@echo off rem Directions: rem Download the latest source archive from rem http://qt.nokia.com/downloads/downloads#qt-lib rem Unpack the archive and run this script from the archive directory. rem The default installation prefix is c:\Qt\4.8.0-... You can change rem it below. echo "%PATH%" | find "cygwin" if errorlevel 1 set PATH=%PATH%;c:\cygwin\bin set VS_VERSION="" set API_BITS="" rem Visual Studio version if not "%VCINSTALLDIR%"=="" ( echo "%VCINSTALLDIR%" | find "10.0" if not errorlevel 1 ( set VS_VERSION=2010 ) else ( echo "%VCINSTALLDIR%" | find "9.0" if not errorlevel 1 ( set VS_VERSION=2008 ) ) ) if "%VS_VERSION%"=="" goto no_vs_version rem Target API if not "%FrameworkDir64%"=="" ( set API_BITS=64 ) else ( if not "%FrameworkDir%"=="" ( echo %FrameworkDir% | find "64" if not errorlevel 1 ( set API_BITS=64 ) else ( set API_BITS=32 ) ) ) if "%API_BITS%"=="" goto no_api_bits set QT_PLATFORM=win32-msvc%VS_VERSION% set QT_PREFIX=c:\Qt\4.8.0-MSVC%VS_VERSION%-win%API_BITS% nmake confclean || echo ...and that's probably OK. echo. echo ======== echo Building using mkspec %QT_PLATFORM% (%API_BITS% bit) echo Installing in %QT_PREFIX% echo ======== configure -opensource -platform %QT_PLATFORM% -prefix %QT_PREFIX% -no-qt3support -no-script -no-scripttools -no-multimedia -no-dbus -no-opengl -no-s60 -no-sql-sqlite -no-xmlpatterns -no-webkit -mp -nomake demos -nomake tools -nomake examples -nomake docs -nomake translations nmake echo. echo You'll have to run nmake install yourself. goto end :no_vs_version echo "Unable to find your Visual Studio version. Did you run vcvarsall.bat?" goto end :no_api_bits echo "Unable to find your target API. Did you run vcvarsall.bat?" goto end :end