/* plugin_api_list.c * Used to generate various included files for plugin API * * $Id: plugin_api_list.c,v 1.19 2003/12/01 23:41:45 guy Exp $ * * Ethereal - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include "prefs.h" #include "reassemble.h" #include "packet-giop.h" #include "packet-per.h" #include "packet-tpkt.h" #include "packet-tcp.h" #include "tap.h" #include "asn1.h" #include "epan/except.h" gint check_col(column_info*, gint); void col_clear(column_info*, gint); void col_add_fstr(column_info*, gint, const gchar*, ...); void col_append_fstr(column_info*, gint, const gchar*, ...); void col_prepend_fstr(column_info*, gint, const gchar*, ...); void col_add_str(column_info*, gint, const gchar*); void col_append_str(column_info*, gint, const gchar*); void col_set_str(column_info*, gint, gchar*); void register_init_routine(void (*func)(void)); void register_postseq_cleanup_routine(void (*func)(void)); gchar* match_strval(guint32, const value_string*); gchar* val_to_str(guint32, const value_string *, const char *); conversation_t *conversation_new(address *, address *, port_type, guint32, guint32, guint); conversation_t *find_conversation(address *, address *, port_type, guint32, guint32, guint); void conversation_set_dissector(conversation_t *, dissector_handle_t); int proto_register_protocol(char*, char*, char*); void proto_register_field_array(int, hf_register_info*, int); void proto_register_subtree_array(int**, int); void dissector_add(const char *, guint32, dissector_handle_t); void dissector_delete(const char *, guint32, dissector_handle_t); void dissector_add_handle(const char *, dissector_handle_t); void heur_dissector_add(const char *, heur_dissector_t, int); void register_dissector(const char *, dissector_t, int); dissector_handle_t find_dissector(const char *); dissector_handle_t create_dissector_handle(dissector_t dissector, int proto); int call_dissector(dissector_handle_t, tvbuff_t *, packet_info *, proto_tree *); void tcp_dissect_pdus(tvbuff_t *, packet_info *, proto_tree *, gboolean, guint, guint (*)(tvbuff_t *, int), void (*)(tvbuff_t *, packet_info *, proto_tree *)); gboolean proto_is_protocol_enabled(protocol_t *); int proto_item_get_len(proto_item*); void proto_item_set_len(proto_item*, gint); void proto_item_set_text(proto_item*, const char*, ...); void proto_item_append_text(proto_item*, const char*, ...); proto_tree* proto_item_add_subtree(proto_item*, gint); proto_item* proto_tree_add_item(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, gboolean); proto_item* proto_tree_add_item_hidden(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, gboolean); proto_item* proto_tree_add_protocol_format(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, const char*, ...); proto_item* proto_tree_add_bytes(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, const guint8*); proto_item* proto_tree_add_bytes_hidden(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, const guint8*); proto_item* proto_tree_add_bytes_format(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, const guint8*, const char*, ...); proto_item* proto_tree_add_time(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, nstime_t*); proto_item* proto_tree_add_time_hidden(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, nstime_t*); proto_item* proto_tree_add_time_format(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, nstime_t*, const char*, ...); proto_item* proto_tree_add_ipxnet(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, guint32); proto_item* proto_tree_add_ipxnet_hidden(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, guint32); proto_item* proto_tree_add_ipxnet_format(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, guint32, const char*, ...); proto_item* proto_tree_add_ipv4(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, guint32); proto_item* proto_tree_add_ipv4_hidden(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, guint32); proto_item* proto_tree_add_ipv4_format(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, guint32, const char*, ...); proto_item* proto_tree_add_ipv6(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, const guint8*); proto_item* proto_tree_add_ipv6_hidden(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, const guint8*); proto_item* proto_tree_add_ipv6_format(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, const guint8*, const char*, ...); proto_item* proto_tree_add_ether(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, const guint8*); proto_item* proto_tree_add_ether_hidden(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, const guint8*); proto_item* proto_tree_add_ether_format(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, const guint8*, const char*, ...); proto_item* proto_tree_add_string(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, const char*); proto_item* proto_tree_add_string_hidden(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, const char*); proto_item* proto_tree_add_string_format(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, const char*, const char*, ...); proto_item* proto_tree_add_boolean(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, guint32); proto_item* proto_tree_add_boolean_hidden(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, guint32); proto_item* proto_tree_add_boolean_format(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, guint32, const char*, ...); proto_item* proto_tree_add_double(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, double); proto_item* proto_tree_add_double_hidden(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, double); proto_item* proto_tree_add_double_format(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, double, const char*, ...); proto_item* proto_tree_add_uint(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, guint32); proto_item* proto_tree_add_uint_hidden(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, guint32); proto_item* proto_tree_add_uint_format(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, guint32, const char*, ...); proto_item* proto_tree_add_int(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, gint32); proto_item* proto_tree_add_int_hidden(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, gint32); proto_item* proto_tree_add_int_format(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, gint32, const char*, ...); proto_item* proto_tree_add_text(proto_tree*, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, const char*, ...); tvbuff_t* tvb_new_subset(tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, gint); void tvb_set_free_cb(tvbuff_t*, tvbuff_free_cb_t); void tvb_set_child_real_data_tvbuff(tvbuff_t*, tvbuff_t*); tvbuff_t* tvb_new_real_data(const guint8*, guint, gint); guint tvb_length(tvbuff_t*); gint tvb_length_remaining(tvbuff_t*, gint); gboolean tvb_bytes_exist(tvbuff_t*, gint, gint); gboolean tvb_offset_exists(tvbuff_t*, gint); guint tvb_reported_length(tvbuff_t*); gint tvb_reported_length_remaining(tvbuff_t*, gint); guint8 tvb_get_guint8(tvbuff_t*, gint); guint16 tvb_get_ntohs(tvbuff_t*, gint); guint32 tvb_get_ntoh24(tvbuff_t*, gint); guint32 tvb_get_ntohl(tvbuff_t*, gint); guint16 tvb_get_letohs(tvbuff_t*, gint); guint32 tvb_get_letoh24(tvbuff_t*, gint); guint32 tvb_get_letohl(tvbuff_t*, gint); guint8* tvb_memcpy(tvbuff_t*, guint8* target, gint, gint); guint8* tvb_memdup(tvbuff_t*, gint, gint); const guint8* tvb_get_ptr(tvbuff_t*, gint, gint); gint tvb_find_guint8(tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, guint8); gint tvb_pbrk_guint8(tvbuff_t *, gint, gint, guint8 *); gint tvb_strnlen(tvbuff_t*, gint, guint); guint8 * tvb_format_text(tvbuff_t*, gint, gint); gint tvb_get_nstringz(tvbuff_t*, gint, guint, guint8*); gint tvb_get_nstringz0(tvbuff_t*, gint, guint, guint8*); gint tvb_find_line_end(tvbuff_t*, gint, int, gint *, gboolean); gint tvb_find_line_end_unquoted(tvbuff_t*, gint, int, gint *); gint tvb_strneql(tvbuff_t*, gint, const guint8 *, gint); gint tvb_strncaseeql(tvbuff_t*, gint, const guint8 *, gint); gchar *tvb_bytes_to_str(tvbuff_t*, gint, gint len); struct pref_module *prefs_register_protocol(int, void (*)(void)); void prefs_register_uint_preference(struct pref_module *, const char *, const char *, const char *, guint, guint *); void prefs_register_bool_preference(struct pref_module *, const char *, const char *, const char *, gboolean *); void prefs_register_enum_preference(struct pref_module *, const char *, const char *, const char *, gint *, const enum_val_t *, gboolean); void prefs_register_string_preference(struct pref_module *, const char *, const char *, const char *, char**); void register_giop_user(giop_sub_dissector_t *, gchar *, int); gboolean is_big_endian(MessageHeader *); guint32 get_CDR_encap_info(tvbuff_t *, proto_tree *, gint *, gboolean, guint32, gboolean *, guint32 *); void get_CDR_any(tvbuff_t *, proto_tree *, gint *, gboolean, int, MessageHeader *); gboolean get_CDR_boolean(tvbuff_t *, int *); guint8 get_CDR_char(tvbuff_t *, int *); gdouble get_CDR_double(tvbuff_t *, int *, gboolean, int); guint32 get_CDR_enum(tvbuff_t *, int *, gboolean, int); void get_CDR_fixed(tvbuff_t *, gchar **, gint *, guint32, gint32); gfloat get_CDR_float(tvbuff_t *, int *, gboolean, int); void get_CDR_interface(tvbuff_t *, packet_info *, proto_tree *, int *, gboolean, int); gint32 get_CDR_long(tvbuff_t *, int *, gboolean, int); void get_CDR_object(tvbuff_t *, packet_info *, proto_tree *, int *, gboolean, int); guint8 get_CDR_octet(tvbuff_t *, int *); void get_CDR_octet_seq(tvbuff_t *, gchar **, int *, guint32); gint16 get_CDR_short(tvbuff_t *, int *, gboolean, int); guint32 get_CDR_string(tvbuff_t *, gchar **, int *, gboolean, int); guint32 get_CDR_typeCode(tvbuff_t *, proto_tree *, gint *, gboolean, int, MessageHeader *); guint32 get_CDR_ulong(tvbuff_t *, int *, gboolean, int); guint16 get_CDR_ushort(tvbuff_t *, int *, gboolean, int); gint get_CDR_wchar(tvbuff_t *, gchar **, int *, MessageHeader *); guint32 get_CDR_wstring(tvbuff_t *, gchar **, int *, gboolean, int, MessageHeader *); int is_tpkt(tvbuff_t *, int); void dissect_tpkt_encap(tvbuff_t *, packet_info *, proto_tree *, gboolean, dissector_handle_t); void set_actual_length(tvbuff_t *, guint); const char *decode_boolean_bitfield(guint32, guint32, int, const char *, const char *); const char *decode_numeric_bitfield(guint32, guint32, int, const char *); const char *decode_enumerated_bitfield(guint32, guint32, int, const value_string *, const char *); dissector_table_t register_dissector_table(const char *, char *, ftenum_t ,int ); void except_throw(long, long, const char *); gboolean dissector_try_port(dissector_table_t, guint32, tvbuff_t *, packet_info *, proto_tree *); void conversation_add_proto_data(conversation_t *, int, void *); void *conversation_get_proto_data(conversation_t *, int); void conversation_delete_proto_data(conversation_t *, int); void p_add_proto_data(frame_data *, int, void *); void *p_get_proto_data(frame_data *, int); gchar* ip_to_str(const guint8 *); char* ip6_to_str(const struct e_in6_addr *); gchar* time_secs_to_str(guint32); gchar* time_msecs_to_str(guint32); gchar* abs_time_to_str(nstime_t*); int proto_get_id_by_filter_name(gchar* filter_name); char *proto_get_protocol_name(int n); char *proto_get_protocol_short_name(protocol_t *); char *proto_get_protocol_filter_name(int proto_id); void prefs_register_obsolete_preference(module_t *, const char *); void add_new_data_source(packet_info *, tvbuff_t *, char *); void fragment_table_init(GHashTable **); void reassembled_table_init(GHashTable **); fragment_data *fragment_add(tvbuff_t *, int, packet_info *, guint32, GHashTable *, guint32, guint32, gboolean); fragment_data *fragment_add_seq(tvbuff_t *, int, packet_info *, guint32, GHashTable *, guint32, guint32, gboolean); fragment_data *fragment_add_seq_check(tvbuff_t *, int, packet_info *, guint32 id, GHashTable *, GHashTable *, guint32, guint32, gboolean); fragment_data *fragment_add_seq_next(tvbuff_t *, int, packet_info *, guint32, GHashTable *, GHashTable *, guint32, gboolean); fragment_data *fragment_get(packet_info *, guint32, GHashTable *); void fragment_set_tot_len(packet_info *, guint32, GHashTable *, guint32); guint32 fragment_get_tot_len(packet_info *, guint32, GHashTable *); void fragment_set_partial_reassembly(packet_info *, guint32, GHashTable *); unsigned char *fragment_delete(packet_info *, guint32, GHashTable *); gboolean show_fragment_tree(fragment_data *, const fragment_items *, proto_tree *, packet_info *, tvbuff_t *); gboolean show_fragment_seq_tree(fragment_data *, const fragment_items *, proto_tree *, packet_info *, tvbuff_t *); int register_tap(char *); void tap_queue_packet(int, packet_info *, void *); void asn1_open(ASN1_SCK *, tvbuff_t *, int ); void asn1_close(ASN1_SCK *, int *); int asn1_octet_decode(ASN1_SCK *, guchar *); int asn1_tag_decode(ASN1_SCK *, guint *); int asn1_id_decode(ASN1_SCK *, guint *, guint *, guint *); int asn1_length_decode(ASN1_SCK *, gboolean *, guint *); int asn1_header_decode(ASN1_SCK *, guint *, guint *, guint *, gboolean *, guint *); int asn1_eoc(ASN1_SCK *, int ); int asn1_eoc_decode(ASN1_SCK *, int ); int asn1_null_decode(ASN1_SCK *, int ); int asn1_bool_decode(ASN1_SCK *, int , gboolean *); int asn1_int32_value_decode(ASN1_SCK *, int , gint32 *); int asn1_int32_decode(ASN1_SCK *, gint32 *, guint *); int asn1_uint32_value_decode(ASN1_SCK *, int , guint *); int asn1_uint32_decode(ASN1_SCK *, guint32 *, guint *); int asn1_bits_decode(ASN1_SCK *, int , guchar **, guint *, guchar *); int asn1_string_value_decode(ASN1_SCK *, int , guchar **); int asn1_string_decode(ASN1_SCK *, guchar **, guint *, guint *, guint ); int asn1_octet_string_decode(ASN1_SCK *, guchar **, guint *, guint *); int asn1_subid_decode(ASN1_SCK *, subid_t *); int asn1_oid_value_decode(ASN1_SCK *, int , subid_t **, guint *); int asn1_oid_decode( ASN1_SCK *, subid_t **, guint *, guint *); int asn1_sequence_decode( ASN1_SCK *, guint *, guint *); char *asn1_err_to_str(int ); void proto_item_set_end(proto_item*, tvbuff_t *, gint); proto_item* proto_tree_add_none_format(proto_tree*, int, tvbuff_t*, gint, gint, const char*, ...); int except_init(void); void except_deinit(void); void except_rethrow(except_t *); void except_throwd(long, long, const char *, void *); void except_throwf(long, long, const char *, ...); void (*except_unhandled_catcher(void (*)(except_t *)))(except_t *); void *except_take_data(except_t *); void except_set_allocator(void *(*)(size_t), void (*)(void *)); void *except_alloc(size_t); void except_free(void *); struct except_stacknode *except_pop(void); void except_setup_try(struct except_stacknode *, struct except_catch *, const except_id_t [], size_t); void col_set_fence(column_info*, gint); guint8 *tvb_get_string(tvbuff_t *, gint, gint); guint8 *tvb_get_stringz(tvbuff_t *, gint, gint *); dissector_table_t find_dissector_table(const char *); dissector_handle_t dissector_get_port_handle(dissector_table_t, guint32); char *dissector_handle_get_short_name(dissector_handle_t); int dissector_handle_get_protocol_index(dissector_handle_t); void new_register_dissector(const char *, new_dissector_t, int); dissector_handle_t new_create_dissector_handle(new_dissector_t, int); void register_giop_user_module(giop_sub_dissector_t *sub, gchar *name, gchar *module, int sub_proto); guint32 dissect_per_GeneralString(tvbuff_t*, guint32, packet_info*, proto_tree*, int); guint32 dissect_per_sequence_of(tvbuff_t*, guint32, packet_info*, proto_tree*, int, gint, int (*)(tvbuff_t*, int, packet_info*, proto_tree*)); guint32 dissect_per_IA5String(tvbuff_t*, guint32, packet_info*, proto_tree*, int, int, int); guint32 dissect_per_NumericString(tvbuff_t*, guint32, packet_info*, proto_tree*, int, int, int); guint32 dissect_per_PrintableString(tvbuff_t*, guint32, packet_info*, proto_tree*, int, int, int); guint32 dissect_per_BMPString(tvbuff_t*, guint32, packet_info*, proto_tree*, int, int, int); guint32 dissect_per_constrained_sequence_of(tvbuff_t*, guint32, packet_info*, proto_tree*, int, gint, int (*)(tvbuff_t*, int, packet_info*, proto_tree*), int, int); guint32 dissect_per_constrained_set_of(tvbuff_t*, guint32, packet_info*, proto_tree *parent_tree, int, gint, int (*)(tvbuff_t*, int, packet_info*, proto_tree*), int, int); guint32 dissect_per_set_of(tvbuff_t*, guint32, packet_info*, proto_tree *parent_tree, int, gint, int (*)(tvbuff_t*, int, packet_info*, proto_tree*)); guint32 dissect_per_object_identifier(tvbuff_t*, guint32, packet_info*, proto_tree*, int, char*); guint32 dissect_per_boolean(tvbuff_t*, guint32, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree*, int, gboolean*, proto_item**); guint32 dissect_per_integer(tvbuff_t*, guint32, packet_info*, proto_tree*, int, gint32*, proto_item**); guint32 dissect_per_constrained_integer(tvbuff_t*, guint32, packet_info*, proto_tree*, int, guint32, guint32, guint32*, proto_item**, gboolean); guint32 dissect_per_choice(tvbuff_t*, guint32, packet_info*, proto_tree*, int, gint, per_choice_t*, char*, guint32*); guint32 dissect_per_sequence(tvbuff_t*, guint32, packet_info*, proto_tree *parent_tree, int, gint, per_sequence_t*); guint32 dissect_per_octet_string(tvbuff_t*, guint32, packet_info*, proto_tree*, int, int, int, guint32*, guint32*); guint32 dissect_per_restricted_character_string(tvbuff_t*, guint32, packet_info*, proto_tree*, int, int, int, char*, int); void dissector_add_string(const char*, gchar*, dissector_handle_t); void dissector_delete_string(const char*, const gchar*, dissector_handle_t); void dissector_change_string(const char*, gchar *, dissector_handle_t); void dissector_reset_string(const char*, const gchar*); gboolean dissector_try_string(dissector_table_t, const gchar*, tvbuff_t*, packet_info*, proto_tree*); dissector_handle_t dissector_get_string_handle(dissector_table_t, const gchar*); char *get_datafile_path(const char *filename); char *get_tempfile_path(const char *filename); void register_heur_dissector_list(const char *name, heur_dissector_list_t *list); gboolean dissector_try_heuristic(heur_dissector_list_t sub_dissectors, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree); int asn1_id_decode1(ASN1_SCK *asn1, guint *tag); gboolean col_get_writable(column_info *); void col_set_writable(column_info *, gboolean); const char *decode_enumerated_bitfield_shifted(guint32, guint32, int, const value_string *, const char *);