# # win-setup - Prepare a Windows development environment for building Wireshark. # # Copyright 2015 Gerald Combs # # Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer # By Gerald Combs # Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later #requires -version 2 # Makefile.nmake + win-setup.sh does: # - verify_tools: Checks required executables. CMake does this. # - clean_setup: Removes current and past lib dirs. # - process_libs: calls libverify or download for each lib. # To do: # - Make this the source of truth. Keep the list of libs here. # - Download everything unconditionally, at least initially. # Bugs: # - Unzipping from the shell seems to be slower than Cygwin's unzip or 7zip. <# .SYNOPSIS Prepare a Windows development environment for building Wireshark. .DESCRIPTION This script downloads and extracts third-party libraries required to compile Wireshark. .PARAMETER Destination Specifies the destination directory for the text files. The path must contain the pattern "wireshark-*-libs". .PARAMETER Platform Target platform. One of "win64" or "win32". .PARAMETER Force Download each library even if exists on the local system. .INPUTS -Destination Destination directory. -Platform Target platform. -Force Force fresh downloads. .OUTPUTS A set of libraries required to compile Wireshark on Windows, along with their compressed archives. A date stamp (current-tag.txt) .EXAMPLE C:\PS> .\tools\win-setup.ps1 -Destination C:\wireshark-master-64-libs -Platform win64 #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)] [ValidateScript({$_ -like "*\wireshark-*-libs"})] [String] $Destination, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)] [ValidateSet("win32", "win64")] [String] $Platform, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Switch] $Force ) # Variables # We create and delete files and directories. Bail out at the first sign of # trouble instead of trying to catch exceptions everywhere. $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" $Win64CurrentTag = "2018-05-02" $Win32CurrentTag = "2018-05-02" # Archive file / subdir. $Win64Archives = @{ "AirPcap_Devpack_4_1_0_1622.zip" = "AirPcap_Devpack_4_1_0_1622"; "bcg729-1.0.4-win64ws.zip" = ""; "c-ares-1.14.0-win64ws.zip" = ""; "gnutls-3.4.11-1.35-win64ws.zip" = ""; "glib2-2.52.2-1.31-win64ws.zip" = ""; "json-glib-1.0.2-4.31-win64ws.zip" = ""; "kfw-3-2-2-x64-ws.zip" = ""; "libgcrypt-1.7.6-win64ws.zip" = ""; "libsmi-svn-40773-win64ws.zip" = ""; "libssh-0.7.3-1-win64ws.zip" = ""; "libxml2-2.9.4-win64ws.zip" = ""; "lua-5.2.4_Win64_dllw4_lib.zip" = "lua5.2.4"; "lz4-1.7.5-win64ws.zip" = ""; "MaxMindDB-1.3.2-win64ws.zip" = ""; "nghttp2-1.14.0-1-win64ws.zip" = ""; "sbc-1.3-1-win64ws.zip" = ""; "snappy-1.1.3-1-win64ws.zip" = ""; "spandsp-0.0.6-1-win64ws.zip" = ""; "WinSparkle-0.5.7.zip" = ""; "WpdPack_4_1_2.zip" = ""; "zlib-1.2.11-ws.zip" = ""; } $Win32Archives = @{ "AirPcap_Devpack_4_1_0_1622.zip" = "AirPcap_Devpack_4_1_0_1622"; "bcg729-1.0.4-win32ws.zip" = ""; "c-ares-1.14.0-win32ws.zip" = ""; "gnutls-3.4.11-1.36-win32ws.zip" = ""; "glib2-2.52.2-1.34-win32ws.zip" = ""; "json-glib-1.0.2-4.37-win32ws.zip" = ""; "kfw-3-2-2-i386-ws-vc6.zip" = ""; "libgcrypt-1.7.6-win32ws.zip" = ""; "libsmi-svn-40773-win32ws.zip" = ""; "libssh-0.7.3-1-win32ws.zip" = ""; "libxml2-2.9.4-win32ws.zip" = ""; "lua-5.2.4_Win32_dllw4_lib.zip" = "lua5.2.4"; "lz4-1.7.5-win32ws.zip" = ""; "MaxMindDB-1.3.2-win32ws.zip" = ""; "nghttp2-1.14.0-1-win32ws.zip" = ""; "sbc-1.3-1-win32ws.zip" = ""; "snappy-1.1.3-1-win32ws.zip" = ""; "spandsp-0.0.6-1-win32ws.zip" = ""; "WinSparkle-0.5.7.zip" = ""; "WpdPack_4_1_2.zip" = ""; "zlib-1.2.11-ws.zip" = ""; } # Plain file downloads $Win32Files = @( "WinPcap_4_1_3.exe"; "USBPcapSetup-"; ) $Win64Files = @( "WinPcap_4_1_3.exe"; "USBPcapSetup-"; ) $Archives = $Win64Archives; $Files = $Win64Files; $CurrentTag = $Win64CurrentTag; if ($Platform -eq "win32") { $Archives = $Win32Archives; $Files = $Win32Files; $CurrentTag = $Win32CurrentTag; } $CleanupItems = @( "bcg729-1.0.4-win??ws" "c-ares-1.9.1-1-win??ws" "c-ares-1.1*-win??ws" "gnutls-3.1.22-*-win??ws" "gnutls-3.2.15-*-win??ws" "gnutls-3.4.11-*-win??ws" "glib2-2.*-win??ws" "gtk2" "gtk3" "json-glib-1.0.2-*-win??ws" "kfw-3-2-2-final" "kfw-3-2-2-i386-ws-vc6" "kfw-3-2-2-x64-ws" "libgcrypt-1.7.6-win??ws" "libsmi-0.4.8" "libsmi-svn-40773-win??ws" "libssh-0.7.?-win??ws" "libxml2-*-win??ws" "lua5.1.4" "lua5.2.?" "lz4-*-win??ws" "MaxMindDB-1.3.2-win??ws" "nghttp2-*-win??ws" "portaudio_v19" "portaudio_v19_2" "sbc-1.3-win??ws" "snappy-1.1.3-win??ws" "spandsp-0.0.6-win??ws" "upx301w" "upx303w" "user-guide" "zlib-1.2.5" "zlib-1.2.8" "zlib-1.2.*-ws" "AirPcap_Devpack_4_1_0_1622" "GeoIP-1.*-win??ws" "WinSparkle-0.3-44-g2c8d9d3-win??ws" "WinSparkle-0.5.?" "WpdPack" "current-tag.txt" ) [Uri] $DownloadPrefix = "https://anonsvn.wireshark.org/wireshark-$($Platform)-libs/tags/$($CurrentTag)/packages" $Global:SevenZip = "7-zip-not-found" # Functions function DownloadFile($fileName, [Uri] $fileUrl = $null) { if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($fileUrl)) { $fileUrl = "$DownloadPrefix/$fileName" } $destinationFile = "$fileName" if ((Test-Path $destinationFile -PathType 'Leaf') -and -not ($Force)) { Write-Output "$destinationFile already there; not retrieving." return } $proxy = [System.Net.WebRequest]::GetSystemWebProxy() $proxy.Credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultCredentials Write-Output "Downloading $fileUrl into $Destination" $webClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient $webClient.proxy = $proxy $webClient.DownloadFile($fileUrl, "$Destination\$destinationFile") } # Find 7-Zip, downloading it if necessary. # If we ever add NuGet support we might be able to use # https://github.com/thoemmi/7Zip4Powershell function Bootstrap7Zip() { $searchExes = @("7z.exe", "7za.exe") $binDir = "$Destination\bin" # First, check $env:Path. foreach ($exe in $searchExes) { if (Get-Command $exe -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { $Global:SevenZip = "$exe" Write-Output "Found 7-zip on the path" return } } # Next, look in a few likely places. $searchDirs = @( "${env:ProgramFiles}\7-Zip" "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\7-Zip" "${env:ProgramW6432}\7-Zip" "${env:ChocolateyInstall}\bin" "${env:ChocolateyInstall}\tools" "$binDir" ) foreach ($dir in $searchDirs) { if ($dir -ne $null -and (Test-Path $dir -PathType 'Container')) { foreach ($exe in $searchExes) { if (Test-Path "$dir\$exe" -PathType 'Leaf') { $Global:SevenZip = "$dir\$exe" Write-Output "Found 7-zip at $dir\$exe" return } } } } # Finally, download a copy from anonsvn. if ( -not (Test-Path $binDir -PathType 'Container') ) { New-Item -ItemType 'Container' "$binDir" > $null } Write-Output "Unable to find 7-zip, retrieving from anonsvn into $binDir\7za.exe" [Uri] $bbUrl = "https://anonsvn.wireshark.org/wireshark-win32-libs/trunk/bin/7za.exe" DownloadFile "bin\7za.exe" "$bbUrl" $Global:SevenZip = "$binDir\7za.exe" } function DownloadArchive($fileName, $subDir) { DownloadFile $fileName # $shell = New-Object -com shell.application $archiveFile = "$Destination\$fileName" $archiveDir = "$Destination\$subDir" if ($subDir -and -not (Test-Path $archiveDir -PathType 'Container')) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $archiveDir > $null } $activity = "Extracting into $($archiveDir)" Write-Progress -Activity "$activity" -Status "Running 7z x $archiveFile ..." & "$SevenZip" x "-o$archiveDir" -y "$archiveFile" 2>&1 | Set-Variable -Name SevenZOut $bbStatus = $LASTEXITCODE Write-Progress -Activity "$activity" -Status "Done" -Completed if ($bbStatus -gt 0) { Write-Output $SevenZOut exit 1 } } # On with the show # Make sure $Destination exists and do our work there. if ( -not (Test-Path $Destination -PathType 'Container') ) { New-Item -ItemType 'Container' "$Destination" > $null } # CMake's file TO_NATIVE_PATH passive-aggressively omits the drive letter. Set-Location "$Destination" $Destination = $(Get-Item -Path ".\") Write-Output "Working in $Destination" # Check our last known state $destinationTag = "INVALID" $tagFile = "current_tag.txt" if ((Test-Path $tagFile -PathType 'Leaf') -and -not ($Force)) { $destinationTag = Get-Content $tagFile } if ($destinationTag -ne $CurrentTag) { Write-Output "Tag $CurrentTag not found. Refreshing." Bootstrap7Zip $activity = "Removing directories" foreach ($oldItem in $CleanupItems) { if (Test-Path $oldItem) { Write-Progress -Activity "$activity" -Status "Removing $oldItem" Remove-Item -force -recurse $oldItem } } Write-Progress -Activity "$activity" -Status "Done" -Completed } else { Write-Output "Tag $CurrentTag found. Skipping." exit 0 } # Download files foreach ($item in $Files) { DownloadFile $item } # Download and extract archives foreach ($item in $Archives.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -property key) { DownloadArchive $item.Name $item.Value } # Save our last known state Set-Content -Path $tagFile -Value "$CurrentTag"