# # HTTP header TPG description # # (c) 2005 Luis E. Garcia Ontanon # # $Id$ # # Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer # By Gerald Combs # Copyright 2004 Gerald Combs # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. %header_head %{ typedef struct _http_info_value_t { guint32 framenum; gchar *request_method; guint response_code; gchar *http_host; gchar *request_uri; guint content_length; gchar* media; gboolean is_response; gchar* transfer_encoding; } http_info_value_t; %} %parser_name http . %export req_resp header crlf sp. %tt_type %{ http_info_value_t %} %rule crlf = "\r\n" . %rule sp = [ ]+ . %choice versions = "1.0" | "1.1". %field version hyttp.version "HTTP Version" FT_STRING . %sequence http_version = "HTTP/" & versions . %field response hyttp.response "Response" FT_STRING . %field response_code hyttp.response.code "Response Code" FT_UINT32 BASE_DEC %{ http_response_codes %} . %sequence %tree response = http_version & [0-9]+ & ... ( crlf ) . %{ TT_DATA->is_response = TRUE; TT_DATA->response_code = TPG_UINT(RESPONSE); %} %field request hyttp.request "Request" FT_STRING . %field method hyttp.request.method "Request Method" FT_STRING . %field uri hyttp.request.uri "Request URI" FT_STRING . %sequence %tree request = [A-Z]+ & [^ ]+ & http_version & crlf . %{ TT_DATA->is_response = FALSE; TT_DATA->request_method = TPG_STRING(METHOD); TT_DATA->request_uri = TPG_STRING(URI); %} %choice req_resp = request | response. %field media hyttp.content_type.media "Content-Type Media" FT_STRING . %sequence media = [a-zA-Z0-9-]+ & "/" & [a-zA-Z0-9-]+ . %{ TT_DATA->media = TPG_STRING(MEDIA); %} %sequence quoted_string = ["] & [^"]* & ["] . %choice value = [a-zA-Z0-9-]+ | quoted_string. %field charset hyttp.content_type.charset "Content-Type Charset" FT_STRING . %sequence parameter = [a-zA-Z0-9-]+ & [=] & value. %sequence charset_parameter = 'charset' & '=' & [a-z0-9-]+ . %choice content_type_param = charset_parameter | parameter . %sequence content_type_params = [;] & content_type_param . %sequence content_type_value = media & content_type_params* . %sequence content_type_hdr = 'Content-type:' & content_type_value & crlf . %field content_length hyttp.headers.content_length "Content-Length" FT_UINT32 BASE_DEC . %sequence content_length = 'Content-length:' & [0-9]+ & crlf. %{ TT_DATA->content_length = TPG_UINT(LENGTH); %} %field transfer_encoding hyttp.transfer_encoding "Transfer-Encoding" FT_STRING . %sequence transfer_encoding = 'Transfer-encoding:' & ... ( crlf %leave ) & crlf. %{ TT_DATA->transfer_encoding = TPG_STRING(ENCODING); %} %field authorization hyttp.authorization "Authorization" FT_STRING . %sequence authorization = 'Authorization:' & ... ( crlf %leave ) & crlf. %field proxy_authorization hyttp.proxy_authorization "Proxy-Authorization" FT_STRING . %sequence proxy_author = 'Proxy-authorization:' & ... ( crlf %leave ) & crlf. %field proxy_authen hyttp.proxy_authenti "Proxy-Authenticate" FT_STRING . %sequence proxy_authen = 'Proxy-authenticate:' & ... ( crlf %leave ) & crlf. %field www_auth hyttp.www_authenticate "WWW-Authenticate" FT_STRING . %sequence www_auth = 'WWW-authenticate:' & ... ( crlf %leave ) & crlf. %field content_encoding hyttp.content_encoding "Content-Encoding" FT_STRING . %sequence content_encoding = 'Content-Encoding:' & ... ( crlf %leave ) & crlf. %field user_agent hyttp.content_encoding "User-Agent" FT_STRING . %sequence user_agent = 'User-Agent:' & ... ( crlf %leave ) & crlf. %field host hyttp.host "Host" FT_STRING . %sequence host = 'Host:' & ... ( crlf %leave ) & crlf. %{ TT_DATA->http_host = TPG_STRING(HOST); %} %field accept hyttp.accept "Accept" FT_STRING . %sequence accept = 'Accept:' & ... ( crlf %leave ) & crlf. %field accept_language hyttp.accept_language "Accept-Language" FT_STRING . %sequence accept_language = 'Accept-language:' & ... ( crlf %leave ) & crlf. %field accept_encoding hyttp.accept_encoding "Accept-Language" FT_STRING . %sequence accept_encoding = 'Accept-encoding:' & ... ( crlf %leave ) & crlf. %field accept_ranges hyttp.accept_encoding "Accept-Ranges" FT_STRING . %sequence accept_ranges = 'Accept-Ranges:' & ... ( crlf %leave ) & crlf. %field keep_alive hyttp.keep_alive "Keep-Alive" FT_UINT32 BASE_DEC . %sequence keep_alive = 'Keep-Alive:' & ... ( crlf %leave ) & crlf. %field connection hyttp.connection "Connection" FT_STRING . %sequence connection = 'Connection:' & ... ( crlf %leave ) & crlf. %field referer hyttp.referer "Referer" FT_STRING . %sequence referer = 'Referer:' & ... ( crlf %leave ) & crlf. %field cookie hyttp.cookie "Cookie" FT_STRING . %sequence cookie = 'Cookie:' & ... ( crlf %leave ) & crlf. %field etag hyttp.etag "Etag" FT_STRING . %sequence etag = 'Etag:' & ["] & [^"]+ & ["] & crlf . %field last_modified hyttp.last_modified "Last-Modified" FT_STRING . %sequence last_modified = 'Last-Modified:' & ... ( crlf %leave ) & crlf. %field server hyttp.server "Server" FT_STRING . %sequence server = 'Server:' & ... ( crlf %leave ) & crlf. %sequence other_header = [A-Z] & [a-zA-Z-]+ & ":" & ... ( crlf %leave ) & crlf. %field header hyttp.headers.line "HTTP Header Line" FT_BOOLEAN . %choice %tree header = content_type_hdr | transfer_encoding | content_length | authorization | proxy_author | proxy_authen | www_auth | content_encoding | user_agent | host | accept | accept_language | accept_encoding | accept_ranges | keep_alive | connection | referer | cookie | etag | last_modified | server | other_header . %tail %{ /* tail */ %}