#!/bin/bash # # USAGE # osx-dmg [-s] -p /path/to/Wireshark.app # # The script creates a read-write disk image, # copies Wireshark into it, customizes its appearance using a # previously created .DS_Store file (wireshark.ds_store), # and then compresses the disk image for distribution. # # Copied from Inkscape. # # AUTHORS # Jean-Olivier Irisson # Michael Wybrow # # Copyright (C) 2006-2007 # Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information # # # How to update the disk image layout: # ------------------------------------ # # Modify the 'dmg_background.svg' file and generate a new # 'dmg_background.png' file. # # Update the AppleScript file 'dmg_set_style.scpt'. # # Run this script with the '-s' option. It will apply the # 'dmg_set_style.scpt' AppleScript file, and then prompt the # user to check the window size and position before writing # a new 'wireshark.ds_store' file to work around a bug in Finder # and AppleScript. The updated 'wireshark.ds_store' will need # to be commited to the repository when this is done. # # Defaults set_ds_store=false ds_store_root="root.ds_store" app_bundle="Wireshark.app" rw_name="RWwireshark.dmg" volume_name="Wireshark" src_dir="." tmp_dir="/tmp/dmg-$$" auto_open_opt= # Qt defaults readme_name="Read_me_first_qt.rtf" bundle_bin_name="Wireshark" if [ -f /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Applications/PackageMaker.app/Contents/MacOS/PackageMaker ] then # # Xcode 4 and later, with the "Auxiliary Tools for Xcode" # download from developer.apple.com. (There are no such # downloads for Mavericks or later, but PackageMaker from # the Late July 2012 download for Mountain Lion appears to # work on Yosemite.) # packagemaker=/Applications/Xcode.app//Contents/Applications/PackageMaker.app/Contents/MacOS/PackageMaker elif [ -f /Applications/Xcode.app/Developer/Tools/packagemaker ] then packagemaker=/Applications/Xcode.app/Developer/Tools/packagemaker elif [ -f /Applications/Xcode.app/Developer/usr/bin/packagemaker ] then packagemaker=/Applications/Xcode.app/Developer/usr/bin/packagemaker elif [ -f /Developer/Tools/packagemaker ] then packagemaker=/Developer/Tools/packagemaker elif [ -f /Developer/usr/bin/packagemaker ] then packagemaker=/Developer/usr/bin/packagemaker elif [ -f /usr/bin/packagemaker ] then packagemaker=/usr/bin/packagemaker elif [ -f /usr/local/bin/packagemaker ] then packagemaker=/usr/local/bin/packagemaker fi if [ -z "$packagemaker" ] then echo "$0: couldn't find PackageMaker" 1>&2 exit 1 fi # Help message #---------------------------------------------------------- help() { echo -e " Create a custom dmg file to distribute Wireshark USAGE $0 [-s] -p /path/to/Wireshark.app OPTIONS -h,--help Display this help message. -s Set a new apperance (do not actually create a bundle). -b,--app-bundle Set the path to the Wireshark.app that should be copied in the dmg. -qt,--qt-flavor Use the Qt flavor. This is the default. -gtk,--gtk-flavor Use the GTK+ flavor. -S,--source-directory If this is an out-of-tree build, set this to the path to the packaging/macosx source directory. " } # Parse command line arguments while [ "$1" != "" ] do case $1 in -h|--help) help exit 0 ;; -s) set_ds_store=true ;; -b|--app-bundle) app_bundle="$2" shift 1 ;; -qt|--qt-flavor) ;; -gtk|--gtk-flavor) readme_name="Read_me_first_gtk.rtf" bundle_bin_name="wireshark-bin" ;; -S|--source-directory) src_dir="$2" shift 1 ;; *) echo "Invalid command line option" exit 2 ;; esac shift 1 done # Safety checks if [ ! -e "$app_bundle" ]; then echo "Cannot find application bundle: $app_bundle" exit 1 fi # Get the architecture ws_bin="$app_bundle/Contents/MacOS/$bundle_bin_name" case `file $ws_bin` in *Mach-O*64-bit*x86_64*) architecture="Intel 64" ;; *Mach-O*i386*) architecture="Intel 32" ;; *Mach-O*ppc64*) architecture="PPC 64" ;; *Mach-O*ppc*) architecture="PPC 32" ;; *) echo "Cannot determine architecture of $ws_bin; file reports:" file $ws_bin exit 1 ;; esac # Set the version version="@VERSION@" if [ -z "$version" ] ; then echo "VERSION not set" exit 1 fi echo -e "\nCREATE WIRESHARK PACKAGE\n" pkg_title="$volume_name $version $architecture" pkg_file="$pkg_title.pkg" rm -rf "$pkg_file" $packagemaker --doc "Wireshark_package.pmdoc" \ --title "$pkg_title" \ --id "org.wireshark.pkg.Wireshark" \ --version "$version" \ --target 10.5 \ --verbose || exit 1 if [ -n "$CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY" ] ; then pkg_file_unsigned="$pkg_title UNSIGNED.pkg" echo -e "Signing $pkg_file" mv "$pkg_file" "$pkg_file_unsigned" || exit 1 productsign --sign "Developer ID Installer: $CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY" "$pkg_file_unsigned" "$pkg_file" || exit 1 spctl --assess --type install "$pkg_file" || exit 1 pkgutil --check-signature "$pkg_file" || exit 1 shasum "$pkg_file" rm -rf "$pkg_dir_unsigned" "$pkg_file_unsigned" "$pkg_file_flattened" else echo "Code signing not performed (no identity)" fi echo -e "\nCREATE WIRESHARK DISK IMAGE\n" img_name="$pkg_title.dmg" # Create temp directory with desired contents of the release volume. rm -rf "$tmp_dir" mkdir "$tmp_dir" || exit 1 echo -e "Copying files to temp directory" # Copy the installer package cp "$pkg_file" "$tmp_dir"/ || exit 1 # Copy the readme cp "$src_dir/$readme_name" "$tmp_dir"/"Read me first.rtf" || exit 1 # If the appearance settings are not to be modified we just copy them if [ ${set_ds_store} = "false" ]; then # Copy the .DS_Store file which contains information about # window size, appearance, etc. Most of this can be set # with Apple script but involves user intervention so we # just keep a copy of the correct settings and use that instead. cp $src_dir/$ds_store_root "$tmp_dir/.DS_Store" || exit 1 auto_open_opt=-noautoopen fi # Create a new RW image from the temp directory. echo -e "Creating a temporary disk image" rm -f "$rw_name" /usr/bin/hdiutil create -srcfolder "$tmp_dir" -volname "$volume_name" -fs HFS+ -fsargs "-c c=64,a=16,e=16" -format UDRW "$rw_name" || exit 1 # We're finished with the temp directory, remove it. rm -rf "$tmp_dir" # Mount the created image. MOUNT_DIR="/Volumes/$volume_name" DEV_NAME=`/usr/bin/hdiutil attach -readwrite -noverify $auto_open_opt "$rw_name" | egrep '^/dev/' | sed 1q | awk '{print $1}'` # Have the disk image window open automatically when mounted. bless -openfolder /Volumes/$volume_name # In case the apperance has to be modified, mount the image and apply the base settings to it via Applescript if [ ${set_ds_store} = "true" ]; then /usr/bin/osascript dmg_set_style.scpt open "/Volumes/$volume_name" # BUG: one needs to move and close the window manually for the # changes in appearance to be retained... echo " ************************************** * Please move the disk image window * * to the center of the screen * * then close it and press enter * ************************************** " read -e DUMB # .DS_Store files aren't written till the disk is unmounted, or finder is restarted. hdiutil detach "$DEV_NAME" auto_open_opt=-noautoopen DEV_NAME=`/usr/bin/hdiutil attach -readwrite -noverify $auto_open_opt "$rw_name" | egrep '^/dev/' | sed 1q | awk '{print $1}'` echo cp /Volumes/$volume_name/.DS_Store ./$ds_store_root SetFile -a v ./$ds_store_root echo "New $ds_store_root written. Re-run $0 without the -s option to use them" # Unmount the disk image. hdiutil detach "$DEV_NAME" rm -f "$rw_name" exit 0 fi # Unmount the disk image. hdiutil detach "$DEV_NAME" # Create the offical release image by compressing the RW one. echo -e "Compressing the final disk image" # TODO make this a command line option if [ -e "$img_name" ]; then echo "$img_name already exists." rm -i "$img_name" fi /usr/bin/hdiutil convert "$rw_name" -format UDZO -imagekey zlib-level=9 -o "$img_name" || exit 1 rm -f "$rw_name" #if [ -n "$CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY" ] ; then # echo -e "Signing the $img_name" # codesign --sign "$CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY" --verbose "$img_name" || exit 1 # codesign --verify --verbose "$img_name" || exit 1 #fi exit 0