#!/usr/bin/env perl # # Copyright 2013, William Meier (See AUTHORS file) # # Validate hf_... and ei_... usage for a dissector file; # # Usage: checkhf.pl [--debug=?] # # Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer # By Gerald Combs # Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # ## Note: This program is a re-implementation of the ## original checkhf.pl written and (C) by Joerg Mayer. ## The overall objective of the new implementation was to reduce ## the number of false positives which occurred with the ## original checkhf.pl ## ## This program can be used to scan original .c source files or source ## files which have been passed through a C pre-processor. ## Operating on pre-processed source files is optimal; There should be ## minimal false positives. ## If the .c input is an original source file there may very well be ## false positives/negatives due to the fact that the hf_... variables & etc ## may be created via macros. ## ## ----- (The following is extracted from the original checkhf.pl with thanks to Joerg) ------- ## Example: ## ~/work/wireshark/trunk/epan/dissectors> ../../tools/checkhf.pl packet-afs.c ## Unused entry: packet-afs.c, hf_afs_ubik_voteend ## Unused entry: packet-afs.c, hf_afs_ubik_errcode ## Unused entry: packet-afs.c, hf_afs_ubik_votetype ## ERROR: NO ARRAY: packet-afs.c, hf_afs_fs_ipaddr ## ## or checkhf.pl packet-*.c, which will check all the dissector files. ## ## NOTE: This tool currently generates false positives! ## ## The "NO ARRAY" messages - if accurate - points to an error that will ## cause (t|wire)shark to report a DISSECTOR_BUG when a packet containing ## this particular element is being dissected. ## ## The "Unused entry" message indicates the opposite: We define an entry but ## never use it (e.g., in a proto_...add... function). ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Main # # Logic: # 1. Clean the input: remove blank lines, comments, quoted strings and code under '#if 0'. # 2. hf_defs: # Find (and remove from input) list of hf_... variable # definitions ('static? g?int hf_... ;') # 2. hf_array_entries: # Find (and remove from input) list of hf_... variables # referenced in the hf[] entries; # 3. hf_usage: # From the remaining input, extract list of all strings of form hf_... # (which may include strings which are not actually valid # hf_... variable references). # 4. Checks: # If entries in hf_defs not in hf_usage then "unused" (for static hf_defs only) # If entries in hf_defs not in hf_array_entries then "ERROR: NO ARRAY"; use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; my $help_flag = ''; my $debug = 0; # default: off; 1=cmt; 2=#if0; 3=hf_defs; 4=hf_array_entries; 5=hfusage (See code) my $sts = GetOptions( 'debug=i' => \$debug, 'help|?' => \$help_flag ); if (!$sts || $help_flag || !$ARGV[0]) { usage(); } my $error = 0; while (my $filename = $ARGV[0]) { shift; my ($file_contents); my (%hf_defs, %hf_static_defs, %hf_array_entries, %hf_usage); my ($unused_href, $no_array_href); my (%ei_defs, %ei_static_defs, %ei_array_entries, %ei_usage); my ($unused_ei, $no_array_ei); read_file(\$filename, \$file_contents); remove_comments (\$file_contents, $filename); remove_blank_lines (\$file_contents, $filename); remove_quoted_strings(\$file_contents, $filename); remove_if0_code (\$file_contents, $filename); find_remove_hf_defs (\$file_contents, $filename, \%hf_defs); find_remove_hf_array_entries (\$file_contents, $filename, \%hf_array_entries); find_remove_proto_get_id_hf_assignments(\$file_contents, $filename, \%hf_array_entries); find_hf_usage (\$file_contents, $filename, \%hf_usage); find_remove_ei_defs (\$file_contents, $filename, \%ei_defs); find_remove_ei_array_entries (\$file_contents, $filename, \%ei_array_entries); find_ei_usage (\$file_contents, $filename, \%ei_usage); # Tests (See above) # 1. Are all the static hf_defs and ei_defs entries in hf_usage and ei_usage? # if not: "Unused entry:" # # create a hash containing entries just for the static definitions @hf_static_defs{grep {$hf_defs{$_} == 0} keys %hf_defs} = (); # All values in the new hash will be undef @ei_static_defs{grep {$ei_defs{$_} == 0} keys %ei_defs} = (); # All values in the new hash will be undef $unused_href = diff_hash(\%hf_static_defs, \%hf_usage); remove_hf_pid_from_unused_if_add_oui_call(\$file_contents, $filename, $unused_href); $unused_ei = diff_hash(\%ei_static_defs, \%ei_usage); print_list("Unused href entry: $filename, ", $unused_href); print_list("Unused ei entry: $filename, ", $unused_ei); # 2. Are all the hf_defs and ei_ entries (static and global) in [hf|ei]_array_entries ? # (Note: if a static hf_def or ei is "unused", don't check for same in [hf|ei]_array_entries) # if not: "ERROR: NO ARRAY" ## Checking for missing global defs currently gives false positives ## So: only check static defs for now. ## $no_array_href = diff_hash(\%hf_defs, \%hf_array_entries); $no_array_href = diff_hash(\%hf_static_defs, \%hf_array_entries); $no_array_href = diff_hash($no_array_href, $unused_href); # Remove "unused" hf_... from no_array list $no_array_ei = diff_hash(\%ei_static_defs, \%ei_array_entries); $no_array_ei = diff_hash($no_array_ei, $unused_ei); # Remove "unused" ei_... from no_array list print_list("ERROR: NO ARRAY: $filename, ", $no_array_href); print_list("ERROR: NO ARRAY: $filename, ", $no_array_ei); if ((keys %{$no_array_href}) != 0) { $error += 1; } if ((keys %{$no_array_ei}) != 0) { $error += 1; } } exit (($error == 0) ? 0 : 1); # exit 1 if ERROR # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub usage { print "Usage: $0 [--debug=n] Filename [...]\n"; exit(1); } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # action: read contents of a file to specified string # arg: filename_ref, file_contents_ref sub read_file { my ($filename_ref, $file_contents_ref) = @_; die "No such file: \"${$filename_ref}\"\n" if (! -e ${$filename_ref}); # delete leading './' ${$filename_ref} =~ s{ ^ [.] / } {}xmso; # Read in the file (ouch, but it's easier that way) open(my $fci, "<:crlf", ${$filename_ref}) || die("Couldn't open ${$filename_ref}"); ${$file_contents_ref} = do { local( $/ ) ; <$fci> } ; close($fci); return; } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # action: Create a hash containing entries in 'a' that are not in 'b' # arg: a_href, b_href # returns: pointer to hash sub diff_hash { my ($a_href, $b_href) = @_; my %diffs; @diffs{grep {! exists $b_href->{$_}} keys %{$a_href}} = (); # All values in the new hash will be undef return \%diffs; } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # action: print a list # arg: hdr, list_href sub print_list { my ($hdr, $list_href) = @_; print map {"$hdr$_\n"} sort keys %{$list_href}; return; } # ------------ # action: remove blank lines from input string # arg: code_ref, filename sub remove_blank_lines { my ($code_ref, $filename) = @_; ${$code_ref} =~ s{ ^ \s* \n ? } {}xmsog; return; } # ------------ # action: remove comments from input string # arg: code_ref, filename sub remove_comments { my ($code_ref, $filename) = @_; # The below Regexp is based on one from: # http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Rx/Recipe/59811 # It is in the public domain. # A complicated regex which matches C-style comments. my $c_comment_regex = qr{ / [*] [^*]* [*]+ (?: [^/*] [^*]* [*]+ )* / }xmso; ${$code_ref} =~ s{ $c_comment_regex } {}xmsog; ($debug == 1) && print "==> After Remove Comments: code: [$filename]\n${$code_ref}\n===<\n"; return; } # ------------ # action: remove quoted strings from input string # arg: code_ref, filename sub remove_quoted_strings { my ($code_ref, $filename) = @_; # A regex which matches double-quoted strings. # 's' modifier added so that strings containing a 'line continuation' # ( \ followed by a new-line) will match. my $double_quoted_str = qr{ (?: ["] (?: \\. | [^\"\\])* ["]) }xmso; # A regex which matches single-quoted strings. my $single_quoted_str = qr{ (?: ['] (?: \\. | [^\'\\])* [']) }xmso; ${$code_ref} =~ s{ $double_quoted_str | $single_quoted_str } {}xmsog; ($debug == 1) && print "==> After Remove quoted strings: code: [$filename]\n${$code_ref}\n===<\n"; return; } # ------------- # action: remove '#if 0'd code from the input string # args code_ref, filename # # Essentially: Use s//patsub/meg to pass each line to patsub. # patsub monitors #if/#if 0/etc and determines # if a particular code line should be removed. # XXX: This is probably pretty inefficient; # I could imagine using another approach such as converting # the input string to an array of lines and then making # a pass through the array deleting lines as needed. { # block begin my ($if_lvl, $if0_lvl, $if0); # shared vars sub remove_if0_code { my ($code_ref, $filename) = @_; # First see if any '#if 0' lines which need to be handled if (${$code_ref} !~ m{ \# \s* if \s+ 0 }xmso ) { return; } my ($preproc_regex) = qr{ ( # $1 [complete line) ^ (?: # non-capturing \s* \# \s* (if \s 0| if | else | endif) # $2 (only if #...) ) ? [^\n]* \n ? ) }xmso; ($if_lvl, $if0_lvl, $if0) = (0,0,0); ${$code_ref} =~ s{ $preproc_regex } { patsub($1,$2) }xmsoeg; ($debug == 2) && print "==> After Remove if0: code: [$filename]\n${$code_ref}\n===<\n"; return; } sub patsub { if ($debug == 99) { print "-->$_[0]\n"; (defined $_[1]) && print " >$_[1]<\n"; } # #if/#if 0/#else/#endif processing if (defined $_[1]) { my ($if) = $_[1]; if ($if eq 'if') { $if_lvl += 1; } elsif ($if eq 'if 0') { $if_lvl += 1; if ($if0_lvl == 0) { $if0_lvl = $if_lvl; $if0 = 1; # inside #if 0 } } elsif ($if eq 'else') { if ($if0_lvl == $if_lvl) { $if0 = 0; } } elsif ($if eq 'endif') { if ($if0_lvl == $if_lvl) { $if0 = 0; $if0_lvl = 0; } $if_lvl -= 1; if ($if_lvl < 0) { die "patsub: #if/#endif mismatch" } } return $_[0]; # don't remove preprocessor lines themselves } # not preprocessor line: See if under #if 0: If so, remove if ($if0 == 1) { return ''; # remove } return $_[0]; } } # block end # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # action: Add to hash an entry for each # 'static? g?int hf_...' definition (including array names) # in the input string. # The entry value will be 0 for 'static' definitions and 1 for 'global' definitions; # Remove each definition found from the input string. # args: code_ref, filename, hf_defs_href # returns: ref to the hash sub find_remove_hf_defs { my ($code_ref, $filename, $hf_defs_href) = @_; # Build pattern to match any of the following # static? g?int hf_foo = -1; # static? g?int hf_foo[xxx]; # static? g?int hf_foo[xxx] = { # p1: 'static? g?int hf_foo' my $p1_regex = qr{ ^ \s* (static \s+)? g?int \s+ (hf_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+) # hf_.. }xmso; # p2a: ' = -1;' my $p2a_regex = qr{ \s* = \s* (?: - \s* 1 ) \s* ; }xmso; # p2b: '[xxx];' or '[xxx] = {' my $p2b_regex = qr/ \s* \[ [^\]]+ \] \s* (?: = \s* [{] | ; ) /xmso; my $hf_def_regex = qr{ $p1_regex (?: $p2a_regex | $p2b_regex ) }xmso; while (${$code_ref} =~ m{ $hf_def_regex }xmsog) { #print ">%s< >$2<\n", (defined $1) ? $1 ; ""; $hf_defs_href->{$2} = (defined $1) ? 0 : 1; # 'static' if $1 is defined. } ($debug == 3) && debug_print_hash("VD: $filename", $hf_defs_href); # VariableDefinition # remove all ${$code_ref} =~ s{ $hf_def_regex } {}xmsog; ($debug == 3) && print "==> After remove hf_defs: code: [$filename]\n${$code_ref}\n===<\n"; return; } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # action: Add to hash an entry (hf_...) for each hf[] entry. # Remove each hf[] entries found from the input string. # args: code_ref, filename, hf_array_entries_href sub find_remove_hf_array_entries { my ($code_ref, $filename, $hf_array_entries_href) = @_; # hf[] entry regex (to extract an hf_index_name and associated field type) my $hf_array_entry_regex = qr / [{] \s* & \s* ( [a-zA-Z0-9_]+ ) # &hf (?: \s* [[] [^]]+ []] # optional array ref ) ? \s* , \s* [{] [^}]+ , \s* (FT_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+) # field type \s* , [^}]+ , \s* (?: HFILL | HF_REF_TYPE_NONE ) [^}]* } [\s,]* [}] /xmso; # find all the hf[] entries (searching ${$code_ref}). while (${$code_ref} =~ m{ $hf_array_entry_regex }xmsog) { ($debug == 98) && print "+++ $1 $2\n"; $hf_array_entries_href->{$1} = undef; } ($debug == 4) && debug_print_hash("AE: $filename", $hf_array_entries_href); # ArrayEntry # now remove all ${$code_ref} =~ s{ $hf_array_entry_regex } {}xmsog; ($debug == 4) && print "==> After remove hf_array_entries: code: [$filename]\n${$code_ref}\n===<\n"; return; } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # action: Add to hash an entry (hf_...) for each hf_... var # found in statements of the form: # 'hf_... = proto_registrar_get_id_byname ...' # 'hf_... = proto_get_id_by_filtername ...' # Remove each such statement found from the input string. # args: code_ref, filename, hf_array_entries_href sub find_remove_proto_get_id_hf_assignments { my ($code_ref, $filename, $hf_array_entries_href) = @_; my $_regex = qr{ ( hf_ [a-zA-Z0-9_]+ ) \s* = \s* (?: proto_registrar_get_id_byname | proto_get_id_by_filter_name ) }xmso; my @hfvars = ${$code_ref} =~ m{ $_regex }xmsog; if (@hfvars == 0) { return; } # found: # Sanity check: hf_vars shouldn't already be in hf_array_entries if (defined @$hf_array_entries_href{@hfvars}) { printf "? one or more of [@hfvars] initialized via proto_registrar_get_by_name() also in hf[] ??\n"; } # Now: add to hf_array_entries @$hf_array_entries_href{@hfvars} = (); ($debug == 4) && debug_print_hash("PR: $filename", $hf_array_entries_href); # remove from input (so not considered as 'usage') ${$code_ref} =~ s{ $_regex } {}xmsog; ($debug == 4) && print "==> After remove proto_registrar_by_name: code: [$filename]\n${$code_ref}\n===<\n"; return; } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # action: Add to hash all hf_... strings remaining in input string. # arga: code_ref, filename, hf_usage_href # return: ref to hf_usage hash # # The hash will include *all* strings of form hf_... # which are in the input string (even strings which # aren't actually vars). # We don't care since we'll be checking only # known valid vars against these strings. sub find_hf_usage { my ($code_ref, $filename, $hf_usage_href) = @_; my $hf_usage_regex = qr{ \b ( hf_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+ ) # hf_... }xmso; while (${$code_ref} =~ m{ $hf_usage_regex }xmsog) { #print "$1\n"; $hf_usage_href->{$1} += 1; } ($debug == 5) && debug_print_hash("VU: $filename", $hf_usage_href); # VariableUsage return; } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # action: Remove from 'unused' hash an instance of a variable named hf_..._pid # if the source has a call to llc_add_oui() or ieee802a_add_oui(). # (This is rather a bit of a hack). # arga: code_ref, filename, unused_href sub remove_hf_pid_from_unused_if_add_oui_call { my ($code_ref, $filename, $unused_href) = @_; if ((keys %{$unused_href}) == 0) { return; } my @hfvars = grep { m/ ^ hf_ [a-zA-Z0-9_]+ _pid $ /xmso} keys %{$unused_href}; if ((@hfvars == 0) || (@hfvars > 1)) { return; # if multiple unused hf_..._pid } if (${$code_ref} !~ m{ llc_add_oui | ieee802a_add_oui }xmso) { return; } # hf_...pid unused var && a call to ..._add_oui(); delete entry from unused # XXX: maybe hf_..._pid should really be added to hfUsed ? delete @$unused_href{@hfvars}; return; } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # action: Add to hash an entry for each # 'static? expert_field ei_...' definition (including array names) # in the input string. # The entry value will be 0 for 'static' definitions and 1 for 'global' definitions; # Remove each definition found from the input string. # args: code_ref, filename, hf_defs_href # returns: ref to the hash sub find_remove_ei_defs { my ($code_ref, $filename, $ei_defs_eiref) = @_; # Build pattern to match any of the following # static? expert_field ei_foo = -1; # static? expert_field ei_foo[xxx]; # static? expert_field ei_foo[xxx] = { # p1: 'static? expert_field ei_foo' my $p1_regex = qr{ ^ \s* (static \s+)? expert_field \s+ (ei_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+) # ei_.. }xmso; # p2a: ' = EI_INIT;' my $p2a_regex = qr{ \s* = \s* (?: EI_INIT ) \s* ; }xmso; # p2b: '[xxx];' or '[xxx] = {' my $p2b_regex = qr/ \s* \[ [^\]]+ \] \s* (?: = \s* [{] | ; ) /xmso; my $ei_def_regex = qr{ $p1_regex (?: $p2a_regex | $p2b_regex ) }xmso; while (${$code_ref} =~ m{ $ei_def_regex }xmsog) { #print ">%s< >$2<\n", (defined $1) ? $1 ; ""; $ei_defs_eiref->{$2} = (defined $1) ? 0 : 1; # 'static' if $1 is defined. } ($debug == 3) && debug_print_hash("VD: $filename", $ei_defs_eiref); # VariableDefinition # remove all ${$code_ref} =~ s{ $ei_def_regex } {}xmsog; ($debug == 3) && print "==> After remove ei_defs: code: [$filename]\n${$code_ref}\n===<\n"; return; } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # action: Add to hash an entry (ei_...) for each ei[] entry. # Remove each ei[] entries found from the input string. # args: code_ref, filename, ei_array_entries_href sub find_remove_ei_array_entries { my ($code_ref, $filename, $ei_array_entries_eiref) = @_; # ei[] entry regex (to extract an ei_index_name and associated field type) my $ei_array_entry_regex = qr / [{] \s* & \s* ( [a-zA-Z0-9_]+ ) # &ei (?: \s* [[] [^]]+ []] # optional array ref ) ? \s* , \s* [{] [^}]+ , \s* (PI_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+) # event group \s* , \s* (PI_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+) # event severity \s* , [^}]+ , \s* (?: EXPFILL ) [^}]* } [\s,]* [}] /xmso; # find all the ei[] entries (searching ${$code_ref}). while (${$code_ref} =~ m{ $ei_array_entry_regex }xmsog) { ($debug == 98) && print "+++ $1 $2\n"; $ei_array_entries_eiref->{$1} = undef; } ($debug == 4) && debug_print_hash("AE: $filename", $ei_array_entries_eiref); # ArrayEntry # now remove all ${$code_ref} =~ s{ $ei_array_entry_regex } {}xmsog; ($debug == 4) && print "==> After remove ei_array_entries: code: [$filename]\n${$code_ref}\n===<\n"; return; } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # action: Add to hash all ei_... strings remaining in input string. # arga: code_ref, filename, ei_usage_eiref # return: ref to ei_usage hash # # The hash will include *all* strings of form ei_... # which are in the input string (even strings which # aren't actually vars). # We don't care since we'll be checking only # known valid vars against these strings. sub find_ei_usage { my ($code_ref, $filename, $ei_usage_eiref) = @_; my $ei_usage_regex = qr{ \b ( ei_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+ ) # ei_... }xmso; while (${$code_ref} =~ m{ $ei_usage_regex }xmsog) { #print "$1\n"; $ei_usage_eiref->{$1} += 1; } ($debug == 5) && debug_print_hash("VU: $filename", $ei_usage_eiref); # VariableUsage return; } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- sub debug_print_hash { my ($title, $href) = @_; ##print "==> $title\n"; for my $k (sort keys %{$href}) { my $h = defined($href->{$k}) ? $href->{$k} : "undef"; printf "%-40.40s %5.5s %s\n", $title, $h, $k; } }