/* plugin_table.h * Table of exported addresses for Ethereal plugins. * * $Id: plugin_table.h,v 1.47 2002/05/05 22:30:39 guy Exp $ * * Ethereal - Network traffic analyzer * Copyright 2000 by Gilbert Ramirez * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef PLUGIN_TABLE_H #define PLUGIN_TABLE_H #ifdef PLUGINS_NEED_ADDRESS_TABLE /* Some OSes (Win32) have DLLs that cannot reference symbols in the parent executable, so the executable needs to provide a collection of pointers to those functions for the DLL plugin to use. */ /* Typedefs to make our plugin_address_table_t struct look prettier */ typedef gint (*addr_check_col)(column_info*, gint); typedef void (*addr_col_clear)(column_info*, gint); typedef void (*addr_col_add_fstr)(column_info*, gint, gchar*, ...); typedef void (*addr_col_append_fstr)(column_info*, gint, gchar*, ...); typedef void (*addr_col_prepend_fstr)(column_info*, gint, gchar*, ...); typedef void (*addr_col_add_str)(column_info*, gint, const gchar*); typedef void (*addr_col_append_str)(column_info*, gint, gchar*); typedef void (*addr_col_set_str)(column_info*, gint, gchar*); typedef void (*addr_register_init_routine)(void (*func)(void)); typedef void (*addr_register_postseq_cleanup_routine)(void (*func)(void)); typedef gchar* (*addr_match_strval)(guint32, const value_string*); typedef gchar* (*addr_val_to_str)(guint32, const value_string *, const char *); typedef conversation_t *(*addr_conversation_new)(address *, address *, port_type, guint32, guint32, guint); typedef conversation_t *(*addr_find_conversation)(address *, address *, port_type, guint32, guint32, guint); typedef void (*addr_conversation_set_dissector)(conversation_t *, dissector_handle_t); typedef int (*addr_proto_register_protocol)(char*, char*, char*); typedef void (*addr_proto_register_field_array)(int, hf_register_info*, int); typedef void (*addr_proto_register_subtree_array)(int**, int); typedef void (*addr_dissector_add)(const char *, guint32, dissector_handle_t); typedef void (*addr_dissector_delete)(const char *, guint32, dissector_handle_t); typedef void (*addr_dissector_add_handle)(const char *, dissector_handle_t); typedef void (*addr_heur_dissector_add)(const char *, heur_dissector_t, int); typedef void (*addr_register_dissector)(const char *, dissector_t, int); typedef dissector_handle_t (*addr_find_dissector)(const char *); typedef dissector_handle_t (*addr_create_dissector_handle)(dissector_t dissector, int proto); typedef int (*addr_call_dissector)(dissector_handle_t, tvbuff_t *, packet_info *, proto_tree *); typedef void (*addr_tcp_dissect_pdus)(tvbuff_t *, packet_info *, proto_tree *, gboolean, guint, guint (*)(tvbuff_t *, int), void (*)(tvbuff_t *, packet_info *, proto_tree *)); typedef gboolean (*addr_proto_is_protocol_enabled)(int); typedef int (*addr_proto_item_get_len)(proto_item*); typedef void (*addr_proto_item_set_len)(proto_item*, gint); typedef void (*addr_proto_item_set_text)(proto_item*, const char*, ...); typedef void (*addr_proto_item_append_text)(proto_item*, const char*, ...); typedef proto_tree* (*addr_proto_item_add_subtree)(proto_item*, gint); typedef proto_item* (*addr_proto_tree_add_item)(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, gboolean); typedef proto_item* (*addr_proto_tree_add_item_hidden)(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, gboolean); typedef proto_item* (*addr_proto_tree_add_protocol_format)(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, const char*, ...); typedef proto_item* (*addr_proto_tree_add_bytes)(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, const guint8*); typedef proto_item* (*addr_proto_tree_add_bytes_hidden)(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, const guint8*); typedef proto_item* (*addr_proto_tree_add_bytes_format)(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, const guint8*, const char*, ...); typedef proto_item* (*addr_proto_tree_add_time)(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, nstime_t*); typedef proto_item* (*addr_proto_tree_add_time_hidden)(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, nstime_t*); typedef proto_item* (*addr_proto_tree_add_time_format)(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, nstime_t*, const char*, ...); typedef proto_item* (*addr_proto_tree_add_ipxnet)(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, guint32); typedef proto_item* (*addr_proto_tree_add_ipxnet_hidden)(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, guint32); typedef proto_item* (*addr_proto_tree_add_ipxnet_format)(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, guint32, const char*, ...); typedef proto_item* (*addr_proto_tree_add_ipv4)(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, guint32); typedef proto_item* (*addr_proto_tree_add_ipv4_hidden)(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, guint32); typedef proto_item* (*addr_proto_tree_add_ipv4_format)(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, guint32, const char*, ...); typedef proto_item* (*addr_proto_tree_add_ipv6)(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, const guint8*); typedef proto_item* (*addr_proto_tree_add_ipv6_hidden)(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, const guint8*); typedef proto_item* (*addr_proto_tree_add_ipv6_format)(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, const guint8*, const char*, ...); typedef proto_item* (*addr_proto_tree_add_ether)(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, const guint8*); typedef proto_item* (*addr_proto_tree_add_ether_hidden)(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, const guint8*); typedef proto_item* (*addr_proto_tree_add_ether_format)(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, const guint8*, const char*, ...); typedef proto_item* (*addr_proto_tree_add_string)(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, const char*); typedef proto_item* (*addr_proto_tree_add_string_hidden)(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, const char*); typedef proto_item* (*addr_proto_tree_add_string_format)(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, const char*, const char*, ...); typedef proto_item* (*addr_proto_tree_add_boolean)(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, guint32); typedef proto_item* (*addr_proto_tree_add_boolean_hidden)(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, guint32); typedef proto_item* (*addr_proto_tree_add_boolean_format)(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, guint32, const char*, ...); typedef proto_item* (*addr_proto_tree_add_double)(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, double); typedef proto_item* (*addr_proto_tree_add_double_hidden)(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, double); typedef proto_item* (*addr_proto_tree_add_double_format)(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, double, const char*, ...); typedef proto_item* (*addr_proto_tree_add_uint)(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, guint32); typedef proto_item* (*addr_proto_tree_add_uint_hidden)(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, guint32); typedef proto_item* (*addr_proto_tree_add_uint_format)(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, guint32, const char*, ...); typedef proto_item* (*addr_proto_tree_add_int)(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, gint32); typedef proto_item* (*addr_proto_tree_add_int_hidden)(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, gint32); typedef proto_item* (*addr_proto_tree_add_int_format)(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, gint32, const char*, ...); typedef proto_item* (*addr_proto_tree_add_text)(proto_tree*, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, const char*, ...); typedef tvbuff_t* (*addr_tvb_new_subset)(tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, gint); typedef void (*addr_tvb_set_free_cb)(tvbuff_t*, tvbuff_free_cb_t); typedef void (*addr_tvb_set_child_real_data_tvbuff)(tvbuff_t*, tvbuff_t*); typedef tvbuff_t* (*addr_tvb_new_real_data)(const guint8*, guint, gint); typedef guint (*addr_tvb_length)(tvbuff_t*); typedef gint (*addr_tvb_length_remaining)(tvbuff_t*, gint); typedef gboolean (*addr_tvb_bytes_exist)(tvbuff_t*, gint, gint); typedef gboolean (*addr_tvb_offset_exists)(tvbuff_t*, gint); typedef guint (*addr_tvb_reported_length)(tvbuff_t*); typedef gint (*addr_tvb_reported_length_remaining)(tvbuff_t*, gint); typedef guint8 (*addr_tvb_get_guint8)(tvbuff_t*, gint); typedef guint16 (*addr_tvb_get_ntohs)(tvbuff_t*, gint); typedef guint32 (*addr_tvb_get_ntoh24)(tvbuff_t*, gint); typedef guint32 (*addr_tvb_get_ntohl)(tvbuff_t*, gint); typedef guint16 (*addr_tvb_get_letohs)(tvbuff_t*, gint); typedef guint32 (*addr_tvb_get_letoh24)(tvbuff_t*, gint); typedef guint32 (*addr_tvb_get_letohl)(tvbuff_t*, gint); typedef guint8* (*addr_tvb_memcpy)(tvbuff_t*, guint8* target, gint, gint); typedef guint8* (*addr_tvb_memdup)(tvbuff_t*, gint, gint); typedef const guint8* (*addr_tvb_get_ptr)(tvbuff_t*, gint, gint); typedef gint (*addr_tvb_find_guint8)(tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, guint8); typedef gint (*addr_tvb_pbrk_guint8)(tvbuff_t *, gint, gint, guint8 *); typedef gint (*addr_tvb_strnlen)(tvbuff_t*, gint, guint); typedef guint8 * (*addr_tvb_format_text)(tvbuff_t*, gint, gint); typedef gint (*addr_tvb_get_nstringz)(tvbuff_t*, gint, guint, guint8*); typedef gint (*addr_tvb_get_nstringz0)(tvbuff_t*, gint, guint, guint8*); typedef gint (*addr_tvb_find_line_end)(tvbuff_t*, gint, int, gint *); typedef gint (*addr_tvb_find_line_end_unquoted)(tvbuff_t*, gint, int, gint *); typedef gint (*addr_tvb_strneql)(tvbuff_t*, gint, const guint8 *, gint); typedef gint (*addr_tvb_strncaseeql)(tvbuff_t*, gint, const guint8 *, gint); typedef gchar *(*addr_tvb_bytes_to_str)(tvbuff_t*, gint, gint len); typedef struct pref_module *(*addr_prefs_register_protocol)(int, void (*)(void)); typedef void (*addr_prefs_register_uint_preference)(struct pref_module *, const char *, const char *, const char *, guint, guint *); typedef void (*addr_prefs_register_bool_preference)(struct pref_module *, const char *, const char *, const char *, gboolean *); typedef void (*addr_prefs_register_enum_preference)(struct pref_module *, const char *, const char *, const char *, gint *, const enum_val_t *, gboolean); typedef void (*addr_prefs_register_string_preference)(struct pref_module *, const char *, const char *, const char *, char**); typedef void (*addr_register_giop_user)(giop_sub_dissector_t *, gchar *, int); typedef gboolean (*addr_is_big_endian)(MessageHeader *); typedef guint32 (*addr_get_CDR_encap_info)(tvbuff_t *, proto_tree *, gint *, gboolean, guint32, gboolean *, guint32 *); typedef void (*addr_get_CDR_any)(tvbuff_t *, proto_tree *, gint *, gboolean, int, MessageHeader *); typedef gboolean (*addr_get_CDR_boolean)(tvbuff_t *, int *); typedef guint8 (*addr_get_CDR_char)(tvbuff_t *, int *); typedef gdouble (*addr_get_CDR_double)(tvbuff_t *, int *, gboolean, int); typedef guint32 (*addr_get_CDR_enum)(tvbuff_t *, int *, gboolean, int); typedef void (*addr_get_CDR_fixed)(tvbuff_t *, gchar **, gint *, guint32, gint32); typedef gfloat (*addr_get_CDR_float)(tvbuff_t *, int *, gboolean, int); typedef void (*addr_get_CDR_interface)(tvbuff_t *, packet_info *, proto_tree *, int *, gboolean, int); typedef gint32 (*addr_get_CDR_long)(tvbuff_t *, int *, gboolean, int); typedef void (*addr_get_CDR_object)(tvbuff_t *, packet_info *, proto_tree *, int *, gboolean, int); typedef guint8 (*addr_get_CDR_octet)(tvbuff_t *, int *); typedef void (*addr_get_CDR_octet_seq)(tvbuff_t *, gchar **, int *, int); typedef gint16 (*addr_get_CDR_short)(tvbuff_t *, int *, gboolean, int); typedef guint32 (*addr_get_CDR_string)(tvbuff_t *, gchar **, int *, gboolean, int); typedef guint32 (*addr_get_CDR_typeCode)(tvbuff_t *, proto_tree *, gint *, gboolean, int, MessageHeader *); typedef guint32 (*addr_get_CDR_ulong)(tvbuff_t *, int *, gboolean, int); typedef guint16 (*addr_get_CDR_ushort)(tvbuff_t *, int *, gboolean, int); typedef gint8 (*addr_get_CDR_wchar)(tvbuff_t *, gchar **, int *, MessageHeader *); typedef guint32 (*addr_get_CDR_wstring)(tvbuff_t *, gchar **, int *, gboolean, int, MessageHeader *); typedef int (*addr_is_tpkt)(tvbuff_t *); typedef void (*addr_dissect_tpkt_encap)(tvbuff_t *, packet_info *, proto_tree *, gboolean, dissector_handle_t); typedef void (*addr_set_actual_length)(tvbuff_t *, guint); typedef const char *(*addr_decode_boolean_bitfield)(guint32, guint32, int, const char *, const char *); typedef const char *(*addr_decode_numeric_bitfield)(guint32, guint32, int, const char *); typedef const char *(*addr_decode_enumerated_bitfield)(guint32, guint32, int, const value_string *, const char *); typedef struct { #include "plugin_api_decls.h" } plugin_address_table_t; #else /* ! PLUGINS_NEED_ADDRESS_TABLE */ typedef void plugin_address_table_t; #endif /* PLUGINS_NEED_ADDRESS_TABLE */ #endif /* PLUGIN_TABLE_H */