: %s\n", rs->filter?rs->filter:""); printf("Procedure Calls Min SRT Max SRT Avg SRT\n"); for(i=0; i < MAX_PROCEDURES; i++) { if(rs->procedures[i].num == 0) { continue; } /* scale it to units of 1us.*/ td = ((guint64)(rs->procedures[i].tot.secs)) * NANOSECS_PER_SEC + rs->procedures[i].tot.nsecs; td = ((td / rs->procedures[i].num) + 500) / 1000; printf("%-19s %6d %3d.%06u %3d.%06u %3d.%06u \n", rs->procedures[i].proc, rs->procedures[i].num, (int)(rs->procedures[i].min.secs), (rs->procedures[i].min.nsecs+500)/1000, (int)(rs->procedures[i].max.secs), (rs->procedures[i].max.nsecs+500)/1000, (int)(td/1000000), (int)(td%1000000) ); } printf("===========================================================\n"); } static void scsistat_init(const char *opt_arg, void* userdata _U_) { scsistat_t *rs; guint32 i; int program, pos; const char *filter = NULL; GString *error_string; pos = 0; if(sscanf(opt_arg, "scsi,srt,%d,%n", &program, &pos) == 1) { if(pos) { filter = opt_arg+pos; } else { filter = NULL; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "tshark: invalid \"-z scsi,srt,[,]\" argument\n"); exit(1); } scsi_program = program; rs = g_new(scsistat_t,1); if(filter) { rs->filter = g_strdup(filter); } else { rs->filter = NULL; } rs->cmdset = program; switch(program) { case SCSI_DEV_SBC: rs->prog = "SBC (disk)"; rs->cdbnames_ext = &scsi_sbc_vals_ext; break; case SCSI_DEV_SSC: rs->prog = "SSC (tape)"; rs->cdbnames_ext = &scsi_ssc_vals_ext; break; case SCSI_DEV_CDROM: rs->prog = "MMC (cd/dvd)"; rs->cdbnames_ext = &scsi_mmc_vals_ext; break; case SCSI_DEV_SMC: rs->prog = "SMC (tape robot)"; rs->cdbnames_ext = &scsi_smc_vals_ext; break; case SCSI_DEV_OSD: rs->prog = "OSD (object based)"; rs->cdbnames_ext = &scsi_osd_vals_ext; break; default: /* Default to the SBC (disk), since this is what EMC SCSI seem to always be */ rs->cmdset = 0; rs->prog = "SBC (disk)"; rs->cdbnames_ext = &scsi_sbc_vals_ext; break; } rs->procedures = g_new(scsi_procedure_t,MAX_PROCEDURES); for(i=0; i < MAX_PROCEDURES; i++) { rs->procedures[i].proc = val_to_str_ext(i, rs->cdbnames_ext, "Unknown-0x%02x"); rs->procedures[i].num = 0; rs->procedures[i].min.secs = 0; rs->procedures[i].min.nsecs = 0; rs->procedures[i].max.secs = 0; rs->procedures[i].max.nsecs = 0; rs->procedures[i].tot.secs = 0; rs->procedures[i].tot.nsecs = 0; } error_string = register_tap_listener("scsi", rs, filter, 0, scsistat_reset, scsistat_packet, scsistat_draw); if(error_string) { /* error, we failed to attach to the tap. clean up */ g_free(rs->procedures); g_free(rs->filter); g_free(rs); fprintf(stderr, "tshark: Couldn't register scsi,srt tap: %s\n", error_string->str); g_string_free(error_string, TRUE); exit(1); } } void register_tap_listener_scsistat(void) { register_stat_cmd_arg("scsi,srt,", scsistat_init, NULL); }