#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer # By Gerald Combs # Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later import os import re import argparse import signal import subprocess # This utility scans the dissector code for proto_tree_add_...() calls that constrain the type # or length of the item added, and checks that the used item is acceptable. # # Note that this can only work where the hf_item variable or length is passed in directly - where it # is assigned to a different variable or a macro is used, it isn't tracked. # TODO: # Currently assuming we'll find call + first 2 args in same line... # Attempt to check for allowed encoding types (most likely will be literal values |'d)? # Try to exit soon after Ctrl-C is pressed. should_exit = False def signal_handler(sig, frame): global should_exit should_exit = True print('You pressed Ctrl+C - exiting') signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) warnings_found = 0 errors_found = 0 # A call is an individual call to an API we are interested in. # Internal to APICheck below. class Call: def __init__(self, hf_name, line_number=None, length=None): self.hf_name = hf_name self.line_number = line_number self.length = None if length: try: self.length = int(length) except: pass # A check for a particular API function. class APICheck: def __init__(self, fun_name, allowed_types): self.fun_name = fun_name self.allowed_types = allowed_types self.calls = [] if fun_name.startswith('ptvcursor'): # RE captures function name + 1st 2 args (always ptvc + hfindex) self.p = re.compile('.*' + self.fun_name + '\(([a-zA-Z0-9_]+),\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)') elif fun_name.find('add_bitmask') == -1: # RE captures function name + 1st 2 args (always tree + hfindex) self.p = re.compile('.*' + self.fun_name + '\(([a-zA-Z0-9_]+),\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)') else: # RE captures function name + 1st + 4th args (always tree + hfindex) self.p = re.compile('.*' + self.fun_name + '\(([a-zA-Z0-9_]+),\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_]+,\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_]+,\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)') self.file = None def find_calls(self, file): self.file = file self.calls = [] with open(file, 'r') as f: for line_number, line in enumerate(f, start=1): m = self.p.match(line) if m: self.calls.append(Call(m.group(2), line_number=line_number)) def check_against_items(self, items): for call in self.calls: if call.hf_name in items: if not items[call.hf_name].item_type in self.allowed_types: # Report this issue. print('Error: ' + self.fun_name + '(.., ' + call.hf_name + ', ...) called at ' + self.file + ':' + str(call.line_number) + ' with type ' + items[call.hf_name].item_type) print(' (allowed types are', self.allowed_types, ')\n') # Inc global count of issues found. global errors_found errors_found += 1 class ProtoTreeAddItemCheck(APICheck): def __init__(self, ptv=None): # RE will capture whole call. N.B. only looking at calls with literal numerical length field. if not ptv: # proto_item * # proto_tree_add_item(proto_tree *tree, int hfindex, tvbuff_t *tvb, # const gint start, gint length, const guint encoding) self.fun_name = 'proto_tree_add_item' self.p = re.compile('.*' + self.fun_name + '\([a-zA-Z0-9_]+,\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+),\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_]+,\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_]+,\s*([0-9]+),\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)') else: # proto_item * # ptvcursor_add(ptvcursor_t *ptvc, int hfindex, gint length, # const guint encoding) self.fun_name = 'ptvcursor_add' self.p = re.compile('.*' + self.fun_name + '\([a-zA-Z0-9_]+,\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+),\s*([0-9]+),\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)') self.lengths = {} self.lengths['FT_CHAR'] = 1 self.lengths['FT_UINT8'] = 1 self.lengths['FT_INT8'] = 1 self.lengths['FT_UINT16'] = 2 self.lengths['FT_INT16'] = 2 self.lengths['FT_UINT24'] = 3 self.lengths['FT_INT24'] = 3 self.lengths['FT_UINT32'] = 4 self.lengths['FT_INT32'] = 4 self.lengths['FT_UINT40'] = 5 self.lengths['FT_INT40'] = 5 self.lengths['FT_UINT48'] = 6 self.lengths['FT_INT48'] = 6 self.lengths['FT_UINT56'] = 7 self.lengths['FT_INT56'] = 7 self.lengths['FT_UINT64'] = 8 self.lengths['FT_INT64'] = 8 # TODO: for FT_BOOLEAN, could take length from 2nd arg (which is in bits...) self.lengths['FT_ETHER'] = 6 # TODO: other types... def find_calls(self, file): self.file = file self.calls = [] with open(file, 'r') as f: # TODO: would be better to just iterate over those found in whole file, # but extra effort would be needed to still know line number. for line_number, line in enumerate(f, start=1): m = self.p.match(line) if m: self.calls.append(Call(m.group(1), line_number=line_number, length=m.group(2))) def check_against_items(self, items): # For now, only complaining if length if call is longer than the item type implies. # # Could also be bugs where the length is always less than the type allows. # Would involve keeping track (in the item) of whether any call had used the full length. for call in self.calls: if call.hf_name in items: if call.length and items[call.hf_name].item_type in self.lengths: if self.lengths[items[call.hf_name].item_type] < call.length: print('Warning:', self.file + ':' + str(call.line_number), self.fun_name + ' called for', call.hf_name, ' - ', 'item type is', items[call.hf_name].item_type, 'but call has len', call.length) global warnings_found warnings_found += 1 ################################################################################################## # This is a set of items (by filter name) where we know that the bitmask is non-contiguous, # but is still believed to be correct. known_non_contiguous_fields = { 'wlan.fixed.capabilities.cfpoll.sta', 'wlan.wfa.ie.wme.qos_info.sta.reserved', 'btrfcomm.frame_type', # https://os.itec.kit.edu/downloads/sa_2006_roehricht-martin_flow-control-in-bluez.pdf 'capwap.control.message_element.ac_descriptor.dtls_policy.r', # RFC 5415 'couchbase.extras.subdoc.flags.reserved', 'wlan.fixed.capabilities.cfpoll.ap', # These are 3 separate bits... 'wlan.wfa.ie.wme.tspec.ts_info.reserved', # matches other fields in same sequence 'zbee_zcl_se.pp.attr.payment_control_configuration.reserved', # matches other fields in same sequence 'zbee_zcl_se.pp.snapshot_payload_cause.reserved', # matches other fields in same sequence 'ebhscr.eth.rsv', # matches other fields in same sequence 'v120.lli', # non-contiguous field (http://www.acacia-net.com/wwwcla/protocol/v120_l2.htm) 'stun.type.class', 'bssgp.csg_id' } ################################################################################################## field_widths = { 'FT_BOOLEAN' : 64, # TODO: Width depends upon 'display' field, not checked. 'FT_CHAR' : 8, 'FT_UINT8' : 8, 'FT_INT8' : 8, 'FT_UINT16' : 16, 'FT_INT16' : 16, 'FT_UINT24' : 24, 'FT_INT24' : 24, 'FT_UINT32' : 32, 'FT_INT32' : 32, 'FT_UINT40' : 40, 'FT_INT40' : 40, 'FT_UINT48' : 48, 'FT_INT48' : 48, 'FT_UINT56' : 56, 'FT_INT56' : 56, 'FT_UINT64' : 64, 'FT_INT64' : 64 } # The relevant parts of an hf item. Used as value in dict where hf variable name is key. class Item: previousItem = None def __init__(self, filename, filter, label, item_type, type_modifier, mask=None, check_mask=False, check_label=False, check_consecutive=False): self.filename = filename self.filter = filter self.label = label self.mask = mask if check_mask or check_consecutive: self.set_mask_value() if check_consecutive: if Item.previousItem and Item.previousItem.filter == filter: if label != Item.previousItem.label: print('Warning: ' + filename + ': - filter "' + filter + '" appears consecutively - labels are "' + Item.previousItem.label + '" and "' + label + '"') if Item.previousItem and self.mask_value and (Item.previousItem.mask_value == self.mask_value): if label != Item.previousItem.label: print('Warning: ' + filename + ': - mask ' + self.mask + ' appears consecutively - labels are "' + Item.previousItem.label + '" and "' + label + '"') Item.previousItem = self # Optionally check label. if check_label: if label.startswith(' ') or label.endswith(' '): print('Warning: ' + filename + ' filter "' + filter + '" label' + label + '" begins or ends with a space') if (label.count('(') != label.count(')') or label.count('[') != label.count(']') or label.count('{') != label.count('}')): print('Warning: ' + filename + ': - filter "' + filter + '" label', '"' + label + '"', 'has unbalanced parens/braces/brackets') if item_type != 'FT_NONE' and label.endswith(':'): print('Warning: ' + filename + ': - filter "' + filter + '" label', '"' + label + '"', 'ends with an unnecessary colon') self.item_type = item_type self.type_modifier = type_modifier # Optionally check that mask bits are contiguous if check_mask: if not mask in { 'NULL', '0x0', '0', '0x00'}: self.check_contiguous_bits(mask) self.check_mask_too_long(mask) self.check_num_digits(mask) self.check_digits_all_zeros(mask) def set_mask_value(self): try: # Read according to the appropriate base. if self.mask.startswith('0x'): self.mask_value = int(self.mask, 16) elif self.mask.startswith('0'): self.mask_value = int(self.mask, 8) else: self.mask_value = int(self.mask, 10) except: self.mask_value = 0 # Return true if bit position n is set in value. def check_bit(self, value, n): return (value & (0x1 << n)) != 0 # Output a warning if non-contigous bits are found in the the mask (guint64). # Note that this legimately happens in several dissectors where multiple reserved/unassigned # bits are conflated into one field. # TODO: there is probably a cool/efficient way to check this? def check_contiguous_bits(self, mask): if not self.mask_value: return # Walk past any l.s. 0 bits n = 0 while not self.check_bit(self.mask_value, n) and n <= 63: n += 1 if n==63: return mask_start = n # Walk through any bits that are set while self.check_bit(self.mask_value, n) and n <= 63: n += 1 n += 1 if n >= 63: return # Look up the field width field_width = 0 if not self.item_type in field_widths: print('unexpected item_type is ', self.item_type) field_width = 64 else: field_width = self.get_field_width_in_bits() # Its a problem is the mask_width is > field_width - some of the bits won't get looked at!? mask_width = n-1-mask_start if mask_width > field_width: # N.B. No call, so no line number. print(self.filename + ':', 'filter=', self.filter, self.item_type, 'so field_width=', field_width, 'but mask is', mask, 'which is', mask_width, 'bits wide!') global warnings_found warnings_found += 1 # Now, any more zero set bits are an error! if self.filter in known_non_contiguous_fields or self.filter.startswith('rtpmidi'): # Don't report if we know this one is Ok. return while n <= 63: if self.check_bit(self.mask_value, n): print('Warning:', self.filename, 'filter=', self.filter, ' - mask with non-contiguous bits', mask) return n += 1 def get_field_width_in_bits(self): if self.item_type == 'FT_BOOLEAN': if self.type_modifier == 'NULL': return 8 # i.e. 1 byte elif self.type_modifier == 'BASE_NONE': return 8 elif self.type_modifier == 'SEP_DOT': return 64 else: # Round up to next nibble. return int(self.type_modifier)+3 else: return field_widths[self.item_type] def check_mask_too_long(self, mask): if not self.mask_value: return if mask.startswith('0x00') or mask.endswith('00'): # There may be good reasons for having a wider field/mask, e.g. if there are 32 related flags, showing them # all lined up as part of the same word may make it clearer. But some cases have been found # where the grouping does not seem to be natural.. print('Warning:', self.filename, 'filter=', self.filter, ' - mask with leading or trailing 0 bytes suggests field', self.item_type, 'may be wider than necessary?', mask) global warnings_found warnings_found += 1 def check_num_digits(self, mask): if mask.startswith('0x') and len(mask) > 3: global warnings_found global errors_found if len(mask) % 2: print('Warning:', self.filename, 'filter=', self.filter, ' - mask has odd number of digits', mask, 'expected max for', self.item_type, 'is', int((self.get_field_width_in_bits())/4)) warnings_found += 1 if self.item_type in field_widths: if len(mask)-2 > self.get_field_width_in_bits()/4: extra_digits = mask[2:2+(len(mask)-2 - int(self.get_field_width_in_bits()/4))] # Its an error if any of these are non-zero, as they won't have any effect! if extra_digits != '0'*len(extra_digits): print('Error:', self.filename, 'filter=', self.filter, self.mask, "with len is", len(mask)-2, "but type", self.item_type, " indicates max of", int(self.get_field_width_in_bits()/4), "and extra digits are non-zero (" + extra_digits + ")") errors_found += 1 else: # If has leading zeros, still confusing, so warn. print('Warning:', self.filename, 'filter=', self.filter, self.mask, "with len is", len(mask)-2, "but type", self.item_type, " indicates max of", int(self.get_field_width_in_bits()/4)) warnings_found += 1 else: print('Warning:', self.filename, 'filter=', self.filter, ' - item has type', self.item_type, 'but mask set:', mask) warnings_found += 1 def check_digits_all_zeros(self, mask): if mask.startswith('0x') and len(mask) > 3: if mask[2:] == '0'*(len(mask)-2): print('Warning: ', self.filename, 'filter=', self.filter, ' - item has all zeros - this is confusing! :', mask) global warnings_found warnings_found += 1 # These are APIs in proto.c that check a set of types at runtime and can print '.. is not of type ..' to the console # if the type is not suitable. apiChecks = [] apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_item_ret_uint', { 'FT_CHAR', 'FT_UINT8', 'FT_UINT16', 'FT_UINT24', 'FT_UINT32'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_item_ret_int', { 'FT_INT8', 'FT_INT16', 'FT_INT24', 'FT_INT32'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('ptvcursor_add_ret_uint', { 'FT_CHAR', 'FT_UINT8', 'FT_UINT16', 'FT_UINT24', 'FT_UINT32'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('ptvcursor_add_ret_int', { 'FT_INT8', 'FT_INT16', 'FT_INT24', 'FT_INT32'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('ptvcursor_add_ret_string', { 'FT_STRING', 'FT_STRINGZ', 'FT_UINT_STRING', 'FT_STRINGZPAD', 'FT_STRINGZTRUNC'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('ptvcursor_add_ret_boolean', { 'FT_BOOLEAN'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_item_ret_uint64', { 'FT_UINT40', 'FT_UINT48', 'FT_UINT56', 'FT_UINT64'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_item_ret_int64', { 'FT_INT40', 'FT_INT48', 'FT_INT56', 'FT_INT64'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_item_ret_boolean', { 'FT_BOOLEAN'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_item_ret_string_and_length', { 'FT_STRING', 'FT_STRINGZ', 'FT_UINT_STRING', 'FT_STRINGZPAD', 'FT_STRINGZTRUNC'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_item_ret_display_string_and_length', { 'FT_STRING', 'FT_STRINGZ', 'FT_UINT_STRING', 'FT_STRINGZPAD', 'FT_STRINGZTRUNC', 'FT_BYTES', 'FT_UINT_BYTES'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_item_ret_time_string', { 'FT_ABSOLUTE_TIME', 'FT_RELATIVE_TIME'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_uint', { 'FT_CHAR', 'FT_UINT8', 'FT_UINT16', 'FT_UINT24', 'FT_UINT32', 'FT_FRAMENUM'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_uint_format_value', { 'FT_CHAR', 'FT_UINT8', 'FT_UINT16', 'FT_UINT24', 'FT_UINT32', 'FT_FRAMENUM'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_uint_format', { 'FT_CHAR', 'FT_UINT8', 'FT_UINT16', 'FT_UINT24', 'FT_UINT32', 'FT_FRAMENUM'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_uint64', { 'FT_UINT40', 'FT_UINT48', 'FT_UINT56', 'FT_UINT64', 'FT_FRAMENUM'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_int64', { 'FT_INT40', 'FT_INT48', 'FT_INT56', 'FT_INT64'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_int64_format_value', { 'FT_INT40', 'FT_INT48', 'FT_INT56', 'FT_INT64'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_int64_format', { 'FT_INT40', 'FT_INT48', 'FT_INT56', 'FT_INT64'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_int', { 'FT_INT8', 'FT_INT16', 'FT_INT24', 'FT_INT32'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_int_format_value', { 'FT_INT8', 'FT_INT16', 'FT_INT24', 'FT_INT32'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_int_format', { 'FT_INT8', 'FT_INT16', 'FT_INT24', 'FT_INT32'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_boolean', { 'FT_BOOLEAN'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_boolean64', { 'FT_BOOLEAN'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_float', { 'FT_FLOAT'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_float_format', { 'FT_FLOAT'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_float_format_value', { 'FT_FLOAT'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_double', { 'FT_DOUBLE'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_double_format', { 'FT_DOUBLE'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_double_format_value', { 'FT_DOUBLE'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_string', { 'FT_STRING', 'FT_STRINGZ', 'FT_STRINGZPAD', 'FT_STRINGZTRUNC'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_string_format', { 'FT_STRING', 'FT_STRINGZ', 'FT_STRINGZPAD', 'FT_STRINGZTRUNC'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_string_format_value', { 'FT_STRING', 'FT_STRINGZ', 'FT_STRINGZPAD', 'FT_STRINGZTRUNC'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_guid', { 'FT_GUID'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_oid', { 'FT_OID'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_none_format', { 'FT_NONE'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_item_ret_varint', { 'FT_INT8', 'FT_INT16', 'FT_INT24', 'FT_INT32', 'FT_INT40', 'FT_INT48', 'FT_INT56', 'FT_INT64', 'FT_CHAR', 'FT_UINT8', 'FT_UINT16', 'FT_UINT24', 'FT_UINT32', 'FT_FRAMENUM', 'FT_UINT40', 'FT_UINT48', 'FT_UINT56', 'FT_UINT64',})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_boolean_bits_format_value', { 'FT_BOOLEAN'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_boolean_bits_format_value64', { 'FT_BOOLEAN'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_ascii_7bits_item', { 'FT_STRING'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_checksum', { 'FT_UINT8', 'FT_UINT16', 'FT_UINT24', 'FT_UINT32'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_int64_bits_format_value', { 'FT_INT40', 'FT_INT48', 'FT_INT56', 'FT_INT64'})) bitmask_types = { 'FT_CHAR', 'FT_UINT8', 'FT_UINT16', 'FT_UINT24', 'FT_UINT32', 'FT_INT8', 'FT_INT16', 'FT_INT24', 'FT_INT32', 'FT_UINT40', 'FT_UINT48', 'FT_UINT56', 'FT_UINT64', 'FT_INT40', 'FT_INT48', 'FT_INT56', 'FT_INT64', 'FT_BOOLEAN'} apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_bitmask', bitmask_types)) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_bitmask_tree', bitmask_types)) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_bitmask_ret_uint64', bitmask_types)) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_bitmask_with_flags', bitmask_types)) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_bitmask_with_flags_ret_uint64', bitmask_types)) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_bitmask_value', bitmask_types)) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_bitmask_value_with_flags', bitmask_types)) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_bitmask_len', bitmask_types)) apiChecks.append(APICheck('proto_tree_add_bitmask_text', bitmask_types)) # Check some ptvcuror calls too. apiChecks.append(APICheck('ptvcursor_add_ret_uint', { 'FT_CHAR', 'FT_UINT8', 'FT_UINT16', 'FT_UINT24', 'FT_UINT32'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('ptvcursor_add_ret_int', { 'FT_INT8', 'FT_INT16', 'FT_INT24', 'FT_INT32'})) apiChecks.append(APICheck('ptvcursor_add_ret_boolean', { 'FT_BOOLEAN'})) # Also try to check proto_tree_add_item() calls (for length) apiChecks.append(ProtoTreeAddItemCheck()) apiChecks.append(ProtoTreeAddItemCheck(True)) # for ptvcursor_add() def removeComments(code_string): code_string = re.sub(re.compile(r"/\*.*?\*/",re.DOTALL ) ,"" , code_string) # C-style comment code_string = re.sub(re.compile(r"//.*?\n" ) ,"" , code_string) # C++-style comment return code_string # Test for whether the given file was automatically generated. def isGeneratedFile(filename): # Open file f_read = open(os.path.join(filename), 'r') lines_tested = 0 for line in f_read: # The comment to say that its generated is near the top, so give up once # get a few lines down. if lines_tested > 10: f_read.close() return False if (line.find('Generated automatically') != -1 or line.find('Autogenerated from') != -1 or line.find('is autogenerated') != -1 or line.find('automatically generated by Pidl') != -1 or line.find('Created by: The Qt Meta Object Compiler') != -1 or line.find('This file was generated') != -1 or line.find('This filter was automatically generated') != -1 or line.find('This file is auto generated, do not edit!') != -1): f_read.close() return True lines_tested = lines_tested + 1 # OK, looks like a hand-written file! f_read.close() return False # Look for hf items in a dissector file. def find_items(filename, check_mask=False, check_label=False, check_consecutive=False): is_generated = isGeneratedFile(filename) items = {} with open(filename, 'r') as f: contents = f.read() # Remove comments so as not to trip up RE. contents = removeComments(contents) matches = re.finditer(r'.*\{\s*\&(hf_.*),\s*{\s*\"(.+)\",\s*\"([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)\",\s*([A-Z0-9_]*),\s*(.*),\s*([&A-Za-z0-9x_\(\)]*),\s*([a-z0-9x_]*),', contents) for m in matches: # Store this item. hf = m.group(1) items[hf] = Item(filename, filter=m.group(3), label=m.group(2), item_type=m.group(4), mask=m.group(7), type_modifier=m.group(5), check_mask=check_mask, check_label=check_label, check_consecutive=(not is_generated and check_consecutive)) return items def is_dissector_file(filename): p = re.compile(r'.*packet-.*\.c') return p.match(filename) def findDissectorFilesInFolder(folder, dissector_files=None, recursive=False): if dissector_files is None: dissector_files = [] if recursive: for root, subfolders, files in os.walk(folder): for f in files: if should_exit: return f = os.path.join(root, f) dissector_files.append(f) else: for f in sorted(os.listdir(folder)): if should_exit: return filename = os.path.join(folder, f) dissector_files.append(filename) return [x for x in filter(is_dissector_file, dissector_files)] # Run checks on the given dissector file. def checkFile(filename, check_mask=False, check_label=False, check_consecutive=False): # Check file exists - e.g. may have been deleted in a recent commit. if not os.path.exists(filename): print(filename, 'does not exist!') return # Find important parts of items. items = find_items(filename, check_mask, check_label, check_consecutive) # Check each API for c in apiChecks: c.find_calls(filename) c.check_against_items(items) ################################################################# # Main logic. # command-line args. Controls which dissector files should be checked. # If no args given, will just scan epan/dissectors folder. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Check calls in dissectors') parser.add_argument('--file', action='store', default='', help='specify individual dissector file to test') parser.add_argument('--folder', action='store', default='', help='specify folder to test') parser.add_argument('--commits', action='store', help='last N commits to check') parser.add_argument('--open', action='store_true', help='check open files') parser.add_argument('--mask', action='store_true', help='when set, check mask field too') parser.add_argument('--label', action='store_true', help='when set, check label field too') parser.add_argument('--consecutive', action='store_true', help='when set, copy copy/paste errors between consecutive items') args = parser.parse_args() # Get files from wherever command-line args indicate. files = [] if args.file: # Add single specified file if not args.file.startswith('epan') and not os.path.exists(args.file): files.append(os.path.join('epan', 'dissectors', args.file)) else: files.append(args.file) elif args.folder: # Add all files from a given folder. folder = args.folder if not os.path.isdir(folder): print('Folder', folder, 'not found!') exit(1) # Find files from folder. print('Looking for files in', folder) files = findDissectorFilesInFolder(folder, recursive=True) elif args.commits: # Get files affected by specified number of commits. command = ['git', 'diff', '--name-only', '--diff-filter=d', 'HEAD~' + args.commits] files = [f.decode('utf-8') for f in subprocess.check_output(command).splitlines()] # Will examine dissector files only files = list(filter(lambda f : is_dissector_file(f), files)) elif args.open: # Unstaged changes. command = ['git', 'diff', '--name-only', '--diff-filter=d'] files = [f.decode('utf-8') for f in subprocess.check_output(command).splitlines()] # Only interested in dissector files. files = list(filter(lambda f : is_dissector_file(f), files)) # Staged changes. command = ['git', 'diff', '--staged', '--name-only', '--diff-filter=d'] files_staged = [f.decode('utf-8') for f in subprocess.check_output(command).splitlines()] # Only interested in dissector files. files_staged = list(filter(lambda f : is_dissector_file(f), files_staged)) for f in files_staged: if not f in files: files.append(f) else: # Find all dissector files. files = findDissectorFilesInFolder(os.path.join('epan', 'dissectors')) files = findDissectorFilesInFolder(os.path.join('plugins', 'epan'), recursive=True, dissector_files=files) # If scanning a subset of files, list them here. print('Examining:') if args.file or args.commits or args.open: if files: print(' '.join(files), '\n') else: print('No files to check.\n') else: print('All dissector modules\n') # Now check the files. for f in files: if should_exit: exit(1) checkFile(f, check_mask=args.mask, check_label=args.label, check_consecutive=args.consecutive) # Show summary. print(warnings_found, 'warnings') if errors_found: print(errors_found, 'errors') exit(1)