/* print.c * Routines for printing packet analysis trees. * * $Id$ * * Gilbert Ramirez * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "packet-range.h" #include "print.h" #include "ps.h" #include "version_info.h" #include #include #include #include #define PDML_VERSION "0" #define PSML_VERSION "0" typedef struct { int level; print_stream_t *stream; gboolean success; GSList *src_list; print_dissections_e print_dissections; gboolean print_hex_for_data; packet_char_enc encoding; epan_dissect_t *edt; } print_data; typedef struct { int level; FILE *fh; GSList *src_list; epan_dissect_t *edt; } write_pdml_data; typedef struct { output_fields_t* fields; epan_dissect_t *edt; } write_field_data_t; struct _output_fields { gboolean print_header; gchar separator; GPtrArray* fields; GHashTable* field_indicies; const gchar** field_values; gchar quote; }; static const gchar* get_field_hex_value(GSList* src_list, field_info *fi); static void proto_tree_print_node(proto_node *node, gpointer data); static void proto_tree_write_node_pdml(proto_node *node, gpointer data); static const guint8 *get_field_data(GSList *src_list, field_info *fi); static void write_pdml_field_hex_value(write_pdml_data *pdata, field_info *fi); static gboolean print_hex_data_buffer(print_stream_t *stream, const guchar *cp, guint length, packet_char_enc encoding); static void ps_clean_string(unsigned char *out, const unsigned char *in, int outbuf_size); static void print_escaped_xml(FILE *fh, const char *unescaped_string); static void print_pdml_geninfo(proto_tree *tree, FILE *fh); static void proto_tree_get_node_field_values(proto_node *node, gpointer data); static FILE * open_print_dest(int to_file, const char *dest) { FILE *fh; /* Open the file or command for output */ if (to_file) fh = ws_fopen(dest, "w"); else fh = popen(dest, "w"); return fh; } static gboolean close_print_dest(int to_file, FILE *fh) { /* Close the file or command */ if (to_file) return (fclose(fh) == 0); else return (pclose(fh) == 0); } #define MAX_PS_LINE_LENGTH 256 gboolean proto_tree_print(print_args_t *print_args, epan_dissect_t *edt, print_stream_t *stream) { print_data data; /* Create the output */ data.level = 0; data.stream = stream; data.success = TRUE; data.src_list = edt->pi.data_src; data.encoding = edt->pi.fd->flags.encoding; data.print_dissections = print_args->print_dissections; /* If we're printing the entire packet in hex, don't print uninterpreted data fields in hex as well. */ data.print_hex_for_data = !print_args->print_hex; data.edt = edt; proto_tree_children_foreach(edt->tree, proto_tree_print_node, &data); return data.success; } #define MAX_INDENT 160 /* Print a tree's data, and any child nodes. */ static void proto_tree_print_node(proto_node *node, gpointer data) { field_info *fi = PNODE_FINFO(node); print_data *pdata = (print_data*) data; const guint8 *pd; gchar label_str[ITEM_LABEL_LENGTH]; gchar *label_ptr; g_assert(fi && "dissection with an invisible proto tree?"); /* Don't print invisible entries. */ if (PROTO_ITEM_IS_HIDDEN(node)) return; /* Give up if we've already gotten an error. */ if (!pdata->success) return; /* was a free format label produced? */ if (fi->rep) { label_ptr = fi->rep->representation; } else { /* no, make a generic label */ label_ptr = label_str; proto_item_fill_label(fi, label_str); } if (PROTO_ITEM_IS_GENERATED(node)) { label_ptr = g_strdup_printf("[%s]", label_ptr); } if (!print_line(pdata->stream, pdata->level, label_ptr)) { pdata->success = FALSE; return; } if (PROTO_ITEM_IS_GENERATED(node)) { g_free(label_ptr); } /* If it's uninterpreted data, dump it (unless our caller will be printing the entire packet in hex). */ if (fi->hfinfo->id == proto_data && pdata->print_hex_for_data) { /* * Find the data for this field. */ pd = get_field_data(pdata->src_list, fi); if (pd) { if (!print_hex_data_buffer(pdata->stream, pd, fi->length, pdata->encoding)) { pdata->success = FALSE; return; } } } /* If we're printing all levels, or if this node is one with a subtree and its subtree is expanded, recurse into the subtree, if it exists. */ g_assert(fi->tree_type >= -1 && fi->tree_type < num_tree_types); if (pdata->print_dissections == print_dissections_expanded || (pdata->print_dissections == print_dissections_as_displayed && fi->tree_type >= 0 && tree_is_expanded[fi->tree_type])) { if (node->first_child != NULL) { pdata->level++; proto_tree_children_foreach(node, proto_tree_print_node, pdata); pdata->level--; if (!pdata->success) return; } } } void write_pdml_preamble(FILE *fh) { fputs("\n", fh); fputs("\n", PACKAGE, VERSION); } void proto_tree_write_pdml(epan_dissect_t *edt, FILE *fh) { write_pdml_data data; /* Create the output */ data.level = 0; data.fh = fh; data.src_list = edt->pi.data_src; data.edt = edt; /* We shouldn't be called with a NULL pointer here because we've * created a visible protocol tree */ g_assert(data.src_list); fprintf(fh, "\n"); /* Print a "geninfo" protocol as required by PDML */ print_pdml_geninfo(edt->tree, fh); proto_tree_children_foreach(edt->tree, proto_tree_write_node_pdml, &data); fprintf(fh, "\n\n"); } /* Write out a tree's data, and any child nodes, as PDML */ static void proto_tree_write_node_pdml(proto_node *node, gpointer data) { field_info *fi = PNODE_FINFO(node); write_pdml_data *pdata = (write_pdml_data*) data; const gchar *label_ptr; gchar label_str[ITEM_LABEL_LENGTH]; char *dfilter_string; size_t chop_len; int i; gboolean wrap_in_fake_protocol; g_assert(fi && "dissection with an invisible proto tree?"); /* Will wrap up top-level field items inside a fake protocol wrapper to preserve the PDML schema */ wrap_in_fake_protocol = (((fi->hfinfo->type != FT_PROTOCOL) || (fi->hfinfo->id == proto_data)) && (pdata->level == 0)); /* Indent to the correct level */ for (i = -1; i < pdata->level; i++) { fputs(" ", pdata->fh); } if (wrap_in_fake_protocol) { /* Open fake protocol wrapper */ fputs("\n", pdata->fh); /* Indent to increased level before writint out field */ pdata->level++; for (i = -1; i < pdata->level; i++) { fputs(" ", pdata->fh); } } /* Text label. It's printed as a field with no name. */ if (fi->hfinfo->id == hf_text_only) { /* Get the text */ if (fi->rep) { label_ptr = fi->rep->representation; } else { label_ptr = ""; } /* Show empty name since it is a required field */ fputs("fh); fputs("\" show=\"", pdata->fh); print_escaped_xml(pdata->fh, label_ptr); fprintf(pdata->fh, "\" size=\"%d", fi->length); fprintf(pdata->fh, "\" pos=\"%d", fi->start); fputs("\" value=\"", pdata->fh); write_pdml_field_hex_value(pdata, fi); if (node->first_child != NULL) { fputs("\">\n", pdata->fh); } else { fputs("\"/>\n", pdata->fh); } } /* Uninterpreted data, i.e., the "Data" protocol, is * printed as a field instead of a protocol. */ else if (fi->hfinfo->id == proto_data) { /* Write out field with data */ fputs("fh); write_pdml_field_hex_value(pdata, fi); fputs("\"/>\n", pdata->fh); } /* Normal protocols and fields */ else { if (fi->hfinfo->type == FT_PROTOCOL) { fputs("fh); } else { fputs("fh); } print_escaped_xml(pdata->fh, fi->hfinfo->abbrev); #if 0 /* PDML spec, see: * http://analyzer.polito.it/30alpha/docs/dissectors/PDMLSpec.htm * * the show fields contains things in 'human readable' format * showname: contains only the name of the field * show: contains only the data of the field * showdtl: contains additional details of the field data * showmap: contains mappings of the field data (e.g. the hostname to an IP address) * * XXX - the showname shouldn't contain the field data itself * (like it's contained in the fi->rep->representation). * Unfortunately, we don't have the field data representation for * all fields, so this isn't currently possible */ fputs("\" showname=\"", pdata->fh); print_escaped_xml(pdata->fh, fi->hfinfo->name); #endif if (fi->rep) { fputs("\" showname=\"", pdata->fh); print_escaped_xml(pdata->fh, fi->rep->representation); } else { label_ptr = label_str; proto_item_fill_label(fi, label_str); fputs("\" showname=\"", pdata->fh); print_escaped_xml(pdata->fh, label_ptr); } if (PROTO_ITEM_IS_HIDDEN(node)) fprintf(pdata->fh, "\" hide=\"yes"); fprintf(pdata->fh, "\" size=\"%d", fi->length); fprintf(pdata->fh, "\" pos=\"%d", fi->start); /* fprintf(pdata->fh, "\" id=\"%d", fi->hfinfo->id);*/ /* show, value, and unmaskedvalue attributes */ switch (fi->hfinfo->type) { case FT_PROTOCOL: break; case FT_NONE: fputs("\" show=\"\" value=\"", pdata->fh); break; default: /* XXX - this is a hack until we can just call * fvalue_to_string_repr() for *all* FT_* types. */ dfilter_string = proto_construct_match_selected_string(fi, pdata->edt); if (dfilter_string != NULL) { chop_len = strlen(fi->hfinfo->abbrev) + 4; /* for " == " */ /* XXX - Remove double-quotes. Again, once we * can call fvalue_to_string_repr(), we can * ask it not to produce the version for * display-filters, and thus, no * double-quotes. */ if (dfilter_string[strlen(dfilter_string)-1] == '"') { dfilter_string[strlen(dfilter_string)-1] = '\0'; chop_len++; } fputs("\" show=\"", pdata->fh); print_escaped_xml(pdata->fh, &dfilter_string[chop_len]); } /* * XXX - should we omit "value" for any fields? * What should we do for fields whose length is 0? * They might come from a pseudo-header or from * the capture header (e.g., time stamps), or * they might be generated fields. */ if (fi->length > 0) { fputs("\" value=\"", pdata->fh); if (fi->hfinfo->bitmask!=0) { fprintf(pdata->fh, "%X", fvalue_get_uinteger(&fi->value)); fputs("\" unmaskedvalue=\"", pdata->fh); write_pdml_field_hex_value(pdata, fi); } else { write_pdml_field_hex_value(pdata, fi); } } } if (node->first_child != NULL) { fputs("\">\n", pdata->fh); } else if (fi->hfinfo->id == proto_data) { fputs("\">\n", pdata->fh); } else { fputs("\"/>\n", pdata->fh); } } /* We always print all levels for PDML. Recurse here. */ if (node->first_child != NULL) { pdata->level++; proto_tree_children_foreach(node, proto_tree_write_node_pdml, pdata); pdata->level--; } /* Take back the extra level we added for fake wrapper protocol */ if (wrap_in_fake_protocol) { pdata->level--; } if (node->first_child != NULL) { /* Indent to correct level */ for (i = -1; i < pdata->level; i++) { fputs(" ", pdata->fh); } /* Close off current element */ if (fi->hfinfo->id != proto_data) { /* Data protocol uses simple tags */ if (fi->hfinfo->type == FT_PROTOCOL) { fputs("\n", pdata->fh); } else { fputs("\n", pdata->fh); } } } /* Close off fake wrapper protocol */ if (wrap_in_fake_protocol) { fputs("\n", pdata->fh); } } /* Print info for a 'geninfo' pseudo-protocol. This is required by * the PDML spec. The information is contained in Wireshark's 'frame' protocol, * but we produce a 'geninfo' protocol in the PDML to conform to spec. * The 'frame' protocol follows the 'geninfo' protocol in the PDML. */ static void print_pdml_geninfo(proto_tree *tree, FILE *fh) { guint32 num, len, caplen; nstime_t *timestamp; GPtrArray *finfo_array; field_info *frame_finfo; /* Get frame protocol's finfo. */ finfo_array = proto_find_finfo(tree, proto_frame); if (g_ptr_array_len(finfo_array) < 1) { return; } frame_finfo = finfo_array->pdata[0]; g_ptr_array_free(finfo_array, TRUE); /* frame.number --> geninfo.num */ finfo_array = proto_find_finfo(tree, hf_frame_number); if (g_ptr_array_len(finfo_array) < 1) { return; } num = fvalue_get_uinteger(&((field_info*)finfo_array->pdata[0])->value); g_ptr_array_free(finfo_array, TRUE); /* frame.frame_len --> geninfo.len */ finfo_array = proto_find_finfo(tree, hf_frame_len); if (g_ptr_array_len(finfo_array) < 1) { return; } len = fvalue_get_uinteger(&((field_info*)finfo_array->pdata[0])->value); g_ptr_array_free(finfo_array, TRUE); /* frame.cap_len --> geninfo.caplen */ finfo_array = proto_find_finfo(tree, hf_frame_capture_len); if (g_ptr_array_len(finfo_array) < 1) { return; } caplen = fvalue_get_uinteger(&((field_info*)finfo_array->pdata[0])->value); g_ptr_array_free(finfo_array, TRUE); /* frame.time --> geninfo.timestamp */ finfo_array = proto_find_finfo(tree, hf_frame_arrival_time); if (g_ptr_array_len(finfo_array) < 1) { return; } timestamp = fvalue_get(&((field_info*)finfo_array->pdata[0])->value); g_ptr_array_free(finfo_array, TRUE); /* Print geninfo start */ fprintf(fh, " \n", frame_finfo->length); /* Print geninfo.num */ fprintf(fh, " \n", num, num, frame_finfo->length); /* Print geninfo.len */ fprintf(fh, " \n", len, len, frame_finfo->length); /* Print geninfo.caplen */ fprintf(fh, " \n", caplen, caplen, frame_finfo->length); /* Print geninfo.timestamp */ fprintf(fh, " \n", abs_time_to_str(timestamp, FALSE), (int) timestamp->secs, timestamp->nsecs, frame_finfo->length); /* Print geninfo end */ fprintf(fh, " \n"); } void write_pdml_finale(FILE *fh) { fputs("\n", fh); } void write_psml_preamble(FILE *fh) { fputs("\n", fh); fputs("\n", PACKAGE, VERSION); } void proto_tree_write_psml(epan_dissect_t *edt, FILE *fh) { gint i; static gboolean structure_written = FALSE; /* if this is the first packet, we have to create the PSML structure output */ if(!structure_written) { fprintf(fh, "\n"); for(i=0; i < edt->pi.cinfo->num_cols; i++) { fprintf(fh, "
"); print_escaped_xml(fh, edt->pi.cinfo->col_title[i]); fprintf(fh, "
\n"); } fprintf(fh, "
\n\n"); structure_written = TRUE; } fprintf(fh, "\n"); for(i=0; i < edt->pi.cinfo->num_cols; i++) { fprintf(fh, "
"); print_escaped_xml(fh, edt->pi.cinfo->col_data[i]); fprintf(fh, "
\n"); } fprintf(fh, "
\n\n"); } void write_psml_finale(FILE *fh) { fputs("
\n", fh); } void write_csv_preamble(FILE *fh _U_) { } void proto_tree_write_csv(epan_dissect_t *edt, FILE *fh) { gint i; /* if this is the first packet, we have to write the CSV header */ if(edt->pi.fd->num == 1) { for(i=0; i < edt->pi.cinfo->num_cols - 1; i++) fprintf(fh, "\"%s\",", edt->pi.cinfo->col_title[i]); fprintf(fh, "\"%s\"\n", edt->pi.cinfo->col_title[i]); } for(i=0; i < edt->pi.cinfo->num_cols - 1; i++) fprintf(fh, "\"%s\",", edt->pi.cinfo->col_data[i]); fprintf(fh, "\"%s\"\n", edt->pi.cinfo->col_data[i]); } void write_csv_finale(FILE *fh _U_) { } void write_carrays_preamble(FILE *fh _U_) { } void proto_tree_write_carrays(const guint8 *pd, guint32 len, guint32 num, FILE *fh) { guint32 i = 0; if (!len) return; fprintf(fh, "char pkt%u[] = {\n", num); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { fprintf(fh, "0x%02x", *(pd + i)); if (i == (len - 1)) { fprintf(fh, " };\n\n"); break; } if (!((i + 1) % 8)) { fprintf(fh, ", \n"); } else { fprintf(fh, ", "); } } } void write_carrays_finale(FILE *fh _U_) { } /* * Find the data source for a specified field, and return a pointer * to the data in it. Returns NULL if the data is out of bounds. */ static const guint8 * get_field_data(GSList *src_list, field_info *fi) { GSList *src_le; data_source *src; tvbuff_t *src_tvb; gint length, tvbuff_length; for (src_le = src_list; src_le != NULL; src_le = src_le->next) { src = src_le->data; src_tvb = src->tvb; if (fi->ds_tvb == src_tvb) { /* * Found it. * * XXX - a field can have a length that runs past * the end of the tvbuff. Ideally, that should * be fixed when adding an item to the protocol * tree, but checking the length when doing * that could be expensive. Until we fix that, * we'll do the check here. */ tvbuff_length = tvb_length_remaining(src_tvb, fi->start); if (tvbuff_length < 0) { return NULL; } length = fi->length; if (length > tvbuff_length) length = tvbuff_length; return tvb_get_ptr(src_tvb, fi->start, length); } } g_assert_not_reached(); return NULL; /* not found */ } /* Print a string, escaping out certain characters that need to * escaped out for XML. */ static void print_escaped_xml(FILE *fh, const char *unescaped_string) { const char *p; for (p = unescaped_string; *p != '\0'; p++) { switch (*p) { case '&': fputs("&", fh); break; case '<': fputs("<", fh); break; case '>': fputs(">", fh); break; case '"': fputs(""", fh); break; case '\'': fputs("'", fh); break; default: fputc(*p, fh); } } } static void write_pdml_field_hex_value(write_pdml_data *pdata, field_info *fi) { int i; const guint8 *pd; if (!fi->ds_tvb) return; if (fi->length > tvb_length_remaining(fi->ds_tvb, fi->start)) { fprintf(pdata->fh, "field length invalid!"); return; } /* Find the data for this field. */ pd = get_field_data(pdata->src_list, fi); if (pd) { /* Print a simple hex dump */ for (i = 0 ; i < fi->length; i++) { fprintf(pdata->fh, "%02x", pd[i]); } } } gboolean print_hex_data(print_stream_t *stream, epan_dissect_t *edt) { gboolean multiple_sources; GSList *src_le; data_source *src; tvbuff_t *tvb; const char *name; char *line; const guchar *cp; guint length; /* We shouldn't be called with a NULL pointer here because we've * created a visible protocol tree */ g_assert(edt->pi.data_src); /* * Set "multiple_sources" iff this frame has more than one * data source; if it does, we need to print the name of * the data source before printing the data from the * data source. */ multiple_sources = (edt->pi.data_src->next != NULL); for (src_le = edt->pi.data_src; src_le != NULL; src_le = src_le->next) { src = src_le->data; tvb = src->tvb; if (multiple_sources) { name = get_data_source_name(src); print_line(stream, 0, ""); line = g_strdup_printf("%s:", name); print_line(stream, 0, line); g_free(line); } length = tvb_length(tvb); if (length == 0) return TRUE; cp = tvb_get_ptr(tvb, 0, length); if (!print_hex_data_buffer(stream, cp, length, edt->pi.fd->flags.encoding)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /* * This routine is based on a routine created by Dan Lasley * . * * It was modified for Wireshark by Gilbert Ramirez and others. */ #define MAX_OFFSET_LEN 8 /* max length of hex offset of bytes */ #define BYTES_PER_LINE 16 /* max byte values printed on a line */ #define HEX_DUMP_LEN (BYTES_PER_LINE*3) /* max number of characters hex dump takes - 2 digits plus trailing blank */ #define DATA_DUMP_LEN (HEX_DUMP_LEN + 2 + BYTES_PER_LINE) /* number of characters those bytes take; 3 characters per byte of hex dump, 2 blanks separating hex from ASCII, 1 character per byte of ASCII dump */ #define MAX_LINE_LEN (MAX_OFFSET_LEN + 2 + DATA_DUMP_LEN) /* number of characters per line; offset, 2 blanks separating offset from data dump, data dump */ static gboolean print_hex_data_buffer(print_stream_t *stream, const guchar *cp, guint length, packet_char_enc encoding) { register unsigned int ad, i, j, k, l; guchar c; guchar line[MAX_LINE_LEN + 1]; unsigned int use_digits; static guchar binhex[16] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'}; if (!print_line(stream, 0, "")) return FALSE; /* * How many of the leading digits of the offset will we supply? * We always supply at least 4 digits, but if the maximum offset * won't fit in 4 digits, we use as many digits as will be needed. */ if (((length - 1) & 0xF0000000) != 0) use_digits = 8; /* need all 8 digits */ else if (((length - 1) & 0x0F000000) != 0) use_digits = 7; /* need 7 digits */ else if (((length - 1) & 0x00F00000) != 0) use_digits = 6; /* need 6 digits */ else if (((length - 1) & 0x000F0000) != 0) use_digits = 5; /* need 5 digits */ else use_digits = 4; /* we'll supply 4 digits */ ad = 0; i = 0; j = 0; k = 0; while (i < length) { if ((i & 15) == 0) { /* * Start of a new line. */ j = 0; l = use_digits; do { l--; c = (ad >> (l*4)) & 0xF; line[j++] = binhex[c]; } while (l != 0); line[j++] = ' '; line[j++] = ' '; memset(line+j, ' ', DATA_DUMP_LEN); /* * Offset in line of ASCII dump. */ k = j + HEX_DUMP_LEN + 2; } c = *cp++; line[j++] = binhex[c>>4]; line[j++] = binhex[c&0xf]; j++; if (encoding == PACKET_CHAR_ENC_CHAR_EBCDIC) { c = EBCDIC_to_ASCII1(c); } line[k++] = c >= ' ' && c < 0x7f ? c : '.'; i++; if ((i & 15) == 0 || i == length) { /* * We'll be starting a new line, or * we're finished printing this buffer; * dump out the line we've constructed, * and advance the offset. */ line[k] = '\0'; if (!print_line(stream, 0, line)) return FALSE; ad += 16; } } return TRUE; } static void ps_clean_string(unsigned char *out, const unsigned char *in, int outbuf_size) { int rd, wr; char c; for (rd = 0, wr = 0 ; wr < outbuf_size; rd++, wr++ ) { c = in[rd]; switch (c) { case '(': case ')': case '\\': out[wr] = '\\'; out[++wr] = c; break; default: out[wr] = c; break; } if (c == 0) { break; } } } /* Some formats need stuff at the beginning of the output */ gboolean print_preamble(print_stream_t *self, gchar *filename) { return (self->ops->print_preamble)(self, filename); } gboolean print_line(print_stream_t *self, int indent, const char *line) { return (self->ops->print_line)(self, indent, line); } /* Insert bookmark */ gboolean print_bookmark(print_stream_t *self, const gchar *name, const gchar *title) { return (self->ops->print_bookmark)(self, name, title); } gboolean new_page(print_stream_t *self) { return (self->ops->new_page)(self); } /* Some formats need stuff at the end of the output */ gboolean print_finale(print_stream_t *self) { return (self->ops->print_finale)(self); } gboolean destroy_print_stream(print_stream_t *self) { return (self->ops->destroy)(self); } typedef struct { int to_file; FILE *fh; } output_text; static gboolean print_preamble_text(print_stream_t *self _U_, gchar *filename _U_) { /* do nothing */ return TRUE; /* always succeeds */ } static gboolean print_line_text(print_stream_t *self, int indent, const char *line) { output_text *output = self->data; char space[MAX_INDENT+1]; int i; int num_spaces; /* Prepare the tabs for printing, depending on tree level */ num_spaces = indent * 4; if (num_spaces > MAX_INDENT) { num_spaces = MAX_INDENT; } for (i = 0; i < num_spaces; i++) { space[i] = ' '; } /* The string is NUL-terminated */ space[num_spaces] = '\0'; fputs(space, output->fh); fputs(line, output->fh); putc('\n', output->fh); return !ferror(output->fh); } static gboolean print_bookmark_text(print_stream_t *self _U_, const gchar *name _U_, const gchar *title _U_) { /* do nothing */ return TRUE; } static gboolean new_page_text(print_stream_t *self) { output_text *output = self->data; fputs("\f", output->fh); return !ferror(output->fh); } static gboolean print_finale_text(print_stream_t *self _U_) { /* do nothing */ return TRUE; /* always succeeds */ } static gboolean destroy_text(print_stream_t *self) { output_text *output = self->data; gboolean ret; ret = close_print_dest(output->to_file, output->fh); g_free(output); g_free(self); return ret; } static const print_stream_ops_t print_text_ops = { print_preamble_text, print_line_text, print_bookmark_text, new_page_text, print_finale_text, destroy_text }; static print_stream_t * print_stream_text_alloc(int to_file, FILE *fh) { print_stream_t *stream; output_text *output; output = g_malloc(sizeof *output); output->to_file = to_file; output->fh = fh; stream = g_malloc(sizeof (print_stream_t)); stream->ops = &print_text_ops; stream->data = output; return stream; } print_stream_t * print_stream_text_new(int to_file, const char *dest) { FILE *fh; fh = open_print_dest(to_file, dest); if (fh == NULL) return NULL; return print_stream_text_alloc(to_file, fh); } print_stream_t * print_stream_text_stdio_new(FILE *fh) { return print_stream_text_alloc(TRUE, fh); } typedef struct { int to_file; FILE *fh; } output_ps; static gboolean print_preamble_ps(print_stream_t *self, gchar *filename) { output_ps *output = self->data; unsigned char psbuffer[MAX_PS_LINE_LENGTH]; /* static sized buffer! */ print_ps_preamble(output->fh); fputs("%% Set the font to 8 point\n", output->fh); fputs("/Courier findfont 8 scalefont setfont\n", output->fh); fputs("\n", output->fh); fputs("%% the page title\n", output->fh); ps_clean_string(psbuffer, filename, MAX_PS_LINE_LENGTH); fprintf(output->fh, "/ws_pagetitle (%s - Wireshark " VERSION "%s) def\n", psbuffer, wireshark_svnversion); fputs("\n", output->fh); return !ferror(output->fh); } static gboolean print_line_ps(print_stream_t *self, int indent, const char *line) { output_ps *output = self->data; unsigned char psbuffer[MAX_PS_LINE_LENGTH]; /* static sized buffer! */ ps_clean_string(psbuffer, line, MAX_PS_LINE_LENGTH); fprintf(output->fh, "%d (%s) putline\n", indent, psbuffer); return !ferror(output->fh); } static gboolean print_bookmark_ps(print_stream_t *self, const gchar *name, const gchar *title) { output_ps *output = self->data; unsigned char psbuffer[MAX_PS_LINE_LENGTH]; /* static sized buffer! */ /* * See the Adobe "pdfmark reference": * * http://partners.adobe.com/asn/acrobat/docs/pdfmark.pdf * * The pdfmark stuff tells code that turns PostScript into PDF * things that it should do. * * The /OUT stuff creates a bookmark that goes to the * destination with "name" as the name and "title" as the title. * * The "/DEST" creates the destination. */ ps_clean_string(psbuffer, title, MAX_PS_LINE_LENGTH); fprintf(output->fh, "[/Dest /%s /Title (%s) /OUT pdfmark\n", name, psbuffer); fputs("[/View [/XYZ -4 currentpoint matrix currentmatrix matrix defaultmatrix\n", output->fh); fputs("matrix invertmatrix matrix concatmatrix transform exch pop 20 add null]\n", output->fh); fprintf(output->fh, "/Dest /%s /DEST pdfmark\n", name); return !ferror(output->fh); } static gboolean new_page_ps(print_stream_t *self) { output_ps *output = self->data; fputs("formfeed\n", output->fh); return !ferror(output->fh); } static gboolean print_finale_ps(print_stream_t *self) { output_ps *output = self->data; print_ps_finale(output->fh); return !ferror(output->fh); } static gboolean destroy_ps(print_stream_t *self) { output_ps *output = self->data; gboolean ret; ret = close_print_dest(output->to_file, output->fh); g_free(output); g_free(self); return ret; } static const print_stream_ops_t print_ps_ops = { print_preamble_ps, print_line_ps, print_bookmark_ps, new_page_ps, print_finale_ps, destroy_ps }; static print_stream_t * print_stream_ps_alloc(int to_file, FILE *fh) { print_stream_t *stream; output_ps *output; output = g_malloc(sizeof *output); output->to_file = to_file; output->fh = fh; stream = g_malloc(sizeof (print_stream_t)); stream->ops = &print_ps_ops; stream->data = output; return stream; } print_stream_t * print_stream_ps_new(int to_file, const char *dest) { FILE *fh; fh = open_print_dest(to_file, dest); if (fh == NULL) return NULL; return print_stream_ps_alloc(to_file, fh); } print_stream_t * print_stream_ps_stdio_new(FILE *fh) { return print_stream_ps_alloc(TRUE, fh); } output_fields_t* output_fields_new() { output_fields_t* fields = g_new(output_fields_t, 1); fields->print_header = FALSE; fields->separator = '\t'; fields->fields = NULL; /*Do lazy initialisation */ fields->field_indicies = NULL; fields->field_values = NULL; fields->quote='\0'; return fields; } gsize output_fields_num_fields(output_fields_t* fields) { g_assert(fields); if(NULL == fields->fields) { return 0; } else { return fields->fields->len; } } void output_fields_free(output_fields_t* fields) { g_assert(fields); if(NULL != fields->field_indicies) { /* Keys are stored in fields->fields, values are * integers. */ g_hash_table_destroy(fields->field_indicies); } if(NULL != fields->fields) { gsize i; for(i = 0; i < fields->fields->len; ++i) { gchar* field = g_ptr_array_index(fields->fields,i); g_free(field); } g_ptr_array_free(fields->fields, TRUE); } g_free(fields); } void output_fields_add(output_fields_t* fields, const gchar* field) { gchar* field_copy; g_assert(fields); g_assert(field); if(NULL == fields->fields) { fields->fields = g_ptr_array_new(); } field_copy = g_strdup(field); g_ptr_array_add(fields->fields, field_copy); } gboolean output_fields_set_option(output_fields_t* info, gchar* option) { const gchar* option_name; const gchar* option_value; g_assert(info); g_assert(option); if('\0' == *option) { return FALSE; /* Is this guarded against by option parsing? */ } option_name = strtok(option,"="); option_value = option + strlen(option_name) + 1; if(0 == strcmp(option_name, "header")) { switch(NULL == option_value ? '\0' : *option_value) { case 'n': info->print_header = FALSE; break; case 'y': info->print_header = TRUE; break; default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } if(0 == strcmp(option_name,"separator")) { switch(NULL == option_value ? '\0' : *option_value) { case '\0': return FALSE; case '/': switch(*++option_value) { case 't': info->separator = '\t'; break; case 's': info->separator = ' '; break; default: info->separator = '\\'; } break; default: info->separator = *option_value; break; } return TRUE; } if(0 == strcmp(option_name, "quote")) { switch(NULL == option_value ? '\0' : *option_value) { default: /* Fall through */ case '\0': info->quote='\0'; return FALSE; case 'd': info->quote='"'; break; case 's': info->quote='\''; break; case 'n': info->quote='\0'; break; } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void output_fields_list_options(FILE *fh) { fprintf(fh, "TShark: The available options for field output \"E\" are:\n"); fputs("header=y|n Print field abbreviations as first line of output (def: N: no)\n", fh); fputs("separator=/t|/s| Set the separator to use; \"/t\" = tab,\n \"/s\" = space (def: /t: tab)\n", fh); fputs("quote=d|s|n Print either d: double-quotes, s: single quotes or n: no quotes around field values (def: n: none)\n", fh); } void write_fields_preamble(output_fields_t* fields, FILE *fh) { gsize i; g_assert(fields); g_assert(fh); if(!fields->print_header) { return; } for(i = 0; i < fields->fields->len; ++i) { const gchar* field = g_ptr_array_index(fields->fields,i); if(i != 0 ) { fputc(fields->separator, fh); } fputs(field, fh); } fputc('\n', fh); } static void proto_tree_get_node_field_values(proto_node *node, gpointer data) { write_field_data_t *call_data; field_info *fi; gpointer field_index; call_data = data; fi = PNODE_FINFO(node); g_assert(fi && "dissection with an invisible proto tree?"); field_index = g_hash_table_lookup(call_data->fields->field_indicies, fi->hfinfo->abbrev); if(NULL != field_index) { const gchar* value; value = get_node_field_value(fi, call_data->edt); /* ep_alloced string */ if(NULL != value && '\0' != *value) { guint actual_index; actual_index = GPOINTER_TO_UINT(field_index); /* Unwrap change made to disambiguiate zero / null */ call_data->fields->field_values[actual_index - 1] = value; } } /* Recurse here. */ if (node->first_child != NULL) { proto_tree_children_foreach(node, proto_tree_get_node_field_values, call_data); } } void proto_tree_write_fields(output_fields_t* fields, epan_dissect_t *edt, FILE *fh) { gsize i; write_field_data_t data; g_assert(fields); g_assert(edt); g_assert(fh); data.fields = fields; data.edt = edt; if(NULL == fields->field_indicies) { /* Prepare a lookup table from string abbreviation for field to its index. */ fields->field_indicies = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash, g_str_equal); i = 0; while( i < fields->fields->len) { gchar* field = g_ptr_array_index(fields->fields, i); /* Store field indicies +1 so that zero is not a valid value, * and can be distinguished from NULL as a pointer. */ ++i; g_hash_table_insert(fields->field_indicies, field, GUINT_TO_POINTER(i)); } } /* Buffer to store values for this packet */ fields->field_values = ep_alloc_array0(const gchar*, fields->fields->len); proto_tree_children_foreach(edt->tree, proto_tree_get_node_field_values, &data); for(i = 0; i < fields->fields->len; ++i) { if(0 != i) { fputc(fields->separator, fh); } if(NULL != fields->field_values[i]) { if(fields->quote != '\0') { fputc(fields->quote, fh); } fputs(fields->field_values[i], fh); if(fields->quote != '\0') { fputc(fields->quote, fh); } } } } void write_fields_finale(output_fields_t* fields _U_ , FILE *fh _U_) { /* Nothing to do */ } /* Returns an ep_alloced string or a static constant*/ const gchar* get_node_field_value(field_info* fi, epan_dissect_t* edt) { if (fi->hfinfo->id == hf_text_only) { /* Text label. * Get the text */ if (fi->rep) { return fi->rep->representation; } else { return get_field_hex_value(edt->pi.data_src, fi); } } else if (fi->hfinfo->id == proto_data) { /* Uninterpreted data, i.e., the "Data" protocol, is * printed as a field instead of a protocol. */ return get_field_hex_value(edt->pi.data_src, fi); } else { /* Normal protocols and fields */ gchar *dfilter_string; size_t chop_len; switch (fi->hfinfo->type) { case FT_PROTOCOL: /* Print out the full details for the protocol. */ if (fi->rep) { return fi->rep->representation; } else { /* Just print out the protocol abbreviation */ return fi->hfinfo->abbrev;; } case FT_NONE: /* Return "1" so that the presence of a field of type * FT_NONE can be checked when using -T fields */ return "1"; default: /* XXX - this is a hack until we can just call * fvalue_to_string_repr() for *all* FT_* types. */ dfilter_string = proto_construct_match_selected_string(fi, edt); if (dfilter_string != NULL) { chop_len = strlen(fi->hfinfo->abbrev) + 4; /* for " == " */ /* XXX - Remove double-quotes. Again, once we * can call fvalue_to_string_repr(), we can * ask it not to produce the version for * display-filters, and thus, no * double-quotes. */ if (dfilter_string[strlen(dfilter_string)-1] == '"') { dfilter_string[strlen(dfilter_string)-1] = '\0'; chop_len++; } return &(dfilter_string[chop_len]); } else { return get_field_hex_value(edt->pi.data_src, fi); } } } } static const gchar* get_field_hex_value(GSList* src_list, field_info *fi) { const guint8 *pd; if (!fi->ds_tvb) return NULL; if (fi->length > tvb_length_remaining(fi->ds_tvb, fi->start)) { return "field length invalid!"; } /* Find the data for this field. */ pd = get_field_data(src_list, fi); if (pd) { int i; gchar* buffer; gchar* p; int len; const int chars_per_byte = 2; len = chars_per_byte * fi->length; buffer = ep_alloc_array(gchar, len + 1); buffer[len] = '\0'; /* Ensure NULL termination in bad cases */ p = buffer; /* Print a simple hex dump */ for (i = 0 ; i < fi->length; i++) { g_snprintf(p, chars_per_byte+1, "%02x", pd[i]); p += chars_per_byte; } return buffer; } else { return NULL; } }