/* packet-ams.c * Routines for ethercat packet disassembly * * Copyright (c) 2007 by Beckhoff Automation GmbH * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ /* Include files */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include "packet-ams.h" void proto_register_ams(void); void proto_reg_handoff_ams(void); /* Define the ams proto */ int proto_ams = -1; /* Define the tree for ams */ static int ett_ams = -1; static int ett_ams_stateflags = -1; static int ett_ams_adsreadrequest = -1; static int ett_ams_adsreadresponse = -1; static int ett_ams_adswriterequest = -1; static int ett_ams_adswriteresponse = -1; static int ett_ams_adsreadwriterequest = -1; static int ett_ams_adsreadwriteresponse = -1; static int ett_ams_adsreadstaterequest = -1; static int ett_ams_adsreadstateresponse = -1; static int ett_ams_adswritectrlrequest = -1; static int ett_ams_adswritectrlresponse = -1; static int ett_ams_adsreaddinforequest = -1; static int ett_ams_adsreaddinforesponse = -1; static int ett_ams_adsadddnrequest = -1; static int ett_ams_adsadddnresponse = -1; static int ett_ams_adsdeldnrequest = -1; static int ett_ams_adsdeldnresponse = -1; static int ett_ams_adsdnrequest = -1; static int hf_ams_sendernetid = -1; static int hf_ams_senderport = -1; static int hf_ams_targetnetid = -1; static int hf_ams_targetport = -1; static int hf_ams_cmdid = -1; static int hf_ams_stateflags = -1; static int hf_ams_stateresponse = -1; static int hf_ams_statenoreturn = -1; static int hf_ams_stateadscmd = -1; static int hf_ams_statesyscmd = -1; static int hf_ams_statehighprio = -1; static int hf_ams_statetimestampadded = -1; static int hf_ams_stateudp = -1; static int hf_ams_stateinitcmd = -1; static int hf_ams_statebroadcast = -1; static int hf_ams_cbdata = -1; static int hf_ams_errorcode = -1; static int hf_ams_invokeid = -1; static int hf_ams_data = -1; /*ads Commands */ static int hf_ams_adsindexgroup = -1; static int hf_ams_adsindexoffset = -1; static int hf_ams_adscblength = -1; static int hf_ams_adsreadrequest = -1; static int hf_ams_adsreadresponse = -1; static int hf_ams_adsinvokeid = -1; static int hf_ams_adsresult = -1; static int hf_ams_adsdata = -1; static int hf_ams_adswriterequest = -1; static int hf_ams_adswriteresponse = -1; static int hf_ams_adsreadwriterequest = -1; static int hf_ams_adsreadwriteresponse = -1; static int hf_ams_adscbreadlength = -1; static int hf_ams_adscbwritelength = -1; static int hf_ams_adsstate = -1; static int hf_ams_adsdevicestate = -1; static int hf_ams_adsnotificationhandle = -1; static int hf_ams_adsreadstaterequest = -1; static int hf_ams_adsreadstateresponse = -1; static int hf_ams_adswritectrlrequest = -1; static int hf_ams_adswritectrlresponse = -1; static int hf_ams_adsreaddinforequest = -1; static int hf_ams_adsreaddinforesponse = -1; static int hf_ams_adsadddnrequest = -1; static int hf_ams_adsadddnresponse = -1; static int hf_ams_adsdeldnrequest = -1; static int hf_ams_adsdeldnresponse = -1; static int hf_ams_adsdnrequest = -1; /* static int hf_ams_adsdnresponse = -1; */ /* static int hf_ams_adsnoteattrib = -1; */ /* static int hf_ams_adsnoteblocks = -1; */ /* static int hf_ams_adsversion = -1; */ static int hf_ams_adsdevicename = -1; static int hf_ams_adsversionversion = -1; static int hf_ams_adsversionrevision = -1; static int hf_ams_adsversionbuild = -1; static int hf_ams_adsnoteblocksstamps = -1; /* static int hf_ams_adsnoteblocksstamp = -1; */ /* static int hf_ams_adstimestamp = -1; */ /* static int hf_ams_adssamplecnt = -1; */ /* static int hf_ams_adsnoteblockssample = -1; */ static int hf_ams_adstransmode = -1; static int hf_ams_adsmaxdelay = -1; static int hf_ams_adscycletime = -1; /* static int hf_ams_adscmpmax = -1; */ /* static int hf_ams_adscmpmin = -1; */ static const value_string TransMode[] = { { 0, "NO TRANS"}, { 1, "CLIENT CYCLE"}, { 2, "CLIENT ON CHANGE"}, { 3, "SERVER CYCLE"}, { 4, "SERVER ON CHANGE"}, { 10, "CLIENT FIRST REQUEST"}, { 0, NULL } }; static const value_string ErrorCode[] = { { ERR_NOERROR, "NO ERROR"}, { ERR_INTERNAL, "INTERNAL"}, { ERR_NORTIME, "NO RTIME"}, { ERR_ALLOCLOCKEDMEM, "ALLOC LOCKED MEM"}, { ERR_INSERTMAILBOX, "INSERT MAILBOX"}, { ERR_WRONGRECEIVEHMSG, "WRONGRECEIVEHMSG"}, { ERR_TARGETPORTNOTFOUND, "TARGET PORT NOT FOUND"}, { ERR_TARGETMACHINENOTFOUND, "TARGET MACHINE NOT FOUND"}, { ERR_UNKNOWNCMDID, "UNKNOWN CMDID"}, { ERR_BADTASKID, "BAD TASKID"}, { ERR_NOIO, "NOIO"}, { ERR_UNKNOWNAMSCMD, "UNKNOWN AMSCMD"}, { ERR_WIN32ERROR, "WIN32 ERROR"}, { ERR_PORTNOTCONNECTED, "PORT NOT CONNECTED"}, { ERR_INVALIDAMSLENGTH, "INVALID AMS LENGTH"}, { ERR_INVALIDAMSNETID, "INVALID AMS NETID"}, { ERR_LOWINSTLEVEL, "LOW INST LEVEL"}, { ERR_NODEBUGINTAVAILABLE, "NO DEBUG INT AVAILABLE"}, { ERR_PORTDISABLED, "PORT DISABLED"}, { ERR_PORTALREADYCONNECTED, "PORT ALREADY CONNECTED"}, { ERR_AMSSYNC_W32ERROR, "AMSSYNC_W32ERROR"}, { ERR_AMSSYNC_TIMEOUT, "AMSSYNC_TIMEOUT"}, { ERR_AMSSYNC_AMSERROR, "AMSSYNC_AMSERROR"}, { ERR_AMSSYNC_NOINDEXINMAP, "AMSSYNC_NOINDEXINMAP"}, { ERR_INVALIDAMSPORT, "INVALID AMSPORT"}, { ERR_NOMEMORY, "NO MEMORY"}, { ERR_TCPSEND, "TCP SEND"}, { ERR_HOSTUNREACHABLE, "HOST UNREACHABLE"}, { ROUTERERR_NOLOCKEDMEMORY, "ROUTERERR_NOLOCKEDMEMORY"}, { ROUTERERR_RESIZEMEMORY, "ROUTERERR_RESIZEMEMORY"}, { ROUTERERR_MAILBOXFULL, "ROUTERERR_MAILBOXFULL"}, { ROUTERERR_DEBUGBOXFULL, "ROUTERERR_DEBUGBOXFULL"}, { ROUTERERR_UNKNOWNPORTTYPE, "ROUTERERR_UNKNOWNPORTTYPE"}, { ROUTERERR_NOTINITIALIZED, "ROUTERERR_NOTINITIALIZED"}, { ROUTERERR_PORTALREADYINUSE, "ROUTERERR_PORTALREADYINUSE"}, { ROUTERERR_NOTREGISTERED, "ROUTERERR_NOTREGISTERED "}, { ROUTERERR_NOMOREQUEUES, "ROUTERERR_NOMOREQUEUES"}, { ROUTERERR_INVALIDPORT, "ROUTERERR_INVALIDPORT"}, { ROUTERERR_NOTACTIVATED, "ROUTERERR_NOTACTIVATED"}, { IOERR_INTERNAL, "IOERR_INTERNAL"}, { IOERR_BADCARDNO, "IOERR_BADCARDNO"}, { IOERR_INVALIDCARDADDR, "IOERR_INVALIDCARDADDR"}, { IOERR_CDLLISTFULL, "IOERR_CDLLISTFULL"}, { IOERR_BADCDLPARAM, "IOERR_BADCDLPARAM"}, { IOERR_OPENIOFAILED, "IOERR_OPENIOFAILED"}, { IOERR_RESETIOFAILED, "IOERR_RESETIOFAILED"}, { IOERR_UNKNOWNDEVICE, "IOERR_UNKNOWNDEVICE"}, { IOERR_UNKNOWNDEVICEID, "IOERR_UNKNOWNDEVICEID"}, { IOERR_UNKNOWNIMAGEID, "IOERR_UNKNOWNIMAGEID"}, { IOERR_GETIOSTATE, "IOERR_GETIOSTATE"}, { IOERR_BADIMAGEID, "IOERR_BADIMAGEID"}, { IOERR_NOMORECLIENTSPACE, "IOERR_NOMORECLIENTSPACE"}, { IOERR_CLIENTINFONOTFOUND, "IOERR_CLIENTINFONOTFOUND"}, { IOERR_CDLNOTINUSE, "IOERR_CDLNOTINUSE"}, { IOERR_TIMEOUTWITHDEVICE, "IOERR_TIMEOUTWITHDEVICE"}, { IOERR_C1220FUNC_1, "IOERR_C1220FUNC_1"}, { IOERR_C1220FUNC_9, "IOERR_C1220FUNC_9"}, { IOERR_C1220FUNC_C, "IOERR_C1220FUNC_C"}, { IOERR_C1220FUNC_10, "IOERR_C1220FUNC_10"}, { IOERR_C1220FUNC_1_MAXSEND, "IOERR_C1220FUNC_1_MAXSEND"}, { IOERR_C1220FUNC_1_ADDRSET, "IOERR_C1220FUNC_1_ADDRSET"}, { IOERR_C1220FUNC_1_BREAK, "IOERR_C1220FUNC_1_BREAK"}, { IOERR_C1220FUNC_1_BREAK0, "IOERR_C1220FUNC_1_BREAK0"}, { IOERR_C1220FUNC_1_BREAK1, "IOERR_C1220FUNC_1_BREAK1"}, { IOERR_C1220FUNC_1_BREAK2, "IOERR_C1220FUNC_1_BREAK2"}, { IOERR_C1220FUNC_1_BREAK3, "IOERR_C1220FUNC_1_BREAK3"}, { IOERR_C1220FUNC_1_BREAK4, "IOERR_C1220FUNC_1_BREAK4"}, { IOERR_C1220FUNC_1_BREAK5, "IOERR_C1220FUNC_1_BREAK5"}, { IOERR_C1220FUNC_1_BREAK6, "IOERR_C1220FUNC_1_BREAK6"}, { IOERR_C1220FUNC_1_BREAK7, "IOERR_C1220FUNC_1_BREAK7"}, { IOERR_C1220FUNC_1_BREAK8, "IOERR_C1220FUNC_1_BREAK8"}, { IOERR_C1220FUNC_1_BREAK9, "IOERR_C1220FUNC_1_BREAK9"}, { IOERR_C1220FUNC_1_BREAK10, "IOERR_C1220FUNC_1_BREAK10"}, { IOERR_C1220FUNC_1_BREAK11, "IOERR_C1220FUNC_1_BREAK11"}, { IOERR_C1220FUNC_1_BREAK12, "IOERR_C1220FUNC_1_BREAK12"}, { IOERR_C1220FUNC_1_BREAK13, "IOERR_C1220FUNC_1_BREAK13"}, { IOERR_C1220FUNC_1_BREAK14, "IOERR_C1220FUNC_1_BREAK14"}, { IOERR_C1220FUNC_1_BREAK15, "IOERR_C1220FUNC_1_BREAK15"}, { IOERR_C1220FUNC_1_BREAK16, "IOERR_C1220FUNC_1_BREAK16"}, { IOERR_SPC3DEVINITDP, "IOERR_SPC3DEVINITDP"}, { IOERR_SPC3UPDATEOUTPUT, "IOERR_SPC3UPDATEOUTPUT"}, { IOERR_CIF30READDIAG, "IOERR_CIF30READDIAG"}, { IOERR_CIF30COMMNOTSTARTED, "IOERR_CIF30COMMNOTSTARTED"}, { IOERR_CIF30SLAVEPARASIZE, "IOERR_CIF30SLAVEPARASIZE"}, { IOERR_CIF30NOPARAS, "IOERR_CIF30NOPARAS"}, { IOERR_CIF30SLAVEERROR, "IOERR_CIF30SLAVEERROR"}, { IOERR_CIF30WATCHDOGEXPIRED, "IOERR_CIF30WATCHDOGEXPIRED"}, { IOERR_UNKNOWNDEVICECMD, "IOERR_UNKNOWNDEVICECMD"}, { IOERR_CIF40MESSAGEHANDLING, "IOERR_CIF40MESSAGEHANDLING"}, { IOERR_CIF40PARAERROR, "IOERR_CIF40PARAERROR"}, { IOERR_CIF40WATCHDOGEXPIRED, "IOERR_CIF40WATCHDOGEXPIRED"}, { IOERR_CIF40FLAGERROR, "IOERR_CIF40FLAGERROR"}, { IOERR_CIF40COMMNOTSTARTED, "IOERR_CIF40COMMNOTSTARTED"}, { IOERR_CIF40READDIAG, "IOERR_CIF40READDIAG"}, { IOERR_CIF40SLAVEERROR, "IOERR_CIF40SLAVEERROR"}, { IOERR_CIF40GLOBALERROR, "IOERR_CIF40GLOBALERROR"}, { IOERR_CIF40CONFIGLIST, "IOERR_CIF40CONFIGLIST"}, { IOERR_CP5412A2SLAVEPARASIZE, "IOERR_CP5412A2SLAVEPARASIZE"}, { IOERR_CP5412A2NOPARAS, "IOERR_CP5412A2NOPARAS"}, { IOERR_CP5412A2SLAVEERROR, "IOERR_CP5412A2SLAVEERROR"}, { IOERR_CP5412A2FATAL, "IOERR_CP5412A2FATAL"}, { IOERR_CP5412A2MAILBOXUSED, "IOERR_CP5412A2MAILBOXUSED"}, { IOERR_BEGINCONFIGWHILETICKER, "IOERR_BEGINCONFIGWHILETICKER"}, { IOERR_UNEXPECTEDBOXCOUNT, "IOERR_UNEXPECTEDBOXCOUNT"}, { IOERR_C1200CHECKADDR, "IOERR_C1200CHECKADDR"}, { IOERR_C1200INTENSITYTEST, "IOERR_C1200INTENSITYTEST"}, { IOERR_NOIMAGE, "IOERR_NOIMAGE"}, { IOERR_INVALIDIMAGEOFFSSIZE, "IOERR_INVALIDIMAGEOFFSSIZE"}, { IOERR_FORCESCOUNTEXCEEDEDMAXIMUM, "IOERR_FORCESCOUNTEXCEEDEDMAXIMUM"}, { IOERR_SERCOSLIFECOUNTERERR, "IOERR_SERCOSLIFECOUNTERERR"}, { IOERR_C1220NOTFOUND, "IOERR_C1220NOTFOUND"}, { IOERR_AMSDEVICENOAMSINTF, "IOERR_AMSDEVICENOAMSINTF"}, { IOERR_AMSDEVICEAMSCMDIDNOTSUPP, "IOERR_AMSDEVICEAMSCMDIDNOTSUPP"}, { IOERR_AMSDEVICEAMSSERVICERUNNING, "IOERR_AMSDEVICEAMSSERVICERUNNING"}, { IOERR_PLCINTERFACE_BUSY, "IOERR_PLCINTERFACE_BUSY"}, { IOERR_PLCINTERFACE_FAULT, "IOERR_PLCINTERFACE_FAULT"}, { IOERR_PLCINTERFACE_TIMEOUT, "IOERR_PLCINTERFACE_TIMEOUT"}, { IOERR_PLCINTERFACE_RESETTIMEOUT, "IOERR_PLCINTERFACE_RESETTIMEOUT"}, { IOERR_PLCINTERFACE_NODATAEXCH, "IOERR_PLCINTERFACE_NODATAEXCH"}, { IOERR_PLCINTERFACE_RESET, "IOERR_PLCINTERFACE_RESET"}, { IOERR_CP5412A2INVALIDADDR, "IOERR_CP5412A2INVALIDADDR"}, { IOERR_CP5412A2INVALIDPORT, "IOERR_CP5412A2INVALIDPORT"}, { IOERR_AMSDEVICEBADBOXNO, "IOERR_AMSDEVICEBADBOXNO"}, { IOERR_AMSDEVICEBADTYPE, "IOERR_AMSDEVICEBADTYPE"}, { IOERR_AMSDEVICEILLEGALADDRESS, "IOERR_AMSDEVICEILLEGALADDRESS"}, { IOERR_CP5412A2INVALIDBOX, "IOERR_CP5412A2INVALIDBOX"}, { IOERR_AMSDEVICEFIFOOVERFLOW, "IOERR_AMSDEVICEFIFOOVERFLOW"}, { IOERR_AMSDEVICEAMSSEQUENCEERROR, "IOERR_AMSDEVICEAMSSEQUENCEERROR"}, { IOERR_CP5412A2DPV1SYNTAXERROR, "IOERR_CP5412A2DPV1SYNTAXERROR"}, { IOERR_CP5412A2DEVICENOTRUNNING, "IOERR_CP5412A2DEVICENOTRUNNING"}, { IOERR_AMSDEVICENOTRUNNING, "IOERR_AMSDEVICENOTRUNNING"}, { IOERR_AMSDEVICEBOXNOTDEFINED, "IOERR_AMSDEVICEBOXNOTDEFINED"}, { IOERR_CP5412A2BADSERVICEPARA, "IOERR_CP5412A2BADSERVICEPARA"}, { IOERR_CP5412A2FIFOOVERFLOW, "IOERR_CP5412A2FIFOOVERFLOW"}, { IOERR_COMPORTOPENFAILED, "IOERR_COMPORTOPENFAILED"}, { IOERR_CIF30BADMESSAGERESPONSE, "IOERR_CIF30BADMESSAGERESPONSE"}, { IOERR_CIF30DELETEDATABASE, "IOERR_CIF30DELETEDATABASE"}, { IOERR_CIF30STARTSEQFAILED, "IOERR_CIF30STARTSEQFAILED"}, { IOERR_CIF30DOWNLOADFAILED, "IOERR_CIF30DOWNLOADFAILED"}, { IOERR_CIF30ENDSEQFAILED, "IOERR_CIF30ENDSEQFAILED"}, { IOERR_CIF30BUSLOADFAILED, "IOERR_CIF30BUSLOADFAILED"}, { IOERR_PLCINTERFACE_RESETREQ, "IOERR_PLCINTERFACE_RESETREQ"}, { IOERR_CP5412A2INVALIDCYCLETICKS, "IOERR_CP5412A2INVALIDCYCLETICKS"}, { IOERR_CP5412A2DPBUSFAULT, "IOERR_CP5412A2DPBUSFAULT"}, { IOERR_INVALIDTERMCONFIG, "IOERR_INVALIDTERMCONFIG"}, { IOERR_SERCANSBREAK, "IOERR_SERCANSBREAK"}, { IOERR_SERCANSPHASE0, "IOERR_SERCANSPHASE0"}, { IOERR_SERCANSPHASE1, "IOERR_SERCANSPHASE1"}, { IOERR_SERCANSPHASE2, "IOERR_SERCANSPHASE2"}, { IOERR_SERCANSPHASE3, "IOERR_SERCANSPHASE3"}, { IOERR_SERCANSPHASE4, "IOERR_SERCANSPHASE4"}, { IOERR_SERCANSNCSERVICECHNFAILED, "IOERR_SERCANSNCSERVICECHNFAILED"}, { IOERR_RESOURCECONFICT, "IOERR_RESOURCECONFICT"}, { IOERR_C1220INITSTRINGCOMM, "IOERR_C1220INITSTRINGCOMM"}, { IOERR_C1220REGSTRINGSLAVE, "IOERR_C1220REGSTRINGSLAVE"}, { IOERR_C1220STRREGFAULT, "IOERR_C1220STRREGFAULT"}, { IOERR_IOSTATEBUSY, "IOERR_IOSTATEBUSY"}, { IOERR_IBSSCITWATCHDOGEXPIRED, "IOERR_IBSSCITWATCHDOGEXPIRED"}, { IOERR_IBSSCITSYNCMAILBOXERROR, "IOERR_IBSSCITSYNCMAILBOXERROR"}, { IOERR_IBSSCITCONFIRMDIAGERROR, "IOERR_IBSSCITCONFIRMDIAGERROR"}, { IOERR_IBSSCITCREATECFGERROR, "IOERR_IBSSCITCREATECFGERROR"}, { 0, NULL } }; static const value_string AdsErrorMode[] = { { ADSERR_NOERR, "NO ERROR", }, { ADSERR_DEVICE_ERROR, "ERROR", }, { ADSERR_DEVICE_SRVNOTSUPP, "SRV NOT SUPP", }, { ADSERR_DEVICE_INVALIDGRP, "INVALID GRP", }, { ADSERR_DEVICE_INVALIDOFFSET, "INVALID OFFSET", }, { ADSERR_DEVICE_INVALIDACCESS, "INVALID ACCESS", }, { ADSERR_DEVICE_INVALIDSIZE, "INVALID SIZE", }, { ADSERR_DEVICE_INVALIDDATA, "INVALID DATA", }, { ADSERR_DEVICE_NOTREADY, "NOT READY", }, { ADSERR_DEVICE_BUSY, "BUSY", }, { ADSERR_DEVICE_INVALIDCONTEXT, "INVALID CONTEXT", }, { ADSERR_DEVICE_NOMEMORY, "NO MEMORY", }, { ADSERR_DEVICE_INVALIDPARM, "INVALID PARM", }, { ADSERR_DEVICE_NOTFOUND, "NOT FOUND", }, { ADSERR_DEVICE_SYNTAX, "SYNTAX", }, { ADSERR_DEVICE_INCOMPATIBLE, "INCOMPATIBLE", }, { ADSERR_DEVICE_EXISTS, "EXISTS", }, { ADSERR_DEVICE_SYMBOLNOTFOUND, "SYMBOL NOT FOUND", }, { ADSERR_DEVICE_SYMBOLVERSIONINVALID, "SYMBOL VERSION INVALID", }, { ADSERR_DEVICE_INVALIDSTATE, "INVALID STATE", }, { ADSERR_DEVICE_TRANSMODENOTSUPP, "TRANS MODE NOT SUPP", }, { ADSERR_DEVICE_NOTIFYHNDINVALID, "NOTIFY HND INVALID", }, { ADSERR_DEVICE_CLIENTUNKNOWN, "CLIENT UNKNOWN", }, { ADSERR_DEVICE_NOMOREHDLS, "NO MORE HDLS", }, { ADSERR_DEVICE_INVALIDWATCHSIZE, "INVALID WATCHSIZE", }, { ADSERR_DEVICE_NOTINIT, "NOT INIT", }, { ADSERR_DEVICE_TIMEOUT, "TIMEOUT", }, { ADSERR_DEVICE_NOINTERFACE, "NO INTERFACE", }, { ADSERR_DEVICE_INVALIDINTERFACE, "INVALID INTERFACE", }, { ADSERR_DEVICE_INVALIDCLSID, "INVALID CLSID", }, { ADSERR_DEVICE_INVALIDOBJID, "INVALID OBJID", }, { ADSERR_DEVICE_PENDING, "PENDING", }, { ADSERR_DEVICE_ABORTED, "ABORTED", }, { ADSERR_DEVICE_WARNING, "WARNING", }, { ADSERR_DEVICE_INVALIDARRAYIDX, "INVALID ARRAY IDX", }, { ADSERR_CLIENT_ERROR, "CLIENT ERROR", }, { ADSERR_CLIENT_INVALIDPARM, "CLIENT INVALID PARM", }, { ADSERR_CLIENT_LISTEMPTY, "CLIENT LIST EMPTY", }, { ADSERR_CLIENT_VARUSED, "CLIENT VAR USED", }, { ADSERR_CLIENT_DUPLINVOKEID, "CLIENT DUPL INVOKEID", }, { ADSERR_CLIENT_SYNCTIMEOUT, "CLIENT SYNC TIMEOUT", }, { ADSERR_CLIENT_W32ERROR, "CLIENT W32ERROR", }, { ADSERR_CLIENT_TIMEOUTINVALID, "CLIENT TIMEOUT INVALID", }, { ADSERR_CLIENT_PORTNOTOPEN, "CLIENT PORT NOT OPEN", }, { ADSERR_CLIENT_NOAMSADDR, "CLIENT NO AMS ADDR", }, { ADSERR_CLIENT_SYNCINTERNAL, "CLIENT SYNC INTERNAL", }, { ADSERR_CLIENT_ADDHASH, "CLIENT ADD HASH", }, { ADSERR_CLIENT_REMOVEHASH, "CLIENT REMOVE HASH", }, { ADSERR_CLIENT_NOMORESYM, "CLIENT NO MORE SYM", }, { ADSERR_CLIENT_SYNCRESINVALID, "CLIENT SYNC RES INVALID", }, { ADSERR_CLIENT_SYNCPORTLOCKED, "CLIENT SYNC PORT LOCKED", }, { 0, NULL } }; /* AMS Command Id * http://infosys.beckhoff.com/english.php?content=../content/1033/tcadsamsspec/html/tcadsamsspec_adscmd_readstate.htm&id=10652 */ static const value_string AMS_CommandId_vals[] = { { ADSSRVID_INVALID, "Invalid", }, { ADSSRVID_READDEVICEINFO, "ADS Read Device Info", }, { ADSSRVID_READ, "ADS Read", }, { ADSSRVID_WRITE, "ADS Write", }, { ADSSRVID_READSTATE, "ADS Read State", }, { ADSSRVID_WRITECTRL, "ADS Write Control", }, { ADSSRVID_ADDDEVICENOTE, "ADS Add Device Notification", }, { ADSSRVID_DELDEVICENOTE, "ADS Delete Device Notification", }, { ADSSRVID_DEVICENOTE, "ADS Device Notification", }, { ADSSRVID_READWRITE, "ADS Read Write", }, { 0, NULL } }; static void NetIdFormater(tvbuff_t *tvb, guint offset, char *szText, gint nMax) { g_snprintf ( szText, nMax, "%d.%d.%d.%d.%d.%d", tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset), tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset+1), tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset+2), tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset+3), tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset+4), tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset+5) ); } /*ams*/ static gint dissect_ams_pdu(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, gint offset) { proto_item *ti, *anItem; proto_tree *ams_tree = NULL, *ams_adstree, *ams_statetree; guint ams_length = tvb_reported_length(tvb); guint16 stateflags = 0; guint16 cmdId = 0; guint32 cbdata = 0; char szText[200]; int nMax = sizeof(szText)-1; col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL, "AMS"); col_clear(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO); if( ams_length < AmsHead_Len ) return offset; if (tree) { ti = proto_tree_add_item(tree, proto_ams, tvb, 0, -1, ENC_NA); ams_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_ams); NetIdFormater(tvb, offset, szText, nMax); proto_tree_add_string(ams_tree, hf_ams_targetnetid, tvb, offset, AmsNetId_Len, szText); offset += AmsNetId_Len; proto_tree_add_item(ams_tree, hf_ams_targetport, tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint16), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset += (int)sizeof(guint16); NetIdFormater(tvb, offset, szText, nMax); proto_tree_add_string(ams_tree, hf_ams_sendernetid, tvb, offset, AmsNetId_Len, szText); offset += AmsNetId_Len; proto_tree_add_item(ams_tree, hf_ams_senderport, tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint16), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset += (int)sizeof(guint16); proto_tree_add_item(ams_tree, hf_ams_cmdid, tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint16), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); cmdId = tvb_get_letohs(tvb, offset); offset+=(int)sizeof(guint16); anItem = proto_tree_add_item(ams_tree, hf_ams_stateflags, tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint16), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); ams_statetree = proto_item_add_subtree(anItem, ett_ams_stateflags); proto_tree_add_item(ams_statetree, hf_ams_stateresponse,tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint16), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); proto_tree_add_item(ams_statetree, hf_ams_statenoreturn,tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint16), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); proto_tree_add_item(ams_statetree, hf_ams_stateadscmd,tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint16), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); proto_tree_add_item(ams_statetree, hf_ams_statesyscmd,tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint16), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); proto_tree_add_item(ams_statetree, hf_ams_statehighprio,tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint16), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); proto_tree_add_item(ams_statetree, hf_ams_statetimestampadded,tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint16), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); proto_tree_add_item(ams_statetree, hf_ams_stateudp,tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint16), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); proto_tree_add_item(ams_statetree, hf_ams_stateinitcmd,tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint16), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); proto_tree_add_item(ams_statetree, hf_ams_statebroadcast,tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint16), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); stateflags = tvb_get_letohs(tvb, offset); offset+=(int)sizeof(guint16); proto_tree_add_item(ams_tree, hf_ams_cbdata, tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint32), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); cbdata = tvb_get_letohl(tvb,offset); offset+=(int)sizeof(guint32); proto_tree_add_item(ams_tree, hf_ams_errorcode, tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint32),ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset+=(int)sizeof(guint32); proto_tree_add_item(ams_tree, hf_ams_invokeid, tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint32), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset+=(int)sizeof(guint32); } else { offset+=AmsHead_Len; } if ( (stateflags & AMSCMDSF_ADSCMD) != 0 ) { /* ADS */ if ( (stateflags & AMSCMDSF_RESPONSE) == 0 ) { /* Request */ switch ( cmdId ) { case ADSSRVID_READ: { col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "ADS Read Request"); if( tree ) { anItem = proto_tree_add_item(ams_tree, hf_ams_adsreadrequest, tvb, offset, ams_length-offset, ENC_NA); if( ams_length-offset >= TAdsReadReq_Len ) { ams_adstree = proto_item_add_subtree(anItem, ett_ams_adsreadrequest); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adsindexgroup, tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint32), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset+=(int)sizeof(guint32); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adsindexoffset, tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint32), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset+=(int)sizeof(guint32); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adscblength, tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint32), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset+=(int)sizeof(guint32); } } } break; case ADSSRVID_WRITE: { col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "ADS Write Request"); if( tree ) { anItem = proto_tree_add_item(ams_tree, hf_ams_adswriterequest, tvb, offset, ams_length-offset, ENC_NA); if( ams_length-offset >= TAdsWriteReq_Len - (int)sizeof(guint16) ) { ams_adstree = proto_item_add_subtree(anItem, ett_ams_adswriterequest); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adsindexgroup, tvb, offset, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset+=(int)sizeof(guint32); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adsindexoffset, tvb, offset, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset+=(int)sizeof(guint32); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adscblength, tvb, offset, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset+=(int)sizeof(guint32); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adsdata, tvb, offset, ams_length-offset, ENC_NA); } } } break; case ADSSRVID_READWRITE: { col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "ADS Read Write Request"); if( tree ) { anItem = proto_tree_add_item(ams_tree, hf_ams_adsreadwriterequest, tvb, offset, ams_length-offset, ENC_NA); if( ams_length-offset >= TAdsReadWriteReq_Len - (int)sizeof(guint16)) { ams_adstree = proto_item_add_subtree(anItem, ett_ams_adsreadwriterequest); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adsindexgroup, tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint32), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset+=(int)sizeof(guint32); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adsindexoffset, tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint32), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset+=(int)sizeof(guint32); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adscbreadlength, tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint32), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset+=(int)sizeof(guint32); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adscbwritelength, tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint32), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset+=(int)sizeof(guint32); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adsdata, tvb, offset, ams_length-offset, ENC_NA); } } } break; case ADSSRVID_READSTATE: { col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "ADS Read State Request"); if( tree && cbdata !=0 ) { anItem = proto_tree_add_item(ams_tree, hf_ams_adsreadstaterequest, tvb, offset, ams_length-offset, ENC_NA); if( ams_length-offset >= TAdsReadStateReq_Len ) { ams_adstree = proto_item_add_subtree(anItem, ett_ams_adsreadstaterequest); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adsinvokeid, tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint32), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); } } } break; case ADSSRVID_WRITECTRL: { col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "ADS Write Control Request"); if( tree ) { anItem = proto_tree_add_item(ams_tree, hf_ams_adswritectrlrequest, tvb, offset, ams_length-offset, ENC_NA); if( ams_length-offset >= TAdsWriteControlReq_Len - (int)sizeof(guint16) ) { ams_adstree = proto_item_add_subtree(anItem, ett_ams_adswritectrlrequest); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adsstate, tvb, offset, 2, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset+=(int)sizeof(guint16); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adsdevicestate, tvb, offset, 2, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset+=(int)sizeof(guint16); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adscblength, tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint32), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset+=(int)sizeof(guint32); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adsdata, tvb, offset, ams_length-offset, ENC_NA); } } } break; case ADSSRVID_READDEVICEINFO: { col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "ADS Read Device Info Request"); if( tree && cbdata !=0 ) { anItem = proto_tree_add_item(ams_tree, hf_ams_adsreaddinforequest, tvb, offset, ams_length-offset, ENC_NA); if( ams_length-offset >= TAdsReadDeviceInfoReq_Len ) { ams_adstree = proto_item_add_subtree(anItem, ett_ams_adsreaddinforequest); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adsresult, tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint32), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); } } } break; case ADSSRVID_ADDDEVICENOTE: { col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "ADS Add Device Notification Request"); if( tree ) { anItem = proto_tree_add_item(ams_tree, hf_ams_adsadddnrequest, tvb, offset, ams_length-offset, ENC_NA); if( ams_length-offset >= TAdsAddDeviceNotificationReq_Len ) { ams_adstree = proto_item_add_subtree(anItem, ett_ams_adsadddnrequest); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adsindexgroup, tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint32), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset+=(int)sizeof(guint32); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adsindexoffset, tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint32), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset+=(int)sizeof(guint32); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adscblength, tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint32), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset+=(int)sizeof(guint32); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adstransmode, tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint32), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset+=(int)sizeof(guint32); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adsmaxdelay, tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint32), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset+=(int)sizeof(guint32); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adscycletime, tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint32), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset+=(int)sizeof(guint32); } } } break; case ADSSRVID_DELDEVICENOTE: { col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "ADS Delete Device Notification Request"); if( tree ) { anItem = proto_tree_add_item(ams_tree, hf_ams_adsdeldnrequest, tvb, offset, ams_length-offset, ENC_NA); if( ams_length-offset >= TAdsDelDeviceNotificationReq_Len ) { ams_adstree = proto_item_add_subtree(anItem, ett_ams_adsdeldnrequest); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adsnotificationhandle, tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint32), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); } } } break; case ADSSRVID_DEVICENOTE: { col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "ADS Device Notification Request"); if( tree ) { /*guint32 cbLength; guint32 nStamps;*/ anItem = proto_tree_add_item(ams_tree, hf_ams_adsdnrequest, tvb, offset, ams_length-offset, ENC_NA); if( ams_length-offset >= TAdsDeviceNotificationReq_Len ) { ams_adstree = proto_item_add_subtree(anItem, ett_ams_adsdnrequest); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adscblength, tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint32), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); /*cbLength = tvb_get_letohs(tvb, offset);*/ offset+=(int)sizeof(guint32); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adsnoteblocksstamps, tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint32), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); /*nStamps = tvb_get_letohs(tvb, offset);*/ offset+=(int)sizeof(guint32); /*ToDo: dissect noteblocks*/ } } } break; } } else { /* Response */ switch ( cmdId ) { case ADSSRVID_READ: { col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "ADS Read Response"); if( tree ) { anItem = proto_tree_add_item(ams_tree, hf_ams_adsreadresponse, tvb, offset, ams_length-offset, ENC_NA); if( ams_length-offset >= TAdsReadRes_Len - (int)sizeof(guint16) ) { ams_adstree = proto_item_add_subtree(anItem, ett_ams_adsreadresponse); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adsresult, tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint32), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset+=(int)sizeof(guint32); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adscblength, tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint32), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset+=(int)sizeof(guint32); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adsdata, tvb, offset, ams_length-offset, ENC_NA); } } } break; case ADSSRVID_WRITE: { col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "ADS Write Response"); if( tree ) { anItem = proto_tree_add_item(ams_tree, hf_ams_adswriteresponse, tvb, offset, ams_length-offset, ENC_NA); if( ams_length-offset >= TAdsWriteRes_Len ) { ams_adstree = proto_item_add_subtree(anItem, ett_ams_adswriteresponse); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adsresult, tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint32), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); } } } break; case ADSSRVID_READWRITE: { col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "ADS Read Write Response"); if( tree ) { anItem = proto_tree_add_item(ams_tree, hf_ams_adsreadwriteresponse, tvb, offset, ams_length-offset, ENC_NA); if( ams_length-offset >= TAdsReadWriteRes_Len - (int)sizeof(guint16) ) { ams_adstree = proto_item_add_subtree(anItem, ett_ams_adsreadwriteresponse); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adsresult, tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint32), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset+=(int)sizeof(guint32); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adscblength, tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint32), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset+=(int)sizeof(guint32); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adsdata, tvb, offset, ams_length-offset, ENC_NA); } } } break; case ADSSRVID_READSTATE: { col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "ADS Read State Response"); if( tree ) { anItem = proto_tree_add_item(ams_tree, hf_ams_adsreadstateresponse, tvb, offset, ams_length-offset, ENC_NA); if( ams_length-offset >= TAdsReadStateRes_Len ) { ams_adstree = proto_item_add_subtree(anItem, ett_ams_adsreadstateresponse); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adsresult, tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint32), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset+=(int)sizeof(guint32); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adsstate, tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint16), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset+=(int)sizeof(guint32); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adsdevicestate, tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint16), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); } } } break; case ADSSRVID_WRITECTRL: { col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "ADS Write Control Response"); if( tree ) { anItem = proto_tree_add_item(ams_tree, hf_ams_adswritectrlresponse, tvb, offset, ams_length-offset, ENC_NA); if( ams_length-offset >= TAdsWriteControlRes_Len ) { ams_adstree = proto_item_add_subtree(anItem, ett_ams_adswritectrlresponse); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adsresult, tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint32), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); } } } break; case ADSSRVID_READDEVICEINFO: { col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "ADS Read Device Info Response"); if( tree ) { anItem = proto_tree_add_item(ams_tree, hf_ams_adsreaddinforesponse, tvb, offset, ams_length-offset, ENC_NA); if( ams_length-offset >= TAdsReadDeviceInfoRes_Len ) { ams_adstree = proto_item_add_subtree(anItem, ett_ams_adsreaddinforesponse); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adsresult, tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint32), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset+=(int)sizeof(guint32); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adsversionversion, tvb, offset++, (int)sizeof(guint8), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adsversionrevision, tvb, offset++, (int)sizeof(guint8), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adsversionbuild, tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint16), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset+=(int)sizeof(guint16); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adsdevicename, tvb, offset, ams_length-offset, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA); } } } break; case ADSSRVID_ADDDEVICENOTE: { col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "ADS Device Notification Response"); if( tree ) { anItem = proto_tree_add_item(ams_tree, hf_ams_adsadddnresponse, tvb, offset, ams_length-offset, ENC_NA); if( ams_length-offset >= TAdsAddDeviceNotificationRes_Len ) { ams_adstree = proto_item_add_subtree(anItem, ett_ams_adsadddnresponse); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adsresult, tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint32), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset+=(int)sizeof(guint32); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adsnotificationhandle, tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint32), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); } } } break; case ADSSRVID_DELDEVICENOTE: { col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "ADS Delete Device Notification Response"); if( tree ) { anItem = proto_tree_add_item(ams_tree, hf_ams_adsdeldnresponse, tvb, offset, ams_length-offset, ENC_NA); if( ams_length-offset >= TAdsDelDeviceNotificationRes_Len ) { ams_adstree = proto_item_add_subtree(anItem, ett_ams_adsdeldnresponse); proto_tree_add_item(ams_adstree, hf_ams_adsresult, tvb, offset, (int)sizeof(guint32), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); } } } break; } } } else { if ( (stateflags & AMSCMDSF_RESPONSE) == 0 ) col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "AMS Request"); else col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "AMS Response"); if( tree && ams_length-offset > 0 ) proto_tree_add_item(ams_tree, hf_ams_data, tvb, offset, ams_length-offset, ENC_NA); } return offset; } /*ams*/ static gint dissect_ams(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void *data _U_) { return dissect_ams_pdu(tvb, pinfo, tree, 0); } static gint dissect_amstcp(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void *data _U_) { if( TcpAdsParserHDR_Len > tvb_reported_length(tvb)) return 0; return dissect_ams_pdu(tvb, pinfo, tree, TcpAdsParserHDR_Len); } void proto_register_ams(void) { static const true_false_string flags_set_truth = { "Set", "Not set" }; static hf_register_info hf[] = { { &hf_ams_sendernetid, { "AMS Sender Net Id", "ams.sendernetid", FT_STRING, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_senderport, { "AMS Sender port", "ams.senderport", FT_UINT16, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_targetnetid, { "AMS Target Net Id", "ams.targetnetid", FT_STRING, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_targetport, { "AMS Target port", "ams.targetport", FT_UINT16, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_cmdid, { "CmdId", "ams.cmdid", FT_UINT16, BASE_DEC, VALS(AMS_CommandId_vals), 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_stateflags, { "StateFlags", "ams.stateflags", FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_stateresponse, { "RESPONSE", "ams.state_response", FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&flags_set_truth), AMSCMDSF_RESPONSE, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_statenoreturn, { "NO RETURN", "ams.state_noreturn", FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&flags_set_truth), AMSCMDSF_NORETURN, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_stateadscmd, { "ADS COMMAND", "ams.state_adscmd", FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&flags_set_truth), AMSCMDSF_ADSCMD, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_statesyscmd, { "SYSTEM COMMAND", "ams.state_syscmd", FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&flags_set_truth), AMSCMDSF_SYSCMD, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_statehighprio, { "HIGH PRIORITY COMMAND", "ams.state_highprio", FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&flags_set_truth), AMSCMDSF_HIGHPRIO, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_statetimestampadded, { "TIMESTAMP ADDED", "ams.state_timestampadded", FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&flags_set_truth), AMSCMDSF_TIMESTAMPADDED, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_stateudp, { "UDP COMMAND", "ams.state_udp", FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&flags_set_truth), AMSCMDSF_UDP, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_stateinitcmd, { "INIT COMMAND", "ams.state_initcmd", FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&flags_set_truth), AMSCMDSF_INITCMD, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_statebroadcast, { "BROADCAST", "ams.state_broadcast", FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&flags_set_truth), AMSCMDSF_BROADCAST, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_cbdata, { "cbData", "ams.cbdata", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_errorcode, { "ErrorCode", "ams.errorcode", FT_UINT32, BASE_HEX, VALS(ErrorCode), 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_invokeid, { "InvokeId", "ams.invokeid", FT_UINT32, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_adsdata, { "Data", "ams.ads_data", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_data, { "Data", "ams.data", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_adsindexgroup, { "IndexGroup", "ams.ads_indexgroup", FT_UINT32, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_adsindexoffset, { "IndexOffset", "ams.ads_indexoffset", FT_UINT32, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_adscblength, { "CbLength", "ams.ads_cblength", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_adsreadrequest, { "ADS Read Request", "ams.ads_read_req", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_adsreadresponse, { "ADS Read Response", "ams.ads_read_res", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_adsinvokeid, { "InvokeId", "ams.ads_invokeid", FT_UINT32, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_adsresult, { "Result", "ams.adsresult", FT_UINT32, BASE_HEX, VALS(AdsErrorMode), 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_adswriterequest, { "ADS Write Request", "ams.ads_write_req", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_adswriteresponse, { "ADS Write Response", "ams.ads_write_res", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_adsreadwriterequest, { "ADS ReadWrite Request", "ams.ads_readwrite_req", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_adsreadwriteresponse, { "ADS ReadWrite Response", "ams.ads_readwrite_res", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_adscbreadlength, { "CBReadLength", "ams.ads_cbreadlength", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_adscbwritelength, { "CBWriteLength", "ams.ads_cbwritelength", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_adsstate, { "AdsState", "ams.ads_state", FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_adsdevicestate, { "DeviceState", "ams.ads_devicestate", FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_adsnotificationhandle, { "NotificationHandle", "ams.ads_notificationhandle", FT_UINT32, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_adsreadstaterequest, { "ADS Read State Request", "ams.ads_readstate_req", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_adsreadstateresponse, { "ADS Read State Response", "ams.ads_readstate_res", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_adswritectrlrequest, { "ADS Write Ctrl Request", "ams.ads_writectrl_req", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_adswritectrlresponse, { "ADS Write Ctrl Response", "ams.ads_writectrl_res", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_adsreaddinforequest, { "ADS Read Device Info Request", "ams.ads_readdinfo_req", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_adsreaddinforesponse, { "ADS Read Device Info Response", "ams.ads_readdinfo_res", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_adsadddnrequest, { "ADS Add Device Notification Request", "ams.ads_adddn_req", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_adsadddnresponse, { "ADS Add Device Notification Response", "ams.ads_adddn_res", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_adsdeldnrequest, { "ADS Delete Device Notification Request", "ams.ads_deldn_req", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_adsdeldnresponse, { "ADS Delete Device Notification Response", "ams.ads_deldn_res", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_adsdnrequest, { "ADS Device Notification Request", "ams.ads_dn_req", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, #if 0 { &hf_ams_adsdnresponse, { "ADS Device Notification Response", "ams.ads_dn_res", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_adsnoteattrib, { "InvokeId", "ams.ads_noteattrib", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_adsnoteblocks, { "InvokeId", "ams.ads_noteblocks", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_adsversion, { "ADS Version", "ams.ads_version", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, #endif { &hf_ams_adsdevicename, { "Device Name","ams.ads_devicename", FT_STRING, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_adsversionversion, { "ADS Major Version", "ams.ads_versionversion", FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_adsversionrevision, { "ADS Minor Version", "ams.ads_versionrevision", FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_adsversionbuild, { "ADS Version Build", "ams.ads_versionbuild", FT_UINT16, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_adsnoteblocksstamps, { "Count of Stamps", "ams.ads_noteblocksstamps", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, #if 0 { &hf_ams_adsnoteblocksstamp, { "Notification Stamp", "ams.ads_noteblocksstamp", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_adstimestamp, { "Time Stamp", "ams.ads_timestamp", FT_UINT64, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_adssamplecnt, { "Count of Stamps", "ams.ads_samplecnt", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_adsnoteblockssample, { "Notification Sample", "ams.ads_noteblockssample", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, #endif { &hf_ams_adstransmode, { "Trans Mode", "ams.ads_transmode", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(TransMode), 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_adsmaxdelay, { "Max Delay", "ams.ads_maxdelay", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_adscycletime, { "Cycle Time", "ams.ads_cycletime", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, #if 0 { &hf_ams_adscmpmax, { "Cmp Mad", "ams.ads_cmpmax", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ams_adscmpmin, { "Cmp Min", "ams.ads_cmpmin", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } } #endif }; static gint *ett[] = { &ett_ams, &ett_ams_stateflags, &ett_ams_adsreadrequest, &ett_ams_adsreadresponse, &ett_ams_adswriterequest, &ett_ams_adswriteresponse, &ett_ams_adsreadwriterequest, &ett_ams_adsreadwriteresponse, &ett_ams_adsreadstaterequest, &ett_ams_adsreadstateresponse, &ett_ams_adswritectrlrequest, &ett_ams_adswritectrlresponse, &ett_ams_adsreaddinforequest, &ett_ams_adsreaddinforesponse, &ett_ams_adsadddnrequest, &ett_ams_adsadddnresponse, &ett_ams_adsdeldnrequest, &ett_ams_adsdeldnresponse, &ett_ams_adsdnrequest }; proto_ams = proto_register_protocol("AMS", "AMS", "ams"); proto_register_field_array(proto_ams, hf, array_length(hf)); proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett)); new_register_dissector("ams", dissect_ams, proto_ams); } /* The registration hand-off routing */ void proto_reg_handoff_ams(void) { dissector_handle_t ams_handle, amstcp_handle; ams_handle = find_dissector("ams"); amstcp_handle = new_create_dissector_handle( dissect_amstcp, proto_ams ); dissector_add_uint("tcp.port", 0xbf02, amstcp_handle); dissector_add_uint("ecatf.type", 2, ams_handle); } /* * Editor modelines - http://www.wireshark.org/tools/modelines.html * * Local Variables: * c-basic-offset: 3 * tab-width: 8 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: * * ex: set shiftwidth=3 tabstop=8 expandtab: * :indentSize=3:tabSize=8:noTabs=true: */