/* tap-follow.c * * Copyright 2011-2013, QA Cafe * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ /* This module provides udp and tcp follow stream capabilities to tshark. * It is only used by tshark and not wireshark. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include void register_tap_listener_follow(void); typedef struct _cli_follow_info { show_type_t show_type; register_follow_t* follower; /* range */ guint32 chunkMin; guint32 chunkMax; /* filter */ int stream_index; int port[2]; address addr[2]; union { guint32 addrBuf_v4; ws_in6_addr addrBuf_v6; } addrBuf[2]; } cli_follow_info_t; #define STR_FOLLOW "follow," #define STR_HEX ",hex" #define STR_ASCII ",ascii" #define STR_EBCDIC ",ebcdic" #define STR_RAW ",raw" WS_NORETURN static void follow_exit(const char *strp) { fprintf(stderr, "tshark: follow - %s\n", strp); exit(1); } static const char * follow_str_type(cli_follow_info_t* cli_follow_info) { switch (cli_follow_info->show_type) { case SHOW_HEXDUMP: return "hex"; case SHOW_ASCII: return "ascii"; case SHOW_EBCDIC: return "ebcdic"; case SHOW_RAW: return "raw"; default: g_assert_not_reached(); break; } g_assert_not_reached(); return ""; } static void follow_free(follow_info_t *follow_info) { cli_follow_info_t* cli_follow_info = (cli_follow_info_t*)follow_info->gui_data; g_free(cli_follow_info); follow_info_free(follow_info); } #define BYTES_PER_LINE 16 #define OFFSET_LEN 8 #define OFFSET_SPACE 2 #define HEX_START (OFFSET_LEN + OFFSET_SPACE) #define HEX_LEN (BYTES_PER_LINE * 3) /* extra space at column 8 */ #define HEX_SPACE 2 #define ASCII_START (HEX_START + HEX_LEN + HEX_SPACE) #define ASCII_LEN (BYTES_PER_LINE + 1) /* extra space at column 8 */ #define LINE_LEN (ASCII_START + ASCII_LEN) static const char bin2hex[] = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'}; static void follow_print_hex(const char *prefixp, guint32 offset, void *datap, int len) { int ii; int jj; int kk; guint8 val; char line[LINE_LEN + 1]; for (ii = 0, jj = 0, kk = 0; ii < len; ) { if ((ii % BYTES_PER_LINE) == 0) { /* new line */ g_snprintf(line, LINE_LEN + 1, "%0*X", OFFSET_LEN, offset); memset(line + HEX_START - OFFSET_SPACE, ' ', HEX_LEN + OFFSET_SPACE + HEX_SPACE); /* offset of hex */ jj = HEX_START; /* offset of ascii */ kk = ASCII_START; } val = ((guint8 *)datap)[ii]; line[jj++] = bin2hex[val >> 4]; line[jj++] = bin2hex[val & 0xf]; jj++; line[kk++] = val >= ' ' && val < 0x7f ? val : '.'; /* extra space at column 8 */ if (++ii % BYTES_PER_LINE == BYTES_PER_LINE/2) { line[jj++] = ' '; line[kk++] = ' '; } if ((ii % BYTES_PER_LINE) == 0 || ii == len) { /* end of line or buffer */ if (line[kk - 1] == ' ') { kk--; } line[kk] = 0; printf("%s%s\n", prefixp, line); offset += BYTES_PER_LINE; } } } static void follow_draw(void *contextp) { static const char separator[] = "===================================================================\n"; follow_info_t *follow_info = (follow_info_t*)contextp; cli_follow_info_t* cli_follow_info = (cli_follow_info_t*)follow_info->gui_data; gchar buf[WS_INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; guint32 global_client_pos = 0, global_server_pos = 0; guint32 *global_pos; guint32 ii, jj; char *buffer; GList *cur; follow_record_t *follow_record; guint chunk; printf("\n%s", separator); printf("Follow: %s,%s\n", proto_get_protocol_filter_name(get_follow_proto_id(cli_follow_info->follower)), follow_str_type(cli_follow_info)); printf("Filter: %s\n", follow_info->filter_out_filter); address_to_str_buf(&follow_info->client_ip, buf, sizeof buf); if (follow_info->client_ip.type == AT_IPv6) printf("Node 0: [%s]:%u\n", buf, follow_info->client_port); else printf("Node 0: %s:%u\n", buf, follow_info->client_port); address_to_str_buf(&follow_info->server_ip, buf, sizeof buf); if (follow_info->client_ip.type == AT_IPv6) printf("Node 1: [%s]:%u\n", buf, follow_info->server_port); else printf("Node 1: %s:%u\n", buf, follow_info->server_port); for (cur = g_list_last(follow_info->payload), chunk = 1; cur != NULL; cur = g_list_previous(cur), chunk++) { follow_record = (follow_record_t *)cur->data; if (!follow_record->is_server) { global_pos = &global_client_pos; } else { global_pos = &global_server_pos; } /* ignore chunks not in range */ if ((chunk < cli_follow_info->chunkMin) || (chunk > cli_follow_info->chunkMax)) { (*global_pos) += follow_record->data->len; continue; } switch (cli_follow_info->show_type) { case SHOW_HEXDUMP: break; case SHOW_ASCII: case SHOW_EBCDIC: printf("%s%u\n", follow_record->is_server ? "\t" : "", follow_record->data->len); break; case SHOW_RAW: if (follow_record->is_server) { putchar('\t'); } break; default: g_assert_not_reached(); } switch (cli_follow_info->show_type) { case SHOW_HEXDUMP: follow_print_hex(follow_record->is_server ? "\t" : "", *global_pos, follow_record->data->data, follow_record->data->len); (*global_pos) += follow_record->data->len; break; case SHOW_ASCII: case SHOW_EBCDIC: buffer = (char *)g_malloc(follow_record->data->len+2); for (ii = 0; ii < follow_record->data->len; ii++) { switch (follow_record->data->data[ii]) { case '\r': case '\n': buffer[ii] = follow_record->data->data[ii]; break; default: buffer[ii] = g_ascii_isprint(follow_record->data->data[ii]) ? follow_record->data->data[ii] : '.'; break; } } buffer[ii++] = '\n'; buffer[ii] = 0; if (cli_follow_info->show_type == SHOW_EBCDIC) { EBCDIC_to_ASCII(buffer, ii); } printf("%s", buffer); g_free(buffer); break; case SHOW_RAW: buffer = (char *)g_malloc((follow_record->data->len*2)+2); for (ii = 0, jj = 0; ii < follow_record->data->len; ii++) { buffer[jj++] = bin2hex[follow_record->data->data[ii] >> 4]; buffer[jj++] = bin2hex[follow_record->data->data[ii] & 0xf]; } buffer[jj++] = '\n'; buffer[jj] = 0; printf("%s", buffer); g_free(buffer); break; default: g_assert_not_reached(); } } printf("%s", separator); } static gboolean follow_arg_strncmp(const char **opt_argp, const char *strp) { size_t len = strlen(strp); if (strncmp(*opt_argp, strp, len) == 0) { *opt_argp += len; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static void follow_arg_mode(const char **opt_argp, follow_info_t *follow_info) { cli_follow_info_t* cli_follow_info = (cli_follow_info_t*)follow_info->gui_data; if (follow_arg_strncmp(opt_argp, STR_HEX)) { cli_follow_info->show_type = SHOW_HEXDUMP; } else if (follow_arg_strncmp(opt_argp, STR_ASCII)) { cli_follow_info->show_type = SHOW_ASCII; } else if (follow_arg_strncmp(opt_argp, STR_EBCDIC)) { cli_follow_info->show_type = SHOW_EBCDIC; } else if (follow_arg_strncmp(opt_argp, STR_RAW)) { cli_follow_info->show_type = SHOW_RAW; } else { follow_exit("Invalid display mode."); } } #define _STRING(s) # s #define STRING(s) _STRING(s) #define ADDR_CHARS 80 #define ADDR_LEN (ADDR_CHARS + 1) #define ADDRv6_FMT ",[%" STRING(ADDR_CHARS) "[^]]]:%d%n" #define ADDRv4_FMT ",%" STRING(ADDR_CHARS) "[^:]:%d%n" static void follow_arg_filter(const char **opt_argp, follow_info_t *follow_info) { int len; unsigned int ii; char addr[ADDR_LEN]; cli_follow_info_t* cli_follow_info = (cli_follow_info_t*)follow_info->gui_data; gboolean is_ipv6; if (sscanf(*opt_argp, ",%d%n", &cli_follow_info->stream_index, &len) == 1 && ((*opt_argp)[len] == 0 || (*opt_argp)[len] == ',')) { *opt_argp += len; } else { for (ii = 0; ii < sizeof cli_follow_info->addr/sizeof *cli_follow_info->addr; ii++) { if (sscanf(*opt_argp, ADDRv6_FMT, addr, &cli_follow_info->port[ii], &len) == 2) { is_ipv6 = TRUE; } else if (sscanf(*opt_argp, ADDRv4_FMT, addr, &cli_follow_info->port[ii], &len) == 2) { is_ipv6 = FALSE; } else { follow_exit("Invalid address."); } if (cli_follow_info->port[ii] <= 0 || cli_follow_info->port[ii] > G_MAXUINT16) { follow_exit("Invalid port."); } if (is_ipv6) { if (!get_host_ipaddr6(addr, &cli_follow_info->addrBuf[ii].addrBuf_v6)) { follow_exit("Can't get IPv6 address"); } set_address(&cli_follow_info->addr[ii], AT_IPv6, 16, (void *)&cli_follow_info->addrBuf[ii].addrBuf_v6); } else { if (!get_host_ipaddr(addr, &cli_follow_info->addrBuf[ii].addrBuf_v4)) { follow_exit("Can't get IPv4 address"); } set_address(&cli_follow_info->addr[ii], AT_IPv4, 4, (void *)&cli_follow_info->addrBuf[ii].addrBuf_v4); } *opt_argp += len; } if (cli_follow_info->addr[0].type != cli_follow_info->addr[1].type) { follow_exit("Mismatched IP address types."); } cli_follow_info->stream_index = -1; } } static void follow_arg_range(const char **opt_argp, cli_follow_info_t* cli_follow_info) { int len; if (**opt_argp == 0) { cli_follow_info->chunkMin = 1; cli_follow_info->chunkMax = G_MAXUINT32; } else { if (sscanf(*opt_argp, ",%u-%u%n", &cli_follow_info->chunkMin, &cli_follow_info->chunkMax, &len) == 2) { *opt_argp += len; } else if (sscanf(*opt_argp, ",%u%n", &cli_follow_info->chunkMin, &len) == 1) { cli_follow_info->chunkMax = cli_follow_info->chunkMin; *opt_argp += len; } else { follow_exit("Invalid range."); } if (cli_follow_info->chunkMin < 1 || cli_follow_info->chunkMin > cli_follow_info->chunkMax) { follow_exit("Invalid range value."); } } } static void follow_arg_done(const char *opt_argp) { if (*opt_argp != 0) { follow_exit("Invalid parameter."); } } static void follow_stream(const char *opt_argp, void *userdata) { follow_info_t *follow_info; cli_follow_info_t* cli_follow_info; GString *errp; register_follow_t* follower = (register_follow_t*)userdata; follow_index_filter_func index_filter; follow_address_filter_func address_filter; opt_argp += strlen(STR_FOLLOW); opt_argp += strlen(proto_get_protocol_filter_name(get_follow_proto_id(follower))); cli_follow_info = g_new0(cli_follow_info_t, 1); follow_info = g_new0(follow_info_t, 1); follow_info->gui_data = cli_follow_info; cli_follow_info->follower = follower; follow_arg_mode(&opt_argp, follow_info); follow_arg_filter(&opt_argp, follow_info); follow_arg_range(&opt_argp, cli_follow_info); follow_arg_done(opt_argp); if (cli_follow_info->stream_index >= 0) { index_filter = get_follow_index_func(follower); follow_info->filter_out_filter = index_filter(cli_follow_info->stream_index); if (follow_info->filter_out_filter == NULL) { follow_exit("Error creating filter for this stream."); } } else { address_filter = get_follow_address_func(follower); follow_info->filter_out_filter = address_filter(&cli_follow_info->addr[0], &cli_follow_info->addr[1], cli_follow_info->port[0], cli_follow_info->port[1]); if (follow_info->filter_out_filter == NULL) { follow_exit("Error creating filter for this address/port pair.\n"); } } errp = register_tap_listener(get_follow_tap_string(follower), follow_info, follow_info->filter_out_filter, 0, NULL, get_follow_tap_handler(follower), follow_draw, (tap_finish_cb)follow_free); if (errp != NULL) { follow_free(follow_info); g_string_free(errp, TRUE); follow_exit("Error registering tap listener."); } } static gboolean follow_register(const void *key _U_, void *value, void *userdata _U_) { register_follow_t *follower = (register_follow_t*)value; stat_tap_ui follow_ui; gchar *cli_string; cli_string = follow_get_stat_tap_string(follower); follow_ui.group = REGISTER_STAT_GROUP_GENERIC; follow_ui.title = NULL; /* construct this from the protocol info? */ follow_ui.cli_string = cli_string; follow_ui.tap_init_cb = follow_stream; follow_ui.nparams = 0; follow_ui.params = NULL; register_stat_tap_ui(&follow_ui, follower); g_free(cli_string); return FALSE; } void register_tap_listener_follow(void) { follow_iterate_followers(follow_register, NULL); } /* * Editor modelines - http://www.wireshark.org/tools/modelines.html * * Local Variables: * c-basic-offset: 2 * tab-width: 8 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: * * ex: set shiftwidth=2 tabstop=8 expandtab: * :indentSize=2:tabSize=8:noTabs=true: */