/*display.h * header field declarations, value_string def and true_false_string * definitions for display manager messages * Copyright 2007 Don Newton * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #ifndef UNISTIM_DISPLAY_H #define UNISTIM_DISPLAY_H static int hf_display_write_cursor_move; static int hf_display_write_clear_left; static int hf_display_write_clear_right; static int hf_display_write_shift_left; static int hf_display_write_shift_right; static int hf_display_write_highlight; static int hf_display_write_tag; static int hf_display_write_address_numeric; static int hf_display_write_address_context; static int hf_display_write_address_line; static int hf_display_write_address_soft_key; static int hf_display_write_address_soft_label; static int hf_display_write_address_softkey_id; static int hf_display_write_address_char_pos; static int hf_display_write_address_line_number; static int hf_display_cursor_move_cmd; static int hf_display_cursor_blink; static int hf_icon_id; static int hf_display_arrow; static int hf_display_clear_numeric; static int hf_display_clear_context; static int hf_display_clear_date; static int hf_display_clear_time; static int hf_display_clear_line; static int hf_display_clear_status_bar_icon; static int hf_display_clear_softkey; static int hf_display_clear_softkey_label; static int hf_display_clear_line_1; static int hf_display_clear_line_2; static int hf_display_clear_line_3; static int hf_display_clear_line_4; static int hf_display_clear_line_5; static int hf_display_clear_line_6; static int hf_display_clear_line_7; static int hf_display_clear_line_8; static int hf_display_clear_status_bar_icon_1; static int hf_display_clear_status_bar_icon_2; static int hf_display_clear_status_bar_icon_3; static int hf_display_clear_status_bar_icon_4; static int hf_display_clear_status_bar_icon_5; static int hf_display_clear_status_bar_icon_6; static int hf_display_clear_status_bar_icon_7; static int hf_display_clear_status_bar_icon_8; static int hf_display_clear_soft_key_1; static int hf_display_clear_soft_key_2; static int hf_display_clear_soft_key_3; static int hf_display_clear_soft_key_4; static int hf_display_clear_soft_key_5; static int hf_display_clear_soft_key_6; static int hf_display_clear_soft_key_7; static int hf_display_clear_soft_key_8; static int hf_display_clear_sk_label_key_id; static int hf_display_clear_all_slks; static int hf_display_line_width; static int hf_display_lines; static int hf_display_softkey_width; static int hf_display_softkeys; static int hf_display_icon; static int hf_display_softlabel_key_width; static int hf_display_context_width; static int hf_display_numeric_width; static int hf_display_time_width; static int hf_display_date_width; static int hf_display_char_dload; static int hf_display_freeform_icon_dload; static int hf_display_icon_type; static int hf_display_charsets; static int hf_display_contrast; static int hf_display_cursor_numeric; static int hf_display_cursor_context; static int hf_display_cursor_line; static int hf_display_cursor_softkey; static int hf_display_cursor_softkey_id; static int hf_display_cursor_char_pos; static int hf_display_cursor_line_number; static int hf_display_hlight_start; static int hf_display_hlight_end; static int hf_display_date_format; static int hf_display_time_format; static int hf_display_use_time_format; static int hf_display_use_date_format; static int hf_display_context_format; static int hf_display_context_field; static int hf_display_char_address; static int hf_display_layer_number; static int hf_display_layer_skey_id; static int hf_display_layer_all_skeys; static int hf_display_once_or_cyclic; static int hf_display_layer_duration; static int hf_display_call_timer_mode; static int hf_display_call_timer_reset; static int hf_display_call_timer_display; static int hf_display_call_timer_delay; static int hf_display_call_timer_id; static const value_string arrow_dirs[]={ {0x00,"Down"}, {0x01,"Up"}, {0x02,"Right"}, {0x03,"Left"}, {0,NULL} }; static const value_string cursor_move_cmds[]={ {0x00,"Set cursor at home (first character on the first text line)"}, {0x01,"Set cursor at the address specified in the following byte"}, {0x02,"Move the cursor by one to the left"}, {0x03,"Move the cursor by one to the right"}, {0x04,"Move the cursor to the left as specified by the Character Position field contained in the last byte"}, {0x05,"Move the cursor to the right as specified by the Character Position field contained in the last byte"}, {0x06,"Cursor ON"}, {0x07,"Cursor OFF"}, {0xff,"No Movement command"}, {0,NULL} }; static const value_string display_switch_msgs[]={ {0x01,"Restore Default Character Table Configuration"}, {0x04,"Arrow"}, {0x05,"Query Status Bar Icon"}, {0x06,"Highlight Off"}, {0x07,"Highlight On"}, {0x09,"Restore Time and Date"}, {0x0a,"Clear Time and Date"}, {0x0b,"Call Duration Timer"}, {0x0c,"Query Display Manager"}, {0x0d,"Download Call Duration Timer Delay"}, {0x0e,"Disable Display Field"}, {0x0f,"Clear Field"}, {0x10,"Cursor Control"}, {0x12,"Display Scroll with Data (before)"}, {0x13,"Display Scroll with Data (after)"}, {0x14,"Status Bar Icon Update"}, {0x15,"Month Labels Download"}, {0x16,"Call Duration Timer Label Download"}, {0x17,"Time and Date Format"}, {0x18,"Display Data Write address|no control|no tag|no"}, {0x19,"Display Data Write address|yes control|no tag|no"}, {0x1a,"Display Data Write address|no control|yes tag|no"}, {0x1b,"Display Data Write address|yes control|yes tag|no"}, {0x1c,"Display Data Write address|no control|no tag|yes"}, {0x1d,"Display Data Write address|yes control|no tag|yes"}, {0x1e,"Display Data Write address|no control|yes tag|yes"}, {0x1f,"Display Data Write address|yes control|yes tag|yes"}, {0x20,"Context Info Bar Format"}, {0x21,"Set Default Character Table Configuration"}, {0x22,"Special Character Download"}, {0x23,"Highlighted Field Definition"}, {0x24,"Contrast"}, {0x25,"Caller Log Download"}, {0x30,"Layered Softkey Text Download"}, {0x31,"Layered Softkey Clear"}, {0x32,"Set Visible Softkey Layer"}, {0x33,"Layered Softkey Cadence Download"}, {0x34,"Layered Softkey Cadencing On"}, {0x35,"Layered Softkey Cadencing Off"}, {0xff,"Reserved"}, {0,NULL} }; static const value_string display_phone_msgs[]={ {0x00,"Display Manager Attributes Info"}, {0x01,"Contrast Level Report"}, {0x02,"Cursor Location Report"}, {0x03,"Highlight Status On"}, {0x04,"Current Character Table Configuration Status"}, {0x05,"Default Character Table Configuration Status"}, {0x06,"Timer And Date Format Report"}, {0x07,"Status Bar Icon State Report"}, {0x0a,"Highlight Status Off"}, {0xff,"Reserved"}, {0,NULL} }; static const true_false_string once_or_cyclic={ "After the full cadence sequence is executed, softkey field will be updated ", "After the full cadence sequence is executed, it is restarted from the top" }; static const value_string display_formats[]={ {0x00,"None"}, {0x01,"Underline"}, {0x02,"Overline"}, {0x03,"Marquee (combination of an overline and an underline)"}, {0x04,"Border"}, {0x05,"Reverse-video"}, {0x06,"Reverse-video with border"}, {0,NULL} }; static const value_string display_format_fields[]={ {0x00,"Numeric Index field"}, {0x01,"Context field"}, {0x02,"Date field"}, {0x03,"Time field"}, {0,NULL} }; static const value_string time_formats[]={ {0x00,"12-hour clock, e.g. 10:34pm"}, {0x01,"French clock, e.g. 22h34"}, {0x02,"24-hour clock, e.g. 22:34"}, {0x03,"Reserved"}, {0,NULL} }; static const value_string date_formats[]={ {0x00,"Day first, e.g. 16Sep"}, {0x01,"Month first, e.g. Sep16"}, {0x02," Numeric standard, e.g. 09/16"}, {0x03,"Numeric inverse, e.g. 16/09"}, {0,NULL} }; static const value_string icon_types[]={ {0x00,"Fixed Form Icons"}, {0x01,"Free Form Icons"}, {0,NULL} }; static const true_false_string call_duration_timer_mode={ "Mode = start timer", "Mode = stop timer" }; static const true_false_string call_duration_timer_reset={ "Reset time to zero", "Do not reset timer" }; static const true_false_string call_duration_display_timer={ "Call Duration timer is shown on the display", "Call Duration timer is not shown on the display" }; static const true_false_string call_duration_timer_delay={ "Action occurs after Call Duration Timer Delay", "Action occurs immediately" }; #endif