-- Tests for GLib Regex functions -- written by Hadriel Kaplan, based on Lrexlib's test suite -- This is a test script for tshark/wireshark. -- This script runs inside tshark/wireshark, so to run it do: -- tshark -r empty.cap -X lua_script:/lua/gregex.lua -X lua_script1:glib -- -- if you have to give addtional paths to find the dependent lua files, -- use the '-X lua_script1:' syntax to add more arguments -- -- available arguments: -- -d provides path directory for lua include files -- -v verbose mode -- -V very verbose mode -- save args before we do anything else local args = {...} for i,v in ipairs(args) do print(i.." = "..v) end local function testing(...) print("---- Testing "..tostring(...).." ----") end local count = 0 local function test(name, ...) count = count + 1 io.write("test "..name.."-"..count.."...") if (...) == true then io.write("passed\n") io.flush() else io.write("failed!\n") io.flush() error(name.." test failed!") end end ------------- First test some basic stuff to make sure we're sane ----------- print("Lua version: ".._VERSION) testing("Lrexlib GLib Regex library") local lib = GRegex test("global",_G.GRegex == lib) for name, val in pairs(lib) do print("\t"..name.." = "..type(val)) end test("class",type(lib) == 'table') test("class",type(lib._VERSION) == 'string') test("class",type(lib.find) == 'function') test("class",type(lib.compile_flags) == 'function') test("class",type(lib.match_flags) == 'function') test("class",type(lib.flags) == 'function') test("class",type(lib.gsub) == 'function') test("class",type(lib.gmatch) == 'function') test("class",type(lib.new) == 'function') test("class",type(lib.match) == 'function') test("class",type(lib.split) == 'function') test("class",type(lib.version) == 'function') testing("info and flags") test("typeof",typeof(lib) == 'GRegex') print(lib._VERSION) print("Glib version = "..lib.version()) local function getTSize(t) local c = 0 for k,v in pairs(t) do -- print(k.." = "..v) c = c + 1 end return c end local flags = lib.flags() -- print("size = "..c) -- it's 84 for newer GLib, 61 for older test("flags", getTSize(flags) > 60) test("cflags", getTSize(lib.compile_flags()) > 15) test("eflags", getTSize(lib.match_flags()) > 8) testing("new") local results local function checkFunc(objname,funcname,...) results = { pcall(objname[funcname],...) } if results[1] then return true end -- print("Got this error: '"..tostring(results[2]).."'") return false end test("new", checkFunc(lib,"new",".*")) test("new", checkFunc(lib,"new","")) test("new", checkFunc(lib,"new","(hello|world)")) test("new_err", not checkFunc(lib,"new","*")) test("new_err", not checkFunc(lib,"new")) test("new_err", not checkFunc(lib,"new","(hello|world")) test("new_err", not checkFunc(lib,"new","[0-9")) -- invalid compile flag test("new_err", not checkFunc(lib,"new","[0-9]",flags.PARTIAL)) local val1 = "hello world foo bar" local val2 = "hello wORld FOO bar" local patt = "hello (world) (.*) bar" local rgx = lib.new(patt) local rgx2 = lib.new(patt,flags.CASELESS) testing("typeof") test("typeof",typeof(rgx) == 'GRegex') test("typeof",typeof(rgx2) == 'GRegex') testing("match") test("match", checkFunc(lib,"match", val1,patt, 1, flags.CASELESS) and results[2] == "world" and results[3] == "foo") test("match", checkFunc(lib,"match", val2,patt, 1, flags.CASELESS) and results[2] == "wORld" and results[3] == "FOO") test("match", checkFunc(lib,"match", val1,rgx) and results[2] == "world" and results[3] == "foo") test("match", checkFunc(rgx,"match", rgx,val1) and results[2] == "world" and results[3] == "foo") test("match", checkFunc(rgx2,"match", rgx2,val2, 1) and results[2] == "wORld" and results[3] == "FOO") -- different offset won't match this pattern test("match_err", checkFunc(rgx2,"match", rgx2,val2, 4) and results[2] == nil) -- invalid compile flag test("match_err", not checkFunc(lib,"match", val1,patt, 1, flags.PARTIAL)) -- invalid match flag test("match_err", not checkFunc(rgx,"match", rgx,val1, 1, flags.CASELESS)) testing("find") test("find", checkFunc(lib,"find", val1,patt) and results[2] == 1 and results[3] == val1:len() and results[4] == "world" and results[5] == "foo") test("find", checkFunc(lib,"find", val1,rgx) and results[2] == 1 and results[3] == val1:len() and results[4] == "world" and results[5] == "foo") test("find", checkFunc(rgx,"find", rgx,val1) and results[2] == 1 and results[3] == val1:len() and results[4] == "world" and results[5] == "foo") testing("match") --checkFunc(rgx,"exec", rgx,val1) --print(results[4][3],results[4][4]) test("exec", checkFunc(rgx,"exec", rgx,val1) and results[2] == 1 and results[3] == val1:len() and results[4][1] == 7 and results[4][2] == 11 and results[4][3] == 13 and results[4][4] == 15) print("\n----------------------------------------------------------\n") ------- OK, we're sane, so run all the library's real tests --------- testing("Lrexlib-provided tests") -- we're not using the "real" lib name local GLIBNAME = "GRegex" local isglobal = true do local dir for i = 1, select ("#", ...) do local arg = select (i, ...) --print(arg) if arg:sub(1,2) == "-d" then dir = arg:sub(3) end end dir = dir:gsub("[/\\]+$", "") local path = dir .. "/?.lua;" if package.path:sub(1, #path) ~= path then package.path = path .. package.path end end local luatest = require "luatest" -- returns: number of failures local function test_library (libname, setfile, verbose, really_verbose) if verbose then print (("[lib: %s; file: %s]"):format (libname, setfile)) end local lib = isglobal and _G[libname] or require (libname) local f = require (setfile) local sets = f (libname, isglobal) local n = 0 -- number of failures for _, set in ipairs (sets) do if verbose then print (set.Name or "Unnamed set") end local err = luatest.test_set (set, lib, really_verbose) if verbose then for _,v in ipairs (err) do print ("\nTest " .. v.i) print (" Expected result:\n "..tostring(v)) luatest.print_results (v[1], " ") table.remove(v,1) print ("\n Got:") luatest.print_results (v, " ") end end n = n + #err end if verbose then print "" end return n end local avail_tests = { posix = { lib = "rex_posix", "common_sets", "posix_sets" }, gnu = { lib = "rex_gnu", "common_sets", "emacs_sets", "gnu_sets" }, oniguruma = { lib = "rex_onig", "common_sets", "oniguruma_sets", }, pcre = { lib = "rex_pcre", "common_sets", "pcre_sets", "pcre_sets2", }, glib = { lib = GLIBNAME, "common_sets", "pcre_sets", "pcre_sets2", "glib_sets" }, spencer = { lib = "rex_spencer", "common_sets", "posix_sets", "spencer_sets" }, tre = { lib = "rex_tre", "common_sets", "posix_sets", "spencer_sets", --[["tre_sets"]] }, } do local verbose, really_verbose, tests, nerr = false, false, {}, 0 local dir -- check arguments for i = 1, select ("#", ...) do local arg = select (i, ...) --print(arg) if arg:sub(1,1) == "-" then if arg == "-v" then verbose = true elseif arg == "-V" then verbose = true really_verbose = true elseif arg:sub(1,2) == "-d" then dir = arg:sub(3) end else if avail_tests[arg] then tests[#tests+1] = avail_tests[arg] else error ("invalid argument: [" .. arg .. "]") end end end assert (#tests > 0, "no library specified") -- give priority to libraries located in the specified directory if dir and not isglobal then dir = dir:gsub("[/\\]+$", "") for _, ext in ipairs {"dll", "so", "dylib"} do if package.cpath:match ("%?%." .. ext) then local cpath = dir .. "/?." .. ext .. ";" if package.cpath:sub(1, #cpath) ~= cpath then package.cpath = cpath .. package.cpath end break end end end -- do tests for _, test in ipairs (tests) do package.loaded[test.lib] = nil -- to force-reload the tested library for _, setfile in ipairs (test) do nerr = nerr + test_library (test.lib, setfile, verbose, really_verbose) end end print ("Total number of failures: " .. nerr) assert(nerr == 0, "Test failed!") end print("\n-----------------------------\n") print("All tests passed!\n\n")