/* tap_camelsrt.c * CAMEL Service Response Time statistics for tshark * Copyright 2006 Florent Drouin (based on tap_h225rassrt.c from Lars Roland) * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H # include #endif #include #include "epan/packet.h" #include "epan/packet_info.h" #include #include "epan/value_string.h" #include "register.h" #include "epan/asn1.h" #include "epan/dissectors/packet-camel.h" #include "epan/camel-persistentdata.h" #include "timestats.h" #include "epan/stat_cmd_args.h" #undef MIN #define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y)) void register_tap_listener_camelsrt(void); /* Save the the first NUM_RAS_STATS stats in the array to calculate percentile */ #define NUM_RAS_STATS 500000 /* Number of couple message Request/Response to analyze*/ #define NB_CRITERIA 7 /* used to keep track of the statistics for an entire program interface */ struct camelsrt_t { char *filter; guint32 count[NB_CAMELSRT_CATEGORY]; timestat_t stats[NB_CAMELSRT_CATEGORY]; nstime_t delta_time[NB_CAMELSRT_CATEGORY][NUM_RAS_STATS]; }; /* Reset the counter */ static void camelsrt_reset(void *phs) { struct camelsrt_t *hs=(struct camelsrt_t *)phs; memset(hs,0,sizeof(struct camelsrt_t)); } static int camelsrt_packet(void *phs, packet_info *pinfo _U_, epan_dissect_t *edt _U_, const void *phi) { struct camelsrt_t *hs=(struct camelsrt_t *)phs; const struct camelsrt_info_t * pi=phi; int i; for (i=0; ibool_msginfo[i] && pi->msginfo[i].is_delta_time && pi->msginfo[i].request_available && !pi->msginfo[i].is_duplicate ) { time_stat_update(&(hs->stats[i]), &(pi->msginfo[i].delta_time), pinfo); if (hs->count[i] < NUM_RAS_STATS) { hs->delta_time[i][hs->count[i]++] = pi->msginfo[i].delta_time; } } } return 1; } static void camelsrt_draw(void *phs) { struct camelsrt_t *hs=(struct camelsrt_t *)phs; guint j,z; guint32 li; int somme,iteration=0; timestat_t *rtd_temp; double x,delay,delay_max,delay_min,delta; double criteria[NB_CRITERIA]={ 5.0, 10.0, 75.0, 90.0, 95.0,99.0,99.90 }; double delay_criteria[NB_CRITERIA]; printf("\n"); printf("Camel Service Response Time (SRT) Statistics:\n"); printf("=================================================================================================\n"); printf("| Category | Measure | Min SRT | Max SRT | Avg SRT | Min frame | Max frame |\n"); printf("|-------------------------|---------|-----------|-----------|-----------|-----------|-----------|\n"); j=1; printf("|%24s |%8u |%8.2f s |%8.2f s |%8.2f s |%10u |%10u |\n", val_to_str(j,camelSRTtype_naming,"Unknown Message 0x%02x"), hs->stats[j].num, nstime_to_sec(&(hs->stats[j].min)), nstime_to_sec(&(hs->stats[j].max)), get_average(&(hs->stats[j].tot),hs->stats[j].num)/1000.0, hs->stats[j].min_num, hs->stats[j].max_num ); for(j=2; jstats[j].num==0){ printf("|%24s |%8u |%8.2f ms|%8.2f ms|%8.2f ms|%10u |%10u |\n", val_to_str(j,camelSRTtype_naming,"Unknown Message 0x%02x"), 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0); continue; } printf("|%24s |%8u |%8.2f ms|%8.2f ms|%8.2f ms|%10u |%10u |\n", val_to_str(j,camelSRTtype_naming,"Unknown Message 0x%02x"), hs->stats[j].num, MIN(9999,nstime_to_msec(&(hs->stats[j].min))), MIN(9999,nstime_to_msec(&(hs->stats[j].max))), MIN(9999,get_average(&(hs->stats[j].tot),hs->stats[j].num)), hs->stats[j].min_num, hs->stats[j].max_num ); } /* j category */ printf("=================================================================================================\n"); /* * Display 95% */ printf("| Category/Criteria |"); for(z=0; zstats[j]); if (hs->count[j]>0) { /* Calculate the delay to answer to p% of the MS */ for(z=0; zmax.secs*1000 +(double)rtd_temp->max.nsecs/1000000; delay_min=(double)rtd_temp->min.secs*1000 +(double)rtd_temp->min.nsecs/1000000; delay=delay_min; delta=delay_max-delay_min; while( (delta > 0.001) && (iteration < 10000) ) { somme=0; iteration++; for(li=0;licount[j];li++) { x=hs->delta_time[j][li].secs*1000 + (double)hs->delta_time[j][li].nsecs/1000000; if (x <= delay) somme++; } if ( somme*100 > hs->count[j]*criteria[z] ) { /* trop grand */ delay_max=delay; delay=(delay_max+delay_min)/2; delta=delay_max-delay_min; } else { /* trop petit */ delay_min=delay; delay=(delay_max+delay_min)/2; delta=delay_max-delay_min; } } /* while */ delay_criteria[z]=delay; } /* z criteria */ /* Append the result to the table */ printf("X%24s |", val_to_str(j, camelSRTtype_naming, "Unknown") ); for(z=0; zfilter=g_strdup(filter); } else { p_camelsrt->filter=NULL; } camelsrt_reset(p_camelsrt); if (filter) { error_string=register_tap_listener("CAMEL", p_camelsrt, filter, NULL, camelsrt_packet, camelsrt_draw); } else { error_string=register_tap_listener("CAMEL", p_camelsrt, emptyfilter, NULL, camelsrt_packet, camelsrt_draw); } if(error_string){ /* error, we failed to attach to the tap. clean up */ g_free(p_camelsrt->filter); g_free(p_camelsrt); fprintf(stderr, "tshark: Couldn't register camel,srt tap: %s\n", error_string->str); g_string_free(error_string, TRUE); exit(1); } /* * If we are using tshark, we have to display the stats, even if the stats are not persistent * As the frame are proceeded in the chronological order, we do not need persistent stats * Whereas, with wireshark, it is not possible to have the correct display, if the stats are * not saved along the analyze */ gtcap_StatSRT=TRUE; gcamel_StatSRT=TRUE; } void /* Next line mandatory */ register_tap_listener_camelsrt(void) { register_stat_cmd_arg("camel,srt", camelsrt_init, NULL); }