# CMakeLists.txt # # Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer # By Gerald Combs # Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # # List of dissectors compiled below, which should be turned off. # This is done to avoid single fuzzer (like IP) to call UDP protocols, which can go back to IP, and so on.. # While doing so might find some bugs, but it's likely to be the problem for too big corpus in oss-fuzzer # (see: https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz/issues/1087). # + udplite - it's sharing most of code with UDP. set(FUZZ_DISABLED_DISSECTORS ip udp udplite ospf bgp dhcp json) set(FUZZ_DISSECTORS ip) set(FUZZ_IP_PROTO_DISSECTORS udp ospf) set(FUZZ_TCP_PORT_DISSECTORS bgp) # list(APPEND FUZZ_TCP_PORT_DISSECTORS bzr) # disabled, cause of known problem. # list(APPEND FUZZ_TCP_PORT_DISSECTORS echo) # disabled, too simple. set(FUZZ_UDP_PORT_DISSECTORS dns dhcp) # list(FUZZ_UDP_PORT_DISSECTORS bfd) # disabled, too simple. set(FUZZ_MEDIA_TYPE_DISSECTORS json) set(fuzzshark_LIBS ui wiretap epan ${VERSION_INFO_LIBS} ) if(OSS_FUZZ) if("$ENV{LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE}" STREQUAL "") message(FATAL_ERROR "LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE is not set!") endif() list(APPEND fuzzshark_LIBS $ENV{LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE}) endif() set(fuzzshark_FILES fuzzshark.c ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/version_info.c ) set(FUZZ_LINK_FLAGS "${WS_LINK_FLAGS}") if(ENABLE_FUZZER) set(FUZZ_LINK_FLAGS "${FUZZ_LINK_FLAGS} -fsanitize=fuzzer") endif() if(OSS_FUZZ) # libFuzzingEngine.a is not position independent, so cannot use -pie. set(FUZZ_LINK_FLAGS "${FUZZ_LINK_FLAGS} -no-pie") endif() # Convert the list of disabled dissectors from a;b;c -> "a", "b", "c" # for use in fuzzshark.c (macro) string(REGEX REPLACE "([^;]+)" "\"\\1\"" FUZZ_DISABLED_DISSECTORS_MACRO "${FUZZ_DISABLED_DISSECTORS}") string(REPLACE ";" ", " FUZZ_DISABLED_DISSECTORS_MACRO "${FUZZ_DISABLED_DISSECTORS_MACRO}") # Targets that are build via all-fuzzers: # - fuzzshark: a non-specific fuzz target, configurable through env vars (requires BUILD_fuzzshark) # - fuzzshark_: fuzz target for a specific dissector target. # - fuzzshark_-: fuzz target for a specific dissector via a dissector table. add_custom_target(all-fuzzers) function(fuzzshark_set_common_options fuzzer_name) add_dependencies(${fuzzer_name} version) # Sanitizers require a C++ runtime, so use a C++ linker. set_target_properties(${fuzzer_name} PROPERTIES FOLDER "Fuzzers" LINK_FLAGS "${FUZZ_LINK_FLAGS}" LINKER_LANGUAGE "CXX" ) target_link_libraries(${fuzzer_name} ${fuzzshark_LIBS}) add_dependencies(all-fuzzers ${fuzzer_name}) endfunction() if(BUILD_fuzzshark) if(NOT (ENABLE_FUZZER OR OSS_FUZZ)) # libFuzzer includes a main routine that enables fuzzing. If # support for fuzzing was not enabled, add a small standalone # target that can be used to test-compile fuzzshark.c. list(APPEND fuzzshark_FILES StandaloneFuzzTargetMain.c) endif() add_executable(fuzzshark ${fuzzshark_FILES}) fuzzshark_set_common_options(fuzzshark) endif() # Create a new dissector fuzzer target. # If is empty, will be called directly. # If is non-empty, a dissector with filter name will be # looked up in dissector table . function(generate_fuzzer dissector_table name) if(NOT (ENABLE_FUZZER OR OSS_FUZZ)) return() endif() if(dissector_table STREQUAL "") set(fuzzer_name fuzzshark_${name}) else() # "ip.proto" and "udp" -> "ip_proto-udp" set(fuzzer_name fuzzshark_${dissector_table}-${name}) string(REPLACE "." "_" fuzzer_name ${fuzzer_name}) endif() add_executable(${fuzzer_name} EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ${fuzzshark_FILES}) fuzzshark_set_common_options(${fuzzer_name}) target_compile_definitions(${fuzzer_name} PRIVATE FUZZ_DISSECTOR_LIST=${FUZZ_DISABLED_DISSECTORS_MACRO} FUZZ_DISSECTOR_TARGET="${name}" ) if(NOT dissector_table STREQUAL "") target_compile_definitions(${fuzzer_name} PRIVATE FUZZ_DISSECTOR_TABLE="${dissector_table}") endif() endfunction() # Add fuzzer targets for every dissector in list FUZZ__DISSECTORS, # where changes a
such as "ip.proto" into "IP_PROTO". function(add_table_fuzzers table) string(REPLACE "." "_" table_var ${table}) string(TOUPPER "${table_var}" table_var) foreach(dissector IN LISTS FUZZ_${table_var}_DISSECTORS) generate_fuzzer(${table} ${dissector}) endforeach() endfunction() foreach(dissector IN LISTS FUZZ_DISSECTORS) generate_fuzzer("" ${dissector}) endforeach() add_table_fuzzers("ip.proto") add_table_fuzzers("tcp.port") add_table_fuzzers("udp.port") add_table_fuzzers("media_type") # # Editor modelines - http://www.wireshark.org/tools/modelines.html # # Local variables: # c-basic-offset: 8 # tab-width: 8 # indent-tabs-mode: t # End: # # vi: set shiftwidth=8 tabstop=8 noexpandtab: # :indentSize=8:tabSize=8:noTabs=false: #