/* Platypus - create OS X application bundles that execute scripts This is the executable that goes into Platypus apps Copyright (C) 2003 Sveinbjorn Thordarson With modifications by Aaron Voisine for gimp.app With modifications by Marianne gagnon for Wilber-loves-apple With modifications by Michael Wybrow for Inkscape.app With modifications by ~suv for Inkscape.app With modifications by Gerald Combs for Wireshark.app This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. main.c - main program file */ /* * This app laucher basically takes care of: * - launching Wireshark (and, on OS X prior to Leopard, X11) when * double-clicked (it's auto-launched by launchd on Leopard and later) * - bringing X11 to the top when its icon is clicked in the dock (via a small applescript) * - catch file dropped on icon events (and double-clicked gimp documents) and notify gimp. * - catch quit events performed outside gimp, e.g. on the dock icon. */ /////////////////////////////////////// // Includes /////////////////////////////////////// #pragma mark Includes // Apple stuff // Note: including Carbon prevents building the launcher app in x86_64 // used for StandardAlert in RequestUserAttention(), // RedFatalAlert() #include #include #include #include // Unix stuff #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /////////////////////////////////////// // Definitions /////////////////////////////////////// #pragma mark Definitions // name length limits #define kMaxPathLength 1024 // names of files bundled with app #define kScriptFileName "script" #define kOpenDocFileName "openDoc" // custom carbon event class #define kEventClassRedFatalAlert 911 // custom carbon event types #define kEventKindX11Failed 911 #define kEventKindFCCacheFailed 912 //maximum arguments the script accepts #define kMaxArgumentsToScript 252 /////////////////////////////////////// // Prototypes /////////////////////////////////////// #pragma mark Prototypes static void *Execute(void *arg); static void *OpenDoc(void *arg); static OSErr ExecuteScript(char *script, pid_t *pid); static void GetParameters(void); static unsigned char* GetScript(void); static unsigned char* GetOpenDoc(void); OSErr LoadMenuBar(char *appName); static OSStatus FSMakePath(FSRef fileRef, unsigned char *path, long maxPathSize); static void RedFatalAlert(Str255 errorString, Str255 expStr); static short DoesFileExist(unsigned char *path); static OSErr AppQuitAEHandler(const AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, AppleEvent *reply, long refCon); static OSErr AppOpenDocAEHandler(const AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, AppleEvent *reply, long refCon); static OSErr AppOpenAppAEHandler(const AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, AppleEvent *reply, long refCon); static OSStatus X11FailedHandler(EventHandlerCallRef theHandlerCall, EventRef theEvent, void *userData); static OSStatus FCCacheFailedHandler(EventHandlerCallRef theHandlerCall, EventRef theEvent, void *userData); static OSErr AppReopenAppAEHandler(const AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, AppleEvent *reply, long refCon); static OSStatus CompileAppleScript(const void* text, long textLength, AEDesc *resultData); static OSStatus SimpleCompileAppleScript(const char* theScript); static OSErr runScript(); /////////////////////////////////////// // Globals /////////////////////////////////////// #pragma mark Globals // process id of forked process pid_t pid = 0; // thread id of threads that start scripts pthread_t odtid = 0, tid = 0; // indicator of whether the script has completed executing short taskDone = true; // execution parameters char scriptPath[kMaxPathLength]; char openDocPath[kMaxPathLength]; //arguments to the script char *arguments[kMaxArgumentsToScript+3]; char *fileArgs[kMaxArgumentsToScript]; short numArgs = 0; extern char **environ; // // 0 if we should expect a bundled X11, 1 if we should expect XQuartz // static int expect_xquartz; static enum { BUNDLED_X11, // bundled X11, in /usr/X11 XQUARTZ, // unbundled XQuartz, in /opt/X11, with /usr/X11 linking to it XQUARTZ_STUB, // stub libraries in /usr/X11 that will tell user to install XQuartz BROKEN_XQUARTZ, // unbundled XQuartz, in /opt/X11, with no /usr/X11 NO_X11 // no X11 } x11_type; #pragma mark - /////////////////////////////////////// // Program entrance point /////////////////////////////////////// int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { OSErr err = noErr; EventTypeSpec X11events = { kEventClassRedFatalAlert, kEventKindX11Failed }; EventTypeSpec FCCacheEvents = { kEventClassRedFatalAlert, kEventKindFCCacheFailed }; struct utsname os_info; struct stat statb_usr_x11, statb_opt_x11; char symlink_target[MAXPATHLEN+1]; ssize_t link_length; // Which version of OS X is this? Use that to determine what sort // of X11 we should expect to have installed if (uname(&os_info) == -1) { // Couldn't find out; this "should not happen", // assume bundled X11 for the lulz expect_xquartz = 0; } else { if (os_info.release[0] <= '9' && os_info.release[1] == '.') { // Darwin 9.0 (Leopard) or earlier; expect bundled X11 expect_xquartz = 0; } else if (os_info.release[0] == '1' && (os_info.release[1] == '0' || os_info.release[1] == '1') && os_info.release[2] == '.') { // Darwin 10.0 (Snow Leopard) or 11.0 (Lion); expect bundled X11 expect_xquartz = 0; } else { // Mountain Lion or later; expect XQuartz expect_xquartz = 1; } } if (expect_xquartz) { // Do we have /opt/X11? if (lstat("/opt/X11", &statb_opt_x11) == -1) { // No. Is /usr/X11 a directory? if (lstat("/usr/X11", &statb_usr_x11) != -1 && S_ISDIR(statb_opt_x11.st_mode)) { // It's a directory; assume it contains the stub libraries. x11_type = XQUARTZ_STUB; } else { // It's not a directory; assume we need X11 installed. x11_type = NO_X11; } } else { // Yes. Is /usr/X11 a symbolic link to /opt/X11? if (lstat("/usr/X11", &statb_usr_x11) != -1 && S_ISLNK(statb_opt_x11.st_mode)) { // OK, it's a symlink; does it point to /opt/X11? link_length = readlink("/usr/X11", symlink_target, MAXPATHLEN); if (link_length == -1) { // Couldn't read it; broken X11 x11_type = BROKEN_XQUARTZ; } else { // Read it; nul-terminate the string symlink_target[link_length] = '\0'; if (strcmp(symlink_target, "/opt/X11") == 0) { // Yes, it points to /opt/X11, so that's good x11_type = XQUARTZ; } else { // No, it doesn't - broken x11_type = BROKEN_XQUARTZ; } } } else { // Non-existent or not a symlink x11_type = BROKEN_XQUARTZ; } } } else { // Look for /usr/X11 if (lstat("/usr/X11", &statb_usr_x11) == -1) { // No /usr/X11; tell the user to install X11 x11_type = NO_X11; } else { // Assume it's OK x11_type = BUNDLED_X11; } } InitCursor(); //install Apple Event handlers err += AEInstallEventHandler(kCoreEventClass, kAEQuitApplication, NewAEEventHandlerUPP(AppQuitAEHandler), 0, false); err += AEInstallEventHandler(kCoreEventClass, kAEOpenDocuments, NewAEEventHandlerUPP(AppOpenDocAEHandler), 0, false); err += AEInstallEventHandler(kCoreEventClass, kAEOpenApplication, NewAEEventHandlerUPP(AppOpenAppAEHandler), 0, false); err += AEInstallEventHandler(kCoreEventClass, kAEReopenApplication, NewAEEventHandlerUPP(AppReopenAppAEHandler), 0, false); err += InstallEventHandler(GetApplicationEventTarget(), NewEventHandlerUPP(X11FailedHandler), 1, &X11events, NULL, NULL); err += InstallEventHandler(GetApplicationEventTarget(), NewEventHandlerUPP(FCCacheFailedHandler), 1, &FCCacheEvents, NULL, NULL); if (err) RedFatalAlert("\pInitialization Error", "\pError initing Apple Event handlers."); //create the menu bar if (err = LoadMenuBar(NULL)) RedFatalAlert("\pInitialization Error", "\pError loading MenuBar.nib."); GetParameters(); //load data from files containing exec settings // compile "icon clicked" script so it's ready to execute // Don't tell it to activate if it's not installed; // that will pop up the annoying "where is XQuartz?"/"where is X11?" // dialog, and if somebody selects the wrong app, you end up with // a messed-up system that fails to start X correctly. switch (x11_type) { case XQUARTZ: SimpleCompileAppleScript("tell application \"XQuartz\" to activate"); break; case BUNDLED_X11: SimpleCompileAppleScript("tell application \"X11\" to activate"); break; default: break; } RunApplicationEventLoop(); //Run the event loop return 0; } #pragma mark - static void RequestUserAttention(void) { NMRecPtr notificationRequest = (NMRecPtr) NewPtr(sizeof(NMRec)); memset(notificationRequest, 0, sizeof(*notificationRequest)); notificationRequest->qType = nmType; notificationRequest->nmMark = 1; notificationRequest->nmIcon = 0; notificationRequest->nmSound = 0; notificationRequest->nmStr = NULL; notificationRequest->nmResp = NULL; verify_noerr(NMInstall(notificationRequest)); } static void ShowFirstStartWarningDialog(void) { SInt16 itemHit; AlertStdAlertParamRec params; params.movable = true; params.helpButton = false; params.filterProc = NULL; params.defaultText = (void *) kAlertDefaultOKText; params.cancelText = NULL; params.otherText = NULL; params.defaultButton = kAlertStdAlertOKButton; params.cancelButton = kAlertStdAlertCancelButton; params.position = kWindowDefaultPosition; StandardAlert(kAlertNoteAlert, "\pWireshark on OS X", "\pWhile Wireshark is open, its windows can be displayed or hidden by displaying or hiding the X11 application.\n\nThe first time this version of Wireshark is run it may take several minutes before the main window is displayed while font caches are built.", ¶ms, &itemHit); } ////////////////////////////////// // Handler for when fontconfig caches need to be generated ////////////////////////////////// static OSStatus FCCacheFailedHandler(EventHandlerCallRef theHandlerCall, EventRef theEvent, void *userData) { pthread_join(tid, NULL); if (odtid) pthread_join(odtid, NULL); // Bounce Wireshark Dock icon RequestUserAttention(); // Need to show warning to the user, then carry on. ShowFirstStartWarningDialog(); // Note that we've seen the warning. system("test -d \"$HOME/.wireshark\" || mkdir \"$HOME/.wireshark\"; " "touch \"$HOME/.wireshark/.fccache-new\""); // Rerun now. OSErr err = ExecuteScript(scriptPath, &pid); ExitToShell(); return noErr; } /////////////////////////////////// // Execution thread starts here /////////////////////////////////// static void *Execute (void *arg) { EventRef event; taskDone = false; OSErr err = ExecuteScript(scriptPath, &pid); if (err == (OSErr)11) { CreateEvent(NULL, kEventClassRedFatalAlert, kEventKindX11Failed, 0, kEventAttributeNone, &event); PostEventToQueue(GetMainEventQueue(), event, kEventPriorityStandard); } else if (err == (OSErr)12) { CreateEvent(NULL, kEventClassRedFatalAlert, kEventKindFCCacheFailed, 0, kEventAttributeNone, &event); PostEventToQueue(GetMainEventQueue(), event, kEventPriorityHigh); } else ExitToShell(); return 0; } /////////////////////////////////// // Open additional documents thread starts here /////////////////////////////////// static void *OpenDoc (void *arg) { ExecuteScript(openDocPath, NULL); return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////// // Run a script via the system command /////////////////////////////////////// static OSErr ExecuteScript (char *script, pid_t *pid) { pid_t wpid = 0, p = 0; int status, i; if (! pid) pid = &p; // Generate the array of argument strings before we do any executing arguments[0] = script; for (i = 0; i < numArgs; i++) arguments[i + 1] = fileArgs[i]; arguments[i + 1] = NULL; *pid = fork(); //open fork if (*pid == (pid_t)-1) exit(13); //error else if (*pid == 0) { //child process started execve(arguments[0], arguments, environ); exit(13); //if we reach this point, there's an error } wpid = waitpid(*pid, &status, 0); //wait while child process finishes if (wpid == (pid_t)-1) return wpid; return (OSErr)WEXITSTATUS(status); } #pragma mark - /////////////////////////////////////// // This function loads all the neccesary settings // from config files in the Resources folder /////////////////////////////////////// static void GetParameters (void) { char *str; if (! (str = (char *)GetScript())) //get path to script to be executed RedFatalAlert("\pInitialization Error", "\pError getting script from application bundle."); strcpy((char *)&scriptPath, str); if (! (str = (char *)GetOpenDoc())) //get path to openDoc RedFatalAlert("\pInitialization Error", "\pError getting openDoc from application bundle."); strcpy((char *)&openDocPath, str); } /////////////////////////////////////// // Get path to the script in Resources folder /////////////////////////////////////// static unsigned char* GetScript (void) { CFStringRef fileName; CFBundleRef appBundle; CFURLRef scriptFileURL; FSRef fileRef; unsigned char *path; //get CF URL for script if (! (appBundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle())) return NULL; if (! (fileName = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, kScriptFileName, kCFStringEncodingASCII))) return NULL; if (! (scriptFileURL = CFBundleCopyResourceURL(appBundle, fileName, NULL, NULL))) return NULL; //Get file reference from Core Foundation URL if (! CFURLGetFSRef(scriptFileURL, &fileRef)) return NULL; //dispose of the CF variables CFRelease(scriptFileURL); CFRelease(fileName); //create path string if (! (path = malloc(kMaxPathLength))) return NULL; if (FSMakePath(fileRef, path, kMaxPathLength)) return NULL; if (! DoesFileExist(path)) return NULL; return path; } /////////////////////////////////////// // Gets the path to openDoc in Resources folder /////////////////////////////////////// static unsigned char* GetOpenDoc (void) { CFStringRef fileName; CFBundleRef appBundle; CFURLRef openDocFileURL; FSRef fileRef; unsigned char *path; //get CF URL for openDoc if (! (appBundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle())) return NULL; if (! (fileName = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, kOpenDocFileName, kCFStringEncodingASCII))) return NULL; if (! (openDocFileURL = CFBundleCopyResourceURL(appBundle, fileName, NULL, NULL))) return NULL; //Get file reference from Core Foundation URL if (! CFURLGetFSRef( openDocFileURL, &fileRef )) return NULL; //dispose of the CF variables CFRelease(openDocFileURL); CFRelease(fileName); //create path string if (! (path = malloc(kMaxPathLength))) return NULL; if (FSMakePath(fileRef, path, kMaxPathLength)) return NULL; if (! DoesFileExist(path)) return NULL; return path; } #pragma mark - ///////////////////////////////////// // Load menu bar from nib ///////////////////////////////////// OSErr LoadMenuBar (char *appName) { OSErr err; IBNibRef nibRef; if (err = CreateNibReference(CFSTR("MenuBar"), &nibRef)) return err; if (err = SetMenuBarFromNib(nibRef, CFSTR("MenuBar"))) return err; DisposeNibReference(nibRef); return noErr; } #pragma mark - /////////////////////////////////////// // Generate path string from FSSpec record /////////////////////////////////////// static OSStatus FSMakePath(FSRef fileRef, unsigned char *path, long maxPathSize) { // and then convert the FSRef to a path return FSRefMakePath(&fileRef, path, maxPathSize); } //////////////////////////////////////// // Standard red error alert, then exit application //////////////////////////////////////// static void RedFatalAlert (Str255 errorString, Str255 expStr) { StandardAlert(kAlertStopAlert, errorString, expStr, NULL, NULL); ExitToShell(); } /////////////////////////////////////// // Determines whether file exists at path or not /////////////////////////////////////// static short DoesFileExist (unsigned char *path) { if (access((char *)path, F_OK) == -1) return false; return true; } #pragma mark - /////////////////////////////////////// // Apple Event handler for Quit i.e. from // the dock or Application menu item /////////////////////////////////////// static OSErr AppQuitAEHandler(const AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, AppleEvent *reply, long refCon) { #pragma unused (reply, refCon, theAppleEvent) while (numArgs > 0) free(fileArgs[numArgs--]); if (! taskDone && pid) { //kill the script process brutally kill(pid, 9); printf("Wireshark.app: PID %d killed brutally\n", pid); } pthread_cancel(tid); if (odtid) pthread_cancel(odtid); ExitToShell(); return noErr; } ///////////////////////////////////// // Handler for docs dragged on app icon ///////////////////////////////////// static OSErr AppOpenDocAEHandler(const AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, AppleEvent *reply, long refCon) { #pragma unused (reply, refCon) OSErr err = noErr; AEDescList fileRefList; AEKeyword keyword; DescType type; short i; long count, actualSize; FSRef fileRef; unsigned char path[kMaxPathLength]; while (numArgs > 0) free(fileArgs[numArgs--]); //Read the AppleEvent err = AEGetParamDesc(theAppleEvent, keyDirectObject, typeAEList, &fileRefList); err = AECountItems(&fileRefList, &count); //Count number of files for (i = 1; i <= count; i++) { //iteratively process each file //get fsref from apple event if (! (err = AEGetNthPtr(&fileRefList, i, typeFSRef, &keyword, &type, (Ptr)&fileRef, sizeof(FSRef), &actualSize))) { //get path from file ref if ((err = FSMakePath(fileRef, (unsigned char *)&path, kMaxPathLength))) return err; if (numArgs == kMaxArgumentsToScript) break; if (! (fileArgs[numArgs] = malloc(kMaxPathLength))) return true; strcpy(fileArgs[numArgs++], (char *)&path); } else return err; } if (! taskDone) pthread_create(&odtid, NULL, OpenDoc, NULL); else pthread_create(&tid, NULL, Execute, NULL); return err; } /////////////////////////////// // Handler for clicking on app icon /////////////////////////////// // if app is already open static OSErr AppReopenAppAEHandler(const AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, AppleEvent *reply, long refCon) { return runScript(); } // if app is being opened static OSErr AppOpenAppAEHandler(const AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, AppleEvent *reply, long refCon) { #pragma unused (reply, refCon, theAppleEvent) // the app has been opened without any items dragged on to it pthread_create(&tid, NULL, Execute, NULL); return noErr; } static void OpenURL(Str255 url) { // Use Internet Config to hand the URL to the appropriate application, as // set by the user in the Internet Preferences pane. ICInstance icInstance; // Applications creator code: OSType signature = 'Inks'; OSStatus error = ICStart( &icInstance, signature ); if ( error == noErr ) { ConstStr255Param hint = 0x0; const char* data = url; long length = strlen(url); long start = 0; long end = length; // Don't bother testing return value (error); launched application will // report problems. ICLaunchURL( icInstance, hint, data, length, &start, &end ); ICStop( icInstance ); } } ////////////////////////////////// // Handler for when X11 fails to start // Applies only to pre-Leopard OS X, as it's auto-started // through launchd in Leopard and later ////////////////////////////////// static OSStatus X11FailedHandler(EventHandlerCallRef theHandlerCall, EventRef theEvent, void *userData) { #pragma unused(theHanderCall, theEvent, userData) pthread_join(tid, NULL); if (odtid) pthread_join(odtid, NULL); SInt16 itemHit; const unsigned char *getX11 = "\pGet X11 for Panther"; AlertStdAlertParamRec params; params.movable = true; params.helpButton = false; params.filterProc = NULL; params.defaultText = (StringPtr) kAlertDefaultOKText; params.cancelText = getX11; params.otherText = NULL; params.defaultButton = kAlertStdAlertOKButton; params.cancelButton = kAlertStdAlertCancelButton; params.position = kWindowDefaultPosition; StandardAlert(kAlertStopAlert, "\pFailed to start X11", "\pWireshark.app requires Apple's X11, which is freely downloadable from Apple's website for Panther (10.3.x) users and available as an optional install from the installation DVD for Tiger (10.4.x) users.\n\nPlease install X11 and restart Wireshark.", ¶ms, &itemHit); if (itemHit == kAlertStdAlertCancelButton) { OpenURL("http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/apple/macosx_updates/x11formacosx.html"); } ExitToShell(); return noErr; } // Compile and run a small AppleScript. The code below does no cleanup and no proper error checks // but since it's there until the app is shut down, and since we know the script is okay, // there should not be any problems. ComponentInstance theComponent; AEDesc scriptTextDesc; OSStatus err; OSAID scriptID, resultID; static OSStatus CompileAppleScript(const void* text, long textLength, AEDesc *resultData) { resultData = NULL; /* set up locals to a known state */ theComponent = NULL; AECreateDesc(typeNull, NULL, 0, &scriptTextDesc); scriptID = kOSANullScript; resultID = kOSANullScript; /* open the scripting component */ theComponent = OpenDefaultComponent(kOSAComponentType, typeAppleScript); if (theComponent == NULL) { err = paramErr; return err; } /* put the script text into an aedesc */ err = AECreateDesc(typeChar, text, textLength, &scriptTextDesc); if (err != noErr) return err; /* compile the script */ err = OSACompile(theComponent, &scriptTextDesc, kOSAModeNull, &scriptID); return err; } /* runs the compiled applescript */ static OSErr runScript() { /* run the script */ err = OSAExecute(theComponent, scriptID, kOSANullScript, kOSAModeNull, &resultID); return err; } /* Simple shortcut to the function that actually compiles the applescript. */ static OSStatus SimpleCompileAppleScript(const char* theScript) { return CompileAppleScript(theScript, strlen(theScript), NULL); }