#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2019, Dario Lombardo # # Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer # By Gerald Combs # Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # # This script generates a Wireshark skeleton dissector, based on the example in the doc/ directory. # # Example usage: # # generate-dissector.py --name "My Self" --email "myself@example.com" --protoname "The dumb protocol" # --protoshortname DUMB --protoabbrev dumb --license GPL-2.0-or-later --years "2019-2020" # import os import argparse from datetime import datetime parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='The Wireshark Dissector Generator') parser.add_argument("--name", help="The author of the dissector", required=True) parser.add_argument("--email", help="The email address of the author", required=True) parser.add_argument("--protoname", help="The name of the protocol", required=True) parser.add_argument("--protoshortname", help="The protocol short name", required=True) parser.add_argument("--protoabbrev", help="The protocol abbreviation", required=True) parser.add_argument("--license", help="The license for this dissector (please use a SPDX-License-Identifier). If omitted, GPL-2.0-or-later will be used") parser.add_argument("--years", help="Years of validity for the license. If omitted, the current year will be used") parser.add_argument("-f", "--force", action='store_true', help="Force overwriting the dissector file if it already exists") def wsdir(): return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..")) def output_file(args): return os.path.join(wsdir(), "epan/dissectors/packet-" + args.protoabbrev + ".c") def read_skeleton(): skeletonfile = os.path.join(wsdir(), "doc/packet-PROTOABBREV.c") print("Reading skeleton file: " + skeletonfile) return open(skeletonfile).read() def replace_fields(buffer, args): print("Replacing fields in skeleton") output = buffer\ .replace("YOUR_NAME", args.name)\ .replace("YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS", args.email)\ .replace("PROTONAME", args.protoname)\ .replace("PROTOSHORTNAME", args.protoshortname)\ .replace("PROTOABBREV", args.protoabbrev)\ .replace("FIELDNAME", "Sample Field")\ .replace("FIELDABBREV", "sample_field")\ .replace("FT_FIELDTYPE", "FT_STRING")\ .replace("FIELDDISPLAY", "BASE_NONE")\ .replace("FIELDCONVERT", "NULL")\ .replace("BITMASK", "0x0")\ .replace("FIELDDESCR", "NULL")\ .replace("MAX_NEEDED_FOR_HEURISTICS", "1")\ .replace("TEST_HEURISTICS_FAIL", "0")\ .replace("ENC_xxx", "ENC_NA")\ .replace("EXPERTABBREV", "expert")\ .replace("PI_GROUP", "PI_PROTOCOL")\ .replace("PI_SEVERITY", "PI_ERROR")\ .replace("TEST_EXPERT_condition", "0")\ .replace("const char *subtree", "\"\"") if args.license: output = output.replace("LICENSE", args.license) else: output = output.replace("LICENSE", "GPL-2.0-or-later") if args.years: output = output.replace("YEARS", args.years) else: output = output.replace("YEARS", str(datetime.now().year)) return output def write_dissector(buffer, args): ofile = output_file(args) if os.path.isfile(ofile) and not args.force: raise Exception("The file " + ofile + " already exists. You're likely overwriting an existing dissector.") print("Writing output file: " + ofile) return open(ofile, "w").write(buffer) def patch_makefile(args): cmakefile = os.path.join(wsdir(), "epan/dissectors/CMakeLists.txt") print("Patching makefile: " + cmakefile) output = "" patchline = "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/packet-" + args.protoabbrev + ".c" in_group = False patched = False for line in open(cmakefile): line_strip = line.strip() if in_group and line_strip == ")": in_group = False if in_group and not patched and line_strip > patchline: output += "\t" + patchline + "\n" patched = True if line_strip == "set(DISSECTOR_SRC": in_group = True if line_strip != patchline: output += line open(cmakefile, "w").write(output) def print_header(): print("") print("**************************************************") print("* Wireshark skeleton dissector generator *") print("* *") print("* Generate a new dissector for your protocol *") print("* starting from the skeleton provided in the *") print("* doc directory. *") print("* *") print("* Copyright 2019 Dario Lombardo *") print("**************************************************") print("") def print_trailer(args): print("") print("The skeleton for the dissector of the " + args.protoshortname + " protocol has been generated.") print("Please review/extend it to match your specific criterias.") print("") if __name__ == '__main__': print_header() args = parser.parse_args() buffer = replace_fields(read_skeleton(), args) write_dissector(buffer, args) patch_makefile(args) print_trailer(args)