/* mate_setup.c * MATE -- Meta Analysis Tracing Engine * * Copyright 2004, Luis E. Garcia Ontanon * * $Id$ * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "mate.h" /* the current mate_config */ static mate_config* matecfg = NULL; /* appends the formatted string to the current error log */ static void report_error(const gchar* fmt, ...) { static gchar error_buffer[DEBUG_BUFFER_SIZE]; va_list list; va_start( list, fmt ); g_vsnprintf(error_buffer,DEBUG_BUFFER_SIZE,fmt,list); va_end( list ); g_string_append(matecfg->config_error,error_buffer); g_string_append_c(matecfg->config_error,'\n'); } /* creates a blank pdu config is going to be called only by the grammar which will set all those elements that aren't set here */ extern mate_cfg_pdu* new_pducfg(gchar* name) { mate_cfg_pdu* cfg = g_malloc(sizeof(mate_cfg_pdu)); cfg->name = g_strdup(name); cfg->last_id = 0; cfg->items = g_hash_table_new(g_direct_hash,g_direct_equal); cfg->transforms = NULL; cfg->hfid = -1; cfg->hfid_pdu_rel_time = -1; cfg->hfid_pdu_time_in_gop = -1; cfg->my_hfids = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash,g_str_equal); cfg->ett = -1; cfg->ett_attr = -1; cfg->criterium = NULL; cfg->criterium_match_mode = AVPL_NO_MATCH; cfg->criterium_accept_mode = ACCEPT_MODE; g_ptr_array_add(matecfg->pducfglist,(gpointer) cfg); g_hash_table_insert(matecfg->pducfgs,(gpointer) cfg->name,(gpointer) cfg); cfg->hfids_attr = g_hash_table_new(g_int_hash,g_int_equal); return cfg; } extern mate_cfg_gop* new_gopcfg(gchar* name) { mate_cfg_gop* cfg = g_malloc(sizeof(mate_cfg_gop)); cfg->name = g_strdup(name); cfg->last_id = 0; cfg->items = g_hash_table_new(g_direct_hash,g_direct_equal); cfg->transforms = NULL; cfg->extra = new_avpl("extra"); cfg->hfid = -1; cfg->ett = -1; cfg->ett_attr = -1; cfg->ett_times = -1; cfg->ett_children = -1; cfg->hfid_start_time = -1; cfg->hfid_stop_time = -1; cfg->hfid_last_time = -1; cfg->hfid_gop_pdu = -1; cfg->hfid_gop_num_pdus = -1; cfg->my_hfids = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash,g_str_equal); cfg->gop_index = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash,g_str_equal); cfg->gog_index = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash,g_str_equal); g_hash_table_insert(matecfg->gopcfgs,(gpointer) cfg->name, (gpointer) cfg); return cfg; } extern mate_cfg_gog* new_gogcfg(gchar* name) { mate_cfg_gog* cfg = g_malloc(sizeof(mate_cfg_gop)); cfg->name = g_strdup(name); cfg->last_id = 0; cfg->items = g_hash_table_new(g_direct_hash,g_direct_equal); cfg->transforms = NULL; cfg->extra = new_avpl("extra"); cfg->my_hfids = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash,g_str_equal); cfg->hfid = -1; cfg->ett = -1; cfg->ett_attr = -1; cfg->ett_times = -1; cfg->ett_children = -1; cfg->ett_gog_gop = -1; cfg->hfid_gog_num_of_gops = -1; cfg->hfid_gog_gop = -1; cfg->hfid_gog_gopstart = -1; cfg->hfid_gog_gopstop = -1; cfg->hfid_start_time = -1; cfg->hfid_stop_time = -1; cfg->hfid_last_time = -1; g_hash_table_insert(matecfg->gogcfgs,(gpointer) cfg->name, (gpointer) cfg); return cfg; } extern gboolean add_hfid(header_field_info* hfi, gchar* how, GHashTable* where) { header_field_info* first_hfi = NULL; gboolean exists = FALSE; gchar* as; gchar* h; int* ip; while(hfi) { first_hfi = hfi; hfi = hfi->same_name_prev; } hfi = first_hfi; while (hfi) { exists = TRUE; ip = g_malloc(sizeof(int)); *ip = hfi->id; if (( as = g_hash_table_lookup(where,ip) )) { g_free(ip); if (! g_str_equal(as,how)) { report_error("MATE Error: add field to Pdu: attempt to add %s(%i) as %s" " failed: field already added as '%s'",hfi->abbrev,hfi->id,how,as); return FALSE; } } else { h = g_strdup(how); g_hash_table_insert(where,ip,h); } hfi = hfi->same_name_next; } if (! exists) { report_error("MATE Error: cannot find field for attribute %s",how); } return exists; } extern gchar* add_ranges(gchar* range,GPtrArray* range_ptr_arr) { gchar** ranges; guint i; header_field_info* hfi; int* hfidp; ranges = g_strsplit(range,"/",0); if (ranges) { for (i=0; ranges[i]; i++) { hfi = proto_registrar_get_byname(ranges[i]); if (hfi) { hfidp = g_malloc(sizeof(int)); *hfidp = hfi->id; g_ptr_array_add(range_ptr_arr,(gpointer)hfidp); g_string_append_printf(matecfg->fields_filter, "||%s",ranges[i]); } else { g_strfreev(ranges); return g_strdup_printf("no such proto: '%s'",ranges[i]);; } } g_strfreev(ranges); } return NULL; } static void new_attr_hfri(gchar* item_name, GHashTable* hfids, gchar* name) { int* p_id = g_malloc(sizeof(int)); hf_register_info hfri; memset(&hfri, 0, sizeof hfri); *p_id = -1; hfri.p_id = p_id; hfri.hfinfo.name = g_strdup(name); hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = g_strdup_printf("mate.%s.%s",item_name,name); hfri.hfinfo.type = FT_STRING; hfri.hfinfo.display = BASE_NONE; hfri.hfinfo.strings = NULL; hfri.hfinfo.bitmask = 0; hfri.hfinfo.blurb = g_strdup_printf("%s attribute of %s",name,item_name); *p_id = -1; g_hash_table_insert(hfids,name,p_id); g_array_append_val(matecfg->hfrs,hfri); } static const gchar* my_protoname(int proto_id) { if (proto_id) { return proto_registrar_get_abbrev(proto_id); } else { return "*"; } } static void analyze_pdu_hfids(gpointer k, gpointer v, gpointer p) { mate_cfg_pdu* cfg = p; new_attr_hfri(cfg->name,cfg->my_hfids,(gchar*) v); g_string_append_printf(matecfg->fields_filter,"||%s",my_protoname(*(int*)k)); } static void analyze_transform_hfrs(gchar* name, GPtrArray* transforms, GHashTable* hfids) { guint i; void* cookie = NULL; AVPL_Transf* t; AVP* avp; for (i=0; i < transforms->len;i++) { for (t = g_ptr_array_index(transforms,i); t; t=t->next ) { cookie = NULL; while(( avp = get_next_avp(t->replace,&cookie) )) { if (! g_hash_table_lookup(hfids,avp->n)) { new_attr_hfri(name,hfids,avp->n); } } } } } static void analyze_pdu_config(mate_cfg_pdu* cfg) { hf_register_info hfri = { NULL, {NULL, NULL, FT_STRING, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0, NULL, HFILL}}; gint* ett; hfri.p_id = &(cfg->hfid); hfri.hfinfo.name = g_strdup(cfg->name); hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = g_strdup_printf("mate.%s",cfg->name); hfri.hfinfo.blurb = g_strdup_printf("%s id",cfg->name); hfri.hfinfo.type = FT_UINT32; hfri.hfinfo.display = BASE_DEC; g_array_append_val(matecfg->hfrs,hfri); hfri.p_id = &(cfg->hfid_pdu_rel_time); hfri.hfinfo.name = g_strdup_printf("%s time",cfg->name); hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = g_strdup_printf("mate.%s.RelativeTime",cfg->name); hfri.hfinfo.type = FT_FLOAT; hfri.hfinfo.display = BASE_NONE; hfri.hfinfo.blurb = "Seconds passed since the start of capture"; g_array_append_val(matecfg->hfrs,hfri); hfri.p_id = &(cfg->hfid_pdu_time_in_gop); hfri.hfinfo.name = g_strdup_printf("%s time since beginning of Gop",cfg->name); hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = g_strdup_printf("mate.%s.TimeInGop",cfg->name); hfri.hfinfo.type = FT_FLOAT; hfri.hfinfo.display = BASE_NONE; hfri.hfinfo.blurb = "Seconds passed since the start of the GOP"; g_array_append_val(matecfg->hfrs,hfri); g_hash_table_foreach(cfg->hfids_attr,analyze_pdu_hfids,cfg); ett = &cfg->ett; g_array_append_val(matecfg->ett,ett); ett = &cfg->ett_attr; g_array_append_val(matecfg->ett,ett); analyze_transform_hfrs(cfg->name,cfg->transforms,cfg->my_hfids); } static void analyze_gop_config(gpointer k _U_, gpointer v, gpointer p _U_) { mate_cfg_gop* cfg = v; void* cookie = NULL; AVP* avp; gint* ett; hf_register_info hfri = { NULL, {NULL, NULL, FT_STRING, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0, NULL, HFILL}}; hfri.p_id = &(cfg->hfid); hfri.hfinfo.name = g_strdup(cfg->name); hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = g_strdup_printf("mate.%s",cfg->name); hfri.hfinfo.blurb = g_strdup_printf("%s id",cfg->name); hfri.hfinfo.type = FT_UINT32; hfri.hfinfo.display = BASE_DEC; g_array_append_val(matecfg->hfrs,hfri); hfri.p_id = &(cfg->hfid_start_time); hfri.hfinfo.name = g_strdup_printf("%s start time",cfg->name); hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = g_strdup_printf("mate.%s.StartTime",cfg->name); hfri.hfinfo.type = FT_FLOAT; hfri.hfinfo.display = BASE_NONE; hfri.hfinfo.blurb = g_strdup_printf("Seconds passed since the beginning of capture to the start of this %s",cfg->name); g_array_append_val(matecfg->hfrs,hfri); hfri.p_id = &(cfg->hfid_stop_time); hfri.hfinfo.name = g_strdup_printf("%s hold time",cfg->name); hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = g_strdup_printf("mate.%s.Time",cfg->name); hfri.hfinfo.blurb = g_strdup_printf("Duration in seconds from start to stop of this %s",cfg->name); g_array_append_val(matecfg->hfrs,hfri); hfri.p_id = &(cfg->hfid_last_time); hfri.hfinfo.name = g_strdup_printf("%s duration",cfg->name); hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = g_strdup_printf("mate.%s.Duration",cfg->name); hfri.hfinfo.blurb = g_strdup_printf("Time passed between the start of this %s and the last pdu assigned to it",cfg->name); g_array_append_val(matecfg->hfrs,hfri); hfri.p_id = &(cfg->hfid_gop_num_pdus); hfri.hfinfo.name = g_strdup_printf("%s number of PDUs",cfg->name); hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = g_strdup_printf("mate.%s.NumOfPdus",cfg->name); hfri.hfinfo.blurb = g_strdup_printf("Number of PDUs assigned to this %s",cfg->name); hfri.hfinfo.type = FT_UINT32; hfri.hfinfo.display = BASE_DEC; g_array_append_val(matecfg->hfrs,hfri); hfri.p_id = &(cfg->hfid_gop_pdu); hfri.hfinfo.name = g_strdup_printf("A PDU of %s",cfg->name); hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = g_strdup_printf("mate.%s.Pdu",cfg->name); hfri.hfinfo.blurb = g_strdup_printf("A PDU assigned to this %s",cfg->name); if (cfg->pdu_tree_mode == GOP_FRAME_TREE) { hfri.hfinfo.type = FT_FRAMENUM; hfri.hfinfo.display = BASE_NONE; g_array_append_val(matecfg->hfrs,hfri); } else if (cfg->pdu_tree_mode == GOP_PDU_TREE) { hfri.hfinfo.type = FT_UINT32; g_array_append_val(matecfg->hfrs,hfri); } else { cfg->pdu_tree_mode = GOP_NO_TREE; } while(( avp = get_next_avp(cfg->key,&cookie) )) { if (! g_hash_table_lookup(cfg->my_hfids,avp->n)) { new_attr_hfri(cfg->name,cfg->my_hfids,avp->n); } } if(cfg->start) { cookie = NULL; while(( avp = get_next_avp(cfg->start,&cookie) )) { if (! g_hash_table_lookup(cfg->my_hfids,avp->n)) { new_attr_hfri(cfg->name,cfg->my_hfids,avp->n); } } } if (cfg->stop) { cookie = NULL; while(( avp = get_next_avp(cfg->stop,&cookie) )) { if (! g_hash_table_lookup(cfg->my_hfids,avp->n)) { new_attr_hfri(cfg->name,cfg->my_hfids,avp->n); } } } cookie = NULL; while(( avp = get_next_avp(cfg->extra,&cookie) )) { if (! g_hash_table_lookup(cfg->my_hfids,avp->n)) { new_attr_hfri(cfg->name,cfg->my_hfids,avp->n); } } analyze_transform_hfrs(cfg->name,cfg->transforms,cfg->my_hfids); ett = &cfg->ett; g_array_append_val(matecfg->ett,ett); ett = &cfg->ett_attr; g_array_append_val(matecfg->ett,ett); ett = &cfg->ett_times; g_array_append_val(matecfg->ett,ett); ett = &cfg->ett_children; g_array_append_val(matecfg->ett,ett); g_hash_table_insert(matecfg->gops_by_pduname,cfg->name,cfg); } static void analyze_gog_config(gpointer k _U_, gpointer v, gpointer p _U_) { mate_cfg_gog* cfg = v; void* avp_cookie; void* avpl_cookie; AVP* avp; AVPL* avpl; AVPL* gopkey_avpl; AVPL* key_avps; LoAL* gog_keys = NULL; hf_register_info hfri = { NULL, {NULL, NULL, FT_STRING, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0, NULL, HFILL}}; gint* ett; /* create the hf array for this gog */ hfri.p_id = &(cfg->hfid); hfri.hfinfo.name = g_strdup(cfg->name); hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = g_strdup_printf("mate.%s",cfg->name); hfri.hfinfo.blurb = g_strdup_printf("%s Id",cfg->name); hfri.hfinfo.type = FT_UINT32; hfri.hfinfo.display = BASE_DEC; g_array_append_val(matecfg->hfrs,hfri); hfri.p_id = &(cfg->hfid_gog_num_of_gops); hfri.hfinfo.name = "number of GOPs"; hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = g_strdup_printf("mate.%s.NumOfGops",cfg->name); hfri.hfinfo.type = FT_UINT32; hfri.hfinfo.display = BASE_DEC; hfri.hfinfo.blurb = g_strdup_printf("Number of GOPs assigned to this %s",cfg->name); g_array_append_val(matecfg->hfrs,hfri); hfri.p_id = &(cfg->hfid_gog_gopstart); hfri.hfinfo.name = "GopStart frame"; hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = g_strdup_printf("mate.%s.GopStart",cfg->name); hfri.hfinfo.type = FT_FRAMENUM; hfri.hfinfo.display = BASE_NONE; hfri.hfinfo.blurb = g_strdup("The start frame of a GOP"); g_array_append_val(matecfg->hfrs,hfri); hfri.p_id = &(cfg->hfid_gog_gopstop); hfri.hfinfo.name = "GopStop frame"; hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = g_strdup_printf("mate.%s.GopStop",cfg->name); hfri.hfinfo.type = FT_FRAMENUM; hfri.hfinfo.display = BASE_NONE; hfri.hfinfo.blurb = g_strdup("The stop frame of a GOP"); g_array_append_val(matecfg->hfrs,hfri); hfri.p_id = &(cfg->hfid_start_time); hfri.hfinfo.name = g_strdup_printf("%s start time",cfg->name); hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = g_strdup_printf("mate.%s.StartTime",cfg->name); hfri.hfinfo.type = FT_FLOAT; hfri.hfinfo.blurb = g_strdup_printf("Seconds passed since the beginning of capture to the start of this %s",cfg->name); g_array_append_val(matecfg->hfrs,hfri); hfri.p_id = &(cfg->hfid_last_time); hfri.hfinfo.name = g_strdup_printf("%s duration",cfg->name); hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = g_strdup_printf("mate.%s.Duration",cfg->name); hfri.hfinfo.blurb = g_strdup_printf("Time passed between the start of this %s and the last pdu assigned to it",cfg->name); g_array_append_val(matecfg->hfrs,hfri); /* this might become mate.gogname.gopname */ hfri.p_id = &(cfg->hfid_gog_gop); hfri.hfinfo.name = "a GOP"; hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = g_strdup_printf("mate.%s.Gop",cfg->name); hfri.hfinfo.type = FT_STRING; hfri.hfinfo.display = BASE_NONE; hfri.hfinfo.blurb = g_strdup_printf("a GOPs assigned to this %s",cfg->name); g_array_append_val(matecfg->hfrs,hfri); /* index the keys of gog for every gop and insert the avps of the keys to the hfarray */ key_avps = new_avpl(""); avpl_cookie = NULL; while (( avpl = get_next_avpl(cfg->keys,&avpl_cookie) )) { if (! ( gog_keys = g_hash_table_lookup(matecfg->gogs_by_gopname,avpl->name))) { gog_keys = new_loal(avpl->name); g_hash_table_insert(matecfg->gogs_by_gopname,gog_keys->name,gog_keys); } gopkey_avpl = new_avpl_from_avpl(cfg->name, avpl, TRUE); loal_append(gog_keys,gopkey_avpl); avp_cookie = NULL; while (( avp = get_next_avp(avpl,&avp_cookie) )) { if (! g_hash_table_lookup(cfg->my_hfids,avp->n)) { new_attr_hfri(cfg->name,cfg->my_hfids,avp->n); insert_avp(key_avps,avp); } } } /* insert the extra avps to the hfarray */ avp_cookie = NULL; while (( avp = get_next_avp(cfg->extra,&avp_cookie) )) { if (! g_hash_table_lookup(cfg->my_hfids,avp->n)) { new_attr_hfri(cfg->name,cfg->my_hfids,avp->n); } } /* every key_avp ios an extra as well. one day every Member will have its own extras */ merge_avpl(cfg->extra,key_avps,TRUE); analyze_transform_hfrs(cfg->name,cfg->transforms,cfg->my_hfids); ett = &cfg->ett; g_array_append_val(matecfg->ett,ett); ett = &cfg->ett_attr; g_array_append_val(matecfg->ett,ett); ett = &cfg->ett_children; g_array_append_val(matecfg->ett,ett); ett = &cfg->ett_times; g_array_append_val(matecfg->ett,ett); ett = &cfg->ett_gog_gop; g_array_append_val(matecfg->ett,ett); } static void analyze_config(void) { guint i; for (i=0; i < matecfg->pducfglist->len; i++) { analyze_pdu_config((mate_cfg_pdu*) g_ptr_array_index(matecfg->pducfglist,i)); } g_hash_table_foreach(matecfg->gopcfgs,analyze_gop_config,matecfg); g_hash_table_foreach(matecfg->gogcfgs,analyze_gog_config,matecfg); } extern mate_config* mate_cfg() { return matecfg; } extern mate_config* mate_make_config(const gchar* filename, int mate_hfid) { gint* ett; avp_init(); matecfg = g_malloc(sizeof(mate_config)); matecfg->hfid_mate = mate_hfid; matecfg->fields_filter = g_string_new(""); matecfg->protos_filter = g_string_new(""); matecfg->dbg_facility = NULL; matecfg->mate_lib_path = g_strdup_printf("%s%c%s%c",get_datafile_dir(),DIR_SEP,DEFAULT_MATE_LIB_PATH,DIR_SEP);; matecfg->pducfgs = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash,g_str_equal); matecfg->gopcfgs = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash,g_str_equal); matecfg->gogcfgs = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash,g_str_equal); matecfg->transfs = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash,g_str_equal); matecfg->pducfglist = g_ptr_array_new(); matecfg->gops_by_pduname = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash,g_str_equal); matecfg->gogs_by_gopname = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash,g_str_equal); matecfg->ett_root = -1; matecfg->hfrs = g_array_new(FALSE,FALSE,sizeof(hf_register_info)); matecfg->ett = g_array_new(FALSE,FALSE,sizeof(gint*)); matecfg->defaults.pdu.drop_unassigned = FALSE; matecfg->defaults.pdu.discard = FALSE; matecfg->defaults.pdu.last_extracted = FALSE; matecfg->defaults.pdu.match_mode = AVPL_STRICT; matecfg->defaults.pdu.replace_mode = AVPL_INSERT; /* gop prefs */ matecfg->defaults.gop.expiration = -1.0; matecfg->defaults.gop.idle_timeout = -1.0; matecfg->defaults.gop.lifetime = -1.0; matecfg->defaults.gop.pdu_tree_mode = GOP_FRAME_TREE; matecfg->defaults.gop.show_times = TRUE; matecfg->defaults.gop.drop_unassigned = FALSE; /* gog prefs */ matecfg->defaults.gog.expiration = 5.0; matecfg->defaults.gog.show_times = TRUE; matecfg->defaults.gog.gop_tree_mode = GOP_BASIC_TREE; /* what to dbgprint */ matecfg->dbg_lvl = 0; matecfg->dbg_pdu_lvl = 0; matecfg->dbg_gop_lvl = 0; matecfg->dbg_gog_lvl = 0; matecfg->config_error = g_string_new(""); ett = &matecfg->ett_root; g_array_append_val(matecfg->ett,ett); if ( mate_load_config(filename,matecfg) ) { analyze_config(); } else { report_failure("MATE failed to configure!\n" "It is recommended that you fix your config and restart Wireshark.\n" "The reported error is:\n%s\n",matecfg->config_error->str); /* if (matecfg) destroy_mate_config(matecfg,FALSE); */ matecfg = NULL; return NULL; } if (matecfg->fields_filter->len > 1) { g_string_erase(matecfg->fields_filter,0,2); g_string_erase(matecfg->protos_filter,0,2); } else { /*destroy_mate_config(matecfg,FALSE);*/ matecfg = NULL; return NULL; } matecfg->tap_filter = g_strdup_printf("(%s) && (%s)",matecfg->protos_filter->str,matecfg->fields_filter->str); return matecfg; }