# CMakeLists.txt # # Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer # By Gerald Combs # Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # # We should use CPack to generate the NSIS package. Even better, # we should use CPack to create a .msi using WIX. set(NSIS_GENERATED_FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/all-manifest.nsh ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config.nsh ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/qt-dll-manifest.nsh ) set(NSIS_GENERATED_FILES ${NSIS_GENERATED_FILES} PARENT_SCOPE) set(NSIS_FILES wireshark.nsi uninstall.nsi common.nsh GetWindowsVersion.nsh servicelib.nsh AdditionalTasksPage.ini NpcapPage.ini USBPcapPage.ini ${NSIS_GENERATED_FILES} PARENT_SCOPE ) # Variables required for config.nsh set(PROGRAM_NAME ${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}) file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" TOP_SRC_DIR) # STAGING_DIR depends on the build configuration so we pass it # on the command line below. file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/docbook" DOCBOOK_DIR) if(WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM STREQUAL "win32") set(TARGET_MACHINE x86) elseif(WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM STREQUAL "win64") set(TARGET_MACHINE x64) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Your mysterious moon-man architecture \"${WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM}\" frightens and confuses us.") endif() set (MMDBRESOLVE_EXE ${MAXMINDDB_FOUND}) # Must match ${EXTRA_INSTALLER_DIR}/Npcap-X.Y.Z.exe set(NPCAP_PACKAGE_VERSION "0.991") set(USBPCAP_PACKAGE_VERSION "") set(PRODUCT_VERSION ${PROJECT_MAJOR_VERSION}.${PROJECT_MINOR_VERSION}.${PROJECT_PATCH_VERSION}.${PROJECT_BUILD_VERSION}) # To do: # - Sync the various version names between CMake and NSIS. # - Set CMakeLists.txt version strings in tools/make-version.pl # - Add a VERSION_EXTRA cmake option set (VERSION "${PROJECT_VERSION}") set (PRODUCT_VERSION=${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}.${VERSION_MICRO}.${VERSION_BUILD}) #add_custom_target(build_nsis_package # DEPENDS # wireshark-$(WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM)-$(VERSION).exe #) if(BUILD_wireshark AND QT_FOUND) set (QT_DIR "\${STAGING_DIR}") endif() # Look for the Visual C++ Redistributable packages in the following locations: # - _PROJECT_LIB_DIR # - _PROJECT_LIB_DIR/vcredist_MSVCxx # - %VCINSTALLDIR% # - %VCINSTALLDIR%/redist/1033 (<= Visual Studio 2015) # - %VCINSTALLDIR%/Redist/MSVC/* (>= Visual Studio 2017) # MSVC_VERSION (_MSC_VER) = Visual Studio Version / MSVC Toolset Version # 1900 = VS2015 14.0 / 14.00 # 1910 = VS2017 15.1, 15.2 / 14.10 # 1911 = VS2017 15.3, 15.4 / 14.11 # 1912 = VS2017 15.5 / 14.12 # 1913 = VS2017 15.6 / 14.13 # 1914 = VS2017 15.7 / 14.14 set(_vcredist_name "vcredist_${TARGET_MACHINE}.exe") if(MSVC_VERSION GREATER_EQUAL 1910) set(_ws_vcredist_subdir "vcredist_MSVC2017") set(_msvs_version 15.0) elseif(MSVC_VERSION GREATER_EQUAL 1900) set(_ws_vcredist_subdir "vcredist_MSVC2015") set(_ms_vcredist_subdir "redist/1033") set(_msvs_version 14.0) endif() # Try to find the Redist folder in VCINSTALLDIR which is set by vcvarsall.bat. # If it is not set, query it within the registry. VS2015 looks for the "VC7" key # in two locations (four if you count HKCU instead of HKLM). However, VS2017 # does not use "VC7" (it sets a directory relative to vsdevcmd_start.bat). As # both versions do set "VS7", use that instead. find_path(VCINSTALLDIR Redist PATHS "$ENV{VCINSTALLDIR}" "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\VisualStudio\\SxS\\VS7;${_msvs_version}]\\VC" "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\WOW6432Node\\Microsoft\\VisualStudio\\SxS\\VS7;${_msvs_version}]\\VC" NO_DEFAULT_PATH ) file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "${VCINSTALLDIR}" VCINSTALLDIR_NATIVE) message(STATUS "Using VCINSTALLDIR: ${VCINSTALLDIR_NATIVE}") # Visual Studio Community 2017 version 15.7.5 uses VCRT 14.14.26405, but an # earlier version used 14.10.25008. Let's just glob for the right value. if(MSVC_VERSION GREATER_EQUAL 1910 AND VCINSTALLDIR) file(GLOB _ms_vcredist_subdir RELATIVE "${VCINSTALLDIR}" "${VCINSTALLDIR}/Redist/MSVC/14.*.*") endif() find_program(VCREDIST_EXE "${_vcredist_name}" PATHS "${_PROJECT_LIB_DIR}" $ENV{VCToolsRedistDir} "${VCINSTALLDIR}" PATH_SUFFIXES ${_ws_vcredist_subdir} ${_ms_vcredist_subdir} NO_DEFAULT_PATH ) if(VCREDIST_EXE) file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "${VCREDIST_EXE}" VCREDIST_EXE) message(STATUS "Using ${VCREDIST_EXE} for the NSIS installer.") endif() # Ideally we would generate this at compile time using a separate cmake # module, e.g. cmake/modules/configure_nsis_file.cmake. However we would # have to figure out a clean way to pass in the variables above. file(READ "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/config.nsh.in" _config_nsh_contents) string(CONFIGURE "${_config_nsh_contents}" _config_nsh_contents) string(REPLACE "#define" "!define" _config_nsh_contents "${_config_nsh_contents}") string(REPLACE "#undef" "!undef" _config_nsh_contents "${_config_nsh_contents}") file(WRITE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config.nsh" "${_config_nsh_contents}") # all-manifest.nsh. Can be created at configure time. set(_all_manifest "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/all-manifest.nsh") set(_all_manifest_contents "# Files required for all sections. Generated by CMake.\n") foreach(_dll ${GLIB2_DLLS} ${CARES_DLL} ${GCRYPT_DLLS} ${GNUTLS_DLLS} ${KERBEROS_DLLS} ${LIBSSH_DLL} ${LUA_DLL} ${LZ4_DLL} ${NGHTTP2_DLL} ${SBC_DLL} ${SMI_DLL} ${SNAPPY_DLL} ${SPANDSP_DLL} ${BCG729_DLL} ${LIBXML2_DLLS} ${WINSPARKLE_DLL} ${ZLIB_DLL} # Needed for mmdbresolve ${MAXMINDDB_DLL} ) set(_all_manifest_contents "${_all_manifest_contents}File \"\${STAGING_DIR}\\${_dll}\"\n") endforeach() foreach(_script "init.lua" "console.lua" "dtd_gen.lua") set(_all_manifest_contents "${_all_manifest_contents}File \"\${STAGING_DIR}\\${_script}\"\n") endforeach() file(WRITE "${_all_manifest}" "${_all_manifest_contents}") file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "${DATAFILE_DIR}" _staging_dir) file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}" _outfile_dir) file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}" _nsis_include_dir) # Variables we can't set via config.nsh. set(NSIS_OPTIONS /DSTAGING_DIR=${_staging_dir} /DOUTFILE_DIR=${_outfile_dir} /DNSIS_INCLUDE_DIR=${_nsis_include_dir} /V4 PARENT_SCOPE ) # We want to sign all of the executables that we ship in the official # installers. This means that uninstall.exe must be built separately AND # that building the installer itself won't overwrite uninstall.exe macro( ADD_NSIS_UNINSTALLER_TARGET ) # # XXX - if we're not building Wireshark, we can't build # anything, so there's nothing to uninstall. # if(BUILD_wireshark) set (_nsis_source_dir ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/packaging/nsis ) set (_nsis_binary_dir ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/packaging/nsis ) add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${DATAFILE_DIR}/uninstall.exe DEPENDS ${_nsis_source_dir}/uninstall.nsi ${_nsis_source_dir}/common.nsh COMMAND ${MAKENSIS_EXECUTABLE} ${NSIS_OPTIONS} uninstall.nsi COMMAND ${DATAFILE_DIR}/uninstall_installer.exe COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove ${DATAFILE_DIR}/uninstall_installer.exe WORKING_DIRECTORY ${_nsis_source_dir} ) else() message(WARNING "The NSIS installer cannot be built if the Wireshark program isn't built.") endif() endmacro( ADD_NSIS_UNINSTALLER_TARGET ) macro( ADD_NSIS_PACKAGE_TARGET ) # # XXX - if we're not building Wireshark, we can't build the # manifest below. On the other hand, if we're not building # Wireshark, we have no need to include Qt in the installer, # so it's not clear we need this manifest. # # This should probably be fixed, so that people can produce # command-line-only installer packages. if(BUILD_wireshark) #set (_nsis_package ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/packaging/nsis/Wireshark-$(WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM)-$(VERSION).exe) # qt-dll-manifest.nsh. Created using Wireshark.exe. add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${_nsis_binary_dir}/qt-dll-manifest.nsh COMMAND set "PATH=${QT_BIN_PATH};%PATH%" COMMAND ${POWERSHELL_COMMAND} "${_nsis_source_dir}/windeployqt-to-nsis.ps1" -Executable $ -FilePath ${_nsis_binary_dir}/qt-dll-manifest.nsh ) # Build NSIS package dependencies. We build the package in # two stages so that nsis_package below doesn't trigger # any dependencies that might clobber any signed executables. add_custom_target(nsis_package_prep DEPENDS ${NSIS_FILES} copy_data_files user_guide_chm faq_html ${DATAFILE_DIR}/uninstall.exe ) set_target_properties(nsis_package_prep PROPERTIES FOLDER "Packaging" EXCLUDE_FROM_DEFAULT_BUILD True ) # Dump the installer into # ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/packaging/nsis # Note that executables and DLLs *must* be built separately add_custom_target(nsis_package COMMAND ${MAKENSIS_EXECUTABLE} ${NSIS_OPTIONS} wireshark.nsi WORKING_DIRECTORY ${_nsis_source_dir} ) set_target_properties(nsis_package PROPERTIES FOLDER "Packaging" EXCLUDE_FROM_DEFAULT_BUILD True ) endif() endmacro( ADD_NSIS_PACKAGE_TARGET ) set(CLEAN_FILES all-manifest.nsh config.nsh #NEWS.txt qt-dll-manifest.nsh #user-guide.chm ${DATAFILE_DIR}/uninstall.exe wireshark-$(WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM)-$(VERSION).exe )