#!/bin/bash # # Copyright 2013 Gerald Combs # # Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer # By Gerald Combs # Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # Common variables and functions for fuzz and randpkt tests. # This needs to point to a 'date' that supports %s. if [ -z "$TEST_TYPE" ] ; then echo "TEST_TYPE must be defined by the sourcing script." exit 1 fi DATE=/bin/date BASE_NAME=$TEST_TYPE-$($DATE +%Y-%m-%d)-$$ # Directory containing binaries. Default: cmake run directory. if [ -z "$WIRESHARK_BIN_DIR" ]; then WIRESHARK_BIN_DIR=run fi # Temporary file directory and names. # (had problems with this on cygwin, tried TMP_DIR=./ which worked) TMP_DIR=/tmp if [ "$OSTYPE" == "cygwin" ] ; then TMP_DIR=$(cygpath --windows "$TMP_DIR") fi TMP_FILE=$BASE_NAME.pcap ERR_FILE=$BASE_NAME.err # Loop this many times (< 1 loops forever) MAX_PASSES=0 # These may be set to your liking # Stop the child process if it's running longer than x seconds MAX_CPU_TIME=600 # Stop the child process if it's using more than y * 1024 bytes MAX_VMEM=1000000 # Stop the child process if its stack is larger than than z * 1024 bytes # Windows XP: 2033 # Windows 7: 2034 # Mac OS X 10.6: 8192 # Linux 2.6.24: 8192 # Solaris 10: 8192 MAX_STACK=2033 # Insert z times an error into the capture file (0.02 seems to be a good value to find errors) ERR_PROB=0.02 # Call *after* any changes to WIRESHARK_BIN_DIR (e.g., via command-line options) function ws_bind_exec_paths() { # Tweak the following to your liking. Editcap must support "-E". TSHARK="$WIRESHARK_BIN_DIR/tshark" EDITCAP="$WIRESHARK_BIN_DIR/editcap" CAPINFOS="$WIRESHARK_BIN_DIR/capinfos" RANDPKT="$WIRESHARK_BIN_DIR/randpkt" if [ "$WIRESHARK_BIN_DIR" = "." ]; then export WIRESHARK_RUN_FROM_BUILD_DIRECTORY=1 fi } function ws_check_exec() { NOTFOUND=0 for i in "$@" ; do if [ ! -x "$i" ]; then echo "Couldn't find \"$i\"" NOTFOUND=1 fi done if [ $NOTFOUND -eq 1 ]; then exit 1 fi } ############################################################################## ### Set up environment variables for fuzz testing ### ############################################################################## # Use the Wmem strict allocator which does canaries and scrubbing etc. export WIRESHARK_DEBUG_WMEM_OVERRIDE=strict # Abort if a dissector adds too many items to the tree export WIRESHARK_ABORT_ON_TOO_MANY_ITEMS= # Turn on GLib memory debugging (since 2.13) export G_SLICE=debug-blocks # Cause glibc (Linux) to abort() if some memory errors are found export MALLOC_CHECK_=3 # Cause FreeBSD (and other BSDs) to abort() on allocator warnings and # initialize allocated memory (to 0xa5) and freed memory (to 0x5a). see: # https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=malloc&apropos=0&sektion=0&manpath=FreeBSD+8.2-RELEASE&format=html export MALLOC_OPTIONS=AJ # macOS options; see https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/Performance/Conceptual/ManagingMemory/Articles/MallocDebug.html # Initialize allocated memory to 0xAA and freed memory to 0x55 export MallocPreScribble=1 export MallocScribble=1 # Add guard pages before and after large allocations export MallocGuardEdges=1 # Call abort() if heap corruption is detected. Heap is checked every 1000 # allocations (may need to be tuned!) export MallocCheckHeapStart=1000 export MallocCheckHeapEach=1000 export MallocCheckHeapAbort=1 # Call abort() if an illegal free() call is made export MallocBadFreeAbort=1 # Address Sanitizer options export ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=0 # See if we were configured with gcc or clang's AddressSanitizer. CONFIGURED_WITH_ASAN=0 # If tshark is built with ASAN this will generate an error. We could # also pass help=1 and look for help text. ASAN_OPTIONS=Invalid_Option_Flag $TSHARK -h > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then CONFIGURED_WITH_ASAN=1 fi export CONFIGURED_WITH_ASAN # Create an error report function ws_exit_error() { echo -e "\n ERROR" echo -e "Processing failed. Capture info follows:\n" echo " Input file: $CF" echo " Output file: $TMP_DIR/$TMP_FILE" echo " Pass: $PASS" echo # Fill in build information { echo -e "Branch: $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)\n" echo -e "Input file: $CF\n" echo -e "Build host information:" uname -srvm lsb_release -a 2> /dev/null if [ -n "$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH" ] ; then echo -e "\nBranch: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH" fi if [ -n "$CI_JOB_NAME" ] ; then echo -e "\nCI job name: $CI_JOB_NAME, ID: $CI_JOB_ID" fi echo -e "\nReturn value: " $RETVAL echo -e "\nDissector bug: " $DISSECTOR_BUG echo -e "\nValgrind error count: " $VG_ERR_CNT if [ -d "${GIT_DIR:-.git}" ] ; then echo -e "\nLatest (but not necessarily the problem) commit:" git log --max-count=1 --oneline fi } > "$TMP_DIR/${ERR_FILE}.header" # Trim the stderr output if needed ERR_SIZE=$(du -sk $TMP_DIR/$ERR_FILE | awk '{ print $1 }') if [ $ERR_SIZE -ge 5000 ] ; then mv $TMP_DIR/$ERR_FILE $TMP_DIR/${ERR_FILE}.full head -n 2000 $TMP_DIR/${ERR_FILE}.full > $TMP_DIR/$ERR_FILE echo -e "\n\n[ Output removed ]\n\n" >> $TMP_DIR/$ERR_FILE tail -n 2000 $TMP_DIR/${ERR_FILE}.full >> $TMP_DIR/$ERR_FILE rm -f $TMP_DIR/${ERR_FILE}.full fi cat $TMP_DIR/${ERR_FILE} >> $TMP_DIR/${ERR_FILE}.header mv $TMP_DIR/${ERR_FILE}.header $TMP_DIR/${ERR_FILE} echo -e "stderr follows:\n" cat $TMP_DIR/$ERR_FILE exit 255 }