#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # asn2wrs.py # ASN.1 to Wireshark dissector compiler # Copyright 2004 Tomas Kukosa # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # """ASN.1 to Wireshark dissector compiler""" # # Compiler from ASN.1 specification to the Wireshark dissector # # Based on ASN.1 to Python compiler from Aaron S. Lav's PyZ3950 package licensed under the X Consortium license # https://www.pobox.com/~asl2/software/PyZ3950/ # (ASN.1 to Python compiler functionality is broken but not removed, it could be revived if necessary) # # It requires Dave Beazley's PLY parsing package licensed under the LGPL (tested with version 2.3) # https://www.dabeaz.com/ply/ # # # ITU-T Recommendation X.680 (07/2002), # Information technology - Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Specification of basic notation # # ITU-T Recommendation X.681 (07/2002), # Information technology - Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Information object specification # # ITU-T Recommendation X.682 (07/2002), # Information technology - Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Constraint specification # # ITU-T Recommendation X.683 (07/2002), # Information technology - Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Parameterization of ASN.1 specifications # # ITU-T Recommendation X.880 (07/1994), # Information technology - Remote Operations: Concepts, model and notation # import warnings import re import sys import os import os.path import time import getopt import traceback try: from ply import lex from ply import yacc except ImportError: # Fallback: use lex.py and yacc from the tools directory within the # Wireshark source tree if python-ply is not installed. import lex import yacc if sys.version_info[0] < 3: from string import maketrans # OID name -> number conversion table oid_names = { '/itu-t' : 0, '/itu' : 0, '/ccitt' : 0, '/itu-r' : 0, '0/recommendation' : 0, '0.0/a' : 1, '0.0/b' : 2, '0.0/c' : 3, '0.0/d' : 4, '0.0/e' : 5, '0.0/f' : 6, '0.0/g' : 7, '0.0/h' : 8, '0.0/i' : 9, '0.0/j' : 10, '0.0/k' : 11, '0.0/l' : 12, '0.0/m' : 13, '0.0/n' : 14, '0.0/o' : 15, '0.0/p' : 16, '0.0/q' : 17, '0.0/r' : 18, '0.0/s' : 19, '0.0/t' : 20, '0.0/tseries' : 20, '0.0/u' : 21, '0.0/v' : 22, '0.0/w' : 23, '0.0/x' : 24, '0.0/y' : 25, '0.0/z' : 26, '0/question' : 1, '0/administration' : 2, '0/network-operator' : 3, '0/identified-organization' : 4, '0/r-recommendation' : 5, '0/data' : 9, '/iso' : 1, '1/standard' : 0, '1/registration-authority' : 1, '1/member-body' : 2, '1/identified-organization' : 3, '/joint-iso-itu-t' : 2, '/joint-iso-ccitt' : 2, '2/presentation' : 0, '2/asn1' : 1, '2/association-control' : 2, '2/reliable-transfer' : 3, '2/remote-operations' : 4, '2/ds' : 5, '2/directory' : 5, '2/mhs' : 6, '2/mhs-motis' : 6, '2/ccr' : 7, '2/oda' : 8, '2/ms' : 9, '2/osi-management' : 9, '2/transaction-processing' : 10, '2/dor' : 11, '2/distinguished-object-reference' : 11, '2/reference-data-transfe' : 12, '2/network-layer' : 13, '2/network-layer-management' : 13, '2/transport-layer' : 14, '2/transport-layer-management' : 14, '2/datalink-layer' : 15, '2/datalink-layer-managemen' : 15, '2/datalink-layer-management-information' : 15, '2/country' : 16, '2/registration-procedures' : 17, '2/registration-procedure' : 17, '2/physical-layer' : 18, '2/physical-layer-management' : 18, '2/mheg' : 19, '2/genericULS' : 20, '2/generic-upper-layers-security' : 20, '2/guls' : 20, '2/transport-layer-security-protocol' : 21, '2/network-layer-security-protocol' : 22, '2/international-organizations' : 23, '2/internationalRA' : 23, '2/sios' : 24, '2/uuid' : 25, '2/odp' : 26, '2/upu' : 40, } ITEM_FIELD_NAME = '_item' UNTAG_TYPE_NAME = '_untag' def asn2c(id): return id.replace('-', '_').replace('.', '_').replace('&', '_') input_file = None g_conform = None lexer = None in_oid = False class LexError(Exception): def __init__(self, tok, filename=None): self.tok = tok self.filename = filename self.msg = "Unexpected character %r" % (self.tok.value[0]) Exception.__init__(self, self.msg) def __repr__(self): return "%s:%d: %s" % (self.filename, self.tok.lineno, self.msg) __str__ = __repr__ class ParseError(Exception): def __init__(self, tok, filename=None): self.tok = tok self.filename = filename self.msg = "Unexpected token %s(%r)" % (self.tok.type, self.tok.value) Exception.__init__(self, self.msg) def __repr__(self): return "%s:%d: %s" % (self.filename, self.tok.lineno, self.msg) __str__ = __repr__ class DuplicateError(Exception): def __init__(self, type, ident): self.type = type self.ident = ident self.msg = "Duplicate %s for %s" % (self.type, self.ident) Exception.__init__(self, self.msg) def __repr__(self): return self.msg __str__ = __repr__ class CompError(Exception): def __init__(self, msg): self.msg = msg Exception.__init__(self, self.msg) def __repr__(self): return self.msg __str__ = __repr__ states = ( ('braceignore','exclusive'), ) precedence = ( ('left', 'UNION', 'BAR'), ('left', 'INTERSECTION', 'CIRCUMFLEX'), ) # 11 ASN.1 lexical items static_tokens = { r'::=' : 'ASSIGNMENT', # 11.16 Assignment lexical item r'\.\.' : 'RANGE', # 11.17 Range separator r'\.\.\.' : 'ELLIPSIS', # 11.18 Ellipsis r'\[\[' : 'LVERBRACK', # 11.19 Left version brackets r'\]\]' : 'RVERBRACK', # 11.20 Right version brackets # 11.26 Single character lexical items r'\{' : 'LBRACE', r'\}' : 'RBRACE', r'<' : 'LT', #r'>' : 'GT', r',' : 'COMMA', r'\.' : 'DOT', r'\(' : 'LPAREN', r'\)' : 'RPAREN', r'\[' : 'LBRACK', r'\]' : 'RBRACK', r'-' : 'MINUS', r':' : 'COLON', #r'=' : 'EQ', #r'"' : 'QUOTATION', #r"'" : 'APOSTROPHE', r';' : 'SEMICOLON', r'@' : 'AT', r'\!' : 'EXCLAMATION', r'\^' : 'CIRCUMFLEX', r'\&' : 'AMPERSAND', r'\|' : 'BAR' } # 11.27 Reserved words # all keys in reserved_words must start w/ upper case reserved_words = { 'ABSENT' : 'ABSENT', 'ABSTRACT-SYNTAX' : 'ABSTRACT_SYNTAX', 'ALL' : 'ALL', 'APPLICATION' : 'APPLICATION', 'AUTOMATIC' : 'AUTOMATIC', 'BEGIN' : 'BEGIN', 'BIT' : 'BIT', 'BOOLEAN' : 'BOOLEAN', 'BY' : 'BY', 'CHARACTER' : 'CHARACTER', 'CHOICE' : 'CHOICE', 'CLASS' : 'CLASS', 'COMPONENT' : 'COMPONENT', 'COMPONENTS' : 'COMPONENTS', 'CONSTRAINED' : 'CONSTRAINED', 'CONTAINING' : 'CONTAINING', 'DEFAULT' : 'DEFAULT', 'DEFINITIONS' : 'DEFINITIONS', 'EMBEDDED' : 'EMBEDDED', # 'ENCODED' : 'ENCODED', 'END' : 'END', 'ENUMERATED' : 'ENUMERATED', # 'EXCEPT' : 'EXCEPT', 'EXPLICIT' : 'EXPLICIT', 'EXPORTS' : 'EXPORTS', # 'EXTENSIBILITY' : 'EXTENSIBILITY', 'EXTERNAL' : 'EXTERNAL', 'FALSE' : 'FALSE', 'FROM' : 'FROM', 'GeneralizedTime' : 'GeneralizedTime', 'IDENTIFIER' : 'IDENTIFIER', 'IMPLICIT' : 'IMPLICIT', # 'IMPLIED' : 'IMPLIED', 'IMPORTS' : 'IMPORTS', 'INCLUDES' : 'INCLUDES', 'INSTANCE' : 'INSTANCE', 'INTEGER' : 'INTEGER', 'INTERSECTION' : 'INTERSECTION', 'MAX' : 'MAX', 'MIN' : 'MIN', 'MINUS-INFINITY' : 'MINUS_INFINITY', 'NULL' : 'NULL', 'OBJECT' : 'OBJECT', 'ObjectDescriptor' : 'ObjectDescriptor', 'OCTET' : 'OCTET', 'OF' : 'OF', 'OPTIONAL' : 'OPTIONAL', 'PATTERN' : 'PATTERN', 'PDV' : 'PDV', 'PLUS-INFINITY' : 'PLUS_INFINITY', 'PRESENT' : 'PRESENT', 'PRIVATE' : 'PRIVATE', 'REAL' : 'REAL', 'RELATIVE-OID' : 'RELATIVE_OID', 'SEQUENCE' : 'SEQUENCE', 'SET' : 'SET', 'SIZE' : 'SIZE', 'STRING' : 'STRING', 'SYNTAX' : 'SYNTAX', 'TAGS' : 'TAGS', 'TRUE' : 'TRUE', 'TYPE-IDENTIFIER' : 'TYPE_IDENTIFIER', 'UNION' : 'UNION', 'UNIQUE' : 'UNIQUE', 'UNIVERSAL' : 'UNIVERSAL', 'UTCTime' : 'UTCTime', 'WITH' : 'WITH', # X.208 obsolete but still used 'ANY' : 'ANY', 'DEFINED' : 'DEFINED', } for k in list(static_tokens.keys()): if static_tokens [k] == None: static_tokens [k] = k StringTypes = ['Numeric', 'Printable', 'IA5', 'BMP', 'Universal', 'UTF8', 'Teletex', 'T61', 'Videotex', 'Graphic', 'ISO646', 'Visible', 'General'] for s in StringTypes: reserved_words[s + 'String'] = s + 'String' tokens = list(static_tokens.values()) \ + list(reserved_words.values()) \ + ['BSTRING', 'HSTRING', 'QSTRING', 'UCASE_IDENT', 'LCASE_IDENT', 'LCASE_IDENT_ASSIGNED', 'CLASS_IDENT', 'REAL_NUMBER', 'NUMBER', 'PYQUOTE'] cur_mod = __import__ (__name__) # XXX blech! for (k, v) in list(static_tokens.items ()): cur_mod.__dict__['t_' + v] = k # 11.10 Binary strings def t_BSTRING (t): r"'[01]*'B" return t # 11.12 Hexadecimal strings def t_HSTRING (t): r"'[0-9A-Fa-f]*'H" return t def t_QSTRING (t): r'"([^"]|"")*"' return t def t_UCASE_IDENT (t): r"[A-Z](-[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9])*" # can't end w/ '-' if (is_class_ident(t.value)): t.type = 'CLASS_IDENT' if (is_class_syntax(t.value)): t.type = t.value t.type = reserved_words.get(t.value, t.type) return t lcase_ident_assigned = {} def t_LCASE_IDENT (t): r"[a-z](-[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9])*" # can't end w/ '-' if (not in_oid and (t.value in lcase_ident_assigned)): t.type = 'LCASE_IDENT_ASSIGNED' return t # 11.9 Real numbers def t_REAL_NUMBER (t): r"[0-9]+\.[0-9]*(?!\.)" return t # 11.8 Numbers def t_NUMBER (t): r"0|([1-9][0-9]*)" return t # 11.6 Comments pyquote_str = 'PYQUOTE' def t_COMMENT(t): r"--(-[^\-\n]|[^\-\n])*(--|\n|-\n|$|-$)" if (t.value.find("\n") >= 0) : t.lexer.lineno += 1 if t.value[2:2+len (pyquote_str)] == pyquote_str: t.value = t.value[2+len(pyquote_str):] t.value = t.value.lstrip () t.type = pyquote_str return t return None t_ignore = " \t\r" def t_NEWLINE(t): r'\n+' t.lexer.lineno += t.value.count("\n") def t_error(t): global input_file raise LexError(t, input_file) # state 'braceignore' def t_braceignore_lbrace(t): r'\{' t.lexer.level +=1 def t_braceignore_rbrace(t): r'\}' t.lexer.level -=1 # If closing brace, return token if t.lexer.level == 0: t.type = 'RBRACE' return t def t_braceignore_QSTRING (t): r'"([^"]|"")*"' t.lexer.lineno += t.value.count("\n") def t_braceignore_COMMENT(t): r"--(-[^\-\n]|[^\-\n])*(--|\n|-\n|$|-$)" if (t.value.find("\n") >= 0) : t.lexer.lineno += 1 def t_braceignore_nonspace(t): r'[^\s\{\}\"-]+|-(?!-)' t_braceignore_ignore = " \t\r" def t_braceignore_NEWLINE(t): r'\n+' t.lexer.lineno += t.value.count("\n") def t_braceignore_error(t): t.lexer.skip(1) class Ctx: def __init__ (self, defined_dict, indent = 0): self.tags_def = 'EXPLICIT' # default = explicit self.indent_lev = 0 self.assignments = {} self.dependencies = {} self.pyquotes = [] self.defined_dict = defined_dict self.name_ctr = 0 def spaces (self): return " " * (4 * self.indent_lev) def indent (self): self.indent_lev += 1 def outdent (self): self.indent_lev -= 1 assert (self.indent_lev >= 0) def register_assignment (self, ident, val, dependencies): if ident in self.assignments: raise DuplicateError("assignment", ident) if ident in self.defined_dict: raise Exception("cross-module duplicates for %s" % ident) self.defined_dict [ident] = 1 self.assignments[ident] = val self.dependencies [ident] = dependencies return "" # return "#%s depends on %s" % (ident, str (dependencies)) def register_pyquote (self, val): self.pyquotes.append (val) return "" def output_assignments (self): already_output = {} text_list = [] assign_keys = list(self.assignments.keys()) to_output_count = len (assign_keys) while True: any_output = 0 for (ident, val) in list(self.assignments.items ()): if ident in already_output: continue ok = 1 for d in self.dependencies [ident]: if ((d not in already_output) and (d in assign_keys)): ok = 0 if ok: text_list.append ("%s=%s" % (ident, self.assignments [ident])) already_output [ident] = 1 any_output = 1 to_output_count -= 1 assert (to_output_count >= 0) if not any_output: if to_output_count == 0: break # OK, we detected a cycle cycle_list = [] for ident in list(self.assignments.keys ()): if ident not in already_output: depend_list = [d for d in self.dependencies[ident] if d in assign_keys] cycle_list.append ("%s(%s)" % (ident, ",".join (depend_list))) text_list.append ("# Cycle XXX " + ",".join (cycle_list)) for (ident, val) in list(self.assignments.items ()): if ident not in already_output: text_list.append ("%s=%s" % (ident, self.assignments [ident])) break return "\n".join (text_list) def output_pyquotes (self): return "\n".join (self.pyquotes) def make_new_name (self): self.name_ctr += 1 return "_compiler_generated_name_%d" % (self.name_ctr,) #--- Flags for EXPORT, USER_DEFINED, NO_EMIT, MAKE_ENUM ------------------------------- EF_TYPE = 0x0001 EF_VALS = 0x0002 EF_ENUM = 0x0004 EF_WS_DLL = 0x0010 # exported from shared library EF_EXTERN = 0x0020 EF_NO_PROT = 0x0040 EF_NO_TYPE = 0x0080 EF_UCASE = 0x0100 EF_TABLE = 0x0400 EF_DEFINE = 0x0800 EF_MODULE = 0x1000 #--- common dependency computation --- # Input : list of items # dictionary with lists of dependency # # # Output : list of two outputs: # [0] list of items in dependency # [1] list of cycle dependency cycles def dependency_compute(items, dependency, map_fn = lambda t: t, ignore_fn = lambda t: False): item_ord = [] item_cyc = [] x = {} # already emitted #print '# Dependency computation' for t in items: if map_fn(t) in x: #print 'Continue: %s : %s' % (t, (map_fn(t)) continue stack = [t] stackx = {t : dependency.get(t, [])[:]} #print 'Push: %s : %s' % (t, str(stackx[t])) while stack: if stackx[stack[-1]]: # has dependencies d = stackx[stack[-1]].pop(0) if map_fn(d) in x or ignore_fn(d): continue if d in stackx: # cyclic dependency c = stack[:] c.reverse() c = [d] + c[0:c.index(d)+1] c.reverse() item_cyc.append(c) #print 'Cyclic: %s ' % (' -> '.join(c)) continue stack.append(d) stackx[d] = dependency.get(d, [])[:] #print 'Push: %s : %s' % (d, str(stackx[d])) else: #print 'Pop: %s' % (stack[-1]) del stackx[stack[-1]] e = map_fn(stack.pop()) if e in x: continue #print 'Add: %s' % (e) item_ord.append(e) x[e] = True return (item_ord, item_cyc) # Given a filename, return a relative path from the current directory def relpath(filename): return os.path.relpath(filename) # Given a filename, return a relative path from epan/dissectors def rel_dissector_path(filename): path_parts = os.path.abspath(filename).split(os.sep) while (len(path_parts) > 3 and path_parts[0] != 'asn1'): path_parts.pop(0) path_parts.insert(0, '.') return '/'.join(path_parts) #--- EthCtx ------------------------------------------------------------------- class EthCtx: def __init__(self, conform, output, indent = 0): self.conform = conform self.output = output self.conform.ectx = self self.output.ectx = self self.encoding = 'per' self.aligned = False self.default_oid_variant = '' self.default_opentype_variant = '' self.default_containing_variant = '_pdu_new' self.default_embedded_pdv_cb = None self.default_external_type_cb = None self.remove_prefix = None self.srcdir = None self.emitted_pdu = {} self.module = {} self.module_ord = [] self.all_type_attr = {} self.all_tags = {} self.all_vals = {} def encp(self): # encoding protocol encp = self.encoding return encp # Encoding def Per(self): return self.encoding == 'per' def Ber(self): return self.encoding == 'ber' def Oer(self): return self.encoding == 'oer' def Aligned(self): return self.aligned def Unaligned(self): return not self.aligned def NeedTags(self): return self.tag_opt or self.Ber() def NAPI(self): return False # disable planned features def Module(self): # current module name return self.modules[-1][0] def groups(self): return self.group_by_prot or (self.conform.last_group > 0) def dbg(self, d): if (self.dbgopt.find(d) >= 0): return True else: return False def value_max(self, a, b): if (a == 'MAX') or (b == 'MAX'): return 'MAX'; if a == 'MIN': return b; if b == 'MIN': return a; try: if (int(a) > int(b)): return a else: return b except (ValueError, TypeError): pass return "MAX((%s),(%s))" % (a, b) def value_min(self, a, b): if (a == 'MIN') or (b == 'MIN'): return 'MIN'; if a == 'MAX': return b; if b == 'MAX': return a; try: if (int(a) < int(b)): return a else: return b except (ValueError, TypeError): pass return "MIN((%s),(%s))" % (a, b) def value_get_eth(self, val): if isinstance(val, Value): return val.to_str(self) ethname = val if val in self.value: ethname = self.value[val]['ethname'] return ethname def value_get_val(self, nm): val = asn2c(nm) if nm in self.value: if self.value[nm]['import']: v = self.get_val_from_all(nm, self.value[nm]['import']) if v is None: msg = 'Need value of imported value identifier %s from %s (%s)' % (nm, self.value[nm]['import'], self.value[nm]['proto']) warnings.warn_explicit(msg, UserWarning, '', 0) else: val = v else: val = self.value[nm]['value'] if isinstance (val, Value): val = val.to_str(self) else: msg = 'Need value of unknown value identifier %s' % (nm) warnings.warn_explicit(msg, UserWarning, '', 0) return val def eth_get_type_attr(self, type): #print "eth_get_type_attr(%s)" % (type) types = [type] while (not self.type[type]['import']): val = self.type[type]['val'] #print val ttype = type while (val.type == 'TaggedType'): val = val.val ttype += '/' + UNTAG_TYPE_NAME if (val.type != 'Type_Ref'): if (type != ttype): types.append(ttype) break type = val.val types.append(type) attr = {} #print " ", types while len(types): t = types.pop() if (self.type[t]['import']): attr.update(self.type[t]['attr']) attr.update(self.eth_get_type_attr_from_all(t, self.type[t]['import'])) elif (self.type[t]['val'].type == 'SelectionType'): val = self.type[t]['val'] (ftype, display) = val.eth_ftype(self) attr.update({ 'TYPE' : ftype, 'DISPLAY' : display, 'STRINGS' : val.eth_strings(), 'BITMASK' : '0' }); else: attr.update(self.type[t]['attr']) attr.update(self.eth_type[self.type[t]['ethname']]['attr']) if attr['STRINGS'].startswith('VALS64('): attr['DISPLAY'] += '|BASE_VAL64_STRING' #print " ", attr return attr def eth_get_type_attr_from_all(self, type, module): attr = {} if module in self.all_type_attr and type in self.all_type_attr[module]: attr = self.all_type_attr[module][type] return attr def get_ttag_from_all(self, type, module): ttag = None if module in self.all_tags and type in self.all_tags[module]: ttag = self.all_tags[module][type] return ttag def get_val_from_all(self, nm, module): val = None if module in self.all_vals and nm in self.all_vals[module]: val = self.all_vals[module][nm] return val def get_obj_repr(self, ident, flds=[], not_flds=[]): def set_type_fn(cls, field, fnfield): obj[fnfield + '_fn'] = 'NULL' obj[fnfield + '_pdu'] = 'NULL' if field in val and isinstance(val[field], Type_Ref): p = val[field].eth_type_default_pars(self, '') obj[fnfield + '_fn'] = p['TYPE_REF_FN'] obj[fnfield + '_fn'] = obj[fnfield + '_fn'] % p # one iteration if (self.conform.check_item('PDU', cls + '.' + field)): obj[fnfield + '_pdu'] = 'dissect_' + self.field[val[field].val]['ethname'] return # end of get_type_fn() obj = { '_name' : ident, '_ident' : asn2c(ident)} obj['_class'] = self.oassign[ident].cls obj['_module'] = self.oassign[ident].module val = self.oassign[ident].val for f in flds: if f not in val: return None for f in not_flds: if f in val: return None for f in list(val.keys()): if isinstance(val[f], Node): obj[f] = val[f].fld_obj_repr(self) else: obj[f] = str(val[f]) if (obj['_class'] == 'TYPE-IDENTIFIER') or (obj['_class'] == 'ABSTRACT-SYNTAX'): set_type_fn(obj['_class'], '&Type', '_type') if (obj['_class'] == 'OPERATION'): set_type_fn(obj['_class'], '&ArgumentType', '_argument') set_type_fn(obj['_class'], '&ResultType', '_result') if (obj['_class'] == 'ERROR'): set_type_fn(obj['_class'], '&ParameterType', '_parameter') return obj #--- eth_reg_module ----------------------------------------------------------- def eth_reg_module(self, module): #print "eth_reg_module(module='%s')" % (module) name = module.get_name() self.modules.append([name, module.get_proto(self)]) if name in self.module: raise DuplicateError("module", name) self.module[name] = [] self.module_ord.append(name) #--- eth_module_dep_add ------------------------------------------------------------ def eth_module_dep_add(self, module, dep): self.module[module].append(dep) #--- eth_exports ------------------------------------------------------------ def eth_exports(self, exports): self.exports_all = False if ((len(exports) == 1) and (exports[0] == 'ALL')): self.exports_all = True return for e in (exports): if isinstance(e, Type_Ref): self.exports.append(e.val) elif isinstance(e, Class_Ref): self.cexports.append(e.val) else: self.vexports.append(e) #--- eth_reg_assign --------------------------------------------------------- def eth_reg_assign(self, ident, val, virt=False): #print "eth_reg_assign(ident='%s')" % (ident) if ident in self.assign: raise DuplicateError("assignment", ident) self.assign[ident] = { 'val' : val , 'virt' : virt } self.assign_ord.append(ident) if (self.exports_all): self.exports.append(ident) #--- eth_reg_vassign -------------------------------------------------------- def eth_reg_vassign(self, vassign): ident = vassign.ident #print "eth_reg_vassign(ident='%s')" % (ident) if ident in self.vassign: raise DuplicateError("value assignment", ident) self.vassign[ident] = vassign self.vassign_ord.append(ident) if (self.exports_all): self.vexports.append(ident) #--- eth_reg_oassign -------------------------------------------------------- def eth_reg_oassign(self, oassign): ident = oassign.ident #print "eth_reg_oassign(ident='%s')" % (ident) if ident in self.oassign: if self.oassign[ident] == oassign: return # OK - already defined else: raise DuplicateError("information object assignment", ident) self.oassign[ident] = oassign self.oassign_ord.append(ident) self.oassign_cls.setdefault(oassign.cls, []).append(ident) #--- eth_import_type -------------------------------------------------------- def eth_import_type(self, ident, mod, proto): #print "eth_import_type(ident='%s', mod='%s', prot='%s')" % (ident, mod, proto) if ident in self.type: #print "already defined '%s' import=%s, module=%s" % (ident, str(self.type[ident]['import']), self.type[ident].get('module', '-')) if not self.type[ident]['import'] and (self.type[ident]['module'] == mod) : return # OK - already defined elif self.type[ident]['import'] and (self.type[ident]['import'] == mod) : return # OK - already imported else: raise DuplicateError("type", ident) self.type[ident] = {'import' : mod, 'proto' : proto, 'ethname' : '' } self.type[ident]['attr'] = { 'TYPE' : 'FT_NONE', 'DISPLAY' : 'BASE_NONE', 'STRINGS' : 'NULL', 'BITMASK' : '0' } mident = "$%s$%s" % (mod, ident) if (self.conform.check_item('TYPE_ATTR', mident)): self.type[ident]['attr'].update(self.conform.use_item('TYPE_ATTR', mident)) else: self.type[ident]['attr'].update(self.conform.use_item('TYPE_ATTR', ident)) if (self.conform.check_item('IMPORT_TAG', mident)): self.conform.copy_item('IMPORT_TAG', ident, mident) self.type_imp.append(ident) #--- dummy_import_type -------------------------------------------------------- def dummy_import_type(self, ident): # dummy imported if ident in self.type: raise Exception("Try to dummy import for existing type :%s" % ident) ethtype = asn2c(ident) self.type[ident] = {'import' : 'xxx', 'proto' : 'xxx', 'ethname' : ethtype } self.type[ident]['attr'] = { 'TYPE' : 'FT_NONE', 'DISPLAY' : 'BASE_NONE', 'STRINGS' : 'NULL', 'BITMASK' : '0' } self.eth_type[ethtype] = { 'import' : 'xxx', 'proto' : 'xxx' , 'attr' : {}, 'ref' : []} print("Dummy imported: %s (%s)" % (ident, ethtype)) return ethtype #--- eth_import_class -------------------------------------------------------- def eth_import_class(self, ident, mod, proto): #print "eth_import_class(ident='%s', mod='%s', prot='%s')" % (ident, mod, proto) if ident in self.objectclass: #print "already defined import=%s, module=%s" % (str(self.objectclass[ident]['import']), self.objectclass[ident]['module']) if not self.objectclass[ident]['import'] and (self.objectclass[ident]['module'] == mod) : return # OK - already defined elif self.objectclass[ident]['import'] and (self.objectclass[ident]['import'] == mod) : return # OK - already imported else: raise DuplicateError("object class", ident) self.objectclass[ident] = {'import' : mod, 'proto' : proto, 'ethname' : '' } self.objectclass_imp.append(ident) #--- eth_import_value ------------------------------------------------------- def eth_import_value(self, ident, mod, proto): #print "eth_import_value(ident='%s', mod='%s', prot='%s')" % (ident, mod, prot) if ident in self.value: #print "already defined import=%s, module=%s" % (str(self.value[ident]['import']), self.value[ident]['module']) if not self.value[ident]['import'] and (self.value[ident]['module'] == mod) : return # OK - already defined elif self.value[ident]['import'] and (self.value[ident]['import'] == mod) : return # OK - already imported else: raise DuplicateError("value", ident) self.value[ident] = {'import' : mod, 'proto' : proto, 'ethname' : ''} self.value_imp.append(ident) #--- eth_sel_req ------------------------------------------------------------ def eth_sel_req(self, typ, sel): key = typ + '.' + sel if key not in self.sel_req: self.sel_req[key] = { 'typ' : typ , 'sel' : sel} self.sel_req_ord.append(key) return key #--- eth_comp_req ------------------------------------------------------------ def eth_comp_req(self, type): self.comp_req_ord.append(type) #--- eth_dep_add ------------------------------------------------------------ def eth_dep_add(self, type, dep): if type not in self.type_dep: self.type_dep[type] = [] self.type_dep[type].append(dep) #--- eth_reg_type ----------------------------------------------------------- def eth_reg_type(self, ident, val): #print "eth_reg_type(ident='%s', type='%s')" % (ident, val.type) if ident in self.type: if self.type[ident]['import'] and (self.type[ident]['import'] == self.Module()) : # replace imported type del self.type[ident] self.type_imp.remove(ident) else: raise DuplicateError("type", ident) val.ident = ident self.type[ident] = { 'val' : val, 'import' : None } self.type[ident]['module'] = self.Module() self.type[ident]['proto'] = self.proto if len(ident.split('/')) > 1: self.type[ident]['tname'] = val.eth_tname() else: self.type[ident]['tname'] = asn2c(ident) self.type[ident]['export'] = self.conform.use_item('EXPORTS', ident) self.type[ident]['enum'] = self.conform.use_item('MAKE_ENUM', ident) self.type[ident]['vals_ext'] = self.conform.use_item('USE_VALS_EXT', ident) self.type[ident]['user_def'] = self.conform.use_item('USER_DEFINED', ident) self.type[ident]['no_emit'] = self.conform.use_item('NO_EMIT', ident) self.type[ident]['tname'] = self.conform.use_item('TYPE_RENAME', ident, val_dflt=self.type[ident]['tname']) self.type[ident]['ethname'] = '' if (val.type == 'Type_Ref') or (val.type == 'TaggedType') or (val.type == 'SelectionType') : self.type[ident]['attr'] = {} else: (ftype, display) = val.eth_ftype(self) self.type[ident]['attr'] = { 'TYPE' : ftype, 'DISPLAY' : display, 'STRINGS' : val.eth_strings(), 'BITMASK' : '0' } self.type[ident]['attr'].update(self.conform.use_item('TYPE_ATTR', ident)) self.type_ord.append(ident) # PDU if (self.conform.check_item('PDU', ident)): self.eth_reg_field(ident, ident, impl=val.HasImplicitTag(self), pdu=self.conform.use_item('PDU', ident)) #--- eth_reg_objectclass ---------------------------------------------------------- def eth_reg_objectclass(self, ident, val): #print "eth_reg_objectclass(ident='%s')" % (ident) if ident in self.objectclass: if self.objectclass[ident]['import'] and (self.objectclass[ident]['import'] == self.Module()) : # replace imported object class del self.objectclass[ident] self.objectclass_imp.remove(ident) elif isinstance(self.objectclass[ident]['val'], Class_Ref) and \ isinstance(val, Class_Ref) and \ (self.objectclass[ident]['val'].val == val.val): pass # ignore duplicated CLASS1 ::= CLASS2 else: raise DuplicateError("object class", ident) self.objectclass[ident] = { 'import' : None, 'module' : self.Module(), 'proto' : self.proto } self.objectclass[ident]['val'] = val self.objectclass[ident]['export'] = self.conform.use_item('EXPORTS', ident) self.objectclass_ord.append(ident) #--- eth_reg_value ---------------------------------------------------------- def eth_reg_value(self, ident, type, value, ethname=None): #print "eth_reg_value(ident='%s')" % (ident) if ident in self.value: if self.value[ident]['import'] and (self.value[ident]['import'] == self.Module()) : # replace imported value del self.value[ident] self.value_imp.remove(ident) elif ethname: self.value[ident]['ethname'] = ethname return else: raise DuplicateError("value", ident) self.value[ident] = { 'import' : None, 'module' : self.Module(), 'proto' : self.proto, 'type' : type, 'value' : value, 'no_emit' : False } self.value[ident]['export'] = self.conform.use_item('EXPORTS', ident) self.value[ident]['ethname'] = '' if (ethname): self.value[ident]['ethname'] = ethname self.value_ord.append(ident) #--- eth_reg_field ---------------------------------------------------------- def eth_reg_field(self, ident, type, idx='', parent=None, impl=False, pdu=None): #print "eth_reg_field(ident='%s', type='%s')" % (ident, type) if ident in self.field: if pdu and (type == self.field[ident]['type']): pass # OK already created PDU else: raise DuplicateError("field", ident) self.field[ident] = {'type' : type, 'idx' : idx, 'impl' : impl, 'pdu' : pdu, 'modified' : '', 'attr' : {} } name = ident.split('/')[-1] if self.remove_prefix and name.startswith(self.remove_prefix): name = name[len(self.remove_prefix):] if len(ident.split('/')) > 1 and name == ITEM_FIELD_NAME: # Sequence/Set of type if len(self.field[ident]['type'].split('/')) > 1: self.field[ident]['attr']['NAME'] = '"%s item"' % ident.split('/')[-2] self.field[ident]['attr']['ABBREV'] = asn2c(ident.split('/')[-2] + name) else: self.field[ident]['attr']['NAME'] = '"%s"' % self.field[ident]['type'] self.field[ident]['attr']['ABBREV'] = asn2c(self.field[ident]['type']) else: self.field[ident]['attr']['NAME'] = '"%s"' % name self.field[ident]['attr']['ABBREV'] = asn2c(name) if self.conform.check_item('FIELD_ATTR', ident): self.field[ident]['modified'] = '#' + str(id(self)) self.field[ident]['attr'].update(self.conform.use_item('FIELD_ATTR', ident)) if (pdu): self.field[ident]['pdu']['export'] = (self.conform.use_item('EXPORTS', ident + '_PDU') != 0) self.pdu_ord.append(ident) else: self.field_ord.append(ident) if parent: self.eth_dep_add(parent, type) def eth_dummy_eag_field_required(self): if (not self.dummy_eag_field): self.dummy_eag_field = 'eag_field' #--- eth_clean -------------------------------------------------------------- def eth_clean(self): self.proto = self.proto_opt; #--- ASN.1 tables ---------------- self.assign = {} self.assign_ord = [] self.field = {} self.pdu_ord = [] self.field_ord = [] self.type = {} self.type_ord = [] self.type_imp = [] self.type_dep = {} self.sel_req = {} self.sel_req_ord = [] self.comp_req_ord = [] self.vassign = {} self.vassign_ord = [] self.value = {} self.value_ord = [] self.value_imp = [] self.objectclass = {} self.objectclass_ord = [] self.objectclass_imp = [] self.oassign = {} self.oassign_ord = [] self.oassign_cls = {} #--- Modules ------------ self.modules = [] self.exports_all = False self.exports = [] self.cexports = [] self.vexports = [] #--- types ------------------- self.eth_type = {} self.eth_type_ord = [] self.eth_export_ord = [] self.eth_type_dupl = {} self.named_bit = [] #--- value dependencies ------------------- self.value_dep = {} #--- values ------------------- self.eth_value = {} self.eth_value_ord = [] #--- fields ------------------------- self.eth_hf = {} self.eth_hf_ord = [] self.eth_hfpdu_ord = [] self.eth_hf_dupl = {} self.dummy_eag_field = None #--- type dependencies ------------------- self.eth_type_ord1 = [] self.eth_dep_cycle = [] self.dep_cycle_eth_type = {} #--- value dependencies and export ------------------- self.eth_value_ord1 = [] self.eth_vexport_ord = [] #--- eth_prepare ------------------------------------------------------------ def eth_prepare(self): self.eproto = asn2c(self.proto) #--- dummy types/fields for PDU registration --- nm = 'NULL' if (self.conform.check_item('PDU', nm)): self.eth_reg_type('_dummy/'+nm, NullType()) self.eth_reg_field(nm, '_dummy/'+nm, pdu=self.conform.use_item('PDU', nm)) #--- required PDUs ---------------------------- for t in self.type_ord: pdu = self.type[t]['val'].eth_need_pdu(self) if not pdu: continue f = pdu['type'] pdu['reg'] = None pdu['hidden'] = False pdu['need_decl'] = True if f not in self.field: self.eth_reg_field(f, f, pdu=pdu) #--- values -> named values ------------------- t_for_update = {} for v in self.value_ord: if (self.value[v]['type'].type == 'Type_Ref') or self.conform.check_item('ASSIGN_VALUE_TO_TYPE', v): if self.conform.check_item('ASSIGN_VALUE_TO_TYPE', v): tnm = self.conform.use_item('ASSIGN_VALUE_TO_TYPE', v) else: tnm = self.value[v]['type'].val if tnm in self.type \ and not self.type[tnm]['import'] \ and (self.type[tnm]['val'].type == 'IntegerType'): self.type[tnm]['val'].add_named_value(v, self.value[v]['value']) self.value[v]['no_emit'] = True t_for_update[tnm] = True for t in list(t_for_update.keys()): self.type[t]['attr']['STRINGS'] = self.type[t]['val'].eth_strings() self.type[t]['attr'].update(self.conform.use_item('TYPE_ATTR', t)) #--- required components of --------------------------- #print "self.comp_req_ord = ", self.comp_req_ord for t in self.comp_req_ord: self.type[t]['val'].eth_reg_sub(t, self, components_available=True) #--- required selection types --------------------------- #print "self.sel_req_ord = ", self.sel_req_ord for t in self.sel_req_ord: tt = self.sel_req[t]['typ'] if tt not in self.type: self.dummy_import_type(t) elif self.type[tt]['import']: self.eth_import_type(t, self.type[tt]['import'], self.type[tt]['proto']) else: self.type[tt]['val'].sel_req(t, self.sel_req[t]['sel'], self) #--- types ------------------- for t in self.type_imp: # imported types nm = asn2c(t) self.eth_type[nm] = { 'import' : self.type[t]['import'], 'proto' : asn2c(self.type[t]['proto']), 'attr' : {}, 'ref' : []} self.eth_type[nm]['attr'].update(self.conform.use_item('ETYPE_ATTR', nm)) self.type[t]['ethname'] = nm for t in self.type_ord: # dummy import for missing type reference tp = self.type[t]['val'] #print "X : %s %s " % (t, tp.type) if isinstance(tp, TaggedType): #print "%s : %s " % (tp.type, t) tp = tp.val if isinstance(tp, Type_Ref): #print "%s : %s ::= %s " % (tp.type, t, tp.val) if tp.val not in self.type: self.dummy_import_type(tp.val) for t in self.type_ord: nm = self.type[t]['tname'] if ((nm.find('#') >= 0) or ((len(t.split('/'))>1) and (self.conform.get_fn_presence(t) or self.conform.check_item('FN_PARS', t) or self.conform.get_fn_presence('/'.join((t,ITEM_FIELD_NAME))) or self.conform.check_item('FN_PARS', '/'.join((t,ITEM_FIELD_NAME)))) and not self.conform.check_item('TYPE_RENAME', t))): if len(t.split('/')) == 2 and t.split('/')[1] == ITEM_FIELD_NAME: # Sequence of type at the 1st level nm = t.split('/')[0] + t.split('/')[1] elif t.split('/')[-1] == ITEM_FIELD_NAME: # Sequence/Set of type at next levels nm = 'T_' + self.conform.use_item('FIELD_RENAME', '/'.join(t.split('/')[0:-1]), val_dflt=t.split('/')[-2]) + t.split('/')[-1] elif t.split('/')[-1] == UNTAG_TYPE_NAME: # Untagged type nm = self.type['/'.join(t.split('/')[0:-1])]['ethname'] + '_U' else: nm = 'T_' + self.conform.use_item('FIELD_RENAME', t, val_dflt=t.split('/')[-1]) nm = asn2c(nm) if nm in self.eth_type: if nm in self.eth_type_dupl: self.eth_type_dupl[nm].append(t) else: self.eth_type_dupl[nm] = [self.eth_type[nm]['ref'][0], t] nm += '_%02d' % (len(self.eth_type_dupl[nm])-1) if nm in self.eth_type: self.eth_type[nm]['ref'].append(t) else: self.eth_type_ord.append(nm) self.eth_type[nm] = { 'import' : None, 'proto' : self.eproto, 'export' : 0, 'enum' : 0, 'vals_ext' : 0, 'user_def' : EF_TYPE|EF_VALS, 'no_emit' : EF_TYPE|EF_VALS, 'val' : self.type[t]['val'], 'attr' : {}, 'ref' : [t]} self.type[t]['ethname'] = nm if (not self.eth_type[nm]['export'] and self.type[t]['export']): # new export self.eth_export_ord.append(nm) self.eth_type[nm]['export'] |= self.type[t]['export'] self.eth_type[nm]['enum'] |= self.type[t]['enum'] self.eth_type[nm]['vals_ext'] |= self.type[t]['vals_ext'] self.eth_type[nm]['user_def'] &= self.type[t]['user_def'] self.eth_type[nm]['no_emit'] &= self.type[t]['no_emit'] if self.type[t]['attr'].get('STRINGS') == '$$': use_ext = self.type[t]['vals_ext'] if (use_ext): self.eth_type[nm]['attr']['STRINGS'] = '&%s_ext' % (self.eth_vals_nm(nm)) else: if self.eth_type[nm]['val'].type == 'IntegerType' \ and self.eth_type[nm]['val'].HasConstraint() \ and self.eth_type[nm]['val'].constr.Needs64b(self): self.eth_type[nm]['attr']['STRINGS'] = 'VALS64(%s)' % (self.eth_vals_nm(nm)) else: self.eth_type[nm]['attr']['STRINGS'] = 'VALS(%s)' % (self.eth_vals_nm(nm)) self.eth_type[nm]['attr'].update(self.conform.use_item('ETYPE_ATTR', nm)) for t in self.eth_type_ord: bits = self.eth_type[t]['val'].eth_named_bits() if (bits): old_val = 0 for (val, id) in bits: self.named_bit.append({'name' : id, 'val' : val, 'ethname' : 'hf_%s_%s_%s' % (self.eproto, t, asn2c(id)), 'ftype' : 'FT_BOOLEAN', 'display' : '8', 'strings' : 'NULL', 'bitmask' : '0x'+('80','40','20','10','08','04','02','01')[val%8]}) old_val = val + 1 if self.eth_type[t]['val'].eth_need_tree(): self.eth_type[t]['tree'] = "ett_%s_%s" % (self.eth_type[t]['proto'], t) else: self.eth_type[t]['tree'] = None #--- register values from enums ------------ for t in self.eth_type_ord: if (self.eth_type[t]['val'].eth_has_enum(t, self)): self.eth_type[t]['val'].reg_enum_vals(t, self) #--- value dependencies ------------------- for v in self.value_ord: if isinstance (self.value[v]['value'], Value): dep = self.value[v]['value'].get_dep() else: dep = self.value[v]['value'] if dep and dep in self.value: self.value_dep.setdefault(v, []).append(dep) #--- exports all necessary values for v in self.value_ord: if not self.value[v]['export']: continue deparr = self.value_dep.get(v, []) while deparr: d = deparr.pop() if not self.value[d]['import']: if not self.value[d]['export']: self.value[d]['export'] = EF_TYPE deparr.extend(self.value_dep.get(d, [])) #--- values ------------------- for v in self.value_imp: nm = asn2c(v) self.eth_value[nm] = { 'import' : self.value[v]['import'], 'proto' : asn2c(self.value[v]['proto']), 'ref' : []} self.value[v]['ethname'] = nm for v in self.value_ord: if (self.value[v]['ethname']): continue if (self.value[v]['no_emit']): continue nm = asn2c(v) self.eth_value[nm] = { 'import' : None, 'proto' : asn2c(self.value[v]['proto']), 'export' : self.value[v]['export'], 'ref' : [v] } self.eth_value[nm]['value'] = self.value[v]['value'] self.eth_value_ord.append(nm) self.value[v]['ethname'] = nm #--- fields ------------------------- for f in (self.pdu_ord + self.field_ord): if len(f.split('/')) > 1 and f.split('/')[-1] == ITEM_FIELD_NAME: # Sequence/Set of type nm = self.conform.use_item('FIELD_RENAME', '/'.join(f.split('/')[0:-1]), val_dflt=f.split('/')[-2]) + f.split('/')[-1] else: nm = f.split('/')[-1] nm = self.conform.use_item('FIELD_RENAME', f, val_dflt=nm) nm = asn2c(nm) if (self.field[f]['pdu']): nm += '_PDU' if (not self.merge_modules or self.field[f]['pdu']['export']): nm = self.eproto + '_' + nm t = self.field[f]['type'] if t in self.type: ethtype = self.type[t]['ethname'] else: # undefined type ethtype = self.dummy_import_type(t) ethtypemod = ethtype + self.field[f]['modified'] if nm in self.eth_hf: if nm in self.eth_hf_dupl: if ethtypemod in self.eth_hf_dupl[nm]: nm = self.eth_hf_dupl[nm][ethtypemod] self.eth_hf[nm]['ref'].append(f) self.field[f]['ethname'] = nm continue else: nmx = nm + ('_%02d' % (len(self.eth_hf_dupl[nm]))) self.eth_hf_dupl[nm][ethtype] = nmx nm = nmx else: if (self.eth_hf[nm]['ethtype']+self.eth_hf[nm]['modified']) == ethtypemod: self.eth_hf[nm]['ref'].append(f) self.field[f]['ethname'] = nm continue else: nmx = nm + '_01' self.eth_hf_dupl[nm] = {self.eth_hf[nm]['ethtype']+self.eth_hf[nm]['modified'] : nm, \ ethtypemod : nmx} nm = nmx if (self.field[f]['pdu']): self.eth_hfpdu_ord.append(nm) else: self.eth_hf_ord.append(nm) fullname = 'hf_%s_%s' % (self.eproto, nm) attr = self.eth_get_type_attr(self.field[f]['type']).copy() attr.update(self.field[f]['attr']) if (self.NAPI() and 'NAME' in attr): attr['NAME'] += self.field[f]['idx'] attr.update(self.conform.use_item('EFIELD_ATTR', nm)) use_vals_ext = self.eth_type[ethtype].get('vals_ext') if (use_vals_ext): attr['DISPLAY'] += '|BASE_EXT_STRING' self.eth_hf[nm] = {'fullname' : fullname, 'pdu' : self.field[f]['pdu'], 'ethtype' : ethtype, 'modified' : self.field[f]['modified'], 'attr' : attr.copy(), 'ref' : [f]} self.field[f]['ethname'] = nm if (self.dummy_eag_field): # Prepending "dummy_" avoids matching checkhf.pl. self.dummy_eag_field = 'dummy_hf_%s_%s' % (self.eproto, self.dummy_eag_field) #--- type dependencies ------------------- (self.eth_type_ord1, self.eth_dep_cycle) = dependency_compute(self.type_ord, self.type_dep, map_fn = lambda t: self.type[t]['ethname'], ignore_fn = lambda t: self.type[t]['import']) i = 0 while i < len(self.eth_dep_cycle): t = self.type[self.eth_dep_cycle[i][0]]['ethname'] self.dep_cycle_eth_type.setdefault(t, []).append(i) i += 1 #--- value dependencies and export ------------------- for v in self.eth_value_ord: if self.eth_value[v]['export']: self.eth_vexport_ord.append(v) else: self.eth_value_ord1.append(v) #--- export tags, values, ... --- for t in self.exports: if t not in self.type: continue if self.type[t]['import']: continue m = self.type[t]['module'] if not self.Per() and not self.Oer(): if m not in self.all_tags: self.all_tags[m] = {} self.all_tags[m][t] = self.type[t]['val'].GetTTag(self) if m not in self.all_type_attr: self.all_type_attr[m] = {} self.all_type_attr[m][t] = self.eth_get_type_attr(t).copy() for v in self.vexports: if v not in self.value: continue if self.value[v]['import']: continue m = self.value[v]['module'] if m not in self.all_vals: self.all_vals[m] = {} vv = self.value[v]['value'] if isinstance (vv, Value): vv = vv.to_str(self) self.all_vals[m][v] = vv #--- eth_vals_nm ------------------------------------------------------------ def eth_vals_nm(self, tname): out = "" if (not self.eth_type[tname]['export'] & EF_NO_PROT): out += "%s_" % (self.eproto) out += "%s_vals" % (tname) return out #--- eth_vals --------------------------------------------------------------- def eth_vals(self, tname, vals): out = "" has_enum = self.eth_type[tname]['enum'] & EF_ENUM use_ext = self.eth_type[tname]['vals_ext'] if (use_ext): vals.sort(key=lambda vals_entry: int(vals_entry[0])) if (not self.eth_type[tname]['export'] & EF_VALS): out += 'static ' if (self.eth_type[tname]['export'] & EF_VALS) and (self.eth_type[tname]['export'] & EF_TABLE): out += 'static ' if self.eth_type[tname]['val'].HasConstraint() and self.eth_type[tname]['val'].constr.Needs64b(self) \ and self.eth_type[tname]['val'].type == 'IntegerType': out += "const val64_string %s[] = {\n" % (self.eth_vals_nm(tname)) else: out += "const value_string %s[] = {\n" % (self.eth_vals_nm(tname)) for (val, id) in vals: if (has_enum): vval = self.eth_enum_item(tname, id) else: vval = val out += ' { %3s, "%s" },\n' % (vval, id) out += " { 0, NULL }\n};\n" if (use_ext): out += "\nstatic value_string_ext %s_ext = VALUE_STRING_EXT_INIT(%s);\n" % (self.eth_vals_nm(tname), self.eth_vals_nm(tname)) return out #--- eth_enum_prefix ------------------------------------------------------------ def eth_enum_prefix(self, tname, type=False): out = "" if (self.eth_type[tname]['export'] & EF_ENUM): no_prot = self.eth_type[tname]['export'] & EF_NO_PROT else: no_prot = self.eth_type[tname]['enum'] & EF_NO_PROT if (not no_prot): out += self.eproto if ((not self.eth_type[tname]['enum'] & EF_NO_TYPE) or type): if (out): out += '_' out += tname if (self.eth_type[tname]['enum'] & EF_UCASE): out = out.upper() if (out): out += '_' return out #--- eth_enum_nm ------------------------------------------------------------ def eth_enum_nm(self, tname): out = self.eth_enum_prefix(tname, type=True) out += "enum" return out #--- eth_enum_item --------------------------------------------------------------- def eth_enum_item(self, tname, ident): out = self.eth_enum_prefix(tname) out += asn2c(ident) if (self.eth_type[tname]['enum'] & EF_UCASE): out = out.upper() return out #--- eth_enum --------------------------------------------------------------- def eth_enum(self, tname, vals): out = "" if (self.eth_type[tname]['enum'] & EF_DEFINE): out += "/* enumerated values for %s */\n" % (tname) for (val, id) in vals: out += '#define %-12s %3s\n' % (self.eth_enum_item(tname, id), val) else: out += "typedef enum _%s {\n" % (self.eth_enum_nm(tname)) first_line = 1 for (val, id) in vals: if (first_line == 1): first_line = 0 else: out += ",\n" out += ' %-12s = %3s' % (self.eth_enum_item(tname, id), val) out += "\n} %s;\n" % (self.eth_enum_nm(tname)) return out #--- eth_bits --------------------------------------------------------------- def eth_bits(self, tname, bits): out = "" out += "static int * const " out += "%(TABLE)s[] = {\n" for (val, id) in bits: out += ' &hf_%s_%s_%s,\n' % (self.eproto, tname, asn2c(id)) out += " NULL\n};\n" return out #--- eth_type_fn_h ---------------------------------------------------------- def eth_type_fn_h(self, tname): out = "" if (not self.eth_type[tname]['export'] & EF_TYPE): out += 'static ' out += "int " if (self.Ber()): out += "dissect_%s_%s(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_)" % (self.eth_type[tname]['proto'], tname) elif (self.Per() or self.Oer()): out += "dissect_%s_%s(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_)" % (self.eth_type[tname]['proto'], tname) out += ";\n" return out #--- eth_fn_call ------------------------------------------------------------ def eth_fn_call(self, fname, ret=None, indent=2, par=None): out = indent * ' ' if (ret): if (ret == 'return'): out += 'return ' else: out += ret + ' = ' out += fname + '(' ind = len(out) for i in range(len(par)): if (i>0): out += ind * ' ' out += ', '.join(par[i]) if (i<(len(par)-1)): out += ',\n' out += ');\n' return out def output_proto_root(self): out = '' if self.conform.proto_root_name: out += ' proto_item *prot_ti = proto_tree_add_item(tree, ' + self.conform.proto_root_name + ', tvb, 0, -1, ENC_NA);\n' out += ' proto_item_set_hidden(prot_ti);\n' return out #--- eth_type_fn_hdr -------------------------------------------------------- def eth_type_fn_hdr(self, tname): out = '\n' if (not self.eth_type[tname]['export'] & EF_TYPE): out += 'static ' out += "int\n" if (self.Ber()): out += "dissect_%s_%s(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {\n" % (self.eth_type[tname]['proto'], tname) elif (self.Per() or self.Oer()): out += "dissect_%s_%s(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {\n" % (self.eth_type[tname]['proto'], tname) #if self.conform.get_fn_presence(tname): # out += self.conform.get_fn_text(tname, 'FN_HDR') #el if self.conform.check_item('PDU', tname): out += self.output_proto_root() if self.conform.get_fn_presence(self.eth_type[tname]['ref'][0]): out += self.conform.get_fn_text(self.eth_type[tname]['ref'][0], 'FN_HDR') return out #--- eth_type_fn_ftr -------------------------------------------------------- def eth_type_fn_ftr(self, tname): out = '\n' #if self.conform.get_fn_presence(tname): # out += self.conform.get_fn_text(tname, 'FN_FTR') #el if self.conform.get_fn_presence(self.eth_type[tname]['ref'][0]): out += self.conform.get_fn_text(self.eth_type[tname]['ref'][0], 'FN_FTR') out += " return offset;\n" out += "}\n" return out #--- eth_type_fn_body ------------------------------------------------------- def eth_type_fn_body(self, tname, body, pars=None): out = body #if self.conform.get_fn_body_presence(tname): # out = self.conform.get_fn_text(tname, 'FN_BODY') #el if self.conform.get_fn_body_presence(self.eth_type[tname]['ref'][0]): out = self.conform.get_fn_text(self.eth_type[tname]['ref'][0], 'FN_BODY') if pars: try: out = out % pars except (TypeError): pass return out #--- eth_out_pdu_decl ---------------------------------------------------------- def eth_out_pdu_decl(self, f): t = self.eth_hf[f]['ethtype'] out = '' if (not self.eth_hf[f]['pdu']['export']): out += 'static ' out += 'int ' out += 'dissect_'+f+'(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_);\n' return out #--- eth_output_hf ---------------------------------------------------------- def eth_output_hf (self): if not len(self.eth_hf_ord) and not len(self.eth_hfpdu_ord) and not len(self.named_bit): return fx = self.output.file_open('hf') for f in (self.eth_hfpdu_ord + self.eth_hf_ord): fx.write("%-50s/* %s */\n" % ("static int %s = -1; " % (self.eth_hf[f]['fullname']), self.eth_hf[f]['ethtype'])) if (self.named_bit): fx.write('/* named bits */\n') for nb in self.named_bit: fx.write("static int %s = -1;\n" % (nb['ethname'])) if (self.dummy_eag_field): fx.write("static int %s = -1; /* never registered */\n" % (self.dummy_eag_field)) self.output.file_close(fx) #--- eth_output_hf_arr ------------------------------------------------------ def eth_output_hf_arr (self): if not len(self.eth_hf_ord) and not len(self.eth_hfpdu_ord) and not len(self.named_bit): return fx = self.output.file_open('hfarr') for f in (self.eth_hfpdu_ord + self.eth_hf_ord): t = self.eth_hf[f]['ethtype'] if self.remove_prefix and t.startswith(self.remove_prefix): t = t[len(self.remove_prefix):] name=self.eth_hf[f]['attr']['NAME'] try: # Python < 3 trantab = maketrans("- ", "__") except: trantab = str.maketrans("- ", "__") name = name.translate(trantab) namelower = name.lower() tquoted_lower = '"' + t.lower() + '"' # Try to avoid giving blurbs that give no more info than the name if tquoted_lower == namelower or \ t == "NULL" or \ tquoted_lower.replace("t_", "") == namelower: blurb = 'NULL' else: blurb = '"%s"' % (t) attr = self.eth_hf[f]['attr'].copy() if attr['TYPE'] == 'FT_NONE': attr['ABBREV'] = '"%s.%s_element"' % (self.proto, attr['ABBREV']) else: attr['ABBREV'] = '"%s.%s"' % (self.proto, attr['ABBREV']) if 'BLURB' not in attr: attr['BLURB'] = blurb fx.write(' { &%s,\n' % (self.eth_hf[f]['fullname'])) fx.write(' { %(NAME)s, %(ABBREV)s,\n' % attr) fx.write(' %(TYPE)s, %(DISPLAY)s, %(STRINGS)s, %(BITMASK)s,\n' % attr) fx.write(' %(BLURB)s, HFILL }},\n' % attr) for nb in self.named_bit: flt_str = nb['ethname'] # cut out hf_ flt_str = flt_str[3:] flt_str = flt_str.replace('_' , '.') #print("filter string=%s" % (flt_str)) fx.write(' { &%s,\n' % (nb['ethname'])) fx.write(' { "%s", "%s",\n' % (nb['name'], flt_str)) fx.write(' %s, %s, %s, %s,\n' % (nb['ftype'], nb['display'], nb['strings'], nb['bitmask'])) fx.write(' NULL, HFILL }},\n') self.output.file_close(fx) #--- eth_output_ett --------------------------------------------------------- def eth_output_ett (self): fx = self.output.file_open('ett') fempty = True #fx.write("static gint ett_%s = -1;\n" % (self.eproto)) for t in self.eth_type_ord: if self.eth_type[t]['tree']: fx.write("static gint %s = -1;\n" % (self.eth_type[t]['tree'])) fempty = False self.output.file_close(fx, discard=fempty) #--- eth_output_ett_arr ----------------------------------------------------- def eth_output_ett_arr(self): fx = self.output.file_open('ettarr') fempty = True #fx.write(" &ett_%s,\n" % (self.eproto)) for t in self.eth_type_ord: if self.eth_type[t]['tree']: fx.write(" &%s,\n" % (self.eth_type[t]['tree'])) fempty = False self.output.file_close(fx, discard=fempty) #--- eth_output_export ------------------------------------------------------ def eth_output_export(self): fx = self.output.file_open('exp', ext='h') for t in self.eth_export_ord: # vals if (self.eth_type[t]['export'] & EF_ENUM) and self.eth_type[t]['val'].eth_has_enum(t, self): fx.write(self.eth_type[t]['val'].eth_type_enum(t, self)) if (self.eth_type[t]['export'] & EF_VALS) and self.eth_type[t]['val'].eth_has_vals(): if not self.eth_type[t]['export'] & EF_TABLE: if self.eth_type[t]['export'] & EF_WS_DLL: fx.write("WS_DLL_PUBLIC ") else: fx.write("extern ") if self.eth_type[t]['val'].HasConstraint() and self.eth_type[t]['val'].constr.Needs64b(self) \ and self.eth_type[t]['val'].type == 'IntegerType': fx.write("const val64_string %s[];\n" % (self.eth_vals_nm(t))) else: fx.write("const value_string %s[];\n" % (self.eth_vals_nm(t))) else: fx.write(self.eth_type[t]['val'].eth_type_vals(t, self)) for t in self.eth_export_ord: # functions if (self.eth_type[t]['export'] & EF_TYPE): if self.eth_type[t]['export'] & EF_EXTERN: if self.eth_type[t]['export'] & EF_WS_DLL: fx.write("WS_DLL_PUBLIC ") else: fx.write("extern ") fx.write(self.eth_type_fn_h(t)) for f in self.eth_hfpdu_ord: # PDUs if (self.eth_hf[f]['pdu'] and self.eth_hf[f]['pdu']['export']): fx.write(self.eth_out_pdu_decl(f)) self.output.file_close(fx) #--- eth_output_expcnf ------------------------------------------------------ def eth_output_expcnf(self): fx = self.output.file_open('exp', ext='cnf') fx.write('#.MODULE\n') maxw = 0 for (m, p) in self.modules: if (len(m) > maxw): maxw = len(m) for (m, p) in self.modules: fx.write("%-*s %s\n" % (maxw, m, p)) fx.write('#.END\n\n') for cls in self.objectclass_ord: if self.objectclass[cls]['export']: cnm = cls if self.objectclass[cls]['export'] & EF_MODULE: cnm = "$%s$%s" % (self.objectclass[cls]['module'], cnm) fx.write('#.CLASS %s\n' % (cnm)) maxw = 2 for fld in self.objectclass[cls]['val'].fields: w = len(fld.fld_repr()[0]) if (w > maxw): maxw = w for fld in self.objectclass[cls]['val'].fields: repr = fld.fld_repr() fx.write('%-*s %s\n' % (maxw, repr[0], ' '.join(repr[1:]))) fx.write('#.END\n\n') if self.Ber(): fx.write('#.IMPORT_TAG\n') for t in self.eth_export_ord: # tags if (self.eth_type[t]['export'] & EF_TYPE): fx.write('%-24s ' % self.eth_type[t]['ref'][0]) fx.write('%s %s\n' % self.eth_type[t]['val'].GetTag(self)) fx.write('#.END\n\n') fx.write('#.TYPE_ATTR\n') for t in self.eth_export_ord: # attributes if (self.eth_type[t]['export'] & EF_TYPE): tnm = self.eth_type[t]['ref'][0] if self.eth_type[t]['export'] & EF_MODULE: tnm = "$%s$%s" % (self.type[tnm]['module'], tnm) fx.write('%-24s ' % tnm) attr = self.eth_get_type_attr(self.eth_type[t]['ref'][0]).copy() fx.write('TYPE = %(TYPE)-9s DISPLAY = %(DISPLAY)-9s STRINGS = %(STRINGS)s BITMASK = %(BITMASK)s\n' % attr) fx.write('#.END\n\n') self.output.file_close(fx, keep_anyway=True) #--- eth_output_val ------------------------------------------------------ def eth_output_val(self): fx = self.output.file_open('val', ext='h') for v in self.eth_value_ord1: vv = self.eth_value[v]['value'] if isinstance (vv, Value): vv = vv.to_str(self) fx.write("#define %-30s %s\n" % (v, vv)) for t in self.eth_type_ord1: if self.eth_type[t]['import']: continue if self.eth_type[t]['val'].eth_has_enum(t, self) and not (self.eth_type[t]['export'] & EF_ENUM): fx.write(self.eth_type[t]['val'].eth_type_enum(t, self)) self.output.file_close(fx) #--- eth_output_valexp ------------------------------------------------------ def eth_output_valexp(self): if (not len(self.eth_vexport_ord)): return fx = self.output.file_open('valexp', ext='h') for v in self.eth_vexport_ord: vv = self.eth_value[v]['value'] if isinstance (vv, Value): vv = vv.to_str(self) fx.write("#define %-30s %s\n" % (v, vv)) self.output.file_close(fx) #--- eth_output_types ------------------------------------------------------- def eth_output_types(self): def out_pdu(f): t = self.eth_hf[f]['ethtype'] impl = 'FALSE' out = '' if (not self.eth_hf[f]['pdu']['export']): out += 'static ' out += 'int ' out += 'dissect_'+f+'(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {\n' out += self.output_proto_root() out += ' int offset = 0;\n' off_par = 'offset' ret_par = 'offset' if (self.Per()): if (self.Aligned()): aligned = 'TRUE' else: aligned = 'FALSE' out += " asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;\n" out += self.eth_fn_call('asn1_ctx_init', par=(('&asn1_ctx', 'ASN1_ENC_PER', aligned, 'pinfo'),)) if (self.Ber()): out += " asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;\n" out += self.eth_fn_call('asn1_ctx_init', par=(('&asn1_ctx', 'ASN1_ENC_BER', 'TRUE', 'pinfo'),)) par=((impl, 'tvb', off_par,'&asn1_ctx', 'tree', self.eth_hf[f]['fullname']),) elif (self.Per()): par=(('tvb', off_par, '&asn1_ctx', 'tree', self.eth_hf[f]['fullname']),) elif (self.Oer()): out += " asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;\n" out += self.eth_fn_call('asn1_ctx_init', par=(('&asn1_ctx', 'ASN1_ENC_OER', 'TRUE', 'pinfo'),)) par=(('tvb', off_par,'&asn1_ctx', 'tree', self.eth_hf[f]['fullname']),) else: par=((),) out += self.eth_fn_call('dissect_%s_%s' % (self.eth_type[t]['proto'], t), ret=ret_par, par=par) if (self.Per()): out += ' offset += 7; offset >>= 3;\n' out += ' return offset;\n' out += '}\n' return out #end out_pdu() fx = self.output.file_open('fn') pos = fx.tell() if (len(self.eth_hfpdu_ord)): first_decl = True for f in self.eth_hfpdu_ord: if (self.eth_hf[f]['pdu'] and self.eth_hf[f]['pdu']['need_decl']): if first_decl: fx.write('/*--- PDUs declarations ---*/\n') first_decl = False fx.write(self.eth_out_pdu_decl(f)) if not first_decl: fx.write('\n') if self.eth_dep_cycle: fx.write('/*--- Cyclic dependencies ---*/\n\n') i = 0 while i < len(self.eth_dep_cycle): t = self.type[self.eth_dep_cycle[i][0]]['ethname'] if self.dep_cycle_eth_type[t][0] != i: i += 1; continue fx.write(''.join(['/* %s */\n' % ' -> '.join(self.eth_dep_cycle[i]) for i in self.dep_cycle_eth_type[t]])) if not self.eth_type[t]['export'] & EF_TYPE: fx.write(self.eth_type_fn_h(t)) else: fx.write('/*' + self.eth_type_fn_h(t).strip() + '*/\n') fx.write('\n') i += 1 fx.write('\n') for t in self.eth_type_ord1: if self.eth_type[t]['import']: continue if self.eth_type[t]['val'].eth_has_vals(): if self.eth_type[t]['no_emit'] & EF_VALS: pass elif self.eth_type[t]['user_def'] & EF_VALS: if self.eth_type[t]['val'].HasConstraint() and self.eth_type[t]['val'].constr.Needs64b(self) \ and self.eth_type[t]['val'].type == 'IntegerType': fx.write("extern const val64_string %s[];\n" % (self.eth_vals_nm(t))) else: fx.write("extern const value_string %s[];\n" % (self.eth_vals_nm(t))) elif (self.eth_type[t]['export'] & EF_VALS) and (self.eth_type[t]['export'] & EF_TABLE): pass else: fx.write(self.eth_type[t]['val'].eth_type_vals(t, self)) if self.eth_type[t]['no_emit'] & EF_TYPE: pass elif self.eth_type[t]['user_def'] & EF_TYPE: fx.write(self.eth_type_fn_h(t)) else: fx.write(self.eth_type[t]['val'].eth_type_fn(self.eth_type[t]['proto'], t, self)) fx.write('\n') if (len(self.eth_hfpdu_ord)): fx.write('/*--- PDUs ---*/\n\n') for f in self.eth_hfpdu_ord: if (self.eth_hf[f]['pdu']): if (f in self.emitted_pdu): fx.write(" /* %s already emitted */\n" % (f)) else: fx.write(out_pdu(f)) self.emitted_pdu[f] = True fx.write('\n') fempty = pos == fx.tell() self.output.file_close(fx, discard=fempty) #--- eth_output_dis_hnd ----------------------------------------------------- def eth_output_dis_hnd(self): fx = self.output.file_open('dis-hnd') fempty = True for f in self.eth_hfpdu_ord: pdu = self.eth_hf[f]['pdu'] if (pdu and pdu['reg'] and not pdu['hidden']): dis = self.proto if (pdu['reg'] != '.'): dis += '.' + pdu['reg'] fx.write('static dissector_handle_t %s_handle;\n' % (asn2c(dis))) fempty = False fx.write('\n') self.output.file_close(fx, discard=fempty) #--- eth_output_dis_reg ----------------------------------------------------- def eth_output_dis_reg(self): fx = self.output.file_open('dis-reg') fempty = True for f in self.eth_hfpdu_ord: pdu = self.eth_hf[f]['pdu'] if (pdu and pdu['reg']): new_prefix = '' if (pdu['new']): new_prefix = 'new_' dis = self.proto if (pdu['reg'] != '.'): dis += '.' + pdu['reg'] fx.write(' %sregister_dissector("%s", dissect_%s, proto_%s);\n' % (new_prefix, dis, f, self.eproto)) if (not pdu['hidden']): fx.write(' %s_handle = find_dissector("%s");\n' % (asn2c(dis), dis)) fempty = False fx.write('\n') self.output.file_close(fx, discard=fempty) #--- eth_output_dis_tab ----------------------------------------------------- def eth_output_dis_tab(self): fx = self.output.file_open('dis-tab') fempty = True for k in self.conform.get_order('REGISTER'): reg = self.conform.use_item('REGISTER', k) if reg['pdu'] not in self.field: continue f = self.field[reg['pdu']]['ethname'] pdu = self.eth_hf[f]['pdu'] new_prefix = '' if (pdu['new']): new_prefix = 'new_' if (reg['rtype'] in ('NUM', 'STR')): rstr = '' if (reg['rtype'] == 'STR'): rstr = 'string' else: rstr = 'uint' if (pdu['reg']): dis = self.proto if (pdu['reg'] != '.'): dis += '.' + pdu['reg'] if (not pdu['hidden']): hnd = '%s_handle' % (asn2c(dis)) else: hnd = 'find_dissector("%s")' % (dis) else: hnd = '%screate_dissector_handle(dissect_%s, proto_%s)' % (new_prefix, f, self.eproto) rport = self.value_get_eth(reg['rport']) fx.write(' dissector_add_%s("%s", %s, %s);\n' % (rstr, reg['rtable'], rport, hnd)) elif (reg['rtype'] in ('BER', 'PER', 'OER')): roid = self.value_get_eth(reg['roid']) fx.write(' %sregister_%s_oid_dissector(%s, dissect_%s, proto_%s, %s);\n' % (new_prefix, reg['rtype'].lower(), roid, f, self.eproto, reg['roidname'])) fempty = False fx.write('\n') self.output.file_close(fx, discard=fempty) #--- eth_output_syn_reg ----------------------------------------------------- def eth_output_syn_reg(self): fx = self.output.file_open('syn-reg') fempty = True first_decl = True for k in self.conform.get_order('SYNTAX'): reg = self.conform.use_item('SYNTAX', k) if reg['pdu'] not in self.field: continue f = self.field[reg['pdu']]['ethname'] pdu = self.eth_hf[f]['pdu'] new_prefix = '' if (pdu['new']): new_prefix = 'new_' if first_decl: fx.write(' /*--- Syntax registrations ---*/\n') first_decl = False fx.write(' %sregister_ber_syntax_dissector(%s, proto_%s, dissect_%s_PDU);\n' % (new_prefix, k, self.eproto, reg['pdu'])); fempty=False self.output.file_close(fx, discard=fempty) #--- eth_output_tables ----------------------------------------------------- def eth_output_tables(self): for num in list(self.conform.report.keys()): fx = self.output.file_open('table' + num) for rep in self.conform.report[num]: self.eth_output_table(fx, rep) self.output.file_close(fx) #--- eth_output_table ----------------------------------------------------- def eth_output_table(self, fx, rep): if rep['type'] == 'HDR': fx.write('\n') if rep['var']: var = rep['var'] var_list = var.split('.', 1) cls = var_list[0] del var_list[0] flds = [] not_flds = [] sort_flds = [] for f in var_list: if f[0] == '!': not_flds.append(f[1:]) continue if f[0] == '#': flds.append(f[1:]) sort_flds.append(f) continue if f[0] == '@': flds.append(f[1:]) sort_flds.append(f[1:]) continue flds.append(f) objs = {} objs_ord = [] if (cls in self.oassign_cls): for ident in self.oassign_cls[cls]: obj = self.get_obj_repr(ident, flds, not_flds) if not obj: continue obj['_LOOP'] = var obj['_DICT'] = str(obj) objs[ident] = obj objs_ord.append(ident) if (sort_flds): # Sort identifiers according to the matching object in objs. # The order is determined by sort_flds, keys prefixed by a # '#' are compared numerically. def obj_key_fn(name): obj = objs[name] return list( int(obj[f[1:]]) if f[0] == '#' else obj[f] for f in sort_flds ) objs_ord.sort(key=obj_key_fn) for ident in objs_ord: obj = objs[ident] try: text = rep['text'] % obj except (KeyError): raise sys.exc_info()[0]("%s:%s invalid key %s for information object %s of %s" % (rep['fn'], rep['lineno'], sys.exc_info()[1], ident, var)) fx.write(text) else: fx.write("/* Unknown or empty loop list %s */\n" % (var)) else: fx.write(rep['text']) if rep['type'] == 'FTR': fx.write('\n') #--- dupl_report ----------------------------------------------------- def dupl_report(self): # types tmplist = sorted(self.eth_type_dupl.keys()) for t in tmplist: msg = "The same type names for different types. Explicit type renaming is recommended.\n" msg += t + "\n" for tt in self.eth_type_dupl[t]: msg += " %-20s %s\n" % (self.type[tt]['ethname'], tt) warnings.warn_explicit(msg, UserWarning, '', 0) # fields tmplist = list(self.eth_hf_dupl.keys()) tmplist.sort() for f in tmplist: msg = "The same field names for different types. Explicit field renaming is recommended.\n" msg += f + "\n" for tt in list(self.eth_hf_dupl[f].keys()): msg += " %-20s %-20s " % (self.eth_hf_dupl[f][tt], tt) msg += ", ".join(self.eth_hf[self.eth_hf_dupl[f][tt]]['ref']) msg += "\n" warnings.warn_explicit(msg, UserWarning, '', 0) #--- eth_do_output ------------------------------------------------------------ def eth_do_output(self): if self.dbg('a'): print("\n# Assignments") for a in self.assign_ord: v = ' ' if (self.assign[a]['virt']): v = '*' print('{} {}'.format(v, a)) print("\n# Value assignments") for a in self.vassign_ord: print(' {}'.format(a)) print("\n# Information object assignments") for a in self.oassign_ord: print(" %-12s (%s)" % (a, self.oassign[a].cls)) if self.dbg('t'): print("\n# Imported Types") print("%-40s %-24s %-24s" % ("ASN.1 name", "Module", "Protocol")) print("-" * 100) for t in self.type_imp: print("%-40s %-24s %-24s" % (t, self.type[t]['import'], self.type[t]['proto'])) print("\n# Imported Values") print("%-40s %-24s %-24s" % ("ASN.1 name", "Module", "Protocol")) print("-" * 100) for t in self.value_imp: print("%-40s %-24s %-24s" % (t, self.value[t]['import'], self.value[t]['proto'])) print("\n# Imported Object Classes") print("%-40s %-24s %-24s" % ("ASN.1 name", "Module", "Protocol")) print("-" * 100) for t in self.objectclass_imp: print("%-40s %-24s %-24s" % (t, self.objectclass[t]['import'], self.objectclass[t]['proto'])) print("\n# Exported Types") print("%-31s %s" % ("Wireshark type", "Export Flag")) print("-" * 100) for t in self.eth_export_ord: print("%-31s 0x%02X" % (t, self.eth_type[t]['export'])) print("\n# Exported Values") print("%-40s %s" % ("Wireshark name", "Value")) print("-" * 100) for v in self.eth_vexport_ord: vv = self.eth_value[v]['value'] if isinstance (vv, Value): vv = vv.to_str(self) print("%-40s %s" % (v, vv)) print("\n# ASN.1 Object Classes") print("%-40s %-24s %-24s" % ("ASN.1 name", "Module", "Protocol")) print("-" * 100) for t in self.objectclass_ord: print("%-40s " % (t)) print("\n# ASN.1 Types") print("%-49s %-24s %-24s" % ("ASN.1 unique name", "'tname'", "Wireshark type")) print("-" * 100) for t in self.type_ord: print("%-49s %-24s %-24s" % (t, self.type[t]['tname'], self.type[t]['ethname'])) print("\n# Wireshark Types") print("Wireshark type References (ASN.1 types)") print("-" * 100) for t in self.eth_type_ord: sys.stdout.write("%-31s %d" % (t, len(self.eth_type[t]['ref']))) print(', '.join(self.eth_type[t]['ref'])) print("\n# ASN.1 Values") print("%-40s %-18s %-20s %s" % ("ASN.1 unique name", "Type", "Value", "Wireshark value")) print("-" * 100) for v in self.value_ord: vv = self.value[v]['value'] if isinstance (vv, Value): vv = vv.to_str(self) print("%-40s %-18s %-20s %s" % (v, self.value[v]['type'].eth_tname(), vv, self.value[v]['ethname'])) #print "\n# Wireshark Values" #print "%-40s %s" % ("Wireshark name", "Value") #print "-" * 100 #for v in self.eth_value_ord: # vv = self.eth_value[v]['value'] # if isinstance (vv, Value): # vv = vv.to_str(self) # print "%-40s %s" % (v, vv) print("\n# ASN.1 Fields") print("ASN.1 unique name Wireshark name ASN.1 type") print("-" * 100) for f in (self.pdu_ord + self.field_ord): print("%-40s %-20s %s" % (f, self.field[f]['ethname'], self.field[f]['type'])) print("\n# Wireshark Fields") print("Wireshark name Wireshark type References (ASN.1 fields)") print("-" * 100) for f in (self.eth_hfpdu_ord + self.eth_hf_ord): sys.stdout.write("%-30s %-20s %s" % (f, self.eth_hf[f]['ethtype'], len(self.eth_hf[f]['ref']))) print(', '.join(self.eth_hf[f]['ref'])) #print "\n# Order after dependencies" #print '\n'.join(self.eth_type_ord1) print("\n# Cyclic dependencies") for c in self.eth_dep_cycle: print(' -> '.join(c)) self.dupl_report() self.output.outnm = self.outnm_opt if (not self.output.outnm): self.output.outnm = self.proto self.output.outnm = self.output.outnm.replace('.', '-') if not self.justexpcnf: self.eth_output_hf() self.eth_output_ett() self.eth_output_types() self.eth_output_hf_arr() self.eth_output_ett_arr() self.eth_output_export() self.eth_output_val() self.eth_output_valexp() self.eth_output_dis_hnd() self.eth_output_dis_reg() self.eth_output_dis_tab() self.eth_output_syn_reg() self.eth_output_tables() if self.expcnf: self.eth_output_expcnf() def dbg_modules(self): def print_mod(m): sys.stdout.write("%-30s " % (m)) dep = self.module[m][:] for i in range(len(dep)): if dep[i] not in self.module: dep[i] = '*' + dep[i] print(', '.join(dep)) # end of print_mod() (mod_ord, mod_cyc) = dependency_compute(self.module_ord, self.module, ignore_fn = lambda t: t not in self.module) print("\n# ASN.1 Moudules") print("Module name Dependency") print("-" * 100) new_ord = False for m in (self.module_ord): print_mod(m) new_ord = new_ord or (self.module_ord.index(m) != mod_ord.index(m)) if new_ord: print("\n# ASN.1 Moudules - in dependency order") print("Module name Dependency") print("-" * 100) for m in (mod_ord): print_mod(m) if mod_cyc: print("\nCyclic dependencies:") for i in (list(range(len(mod_cyc)))): print("%02d: %s" % (i + 1, str(mod_cyc[i]))) #--- EthCnf ------------------------------------------------------------------- class EthCnf: def __init__(self): self.ectx = None self.tblcfg = {} self.table = {} self.order = {} self.fn = {} self.report = {} self.suppress_line = False self.include_path = [] self.proto_root_name = None # Value name Default value Duplicity check Usage check self.tblcfg['EXPORTS'] = { 'val_nm' : 'flag', 'val_dflt' : 0, 'chk_dup' : True, 'chk_use' : True } self.tblcfg['MAKE_ENUM'] = { 'val_nm' : 'flag', 'val_dflt' : 0, 'chk_dup' : True, 'chk_use' : True } self.tblcfg['USE_VALS_EXT'] = { 'val_nm' : 'flag', 'val_dflt' : 0, 'chk_dup' : True, 'chk_use' : True } self.tblcfg['PDU'] = { 'val_nm' : 'attr', 'val_dflt' : None, 'chk_dup' : True, 'chk_use' : True } self.tblcfg['SYNTAX'] = { 'val_nm' : 'attr', 'val_dflt' : None, 'chk_dup' : True, 'chk_use' : True } self.tblcfg['REGISTER'] = { 'val_nm' : 'attr', 'val_dflt' : None, 'chk_dup' : True, 'chk_use' : True } self.tblcfg['USER_DEFINED'] = { 'val_nm' : 'flag', 'val_dflt' : 0, 'chk_dup' : True, 'chk_use' : True } self.tblcfg['NO_EMIT'] = { 'val_nm' : 'flag', 'val_dflt' : 0, 'chk_dup' : True, 'chk_use' : True } self.tblcfg['MODULE'] = { 'val_nm' : 'proto', 'val_dflt' : None, 'chk_dup' : True, 'chk_use' : False } self.tblcfg['OMIT_ASSIGNMENT'] = { 'val_nm' : 'omit', 'val_dflt' : False, 'chk_dup' : True, 'chk_use' : True } self.tblcfg['NO_OMIT_ASSGN'] = { 'val_nm' : 'omit', 'val_dflt' : True, 'chk_dup' : True, 'chk_use' : True } self.tblcfg['VIRTUAL_ASSGN'] = { 'val_nm' : 'name', 'val_dflt' : None, 'chk_dup' : True, 'chk_use' : True } self.tblcfg['SET_TYPE'] = { 'val_nm' : 'type', 'val_dflt' : None, 'chk_dup' : True, 'chk_use' : True } self.tblcfg['TYPE_RENAME'] = { 'val_nm' : 'eth_name', 'val_dflt' : None, 'chk_dup' : True, 'chk_use' : True } self.tblcfg['FIELD_RENAME'] = { 'val_nm' : 'eth_name', 'val_dflt' : None, 'chk_dup' : True, 'chk_use' : True } self.tblcfg['IMPORT_TAG'] = { 'val_nm' : 'ttag', 'val_dflt' : (), 'chk_dup' : True, 'chk_use' : False } self.tblcfg['FN_PARS'] = { 'val_nm' : 'pars', 'val_dflt' : {}, 'chk_dup' : True, 'chk_use' : True } self.tblcfg['TYPE_ATTR'] = { 'val_nm' : 'attr', 'val_dflt' : {}, 'chk_dup' : True, 'chk_use' : False } self.tblcfg['ETYPE_ATTR'] = { 'val_nm' : 'attr', 'val_dflt' : {}, 'chk_dup' : True, 'chk_use' : False } self.tblcfg['FIELD_ATTR'] = { 'val_nm' : 'attr', 'val_dflt' : {}, 'chk_dup' : True, 'chk_use' : True } self.tblcfg['EFIELD_ATTR'] = { 'val_nm' : 'attr', 'val_dflt' : {}, 'chk_dup' : True, 'chk_use' : True } self.tblcfg['ASSIGNED_ID'] = { 'val_nm' : 'ids', 'val_dflt' : {}, 'chk_dup' : False,'chk_use' : False } self.tblcfg['ASSIGN_VALUE_TO_TYPE'] = { 'val_nm' : 'name', 'val_dflt' : None, 'chk_dup' : True, 'chk_use' : True } for k in list(self.tblcfg.keys()) : self.table[k] = {} self.order[k] = [] def add_item(self, table, key, fn, lineno, **kw): if self.tblcfg[table]['chk_dup'] and key in self.table[table]: warnings.warn_explicit("Duplicated %s for %s. Previous one is at %s:%d" % (table, key, self.table[table][key]['fn'], self.table[table][key]['lineno']), UserWarning, fn, lineno) return self.table[table][key] = {'fn' : fn, 'lineno' : lineno, 'used' : False} self.table[table][key].update(kw) self.order[table].append(key) def update_item(self, table, key, fn, lineno, **kw): if key not in self.table[table]: self.table[table][key] = {'fn' : fn, 'lineno' : lineno, 'used' : False} self.order[table].append(key) self.table[table][key][self.tblcfg[table]['val_nm']] = {} self.table[table][key][self.tblcfg[table]['val_nm']].update(kw[self.tblcfg[table]['val_nm']]) def get_order(self, table): return self.order[table] def check_item(self, table, key): return key in self.table[table] def copy_item(self, table, dst_key, src_key): if (src_key in self.table[table]): self.table[table][dst_key] = self.table[table][src_key] def check_item_value(self, table, key, **kw): return key in self.table[table] and kw.get('val_nm', self.tblcfg[table]['val_nm']) in self.table[table][key] def use_item(self, table, key, **kw): vdflt = kw.get('val_dflt', self.tblcfg[table]['val_dflt']) if key not in self.table[table]: return vdflt vname = kw.get('val_nm', self.tblcfg[table]['val_nm']) #print "use_item() - set used for %s %s" % (table, key) self.table[table][key]['used'] = True return self.table[table][key].get(vname, vdflt) def omit_assignment(self, type, ident, module): if self.ectx.conform.use_item('OMIT_ASSIGNMENT', ident): return True if self.ectx.conform.use_item('OMIT_ASSIGNMENT', '*') or \ self.ectx.conform.use_item('OMIT_ASSIGNMENT', '*'+type) or \ self.ectx.conform.use_item('OMIT_ASSIGNMENT', '*/'+module) or \ self.ectx.conform.use_item('OMIT_ASSIGNMENT', '*'+type+'/'+module): return self.ectx.conform.use_item('NO_OMIT_ASSGN', ident) return False def add_fn_line(self, name, ctx, line, fn, lineno): if name not in self.fn: self.fn[name] = {'FN_HDR' : None, 'FN_FTR' : None, 'FN_BODY' : None} if (self.fn[name][ctx]): self.fn[name][ctx]['text'] += line else: self.fn[name][ctx] = {'text' : line, 'used' : False, 'fn' : fn, 'lineno' : lineno} def get_fn_presence(self, name): #print "get_fn_presence('%s'):%s" % (name, str(self.fn.has_key(name))) #if self.fn.has_key(name): print self.fn[name] return name in self.fn def get_fn_body_presence(self, name): return name in self.fn and self.fn[name]['FN_BODY'] def get_fn_text(self, name, ctx): if (name not in self.fn): return ''; if (not self.fn[name][ctx]): return ''; self.fn[name][ctx]['used'] = True out = self.fn[name][ctx]['text'] if (not self.suppress_line): out = '#line %u "%s"\n%s\n' % (self.fn[name][ctx]['lineno'], rel_dissector_path(self.fn[name][ctx]['fn']), out); return out def add_pdu(self, par, fn, lineno): #print "add_pdu(par=%s, %s, %d)" % (str(par), fn, lineno) (reg, hidden) = (None, False) if (len(par) > 1): reg = par[1] if (reg and reg[0]=='@'): (reg, hidden) = (reg[1:], True) attr = {'new' : False, 'reg' : reg, 'hidden' : hidden, 'need_decl' : False, 'export' : False} self.add_item('PDU', par[0], attr=attr, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) return def add_syntax(self, par, fn, lineno): #print "add_syntax(par=%s, %s, %d)" % (str(par), fn, lineno) if( (len(par) >=2)): name = par[1] else: name = '"'+par[0]+'"' attr = { 'pdu' : par[0] } self.add_item('SYNTAX', name, attr=attr, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) return def add_register(self, pdu, par, fn, lineno): #print "add_register(pdu=%s, par=%s, %s, %d)" % (pdu, str(par), fn, lineno) if (par[0] in ('N', 'NUM')): rtype = 'NUM'; (pmin, pmax) = (2, 2) elif (par[0] in ('S', 'STR')): rtype = 'STR'; (pmin, pmax) = (2, 2) elif (par[0] in ('B', 'BER')): rtype = 'BER'; (pmin, pmax) = (1, 2) elif (par[0] in ('P', 'PER')): rtype = 'PER'; (pmin, pmax) = (1, 2) elif (par[0] in ('O', 'OER')): rtype = 'OER'; (pmin, pmax) = (1, 2) else: warnings.warn_explicit("Unknown registration type '%s'" % (par[2]), UserWarning, fn, lineno); return if ((len(par)-1) < pmin): warnings.warn_explicit("Too few parameters for %s registration type. At least %d parameters are required" % (rtype, pmin), UserWarning, fn, lineno) return if ((len(par)-1) > pmax): warnings.warn_explicit("Too many parameters for %s registration type. Only %d parameters are allowed" % (rtype, pmax), UserWarning, fn, lineno) attr = {'pdu' : pdu, 'rtype' : rtype} if (rtype in ('NUM', 'STR')): attr['rtable'] = par[1] attr['rport'] = par[2] rkey = '/'.join([rtype, attr['rtable'], attr['rport']]) elif (rtype in ('BER', 'PER', 'OER')): attr['roid'] = par[1] attr['roidname'] = '""' if (len(par)>=3): attr['roidname'] = par[2] elif attr['roid'][0] != '"': attr['roidname'] = '"' + attr['roid'] + '"' rkey = '/'.join([rtype, attr['roid']]) self.add_item('REGISTER', rkey, attr=attr, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) def check_par(self, par, pmin, pmax, fn, lineno): for i in range(len(par)): if par[i] == '-': par[i] = None continue if par[i][0] == '#': par[i:] = [] break if len(par) < pmin: warnings.warn_explicit("Too few parameters. At least %d parameters are required" % (pmin), UserWarning, fn, lineno) return None if (pmax >= 0) and (len(par) > pmax): warnings.warn_explicit("Too many parameters. Only %d parameters are allowed" % (pmax), UserWarning, fn, lineno) return par[0:pmax] return par def read(self, fn): def get_par(line, pmin, pmax, fn, lineno): par = line.split(None, pmax) par = self.check_par(par, pmin, pmax, fn, lineno) return par def get_par_nm(line, pmin, pmax, fn, lineno): if pmax: par = line.split(None, pmax) else: par = [line,] for i in range(len(par)): if par[i][0] == '#': par[i:] = [] break if len(par) < pmin: warnings.warn_explicit("Too few parameters. At least %d parameters are required" % (pmin), UserWarning, fn, lineno) return None if len(par) > pmax: nmpar = par[pmax] else: nmpar = '' nmpars = {} nmpar_first = re.compile(r'^\s*(?P[_A-Z][_A-Z0-9]*)\s*=\s*') nmpar_next = re.compile(r'\s+(?P[_A-Z][_A-Z0-9]*)\s*=\s*') nmpar_end = re.compile(r'\s*$') result = nmpar_first.search(nmpar) pos = 0 while result: k = result.group('attr') pos = result.end() result = nmpar_next.search(nmpar, pos) p1 = pos if result: p2 = result.start() else: p2 = nmpar_end.search(nmpar, pos).start() v = nmpar[p1:p2] nmpars[k] = v if len(par) > pmax: par[pmax] = nmpars return par f = open(fn, "r") lineno = 0 is_import = False directive = re.compile(r'^\s*#\.(?P[A-Z_][A-Z_0-9]*)(\s+|$)') cdirective = re.compile(r'^\s*##') report = re.compile(r'^TABLE(?P\d*)_(?PHDR|BODY|FTR)$') comment = re.compile(r'^\s*#[^.#]') empty = re.compile(r'^\s*$') ctx = None name = '' default_flags = 0x00 stack = [] while True: if not f.closed: line = f.readline() lineno += 1 else: line = None if not line: if not f.closed: f.close() if stack: frec = stack.pop() fn, f, lineno, is_import = frec['fn'], frec['f'], frec['lineno'], frec['is_import'] continue else: break if comment.search(line): continue result = directive.search(line) if result: # directive rep_result = report.search(result.group('name')) if result.group('name') == 'END_OF_CNF': f.close() elif result.group('name') == 'OPT': ctx = result.group('name') par = get_par(line[result.end():], 0, -1, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) if not par: continue self.set_opt(par[0], par[1:], fn, lineno) ctx = None elif result.group('name') in ('PDU', 'REGISTER', 'MODULE', 'MODULE_IMPORT', 'OMIT_ASSIGNMENT', 'NO_OMIT_ASSGN', 'VIRTUAL_ASSGN', 'SET_TYPE', 'ASSIGN_VALUE_TO_TYPE', 'TYPE_RENAME', 'FIELD_RENAME', 'TF_RENAME', 'IMPORT_TAG', 'TYPE_ATTR', 'ETYPE_ATTR', 'FIELD_ATTR', 'EFIELD_ATTR', 'SYNTAX'): ctx = result.group('name') elif result.group('name') in ('OMIT_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS', 'OMIT_ASSIGNMENTS_EXCEPT', 'OMIT_ALL_TYPE_ASSIGNMENTS', 'OMIT_TYPE_ASSIGNMENTS_EXCEPT', 'OMIT_ALL_VALUE_ASSIGNMENTS', 'OMIT_VALUE_ASSIGNMENTS_EXCEPT'): ctx = result.group('name') key = '*' if ctx in ('OMIT_ALL_TYPE_ASSIGNMENTS', 'OMIT_TYPE_ASSIGNMENTS_EXCEPT'): key += 'T' if ctx in ('OMIT_ALL_VALUE_ASSIGNMENTS', 'OMIT_VALUE_ASSIGNMENTS_EXCEPT'): key += 'V' par = get_par(line[result.end():], 0, 1, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) if par: key += '/' + par[0] self.add_item('OMIT_ASSIGNMENT', key, omit=True, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) if ctx in ('OMIT_ASSIGNMENTS_EXCEPT', 'OMIT_TYPE_ASSIGNMENTS_EXCEPT', 'OMIT_VALUE_ASSIGNMENTS_EXCEPT'): ctx = 'NO_OMIT_ASSGN' else: ctx = None elif result.group('name') in ('EXPORTS', 'MODULE_EXPORTS', 'USER_DEFINED', 'NO_EMIT'): ctx = result.group('name') default_flags = EF_TYPE|EF_VALS if ctx == 'MODULE_EXPORTS': ctx = 'EXPORTS' default_flags |= EF_MODULE if ctx == 'EXPORTS': par = get_par(line[result.end():], 0, 5, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) else: par = get_par(line[result.end():], 0, 1, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) if not par: continue p = 1 if (par[0] == 'WITH_VALS'): default_flags |= EF_TYPE|EF_VALS elif (par[0] == 'WITHOUT_VALS'): default_flags |= EF_TYPE; default_flags &= ~EF_VALS elif (par[0] == 'ONLY_VALS'): default_flags &= ~EF_TYPE; default_flags |= EF_VALS elif (ctx == 'EXPORTS'): p = 0 else: warnings.warn_explicit("Unknown parameter value '%s'" % (par[0]), UserWarning, fn, lineno) for i in range(p, len(par)): if (par[i] == 'ONLY_ENUM'): default_flags &= ~(EF_TYPE|EF_VALS); default_flags |= EF_ENUM elif (par[i] == 'WITH_ENUM'): default_flags |= EF_ENUM elif (par[i] == 'VALS_WITH_TABLE'): default_flags |= EF_TABLE elif (par[i] == 'WS_DLL'): default_flags |= EF_WS_DLL elif (par[i] == 'EXTERN'): default_flags |= EF_EXTERN elif (par[i] == 'NO_PROT_PREFIX'): default_flags |= EF_NO_PROT else: warnings.warn_explicit("Unknown parameter value '%s'" % (par[i]), UserWarning, fn, lineno) elif result.group('name') in ('MAKE_ENUM', 'MAKE_DEFINES'): ctx = result.group('name') default_flags = EF_ENUM if ctx == 'MAKE_ENUM': default_flags |= EF_NO_PROT|EF_NO_TYPE if ctx == 'MAKE_DEFINES': default_flags |= EF_DEFINE|EF_UCASE|EF_NO_TYPE par = get_par(line[result.end():], 0, 3, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) for i in range(0, len(par)): if (par[i] == 'NO_PROT_PREFIX'): default_flags |= EF_NO_PROT elif (par[i] == 'PROT_PREFIX'): default_flags &= ~ EF_NO_PROT elif (par[i] == 'NO_TYPE_PREFIX'): default_flags |= EF_NO_TYPE elif (par[i] == 'TYPE_PREFIX'): default_flags &= ~ EF_NO_TYPE elif (par[i] == 'UPPER_CASE'): default_flags |= EF_UCASE elif (par[i] == 'NO_UPPER_CASE'): default_flags &= ~EF_UCASE else: warnings.warn_explicit("Unknown parameter value '%s'" % (par[i]), UserWarning, fn, lineno) elif result.group('name') == 'USE_VALS_EXT': ctx = result.group('name') default_flags = 0xFF elif result.group('name') == 'FN_HDR': minp = 1 if (ctx in ('FN_PARS',)) and name: minp = 0 par = get_par(line[result.end():], minp, 1, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) if (not par) and (minp > 0): continue ctx = result.group('name') if par: name = par[0] elif result.group('name') == 'FN_FTR': minp = 1 if (ctx in ('FN_PARS','FN_HDR')) and name: minp = 0 par = get_par(line[result.end():], minp, 1, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) if (not par) and (minp > 0): continue ctx = result.group('name') if par: name = par[0] elif result.group('name') == 'FN_BODY': par = get_par_nm(line[result.end():], 1, 1, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) if not par: continue ctx = result.group('name') name = par[0] if len(par) > 1: self.add_item('FN_PARS', name, pars=par[1], fn=fn, lineno=lineno) elif result.group('name') == 'FN_PARS': par = get_par_nm(line[result.end():], 0, 1, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) ctx = result.group('name') if not par: name = None elif len(par) == 1: name = par[0] self.add_item(ctx, name, pars={}, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) elif len(par) > 1: self.add_item(ctx, par[0], pars=par[1], fn=fn, lineno=lineno) ctx = None elif result.group('name') == 'CLASS': par = get_par(line[result.end():], 1, 1, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) if not par: continue ctx = result.group('name') name = par[0] add_class_ident(name) if not name.split('$')[-1].isupper(): warnings.warn_explicit("No lower-case letters shall be included in information object class name (%s)" % (name), UserWarning, fn, lineno) elif result.group('name') == 'ASSIGNED_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER': par = get_par(line[result.end():], 1, 1, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) if not par: continue self.update_item('ASSIGNED_ID', 'OBJECT_IDENTIFIER', ids={par[0] : par[0]}, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) elif rep_result: # Reports num = rep_result.group('num') type = rep_result.group('type') if type == 'BODY': par = get_par(line[result.end():], 1, 1, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) if not par: continue else: par = get_par(line[result.end():], 0, 0, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) rep = { 'type' : type, 'var' : None, 'text' : '', 'fn' : fn, 'lineno' : lineno } if len(par) > 0: rep['var'] = par[0] self.report.setdefault(num, []).append(rep) ctx = 'TABLE' name = num elif result.group('name') in ('INCLUDE', 'IMPORT') : is_imp = result.group('name') == 'IMPORT' par = get_par(line[result.end():], 1, 1, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) if not par: warnings.warn_explicit("%s requires parameter" % (result.group('name'),), UserWarning, fn, lineno) continue fname = par[0] #print "Try include: %s" % (fname) if (not os.path.exists(fname)): fname = os.path.join(os.path.split(fn)[0], par[0]) #print "Try include: %s" % (fname) i = 0 while not os.path.exists(fname) and (i < len(self.include_path)): fname = os.path.join(self.include_path[i], par[0]) #print "Try include: %s" % (fname) i += 1 if (not os.path.exists(fname)): if is_imp: continue # just ignore else: fname = par[0] # report error fnew = open(fname, "r") stack.append({'fn' : fn, 'f' : f, 'lineno' : lineno, 'is_import' : is_import}) fn, f, lineno, is_import = par[0], fnew, 0, is_imp elif result.group('name') == 'END': ctx = None else: warnings.warn_explicit("Unknown directive '%s'" % (result.group('name')), UserWarning, fn, lineno) continue if not ctx: if not empty.match(line): warnings.warn_explicit("Non-empty line in empty context", UserWarning, fn, lineno) elif ctx == 'OPT': if empty.match(line): continue par = get_par(line, 1, -1, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) if not par: continue self.set_opt(par[0], par[1:], fn, lineno) elif ctx in ('EXPORTS', 'USER_DEFINED', 'NO_EMIT'): if empty.match(line): continue if ctx == 'EXPORTS': par = get_par(line, 1, 6, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) else: par = get_par(line, 1, 2, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) if not par: continue flags = default_flags p = 2 if (len(par)>=2): if (par[1] == 'WITH_VALS'): flags |= EF_TYPE|EF_VALS elif (par[1] == 'WITHOUT_VALS'): flags |= EF_TYPE; flags &= ~EF_VALS elif (par[1] == 'ONLY_VALS'): flags &= ~EF_TYPE; flags |= EF_VALS elif (ctx == 'EXPORTS'): p = 1 else: warnings.warn_explicit("Unknown parameter value '%s'" % (par[1]), UserWarning, fn, lineno) for i in range(p, len(par)): if (par[i] == 'ONLY_ENUM'): flags &= ~(EF_TYPE|EF_VALS); flags |= EF_ENUM elif (par[i] == 'WITH_ENUM'): flags |= EF_ENUM elif (par[i] == 'VALS_WITH_TABLE'): flags |= EF_TABLE elif (par[i] == 'WS_DLL'): flags |= EF_WS_DLL elif (par[i] == 'EXTERN'): flags |= EF_EXTERN elif (par[i] == 'NO_PROT_PREFIX'): flags |= EF_NO_PROT else: warnings.warn_explicit("Unknown parameter value '%s'" % (par[i]), UserWarning, fn, lineno) self.add_item(ctx, par[0], flag=flags, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) elif ctx in ('MAKE_ENUM', 'MAKE_DEFINES'): if empty.match(line): continue par = get_par(line, 1, 4, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) if not par: continue flags = default_flags for i in range(1, len(par)): if (par[i] == 'NO_PROT_PREFIX'): flags |= EF_NO_PROT elif (par[i] == 'PROT_PREFIX'): flags &= ~ EF_NO_PROT elif (par[i] == 'NO_TYPE_PREFIX'): flags |= EF_NO_TYPE elif (par[i] == 'TYPE_PREFIX'): flags &= ~ EF_NO_TYPE elif (par[i] == 'UPPER_CASE'): flags |= EF_UCASE elif (par[i] == 'NO_UPPER_CASE'): flags &= ~EF_UCASE else: warnings.warn_explicit("Unknown parameter value '%s'" % (par[i]), UserWarning, fn, lineno) self.add_item('MAKE_ENUM', par[0], flag=flags, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) elif ctx == 'USE_VALS_EXT': if empty.match(line): continue par = get_par(line, 1, 1, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) if not par: continue flags = default_flags self.add_item('USE_VALS_EXT', par[0], flag=flags, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) elif ctx == 'PDU': if empty.match(line): continue par = get_par(line, 1, 5, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) if not par: continue self.add_pdu(par[0:2], fn, lineno) if (len(par)>=3): self.add_register(par[0], par[2:5], fn, lineno) elif ctx == 'SYNTAX': if empty.match(line): continue par = get_par(line, 1, 2, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) if not par: continue if not self.check_item('PDU', par[0]): self.add_pdu(par[0:1], fn, lineno) self.add_syntax(par, fn, lineno) elif ctx == 'REGISTER': if empty.match(line): continue par = get_par(line, 3, 4, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) if not par: continue if not self.check_item('PDU', par[0]): self.add_pdu(par[0:1], fn, lineno) self.add_register(par[0], par[1:4], fn, lineno) elif ctx in ('MODULE', 'MODULE_IMPORT'): if empty.match(line): continue par = get_par(line, 2, 2, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) if not par: continue self.add_item('MODULE', par[0], proto=par[1], fn=fn, lineno=lineno) elif ctx == 'IMPORT_TAG': if empty.match(line): continue par = get_par(line, 3, 3, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) if not par: continue self.add_item(ctx, par[0], ttag=(par[1], par[2]), fn=fn, lineno=lineno) elif ctx == 'OMIT_ASSIGNMENT': if empty.match(line): continue par = get_par(line, 1, 1, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) if not par: continue self.add_item(ctx, par[0], omit=True, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) elif ctx == 'NO_OMIT_ASSGN': if empty.match(line): continue par = get_par(line, 1, 1, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) if not par: continue self.add_item(ctx, par[0], omit=False, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) elif ctx == 'VIRTUAL_ASSGN': if empty.match(line): continue par = get_par(line, 2, -1, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) if not par: continue if (len(par[1].split('/')) > 1) and not self.check_item('SET_TYPE', par[1]): self.add_item('SET_TYPE', par[1], type=par[0], fn=fn, lineno=lineno) self.add_item('VIRTUAL_ASSGN', par[1], name=par[0], fn=fn, lineno=lineno) for nm in par[2:]: self.add_item('SET_TYPE', nm, type=par[0], fn=fn, lineno=lineno) if not par[0][0].isupper(): warnings.warn_explicit("Virtual assignment should have uppercase name (%s)" % (par[0]), UserWarning, fn, lineno) elif ctx == 'SET_TYPE': if empty.match(line): continue par = get_par(line, 2, 2, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) if not par: continue if not self.check_item('VIRTUAL_ASSGN', par[0]): self.add_item('SET_TYPE', par[0], type=par[1], fn=fn, lineno=lineno) if not par[1][0].isupper(): warnings.warn_explicit("Set type should have uppercase name (%s)" % (par[1]), UserWarning, fn, lineno) elif ctx == 'ASSIGN_VALUE_TO_TYPE': if empty.match(line): continue par = get_par(line, 2, 2, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) if not par: continue self.add_item(ctx, par[0], name=par[1], fn=fn, lineno=lineno) elif ctx == 'TYPE_RENAME': if empty.match(line): continue par = get_par(line, 2, 2, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) if not par: continue self.add_item('TYPE_RENAME', par[0], eth_name=par[1], fn=fn, lineno=lineno) if not par[1][0].isupper(): warnings.warn_explicit("Type should be renamed to uppercase name (%s)" % (par[1]), UserWarning, fn, lineno) elif ctx == 'FIELD_RENAME': if empty.match(line): continue par = get_par(line, 2, 2, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) if not par: continue self.add_item('FIELD_RENAME', par[0], eth_name=par[1], fn=fn, lineno=lineno) if not par[1][0].islower(): warnings.warn_explicit("Field should be renamed to lowercase name (%s)" % (par[1]), UserWarning, fn, lineno) elif ctx == 'TF_RENAME': if empty.match(line): continue par = get_par(line, 2, 2, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) if not par: continue tmpu = par[1][0].upper() + par[1][1:] tmpl = par[1][0].lower() + par[1][1:] self.add_item('TYPE_RENAME', par[0], eth_name=tmpu, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) if not tmpu[0].isupper(): warnings.warn_explicit("Type should be renamed to uppercase name (%s)" % (par[1]), UserWarning, fn, lineno) self.add_item('FIELD_RENAME', par[0], eth_name=tmpl, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) if not tmpl[0].islower(): warnings.warn_explicit("Field should be renamed to lowercase name (%s)" % (par[1]), UserWarning, fn, lineno) elif ctx in ('TYPE_ATTR', 'ETYPE_ATTR', 'FIELD_ATTR', 'EFIELD_ATTR'): if empty.match(line): continue par = get_par_nm(line, 1, 1, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) if not par: continue self.add_item(ctx, par[0], attr=par[1], fn=fn, lineno=lineno) elif ctx == 'FN_PARS': if empty.match(line): continue if name: par = get_par_nm(line, 0, 0, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) else: par = get_par_nm(line, 1, 1, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) if not par: continue if name: self.update_item(ctx, name, pars=par[0], fn=fn, lineno=lineno) else: self.add_item(ctx, par[0], pars=par[1], fn=fn, lineno=lineno) elif ctx in ('FN_HDR', 'FN_FTR', 'FN_BODY'): result = cdirective.search(line) if result: # directive line = '#' + line[result.end():] self.add_fn_line(name, ctx, line, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) elif ctx == 'CLASS': if empty.match(line): continue par = get_par(line, 1, 3, fn=fn, lineno=lineno) if not par: continue if not set_type_to_class(name, par[0], par[1:]): warnings.warn_explicit("Could not set type of class member %s.&%s to %s" % (name, par[0], par[1]), UserWarning, fn, lineno) elif ctx == 'TABLE': self.report[name][-1]['text'] += line def set_opt(self, opt, par, fn, lineno): #print("set_opt: %s, %s" % (opt, par)) if opt in ("-I",): par = self.check_par(par, 1, 1, fn, lineno) if not par: return self.include_path.append(relpath(par[0])) elif opt in ("-b", "BER", "CER", "DER"): par = self.check_par(par, 0, 0, fn, lineno) self.ectx.encoding = 'ber' elif opt in ("PER",): par = self.check_par(par, 0, 0, fn, lineno) self.ectx.encoding = 'per' elif opt in ("OER",): par = self.check_par(par, 0, 0, fn, lineno) self.ectx.encoding = 'oer' elif opt in ("-p", "PROTO"): par = self.check_par(par, 1, 1, fn, lineno) if not par: return self.ectx.proto_opt = par[0] self.ectx.merge_modules = True elif opt in ("ALIGNED",): par = self.check_par(par, 0, 0, fn, lineno) self.ectx.aligned = True elif opt in ("-u", "UNALIGNED"): par = self.check_par(par, 0, 0, fn, lineno) self.ectx.aligned = False elif opt in ("PROTO_ROOT_NAME"): par = self.check_par(par, 1, 1, fn, lineno) if not par: return self.proto_root_name = par[0] elif opt in ("-d",): par = self.check_par(par, 1, 1, fn, lineno) if not par: return self.ectx.dbgopt = par[0] elif opt in ("-e",): par = self.check_par(par, 0, 0, fn, lineno) self.ectx.expcnf = True elif opt in ("-S",): par = self.check_par(par, 0, 0, fn, lineno) self.ectx.merge_modules = True elif opt in ("GROUP_BY_PROT",): par = self.check_par(par, 0, 0, fn, lineno) self.ectx.group_by_prot = True elif opt in ("-o",): par = self.check_par(par, 1, 1, fn, lineno) if not par: return self.ectx.outnm_opt = par[0] elif opt in ("-O",): par = self.check_par(par, 1, 1, fn, lineno) if not par: return self.ectx.output.outdir = relpath(par[0]) elif opt in ("-s",): par = self.check_par(par, 1, 1, fn, lineno) if not par: return self.ectx.output.single_file = relpath(par[0]) elif opt in ("-k",): par = self.check_par(par, 0, 0, fn, lineno) self.ectx.output.keep = True elif opt in ("-L",): par = self.check_par(par, 0, 0, fn, lineno) self.suppress_line = True elif opt in ("EMBEDDED_PDV_CB",): par = self.check_par(par, 1, 1, fn, lineno) if not par: return self.ectx.default_embedded_pdv_cb = par[0] elif opt in ("EXTERNAL_TYPE_CB",): par = self.check_par(par, 1, 1, fn, lineno) if not par: return self.ectx.default_external_type_cb = par[0] elif opt in ("-r",): par = self.check_par(par, 1, 1, fn, lineno) if not par: return self.ectx.remove_prefix = par[0] else: warnings.warn_explicit("Unknown option %s" % (opt), UserWarning, fn, lineno) def dbg_print(self): print("\n# Conformance values") print("%-15s %-4s %-15s %-20s %s" % ("File", "Line", "Table", "Key", "Value")) print("-" * 100) tbls = sorted(self.table.keys()) for t in tbls: keys = sorted(self.table[t].keys()) for k in keys: print("%-15s %4s %-15s %-20s %s" % ( self.table[t][k]['fn'], self.table[t][k]['lineno'], t, k, str(self.table[t][k][self.tblcfg[t]['val_nm']]))) def unused_report(self): tbls = sorted(self.table.keys()) for t in tbls: if not self.tblcfg[t]['chk_use']: continue keys = sorted(self.table[t].keys()) for k in keys: if not self.table[t][k]['used']: warnings.warn_explicit("Unused %s for %s" % (t, k), UserWarning, self.table[t][k]['fn'], self.table[t][k]['lineno']) fnms = list(self.fn.keys()) fnms.sort() for f in fnms: keys = sorted(self.fn[f].keys()) for k in keys: if not self.fn[f][k]: continue if not self.fn[f][k]['used']: warnings.warn_explicit("Unused %s for %s" % (k, f), UserWarning, self.fn[f][k]['fn'], self.fn[f][k]['lineno']) #--- EthOut ------------------------------------------------------------------- class EthOut: def __init__(self): self.ectx = None self.outnm = None self.outdir = '.' self.single_file = None self.created_files = {} self.created_files_ord = [] self.keep = False def outcomment(self, ln, comment=None): if comment: return '%s %s\n' % (comment, ln) else: return '/* %-74s */\n' % (ln) def created_file_add(self, name, keep_anyway): name = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(name)) if name not in self.created_files: self.created_files_ord.append(name) self.created_files[name] = keep_anyway else: self.created_files[name] = self.created_files[name] or keep_anyway def created_file_exists(self, name): name = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(name)) return name in self.created_files #--- output_fname ------------------------------------------------------- def output_fname(self, ftype, ext='c'): fn = '' if not ext in ('cnf',): fn += 'packet-' fn += self.outnm if (ftype): fn += '-' + ftype fn += '.' + ext return fn #--- file_open ------------------------------------------------------- def file_open(self, ftype, ext='c'): fn = self.output_fname(ftype, ext=ext) if self.created_file_exists(fn): fx = open(fn, 'a') else: fx = open(fn, 'w') comment = None if ext in ('cnf',): comment = '#' fx.write(self.fhdr(fn, comment = comment)) else: if (not self.single_file and not self.created_file_exists(fn)): fx.write(self.fhdr(fn)) if not self.ectx.merge_modules: fx.write('\n') mstr = "--- " if self.ectx.groups(): mstr += "Module" if (len(self.ectx.modules) > 1): mstr += "s" for (m, p) in self.ectx.modules: mstr += " %s" % (m) else: mstr += "Module %s" % (self.ectx.Module()) mstr += " --- --- ---" fx.write(self.outcomment(mstr, comment)) fx.write('\n') return fx #--- file_close ------------------------------------------------------- def file_close(self, fx, discard=False, keep_anyway=False): fx.close() if discard and not self.created_file_exists(fx.name): os.unlink(fx.name) else: self.created_file_add(fx.name, keep_anyway) #--- fhdr ------------------------------------------------------- def fhdr(self, fn, comment=None): out = '' out += self.outcomment('Do not modify this file. Changes will be overwritten.', comment) out += self.outcomment('Generated automatically by the ASN.1 to Wireshark dissector compiler', comment) out += self.outcomment(os.path.basename(fn), comment) out += self.outcomment(' '.join(['asn2wrs.py'] + sys.argv[1:]), comment) out += '\n' # Make Windows path separator look like Unix path separator out = out.replace('\\', '/') # Change absolute paths and relative paths generated outside # source directory to paths relative to asn1/ subdir. out = re.sub(r'(\s)[./A-Z]\S*/dissectors\b', r'\1../..', out) out = re.sub(r'(\s)[./A-Z]\S*/asn1/\S*?([\s/])', r'\1.\2', out) return out #--- dbg_print ------------------------------------------------------- def dbg_print(self): print("\n# Output files") print("\n".join(self.created_files_ord)) print("\n") #--- make_single_file ------------------------------------------------------- def make_single_file(self): if (not self.single_file): return in_nm = self.single_file + '.c' out_nm = os.path.join(self.outdir, self.output_fname('')) self.do_include(out_nm, in_nm) in_nm = self.single_file + '.h' if (os.path.exists(in_nm)): out_nm = os.path.join(self.outdir, self.output_fname('', ext='h')) self.do_include(out_nm, in_nm) if (not self.keep): for fn in self.created_files_ord: if not self.created_files[fn]: os.unlink(fn) #--- do_include ------------------------------------------------------- def do_include(self, out_nm, in_nm): def check_file(fn, fnlist): fnfull = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(fn)) if (fnfull in fnlist and os.path.exists(fnfull)): return os.path.normpath(fn) return None fin = open(in_nm, "r") fout = open(out_nm, "w") fout.write(self.fhdr(out_nm)) fout.write('/* Input file: ' + os.path.basename(in_nm) +' */\n') fout.write('\n') fout.write('#line %u "%s"\n' % (1, rel_dissector_path(in_nm))) include = re.compile(r'^\s*#\s*include\s+[<"](?P[^>"]+)[>"]', re.IGNORECASE) cont_linenum = 0; while (True): cont_linenum = cont_linenum + 1; line = fin.readline() if (line == ''): break ifile = None result = include.search(line) #if (result): print os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(result.group('fname'))) if (result): ifile = check_file(os.path.join(os.path.split(in_nm)[0], result.group('fname')), self.created_files) if (not ifile): ifile = check_file(os.path.join(self.outdir, result.group('fname')), self.created_files) if (not ifile): ifile = check_file(result.group('fname'), self.created_files) if (ifile): fout.write('\n') fout.write('/*--- Included file: ' + ifile + ' ---*/\n') fout.write('#line %u "%s"\n' % (1, rel_dissector_path(ifile))) finc = open(ifile, "r") fout.write(finc.read()) fout.write('\n') fout.write('/*--- End of included file: ' + ifile + ' ---*/\n') fout.write('#line %u "%s"\n' % (cont_linenum+1, rel_dissector_path(in_nm)) ) finc.close() else: fout.write(line) fout.close() fin.close() #--- Node --------------------------------------------------------------------- class Node: def __init__(self,*args, **kw): if len (args) == 0: self.type = self.__class__.__name__ else: assert (len(args) == 1) self.type = args[0] self.__dict__.update (kw) def str_child (self, key, child, depth): indent = " " * (2 * depth) keystr = indent + key + ": " if key == 'type': # already processed in str_depth return "" if isinstance (child, Node): # ugh return keystr + "\n" + child.str_depth (depth+1) if isinstance(child, type ([])): l = [] for x in child: if isinstance (x, Node): l.append (x.str_depth (depth+1)) else: l.append (indent + " " + str(x) + "\n") return keystr + "[\n" + ''.join(l) + indent + "]\n" else: return keystr + str (child) + "\n" def str_depth (self, depth): # ugh indent = " " * (2 * depth) l = ["%s%s" % (indent, self.type)] l.append ("".join ([self.str_child (k_v[0], k_v[1], depth + 1) for k_v in list(self.__dict__.items ())])) return "\n".join (l) def __repr__(self): return "\n" + self.str_depth (0) def to_python (self, ctx): return self.str_depth (ctx.indent_lev) def eth_reg(self, ident, ectx): pass def fld_obj_repr(self, ectx): return "/* TO DO %s */" % (str(self)) #--- ValueAssignment ------------------------------------------------------------- class ValueAssignment (Node): def __init__(self,*args, **kw) : Node.__init__ (self,*args, **kw) def eth_reg(self, ident, ectx): if ectx.conform.omit_assignment('V', self.ident, ectx.Module()): return # Assignment to omit ectx.eth_reg_vassign(self) ectx.eth_reg_value(self.ident, self.typ, self.val) #--- ObjectAssignment ------------------------------------------------------------- class ObjectAssignment (Node): def __init__(self,*args, **kw) : Node.__init__ (self,*args, **kw) def __eq__(self, other): if self.cls != other.cls: return False if len(self.val) != len(other.val): return False for f in (list(self.val.keys())): if f not in other.val: return False if isinstance(self.val[f], Node) and isinstance(other.val[f], Node): if not self.val[f].fld_obj_eq(other.val[f]): return False else: if str(self.val[f]) != str(other.val[f]): return False return True def eth_reg(self, ident, ectx): def make_virtual_type(cls, field, prefix): if isinstance(self.val, str): return if field in self.val and not isinstance(self.val[field], Type_Ref): vnm = prefix + '-' + self.ident virtual_tr = Type_Ref(val = vnm) t = self.val[field] self.val[field] = virtual_tr ectx.eth_reg_assign(vnm, t, virt=True) ectx.eth_reg_type(vnm, t) t.eth_reg_sub(vnm, ectx) if field in self.val and ectx.conform.check_item('PDU', cls + '.' + field): ectx.eth_reg_field(self.val[field].val, self.val[field].val, impl=self.val[field].HasImplicitTag(ectx), pdu=ectx.conform.use_item('PDU', cls + '.' + field)) return # end of make_virtual_type() if ectx.conform.omit_assignment('V', self.ident, ectx.Module()): return # Assignment to omit self.module = ectx.Module() ectx.eth_reg_oassign(self) if (self.cls == 'TYPE-IDENTIFIER') or (self.cls == 'ABSTRACT-SYNTAX'): make_virtual_type(self.cls, '&Type', 'TYPE') if (self.cls == 'OPERATION'): make_virtual_type(self.cls, '&ArgumentType', 'ARG') make_virtual_type(self.cls, '&ResultType', 'RES') if (self.cls == 'ERROR'): make_virtual_type(self.cls, '&ParameterType', 'PAR') #--- Type --------------------------------------------------------------------- class Type (Node): def __init__(self,*args, **kw) : self.name = None self.constr = None self.tags = [] self.named_list = None Node.__init__ (self,*args, **kw) def IsNamed(self): if self.name is None : return False else: return True def HasConstraint(self): if self.constr is None : return False else : return True def HasSizeConstraint(self): return self.HasConstraint() and self.constr.IsSize() def HasValueConstraint(self): return self.HasConstraint() and self.constr.IsValue() def HasPermAlph(self): return self.HasConstraint() and self.constr.IsPermAlph() def HasContentsConstraint(self): return self.HasConstraint() and self.constr.IsContents() def HasOwnTag(self): return len(self.tags) > 0 def HasImplicitTag(self, ectx): return (self.HasOwnTag() and self.tags[0].IsImplicit(ectx)) def IndetermTag(self, ectx): return False def AddTag(self, tag): self.tags[0:0] = [tag] def GetTag(self, ectx): #print "GetTag(%s)\n" % self.name; if (self.HasOwnTag()): return self.tags[0].GetTag(ectx) else: return self.GetTTag(ectx) def GetTTag(self, ectx): print("#Unhandled GetTTag() in %s" % (self.type)) print(self.str_depth(1)) return ('BER_CLASS_unknown', 'TAG_unknown') def SetName(self, name): self.name = name def AddConstraint(self, constr): if not self.HasConstraint(): self.constr = constr else: self.constr = Constraint(type = 'Intersection', subtype = [self.constr, constr]) def eth_tname(self): return '#' + self.type + '_' + str(id(self)) def eth_ftype(self, ectx): return ('FT_NONE', 'BASE_NONE') def eth_strings(self): return 'NULL' def eth_omit_field(self): return False def eth_need_tree(self): return False def eth_has_vals(self): return False def eth_has_enum(self, tname, ectx): return self.eth_has_vals() and (ectx.eth_type[tname]['enum'] & EF_ENUM) def eth_need_pdu(self, ectx): return None def eth_named_bits(self): return None def eth_reg_sub(self, ident, ectx): pass def get_components(self, ectx): print("#Unhandled get_components() in %s" % (self.type)) print(self.str_depth(1)) return [] def sel_req(self, sel, ectx): print("#Selection '%s' required for non-CHOICE type %s" % (sel, self.type)) print(self.str_depth(1)) def fld_obj_eq(self, other): return isinstance(other, Type) and (self.eth_tname() == other.eth_tname()) def eth_reg(self, ident, ectx, tstrip=0, tagflag=False, selflag=False, idx='', parent=None): #print "eth_reg(): %s, ident=%s, tstrip=%d, tagflag=%s, selflag=%s, parent=%s" %(self.type, ident, tstrip, str(tagflag), str(selflag), str(parent)) #print " ", self if (ectx.NeedTags() and (len(self.tags) > tstrip)): tagged_type = self for i in range(len(self.tags)-1, tstrip-1, -1): tagged_type = TaggedType(val=tagged_type, tstrip=i) tagged_type.AddTag(self.tags[i]) if not tagflag: # 1st tagged level if self.IsNamed() and not selflag: tagged_type.SetName(self.name) tagged_type.eth_reg(ident, ectx, tstrip=1, tagflag=tagflag, idx=idx, parent=parent) return nm = '' if ident and self.IsNamed() and not tagflag and not selflag: nm = ident + '/' + self.name elif ident: nm = ident elif self.IsNamed(): nm = self.name if not ident and ectx.conform.omit_assignment('T', nm, ectx.Module()): return # Assignment to omit if not ident: # Assignment ectx.eth_reg_assign(nm, self) if self.type == 'Type_Ref' and not self.tr_need_own_fn(ectx): ectx.eth_reg_type(nm, self) virtual_tr = Type_Ref(val=ectx.conform.use_item('SET_TYPE', nm)) if (self.type == 'Type_Ref') or ectx.conform.check_item('SET_TYPE', nm): if ident and (ectx.conform.check_item('TYPE_RENAME', nm) or ectx.conform.get_fn_presence(nm) or selflag): if ectx.conform.check_item('SET_TYPE', nm): ectx.eth_reg_type(nm, virtual_tr) # dummy Type Reference else: ectx.eth_reg_type(nm, self) # new type trnm = nm elif ectx.conform.check_item('SET_TYPE', nm): trnm = ectx.conform.use_item('SET_TYPE', nm) elif (self.type == 'Type_Ref') and self.tr_need_own_fn(ectx): ectx.eth_reg_type(nm, self) # need own function, e.g. for constraints trnm = nm else: trnm = self.val else: ectx.eth_reg_type(nm, self) trnm = nm if ectx.conform.check_item('VIRTUAL_ASSGN', nm): vnm = ectx.conform.use_item('VIRTUAL_ASSGN', nm) ectx.eth_reg_assign(vnm, self, virt=True) ectx.eth_reg_type(vnm, self) self.eth_reg_sub(vnm, ectx) if parent and (ectx.type[parent]['val'].type == 'TaggedType'): ectx.type[parent]['val'].eth_set_val_name(parent, trnm, ectx) if ident and not tagflag and not self.eth_omit_field(): ectx.eth_reg_field(nm, trnm, idx=idx, parent=parent, impl=self.HasImplicitTag(ectx)) if ectx.conform.check_item('SET_TYPE', nm): virtual_tr.eth_reg_sub(nm, ectx) else: self.eth_reg_sub(nm, ectx) def eth_get_size_constr(self, ectx): (minv, maxv, ext) = ('MIN', 'MAX', False) if self.HasSizeConstraint(): if self.constr.IsSize(): (minv, maxv, ext) = self.constr.GetSize(ectx) if (self.constr.type == 'Intersection'): if self.constr.subtype[0].IsSize(): (minv, maxv, ext) = self.constr.subtype[0].GetSize(ectx) elif self.constr.subtype[1].IsSize(): (minv, maxv, ext) = self.constr.subtype[1].GetSize(ectx) if minv == 'MIN': minv = 'NO_BOUND' if maxv == 'MAX': maxv = 'NO_BOUND' if (ext): ext = 'TRUE' else: ext = 'FALSE' return (minv, maxv, ext) def eth_get_value_constr(self, ectx): (minv, maxv, ext) = ('MIN', 'MAX', False) if self.HasValueConstraint(): (minv, maxv, ext) = self.constr.GetValue(ectx) if minv == 'MIN': minv = 'NO_BOUND' if maxv == 'MAX': maxv = 'NO_BOUND' if str(minv).isdigit(): minv += 'U' elif (str(minv)[0] == "-") and str(minv)[1:].isdigit(): if (int(minv) == -(2**31)): minv = "G_MININT32" elif (int(minv) < -(2**31)): minv = "G_GINT64_CONSTANT(%s)" % (str(minv)) if str(maxv).isdigit(): if (int(maxv) >= 2**32): maxv = "G_GUINT64_CONSTANT(%s)" % (str(maxv)) else: maxv += 'U' if (ext): ext = 'TRUE' else: ext = 'FALSE' return (minv, maxv, ext) def eth_get_alphabet_constr(self, ectx): (alph, alphlen) = ('NULL', '0') if self.HasPermAlph(): alph = self.constr.GetPermAlph(ectx) if not alph: alph = 'NULL' if (alph != 'NULL'): if (((alph[0] + alph[-1]) == '""') and (not alph.count('"', 1, -1))): alphlen = str(len(alph) - 2) else: alphlen = 'strlen(%s)' % (alph) return (alph, alphlen) def eth_type_vals(self, tname, ectx): if self.eth_has_vals(): print("#Unhandled eth_type_vals('%s') in %s" % (tname, self.type)) print(self.str_depth(1)) return '' def eth_type_enum(self, tname, ectx): if self.eth_has_enum(tname, ectx): print("#Unhandled eth_type_enum('%s') in %s" % (tname, self.type)) print(self.str_depth(1)) return '' def eth_type_default_table(self, ectx, tname): return '' def eth_type_default_body(self, ectx): print("#Unhandled eth_type_default_body() in %s" % (self.type)) print(self.str_depth(1)) return '' def eth_type_default_pars(self, ectx, tname): pars = { 'TNAME' : tname, 'ER' : ectx.encp(), 'FN_VARIANT' : '', 'TREE' : 'tree', 'TVB' : 'tvb', 'OFFSET' : 'offset', 'ACTX' : 'actx', 'HF_INDEX' : 'hf_index', 'VAL_PTR' : 'NULL', 'IMPLICIT_TAG' : 'implicit_tag', } if (ectx.eth_type[tname]['tree']): pars['ETT_INDEX'] = ectx.eth_type[tname]['tree'] if (ectx.merge_modules): pars['PROTOP'] = '' else: pars['PROTOP'] = ectx.eth_type[tname]['proto'] + '_' return pars def eth_type_fn(self, proto, tname, ectx): body = self.eth_type_default_body(ectx, tname) pars = self.eth_type_default_pars(ectx, tname) if ectx.conform.check_item('FN_PARS', tname): pars.update(ectx.conform.use_item('FN_PARS', tname)) elif ectx.conform.check_item('FN_PARS', ectx.eth_type[tname]['ref'][0]): pars.update(ectx.conform.use_item('FN_PARS', ectx.eth_type[tname]['ref'][0])) pars['DEFAULT_BODY'] = body for i in range(4): for k in list(pars.keys()): try: pars[k] = pars[k] % pars except (ValueError,TypeError): raise sys.exc_info()[0]("%s\n%s" % (str(pars), sys.exc_info()[1])) out = '\n' out += self.eth_type_default_table(ectx, tname) % pars out += ectx.eth_type_fn_hdr(tname) out += ectx.eth_type_fn_body(tname, body, pars=pars) out += ectx.eth_type_fn_ftr(tname) return out #--- Value -------------------------------------------------------------------- class Value (Node): def __init__(self,*args, **kw) : self.name = None Node.__init__ (self,*args, **kw) def SetName(self, name) : self.name = name def to_str(self, ectx): return str(self.val) def get_dep(self): return None def fld_obj_repr(self, ectx): return self.to_str(ectx) #--- Value_Ref ----------------------------------------------------------------- class Value_Ref (Value): def to_str(self, ectx): return asn2c(self.val) #--- ObjectClass --------------------------------------------------------------------- class ObjectClass (Node): def __init__(self,*args, **kw) : self.name = None Node.__init__ (self,*args, **kw) def SetName(self, name): self.name = name add_class_ident(self.name) def eth_reg(self, ident, ectx): if ectx.conform.omit_assignment('C', self.name, ectx.Module()): return # Assignment to omit ectx.eth_reg_objectclass(self.name, self) #--- Class_Ref ----------------------------------------------------------------- class Class_Ref (ObjectClass): pass #--- ObjectClassDefn --------------------------------------------------------------------- class ObjectClassDefn (ObjectClass): def reg_types(self): for fld in self.fields: repr = fld.fld_repr() set_type_to_class(self.name, repr[0], repr[1:]) #--- Tag --------------------------------------------------------------- class Tag (Node): def to_python (self, ctx): return 'asn1.TYPE(%s,%s)' % (mk_tag_str (ctx, self.tag.cls, self.tag_typ, self.tag.num), self.typ.to_python (ctx)) def IsImplicit(self, ectx): return ((self.mode == 'IMPLICIT') or ((self.mode == 'default') and (ectx.tag_def != 'EXPLICIT'))) def GetTag(self, ectx): tc = '' if (self.cls == 'UNIVERSAL'): tc = 'BER_CLASS_UNI' elif (self.cls == 'APPLICATION'): tc = 'BER_CLASS_APP' elif (self.cls == 'CONTEXT'): tc = 'BER_CLASS_CON' elif (self.cls == 'PRIVATE'): tc = 'BER_CLASS_PRI' return (tc, self.num) def eth_tname(self): n = '' if (self.cls == 'UNIVERSAL'): n = 'U' elif (self.cls == 'APPLICATION'): n = 'A' elif (self.cls == 'CONTEXT'): n = 'C' elif (self.cls == 'PRIVATE'): n = 'P' return n + str(self.num) #--- Constraint --------------------------------------------------------------- constr_cnt = 0 class Constraint (Node): def to_python (self, ctx): print("Ignoring constraint:", self.type) return self.subtype.typ.to_python (ctx) def __str__ (self): return "Constraint: type=%s, subtype=%s" % (self.type, self.subtype) def eth_tname(self): return '#' + self.type + '_' + str(id(self)) def IsSize(self): return (self.type == 'Size' and self.subtype.IsValue()) \ or (self.type == 'Intersection' and (self.subtype[0].IsSize() or self.subtype[1].IsSize())) \ def GetSize(self, ectx): (minv, maxv, ext) = ('MIN', 'MAX', False) if self.IsSize(): if self.type == 'Size': (minv, maxv, ext) = self.subtype.GetValue(ectx) ext = ext or (hasattr(self, 'ext') and self.ext) elif self.type == 'Intersection': if self.subtype[0].IsSize() and not self.subtype[1].IsSize(): (minv, maxv, ext) = self.subtype[0].GetSize(ectx) elif not self.subtype[0].IsSize() and self.subtype[1].IsSize(): (minv, maxv, ext) = self.subtype[1].GetSize(ectx) return (minv, maxv, ext) def IsValue(self): return self.type == 'SingleValue' \ or self.type == 'ValueRange' \ or (self.type == 'Intersection' and (self.subtype[0].IsValue() or self.subtype[1].IsValue())) \ or (self.type == 'Union' and (self.subtype[0].IsValue() and self.subtype[1].IsValue())) def GetValue(self, ectx): (minv, maxv, ext) = ('MIN', 'MAX', False) if self.IsValue(): if self.type == 'SingleValue': minv = ectx.value_get_eth(self.subtype) maxv = ectx.value_get_eth(self.subtype) ext = hasattr(self, 'ext') and self.ext elif self.type == 'ValueRange': minv = ectx.value_get_eth(self.subtype[0]) maxv = ectx.value_get_eth(self.subtype[1]) ext = hasattr(self, 'ext') and self.ext elif self.type == 'Intersection': if self.subtype[0].IsValue() and not self.subtype[1].IsValue(): (minv, maxv, ext) = self.subtype[0].GetValue(ectx) elif not self.subtype[0].IsValue() and self.subtype[1].IsValue(): (minv, maxv, ext) = self.subtype[1].GetValue(ectx) elif self.subtype[0].IsValue() and self.subtype[1].IsValue(): v0 = self.subtype[0].GetValue(ectx) v1 = self.subtype[1].GetValue(ectx) (minv, maxv, ext) = (ectx.value_max(v0[0],v1[0]), ectx.value_min(v0[1],v1[1]), v0[2] and v1[2]) elif self.type == 'Union': if self.subtype[0].IsValue() and self.subtype[1].IsValue(): v0 = self.subtype[0].GetValue(ectx) v1 = self.subtype[1].GetValue(ectx) (minv, maxv, ext) = (ectx.value_min(v0[0],v1[0]), ectx.value_max(v0[1],v1[1]), hasattr(self, 'ext') and self.ext) return (minv, maxv, ext) def IsAlphabet(self): return self.type == 'SingleValue' \ or self.type == 'ValueRange' \ or (self.type == 'Intersection' and (self.subtype[0].IsAlphabet() or self.subtype[1].IsAlphabet())) \ or (self.type == 'Union' and (self.subtype[0].IsAlphabet() and self.subtype[1].IsAlphabet())) def GetAlphabet(self, ectx): alph = None if self.IsAlphabet(): if self.type == 'SingleValue': alph = ectx.value_get_eth(self.subtype) elif self.type == 'ValueRange': if ((len(self.subtype[0]) == 3) and ((self.subtype[0][0] + self.subtype[0][-1]) == '""') \ and (len(self.subtype[1]) == 3) and ((self.subtype[1][0] + self.subtype[1][-1]) == '""')): alph = '"' for c in range(ord(self.subtype[0][1]), ord(self.subtype[1][1]) + 1): alph += chr(c) alph += '"' elif self.type == 'Union': if self.subtype[0].IsAlphabet() and self.subtype[1].IsAlphabet(): a0 = self.subtype[0].GetAlphabet(ectx) a1 = self.subtype[1].GetAlphabet(ectx) if (((a0[0] + a0[-1]) == '""') and not a0.count('"', 1, -1) \ and ((a1[0] + a1[-1]) == '""') and not a1.count('"', 1, -1)): alph = '"' + a0[1:-1] + a1[1:-1] + '"' else: alph = a0 + ' ' + a1 return alph def IsPermAlph(self): return self.type == 'From' and self.subtype.IsAlphabet() \ or (self.type == 'Intersection' and (self.subtype[0].IsPermAlph() or self.subtype[1].IsPermAlph())) \ def GetPermAlph(self, ectx): alph = None if self.IsPermAlph(): if self.type == 'From': alph = self.subtype.GetAlphabet(ectx) elif self.type == 'Intersection': if self.subtype[0].IsPermAlph() and not self.subtype[1].IsPermAlph(): alph = self.subtype[0].GetPermAlph(ectx) elif not self.subtype[0].IsPermAlph() and self.subtype[1].IsPermAlph(): alph = self.subtype[1].GetPermAlph(ectx) return alph def IsContents(self): return self.type == 'Contents' \ or (self.type == 'Intersection' and (self.subtype[0].IsContents() or self.subtype[1].IsContents())) \ def GetContents(self, ectx): contents = None if self.IsContents(): if self.type == 'Contents': if self.subtype.type == 'Type_Ref': contents = self.subtype.val elif self.type == 'Intersection': if self.subtype[0].IsContents() and not self.subtype[1].IsContents(): contents = self.subtype[0].GetContents(ectx) elif not self.subtype[0].IsContents() and self.subtype[1].IsContents(): contents = self.subtype[1].GetContents(ectx) return contents def IsNegativ(self): def is_neg(sval): return isinstance(sval, str) and (sval[0] == '-') if self.type == 'SingleValue': return is_neg(self.subtype) elif self.type == 'ValueRange': if self.subtype[0] == 'MIN': return True return is_neg(self.subtype[0]) return False def eth_constrname(self): def int2str(val): if isinstance(val, Value_Ref): return asn2c(val.val) try: if (int(val) < 0): return 'M' + str(-int(val)) else: return str(int(val)) except (ValueError, TypeError): return asn2c(str(val)) ext = '' if hasattr(self, 'ext') and self.ext: ext = '_' if self.type == 'SingleValue': return int2str(self.subtype) + ext elif self.type == 'ValueRange': return int2str(self.subtype[0]) + '_' + int2str(self.subtype[1]) + ext elif self.type == 'Size': return 'SIZE_' + self.subtype.eth_constrname() + ext else: if (not hasattr(self, 'constr_num')): global constr_cnt constr_cnt += 1 self.constr_num = constr_cnt return 'CONSTR%03d%s' % (self.constr_num, ext) def Needs64b(self, ectx): (minv, maxv, ext) = self.GetValue(ectx) if ((str(minv).isdigit() or ((str(minv)[0] == "-") and str(minv)[1:].isdigit())) \ and str(maxv).isdigit() and (abs(int(maxv) - int(minv)) >= 2**32)) \ or (maxv == 'MAX') or (minv == 'MIN'): return True return False class Module (Node): def to_python (self, ctx): ctx.tag_def = self.tag_def.dfl_tag return """#%s %s""" % (self.ident, self.body.to_python (ctx)) def get_name(self): return self.ident.val def get_proto(self, ectx): if (ectx.proto): prot = ectx.proto else: prot = ectx.conform.use_item('MODULE', self.get_name(), val_dflt=self.get_name()) return prot def to_eth(self, ectx): ectx.tags_def = 'EXPLICIT' # default = explicit ectx.proto = self.get_proto(ectx) ectx.tag_def = self.tag_def.dfl_tag ectx.eth_reg_module(self) self.body.to_eth(ectx) class Module_Body (Node): def to_python (self, ctx): # XXX handle exports, imports. l = [x.to_python (ctx) for x in self.assign_list] l = [a for a in l if a != ''] return "\n".join (l) def to_eth(self, ectx): # Exports ectx.eth_exports(self.exports) # Imports for i in self.imports: mod = i.module.val proto = ectx.conform.use_item('MODULE', mod, val_dflt=mod) ectx.eth_module_dep_add(ectx.Module(), mod) for s in i.symbol_list: if isinstance(s, Type_Ref): ectx.eth_import_type(s.val, mod, proto) elif isinstance(s, Value_Ref): ectx.eth_import_value(s.val, mod, proto) elif isinstance(s, Class_Ref): ectx.eth_import_class(s.val, mod, proto) else: msg = 'Unknown kind of imported symbol %s from %s' % (str(s), mod) warnings.warn_explicit(msg, UserWarning, '', 0) # AssignmentList for a in self.assign_list: a.eth_reg('', ectx) class Default_Tags (Node): def to_python (self, ctx): # not to be used directly assert (0) # XXX should just calculate dependencies as we go along. def calc_dependencies (node, dict, trace = 0): if not hasattr (node, '__dict__'): if trace: print("#returning, node=", node) return if isinstance (node, Type_Ref): dict [node.val] = 1 if trace: print("#Setting", node.val) return for (a, val) in list(node.__dict__.items ()): if trace: print("# Testing node ", node, "attr", a, " val", val) if a[0] == '_': continue elif isinstance (val, Node): calc_dependencies (val, dict, trace) elif isinstance (val, type ([])): for v in val: calc_dependencies (v, dict, trace) class Type_Assign (Node): def __init__ (self, *args, **kw): Node.__init__ (self, *args, **kw) if isinstance (self.val, Tag): # XXX replace with generalized get_typ_ignoring_tag (no-op for Node, override in Tag) to_test = self.val.typ else: to_test = self.val if isinstance (to_test, SequenceType): to_test.sequence_name = self.name.name def to_python (self, ctx): dep_dict = {} calc_dependencies (self.val, dep_dict, 0) depend_list = list(dep_dict.keys ()) return ctx.register_assignment (self.name.name, self.val.to_python (ctx), depend_list) class PyQuote (Node): def to_python (self, ctx): return ctx.register_pyquote (self.val) #--- Type_Ref ----------------------------------------------------------------- class Type_Ref (Type): def to_python (self, ctx): return self.val def eth_reg_sub(self, ident, ectx): ectx.eth_dep_add(ident, self.val) def eth_tname(self): if self.HasSizeConstraint(): return asn2c(self.val) + '_' + self.constr.eth_constrname() else: return asn2c(self.val) def tr_need_own_fn(self, ectx): return (ectx.Per() or ectx.Oer()) and self.HasSizeConstraint() def fld_obj_repr(self, ectx): return self.val def get_components(self, ectx): if self.val not in ectx.type or ectx.type[self.val]['import']: msg = "Can not get COMPONENTS OF %s which is imported type" % (self.val) warnings.warn_explicit(msg, UserWarning, '', 0) return [] else: return ectx.type[self.val]['val'].get_components(ectx) def GetTTag(self, ectx): #print "GetTTag(%s)\n" % self.val; if (ectx.type[self.val]['import']): if 'ttag' not in ectx.type[self.val]: ttag = ectx.get_ttag_from_all(self.val, ectx.type[self.val]['import']) if not ttag and not ectx.conform.check_item('IMPORT_TAG', self.val): msg = 'Missing tag information for imported type %s from %s (%s)' % (self.val, ectx.type[self.val]['import'], ectx.type[self.val]['proto']) warnings.warn_explicit(msg, UserWarning, '', 0) ttag = ('-1/*imported*/', '-1/*imported*/') ectx.type[self.val]['ttag'] = ectx.conform.use_item('IMPORT_TAG', self.val, val_dflt=ttag) return ectx.type[self.val]['ttag'] else: return ectx.type[self.val]['val'].GetTag(ectx) def IndetermTag(self, ectx): if (ectx.type[self.val]['import']): return False else: return ectx.type[self.val]['val'].IndetermTag(ectx) def eth_type_default_pars(self, ectx, tname): if tname: pars = Type.eth_type_default_pars(self, ectx, tname) else: pars = {} t = ectx.type[self.val]['ethname'] pars['TYPE_REF_PROTO'] = ectx.eth_type[t]['proto'] pars['TYPE_REF_TNAME'] = t pars['TYPE_REF_FN'] = 'dissect_%(TYPE_REF_PROTO)s_%(TYPE_REF_TNAME)s' if self.HasSizeConstraint(): (pars['MIN_VAL'], pars['MAX_VAL'], pars['EXT']) = self.eth_get_size_constr(ectx) return pars def eth_type_default_body(self, ectx, tname): if (ectx.Ber()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('%(TYPE_REF_FN)s', ret='offset', par=(('%(IMPLICIT_TAG)s', '%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s'),)) elif (ectx.Per() or ectx.Oer()): if self.HasSizeConstraint(): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_size_constrained_type', ret='offset', par=(('%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s', '%(TYPE_REF_FN)s',), ('"%(TYPE_REF_TNAME)s"', '%(MIN_VAL)s', '%(MAX_VAL)s', '%(EXT)s',),)) else: body = ectx.eth_fn_call('%(TYPE_REF_FN)s', ret='offset', par=(('%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s'),)) else: body = '#error Can not decode %s' % (tname) return body #--- SelectionType ------------------------------------------------------------ class SelectionType (Type): def to_python (self, ctx): return self.val def sel_of_typeref(self): return self.typ.type == 'Type_Ref' def eth_reg_sub(self, ident, ectx): if not self.sel_of_typeref(): self.seltype = '' return self.seltype = ectx.eth_sel_req(self.typ.val, self.sel) ectx.eth_dep_add(ident, self.seltype) def eth_ftype(self, ectx): (ftype, display) = ('FT_NONE', 'BASE_NONE') if self.sel_of_typeref() and not ectx.type[self.seltype]['import']: (ftype, display) = ectx.type[self.typ.val]['val'].eth_ftype_sel(self.sel, ectx) return (ftype, display) def GetTTag(self, ectx): #print "GetTTag(%s)\n" % self.seltype; if (ectx.type[self.seltype]['import']): if 'ttag' not in ectx.type[self.seltype]: if not ectx.conform.check_item('IMPORT_TAG', self.seltype): msg = 'Missing tag information for imported type %s from %s (%s)' % (self.seltype, ectx.type[self.seltype]['import'], ectx.type[self.seltype]['proto']) warnings.warn_explicit(msg, UserWarning, '', 0) ectx.type[self.seltype]['ttag'] = ectx.conform.use_item('IMPORT_TAG', self.seltype, val_dflt=('-1 /*imported*/', '-1 /*imported*/')) return ectx.type[self.seltype]['ttag'] else: return ectx.type[self.typ.val]['val'].GetTTagSel(self.sel, ectx) def eth_type_default_pars(self, ectx, tname): pars = Type.eth_type_default_pars(self, ectx, tname) if self.sel_of_typeref(): t = ectx.type[self.seltype]['ethname'] pars['TYPE_REF_PROTO'] = ectx.eth_type[t]['proto'] pars['TYPE_REF_TNAME'] = t pars['TYPE_REF_FN'] = 'dissect_%(TYPE_REF_PROTO)s_%(TYPE_REF_TNAME)s' return pars def eth_type_default_body(self, ectx, tname): if not self.sel_of_typeref(): body = '#error Can not decode %s' % (tname) elif (ectx.Ber()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('%(TYPE_REF_FN)s', ret='offset', par=(('%(IMPLICIT_TAG)s', '%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s'),)) elif (ectx.Per() or ectx.Oer()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('%(TYPE_REF_FN)s', ret='offset', par=(('%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s'),)) else: body = '#error Can not decode %s' % (tname) return body #--- TaggedType ----------------------------------------------------------------- class TaggedType (Type): def eth_tname(self): tn = '' for i in range(self.tstrip, len(self.val.tags)): tn += self.val.tags[i].eth_tname() tn += '_' tn += self.val.eth_tname() return tn def eth_set_val_name(self, ident, val_name, ectx): #print "TaggedType::eth_set_val_name(): ident=%s, val_name=%s" % (ident, val_name) self.val_name = val_name ectx.eth_dep_add(ident, self.val_name) def eth_reg_sub(self, ident, ectx): self.val_name = ident + '/' + UNTAG_TYPE_NAME self.val.eth_reg(self.val_name, ectx, tstrip=self.tstrip+1, tagflag=True, parent=ident) def GetTTag(self, ectx): #print "GetTTag(%s)\n" % self.seltype; return self.GetTag(ectx) def eth_ftype(self, ectx): return self.val.eth_ftype(ectx) def eth_type_default_pars(self, ectx, tname): pars = Type.eth_type_default_pars(self, ectx, tname) t = ectx.type[self.val_name]['ethname'] pars['TYPE_REF_PROTO'] = ectx.eth_type[t]['proto'] pars['TYPE_REF_TNAME'] = t pars['TYPE_REF_FN'] = 'dissect_%(TYPE_REF_PROTO)s_%(TYPE_REF_TNAME)s' (pars['TAG_CLS'], pars['TAG_TAG']) = self.GetTag(ectx) if self.HasImplicitTag(ectx): pars['TAG_IMPL'] = 'TRUE' else: pars['TAG_IMPL'] = 'FALSE' return pars def eth_type_default_body(self, ectx, tname): if (ectx.Ber()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_tagged_type', ret='offset', par=(('%(IMPLICIT_TAG)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s'), ('%(HF_INDEX)s', '%(TAG_CLS)s', '%(TAG_TAG)s', '%(TAG_IMPL)s', '%(TYPE_REF_FN)s',),)) else: body = '#error Can not decode %s' % (tname) return body #--- SqType ----------------------------------------------------------- class SqType (Type): def out_item(self, f, val, optional, ext, ectx): if (val.eth_omit_field()): t = ectx.type[val.ident]['ethname'] fullname = ectx.dummy_eag_field else: ef = ectx.field[f]['ethname'] t = ectx.eth_hf[ef]['ethtype'] fullname = ectx.eth_hf[ef]['fullname'] if (ectx.Ber()): #print "optional=%s, e.val.HasOwnTag()=%s, e.val.IndetermTag()=%s" % (str(e.optional), str(e.val.HasOwnTag()), str(e.val.IndetermTag(ectx))) #print val.str_depth(1) opt = '' if (optional): opt = 'BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL' if (not val.HasOwnTag()): if (opt): opt += '|' opt += 'BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG' elif (val.HasImplicitTag(ectx)): if (opt): opt += '|' opt += 'BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG' if (val.IndetermTag(ectx)): if (opt): opt += '|' opt += 'BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG' if (not opt): opt = '0' else: if optional: opt = 'ASN1_OPTIONAL' else: opt = 'ASN1_NOT_OPTIONAL' if (ectx.Ber()): (tc, tn) = val.GetTag(ectx) out = ' { %-24s, %-13s, %s, %s, dissect_%s_%s },\n' \ % ('&'+fullname, tc, tn, opt, ectx.eth_type[t]['proto'], t) elif (ectx.Per() or ectx.Oer()): out = ' { %-24s, %-23s, %-17s, dissect_%s_%s },\n' \ % ('&'+fullname, ext, opt, ectx.eth_type[t]['proto'], t) else: out = '' return out #--- SeqType ----------------------------------------------------------- class SeqType (SqType): def all_components(self): lst = self.elt_list[:] if hasattr(self, 'ext_list'): lst.extend(self.ext_list) if hasattr(self, 'elt_list2'): lst.extend(self.elt_list2) return lst def need_components(self): lst = self.all_components() for e in (lst): if e.type == 'components_of': return True return False def expand_components(self, ectx): while self.need_components(): for i in range(len(self.elt_list)): if self.elt_list[i].type == 'components_of': comp = self.elt_list[i].typ.get_components(ectx) self.elt_list[i:i+1] = comp break if hasattr(self, 'ext_list'): for i in range(len(self.ext_list)): if self.ext_list[i].type == 'components_of': comp = self.ext_list[i].typ.get_components(ectx) self.ext_list[i:i+1] = comp break if hasattr(self, 'elt_list2'): for i in range(len(self.elt_list2)): if self.elt_list2[i].type == 'components_of': comp = self.elt_list2[i].typ.get_components(ectx) self.elt_list2[i:i+1] = comp break def get_components(self, ectx): lst = self.elt_list[:] if hasattr(self, 'elt_list2'): lst.extend(self.elt_list2) return lst def eth_reg_sub(self, ident, ectx, components_available=False): # check if autotag is required autotag = False if (ectx.NeedTags() and (ectx.tag_def == 'AUTOMATIC')): autotag = True lst = self.all_components() for e in (self.elt_list): if e.val.HasOwnTag(): autotag = False; break; # expand COMPONENTS OF if self.need_components(): if components_available: self.expand_components(ectx) else: ectx.eth_comp_req(ident) return # extension addition groups if hasattr(self, 'ext_list'): if (ectx.Per() or ectx.Oer()): # add names eag_num = 1 for e in (self.ext_list): if isinstance(e.val, ExtensionAdditionGroup): e.val.parent_ident = ident e.val.parent_tname = ectx.type[ident]['tname'] if (e.val.ver): e.val.SetName("eag_v%s" % (e.val.ver)) else: e.val.SetName("eag_%d" % (eag_num)) eag_num += 1; else: # expand new_ext_list = [] for e in (self.ext_list): if isinstance(e.val, ExtensionAdditionGroup): new_ext_list.extend(e.val.elt_list) else: new_ext_list.append(e) self.ext_list = new_ext_list # do autotag if autotag: atag = 0 for e in (self.elt_list): e.val.AddTag(Tag(cls = 'CONTEXT', num = str(atag), mode = 'IMPLICIT')) atag += 1 if autotag and hasattr(self, 'elt_list2'): for e in (self.elt_list2): e.val.AddTag(Tag(cls = 'CONTEXT', num = str(atag), mode = 'IMPLICIT')) atag += 1 if autotag and hasattr(self, 'ext_list'): for e in (self.ext_list): e.val.AddTag(Tag(cls = 'CONTEXT', num = str(atag), mode = 'IMPLICIT')) atag += 1 # register components for e in (self.elt_list): e.val.eth_reg(ident, ectx, tstrip=1, parent=ident) if hasattr(self, 'ext_list'): for e in (self.ext_list): e.val.eth_reg(ident, ectx, tstrip=1, parent=ident) if hasattr(self, 'elt_list2'): for e in (self.elt_list2): e.val.eth_reg(ident, ectx, tstrip=1, parent=ident) def eth_type_default_table(self, ectx, tname): #print ("eth_type_default_table(tname='%s')" % (tname)) fname = ectx.eth_type[tname]['ref'][0] table = "static const %(ER)s_sequence_t %(TABLE)s[] = {\n" if hasattr(self, 'ext_list'): ext = 'ASN1_EXTENSION_ROOT' else: ext = 'ASN1_NO_EXTENSIONS' empty_ext_flag = '0' if (len(self.elt_list)==0) and hasattr(self, 'ext_list') and (len(self.ext_list)==0) and (not hasattr(self, 'elt_list2') or (len(self.elt_list2)==0)): empty_ext_flag = ext for e in (self.elt_list): f = fname + '/' + e.val.name table += self.out_item(f, e.val, e.optional, ext, ectx) if hasattr(self, 'ext_list'): for e in (self.ext_list): f = fname + '/' + e.val.name table += self.out_item(f, e.val, e.optional, 'ASN1_NOT_EXTENSION_ROOT', ectx) if hasattr(self, 'elt_list2'): for e in (self.elt_list2): f = fname + '/' + e.val.name table += self.out_item(f, e.val, e.optional, ext, ectx) if (ectx.Ber()): table += " { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }\n};\n" else: table += " { NULL, %s, 0, NULL }\n};\n" % (empty_ext_flag) return table #--- SeqOfType ----------------------------------------------------------- class SeqOfType (SqType): def eth_type_default_table(self, ectx, tname): #print "eth_type_default_table(tname='%s')" % (tname) fname = ectx.eth_type[tname]['ref'][0] if self.val.IsNamed (): f = fname + '/' + self.val.name else: f = fname + '/' + ITEM_FIELD_NAME table = "static const %(ER)s_sequence_t %(TABLE)s[1] = {\n" table += self.out_item(f, self.val, False, 'ASN1_NO_EXTENSIONS', ectx) table += "};\n" return table #--- SequenceOfType ----------------------------------------------------------- class SequenceOfType (SeqOfType): def to_python (self, ctx): # name, tag (None for no tag, EXPLICIT() for explicit), typ) # or '' + (1,) for optional sizestr = '' if self.size_constr != None: print("#Ignoring size constraint:", self.size_constr.subtype) return "%sasn1.SEQUENCE_OF (%s%s)" % (ctx.spaces (), self.val.to_python (ctx), sizestr) def eth_reg_sub(self, ident, ectx): itmnm = ident if not self.val.IsNamed (): itmnm += '/' + ITEM_FIELD_NAME self.val.eth_reg(itmnm, ectx, tstrip=1, idx='[##]', parent=ident) def eth_tname(self): if self.val.type != 'Type_Ref': return '#' + self.type + '_' + str(id(self)) if not self.HasConstraint(): return "SEQUENCE_OF_" + self.val.eth_tname() elif self.constr.IsSize(): return 'SEQUENCE_' + self.constr.eth_constrname() + '_OF_' + self.val.eth_tname() else: return '#' + self.type + '_' + str(id(self)) def eth_ftype(self, ectx): return ('FT_UINT32', 'BASE_DEC') def eth_need_tree(self): return True def GetTTag(self, ectx): return ('BER_CLASS_UNI', 'BER_UNI_TAG_SEQUENCE') def eth_type_default_pars(self, ectx, tname): pars = Type.eth_type_default_pars(self, ectx, tname) (pars['MIN_VAL'], pars['MAX_VAL'], pars['EXT']) = self.eth_get_size_constr(ectx) pars['TABLE'] = '%(PROTOP)s%(TNAME)s_sequence_of' return pars def eth_type_default_body(self, ectx, tname): if (ectx.Ber()): if (ectx.constraints_check and self.HasSizeConstraint()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_constrained_sequence_of', ret='offset', par=(('%(IMPLICIT_TAG)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s'), ('%(MIN_VAL)s', '%(MAX_VAL)s', '%(TABLE)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s', '%(ETT_INDEX)s',),)) else: body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_sequence_of', ret='offset', par=(('%(IMPLICIT_TAG)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s'), ('%(TABLE)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s', '%(ETT_INDEX)s',),)) elif ((ectx.Per() or ectx.Oer()) and not self.HasConstraint()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_sequence_of', ret='offset', par=(('%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s'), ('%(ETT_INDEX)s', '%(TABLE)s',),)) elif ((ectx.Per() or ectx.Oer()) and self.constr.type == 'Size'): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_constrained_sequence_of', ret='offset', par=(('%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s'), ('%(ETT_INDEX)s', '%(TABLE)s',), ('%(MIN_VAL)s', '%(MAX_VAL)s','%(EXT)s'),)) else: body = '#error Can not decode %s' % (tname) return body #--- SetOfType ---------------------------------------------------------------- class SetOfType (SeqOfType): def eth_reg_sub(self, ident, ectx): itmnm = ident if not self.val.IsNamed (): itmnm += '/' + ITEM_FIELD_NAME self.val.eth_reg(itmnm, ectx, tstrip=1, idx='(##)', parent=ident) def eth_tname(self): if self.val.type != 'Type_Ref': return '#' + self.type + '_' + str(id(self)) if not self.HasConstraint(): return "SET_OF_" + self.val.eth_tname() elif self.constr.IsSize(): return 'SET_' + self.constr.eth_constrname() + '_OF_' + self.val.eth_tname() else: return '#' + self.type + '_' + str(id(self)) def eth_ftype(self, ectx): return ('FT_UINT32', 'BASE_DEC') def eth_need_tree(self): return True def GetTTag(self, ectx): return ('BER_CLASS_UNI', 'BER_UNI_TAG_SET') def eth_type_default_pars(self, ectx, tname): pars = Type.eth_type_default_pars(self, ectx, tname) (pars['MIN_VAL'], pars['MAX_VAL'], pars['EXT']) = self.eth_get_size_constr(ectx) pars['TABLE'] = '%(PROTOP)s%(TNAME)s_set_of' return pars def eth_type_default_body(self, ectx, tname): if (ectx.Ber()): if (ectx.constraints_check and self.HasSizeConstraint()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_constrained_set_of', ret='offset', par=(('%(IMPLICIT_TAG)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s'), ('%(MIN_VAL)s', '%(MAX_VAL)s', '%(TABLE)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s', '%(ETT_INDEX)s',),)) else: body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_set_of', ret='offset', par=(('%(IMPLICIT_TAG)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s'), ('%(TABLE)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s', '%(ETT_INDEX)s',),)) elif (ectx.Per() and not self.HasConstraint()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_set_of', ret='offset', par=(('%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s'), ('%(ETT_INDEX)s', '%(TABLE)s',),)) elif (ectx.Per() and self.constr.type == 'Size'): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_constrained_set_of', ret='offset', par=(('%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s'), ('%(ETT_INDEX)s', '%(TABLE)s',), ('%(MIN_VAL)s', '%(MAX_VAL)s','%(EXT)s',),)) else: body = '#error Can not decode %s' % (tname) return body def mk_tag_str (ctx, cls, typ, num): # XXX should do conversion to int earlier! val = int (num) typ = typ.upper() if typ == 'DEFAULT': typ = ctx.tags_def return 'asn1.%s(%d,cls=asn1.%s_FLAG)' % (typ, val, cls) # XXX still ned #--- SequenceType ------------------------------------------------------------- class SequenceType (SeqType): def to_python (self, ctx): # name, tag (None for no tag, EXPLICIT() for explicit), typ) # or '' + (1,) for optional # XXX should also collect names for SEQUENCE inside SEQUENCE or # CHOICE or SEQUENCE_OF (where should the SEQUENCE_OF name come # from? for others, element or arm name would be fine) seq_name = getattr (self, 'sequence_name', None) if seq_name == None: seq_name = 'None' else: seq_name = "'" + seq_name + "'" if 'ext_list' in self.__dict__: return "%sasn1.SEQUENCE ([%s], ext=[%s], seq_name = %s)" % (ctx.spaces (), self.elts_to_py (self.elt_list, ctx), self.elts_to_py (self.ext_list, ctx), seq_name) else: return "%sasn1.SEQUENCE ([%s]), seq_name = %s" % (ctx.spaces (), self.elts_to_py (self.elt_list, ctx), seq_name) def elts_to_py (self, list, ctx): # we have elt_type, val= named_type, maybe default=, optional= # named_type node: either ident = or typ = # need to dismember these in order to generate Python output syntax. ctx.indent () def elt_to_py (e): assert (e.type == 'elt_type') nt = e.val optflag = e.optional #assert (not hasattr (e, 'default')) # XXX add support for DEFAULT! assert (nt.type == 'named_type') tagstr = 'None' identstr = nt.ident if hasattr (nt.typ, 'type') and nt.typ.type == 'tag': # ugh tagstr = mk_tag_str (ctx,nt.typ.tag.cls, nt.typ.tag.tag_typ,nt.typ.tag.num) nt = nt.typ return "('%s',%s,%s,%d)" % (identstr, tagstr, nt.typ.to_python (ctx), optflag) indentstr = ",\n" + ctx.spaces () rv = indentstr.join ([elt_to_py (e) for e in list]) ctx.outdent () return rv def eth_need_tree(self): return True def GetTTag(self, ectx): return ('BER_CLASS_UNI', 'BER_UNI_TAG_SEQUENCE') def eth_type_default_pars(self, ectx, tname): pars = Type.eth_type_default_pars(self, ectx, tname) pars['TABLE'] = '%(PROTOP)s%(TNAME)s_sequence' return pars def eth_type_default_body(self, ectx, tname): if (ectx.Ber()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_sequence', ret='offset', par=(('%(IMPLICIT_TAG)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s'), ('%(TABLE)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s', '%(ETT_INDEX)s',),)) elif (ectx.Per() or ectx.Oer()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_sequence', ret='offset', par=(('%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s'), ('%(ETT_INDEX)s', '%(TABLE)s',),)) else: body = '#error Can not decode %s' % (tname) return body #--- ExtensionAdditionGroup --------------------------------------------------- class ExtensionAdditionGroup (SeqType): def __init__(self,*args, **kw) : self.parent_ident = None self.parent_tname = None SeqType.__init__ (self,*args, **kw) def eth_omit_field(self): return True def eth_tname(self): if (self.parent_tname and self.IsNamed()): return self.parent_tname + "_" + self.name else: return SeqType.eth_tname(self) def eth_reg_sub(self, ident, ectx): ectx.eth_dummy_eag_field_required() ectx.eth_dep_add(self.parent_ident, ident) SeqType.eth_reg_sub(self, ident, ectx) def eth_type_default_pars(self, ectx, tname): pars = Type.eth_type_default_pars(self, ectx, tname) pars['TABLE'] = '%(PROTOP)s%(TNAME)s_sequence' return pars def eth_type_default_body(self, ectx, tname): if (ectx.Per()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_sequence_eag', ret='offset', par=(('%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(TABLE)s',),)) else: body = '#error Can not decode %s' % (tname) return body #--- SetType ------------------------------------------------------------------ class SetType (SeqType): def eth_need_tree(self): return True def GetTTag(self, ectx): return ('BER_CLASS_UNI', 'BER_UNI_TAG_SET') def eth_type_default_pars(self, ectx, tname): pars = Type.eth_type_default_pars(self, ectx, tname) pars['TABLE'] = '%(PROTOP)s%(TNAME)s_set' return pars def eth_type_default_body(self, ectx, tname): if (ectx.Ber()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_set', ret='offset', par=(('%(IMPLICIT_TAG)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s'), ('%(TABLE)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s', '%(ETT_INDEX)s',),)) elif (ectx.Per()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_set', ret='offset', par=(('%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s'), ('%(ETT_INDEX)s', '%(TABLE)s',),)) else: body = '#error Can not decode %s' % (tname) return body #--- ChoiceType --------------------------------------------------------------- class ChoiceType (Type): def to_python (self, ctx): # name, tag (None for no tag, EXPLICIT() for explicit), typ) # or '' + (1,) for optional if 'ext_list' in self.__dict__: return "%sasn1.CHOICE ([%s], ext=[%s])" % (ctx.spaces (), self.elts_to_py (self.elt_list, ctx), self.elts_to_py (self.ext_list, ctx)) else: return "%sasn1.CHOICE ([%s])" % (ctx.spaces (), self.elts_to_py (self.elt_list, ctx)) def elts_to_py (self, list, ctx): ctx.indent () def elt_to_py (nt): assert (nt.type == 'named_type') tagstr = 'None' if hasattr (nt, 'ident'): identstr = nt.ident else: if hasattr (nt.typ, 'val'): identstr = nt.typ.val # XXX, making up name elif hasattr (nt.typ, 'name'): identstr = nt.typ.name else: identstr = ctx.make_new_name () if hasattr (nt.typ, 'type') and nt.typ.type == 'tag': # ugh tagstr = mk_tag_str (ctx,nt.typ.tag.cls, nt.typ.tag.tag_typ,nt.typ.tag.num) nt = nt.typ return "('%s',%s,%s)" % (identstr, tagstr, nt.typ.to_python (ctx)) indentstr = ",\n" + ctx.spaces () rv = indentstr.join ([elt_to_py (e) for e in list]) ctx.outdent () return rv def eth_reg_sub(self, ident, ectx): #print "eth_reg_sub(ident='%s')" % (ident) # check if autotag is required autotag = False if (ectx.NeedTags() and (ectx.tag_def == 'AUTOMATIC')): autotag = True for e in (self.elt_list): if e.HasOwnTag(): autotag = False; break; if autotag and hasattr(self, 'ext_list'): for e in (self.ext_list): if e.HasOwnTag(): autotag = False; break; # do autotag if autotag: atag = 0 for e in (self.elt_list): e.AddTag(Tag(cls = 'CONTEXT', num = str(atag), mode = 'IMPLICIT')) atag += 1 if autotag and hasattr(self, 'ext_list'): for e in (self.ext_list): e.AddTag(Tag(cls = 'CONTEXT', num = str(atag), mode = 'IMPLICIT')) atag += 1 for e in (self.elt_list): e.eth_reg(ident, ectx, tstrip=1, parent=ident) if ectx.conform.check_item('EXPORTS', ident + '.' + e.name): ectx.eth_sel_req(ident, e.name) if hasattr(self, 'ext_list'): for e in (self.ext_list): e.eth_reg(ident, ectx, tstrip=1, parent=ident) if ectx.conform.check_item('EXPORTS', ident + '.' + e.name): ectx.eth_sel_req(ident, e.name) def sel_item(self, ident, sel, ectx): lst = self.elt_list[:] if hasattr(self, 'ext_list'): lst.extend(self.ext_list) ee = None for e in (self.elt_list): if e.IsNamed() and (e.name == sel): ee = e break if not ee: print("#CHOICE %s does not contain item %s" % (ident, sel)) return ee def sel_req(self, ident, sel, ectx): #print "sel_req(ident='%s', sel=%s)\n%s" % (ident, sel, str(self)) ee = self.sel_item(ident, sel, ectx) if ee: ee.eth_reg(ident, ectx, tstrip=0, selflag=True) def eth_ftype(self, ectx): return ('FT_UINT32', 'BASE_DEC') def eth_ftype_sel(self, sel, ectx): ee = self.sel_item('', sel, ectx) if ee: return ee.eth_ftype(ectx) else: return ('FT_NONE', 'BASE_NONE') def eth_strings(self): return '$$' def eth_need_tree(self): return True def eth_has_vals(self): return True def GetTTag(self, ectx): lst = self.elt_list cls = 'BER_CLASS_ANY/*choice*/' #if hasattr(self, 'ext_list'): # lst.extend(self.ext_list) #if (len(lst) > 0): # cls = lst[0].GetTag(ectx)[0] #for e in (lst): # if (e.GetTag(ectx)[0] != cls): # cls = '-1/*choice*/' return (cls, '-1/*choice*/') def GetTTagSel(self, sel, ectx): ee = self.sel_item('', sel, ectx) if ee: return ee.GetTag(ectx) else: return ('BER_CLASS_ANY/*unknown selection*/', '-1/*unknown selection*/') def IndetermTag(self, ectx): #print "Choice IndetermTag()=%s" % (str(not self.HasOwnTag())) return not self.HasOwnTag() def detect_tagval(self, ectx): tagval = False lst = self.elt_list[:] if hasattr(self, 'ext_list'): lst.extend(self.ext_list) if (len(lst) > 0) and (not (ectx.Per() or ectx.Oer()) or lst[0].HasOwnTag()): t = lst[0].GetTag(ectx)[0] tagval = True else: t = '' tagval = False if (t == 'BER_CLASS_UNI'): tagval = False for e in (lst): if not (ectx.Per() or ectx.Oer()) or e.HasOwnTag(): tt = e.GetTag(ectx)[0] else: tt = '' tagval = False if (tt != t): tagval = False return tagval def get_vals(self, ectx): tagval = self.detect_tagval(ectx) vals = [] cnt = 0 for e in (self.elt_list): if (tagval): val = e.GetTag(ectx)[1] else: val = str(cnt) vals.append((val, e.name)) cnt += 1 if hasattr(self, 'ext_list'): for e in (self.ext_list): if (tagval): val = e.GetTag(ectx)[1] else: val = str(cnt) vals.append((val, e.name)) cnt += 1 return vals def eth_type_vals(self, tname, ectx): out = '\n' vals = self.get_vals(ectx) out += ectx.eth_vals(tname, vals) return out def reg_enum_vals(self, tname, ectx): vals = self.get_vals(ectx) for (val, id) in vals: ectx.eth_reg_value(id, self, val, ethname=ectx.eth_enum_item(tname, id)) def eth_type_enum(self, tname, ectx): out = '\n' vals = self.get_vals(ectx) out += ectx.eth_enum(tname, vals) return out def eth_type_default_pars(self, ectx, tname): pars = Type.eth_type_default_pars(self, ectx, tname) pars['TABLE'] = '%(PROTOP)s%(TNAME)s_choice' return pars def eth_type_default_table(self, ectx, tname): def out_item(val, e, ext, ectx): has_enum = ectx.eth_type[tname]['enum'] & EF_ENUM if (has_enum): vval = ectx.eth_enum_item(tname, e.name) else: vval = val f = fname + '/' + e.name ef = ectx.field[f]['ethname'] t = ectx.eth_hf[ef]['ethtype'] if (ectx.Ber()): opt = '' if (not e.HasOwnTag()): opt = 'BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG' elif (e.HasImplicitTag(ectx)): if (opt): opt += '|' opt += 'BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG' if (not opt): opt = '0' if (ectx.Ber()): (tc, tn) = e.GetTag(ectx) out = ' { %3s, %-24s, %-13s, %s, %s, dissect_%s_%s },\n' \ % (vval, '&'+ectx.eth_hf[ef]['fullname'], tc, tn, opt, ectx.eth_type[t]['proto'], t) elif (ectx.Per() or ectx.Oer()): out = ' { %3s, %-24s, %-23s, dissect_%s_%s },\n' \ % (vval, '&'+ectx.eth_hf[ef]['fullname'], ext, ectx.eth_type[t]['proto'], t) else: out = '' return out # end out_item() #print "eth_type_default_table(tname='%s')" % (tname) fname = ectx.eth_type[tname]['ref'][0] tagval = self.detect_tagval(ectx) table = "static const %(ER)s_choice_t %(TABLE)s[] = {\n" cnt = 0 if hasattr(self, 'ext_list'): ext = 'ASN1_EXTENSION_ROOT' else: ext = 'ASN1_NO_EXTENSIONS' empty_ext_flag = '0' if (len(self.elt_list)==0) and hasattr(self, 'ext_list') and (len(self.ext_list)==0): empty_ext_flag = ext for e in (self.elt_list): if (tagval): val = e.GetTag(ectx)[1] else: val = str(cnt) table += out_item(val, e, ext, ectx) cnt += 1 if hasattr(self, 'ext_list'): for e in (self.ext_list): if (tagval): val = e.GetTag(ectx)[1] else: val = str(cnt) table += out_item(val, e, 'ASN1_NOT_EXTENSION_ROOT', ectx) cnt += 1 if (ectx.Ber()): table += " { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }\n};\n" else: table += " { 0, NULL, %s, NULL }\n};\n" % (empty_ext_flag) return table def eth_type_default_body(self, ectx, tname): if (ectx.Ber()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_choice', ret='offset', par=(('%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s'), ('%(TABLE)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s', '%(ETT_INDEX)s'), ('%(VAL_PTR)s',),)) elif (ectx.Per() or ectx.Oer()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_choice', ret='offset', par=(('%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s'), ('%(ETT_INDEX)s', '%(TABLE)s',), ('%(VAL_PTR)s',),)) else: body = '#error Can not decode %s' % (tname) return body #--- ChoiceValue ---------------------------------------------------- class ChoiceValue (Value): def to_str(self, ectx): return self.val.to_str(ectx) def fld_obj_eq(self, other): return isinstance(other, ChoiceValue) and (self.choice == other.choice) and (str(self.val.val) == str(other.val.val)) #--- EnumeratedType ----------------------------------------------------------- class EnumeratedType (Type): def to_python (self, ctx): def strify_one (named_num): return "%s=%s" % (named_num.ident, named_num.val) return "asn1.ENUM(%s)" % ",".join (map (strify_one, self.val)) def eth_ftype(self, ectx): return ('FT_UINT32', 'BASE_DEC') def eth_strings(self): return '$$' def eth_has_vals(self): return True def GetTTag(self, ectx): return ('BER_CLASS_UNI', 'BER_UNI_TAG_ENUMERATED') def get_vals_etc(self, ectx): vals = [] lastv = 0 used = {} maxv = 0 root_num = 0 ext_num = 0 map_table = [] for e in (self.val): if e.type == 'NamedNumber': used[int(e.val)] = True for e in (self.val): if e.type == 'NamedNumber': val = int(e.val) else: while lastv in used: lastv += 1 val = lastv used[val] = True vals.append((val, e.ident)) map_table.append(val) root_num += 1 if val > maxv: maxv = val if self.ext is not None: for e in (self.ext): if e.type == 'NamedNumber': used[int(e.val)] = True for e in (self.ext): if e.type == 'NamedNumber': val = int(e.val) else: while lastv in used: lastv += 1 val = lastv used[val] = True vals.append((val, e.ident)) map_table.append(val) ext_num += 1 if val > maxv: maxv = val need_map = False for i in range(len(map_table)): need_map = need_map or (map_table[i] != i) if (not need_map): map_table = None return (vals, root_num, ext_num, map_table) def eth_type_vals(self, tname, ectx): out = '\n' vals = self.get_vals_etc(ectx)[0] out += ectx.eth_vals(tname, vals) return out def reg_enum_vals(self, tname, ectx): vals = self.get_vals_etc(ectx)[0] for (val, id) in vals: ectx.eth_reg_value(id, self, val, ethname=ectx.eth_enum_item(tname, id)) def eth_type_enum(self, tname, ectx): out = '\n' vals = self.get_vals_etc(ectx)[0] out += ectx.eth_enum(tname, vals) return out def eth_type_default_pars(self, ectx, tname): pars = Type.eth_type_default_pars(self, ectx, tname) (root_num, ext_num, map_table) = self.get_vals_etc(ectx)[1:] if (self.ext != None): ext = 'TRUE' else: ext = 'FALSE' pars['ROOT_NUM'] = str(root_num) pars['EXT'] = ext pars['EXT_NUM'] = str(ext_num) if (map_table): pars['TABLE'] = '%(PROTOP)s%(TNAME)s_value_map' else: pars['TABLE'] = 'NULL' return pars def eth_type_default_table(self, ectx, tname): if (not ectx.Per() and not ectx.Oer()): return '' map_table = self.get_vals_etc(ectx)[3] if (map_table == None): return '' table = "static guint32 %(TABLE)s[%(ROOT_NUM)s+%(EXT_NUM)s] = {" table += ", ".join([str(v) for v in map_table]) table += "};\n" return table def eth_type_default_body(self, ectx, tname): if (ectx.Ber()): if (ectx.constraints_check and self.HasValueConstraint()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_constrained_integer', ret='offset', par=(('%(IMPLICIT_TAG)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s'), ('%(MIN_VAL)s', '%(MAX_VAL)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s', '%(VAL_PTR)s',),)) else: body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_integer', ret='offset', par=(('%(IMPLICIT_TAG)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s'), ('%(VAL_PTR)s',),)) elif (ectx.Per() or ectx.Oer()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_enumerated', ret='offset', par=(('%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s'), ('%(ROOT_NUM)s', '%(VAL_PTR)s', '%(EXT)s', '%(EXT_NUM)s', '%(TABLE)s',),)) else: body = '#error Can not decode %s' % (tname) return body #--- EmbeddedPDVType ----------------------------------------------------------- class EmbeddedPDVType (Type): def eth_tname(self): return 'EMBEDDED_PDV' def eth_ftype(self, ectx): return ('FT_NONE', 'BASE_NONE') def GetTTag(self, ectx): return ('BER_CLASS_UNI', 'BER_UNI_TAG_EMBEDDED_PDV') def eth_type_default_pars(self, ectx, tname): pars = Type.eth_type_default_pars(self, ectx, tname) if ectx.default_embedded_pdv_cb: pars['TYPE_REF_FN'] = ectx.default_embedded_pdv_cb else: pars['TYPE_REF_FN'] = 'NULL' return pars def eth_type_default_body(self, ectx, tname): if (ectx.Ber()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_EmbeddedPDV_Type', ret='offset', par=(('%(IMPLICIT_TAG)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s', '%(TYPE_REF_FN)s',),)) elif (ectx.Per()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_embedded_pdv', ret='offset', par=(('%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s', '%(TYPE_REF_FN)s',),)) else: body = '#error Can not decode %s' % (tname) return body #--- ExternalType ----------------------------------------------------------- class ExternalType (Type): def eth_tname(self): return 'EXTERNAL' def eth_ftype(self, ectx): return ('FT_NONE', 'BASE_NONE') def GetTTag(self, ectx): return ('BER_CLASS_UNI', 'BER_UNI_TAG_EXTERNAL') def eth_type_default_pars(self, ectx, tname): pars = Type.eth_type_default_pars(self, ectx, tname) if ectx.default_external_type_cb: pars['TYPE_REF_FN'] = ectx.default_external_type_cb else: pars['TYPE_REF_FN'] = 'NULL' return pars def eth_type_default_body(self, ectx, tname): if (ectx.Ber()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_external_type', ret='offset', par=(('%(IMPLICIT_TAG)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s', '%(TYPE_REF_FN)s',),)) elif (ectx.Per()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_external_type', ret='offset', par=(('%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s', '%(TYPE_REF_FN)s',),)) else: body = '#error Can not decode %s' % (tname) return body #--- OpenType ----------------------------------------------------------- class OpenType (Type): def to_python (self, ctx): return "asn1.ANY" def single_type(self): if (self.HasConstraint() and self.constr.type == 'Type' and self.constr.subtype.type == 'Type_Ref'): return self.constr.subtype.val return None def eth_reg_sub(self, ident, ectx): t = self.single_type() if t: ectx.eth_dep_add(ident, t) def eth_tname(self): t = self.single_type() if t: return 'OpenType_' + t else: return Type.eth_tname(self) def eth_ftype(self, ectx): return ('FT_NONE', 'BASE_NONE') def GetTTag(self, ectx): return ('BER_CLASS_ANY', '0') def eth_type_default_pars(self, ectx, tname): pars = Type.eth_type_default_pars(self, ectx, tname) pars['FN_VARIANT'] = ectx.default_opentype_variant t = self.single_type() if t: t = ectx.type[t]['ethname'] pars['TYPE_REF_PROTO'] = ectx.eth_type[t]['proto'] pars['TYPE_REF_TNAME'] = t pars['TYPE_REF_FN'] = 'dissect_%(TYPE_REF_PROTO)s_%(TYPE_REF_TNAME)s' else: pars['TYPE_REF_FN'] = 'NULL' return pars def eth_type_default_body(self, ectx, tname): if (ectx.Per()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_open_type%(FN_VARIANT)s', ret='offset', par=(('%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s', '%(TYPE_REF_FN)s',),)) else: body = '#error Can not decode %s' % (tname) return body #--- InstanceOfType ----------------------------------------------------------- class InstanceOfType (Type): def eth_tname(self): return 'INSTANCE_OF' def eth_ftype(self, ectx): return ('FT_NONE', 'BASE_NONE') def GetTTag(self, ectx): return ('BER_CLASS_UNI', 'BER_UNI_TAG_EXTERNAL') def eth_type_default_pars(self, ectx, tname): pars = Type.eth_type_default_pars(self, ectx, tname) if ectx.default_external_type_cb: pars['TYPE_REF_FN'] = ectx.default_external_type_cb else: pars['TYPE_REF_FN'] = 'NULL' return pars def eth_type_default_body(self, ectx, tname): if (ectx.Ber()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_external_type', ret='offset', par=(('%(IMPLICIT_TAG)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s', '%(TYPE_REF_FN)s',),)) else: body = '#error Can not decode %s' % (tname) return body #--- AnyType ----------------------------------------------------------- class AnyType (Type): def to_python (self, ctx): return "asn1.ANY" def eth_ftype(self, ectx): return ('FT_NONE', 'BASE_NONE') def GetTTag(self, ectx): return ('BER_CLASS_ANY', '0') def eth_type_default_body(self, ectx, tname): body = '#error Can not decode %s' % (tname) return body class Literal (Node): def to_python (self, ctx): return self.val #--- NullType ----------------------------------------------------------------- class NullType (Type): def to_python (self, ctx): return 'asn1.NULL' def eth_tname(self): return 'NULL' def GetTTag(self, ectx): return ('BER_CLASS_UNI', 'BER_UNI_TAG_NULL') def eth_type_default_body(self, ectx, tname): if (ectx.Ber()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_null', ret='offset', par=(('%(IMPLICIT_TAG)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s'),)) elif (ectx.Per() or ectx.Oer()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_null', ret='offset', par=(('%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s'),)) else: body = '#error Can not decode %s' % (tname) return body #--- NullValue ---------------------------------------------------- class NullValue (Value): def to_str(self, ectx): return 'NULL' #--- RealType ----------------------------------------------------------------- class RealType (Type): def to_python (self, ctx): return 'asn1.REAL' def eth_tname(self): return 'REAL' def GetTTag(self, ectx): return ('BER_CLASS_UNI', 'BER_UNI_TAG_REAL') def eth_ftype(self, ectx): return ('FT_DOUBLE', 'BASE_NONE') def eth_type_default_body(self, ectx, tname): if (ectx.Ber()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_real', ret='offset', par=(('%(IMPLICIT_TAG)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s'), ('%(VAL_PTR)s',),)) elif (ectx.Per()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_real', ret='offset', par=(('%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s', '%(VAL_PTR)s',),)) else: body = '#error Can not decode %s' % (tname) return body #--- BooleanType -------------------------------------------------------------- class BooleanType (Type): def to_python (self, ctx): return 'asn1.BOOLEAN' def eth_tname(self): return 'BOOLEAN' def GetTTag(self, ectx): return ('BER_CLASS_UNI', 'BER_UNI_TAG_BOOLEAN') def eth_ftype(self, ectx): return ('FT_BOOLEAN', 'BASE_NONE') def eth_type_default_body(self, ectx, tname): if (ectx.Ber()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_boolean', ret='offset', par=(('%(IMPLICIT_TAG)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s', '%(VAL_PTR)s'),)) elif (ectx.Per()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_boolean', ret='offset', par=(('%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s', '%(VAL_PTR)s',),)) elif (ectx.Oer()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_boolean', ret='offset', par=(('%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s', '%(VAL_PTR)s',),)) else: body = '#error Can not decode %s' % (tname) return body #--- OctetStringType ---------------------------------------------------------- class OctetStringType (Type): def to_python (self, ctx): return 'asn1.OCTSTRING' def eth_tname(self): if not self.HasConstraint(): return 'OCTET_STRING' elif self.constr.type == 'Size': return 'OCTET_STRING' + '_' + self.constr.eth_constrname() else: return '#' + self.type + '_' + str(id(self)) def eth_ftype(self, ectx): return ('FT_BYTES', 'BASE_NONE') def GetTTag(self, ectx): return ('BER_CLASS_UNI', 'BER_UNI_TAG_OCTETSTRING') def eth_need_pdu(self, ectx): pdu = None if self.HasContentsConstraint(): t = self.constr.GetContents(ectx) if t and (ectx.default_containing_variant in ('_pdu', '_pdu_new')): pdu = { 'type' : t, 'new' : ectx.default_containing_variant == '_pdu_new' } return pdu def eth_type_default_pars(self, ectx, tname): pars = Type.eth_type_default_pars(self, ectx, tname) (pars['MIN_VAL'], pars['MAX_VAL'], pars['EXT']) = self.eth_get_size_constr(ectx) if self.HasContentsConstraint(): pars['FN_VARIANT'] = ectx.default_containing_variant t = self.constr.GetContents(ectx) if t: if pars['FN_VARIANT'] in ('_pdu', '_pdu_new'): t = ectx.field[t]['ethname'] pars['TYPE_REF_PROTO'] = '' pars['TYPE_REF_TNAME'] = t pars['TYPE_REF_FN'] = 'dissect_%(TYPE_REF_TNAME)s' else: t = ectx.type[t]['ethname'] pars['TYPE_REF_PROTO'] = ectx.eth_type[t]['proto'] pars['TYPE_REF_TNAME'] = t pars['TYPE_REF_FN'] = 'dissect_%(TYPE_REF_PROTO)s_%(TYPE_REF_TNAME)s' else: pars['TYPE_REF_FN'] = 'NULL' return pars def eth_type_default_body(self, ectx, tname): if (ectx.Ber()): if (ectx.constraints_check and self.HasSizeConstraint()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_constrained_octet_string', ret='offset', par=(('%(IMPLICIT_TAG)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s'), ('%(MIN_VAL)s', '%(MAX_VAL)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s', '%(VAL_PTR)s',),)) else: body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_octet_string', ret='offset', par=(('%(IMPLICIT_TAG)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s'), ('%(VAL_PTR)s',),)) elif (ectx.Per() or ectx.Oer()): if self.HasContentsConstraint(): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_octet_string_containing%(FN_VARIANT)s', ret='offset', par=(('%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s'), ('%(MIN_VAL)s', '%(MAX_VAL)s', '%(EXT)s', '%(TYPE_REF_FN)s',),)) else: body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_octet_string', ret='offset', par=(('%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s'), ('%(MIN_VAL)s', '%(MAX_VAL)s', '%(EXT)s', '%(VAL_PTR)s',),)) else: body = '#error Can not decode %s' % (tname) return body #--- CharacterStringType ------------------------------------------------------ class CharacterStringType (Type): def eth_tname(self): if not self.HasConstraint(): return self.eth_tsname() elif self.constr.type == 'Size': return self.eth_tsname() + '_' + self.constr.eth_constrname() else: return '#' + self.type + '_' + str(id(self)) def eth_ftype(self, ectx): return ('FT_STRING', 'BASE_NONE') class RestrictedCharacterStringType (CharacterStringType): def to_python (self, ctx): return 'asn1.' + self.eth_tsname() def GetTTag(self, ectx): return ('BER_CLASS_UNI', 'BER_UNI_TAG_' + self.eth_tsname()) def eth_type_default_pars(self, ectx, tname): pars = Type.eth_type_default_pars(self, ectx, tname) (pars['MIN_VAL'], pars['MAX_VAL'], pars['EXT']) = self.eth_get_size_constr(ectx) (pars['STRING_TYPE'], pars['STRING_TAG']) = (self.eth_tsname(), self.GetTTag(ectx)[1]) (pars['ALPHABET'], pars['ALPHABET_LEN']) = self.eth_get_alphabet_constr(ectx) return pars def eth_type_default_body(self, ectx, tname): if (ectx.Ber()): if (ectx.constraints_check and self.HasSizeConstraint()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_constrained_restricted_string', ret='offset', par=(('%(IMPLICIT_TAG)s', '%(STRING_TAG)s'), ('%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s'), ('%(MIN_VAL)s', '%(MAX_VAL)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s', '%(VAL_PTR)s',),)) else: body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_restricted_string', ret='offset', par=(('%(IMPLICIT_TAG)s', '%(STRING_TAG)s'), ('%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s'), ('%(VAL_PTR)s',),)) elif (ectx.Per() and self.HasPermAlph()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_restricted_character_string', ret='offset', par=(('%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s'), ('%(MIN_VAL)s', '%(MAX_VAL)s', '%(EXT)s', '%(ALPHABET)s', '%(ALPHABET_LEN)s'), ('%(VAL_PTR)s',),)) elif (ectx.Per()): if (self.eth_tsname() == 'GeneralString'): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_%(STRING_TYPE)s', ret='offset', par=(('%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s'),)) elif (self.eth_tsname() == 'GeneralizedTime' or self.eth_tsname() == 'UTCTime'): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_VisibleString', ret='offset', par=(('%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s'), ('%(MIN_VAL)s', '%(MAX_VAL)s', '%(EXT)s',),)) else: body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_%(STRING_TYPE)s', ret='offset', par=(('%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s'), ('%(MIN_VAL)s', '%(MAX_VAL)s', '%(EXT)s',),)) elif (ectx.Oer()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_%(STRING_TYPE)s', ret='offset', par=(('%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s'), ('%(MIN_VAL)s', '%(MAX_VAL)s', '%(EXT)s',),)) else: body = '#error Can not decode %s' % (tname) return body class BMPStringType (RestrictedCharacterStringType): def eth_tsname(self): return 'BMPString' class GeneralStringType (RestrictedCharacterStringType): def eth_tsname(self): return 'GeneralString' class GraphicStringType (RestrictedCharacterStringType): def eth_tsname(self): return 'GraphicString' class IA5StringType (RestrictedCharacterStringType): def eth_tsname(self): return 'IA5String' class NumericStringType (RestrictedCharacterStringType): def eth_tsname(self): return 'NumericString' class PrintableStringType (RestrictedCharacterStringType): def eth_tsname(self): return 'PrintableString' class TeletexStringType (RestrictedCharacterStringType): def eth_tsname(self): return 'TeletexString' class T61StringType (RestrictedCharacterStringType): def eth_tsname(self): return 'T61String' def GetTTag(self, ectx): return ('BER_CLASS_UNI', 'BER_UNI_TAG_TeletexString') class UniversalStringType (RestrictedCharacterStringType): def eth_tsname(self): return 'UniversalString' class UTF8StringType (RestrictedCharacterStringType): def eth_tsname(self): return 'UTF8String' class VideotexStringType (RestrictedCharacterStringType): def eth_tsname(self): return 'VideotexString' class VisibleStringType (RestrictedCharacterStringType): def eth_tsname(self): return 'VisibleString' class ISO646StringType (RestrictedCharacterStringType): def eth_tsname(self): return 'ISO646String' def GetTTag(self, ectx): return ('BER_CLASS_UNI', 'BER_UNI_TAG_VisibleString') class UnrestrictedCharacterStringType (CharacterStringType): def to_python (self, ctx): return 'asn1.UnrestrictedCharacterString' def eth_tsname(self): return 'CHARACTER_STRING' #--- UsefulType --------------------------------------------------------------- class GeneralizedTime (RestrictedCharacterStringType): def eth_tsname(self): return 'GeneralizedTime' def eth_type_default_body(self, ectx, tname): if (ectx.Ber()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_%(STRING_TYPE)s', ret='offset', par=(('%(IMPLICIT_TAG)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s'),)) return body else: return RestrictedCharacterStringType.eth_type_default_body(self, ectx, tname) class UTCTime (RestrictedCharacterStringType): def eth_tsname(self): return 'UTCTime' def eth_type_default_body(self, ectx, tname): if (ectx.Ber()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_%(STRING_TYPE)s', ret='offset', par=(('%(IMPLICIT_TAG)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s', 'NULL', 'NULL'),)) return body else: return RestrictedCharacterStringType.eth_type_default_body(self, ectx, tname) class ObjectDescriptor (RestrictedCharacterStringType): def eth_tsname(self): return 'ObjectDescriptor' def eth_type_default_body(self, ectx, tname): if (ectx.Ber()): body = RestrictedCharacterStringType.eth_type_default_body(self, ectx, tname) elif (ectx.Per()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_object_descriptor', ret='offset', par=(('%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s', '%(VAL_PTR)s',),)) else: body = '#error Can not decode %s' % (tname) return body #--- ObjectIdentifierType ----------------------------------------------------- class ObjectIdentifierType (Type): def to_python (self, ctx): return 'asn1.OBJECT_IDENTIFIER' def eth_tname(self): return 'OBJECT_IDENTIFIER' def eth_ftype(self, ectx): return ('FT_OID', 'BASE_NONE') def GetTTag(self, ectx): return ('BER_CLASS_UNI', 'BER_UNI_TAG_OID') def eth_type_default_pars(self, ectx, tname): pars = Type.eth_type_default_pars(self, ectx, tname) pars['FN_VARIANT'] = ectx.default_oid_variant return pars def eth_type_default_body(self, ectx, tname): if (ectx.Ber()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_object_identifier%(FN_VARIANT)s', ret='offset', par=(('%(IMPLICIT_TAG)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s', '%(VAL_PTR)s',),)) elif (ectx.Per()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_object_identifier%(FN_VARIANT)s', ret='offset', par=(('%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s', '%(VAL_PTR)s',),)) else: body = '#error Can not decode %s' % (tname) return body #--- ObjectIdentifierValue ---------------------------------------------------- class ObjectIdentifierValue (Value): def get_num(self, path, val): return str(oid_names.get(path + '/' + val, val)) def to_str(self, ectx): out = '' path = '' first = True sep = '' for v in self.comp_list: if isinstance(v, Node) and (v.type == 'name_and_number'): vstr = v.number elif v.isdigit(): vstr = v else: vstr = self.get_num(path, v) if not first and not vstr.isdigit(): vstr = ectx.value_get_val(vstr) if first: if vstr.isdigit(): out += '"' + vstr else: out += ectx.value_get_eth(vstr) + '"' else: out += sep + vstr path += sep + vstr first = False sep = '.' out += '"' return out def get_dep(self): v = self.comp_list[0] if isinstance(v, Node) and (v.type == 'name_and_number'): return None elif v.isdigit(): return None else: vstr = self.get_num('', v) if vstr.isdigit(): return None else: return vstr class NamedNumber(Node): def to_python (self, ctx): return "('%s',%s)" % (self.ident, self.val) def __lt__(self, other): return int(self.val) < int(other.val) class NamedNumListBase(Node): def to_python (self, ctx): return "asn1.%s_class ([%s])" % (self.asn1_typ,",".join ( [x.to_python (ctx) for x in self.named_list])) #--- RelativeOIDType ---------------------------------------------------------- class RelativeOIDType (Type): def eth_tname(self): return 'RELATIVE_OID' def eth_ftype(self, ectx): return ('FT_REL_OID', 'BASE_NONE') def GetTTag(self, ectx): return ('BER_CLASS_UNI', 'BER_UNI_TAG_RELATIVE_OID') def eth_type_default_pars(self, ectx, tname): pars = Type.eth_type_default_pars(self, ectx, tname) pars['FN_VARIANT'] = ectx.default_oid_variant return pars def eth_type_default_body(self, ectx, tname): if (ectx.Ber()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_relative_oid%(FN_VARIANT)s', ret='offset', par=(('%(IMPLICIT_TAG)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s', '%(VAL_PTR)s',),)) elif (ectx.Per()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_relative_oid%(FN_VARIANT)s', ret='offset', par=(('%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s', '%(VAL_PTR)s',),)) else: body = '#error Can not decode %s' % (tname) return body #--- IntegerType -------------------------------------------------------------- class IntegerType (Type): def to_python (self, ctx): return "asn1.INTEGER_class ([%s])" % (",".join ( [x.to_python (ctx) for x in self.named_list])) def add_named_value(self, ident, val): e = NamedNumber(ident = ident, val = val) if not self.named_list: self.named_list = [] self.named_list.append(e) def eth_tname(self): if self.named_list: return Type.eth_tname(self) if not self.HasConstraint(): return 'INTEGER' elif self.constr.type == 'SingleValue' or self.constr.type == 'ValueRange': return 'INTEGER' + '_' + self.constr.eth_constrname() else: return 'INTEGER' + '_' + self.constr.eth_tname() def GetTTag(self, ectx): return ('BER_CLASS_UNI', 'BER_UNI_TAG_INTEGER') def eth_ftype(self, ectx): if self.HasConstraint(): if not self.constr.IsNegativ(): if self.constr.Needs64b(ectx): return ('FT_UINT64', 'BASE_DEC') else: return ('FT_UINT32', 'BASE_DEC') if self.constr.Needs64b(ectx): return ('FT_INT64', 'BASE_DEC') return ('FT_INT32', 'BASE_DEC') def eth_strings(self): if (self.named_list): return '$$' else: return 'NULL' def eth_has_vals(self): if (self.named_list): return True else: return False def get_vals(self, ectx): vals = [] for e in (self.named_list): vals.append((int(e.val), e.ident)) return vals def eth_type_vals(self, tname, ectx): if not self.eth_has_vals(): return '' out = '\n' vals = self.get_vals(ectx) out += ectx.eth_vals(tname, vals) return out def reg_enum_vals(self, tname, ectx): vals = self.get_vals(ectx) for (val, id) in vals: ectx.eth_reg_value(id, self, val, ethname=ectx.eth_enum_item(tname, id)) def eth_type_enum(self, tname, ectx): if not self.eth_has_enum(tname, ectx): return '' out = '\n' vals = self.get_vals(ectx) out += ectx.eth_enum(tname, vals) return out def eth_type_default_pars(self, ectx, tname): pars = Type.eth_type_default_pars(self, ectx, tname) if self.HasValueConstraint(): (pars['MIN_VAL'], pars['MAX_VAL'], pars['EXT']) = self.eth_get_value_constr(ectx) if (pars['FN_VARIANT'] == '') and self.constr.Needs64b(ectx): if ectx.Ber(): pars['FN_VARIANT'] = '64' else: if (ectx.Oer() and pars['MAX_VAL'] == 'NO_BOUND'): pars['FN_VARIANT'] = '_64b_no_ub' else: pars['FN_VARIANT'] = '_64b' return pars def eth_type_default_body(self, ectx, tname): if (ectx.Ber()): if (ectx.constraints_check and self.HasValueConstraint()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_constrained_integer%(FN_VARIANT)s', ret='offset', par=(('%(IMPLICIT_TAG)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s'), ('%(MIN_VAL)s', '%(MAX_VAL)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s', '%(VAL_PTR)s',),)) else: body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_integer%(FN_VARIANT)s', ret='offset', par=(('%(IMPLICIT_TAG)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s'), ('%(VAL_PTR)s',),)) elif (ectx.Per() or ectx.Oer()): if (self.HasValueConstraint()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_constrained_integer%(FN_VARIANT)s', ret='offset', par=(('%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s'), ('%(MIN_VAL)s', '%(MAX_VAL)s', '%(VAL_PTR)s', '%(EXT)s'),)) else: body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_integer%(FN_VARIANT)s', ret='offset', par=(('%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s', '%(VAL_PTR)s'),)) else: body = '#error Can not decode %s' % (tname) return body #--- BitStringType ------------------------------------------------------------ class BitStringType (Type): def to_python (self, ctx): return "asn1.BITSTRING_class ([%s])" % (",".join ( [x.to_python (ctx) for x in self.named_list])) def eth_tname(self): if self.named_list: return Type.eth_tname(self) elif not self.HasConstraint(): return 'BIT_STRING' elif self.constr.IsSize(): return 'BIT_STRING' + '_' + self.constr.eth_constrname() else: return '#' + self.type + '_' + str(id(self)) def GetTTag(self, ectx): return ('BER_CLASS_UNI', 'BER_UNI_TAG_BITSTRING') def eth_ftype(self, ectx): return ('FT_BYTES', 'BASE_NONE') def eth_need_tree(self): return self.named_list def eth_need_pdu(self, ectx): pdu = None if self.HasContentsConstraint(): t = self.constr.GetContents(ectx) if t and (ectx.default_containing_variant in ('_pdu', '_pdu_new')): pdu = { 'type' : t, 'new' : ectx.default_containing_variant == '_pdu_new' } return pdu def sortNamedBits(self): return self.named_list.val def eth_named_bits(self): bits = [] if (self.named_list): sorted_list = self.named_list sorted_list.sort() expected_bit_no = 0; for e in (sorted_list): # Fill the table with "spare_bit" for "un named bits" if (int(e.val) != 0) and (expected_bit_no != int(e.val)): while ( expected_bit_no < int(e.val)): bits.append((expected_bit_no, ("spare_bit%u" % (expected_bit_no)))) expected_bit_no = expected_bit_no + 1 #print ("Adding named bits to list %s bit no %d" % (e.ident, int (e.val))) bits.append((int(e.val), e.ident)) expected_bit_no = int(e.val) + 1 return bits def eth_type_default_pars(self, ectx, tname): pars = Type.eth_type_default_pars(self, ectx, tname) pars['LEN_PTR'] = 'NULL' (pars['MIN_VAL'], pars['MAX_VAL'], pars['EXT']) = self.eth_get_size_constr(ectx) if 'ETT_INDEX' not in pars: pars['ETT_INDEX'] = '-1' pars['TABLE'] = 'NULL' if self.eth_named_bits(): pars['TABLE'] = '%(PROTOP)s%(TNAME)s_bits' if self.HasContentsConstraint(): pars['FN_VARIANT'] = ectx.default_containing_variant t = self.constr.GetContents(ectx) if t: if pars['FN_VARIANT'] in ('_pdu', '_pdu_new'): t = ectx.field[t]['ethname'] pars['TYPE_REF_PROTO'] = '' pars['TYPE_REF_TNAME'] = t pars['TYPE_REF_FN'] = 'dissect_%(TYPE_REF_TNAME)s' else: t = ectx.type[t]['ethname'] pars['TYPE_REF_PROTO'] = ectx.eth_type[t]['proto'] pars['TYPE_REF_TNAME'] = t pars['TYPE_REF_FN'] = 'dissect_%(TYPE_REF_PROTO)s_%(TYPE_REF_TNAME)s' else: pars['TYPE_REF_FN'] = 'NULL' return pars def eth_type_default_table(self, ectx, tname): #print ("eth_type_default_table(tname='%s')" % (tname)) table = '' bits = self.eth_named_bits() if (bits): table = ectx.eth_bits(tname, bits) return table def eth_type_default_body(self, ectx, tname): bits = self.eth_named_bits() if (ectx.Ber()): if (ectx.constraints_check and self.HasSizeConstraint()): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_constrained_bitstring', ret='offset', par=(('%(IMPLICIT_TAG)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s'), ('%(MIN_VAL)s', '%(MAX_VAL)s', '%(TABLE)s', '%s' % len(bits),'%(HF_INDEX)s', '%(ETT_INDEX)s',), ('%(VAL_PTR)s',),)) else: body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_bitstring', ret='offset', par=(('%(IMPLICIT_TAG)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s'), ('%(TABLE)s', '%s' % len(bits), '%(HF_INDEX)s', '%(ETT_INDEX)s',), ('%(VAL_PTR)s',),)) elif (ectx.Per() or ectx.Oer()): if self.HasContentsConstraint(): body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_bit_string_containing%(FN_VARIANT)s', ret='offset', par=(('%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s'), ('%(MIN_VAL)s', '%(MAX_VAL)s', '%(EXT)s', '%(TYPE_REF_FN)s'),)) else: body = ectx.eth_fn_call('dissect_%(ER)s_bit_string', ret='offset', par=(('%(TVB)s', '%(OFFSET)s', '%(ACTX)s', '%(TREE)s', '%(HF_INDEX)s'), ('%(MIN_VAL)s', '%(MAX_VAL)s', '%(EXT)s','%(TABLE)s', '%s' % len(bits), '%(VAL_PTR)s', '%(LEN_PTR)s'),)) else: body = '#error Can not decode %s' % (tname) return body #--- BStringValue ------------------------------------------------------------ bstring_tab = { '0000' : '0', '0001' : '1', '0010' : '2', '0011' : '3', '0100' : '4', '0101' : '5', '0110' : '6', '0111' : '7', '1000' : '8', '1001' : '9', '1010' : 'A', '1011' : 'B', '1100' : 'C', '1101' : 'D', '1110' : 'E', '1111' : 'F', } class BStringValue (Value): def to_str(self, ectx): v = self.val[1:-2] if len(v) % 8: v += '0' * (8 - len(v) % 8) vv = '0x' for i in (list(range(0, len(v), 4))): vv += bstring_tab[v[i:i+4]] return vv #--- HStringValue ------------------------------------------------------------ class HStringValue (Value): def to_str(self, ectx): vv = '0x' vv += self.val[1:-2] return vv def __int__(self): return int(self.val[1:-2], 16) #--- FieldSpec ---------------------------------------------------------------- class FieldSpec (Node): def __init__(self,*args, **kw) : self.name = None Node.__init__ (self,*args, **kw) def SetName(self, name): self.name = name def get_repr(self): return ['#UNSUPPORTED_' + self.type] def fld_repr(self): repr = [self.name] repr.extend(self.get_repr()) return repr class TypeFieldSpec (FieldSpec): def get_repr(self): return [] class FixedTypeValueFieldSpec (FieldSpec): def get_repr(self): if isinstance(self.typ, Type_Ref): repr = ['TypeReference', self.typ.val] else: repr = [self.typ.type] return repr class VariableTypeValueFieldSpec (FieldSpec): def get_repr(self): return ['_' + self.type] class FixedTypeValueSetFieldSpec (FieldSpec): def get_repr(self): return ['_' + self.type] class ObjectFieldSpec (FieldSpec): def get_repr(self): return ['ClassReference', self.cls.val] class ObjectSetFieldSpec (FieldSpec): def get_repr(self): return ['ClassReference', self.cls.val] #============================================================================== def p_module_list_1 (t): 'module_list : module_list ModuleDefinition' t[0] = t[1] + [t[2]] def p_module_list_2 (t): 'module_list : ModuleDefinition' t[0] = [t[1]] #--- ITU-T Recommendation X.680 ----------------------------------------------- # 11 ASN.1 lexical items -------------------------------------------------------- # 11.2 Type references def p_type_ref (t): 'type_ref : UCASE_IDENT' t[0] = Type_Ref(val=t[1]) # 11.3 Identifiers def p_identifier (t): 'identifier : LCASE_IDENT' t[0] = t[1] # 11.4 Value references # cause reduce/reduce conflict #def p_valuereference (t): # 'valuereference : LCASE_IDENT' # t[0] = Value_Ref(val=t[1]) # 11.5 Module references def p_modulereference (t): 'modulereference : UCASE_IDENT' t[0] = t[1] # 12 Module definition -------------------------------------------------------- # 12.1 def p_ModuleDefinition (t): 'ModuleDefinition : ModuleIdentifier DEFINITIONS TagDefault ASSIGNMENT ModuleBegin BEGIN ModuleBody END' t[0] = Module (ident = t[1], tag_def = t[3], body = t[7]) def p_ModuleBegin (t): 'ModuleBegin : ' if t[-4].val == 'Remote-Operations-Information-Objects': x880_module_begin() def p_TagDefault_1 (t): '''TagDefault : EXPLICIT TAGS | IMPLICIT TAGS | AUTOMATIC TAGS ''' t[0] = Default_Tags (dfl_tag = t[1]) def p_TagDefault_2 (t): 'TagDefault : ' # 12.2 The "TagDefault" is taken as EXPLICIT TAGS if it is "empty". t[0] = Default_Tags (dfl_tag = 'EXPLICIT') def p_ModuleIdentifier_1 (t): 'ModuleIdentifier : modulereference DefinitiveIdentifier' # name, oid t [0] = Node('module_ident', val = t[1], ident = t[2]) def p_ModuleIdentifier_2 (t): 'ModuleIdentifier : modulereference' # name, oid t [0] = Node('module_ident', val = t[1], ident = None) def p_DefinitiveIdentifier (t): 'DefinitiveIdentifier : ObjectIdentifierValue' t[0] = t[1] #def p_module_ref (t): # 'module_ref : UCASE_IDENT' # t[0] = t[1] def p_ModuleBody_1 (t): 'ModuleBody : Exports Imports AssignmentList' t[0] = Module_Body (exports = t[1], imports = t[2], assign_list = t[3]) def p_ModuleBody_2 (t): 'ModuleBody : ' t[0] = Node ('module_body', exports = [], imports = [], assign_list = []) def p_Exports_1 (t): 'Exports : EXPORTS syms_exported SEMICOLON' t[0] = t[2] def p_Exports_2 (t): 'Exports : EXPORTS ALL SEMICOLON' t[0] = [ 'ALL' ] def p_Exports_3 (t): 'Exports : ' t[0] = [ 'ALL' ] def p_syms_exported_1 (t): 'syms_exported : exp_sym_list' t[0] = t[1] def p_syms_exported_2 (t): 'syms_exported : ' t[0] = [] def p_exp_sym_list_1 (t): 'exp_sym_list : Symbol' t[0] = [t[1]] def p_exp_sym_list_2 (t): 'exp_sym_list : exp_sym_list COMMA Symbol' t[0] = t[1] + [t[3]] def p_Imports_1 (t): 'Imports : importsbegin IMPORTS SymbolsImported SEMICOLON' t[0] = t[3] global lcase_ident_assigned lcase_ident_assigned = {} def p_importsbegin (t): 'importsbegin : ' global lcase_ident_assigned global g_conform lcase_ident_assigned = {} lcase_ident_assigned.update(g_conform.use_item('ASSIGNED_ID', 'OBJECT_IDENTIFIER')) def p_Imports_2 (t): 'Imports : ' t[0] = [] def p_SymbolsImported_1(t): 'SymbolsImported : ' t[0] = [] def p_SymbolsImported_2 (t): 'SymbolsImported : SymbolsFromModuleList' t[0] = t[1] def p_SymbolsFromModuleList_1 (t): 'SymbolsFromModuleList : SymbolsFromModuleList SymbolsFromModule' t[0] = t[1] + [t[2]] def p_SymbolsFromModuleList_2 (t): 'SymbolsFromModuleList : SymbolsFromModule' t[0] = [t[1]] def p_SymbolsFromModule (t): 'SymbolsFromModule : SymbolList FROM GlobalModuleReference' t[0] = Node ('SymbolList', symbol_list = t[1], module = t[3]) for s in (t[0].symbol_list): if (isinstance(s, Value_Ref)): lcase_ident_assigned[s.val] = t[3] import_symbols_from_module(t[0].module, t[0].symbol_list) def import_symbols_from_module(module, symbol_list): if module.val == 'Remote-Operations-Information-Objects': for i in range(len(symbol_list)): s = symbol_list[i] if isinstance(s, Type_Ref) or isinstance(s, Class_Ref): x880_import(s.val) if isinstance(s, Type_Ref) and is_class_ident(s.val): symbol_list[i] = Class_Ref (val = s.val) return for i in range(len(symbol_list)): s = symbol_list[i] if isinstance(s, Type_Ref) and is_class_ident("$%s$%s" % (module.val, s.val)): import_class_from_module(module.val, s.val) if isinstance(s, Type_Ref) and is_class_ident(s.val): symbol_list[i] = Class_Ref (val = s.val) def p_GlobalModuleReference (t): 'GlobalModuleReference : modulereference AssignedIdentifier' t [0] = Node('module_ident', val = t[1], ident = t[2]) def p_AssignedIdentifier_1 (t): 'AssignedIdentifier : ObjectIdentifierValue' t[0] = t[1] def p_AssignedIdentifier_2 (t): 'AssignedIdentifier : LCASE_IDENT_ASSIGNED' t[0] = t[1] def p_AssignedIdentifier_3 (t): 'AssignedIdentifier : ' pass def p_SymbolList_1 (t): 'SymbolList : Symbol' t[0] = [t[1]] def p_SymbolList_2 (t): 'SymbolList : SymbolList COMMA Symbol' t[0] = t[1] + [t[3]] def p_Symbol (t): '''Symbol : Reference | ParameterizedReference''' t[0] = t[1] def p_Reference_1 (t): '''Reference : type_ref | objectclassreference ''' t[0] = t[1] def p_Reference_2 (t): '''Reference : LCASE_IDENT_ASSIGNED | identifier ''' # instead of valuereference wich causes reduce/reduce conflict t[0] = Value_Ref(val=t[1]) def p_AssignmentList_1 (t): 'AssignmentList : AssignmentList Assignment' t[0] = t[1] + [t[2]] def p_AssignmentList_2 (t): 'AssignmentList : Assignment SEMICOLON' t[0] = [t[1]] def p_AssignmentList_3 (t): 'AssignmentList : Assignment' t[0] = [t[1]] def p_Assignment (t): '''Assignment : TypeAssignment | ValueAssignment | ValueSetTypeAssignment | ObjectClassAssignment | ObjectAssignment | ObjectSetAssignment | ParameterizedAssignment | pyquote ''' t[0] = t[1] # 13 Referencing type and value definitions ----------------------------------- # 13.1 def p_DefinedType (t): '''DefinedType : ExternalTypeReference | type_ref | ParameterizedType''' t[0] = t[1] def p_DefinedValue_1(t): '''DefinedValue : ExternalValueReference''' t[0] = t[1] def p_DefinedValue_2(t): '''DefinedValue : identifier ''' # instead of valuereference wich causes reduce/reduce conflict t[0] = Value_Ref(val=t[1]) # 13.6 def p_ExternalTypeReference (t): 'ExternalTypeReference : modulereference DOT type_ref' t[0] = Node ('ExternalTypeReference', module = t[1], typ = t[3]) def p_ExternalValueReference (t): 'ExternalValueReference : modulereference DOT identifier' t[0] = Node ('ExternalValueReference', module = t[1], ident = t[3]) # 15 Assigning types and values ----------------------------------------------- # 15.1 def p_TypeAssignment (t): 'TypeAssignment : UCASE_IDENT ASSIGNMENT Type' t[0] = t[3] t[0].SetName(t[1]) # 15.2 def p_ValueAssignment (t): 'ValueAssignment : LCASE_IDENT ValueType ASSIGNMENT Value' t[0] = ValueAssignment(ident = t[1], typ = t[2], val = t[4]) # only "simple" types are supported to simplify grammer def p_ValueType (t): '''ValueType : type_ref | BooleanType | IntegerType | ObjectIdentifierType | OctetStringType | RealType ''' t[0] = t[1] # 15.6 def p_ValueSetTypeAssignment (t): 'ValueSetTypeAssignment : UCASE_IDENT ValueType ASSIGNMENT ValueSet' t[0] = Node('ValueSetTypeAssignment', name=t[1], typ=t[2], val=t[4]) # 15.7 def p_ValueSet (t): 'ValueSet : lbraceignore rbraceignore' t[0] = None # 16 Definition of types and values ------------------------------------------- # 16.1 def p_Type (t): '''Type : BuiltinType | ReferencedType | ConstrainedType''' t[0] = t[1] # 16.2 def p_BuiltinType (t): '''BuiltinType : AnyType | BitStringType | BooleanType | CharacterStringType | ChoiceType | EmbeddedPDVType | EnumeratedType | ExternalType | InstanceOfType | IntegerType | NullType | ObjectClassFieldType | ObjectIdentifierType | OctetStringType | RealType | RelativeOIDType | SequenceType | SequenceOfType | SetType | SetOfType | TaggedType''' t[0] = t[1] # 16.3 def p_ReferencedType (t): '''ReferencedType : DefinedType | UsefulType | SelectionType''' t[0] = t[1] # 16.5 def p_NamedType (t): 'NamedType : identifier Type' t[0] = t[2] t[0].SetName (t[1]) # 16.7 def p_Value (t): '''Value : BuiltinValue | ReferencedValue | ObjectClassFieldValue''' t[0] = t[1] # 16.9 def p_BuiltinValue (t): '''BuiltinValue : BooleanValue | ChoiceValue | IntegerValue | ObjectIdentifierValue | RealValue | SequenceValue | hex_string | binary_string | char_string''' # XXX we don't support {data} here t[0] = t[1] # 16.11 def p_ReferencedValue (t): '''ReferencedValue : DefinedValue | ValueFromObject''' t[0] = t[1] # 16.13 #def p_NamedValue (t): # 'NamedValue : identifier Value' # t[0] = Node ('NamedValue', ident = t[1], value = t[2]) # 17 Notation for the boolean type -------------------------------------------- # 17.1 def p_BooleanType (t): 'BooleanType : BOOLEAN' t[0] = BooleanType () # 17.2 def p_BooleanValue (t): '''BooleanValue : TRUE | FALSE''' t[0] = t[1] # 18 Notation for the integer type -------------------------------------------- # 18.1 def p_IntegerType_1 (t): 'IntegerType : INTEGER' t[0] = IntegerType (named_list = None) def p_IntegerType_2 (t): 'IntegerType : INTEGER LBRACE NamedNumberList RBRACE' t[0] = IntegerType(named_list = t[3]) def p_NamedNumberList_1 (t): 'NamedNumberList : NamedNumber' t[0] = [t[1]] def p_NamedNumberList_2 (t): 'NamedNumberList : NamedNumberList COMMA NamedNumber' t[0] = t[1] + [t[3]] def p_NamedNumber (t): '''NamedNumber : identifier LPAREN SignedNumber RPAREN | identifier LPAREN DefinedValue RPAREN''' t[0] = NamedNumber(ident = t[1], val = t[3]) def p_SignedNumber_1 (t): 'SignedNumber : NUMBER' t[0] = t [1] def p_SignedNumber_2 (t): 'SignedNumber : MINUS NUMBER' t[0] = '-' + t[2] # 18.9 def p_IntegerValue (t): 'IntegerValue : SignedNumber' t[0] = t [1] # 19 Notation for the enumerated type ----------------------------------------- # 19.1 def p_EnumeratedType (t): 'EnumeratedType : ENUMERATED LBRACE Enumerations RBRACE' t[0] = EnumeratedType (val = t[3]['val'], ext = t[3]['ext']) def p_Enumerations_1 (t): 'Enumerations : Enumeration' t[0] = { 'val' : t[1], 'ext' : None } def p_Enumerations_2 (t): 'Enumerations : Enumeration COMMA ELLIPSIS ExceptionSpec' t[0] = { 'val' : t[1], 'ext' : [] } def p_Enumerations_3 (t): 'Enumerations : Enumeration COMMA ELLIPSIS ExceptionSpec COMMA Enumeration' t[0] = { 'val' : t[1], 'ext' : t[6] } def p_Enumeration_1 (t): 'Enumeration : EnumerationItem' t[0] = [t[1]] def p_Enumeration_2 (t): 'Enumeration : Enumeration COMMA EnumerationItem' t[0] = t[1] + [t[3]] def p_EnumerationItem (t): '''EnumerationItem : Identifier | NamedNumber''' t[0] = t[1] def p_Identifier (t): 'Identifier : identifier' t[0] = Node ('Identifier', ident = t[1]) # 20 Notation for the real type ----------------------------------------------- # 20.1 def p_RealType (t): 'RealType : REAL' t[0] = RealType () # 20.6 def p_RealValue (t): '''RealValue : REAL_NUMBER | SpecialRealValue''' t[0] = t [1] def p_SpecialRealValue (t): '''SpecialRealValue : PLUS_INFINITY | MINUS_INFINITY''' t[0] = t[1] # 21 Notation for the bitstring type ------------------------------------------ # 21.1 def p_BitStringType_1 (t): 'BitStringType : BIT STRING' t[0] = BitStringType (named_list = None) def p_BitStringType_2 (t): 'BitStringType : BIT STRING LBRACE NamedBitList RBRACE' t[0] = BitStringType (named_list = t[4]) def p_NamedBitList_1 (t): 'NamedBitList : NamedBit' t[0] = [t[1]] def p_NamedBitList_2 (t): 'NamedBitList : NamedBitList COMMA NamedBit' t[0] = t[1] + [t[3]] def p_NamedBit (t): '''NamedBit : identifier LPAREN NUMBER RPAREN | identifier LPAREN DefinedValue RPAREN''' t[0] = NamedNumber (ident = t[1], val = t[3]) # 22 Notation for the octetstring type ---------------------------------------- # 22.1 def p_OctetStringType (t): 'OctetStringType : OCTET STRING' t[0] = OctetStringType () # 23 Notation for the null type ----------------------------------------------- # 23.1 def p_NullType (t): 'NullType : NULL' t[0] = NullType () # 23.3 def p_NullValue (t): 'NullValue : NULL' t[0] = NullValue () # 24 Notation for sequence types ---------------------------------------------- # 24.1 def p_SequenceType_1 (t): 'SequenceType : SEQUENCE LBRACE RBRACE' t[0] = SequenceType (elt_list = []) def p_SequenceType_2 (t): 'SequenceType : SEQUENCE LBRACE ComponentTypeLists RBRACE' t[0] = SequenceType (elt_list = t[3]['elt_list']) if 'ext_list' in t[3]: t[0].ext_list = t[3]['ext_list'] if 'elt_list2' in t[3]: t[0].elt_list2 = t[3]['elt_list2'] def p_ExtensionAndException_1 (t): 'ExtensionAndException : ELLIPSIS' t[0] = [] def p_OptionalExtensionMarker_1 (t): 'OptionalExtensionMarker : COMMA ELLIPSIS' t[0] = True def p_OptionalExtensionMarker_2 (t): 'OptionalExtensionMarker : ' t[0] = False def p_ComponentTypeLists_1 (t): 'ComponentTypeLists : ComponentTypeList' t[0] = {'elt_list' : t[1]} def p_ComponentTypeLists_2 (t): 'ComponentTypeLists : ComponentTypeList COMMA ExtensionAndException OptionalExtensionMarker' t[0] = {'elt_list' : t[1], 'ext_list' : []} def p_ComponentTypeLists_3 (t): 'ComponentTypeLists : ComponentTypeList COMMA ExtensionAndException ExtensionAdditionList OptionalExtensionMarker' t[0] = {'elt_list' : t[1], 'ext_list' : t[4]} def p_ComponentTypeLists_4 (t): 'ComponentTypeLists : ComponentTypeList COMMA ExtensionAndException ExtensionEndMarker COMMA ComponentTypeList' t[0] = {'elt_list' : t[1], 'ext_list' : [], 'elt_list2' : t[6]} def p_ComponentTypeLists_5 (t): 'ComponentTypeLists : ComponentTypeList COMMA ExtensionAndException ExtensionAdditionList ExtensionEndMarker COMMA ComponentTypeList' t[0] = {'elt_list' : t[1], 'ext_list' : t[4], 'elt_list2' : t[7]} def p_ComponentTypeLists_6 (t): 'ComponentTypeLists : ExtensionAndException OptionalExtensionMarker' t[0] = {'elt_list' : [], 'ext_list' : []} def p_ComponentTypeLists_7 (t): 'ComponentTypeLists : ExtensionAndException ExtensionAdditionList OptionalExtensionMarker' t[0] = {'elt_list' : [], 'ext_list' : t[2]} def p_ExtensionEndMarker (t): 'ExtensionEndMarker : COMMA ELLIPSIS' pass def p_ExtensionAdditionList_1 (t): 'ExtensionAdditionList : COMMA ExtensionAddition' t[0] = [t[2]] def p_ExtensionAdditionList_2 (t): 'ExtensionAdditionList : ExtensionAdditionList COMMA ExtensionAddition' t[0] = t[1] + [t[3]] def p_ExtensionAddition_1 (t): 'ExtensionAddition : ExtensionAdditionGroup' t[0] = Node ('elt_type', val = t[1], optional = 0) def p_ExtensionAddition_2 (t): 'ExtensionAddition : ComponentType' t[0] = t[1] def p_ExtensionAdditionGroup (t): 'ExtensionAdditionGroup : LVERBRACK VersionNumber ComponentTypeList RVERBRACK' t[0] = ExtensionAdditionGroup (ver = t[2], elt_list = t[3]) def p_VersionNumber_1 (t): 'VersionNumber : ' def p_VersionNumber_2 (t): 'VersionNumber : NUMBER COLON' t[0] = t[1] def p_ComponentTypeList_1 (t): 'ComponentTypeList : ComponentType' t[0] = [t[1]] def p_ComponentTypeList_2 (t): 'ComponentTypeList : ComponentTypeList COMMA ComponentType' t[0] = t[1] + [t[3]] def p_ComponentType_1 (t): 'ComponentType : NamedType' t[0] = Node ('elt_type', val = t[1], optional = 0) def p_ComponentType_2 (t): 'ComponentType : NamedType OPTIONAL' t[0] = Node ('elt_type', val = t[1], optional = 1) def p_ComponentType_3 (t): 'ComponentType : NamedType DEFAULT DefaultValue' t[0] = Node ('elt_type', val = t[1], optional = 1, default = t[3]) def p_ComponentType_4 (t): 'ComponentType : COMPONENTS OF Type' t[0] = Node ('components_of', typ = t[3]) def p_DefaultValue_1 (t): '''DefaultValue : ReferencedValue | BooleanValue | ChoiceValue | IntegerValue | RealValue | hex_string | binary_string | char_string | ObjectClassFieldValue''' t[0] = t[1] def p_DefaultValue_2 (t): 'DefaultValue : lbraceignore rbraceignore' t[0] = '' # 24.17 def p_SequenceValue_1 (t): 'SequenceValue : LBRACE RBRACE' t[0] = [] #def p_SequenceValue_2 (t): # 'SequenceValue : LBRACE ComponentValueList RBRACE' # t[0] = t[2] #def p_ComponentValueList_1 (t): # 'ComponentValueList : NamedValue' # t[0] = [t[1]] #def p_ComponentValueList_2 (t): # 'ComponentValueList : ComponentValueList COMMA NamedValue' # t[0] = t[1] + [t[3]] # 25 Notation for sequence-of types ------------------------------------------- # 25.1 def p_SequenceOfType (t): '''SequenceOfType : SEQUENCE OF Type | SEQUENCE OF NamedType''' t[0] = SequenceOfType (val = t[3], size_constr = None) # 26 Notation for set types --------------------------------------------------- # 26.1 def p_SetType_1 (t): 'SetType : SET LBRACE RBRACE' t[0] = SetType (elt_list = []) def p_SetType_2 (t): 'SetType : SET LBRACE ComponentTypeLists RBRACE' t[0] = SetType (elt_list = t[3]['elt_list']) if 'ext_list' in t[3]: t[0].ext_list = t[3]['ext_list'] if 'elt_list2' in t[3]: t[0].elt_list2 = t[3]['elt_list2'] # 27 Notation for set-of types ------------------------------------------------ # 27.1 def p_SetOfType (t): '''SetOfType : SET OF Type | SET OF NamedType''' t[0] = SetOfType (val = t[3]) # 28 Notation for choice types ------------------------------------------------ # 28.1 def p_ChoiceType (t): 'ChoiceType : CHOICE LBRACE AlternativeTypeLists RBRACE' if 'ext_list' in t[3]: t[0] = ChoiceType (elt_list = t[3]['elt_list'], ext_list = t[3]['ext_list']) else: t[0] = ChoiceType (elt_list = t[3]['elt_list']) def p_AlternativeTypeLists_1 (t): 'AlternativeTypeLists : AlternativeTypeList' t[0] = {'elt_list' : t[1]} def p_AlternativeTypeLists_2 (t): 'AlternativeTypeLists : AlternativeTypeList COMMA ExtensionAndException ExtensionAdditionAlternatives OptionalExtensionMarker' t[0] = {'elt_list' : t[1], 'ext_list' : t[4]} def p_ExtensionAdditionAlternatives_1 (t): 'ExtensionAdditionAlternatives : ExtensionAdditionAlternativesList' t[0] = t[1] def p_ExtensionAdditionAlternatives_2 (t): 'ExtensionAdditionAlternatives : ' t[0] = [] def p_ExtensionAdditionAlternativesList_1 (t): 'ExtensionAdditionAlternativesList : COMMA ExtensionAdditionAlternative' t[0] = t[2] def p_ExtensionAdditionAlternativesList_2 (t): 'ExtensionAdditionAlternativesList : ExtensionAdditionAlternativesList COMMA ExtensionAdditionAlternative' t[0] = t[1] + t[3] def p_ExtensionAdditionAlternative_1 (t): 'ExtensionAdditionAlternative : NamedType' t[0] = [t[1]] def p_ExtensionAdditionAlternative_2 (t): 'ExtensionAdditionAlternative : ExtensionAdditionAlternativesGroup' t[0] = t[1] def p_ExtensionAdditionAlternativesGroup (t): 'ExtensionAdditionAlternativesGroup : LVERBRACK VersionNumber AlternativeTypeList RVERBRACK' t[0] = t[3] def p_AlternativeTypeList_1 (t): 'AlternativeTypeList : NamedType' t[0] = [t[1]] def p_AlternativeTypeList_2 (t): 'AlternativeTypeList : AlternativeTypeList COMMA NamedType' t[0] = t[1] + [t[3]] # 28.10 def p_ChoiceValue_1 (t): '''ChoiceValue : identifier COLON Value | identifier COLON NullValue ''' val = t[3] if not isinstance(val, Value): val = Value(val=val) t[0] = ChoiceValue (choice = t[1], val = val) # 29 Notation for selection types # 29.1 def p_SelectionType (t): # 'SelectionType : identifier LT Type' t[0] = SelectionType (typ = t[3], sel = t[1]) # 30 Notation for tagged types ------------------------------------------------ # 30.1 def p_TaggedType_1 (t): 'TaggedType : Tag Type' t[1].mode = 'default' t[0] = t[2] t[0].AddTag(t[1]) def p_TaggedType_2 (t): '''TaggedType : Tag IMPLICIT Type | Tag EXPLICIT Type''' t[1].mode = t[2] t[0] = t[3] t[0].AddTag(t[1]) def p_Tag (t): 'Tag : LBRACK Class ClassNumber RBRACK' t[0] = Tag(cls = t[2], num = t[3]) def p_ClassNumber_1 (t): 'ClassNumber : number' t[0] = t[1] def p_ClassNumber_2 (t): 'ClassNumber : DefinedValue' t[0] = t[1] def p_Class_1 (t): '''Class : UNIVERSAL | APPLICATION | PRIVATE''' t[0] = t[1] def p_Class_2 (t): 'Class :' t[0] = 'CONTEXT' # 31 Notation for the object identifier type ---------------------------------- # 31.1 def p_ObjectIdentifierType (t): 'ObjectIdentifierType : OBJECT IDENTIFIER' t[0] = ObjectIdentifierType() # 31.3 def p_ObjectIdentifierValue (t): 'ObjectIdentifierValue : LBRACE oid_comp_list RBRACE' t[0] = ObjectIdentifierValue (comp_list=t[2]) def p_oid_comp_list_1 (t): 'oid_comp_list : oid_comp_list ObjIdComponents' t[0] = t[1] + [t[2]] def p_oid_comp_list_2 (t): 'oid_comp_list : ObjIdComponents' t[0] = [t[1]] def p_ObjIdComponents (t): '''ObjIdComponents : NameForm | NumberForm | NameAndNumberForm''' t[0] = t[1] def p_NameForm (t): '''NameForm : LCASE_IDENT | LCASE_IDENT_ASSIGNED''' t [0] = t[1] def p_NumberForm (t): '''NumberForm : NUMBER''' # | DefinedValue''' t [0] = t[1] def p_NameAndNumberForm (t): '''NameAndNumberForm : LCASE_IDENT_ASSIGNED LPAREN NumberForm RPAREN | LCASE_IDENT LPAREN NumberForm RPAREN''' t[0] = Node('name_and_number', ident = t[1], number = t[3]) # 32 Notation for the relative object identifier type ------------------------- # 32.1 def p_RelativeOIDType (t): 'RelativeOIDType : RELATIVE_OID' t[0] = RelativeOIDType() # 33 Notation for the embedded-pdv type --------------------------------------- # 33.1 def p_EmbeddedPDVType (t): 'EmbeddedPDVType : EMBEDDED PDV' t[0] = EmbeddedPDVType() # 34 Notation for the external type ------------------------------------------- # 34.1 def p_ExternalType (t): 'ExternalType : EXTERNAL' t[0] = ExternalType() # 36 Notation for character string types -------------------------------------- # 36.1 def p_CharacterStringType (t): '''CharacterStringType : RestrictedCharacterStringType | UnrestrictedCharacterStringType''' t[0] = t[1] # 37 Definition of restricted character string types -------------------------- def p_RestrictedCharacterStringType_1 (t): 'RestrictedCharacterStringType : BMPString' t[0] = BMPStringType () def p_RestrictedCharacterStringType_2 (t): 'RestrictedCharacterStringType : GeneralString' t[0] = GeneralStringType () def p_RestrictedCharacterStringType_3 (t): 'RestrictedCharacterStringType : GraphicString' t[0] = GraphicStringType () def p_RestrictedCharacterStringType_4 (t): 'RestrictedCharacterStringType : IA5String' t[0] = IA5StringType () def p_RestrictedCharacterStringType_5 (t): 'RestrictedCharacterStringType : ISO646String' t[0] = ISO646StringType () def p_RestrictedCharacterStringType_6 (t): 'RestrictedCharacterStringType : NumericString' t[0] = NumericStringType () def p_RestrictedCharacterStringType_7 (t): 'RestrictedCharacterStringType : PrintableString' t[0] = PrintableStringType () def p_RestrictedCharacterStringType_8 (t): 'RestrictedCharacterStringType : TeletexString' t[0] = TeletexStringType () def p_RestrictedCharacterStringType_9 (t): 'RestrictedCharacterStringType : T61String' t[0] = T61StringType () def p_RestrictedCharacterStringType_10 (t): 'RestrictedCharacterStringType : UniversalString' t[0] = UniversalStringType () def p_RestrictedCharacterStringType_11 (t): 'RestrictedCharacterStringType : UTF8String' t[0] = UTF8StringType () def p_RestrictedCharacterStringType_12 (t): 'RestrictedCharacterStringType : VideotexString' t[0] = VideotexStringType () def p_RestrictedCharacterStringType_13 (t): 'RestrictedCharacterStringType : VisibleString' t[0] = VisibleStringType () # 40 Definition of unrestricted character string types ------------------------ # 40.1 def p_UnrestrictedCharacterStringType (t): 'UnrestrictedCharacterStringType : CHARACTER STRING' t[0] = UnrestrictedCharacterStringType () # 41 Notation for types defined in clauses 42 to 44 --------------------------- # 42 Generalized time --------------------------------------------------------- def p_UsefulType_1 (t): 'UsefulType : GeneralizedTime' t[0] = GeneralizedTime() # 43 Universal time ----------------------------------------------------------- def p_UsefulType_2 (t): 'UsefulType : UTCTime' t[0] = UTCTime() # 44 The object descriptor type ----------------------------------------------- def p_UsefulType_3 (t): 'UsefulType : ObjectDescriptor' t[0] = ObjectDescriptor() # 45 Constrained types -------------------------------------------------------- # 45.1 def p_ConstrainedType_1 (t): 'ConstrainedType : Type Constraint' t[0] = t[1] t[0].AddConstraint(t[2]) def p_ConstrainedType_2 (t): 'ConstrainedType : TypeWithConstraint' t[0] = t[1] # 45.5 def p_TypeWithConstraint_1 (t): '''TypeWithConstraint : SET Constraint OF Type | SET SizeConstraint OF Type''' t[0] = SetOfType (val = t[4], constr = t[2]) def p_TypeWithConstraint_2 (t): '''TypeWithConstraint : SEQUENCE Constraint OF Type | SEQUENCE SizeConstraint OF Type''' t[0] = SequenceOfType (val = t[4], constr = t[2]) def p_TypeWithConstraint_3 (t): '''TypeWithConstraint : SET Constraint OF NamedType | SET SizeConstraint OF NamedType''' t[0] = SetOfType (val = t[4], constr = t[2]) def p_TypeWithConstraint_4 (t): '''TypeWithConstraint : SEQUENCE Constraint OF NamedType | SEQUENCE SizeConstraint OF NamedType''' t[0] = SequenceOfType (val = t[4], constr = t[2]) # 45.6 # 45.7 def p_Constraint (t): 'Constraint : LPAREN ConstraintSpec ExceptionSpec RPAREN' t[0] = t[2] def p_ConstraintSpec (t): '''ConstraintSpec : ElementSetSpecs | GeneralConstraint''' t[0] = t[1] # 46 Element set specification ------------------------------------------------ # 46.1 def p_ElementSetSpecs_1 (t): 'ElementSetSpecs : RootElementSetSpec' t[0] = t[1] def p_ElementSetSpecs_2 (t): 'ElementSetSpecs : RootElementSetSpec COMMA ELLIPSIS' t[0] = t[1] t[0].ext = True def p_ElementSetSpecs_3 (t): 'ElementSetSpecs : RootElementSetSpec COMMA ELLIPSIS COMMA AdditionalElementSetSpec' t[0] = t[1] t[0].ext = True def p_RootElementSetSpec (t): 'RootElementSetSpec : ElementSetSpec' t[0] = t[1] def p_AdditionalElementSetSpec (t): 'AdditionalElementSetSpec : ElementSetSpec' t[0] = t[1] def p_ElementSetSpec (t): 'ElementSetSpec : Unions' t[0] = t[1] def p_Unions_1 (t): 'Unions : Intersections' t[0] = t[1] def p_Unions_2 (t): 'Unions : UElems UnionMark Intersections' t[0] = Constraint(type = 'Union', subtype = [t[1], t[3]]) def p_UElems (t): 'UElems : Unions' t[0] = t[1] def p_Intersections_1 (t): 'Intersections : IntersectionElements' t[0] = t[1] def p_Intersections_2 (t): 'Intersections : IElems IntersectionMark IntersectionElements' t[0] = Constraint(type = 'Intersection', subtype = [t[1], t[3]]) def p_IElems (t): 'IElems : Intersections' t[0] = t[1] def p_IntersectionElements (t): 'IntersectionElements : Elements' t[0] = t[1] def p_UnionMark (t): '''UnionMark : BAR | UNION''' def p_IntersectionMark (t): '''IntersectionMark : CIRCUMFLEX | INTERSECTION''' # 46.5 def p_Elements_1 (t): 'Elements : SubtypeElements' t[0] = t[1] def p_Elements_2 (t): 'Elements : LPAREN ElementSetSpec RPAREN' t[0] = t[2] # 47 Subtype elements --------------------------------------------------------- # 47.1 General def p_SubtypeElements (t): '''SubtypeElements : SingleValue | ContainedSubtype | ValueRange | PermittedAlphabet | SizeConstraint | TypeConstraint | InnerTypeConstraints | PatternConstraint''' t[0] = t[1] # 47.2 Single value # 47.2.1 def p_SingleValue (t): 'SingleValue : Value' t[0] = Constraint(type = 'SingleValue', subtype = t[1]) # 47.3 Contained subtype # 47.3.1 def p_ContainedSubtype (t): 'ContainedSubtype : Includes Type' t[0] = Constraint(type = 'ContainedSubtype', subtype = t[2]) def p_Includes (t): '''Includes : INCLUDES | ''' # 47.4 Value range # 47.4.1 def p_ValueRange (t): 'ValueRange : LowerEndpoint RANGE UpperEndpoint' t[0] = Constraint(type = 'ValueRange', subtype = [t[1], t[3]]) # 47.4.3 def p_LowerEndpoint_1 (t): 'LowerEndpoint : LowerEndValue' t[0] = t[1] def p_LowerEndpoint_2 (t): 'LowerEndpoint : LowerEndValue LT' t[0] = t[1] # but not inclusive range def p_UpperEndpoint_1 (t): 'UpperEndpoint : UpperEndValue' t[0] = t[1] def p_UpperEndpoint_2 (t): 'UpperEndpoint : LT UpperEndValue' t[0] = t[1] # but not inclusive range # 47.4.4 def p_LowerEndValue (t): '''LowerEndValue : Value | MIN''' t[0] = t[1] # XXX def p_UpperEndValue (t): '''UpperEndValue : Value | MAX''' t[0] = t[1] # 47.5 Size constraint # 47.5.1 def p_SizeConstraint (t): 'SizeConstraint : SIZE Constraint' t[0] = Constraint (type = 'Size', subtype = t[2]) # 47.6 Type constraint # 47.6.1 def p_TypeConstraint (t): 'TypeConstraint : Type' t[0] = Constraint (type = 'Type', subtype = t[1]) # 47.7 Permitted alphabet # 47.7.1 def p_PermittedAlphabet (t): 'PermittedAlphabet : FROM Constraint' t[0] = Constraint (type = 'From', subtype = t[2]) # 47.8 Inner subtyping # 47.8.1 def p_InnerTypeConstraints (t): '''InnerTypeConstraints : WITH COMPONENT SingleTypeConstraint | WITH COMPONENTS MultipleTypeConstraints''' pass # ignore PER invisible constraint # 47.8.3 def p_SingleTypeConstraint (t): 'SingleTypeConstraint : Constraint' t[0] = t[1] # 47.8.4 def p_MultipleTypeConstraints (t): '''MultipleTypeConstraints : FullSpecification | PartialSpecification''' t[0] = t[1] def p_FullSpecification (t): 'FullSpecification : LBRACE TypeConstraints RBRACE' t[0] = t[2] def p_PartialSpecification (t): 'PartialSpecification : LBRACE ELLIPSIS COMMA TypeConstraints RBRACE' t[0] = t[4] def p_TypeConstraints_1 (t): 'TypeConstraints : named_constraint' t [0] = [t[1]] def p_TypeConstraints_2 (t): 'TypeConstraints : TypeConstraints COMMA named_constraint' t[0] = t[1] + [t[3]] def p_named_constraint_1 (t): 'named_constraint : identifier constraint' return Node ('named_constraint', ident = t[1], constr = t[2]) def p_named_constraint_2 (t): 'named_constraint : constraint' return Node ('named_constraint', constr = t[1]) def p_constraint (t): 'constraint : value_constraint presence_constraint' t[0] = Node ('constraint', value = t[1], presence = t[2]) def p_value_constraint_1 (t): 'value_constraint : Constraint' t[0] = t[1] def p_value_constraint_2 (t): 'value_constraint : ' pass def p_presence_constraint_1 (t): '''presence_constraint : PRESENT | ABSENT | OPTIONAL''' t[0] = t[1] def p_presence_constraint_2 (t): '''presence_constraint : ''' pass # 47.9 Pattern constraint # 47.9.1 def p_PatternConstraint (t): 'PatternConstraint : PATTERN Value' t[0] = Constraint (type = 'Pattern', subtype = t[2]) # 49 The exception identifier # 49.4 def p_ExceptionSpec_1 (t): 'ExceptionSpec : EXCLAMATION ExceptionIdentification' pass def p_ExceptionSpec_2 (t): 'ExceptionSpec : ' pass def p_ExceptionIdentification (t): '''ExceptionIdentification : SignedNumber | DefinedValue | Type COLON Value ''' pass # /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ # /* Value Notation Productions */ # /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ def p_binary_string (t): 'binary_string : BSTRING' t[0] = BStringValue(val = t[1]) def p_hex_string (t): 'hex_string : HSTRING' t[0] = HStringValue(val = t[1]) def p_char_string (t): 'char_string : QSTRING' t[0] = t[1] def p_number (t): 'number : NUMBER' t[0] = t[1] #--- ITU-T Recommendation X.208 ----------------------------------------------- # 27 Notation for the any type ------------------------------------------------ # 27.1 def p_AnyType (t): '''AnyType : ANY | ANY DEFINED BY identifier''' t[0] = AnyType() #--- ITU-T Recommendation X.681 ----------------------------------------------- # 7 ASN.1 lexical items ------------------------------------------------------- # 7.1 Information object class references def p_objectclassreference (t): 'objectclassreference : CLASS_IDENT' t[0] = Class_Ref(val=t[1]) # 7.2 Information object references def p_objectreference (t): 'objectreference : LCASE_IDENT' t[0] = t[1] # 7.3 Information object set references #def p_objectsetreference (t): # 'objectsetreference : UCASE_IDENT' # t[0] = t[1] # 7.4 Type field references # ucasefieldreference # 7.5 Value field references # lcasefieldreference # 7.6 Value set field references # ucasefieldreference # 7.7 Object field references # lcasefieldreference # 7.8 Object set field references # ucasefieldreference def p_ucasefieldreference (t): 'ucasefieldreference : AMPERSAND UCASE_IDENT' t[0] = '&' + t[2] def p_lcasefieldreference (t): 'lcasefieldreference : AMPERSAND LCASE_IDENT' t[0] = '&' + t[2] # 8 Referencing definitions # 8.1 def p_DefinedObjectClass (t): '''DefinedObjectClass : objectclassreference | UsefulObjectClassReference''' t[0] = t[1] global obj_class obj_class = t[0].val def p_DefinedObject (t): '''DefinedObject : objectreference''' t[0] = t[1] # 8.4 def p_UsefulObjectClassReference (t): '''UsefulObjectClassReference : TYPE_IDENTIFIER | ABSTRACT_SYNTAX''' t[0] = Class_Ref(val=t[1]) # 9 Information object class definition and assignment # 9.1 def p_ObjectClassAssignment (t): '''ObjectClassAssignment : CLASS_IDENT ASSIGNMENT ObjectClass | UCASE_IDENT ASSIGNMENT ObjectClass''' t[0] = t[3] t[0].SetName(t[1]) if isinstance(t[0], ObjectClassDefn): t[0].reg_types() # 9.2 def p_ObjectClass (t): '''ObjectClass : DefinedObjectClass | ObjectClassDefn | ParameterizedObjectClass ''' t[0] = t[1] # 9.3 def p_ObjectClassDefn (t): '''ObjectClassDefn : CLASS LBRACE FieldSpecs RBRACE | CLASS LBRACE FieldSpecs RBRACE WithSyntaxSpec''' t[0] = ObjectClassDefn(fields = t[3]) def p_FieldSpecs_1 (t): 'FieldSpecs : FieldSpec' t[0] = [t[1]] def p_FieldSpecs_2 (t): 'FieldSpecs : FieldSpecs COMMA FieldSpec' t[0] = t[1] + [t[3]] def p_WithSyntaxSpec (t): 'WithSyntaxSpec : WITH SYNTAX lbraceignore rbraceignore' t[0] = None # 9.4 def p_FieldSpec (t): '''FieldSpec : TypeFieldSpec | FixedTypeValueFieldSpec | VariableTypeValueFieldSpec | FixedTypeValueSetFieldSpec | ObjectFieldSpec | ObjectSetFieldSpec ''' t[0] = t[1] # 9.5 def p_TypeFieldSpec (t): '''TypeFieldSpec : ucasefieldreference | ucasefieldreference TypeOptionalitySpec ''' t[0] = TypeFieldSpec() t[0].SetName(t[1]) def p_TypeOptionalitySpec_1 (t): 'TypeOptionalitySpec ::= OPTIONAL' pass def p_TypeOptionalitySpec_2 (t): 'TypeOptionalitySpec ::= DEFAULT Type' pass # 9.6 def p_FixedTypeValueFieldSpec (t): '''FixedTypeValueFieldSpec : lcasefieldreference Type | lcasefieldreference Type UNIQUE | lcasefieldreference Type ValueOptionalitySpec | lcasefieldreference Type UNIQUE ValueOptionalitySpec ''' t[0] = FixedTypeValueFieldSpec(typ = t[2]) t[0].SetName(t[1]) def p_ValueOptionalitySpec_1 (t): 'ValueOptionalitySpec ::= OPTIONAL' pass def p_ValueOptionalitySpec_2 (t): 'ValueOptionalitySpec ::= DEFAULT Value' pass # 9.8 def p_VariableTypeValueFieldSpec (t): '''VariableTypeValueFieldSpec : lcasefieldreference FieldName | lcasefieldreference FieldName ValueOptionalitySpec ''' t[0] = VariableTypeValueFieldSpec() t[0].SetName(t[1]) # 9.9 def p_FixedTypeValueSetFieldSpec (t): '''FixedTypeValueSetFieldSpec : ucasefieldreference Type | ucasefieldreference Type ValueSetOptionalitySpec ''' t[0] = FixedTypeValueSetFieldSpec() t[0].SetName(t[1]) def p_ValueSetOptionalitySpec_1 (t): 'ValueSetOptionalitySpec ::= OPTIONAL' pass def p_ValueSetOptionalitySpec_2 (t): 'ValueSetOptionalitySpec ::= DEFAULT ValueSet' pass # 9.11 def p_ObjectFieldSpec (t): '''ObjectFieldSpec : lcasefieldreference DefinedObjectClass | lcasefieldreference DefinedObjectClass ObjectOptionalitySpec ''' t[0] = ObjectFieldSpec(cls=t[2]) t[0].SetName(t[1]) global obj_class obj_class = None def p_ObjectOptionalitySpec_1 (t): 'ObjectOptionalitySpec ::= OPTIONAL' pass def p_ObjectOptionalitySpec_2 (t): 'ObjectOptionalitySpec ::= DEFAULT Object' pass # 9.12 def p_ObjectSetFieldSpec (t): '''ObjectSetFieldSpec : ucasefieldreference DefinedObjectClass | ucasefieldreference DefinedObjectClass ObjectSetOptionalitySpec ''' t[0] = ObjectSetFieldSpec(cls=t[2]) t[0].SetName(t[1]) def p_ObjectSetOptionalitySpec_1 (t): 'ObjectSetOptionalitySpec ::= OPTIONAL' pass def p_ObjectSetOptionalitySpec_2 (t): 'ObjectSetOptionalitySpec ::= DEFAULT ObjectSet' pass # 9.13 def p_PrimitiveFieldName (t): '''PrimitiveFieldName : ucasefieldreference | lcasefieldreference ''' t[0] = t[1] # 9.13 def p_FieldName_1 (t): 'FieldName : PrimitiveFieldName' t[0] = t[1] def p_FieldName_2 (t): 'FieldName : FieldName DOT PrimitiveFieldName' t[0] = t[1] + '.' + t[3] # 11 Information object definition and assignment # 11.1 def p_ObjectAssignment (t): 'ObjectAssignment : objectreference DefinedObjectClass ASSIGNMENT Object' t[0] = ObjectAssignment (ident = t[1], cls=t[2].val, val=t[4]) global obj_class obj_class = None # 11.3 def p_Object (t): '''Object : DefinedObject | ObjectDefn | ParameterizedObject''' t[0] = t[1] # 11.4 def p_ObjectDefn (t): 'ObjectDefn : lbraceobject bodyobject rbraceobject' t[0] = t[2] # {...} block of object definition def p_lbraceobject(t): 'lbraceobject : braceobjectbegin LBRACE' t[0] = t[1] def p_braceobjectbegin(t): 'braceobjectbegin : ' global lexer global obj_class if set_class_syntax(obj_class): state = 'INITIAL' else: lexer.level = 1 state = 'braceignore' lexer.push_state(state) def p_rbraceobject(t): 'rbraceobject : braceobjectend RBRACE' t[0] = t[2] def p_braceobjectend(t): 'braceobjectend : ' global lexer lexer.pop_state() set_class_syntax(None) def p_bodyobject_1 (t): 'bodyobject : ' t[0] = { } def p_bodyobject_2 (t): 'bodyobject : cls_syntax_list' t[0] = t[1] def p_cls_syntax_list_1 (t): 'cls_syntax_list : cls_syntax_list cls_syntax' t[0] = t[1] t[0].update(t[2]) def p_cls_syntax_list_2 (t): 'cls_syntax_list : cls_syntax' t[0] = t[1] # X.681 def p_cls_syntax_1 (t): 'cls_syntax : Type IDENTIFIED BY Value' t[0] = { get_class_fieled(' ') : t[1], get_class_fieled(' '.join((t[2], t[3]))) : t[4] } def p_cls_syntax_2 (t): 'cls_syntax : HAS PROPERTY Value' t[0] = { get_class_fieled(' '.join(t[1:-1])) : t[-1:][0] } # X.880 def p_cls_syntax_3 (t): '''cls_syntax : ERRORS ObjectSet | LINKED ObjectSet | RETURN RESULT BooleanValue | SYNCHRONOUS BooleanValue | INVOKE PRIORITY Value | RESULT_PRIORITY Value | PRIORITY Value | ALWAYS RESPONDS BooleanValue | IDEMPOTENT BooleanValue ''' t[0] = { get_class_fieled(' '.join(t[1:-1])) : t[-1:][0] } def p_cls_syntax_4 (t): '''cls_syntax : ARGUMENT Type | RESULT Type | PARAMETER Type ''' t[0] = { get_class_fieled(t[1]) : t[2] } def p_cls_syntax_5 (t): 'cls_syntax : CODE Value' fld = get_class_fieled(t[1]); t[0] = { fld : t[2] } if isinstance(t[2], ChoiceValue): fldt = fld + '.' + t[2].choice t[0][fldt] = t[2] def p_cls_syntax_6 (t): '''cls_syntax : ARGUMENT Type OPTIONAL BooleanValue | RESULT Type OPTIONAL BooleanValue | PARAMETER Type OPTIONAL BooleanValue ''' t[0] = { get_class_fieled(t[1]) : t[2], get_class_fieled(' '.join((t[1], t[3]))) : t[4] } # 12 Information object set definition and assignment # 12.1 def p_ObjectSetAssignment (t): 'ObjectSetAssignment : UCASE_IDENT CLASS_IDENT ASSIGNMENT ObjectSet' t[0] = Node('ObjectSetAssignment', name=t[1], cls=t[2], val=t[4]) # 12.3 def p_ObjectSet (t): 'ObjectSet : lbraceignore rbraceignore' t[0] = None # 14 Notation for the object class field type --------------------------------- # 14.1 def p_ObjectClassFieldType (t): 'ObjectClassFieldType : DefinedObjectClass DOT FieldName' t[0] = get_type_from_class(t[1], t[3]) # 14.6 def p_ObjectClassFieldValue (t): '''ObjectClassFieldValue : OpenTypeFieldVal''' t[0] = t[1] def p_OpenTypeFieldVal (t): '''OpenTypeFieldVal : Type COLON Value | NullType COLON NullValue''' t[0] = t[3] # 15 Information from objects ------------------------------------------------- # 15.1 def p_ValueFromObject (t): 'ValueFromObject : LCASE_IDENT DOT FieldName' t[0] = t[1] + '.' + t[3] # Annex C - The instance-of type ---------------------------------------------- # C.2 def p_InstanceOfType (t): 'InstanceOfType : INSTANCE OF DefinedObjectClass' t[0] = InstanceOfType() # --- tables --- useful_object_class_types = { # Annex A 'TYPE-IDENTIFIER.&id' : lambda : ObjectIdentifierType(), 'TYPE-IDENTIFIER.&Type' : lambda : OpenType(), # Annex B 'ABSTRACT-SYNTAX.&id' : lambda : ObjectIdentifierType(), 'ABSTRACT-SYNTAX.&Type' : lambda : OpenType(), 'ABSTRACT-SYNTAX.&property' : lambda : BitStringType(), } object_class_types = { } object_class_typerefs = { } object_class_classrefs = { } # dummy types class _VariableTypeValueFieldSpec (AnyType): pass class _FixedTypeValueSetFieldSpec (AnyType): pass class_types_creator = { 'BooleanType' : lambda : BooleanType(), 'IntegerType' : lambda : IntegerType(), 'ObjectIdentifierType' : lambda : ObjectIdentifierType(), 'OpenType' : lambda : OpenType(), # dummy types '_VariableTypeValueFieldSpec' : lambda : _VariableTypeValueFieldSpec(), '_FixedTypeValueSetFieldSpec' : lambda : _FixedTypeValueSetFieldSpec(), } class_names = { } x681_syntaxes = { 'TYPE-IDENTIFIER' : { ' ' : '&Type', 'IDENTIFIED' : 'IDENTIFIED', #'BY' : 'BY', 'IDENTIFIED BY' : '&id', }, 'ABSTRACT-SYNTAX' : { ' ' : '&Type', 'IDENTIFIED' : 'IDENTIFIED', #'BY' : 'BY', 'IDENTIFIED BY' : '&id', 'HAS' : 'HAS', 'PROPERTY' : 'PROPERTY', 'HAS PROPERTY' : '&property', }, } class_syntaxes_enabled = { 'TYPE-IDENTIFIER' : True, 'ABSTRACT-SYNTAX' : True, } class_syntaxes = { 'TYPE-IDENTIFIER' : x681_syntaxes['TYPE-IDENTIFIER'], 'ABSTRACT-SYNTAX' : x681_syntaxes['ABSTRACT-SYNTAX'], } class_current_syntax = None def get_syntax_tokens(syntaxes): tokens = { } for s in (syntaxes): for k in (list(syntaxes[s].keys())): if k.find(' ') < 0: tokens[k] = k tokens[k] = tokens[k].replace('-', '_') return list(tokens.values()) tokens = tokens + get_syntax_tokens(x681_syntaxes) def set_class_syntax(syntax): global class_syntaxes_enabled global class_current_syntax #print "set_class_syntax", syntax, class_current_syntax if class_syntaxes_enabled.get(syntax, False): class_current_syntax = syntax return True else: class_current_syntax = None return False def is_class_syntax(name): global class_syntaxes global class_current_syntax #print "is_class_syntax", name, class_current_syntax if not class_current_syntax: return False return name in class_syntaxes[class_current_syntax] def get_class_fieled(name): if not class_current_syntax: return None return class_syntaxes[class_current_syntax][name] def is_class_ident(name): return name in class_names def add_class_ident(name): #print "add_class_ident", name class_names[name] = name def get_type_from_class(cls, fld): flds = fld.split('.') if (isinstance(cls, Class_Ref)): key = cls.val + '.' + flds[0] else: key = cls + '.' + flds[0] if key in object_class_classrefs: return get_type_from_class(object_class_classrefs[key], '.'.join(flds[1:])) if key in object_class_typerefs: return Type_Ref(val=object_class_typerefs[key]) creator = lambda : AnyType() creator = useful_object_class_types.get(key, creator) creator = object_class_types.get(key, creator) return creator() def set_type_to_class(cls, fld, pars): #print "set_type_to_class", cls, fld, pars key = cls + '.' + fld typename = 'OpenType' if (len(pars) > 0): typename = pars[0] else: pars.append(typename) typeref = None if (len(pars) > 1): if (isinstance(pars[1], Class_Ref)): pars[1] = pars[1].val typeref = pars[1] msg = None if key in object_class_types: msg = object_class_types[key]().type if key in object_class_typerefs: msg = "TypeReference " + object_class_typerefs[key] if key in object_class_classrefs: msg = "ClassReference " + object_class_classrefs[key] if msg == ' '.join(pars): msg = None if msg: msg0 = "Can not define CLASS field %s as '%s'\n" % (key, ' '.join(pars)) msg1 = "Already defined as '%s'" % (msg) raise CompError(msg0 + msg1) if (typename == 'ClassReference'): if not typeref: return False object_class_classrefs[key] = typeref return True if (typename == 'TypeReference'): if not typeref: return False object_class_typerefs[key] = typeref return True creator = class_types_creator.get(typename) if creator: object_class_types[key] = creator return True else: return False def import_class_from_module(mod, cls): add_class_ident(cls) mcls = "$%s$%s" % (mod, cls) for k in list(object_class_classrefs.keys()): kk = k.split('.', 1) if kk[0] == mcls: object_class_classrefs[cls + '.' + kk[0]] = object_class_classrefs[k] for k in list(object_class_typerefs.keys()): kk = k.split('.', 1) if kk[0] == mcls: object_class_typerefs[cls + '.' + kk[0]] = object_class_typerefs[k] for k in list(object_class_types.keys()): kk = k.split('.', 1) if kk[0] == mcls: object_class_types[cls + '.' + kk[0]] = object_class_types[k] #--- ITU-T Recommendation X.682 ----------------------------------------------- # 8 General constraint specification ------------------------------------------ # 8.1 def p_GeneralConstraint (t): '''GeneralConstraint : UserDefinedConstraint | TableConstraint | ContentsConstraint''' t[0] = t[1] # 9 User-defined constraints -------------------------------------------------- # 9.1 def p_UserDefinedConstraint (t): 'UserDefinedConstraint : CONSTRAINED BY LBRACE UserDefinedConstraintParameterList RBRACE' t[0] = Constraint(type = 'UserDefined', subtype = t[4]) def p_UserDefinedConstraintParameterList_1 (t): 'UserDefinedConstraintParameterList : ' t[0] = [] def p_UserDefinedConstraintParameterList_2 (t): 'UserDefinedConstraintParameterList : UserDefinedConstraintParameter' t[0] = [t[1]] def p_UserDefinedConstraintParameterList_3 (t): 'UserDefinedConstraintParameterList : UserDefinedConstraintParameterList COMMA UserDefinedConstraintParameter' t[0] = t[1] + [t[3]] # 9.3 def p_UserDefinedConstraintParameter (t): 'UserDefinedConstraintParameter : Type' t[0] = t[1] # 10 Table constraints, including component relation constraints -------------- # 10.3 def p_TableConstraint (t): '''TableConstraint : SimpleTableConstraint | ComponentRelationConstraint''' t[0] = Constraint(type = 'Table', subtype = t[1]) def p_SimpleTableConstraint (t): 'SimpleTableConstraint : LBRACE UCASE_IDENT RBRACE' t[0] = t[2] # 10.7 def p_ComponentRelationConstraint (t): 'ComponentRelationConstraint : LBRACE UCASE_IDENT RBRACE LBRACE AtNotations RBRACE' t[0] = t[2] + str(t[5]) def p_AtNotations_1 (t): 'AtNotations : AtNotation' t[0] = [t[1]] def p_AtNotations_2 (t): 'AtNotations : AtNotations COMMA AtNotation' t[0] = t[1] + [t[3]] def p_AtNotation_1 (t): 'AtNotation : AT ComponentIdList' t[0] = '@' + t[2] def p_AtNotation_2 (t): 'AtNotation : AT DOT Level ComponentIdList' t[0] = '@.' + t[3] + t[4] def p_Level_1 (t): 'Level : DOT Level' t[0] = '.' + t[2] def p_Level_2 (t): 'Level : ' t[0] = '' def p_ComponentIdList_1 (t): 'ComponentIdList : LCASE_IDENT' t[0] = t[1] def p_ComponentIdList_2 (t): 'ComponentIdList : ComponentIdList DOT LCASE_IDENT' t[0] = t[1] + '.' + t[3] # 11 Contents constraints ----------------------------------------------------- # 11.1 def p_ContentsConstraint (t): 'ContentsConstraint : CONTAINING type_ref' t[0] = Constraint(type = 'Contents', subtype = t[2]) #--- ITU-T Recommendation X.683 ----------------------------------------------- # 8 Parameterized assignments ------------------------------------------------- # 8.1 def p_ParameterizedAssignment (t): '''ParameterizedAssignment : ParameterizedTypeAssignment | ParameterizedObjectClassAssignment | ParameterizedObjectAssignment | ParameterizedObjectSetAssignment''' t[0] = t[1] # 8.2 def p_ParameterizedTypeAssignment (t): 'ParameterizedTypeAssignment : UCASE_IDENT ParameterList ASSIGNMENT Type' t[0] = t[4] t[0].SetName(t[1]) # t[0].SetName(t[1] + 'xxx') def p_ParameterizedObjectClassAssignment (t): '''ParameterizedObjectClassAssignment : CLASS_IDENT ParameterList ASSIGNMENT ObjectClass | UCASE_IDENT ParameterList ASSIGNMENT ObjectClass''' t[0] = t[4] t[0].SetName(t[1]) if isinstance(t[0], ObjectClassDefn): t[0].reg_types() def p_ParameterizedObjectAssignment (t): 'ParameterizedObjectAssignment : objectreference ParameterList DefinedObjectClass ASSIGNMENT Object' t[0] = ObjectAssignment (ident = t[1], cls=t[3].val, val=t[5]) global obj_class obj_class = None def p_ParameterizedObjectSetAssignment (t): 'ParameterizedObjectSetAssignment : UCASE_IDENT ParameterList DefinedObjectClass ASSIGNMENT ObjectSet' t[0] = Node('ObjectSetAssignment', name=t[1], cls=t[3].val, val=t[5]) # 8.3 def p_ParameterList (t): 'ParameterList : lbraceignore rbraceignore' #def p_ParameterList (t): # 'ParameterList : LBRACE Parameters RBRACE' # t[0] = t[2] #def p_Parameters_1 (t): # 'Parameters : Parameter' # t[0] = [t[1]] #def p_Parameters_2 (t): # 'Parameters : Parameters COMMA Parameter' # t[0] = t[1] + [t[3]] #def p_Parameter_1 (t): # 'Parameter : Type COLON Reference' # t[0] = [t[1], t[3]] #def p_Parameter_2 (t): # 'Parameter : Reference' # t[0] = t[1] # 9 Referencing parameterized definitions ------------------------------------- # 9.1 def p_ParameterizedReference (t): 'ParameterizedReference : Reference LBRACE RBRACE' t[0] = t[1] #t[0].val += 'xxx' # 9.2 def p_ParameterizedType (t): 'ParameterizedType : type_ref ActualParameterList' t[0] = t[1] #t[0].val += 'xxx' def p_ParameterizedObjectClass (t): 'ParameterizedObjectClass : DefinedObjectClass ActualParameterList' t[0] = t[1] #t[0].val += 'xxx' def p_ParameterizedObject (t): 'ParameterizedObject : DefinedObject ActualParameterList' t[0] = t[1] #t[0].val += 'xxx' # 9.5 def p_ActualParameterList (t): 'ActualParameterList : lbraceignore rbraceignore' #def p_ActualParameterList (t): # 'ActualParameterList : LBRACE ActualParameters RBRACE' # t[0] = t[2] #def p_ActualParameters_1 (t): # 'ActualParameters : ActualParameter' # t[0] = [t[1]] #def p_ActualParameters_2 (t): # 'ActualParameters : ActualParameters COMMA ActualParameter' # t[0] = t[1] + [t[3]] #def p_ActualParameter (t): # '''ActualParameter : Type # | Value''' # t[0] = t[1] #--- ITU-T Recommendation X.880 ----------------------------------------------- x880_classes = { 'OPERATION' : { '&ArgumentType' : [], '&argumentTypeOptional' : [ 'BooleanType' ], '&returnResult' : [ 'BooleanType' ], '&ResultType' : [], '&resultTypeOptional' : [ 'BooleanType' ], '&Errors' : [ 'ClassReference', 'ERROR' ], '&Linked' : [ 'ClassReference', 'OPERATION' ], '&synchronous' : [ 'BooleanType' ], '&idempotent' : [ 'BooleanType' ], '&alwaysReturns' : [ 'BooleanType' ], '&InvokePriority' : [ '_FixedTypeValueSetFieldSpec' ], '&ResultPriority' : [ '_FixedTypeValueSetFieldSpec' ], '&operationCode' : [ 'TypeReference', 'Code' ], }, 'ERROR' : { '&ParameterType' : [], '¶meterTypeOptional' : [ 'BooleanType' ], '&ErrorPriority' : [ '_FixedTypeValueSetFieldSpec' ], '&errorCode' : [ 'TypeReference', 'Code' ], }, 'OPERATION-PACKAGE' : { '&Both' : [ 'ClassReference', 'OPERATION' ], '&Consumer' : [ 'ClassReference', 'OPERATION' ], '&Supplier' : [ 'ClassReference', 'OPERATION' ], '&id' : [ 'ObjectIdentifierType' ], }, 'CONNECTION-PACKAGE' : { '&bind' : [ 'ClassReference', 'OPERATION' ], '&unbind' : [ 'ClassReference', 'OPERATION' ], '&responderCanUnbind' : [ 'BooleanType' ], '&unbindCanFail' : [ 'BooleanType' ], '&id' : [ 'ObjectIdentifierType' ], }, 'CONTRACT' : { '&connection' : [ 'ClassReference', 'CONNECTION-PACKAGE' ], '&OperationsOf' : [ 'ClassReference', 'OPERATION-PACKAGE' ], '&InitiatorConsumerOf' : [ 'ClassReference', 'OPERATION-PACKAGE' ], '&InitiatorSupplierOf' : [ 'ClassReference', 'OPERATION-PACKAGE' ], '&id' : [ 'ObjectIdentifierType' ], }, 'ROS-OBJECT-CLASS' : { '&Is' : [ 'ClassReference', 'ROS-OBJECT-CLASS' ], '&Initiates' : [ 'ClassReference', 'CONTRACT' ], '&Responds' : [ 'ClassReference', 'CONTRACT' ], '&InitiatesAndResponds' : [ 'ClassReference', 'CONTRACT' ], '&id' : [ 'ObjectIdentifierType' ], }, } x880_syntaxes = { 'OPERATION' : { 'ARGUMENT' : '&ArgumentType', 'ARGUMENT OPTIONAL' : '&argumentTypeOptional', 'RESULT' : '&ResultType', 'RESULT OPTIONAL' : '&resultTypeOptional', 'RETURN' : 'RETURN', 'RETURN RESULT' : '&returnResult', 'ERRORS' : '&Errors', 'LINKED' : '&Linked', 'SYNCHRONOUS' : '&synchronous', 'IDEMPOTENT' : '&idempotent', 'ALWAYS' : 'ALWAYS', 'RESPONDS' : 'RESPONDS', 'ALWAYS RESPONDS' : '&alwaysReturns', 'INVOKE' : 'INVOKE', 'PRIORITY' : 'PRIORITY', 'INVOKE PRIORITY' : '&InvokePriority', 'RESULT-PRIORITY': '&ResultPriority', 'CODE' : '&operationCode', }, 'ERROR' : { 'PARAMETER' : '&ParameterType', 'PARAMETER OPTIONAL' : '¶meterTypeOptional', 'PRIORITY' : '&ErrorPriority', 'CODE' : '&errorCode', }, # 'OPERATION-PACKAGE' : { # }, # 'CONNECTION-PACKAGE' : { # }, # 'CONTRACT' : { # }, # 'ROS-OBJECT-CLASS' : { # }, } def x880_module_begin(): #print "x880_module_begin()" for name in list(x880_classes.keys()): add_class_ident(name) def x880_import(name): if name in x880_syntaxes: class_syntaxes_enabled[name] = True class_syntaxes[name] = x880_syntaxes[name] if name in x880_classes: add_class_ident(name) for f in (list(x880_classes[name].keys())): set_type_to_class(name, f, x880_classes[name][f]) tokens = tokens + get_syntax_tokens(x880_syntaxes) # {...} OID value #def p_lbrace_oid(t): # 'lbrace_oid : brace_oid_begin LBRACE' # t[0] = t[1] #def p_brace_oid_begin(t): # 'brace_oid_begin : ' # global in_oid # in_oid = True #def p_rbrace_oid(t): # 'rbrace_oid : brace_oid_end RBRACE' # t[0] = t[2] #def p_brace_oid_end(t): # 'brace_oid_end : ' # global in_oid # in_oid = False # {...} block to be ignored def p_lbraceignore(t): 'lbraceignore : braceignorebegin LBRACE' t[0] = t[1] def p_braceignorebegin(t): 'braceignorebegin : ' global lexer lexer.level = 1 lexer.push_state('braceignore') def p_rbraceignore(t): 'rbraceignore : braceignoreend RBRACE' t[0] = t[2] def p_braceignoreend(t): 'braceignoreend : ' global lexer lexer.pop_state() def p_error(t): global input_file raise ParseError(t, input_file) def p_pyquote (t): '''pyquote : PYQUOTE''' t[0] = PyQuote (val = t[1]) def testlex (s): lexer.input (s) while True: token = lexer.token () if not token: break print(token) def do_module (ast, defined_dict): assert (ast.type == 'Module') ctx = Ctx (defined_dict) print(ast.to_python (ctx)) print(ctx.output_assignments ()) print(ctx.output_pyquotes ()) def eth_do_module (ast, ectx): assert (ast.type == 'Module') if ectx.dbg('s'): print(ast.str_depth(0)) ast.to_eth(ectx) def testyacc(s, fn, defined_dict): ast = yacc.parse(s, debug=0) time_str = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", time.gmtime()) print("""#!/usr/bin/env python # Auto-generated from %s at %s from PyZ3950 import asn1""" % (fn, time_str)) for module in ast: eth_do_module (module, defined_dict) # Wireshark compiler def eth_usage(): print(""" asn2wrs [-h|?] [-d dbg] [-b] [-p proto] [-c cnf_file] [-e] input_file(s) ... -h|? : Usage -b : BER (default is PER) -u : Unaligned (default is aligned) -p proto : Protocol name (implies -S). Default is module-name from input_file (renamed by #.MODULE if present) -o name : Output files name core (default is ) -O dir : Output directory for dissector -c cnf_file : Conformance file -I path : Path for conformance file includes -e : Create conformance file for exported types -E : Just create conformance file for exported types -S : Single output for multiple modules -s template : Single file output (template is input file without .c/.h extension) -k : Keep intermediate files though single file output is used -L : Suppress #line directive from .cnf file -D dir : Directory for input_file(s) (default: '.') -C : Add check for SIZE constraints -r prefix : Remove the prefix from type names input_file(s) : Input ASN.1 file(s) -d dbg : Debug output, dbg = [l][y][p][s][a][t][c][m][o] l - lex y - yacc p - parsing s - internal ASN.1 structure a - list of assignments t - tables c - conformance values m - list of compiled modules with dependency o - list of output files """) def eth_main(): global input_file global g_conform global lexer print("ASN.1 to Wireshark dissector compiler"); try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h?d:D:buXp:FTo:O:c:I:eESs:kLCr:"); except getopt.GetoptError: eth_usage(); sys.exit(2) if len(args) < 1: eth_usage(); sys.exit(2) conform = EthCnf() conf_to_read = None output = EthOut() ectx = EthCtx(conform, output) ectx.encoding = 'per' ectx.proto_opt = None ectx.fld_opt = {} ectx.tag_opt = False ectx.outnm_opt = None ectx.aligned = True ectx.dbgopt = '' ectx.new = True ectx.expcnf = False ectx.justexpcnf = False ectx.merge_modules = False ectx.group_by_prot = False ectx.conform.last_group = 0 ectx.conform.suppress_line = False; ectx.output.outnm = None ectx.output.single_file = None ectx.constraints_check = False; for o, a in opts: if o in ("-h", "-?"): eth_usage(); sys.exit(2) if o in ("-c",): conf_to_read = relpath(a) if o in ("-I",): ectx.conform.include_path.append(relpath(a)) if o in ("-E",): ectx.expcnf = True ectx.justexpcnf = True if o in ("-D",): ectx.srcdir = relpath(a) if o in ("-C",): ectx.constraints_check = True if o in ("-X",): warnings.warn("Command line option -X is obsolete and can be removed") if o in ("-T",): warnings.warn("Command line option -T is obsolete and can be removed") if conf_to_read: ectx.conform.read(conf_to_read) for o, a in opts: if o in ("-h", "-?", "-c", "-I", "-E", "-D", "-C", "-X", "-T"): pass # already processed else: par = [] if a: par.append(a) ectx.conform.set_opt(o, par, "commandline", 0) (ld, yd, pd) = (0, 0, 0); if ectx.dbg('l'): ld = 1 if ectx.dbg('y'): yd = 1 if ectx.dbg('p'): pd = 2 lexer = lex.lex(debug=ld) parser = yacc.yacc(method='LALR', debug=yd, outputdir='.') parser.defaulted_states = {} g_conform = ectx.conform ast = [] for fn in args: input_file = fn lexer.lineno = 1 if (ectx.srcdir): fn = ectx.srcdir + '/' + fn # Read ASN.1 definition, trying one of the common encodings. data = open(fn, "rb").read() for encoding in ('utf-8', 'windows-1252'): try: data = data.decode(encoding) break except: warnings.warn_explicit("Decoding %s as %s failed, trying next." % (fn, encoding), UserWarning, '', 0) # Py2 compat, name.translate in eth_output_hf_arr fails with unicode if not isinstance(data, str): data = data.encode('utf-8') ast.extend(yacc.parse(data, lexer=lexer, debug=pd)) ectx.eth_clean() if (ectx.merge_modules): # common output for all module ectx.eth_clean() for module in ast: eth_do_module(module, ectx) ectx.eth_prepare() ectx.eth_do_output() elif (ectx.groups()): # group by protocols/group groups = [] pr2gr = {} if (ectx.group_by_prot): # group by protocols for module in ast: prot = module.get_proto(ectx) if prot not in pr2gr: pr2gr[prot] = len(groups) groups.append([]) groups[pr2gr[prot]].append(module) else: # group by groups pass for gm in (groups): ectx.eth_clean() for module in gm: eth_do_module(module, ectx) ectx.eth_prepare() ectx.eth_do_output() else: # output for each module for module in ast: ectx.eth_clean() eth_do_module(module, ectx) ectx.eth_prepare() ectx.eth_do_output() if ectx.dbg('m'): ectx.dbg_modules() if ectx.dbg('c'): ectx.conform.dbg_print() if not ectx.justexpcnf: ectx.conform.unused_report() if ectx.dbg('o'): ectx.output.dbg_print() ectx.output.make_single_file() # Python compiler def main(): if sys.version_info[0] < 3: print("This requires Python 3") sys.exit(2) testfn = testyacc if len (sys.argv) == 1: while True: s = eval(input ('Query: ')) if len (s) == 0: break testfn (s, 'console', {}) else: defined_dict = {} for fn in sys.argv [1:]: f = open (fn, "r") testfn (f.read (), fn, defined_dict) f.close () lexer.lineno = 1 #--- BODY --------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == '__main__': if (os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))[0].lower() in ('asn2wrs', 'asn2eth')): eth_main() else: main() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Editor modelines - https://www.wireshark.org/tools/modelines.html # # c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil # vi: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab: # :indentSize=4:tabSize=8:noTabs=true: